Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 17 Dec 2015, p. 10

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www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, December 17, 2015 | 10 Courage Polar Bear Dip Jan. 1 at Coronation Park On Jan. 1, 2016 people from all over Canada -- and some from farther afield -- will plunge into Lake Ontario's chilly waters off Coronation Park to ring in the New Year. The Courage Polar Bear Dip, now in its 31st year, is an annual tradition that raises funds to support World Vision Canada water projects in developing countries. The Jan. 1 dip -- one of the largest events of its kind in Canada -- runs 12:303 p.m. and features a costume contest, live entertainment and prizes. The dip, founded by brothers Todd and Trent Courage on a challenge issued by their mom one New Year's Day, will take place at 2 p.m. sharp. This year, funds raised have been dedicated to a clean water project in Rwanda. Residents are encouraged to register for $25 and start collecting pledges. With hundreds expected to attend as both participants and spectators, a shuttle bus will pick up passengers at South Oakville Centre, 1515 Rebecca St., beginning at 12:15 p.m., and will make a continuous loop. For more information, visit www. polarbeardip.ca. www.oakville.ca Public Meeting Zoning By-law Amendment Correcting a number of housekeeping and technical items Town Initiated 42.25.14, Wards 1-6 Monday, January 18, 2016, at 7 p.m. Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Council Chamber You are invited to attend and provide input at this meeting hosted by Planning and Development Council. The proposed amendment to the Town of Oakville Zoning Bylaw 2014-014 corrects a number of errors of omission, clarifies the interpretation of existing regulations, and restores a number of inadvertently removed regulations from both the text and maps of the new Zoning By-law 2014-014. The proposed amendment includes: · Revisions to the definition of maximum yard, and the addition of a new definition of one and one-half storey, · Revisions to the general provision regarding the list of buildings and structures exempted from height provisions (4.6.2), · Revisions to parking provisions related to shared driveways and access lanes (5.1.7) and private garage setbacks and projections (5.8.7), and the addition of a new regulation for approved locations for visitors parking (5.1.9), · The addition of a minimum setback from daylight triangles on lots in the Residential Low (RL6), (RL8) and (RL9) Zones, · Revisions to minimum side yards in the Residential Medium (RM2) and Residential Medium (RM3) Zones, · Revisions to the separation of dwelling units regulation in residential zones (6.10), · Revised regulations in 13 special provisions in Part 15 (10, 11, 18, 46, 151, 156, 164, 197, 300, 305, 306, 307, 358), and · Correcting one mapping error by rezoning lands on the west side of Ninth Line south of the pipeline corridor from Business Employment (E2) to Private Open Space (O2) on Map 19(23). Zoning By-law 2014-014, as amended, applies to all lands south of Dundas Street and north of Highway 407. All lands subject to Zoning By-law 2014-014, as amended, are affected by the proposed amendments to the text of the By-law. A number of individual sites are also affected by the proposed amendment through amended or additional site-specific regulations. No key map is provided as the proposed by-law amendment applies to all lands subject to Zoning By-law 2014-014, as amended. These lands are also subject to the following applications (as of December 15, 2015): For minor variance: File No. CAV A/132/2008, 371 Spruce Street; File No. CAV A/143/2012, 3358 Lakeshore Road West; File No. CAV A/139/2012, 3056 Neyagawa Boulevard; File No. CAV A/152/2012, 241 Cardinal Drive; File No. CAV A/006/2013, 1491 Burloak Drive; File No. CAV A/098/2014, 1102 Crestview Street; File No. CAV A/225/2014, 1243 Bridge Road; File No. CAV A/079/2015, 125 Chartwell Road; File No. CAV A/083/2015, 1091 Speers Rd; File No. CAV A/094/2015, 2253 and 2257 Royal Windsor Drive; File No. CAV A/112/2015, 2055 Cornwall Road; File No. CAV A/126/2015, 472 Jeanette Drive; File No. CAV A/127/2015, 113 Deane Avenue; File No. CAV A/152/2015, 529 Michael Terrace; File No. CAV A/169/2015, 474 Lakeshore Road East; File No. CAV A/181/2015; File No. CAV A/181/2015, 366 Galt Avenue; File No. CAV A/211/2015, 172 Westdale Road; File No. CAV A/217/2015, 1128 Westdale Road; File No. CAV A/212/2015, 12 Birch Hill Lane; File No. CAV A/241/2015, 428 Sandmere Place; File No. CAV A/225/2015, 1116 Westdale Rd; File No. CAV A/222/2015, 287 Vilma Drive; File No. CAV A/235/2015, 2305 Kirkhill Place; File No. CAV A/237/2015, File No. 2485 North Service Road West; File No. CAV A/241/2015, 428 Sandmere Place; File No. CAV A/232/2015, 1198 Cynthia Lane; File No. CAV A/209/2015, 1229 Marlborough Court; File No. CAV A/108/2015, 27 Park Avenue; File No. CAV A/215/2015, 418 Cairncroft Road; File No. CAV A/230/2015 and A/231/2015, 87 Reynolds Street; File No. CAV A/233/2015, 45 First Street; File No. CAV A/242/2015, 199 Allan Street; File No. CAV A/243/2015, 1357 Pinegrove Road; File No. CAV A/244/2015, 2448 Bridge Road; File No. CAV A/245/2015, 107 Strathcona Avenue; File No. CAV A/246/2015, 1496 Mansfield Drive; File No. CAV A/247/2015, 21 First Street; File No. CAV A/248/2015, File No. 355 Bartos Drive; File No. CAV A/249/2015, 1031 Pinewood Avenue; File No. CAV A/196/2015, 56 Brentwood Road; File No. CAV A/201/2015, 2400 Neyagawa Blvd; File No. CAV A/001/2016-1222 Baldwin Drive; File No. CAV A/002/2016, 263 Chartwell Road; File No. CAV A/003/2016, 382 Sandhurst Drive; File No. CAV A/004/2016, 1427 Willowdown Road; File No. CAV A/005/2016, 1110 Morrison Heights Drive; File No. CAV A/007/2016, 1240 Braeside Drive; File No. CAV A/008/2016, 51 Arkendo Drive; File No. CAV A/009/2016, 1131 Truman Avenue; File No. CAV A/010/2016, File No. 480 Chamberlain Lane; File No. CAV A/011/2016, 354 Fourth Line; File No. CAV A/012/2016, 350 River Side Drive; File No. CAV A/013/2016, 24 West River Street; File No. CAV A/014/2016, 3095 Victoria Street; File No. CAV A/015/2016, 117 Deane Avenue. For consent: File No. B14/11 (1619), 491 Lakeshore Road West; File No. B14/12 (1619), 113 Suffolk Avenue; File No. B14/13 (1619), 117 Suffolk Avenue; File No. B15/01-, 2369 Lakeshore Road West; File No. B15/05, 3430, 3450 and 3470 Superior Court; File No. B15/06 (1511), 1191 Holton Heights Drive; File No. B15/07 (1511), Holton Heights Drive; File No. B15/08 (1712), 45 First Street; File No. B15/10, 474 Lakeshore Road East; File No. B15/12 (1333), 3239 Dundas Street West; File No. B15/18 (1713), 87 Reynolds Street; File No. B15/19 (1713), 87 Reynolds Street; File No. B15/20 (1511), 1273 Hillview Crescent; File No. B15/13, 326 Reynolds Street; File No. B15/14, 135 Watson Avenue; File No. B15/15, 3130 and 3108 Sixth Line; File No. B15/17, 2061 Lakeshore Road East; File No. B15/21, 55 Howard Avenue. Plan of subdivision: File No. 24T-14007/1430; 1401 Bronte Road (Bronte Green Corporation), File No. 24T-14004/1530; 1215 and 1221 Lakeshore Road West [Fernbrook Homes (Lakeshore) Inc.], File No. 24T-14006/1722; 2087 Upper Middle Road East (Infrastructure Ontario), File No. 24T-11003/1405. Official plan amendment: File No. 1430.32; 1401 Bronte Road (Bronte Green Corporation), File No. 1530.07; 114 Maurice Drive (Grandview Living Inc.), File No. 1617.42; 231 and 237 Rebecca Street (2378224 Ontario Inc.), File No. 1617.43. Lands covered by the proposed by-law amendment are also subject to appeals of the original passage of Zoning By-law 2014-014 (inZone project, OMB File No. PL140317). If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the Town of Oakville before the by-law is passed: a) the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Town of Oakville Council to the Ontario Municipal Board; and b) the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. Any submission to the Planning and Development Council, either in hard copy or in electronic format, must be forwarded to the Clerk's department for receipt no later than noon on Monday, January 18, 2016 to ensure its availability to the Members of Council at the meeting. Individuals making oral submissions at the public meeting are requested to submit a written outline of the submission to the Town Clerk. All submissions should include the full name and address of the presenter. If you wish to be notified of the passing of the proposed zoning by-law amendment, or of the refusal of a request to amend the zoning by-law, you must make a written request to the Town Clerk at the Town of Oakville, Clerk's department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON L6H 0H3. The public may view planning documents and background material at the Planning Services department between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or on the town's website at oakville.ca (search Zoning By-law review). Questions or written submissions may be directed to Joe Nethery, Manager, Zoning By-law Project, Planning Services department, at 905-845-6601 ext. 3428 (TTY 905-338-4200) or joe.nethery@oakville.ca. If you have any accessibility needs, please advise Joe Nethery one week before the meeting. The personal information accompanying your submission is being collected under the authority of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, and may form part of the public record which may be released to the public. Dated at the Town of Oakville December 17, 2015

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