Thursday, January 19, 1961 NORSHORE SENTINEL 11 CHURCH NEWS Schreiber The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Andrew’s United church, Schreiber, held a pot luck supper for members in the church hall, Jan. 10 at 6:30 p.m. The regular meeting was held following the supper. The devotional was led by Mrs. George Gordon. Nominations for a new secretary were held due to Mrs. Robert Skinner leaving town shortly. Mrs. H. Weaver will be the new secretary for 1961. Rev. R. Crook officiated at the installation of officers. Honorary president - Mrs. R. Crook, president - Mrs. A. Niemi, 1st vice pres - Mrs. B. Whent, 2nd vice pres -Mrs. B. Me Adam, secretary -Mrs. C. Weaver, Treas. - Mrs. N. Thrower. Two new members were welcomed - Mrs. Marg Gerow and Mrs. Marian Simons. Minutes were read by Mrs. Skinner. Mrs. N. Thrower read the treasurer’s report and the annual financial report. Flower fund report was given by Mrs. J. Ridsdale; card report - Mrs. Hiller and B. Jacomb; cupboards - Mrs. B. Mac Adam. Mrs. Niemi held election of committees for I960. Literature committee - Mrs. B. Whent; press - Mrs. C. Weaver; devotional - Mrs. M. Gordon, Manse committee chairman - Mrs. F. Whent, sick and visiting committee - Mrs. N. Smith, J. Ridsdale, F. Hiller, G. Etches, sewing -Mrs. J. Mac Adam, cupboards -Mrs. B. MacAdam, cards - Mrs. B. Jacomb and F. Hiller, posters - Mrs. M. Simons, B. MacAdam, auditors - Mrs. H. McBride, W. Clemens, pianists - Mrs. M. Gordon, B. Whent, A. Valentine. Members voted to give a donation to the Board of Stewards. A Valentine Tea was planned for Feb. 11 in the Church Hall from 3 to 5 p.m. Hostesses for the Annual Church Meeting to be held Jan 23 will be; Mesdames F. Hiller, F. Richardson, M. Linkewick, J. Ridsdale. Hostess for the Feb. meeting will be Mrs.N. Thrower, D. Weaver, N. Smith. Following adjournment, benediction was said by Mrs. A. Niemi. After close of the meeting a social evening and exchange of gifts was held. Schreiber The Catholic Women’s League held its regular meeting in the Guild Hall, Jan. 8, with 51 members present. Father Cano opened the meeting with a prayer. Pres. Mrs. M. Shack presided, minutes were read by Mrs. I. Pegararo, correspondence by Mrs. B. Parades. Many Christmas and Thank You cards were among the correspondence. The minutes of the Regional meeting held in Holy Saviour’s Church, Marathon, Nov. 17, were read. Mrs. E. Pierrault gave the spiritual report, social action by Mrs. I. Moorey, membership report by Mrs. L. Gagnon, activities of the Catholic Girl’s Club by Mrs. B. Kusik. Plans were made to hold a card party in the town hall, Feb. 3, to be convened by the Executive. Miss M. Ache-son, Children’s Aid Society, will be guest speaker at the Feb. meeting. A Bake Sale is planned for Feb. 18, convened by Mrs. W. Mullins and her committee. Father Cano thanked members for their Christmas gift. Father spoke about Holy Family Sunday and the mother’s duty to train their children as good Canadian citizens â€" "The way a woman goes so goes the world†said Father Cano. Following the meeting Santa Claus, played by Mrs. Fred Duggan, dispensed gifts and laughter to all. An amusing skit, produced by Mrs. B. Paradis and several members was an hilarious addition to the evening. Buy Better Meats Here! Prices effective Jan.19-20-21 ROASTS Blue Ribbon SPECIAL Beef Cross Rib lb 55c WEINERS 1 lb. Pkge. 2 for 89c HALIBUT STEAK fancy quality lb 49c HERRING Fresh Lake Superior 3 lbs. 29c CHICKENS for frying 2 or 3«lbs.avge. lb 39c LEGS or BREASTS... LB. 59c KLEENEX 400's Pop-Up Box white-pink-aqua-yellow 3 pkges.for ...89c CARNATION MILK 3 tins 46c OR BY THE CASE AT ONLY $7. 25 RICE Delta Long 5 lbs. for 99c Monarch Pearl 5 lbs for 79c BABY FOOD HEINZ 9 tins 93c Fresh Produce ONIONS for COOKING 10 Ib. mesh bag 49c GRAPEFRUIT PINK 4 for 27c ORANGES163's in cello bag 2 doz 95c POTATOES RED PONTIAC 10 lb. bag 45c LIBBY’S Colossal Canned Goods Savings! PEACHES Halves or sliced - 4 tins for 1.00 PORK & BEANS 20 oz. 4 tins for 89c Spagetti & Tomafo Sauce 15oz. 4 tins 69c FRUIT COCKTAIL 15 oz. 2,tins for 55c CATSUP 35c ZECHNER’S LTD. NIPIGON PHONE 460