7 rlagazine Section Frajahaw (by Cathy Porter) Lot us set sail to tho 11 crossroads of tho Pacific11 • Hawaii is a string of more than 20 beautiful tropical islands in the Pacific Ocean. It has beautiful scenery, ~rillantly coloured flowers, graceful palm trees and warm blue sGas. All the islands wore formed by vo1carioos pushing up from the ocean floor. Honolulu, on tho island of Oahu. 7 is the capital 2,nd largest ci ty. Hawaii "The Bi g Island" was built by firic vo lcanocs.r.iauna Kea and IIauna Loa arc the highest peaks in the Hawaiian group. Tiauna Loa erupts ovory few years. Kilauea is the only other acti vo volcanoo in tho Hawaiian Islands. Tho sight of bubbling lava in Kilauea's craters draw thou- sands of tourists. Silvery waterfalls drop from tho cliffs along the northern and eastern coasts. '.faikiki Beach sweeps across Honolulu's waterfront in a golden cres- cent of shimmering sand. Diamond Head's dormant crater protects the beach from storms. The "barking sands" on Kauai Island cover a beach that is so dry it makes a "barking sound" when stepped on. Tho spouting horn on Kauai Island is a natural tube in the rocks along the coast where ocean water spouts upward in a geyser- like fountain. Some of Hawaii's beaches have black sands caused by crumbled lava that has hardened. Kauai is called "tho garden island11 because of its rich natural greenery and beautiful gardens. Lanai is called tho "pineapple island" because it consists entirely of one pine- apple plantation owned by tho Hawaiian Pineapple Company. Ifaui is known as the "valley island" because of high mountains at each encl of tbcil i s l and that tower over a central valley of sugar cane and pineapple plantations. Tfolokai is called tho "friendly island11 because it is friendly to visi tors. Oahu is called tho ;'gathering place." ;,fomen,wcar colourful printed mumuus with sandals. T-fon wear brightly coloured aloha shirts with knee- length shorts. Leis arc worn on special occasions. They arc garlands of flowers strung together. Sports like swimming, boating, fishing and surfing arc enjoyed in the spankling waters along sandy beaches. Some Hawaiian foods arc poi, l aul au and haupi a. A luau or feast features roast pork and a variety of other Hawaiian foods. Hula is the Hawaiian word for dance. ·Ea_ch graceful movement of a dancer's arms and body has a special meaning. Tho grass skirts worn by lula dancers did not origin- ate in Hawaii -but c2.me as a gift from the Chi ef of Samoa to the Chief of Hawaii. One of Hawaii's best l oved musical instruments is tho ukelele whi ch means tho "jumping flea." Hawaiian songs have a gay lilting musical sound. The Al oha tower rises above tho piers where departing tourists can take a last longing look at Hawaiio Sail into the golden sunset and have a golden time Aloha and rfohalo ! Shadow River Eo Paulino Johnson A stream of tender gladness, Of filmy sun and opal tinted ski es; Of warm mid- summer air th2,t lightly lies In mystic rings, 1'/hcro softly swings The music of a thousand •v1ings That almost tones to sadness. Tho little fern- leaf bendi ng Upon the lJrink 1 i ts green reflection greets, And kisses soft the shadow that it meets T-/i th touch so fine 1 Tho border· lino Tho keenest vision can't dofinci So perfect is the blending. O! pathless wor l d of seemi ng! O! pathless li fe of mine whose deep ideal Is more my ovm than ever was tho real. For others fame And love's r ed flame, And yellow go ld; I only claim Tho shadow and the dreaming.