1\IIJ\.GAZINE SE.GTION Cornplanter Con'td. Cornplanter 1 s fame, then spread through the land. The greates of leaders, in the Seneca band. At last the war ended, and Treaties were made, And Cornplanter said, some debts must be paid. To high ranking people, spoke Seneca Chief. He asked for so little, they sighed with relief. His earnest desire, was that justice be done, That 'the Great F:hi te Father, ·would speak with straight tongue. Then time took its' toll, Cornplanter grew old, And rarely in books, his story is told. Now though he is dead, we know just the same, Now and forever, - we 'll remember his name. Answers to Quiz 1) irrigations; 2) turkeys: 3) Llamas ; 4) Audean; 5) hillside terraces; 6) made out of buffalo hides; 8) elm bark; 9) Pawnee; 10) 500. News Bulletins (by Thomas Henry Judg~ of the .Brant County Sheltered Horkshop) The Titanic Disaster . . . Fifty years ago, April 14, 1912, the H.1-i .S. Titanic sank. Heports at that time . said that she struck an iceberg but one survivor told world news man, Chicken Charlie, that the passengers sank it. The survivor said that the ship just left London .when one of the passengers broke out with Antish. (Antish is a rare disease which causes its .vict- ims to put on as much as 2,000 lbs.) The Captain, not realizing the seriousness of Antish, let the person infected with Antish have free access to every part of the ship. Five days later everyone on board had J~tish. Then. the Titanic, big as she was, sank. other reports said that the Titanic hit an iceberg and the iceberg hit the Titanic back. Marg Griggs iliurder Trial Is On. Marg Griggs, the girl who murdered sixteen boy friends, went on trial today. Capt. Henry Kool said iiiarg used an axe to cut off their heads. If harg is found .guilty she 111 hang. If harg is found innocent she 1ll serve five years in 1-iitch Liller prison. Antish Takes The Life Of Adam West Adam \Jest known to millions as Batman died today in Hollywood. James Darrin said he noticed Adam was getting fatter t wo weeks ago. A week later Er. Darrin reported that Adam weighed 500 lbs. This news was confirmed by Gregory Peck during a telephone con- versation I had with him. At his death i~r. Uest was nineteen hundred pounds. Due to its size the body is resting at mid- field in the Rose Bo,Jl Stadium; interment will be in the Arizona Grand Canyon. Staff New Credit: W. LaForme, S. Shantz Six Nations : A. & lJ . Jamieson Sour Springs: G. Lewis Martin 1 s Corner: Anita Hill Typists: J. LaForme, R. Bender Individual copies 10 cents Half- yearly suggested contribution - $2.00 Published weekly except for month of August .