Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 27 Jun 2001, D02

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D2 THE O A K V IL L E BEAVER Wednesday, June 27, 2001 Wallace Meet: Tuesday, May 29 COMPETING SCHOOLS: From OAKVILLE. Q.E. Park, Pilgrim W ood and A bbey Lane. From Burlington. C.H. Norton. Central. Brant Hills From North Halton. M.S. Bennett (Acton), Sam Sherratt (Milton) J u n io r G irls -- 11 y rs 100 METRES 1. Kasandra Rudder. S.S., 13.84; 2. Lindsey Atkinson. MSB 13.97; 3. Amanda Burt. Cen. 14.17. 200 METRES 1. Kasandra Rudder, S.S.. 31.29; 2. Kirsten Chanian. CHN, 32.39; 3. Laura Bye. B.H., 32.47. 400 METRES 1. Meghan M cK illar, A.L., 1:14.26; 2. Kayleigh Semmens, A.L., 1:16.73; 3. D a nielle Ferrone, P.W.. 1:17.37. 800 METRES 1. Meghan M cK ellar, A.L., 3:01.03; 2. Lauren Tight, P.W., 3:15.45; 3. Stephanie Eldridge, A .L . 3:19.35. 1500 METRES 1. Katie W illiam s, A .L . 6:48.23; 2. S tephanie E ldrige, A.L., 6:53.35; 3. Emma Halman. CHN. 6:57.14. RELAY 1. A bbey Lane, 1:03.01; 2. Pilgrim W ood, 1:03.90; 3. C.H. Norton, 1:04.14. LONG JUMP 1. Amanda Burt, Cen, 4.05; 2. Bianca M irabelli, QEP. 3.88; 3. Laura Bye, B.H., 3.83. HIGH JUMP 1. Chelsea Moen, QEP, 1.30; 2. Jennifer Wieck, MSB. 1.25; 3. Danielle Ferrone, P.W., 1.25. TRIPLE JUMP 1. Tammy Johnson, P.W.. 8.03; 2. Em ily Lanting, A.L., 7.18; 3. Katie Hughes, A .L , 7.17. SHOT PUT 1. Katie Lemasters, Cen, 7.40; 2. Marlaine Munroe. CHN. 7.30; 3. Shannon Laing, S.S., 7.25. J u n io r b o y s -- 11 y rs 100 METRES 1. Noel Chaput, Cen, 13.31; 2. M ichael Rose. P.W.. 13.47; 3. Brad Am os. P.W., 13.71. 200 METRES 1. Brad Am os, P.W., 29.51; 2. Andrew Walls. S.S., 30.88; 3. Michael Rose, P.W., 31.05. 400 METRES 1. Noel Chaput, Cen, 1:09.31; 2. Andrew Walls. S.S., 1:12.31; 3. Jon M cM urrick, A.L., 1:12.50. 800 METRES 1. Adam Forani, CHN, 2:49.84; 2. C hris Canham, A .L , 2:51.48; Trevor Cann, P.W., 2:57.91. 1500 METRES 1. Thomas Glassford, MSB, 5:46.90; 2. Brad Dupee, CHN. 5:54.69; 3. Sebastian M cEnch, A .L . 6:01.44. RELAY 1. P ilgrim W ood, 58.69; 2. Sam Sherratt. 1:00.96; 3. C.H. Norton, 1:01.34. LONG JUMP 1. Dave Newlove, S.S., 4.43; 2. Daniel Hunt, A.L., 4.40; 3. Kirk Hall. B.H., 4.15. HIGH JUMP 1. Noel Chaput, Cen, 1.35; 2. Adam Forani, CHN, 1.35; 3. Brad Dupee, CHN. 1.30. TRIPLE JUMP 1. C h ris Canham , A .L , 8.40; 2. Brad Dupee, CHN, 7.96; 3. Cameron M offatt, P.W., 7.90. SHOT PUT 1. Adam Forani, CHN. 11.55; 2. S tephen Jansz, A.L., 8.75; 3. Matt Hicks. CHN, 8.50. 3. Danielle Koester, B.H., 7.85; 3. Natalie Henry, P.W., 7.15. In te r m e d ia te b o y s -- 1 2 y rs 100 METRES 1. Kevin Deforest, MSB, 12.27; 2. Travis Sm ith, A.L., 12.47; 3. Eric Stevens. B.H., 12.86. 200 METRES 1. Matt Mason, B.H., 28.32; 2. M att Jones, A.L., 29.34; 3. Eric Stevens, B.H., 29.87. 400 METRES 1. Tyson Porter-Forbes, B.H., 1:05.22; 2. Brendan Farrer, P.W., 1:06.84; 3. Jake Myers, B.H., 1:07.24. 800 METRES 1. Spencer Morrison, MSB, 2:37.05; 2. M att S m ith, A.L., 2:40.73; 3. M att Bandy, P.W., 2:41.86. 1500 METRES 1. Spencer Morrison, MSB, 5:23.62; 2. M att Bandy, P.W.. 5:28.78; 3. Andrew Demers. B.H., 5:52.04. RELAY 1. Brant Hills. 55.94; 2. Sam Sherratt, 57.06; 3. Abbey Lane, 57.51. LONG JUMP 1 Matt Mason. B.H., 5.23; 2. Kevin Deforest, MSB, 4.92; 3. Jake Demarsh, S.S.. 4.75. HIGH JUMP 1. Kevin Deforest, MSB. 1.50: 2. (tie) Jake Demarsh, S.S., 1.35; Carson Jenkin, P.W., 1.35. TRIPLE JUMP 1. Brendon Moffat, MSB, 8.85; 2. C arson Je n k in , P.W., 8.74; 3. Jake Myers, B.H.. 8.72. SHOT PUT 1. Connor M.. S.S.. 11.95; 2. Carson Jenkin, P.W.. 11.70; 3. Matt Mason, B.H., 10.90. 6:41.57; 2. R ita C uffaro, P.W., 6:44.60; 3. Kate Porter. CHN. 7:05.17. RELAY 1. Brant Hills. 58.65; 2. Q.E. Park, 59.37; 3. P ilgrim W ood. 59.72. LONG JUMP 1. Kara Yoo, P.W., 4.38; 2. Jen W ignall, Cen, 4.19; 3. E rika Pauksens, A .L . 4.12. HIGH JUMP 1. Megan Lapointe, B.H., 1.40; 2. Calley Robinson, S.S., 1.35; 3. Devon Sockett, Cen, 1.30. TRIPLE JUMP 1. Kara Yoo, P.W., 8.30; 2. Erika Pauksens, A.L., 8.20; 3. Devon Sockett, Cen, 8.00. SHOT PUT 1. Stephanie Killins, B.H., 9.10; 2. Kaila Hinds, Cen, 8.95; 3. Victoria Nickel, S.S., 8.65. S e n io r b o y s -- 13+ 100 METRES 1. Gary Ferrier, S.S., 12.24; 2. Jerem y R upcic, A.L.. 12.40; 3. Eric Edwards. Cen, 12.57. 200 METRES 1. Gary Ferrier, S.S., 26.68; 2. Jesse Rashotte, S.S., 27.46; 3. Rosh G ill, A .L . 27.65 400 METRES 1. Ryan Tuske, QEP, 1:02.80; 2. S co tt Parr, P.W.. 1:03.3; 3. Rosh G ill, A.L., 1:03.9. 800 METRES 1. S cott Parr, P.W.. 2:36.97; 2. Jon Lee. Cen, 2:39.97; 3. David S issons, P.W.. 2:41.58. 1500 METRES 1. S cott Parr, P.W., 5:11.89; 2. M ike M cM urrick, A .L . 5:17.04; 3. Rob Hunt. S.S., 5:20.32. RELAY 1. Sam Sherratt, 53.69; 2. Q.E. Park, 55.30; 3. Central, 55.83. LONG JUMP 1. Gary Ferrier, S.S., 5.54; 2. Paul M cKinlay, QEP 4.76; 3. Neil Armstrong, MSB, 4.76. HIGH JUMP 1. Jerem y Rupcic, A.L., 1.50; 2. Ryan Dunlop, S.S., 1.50; 3. Cody Sirotkin, Cen, 1.50. TRIPLE JUMP 1. Morgan Kielty, Cen, 9.60; 2. Jesse Rashotte, S.S., 9.21; 3. Tay George, A.L.. 9.20 SHOT PUT 1. Andrew H arm ejardt, QEP, 10.59; 2. Morgan Kielty, Cen, 10.18; 3. Brett Hirtle, MSB, 10.18. OVERALL 1, P ilgrim W ood, 378 points 2, A bbey Lane, 367 points 3, Sam Sherratt, 25^ points Collier Meet: Thursday, May 31 COMPETING SCHOOLS From OAKVILLE, B rookdale, H e ritag e G len, E a stvie w and New Central. From Burlington, Kilbride From North Halton, Brookville (Campbellville), Milton School for the Deaf. J u n io r g ir ls -- 11 y rs 100 METRES 1. Em efa Q uist, Bkd, 14.42; 2. F oina B u rge ss, N.C., 14.51; 3. Arielle Walker, Kil, 14.77. 200 METRES 1. M e lis s a S n edden, Bkd, 30.50; 2. Foina B u rge ss, N.C., 32.13; 3. Julia Jeffery, Bkv, 32.59. 400 METRES 1. F oina B u rg e s s , N.C., 1:15.65; 2. Kristen Lowe, Bkv, 1:17.90; 3. Rheanon Dzierla, Bkv, 1 :20 .68 . 800 METRES 1. M e lis s a S h edden, Bkd. 3:01.86; 2. Kirsten Lowe, Bkv, 3:09.61; 3. M organ M cneil, N.C., 3:11.70. 100 METRES 1. Erika Pesotto, Kil, 5.:56.60; 2. B eth I ley, N.C., 6:38.75; 3. Amanda Fairbanks, Kil, 6:42.15. RELAY 1. B rookd ale, 1:03.13; 2. New C e n tra l, 1:03.77; 3. Kilbride. 1:07.58. LONG JUMP 1. Erika Pesotto, Kil, 3.90; 2. Em efa Q uist, Bkd, 3.79; 3. Kim Fisher, Kil, 3.77. HIGH JUMP 1. M e lis s a S n edden, Bkd, 1.25; 2. Kirsten Lowe, Bkv, 1.20; 3. Arielle Walker, Kil, 1.15. TRIPLE JUMP 1. Kim Fisher, Kil, 8.20; 2. Jami Fellows, Bkv. 7.85; 3. Lau ra H o rn n in g , N.C., 7.46. SHOT PUT 1. Kate M orris, Bkd. 8.18; 2. M ichelle Sm ith, Bkv, 7.25; 3. Erika Pesotto, Kil, 7.07. J u n io r b o y s -- 11 y rs 100 METRES 1. J esse M artyn, Bkd, 13.65; 2. Dan W oolford, Bkv, 13.71; 3. J a s o n M cC onville, Bkd, 14.48. 200 METRES 1. Alex Yeoman, Bkv, 30.28; 2. N ick W arelis, N.C., 31.79; 3. Jason M cC onville, Bkd, 32.08. 400 METRES 1. J esse M artyn, Bkd, 1:07.79; 2. Scott W ilson. Kil. 1:13.60; 3. A n th o n y A lb re c h t, N.C., 1:14.02. 800 METRES 1. Joey Nemet, Bkv, 2:51.29; 2. Jason M c C o n v ille , Bkd. 3:01.10; 3. M att Rose. Kil, 3:04.30. 1500 METRES 1. John Taylor, Kil, 5:34.89; 2. Joey Nemet, Bkv, 5:39.00; 3. C h ris tia n S c h lu m p , N.C., 6:04.63. RELAY 1. Brookville. 1:00.01; 2. B ro o k d a le , 1:01.06; 3. New C entral, 1:03.07. LONG JUMP 1. Jesse M artyn, Bkd, 4.40; 2. Chris Shadlock, Bkv, 4.20; 3. Alex Yeoman, Bkv, 4.14. HIGH JUMP 1. C h ris tia n S ch lum p, N.C., 1.25; 2. K yle T ho m pso n, Bkd, 1.20; 3. A lex C a rna ll, N.C., 1.15. TRIPLE JUMP 1. Dan Woolford, Bkv, 8.89; 2. Alex Yeoman. Bkv, 8.38; 3. Kyle T h o m pso n, Bkd, 7.89. SHOT PUT 1. Dan Woolford, Bkv, 10.13; 2. K yle T ho m pso n, Bkd, 9.69; 3. Norman Tosh, Bkv, 8.40. In te r m e d ia te g ir ls -- 1 2 y rs 100 METRES 1. Jeri Knowles, Kil, 13.51; 2. Devon Bailey, East, 13.77; 3. Cheryl Davey, Bkv, 14.04. 200 METRES 1. Lin d sa y Tell, East. 32.32; 2. Kelly Donovan, Kil, 32.80; 3. A lex Loh, N.C., 32.99. 400 METRES 1. A lex Loh, N.C., 1:10.37; 2. Devon Bailey, East, 1:12.86; 3. V icki A tk in s o n , H.G., 1:14.50. 800 METRES 1. A lex Loh, N.C., 2:45.12; 2. Jamie Greenfield, Bkv, 2:46.66; 3. M e lis s a M a h ia c h u k , H.G. 3:02.41. 1500 METRES 1. Jam ie G reenfield, Bkv, 5:38.05; 2. Kelly Donovan. Kil, 6:01.60; 3. Victoria Coslich, Bkv, 6:04.12. RELAY 1. E a stvie w . 1:00.62; 2. Kilbride, 1:00.75; 3. Brookdale. 1:01.43. LONG JUMP 1. Lin d sa y Tell, East, 4.00; 2. Chelsey Birley, Kil, 3.92; 3. Jennifer Jeffreys, Bkv, 3.70. HIGH JUMP 1. Vicki Hector, Kil, 1.30; 2. Alicia Garner, Kil, 1.30; 3. Cassie M ,, Bkd, 1.25. TRIPLE JUMP 1. Jamie Greenfield, Bkv, 8.49; 2. Megan P ickth a ll, H.G.. 8.40: 3. Kelly Donovan, Kil, 8.34. SHOT PUT 1. Je ri K n ow les, Bkd, 7.82; 2. H eather F aliko w ski, Bkd. 7.82; 3. Megan P ickth a ll, H.G.. 7.73. Interm ediate b o ys -- 12 yrs 100 METRES 1. A lex G ayford, Bkd, 12.94; 2. Andrew Lyall, Bkv, 13.07; 3. S te rlin g Holm , H.G., 13.17. 200 METRES 1. Andrew Lyall, Bkv, 28.32; 2. A lex G ayford, Bkd. 28.67; 3. Lance Lodner, Bkv, 29.43. 400 METRES 1. Chris Downey. Kil, 1:02.70; 2. K yle M erstorf, East, 1:04.95; 3. S te rlin g Holm , H.G.. 1:045.17. 800 METRES 1. M auro P arker, East. 1:37.95; 2. Alex Doma, Kil. 2:40.92; 3. Shae J o h n so n , H.G., 2:45.18. 1500 METRES 1. Alex Doma, Kil, 5:19.32; 2. Shane J o h n so n , H.G., 5:31.97; 3. Sean Nellis. Bkv, 5:52.15. RELAY 1. East, 56.49; 2. H e rita g e G len, 57.99; 3. B ro o kd a le , 58.03. LONG JUMP 1. A lex G ayford, Bkd, 4.60; 2. A n dre w G rim m , N.C.. 4.52; 3. Chris Downey, Kil, 4.45. HIGH JUMJP 1. Chris Downey, Kil, 1.45; 2. M ike Yates, N.C., 1.40; 3. Ben H o pkins, H.G.. 1.40. TRIPLE JUMP 1. Lance Codner, Bkv, 9.19; 2. M ike Lorenz, Bkd, 8.80; 3. Ajay Bhardnaj, H.G., 8.79. SHOT PUT 1. M ike Padilla, Bkd. 10.95; 2. Kyle Fellows. Bkv, 10.83; 3. J u s tin Kim , N.C., 10.04. S e n io r g ir ls -- 13+ 100 METRES 1. Jen S aunders, East, 13.41; 2. Emma Robley. Kil. 13.60; 3. A lii W arren, H.G., 13.74. 200 METRES 1. Jazm ine Davey, East, 30.95; 2. Brie Richards, Kil, 31.35; 3. D iandra Rosard, N.C., 31.36. 400 METRES 1. Je n S a u n d e rs, E ast. 1:10.29; 2. Brie Richards, Kil, 1:10.43; 3. Emma Robley, Kil. 1:10.77. 800 METRES 1. N icole Stella, East. 3:03.84; 2. Melinda Moore, Bkv, 3:12.84: 3. T risto n R eilly, Bkd, 3:23.82. 1500 METRES 1. Brittany Russel, Bkv, 6:50.62; 2. Heather Bray, Bkd. 7:18.16; 3. C la ir Shank, Bkd. 8:04.09. RELAY 1. New C e n tra l 59.94; 2. H e rita g e G len, 59.96; 3. Brookville, 1:00.12. LONG JUMP 1. Kristen Deumer, Bkv, 4.40; 2. A ll W arren , H.G.. 4.26; 3. Carelynn Loopstra. Kil, 3.93. HIGH JUMP 1. Jessica Stanley, Bkv, 1.40; 2. Carelynn Loopstra, Kil, 1.35; 3. N ikki K irsh , Bkd, 1.30. TRIPLE JUMP 1. Jen S a unders, East, 8.27; 2. K riste n Peters, H.G., 7.95; 3. Carelynn Loopstra, Kil, 7.90. SHOT PUT 1. C lair Shank, Bkd. 9.56; 2. Sierra Steed, Kil, 9.50; 3. Sam M ig ill, East. 8.60. S e n io r b o y s -- 13+ 100 METRES 1. Andrew Basso, Bkv, 12.68; 2. Elgin Reid, Kil, 12.90; 3. Bryce Dakin, H.G. 13.02. 200 METRES 1. Chad Thompson, Bkv, 29.66; 2. M ike W atson, East. 29.92; 3. T yler M ason, Bkd, 30.00. 400 METRES 1. B ruce Dakin, H.G.. 1:01.09; 2. Elgin Reid. Kil. 1:02.43; 3. Neil C ru icksh a n k, East, 1:02.88. 800 METRES 1. Alex Benson, Kil. 2:35.94; 2. Nick Cardin, Bkv, 2:38.50; 3. Steve Ross, H.G.. 2:40.82. 1500 METRES 1. C o n n o r O rch a rd -Y o u n g , East, 5:11.88; 2. Alex Benson. Kil, 5:19.89; 3. Lo g a n P h ilp , N.C., 5:30.44. RELAY 1. New C e n tra l. 54.18; 2. Brookville, 54.52; 3. Eastview. 55.19. LONG JUMP 1. Andrew Basso, Bkv, 5.10; 2. P a trick S toneb urg , N.C., 4.80; 3. N eil C ru icksh a n k, East. 4.75. HIGH JUMP 1. Derek Vandermarel, Kil, 1.55; 2. (tie) Elgin Reid, Kil, 1.50; Andrew Basso. Bkv. 1.50. TRIPLE JUMP 1. N eil C ru ic k s h a n k , East. 10.20; 2. Jam es Barley, East, 9.93; 3. M ark W atson, H.G.. 9.80. SHOT PUT 1. Neil T h o rn to n , Bkd. 11.14; 2. Klye Smith. Bkv, 9.52: 3. Adam Berniker, H.G.. 9.09. OVERALL 1, Brookville, 412 points 2, Kilbride, 391 points 3, B rookd ale. 322 points. In te r m e d ia te G ir ls -- 1 2 y rs 100 METRES 1. Shannon Pole, A .L , 13.10 (nr); 2. Stephanie K rush, A.L., 13.27; 3. Sam McTavish. CHN. 13.58. 200 METRES 1. S tepha nie K ru s h , A.L.. 29.67; 2. N atalie M ittler, P.W.. 30.13; 3. S h annon Pole, A.L.. 31.11. 400 METRES 1. Natalie M ittler, P.W.. 1:09.70; 2. Lauren lo nnou, A.L., 1:12.68; 3. K e lli Land, A.L.. 1:13.37. 800 METRES 1. A d d is o n Sander, QEP. 2:46.95; 2. S tepha nie K rush, A.L., 2:57.20; 3. Jen Adams, CHN, 3:01.63. 1500 METRES 1. A d d is o n Sander, QEP, S e n io r g ir ls -- 13+ 5:47.51; 2. Jen Adams, CHN, 100 METRES 6:11.52; 3. Mary Clare MacKay, 1. Kara Yoo, P.W., 13.14; 2. B.H., 6:23.93. Megan Lapointe, B.H., 13.37; 3. RELAY Sam antha E isleb-Taylor. QEP, 1. A b bey Lane, 59.60; 2. 13.58. P ilgrim W ood, 59.98; 3. Central. 200 METRES 1:00.04. 1. Megan Lapointe, B.H., 29.94; LONG JUMP 2. Taryn Sherlock. Cen. 30.02; 3. 1. C a itlin Bailey, P.W., 4.18; 2. Dale Chaput, Cen. 31.12. Nicole Pervisini, B.H., 4.07; 3. 400 METRES Marley Sumner, Cen, 3.95. 1. Stephanie Killins, B.H., HIGH JUMP 1:09.46; 2. A ly s o n Hay, QEP. 1. Shannon Pole, A.L.. 1.30; 2. 1:16.98; 3. Camila Davila, A.L.. Nicole Pervisini. B.H., 1.30; 3. 1:19.37. A shley Payne, QEP, 1.25. 800 METRES TRIPLE JUMP 1. Rachel Robinson, S.S., 1. Natalie M ittler, P.W., 8.27; 2. 2:54.82; 2. O livia Nadon, A.L.. Laura Davis, P.W., 7.91; 3. Emma 2:57.43; 3. M ich e lle R eichert, Wright. CHN, 7.80. P.W., 3:08.66. SHOT PUT 1500 METRES 1. Ashley Rutz, S.S., 8.15; 2. 1. M ic h e lle R e ichert, P.W.. M H bM 2000 TAURUS SE bw B I 1999 » Lincoln Town Car ^ t light parchment gold w/parchement SA ^ O A A #1 # X I I I | f V W 1 leather- airtilt, alloy wheels, fog lamps, sun/moon roof, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., 6 pack CD. heated seats, pi, pm, ps* pw, stereo. Stk#P1478 * T a u ru s SE _ _ £ J A A jl C h e ck O u t O u r Fa ir M a rk e t V a lu e P ricing - 1998: Contour GL Auto, 3.0 L V6,58k. tan w/tan doth, air, cruise, tilt alloy wheels, rear spoiler, tinted windows, . . . dual aw ir bags, bags> security alarm, cass., pi, pm, pw, stero. Stk#P1470 Aut0' 24valve- 5 6 k , tan w/tan leather, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, rear spoiler, moon root tinted windows* ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, p seats* pw, stereo system. Stk#P1474 · J · * · Phoenix kicks off year with tourney trifecta The O a k v ille Phoenix U-14 girls rep soccer team have pulled off an impressive hat-trick -- three weekends, three tournaments, three championships. The hat-trick was completed at the Greece Eclipse Memorial Tournament, over the May 26/27 weekend, in Greece (near Rochester). Oakville won the championship game 2-0 over the Greece's top 'A' team on goals by Danielle Bernier and Laura Cossitt. Superior fitness and technique wore down the opposition. A 1-0 win over Greece in the pre liminary round, on a blistering shot by Tania Ganassini, was the closest game of the tournament for the Phoenix and marked the first loss of the year for the Greece team. Oakville opened with a 100 wn over a team from Webster, NY.Goals were scored by Kelly Terceira (2), Natasha Cheong (2), Gizelle Panton, Laura Cossitt, Tessa Young, Tania Ganassini, Alicia Kuchma and Jennifer Saunders. Oakville took a while to relax in their second game against Greece 'B', however, a scintil lating four goals from Laura Cossitt ensured victory. Next came a very physical game against a Penfield, NY team who were intent on closing down fast and taking the body. Hard team work and fine fin ishing by Danielle Bernier and Amanda Cicchini clinched victory. This was another overall team effort by the Phoenix with Sarah Cheung, Kate Longmoore, Megan Kerr, Olivia Nadon, Phillipa Goddard. Rebecca Readings, Tessa Young and goal keeper Laura Tacchi (with five more clean sheets) adding to the goalscorers' con tributions. lO /H U U T a u ru s * SE Lincoln Town _ Car sig ^ reS S L a yto i i 6LV8'.,8k- f x ver frost w/ black leather, air, cruise, tilt, T A A i l l K |||| f lr V V alloy wheels, fog lamps, sun/moon root tinted windows, A8S. dual air bags. remote entry, alarm, cass., 6 pack CD, heated seats, pi, pm, ps, pw, stereo. Grd. Marquis LS w/tan Aut0- 8 leather_ 4-61. 67k, dk. qreen \J Iu. m a ^u w w air_ cnjjse< alloy w/iau icauiei, an, v.i uiacr, tift mi, anuy * Stk#P1479 A u to , 6 cyl. 3.0L, 3 6 k, b u rg a n d y w /g re y c lo th , air, cruise, tilt, a llo y w heels, tin te d w in d o w s , d u a l a ir bags, cass., pi, pm , p. seat, p w , stereo system . Stk#P1473 z o o o Ranger S/Cab Auto, 6 cyl., 21k, green w/grey cloth, . air, alloy wheels, tinted windows, ; dual air bags. CD, pm, stereo system. < Stk#P1406 Auto, 4 cyl. ZETEC, 38k, silver w/grey doth, ait cruise, roof rack, split rear seats, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted windows* ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, CD, pm, pw, stereo system. Stk#P1426 ; ! ; 1 * Explorer C l Sport JKU I l 20 900 17 900 1998 WINDSTAR 25 400 *15,900' 25 900 19 900 1998 CROWN VICTORIA LX 18 400 *19,900 17 900 * , * , Auto, 6 cyl. 3.8L, 77k, white w/blue cloth, air, cruise, roof rack, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted w in dows, ABS, dual air bags, cassette, pi, pm, - * pw, stereo system, quad seats. S tk # P 1 3 5 7 ' * Focus SE Wgn. 17 900 16 900 19,900 , T a u r u s SE SE Taurus * * , * 5 station wgn., auto, 3.0 L 24 ValveV6, · 76k, graphite blue w/grey doth, air, cruise, roof I rack, split rear seats, tilt, alloy wheels* tinted win- · dows, AB S , dual air bags, remote entiy, alarm, I cass, pi, pm, ps, pw, stereo system . Stk#P1483 · J · * t * $WAui&6<yLSOHC.63*med.wedgewood y _ . 4 blue w/grey doth, ait ouise, roof rack, split rear seats, tift, alloy wheels, runn. brds., tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags* remote entiy, alarm, cass, pi, pm, pw, stereo system. Stk#17117A * ' 12,900 22 900 13 800 18 900 , Contour SE i 5^ manual- 4 cyi.. 4 , k. dk. green w/grey cloth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted windows, dual air bags, cassette, pi, pm, pw, stereo system. Stk#1436 wheels, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, ps, pw. stereo system. Stk#1439 Autct 6 cyl., 2.5L 24 valve, 98k, silver w/grey leather, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, rear spoiler, tinted windows, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, ps, stereo system, sport pkg. Stk#1451 Auto, 6 cyl., 3.8L 81k, cabernet red w/tan leather, air, cruise, roof rack, tilt alloy wheels, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, ps, stereo system, quad seats, dual air & heat. fir. console & o/h console. Stk#1458 Auto* 6 cyl, 78k, silver w/grey leather, air, cruise, tilt, tinted windows, dual air bags, remote entry, cass., pi, pm, pw, stereo system. Stk#1469 * , * Windstar LX , * 1 9 9 8 Auto, 4 cyl. 69k, dk. green w/grey cloth, air, cruise, tilt alloy wheels, tinted windows, dual air bags, cass., pi, pm, pw, stereo system. S tk # P 1 3 5 9 Auto, 4 cyl., 94k, toreador red w/grey cloth, air, cruise, tilt, tinted windows, dual air bags, cass., pi, pm, pw, stereo system. S tk # P 1 3 6 7 Sable I ; · · · J · * * ' ; Windstar SEL * , ' Auto, 6 cyl. 3.8L 40k, navy blue w/grey ! quads, air, cruise, roof rack, tilt, alloy ; wheels* tinted windows* ABS, dual air bags, ! remote entry, alarm, cass., CD, pi, pm. pw, stereo system, rear air. Stk#P1446 Auto, 6 cyl. 3.8L, 35k, silver/blue w/grey quads, air, cruise, roof rack, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, ; remote entry, alarm, cass., CD, pi, pm, pw, stereo system, rear air. Stk#P1447 ! Contour SE * Windstar SEL * , ' 6 cyl. 3.0L 34k, graphite blue w/grey Taurus S EWagon Auto, doth, air, cruise, roof rack, split rear seats, tilt, * , ' Honda CRV 4x4 * * 4<49,k-black c l0 ,j;' f : cruise, split rear seats, tilt, alloy wheels, · * , * alloy wheels, tinted windows, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, p. seats, pw, stereo system, 3rd seat Stk#P1456 Auto, 6 cyl. 3.0L, 34k, silver w/grey doth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels* tinted windows* dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, p. seats, pw, stereo system. Stk#P1467 Auto, 3.0L, V6,35k, white w/grey doth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted windows, dual air bags, cassette, pi, pm, power seat, pw, stereo system. Stk#P1472 * Auto, 8 cyl. 4.6L, 54k, med. wedgewood blue w/leather, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted win dows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cassette, pi, pm, ps, pw, stereo system, handling pkg. S tk # P 1 3 4 2 Taurus S E * , ' * Taurus S E * , * * F-150 XLT S/CAB u t0 , ®cyl-4-6 1 - 86k' si,ve rw /9re yc,o th *· S/CAE A air, cruise, t ilt alloy wheels, tinted win- ! 1999 EXPLORER SPORT SUV, Auto, 6 cyl. S0HC, 63k, blue w/grey cloth, air, cruise, roof rack, split rear seats, tilt, alloy wheels, running boards, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, pw, stereo system, 1 owner. S tk # 1 7 1 1 7 A Ranger S/C 4x4 ± ^ _ a doth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, fog B | i i I A r t / l| || | 1 1 T V V lamps, tinted windows, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, CD. pi. pm, pw. stereo system, 4x4 off road pkg Stk#P1366A * 8 cyl. 4.61, 74k, burg/tan w/tan F-150 XLT S/CAB Auto, cloth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted Ranger XLT S/Cab 6 W S2' * J* * doth, air, alloy wheels, tinted windows, 5 4 0 A A A dual air bags, CD, pm, stereo system, Stk#P1417 red w/grey doth, air, cruise, roof rack, split rear seats, tilt, alloy wheel* runn. brds., tint ed windows, dual air bags, cass., pi, pm, pw, stereo system, sport pkg. Stk#P1450 I O f J V V a * * 1 9 ,7 0 0 * 1998 Auto, LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 8 cyl. 87k, green w /tan leather, air, cruise, tilt, alley wheels, sun/moon roof, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cassette, CD, heat ed seats, pi, pm, ps, pw, stereo system, chrome wheels, telephone S tk#P 1392 12 900 11 200 18,900 11 900 11 900 20 900 21 400 , Contour ZX2 Sport * Explorer Eddie B aa u leather, e r ^air, *® 4* * ? * ' * cruise, roof rack, spirt rear S^ m A A A BJ ll| || | I I f v V V " M v c tin u p L wS S J J A A A seats, tilt alloy wheels, fog lamps, runn. brds., sun/moon roof, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, ps, pw, stereo system. Stk#1475 Aut024 valve, 21a||Qy k, tan w/tani doth 2.5 ajfLcmjsei tj|t> whee,S rear spoiler, tinted windows, dual air sun/moon roof, tinted windows, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, CD, pi, pm, pw, stereo system. S tk # P 1 3 8 2 A Auto, 4 cyl., 73k, white w/grey cloth, air, alloy wheels, rear spoiler, tinted windows, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, stereo system, sport pkg. S tk # P 1 4 0 0 4 spd-Auto, 6 cyl. N/A, 94k, It. green w/grey cloth, air, cruise, split rear seats, tilt alloy wheels, rear spoiler, tinted windows, dual air bags, cass., pi, pm, pw, stereo system, sport pkg. S tk #P 14 0 1 I · J fc l ail III pw. b a 9 S ire m o tee n t r y-c a s s- p i*P m 'p s I i f V V V stereo system, L.S. sport group. 1 Stk#1488 Auto, 6 cyl., 55k, green w/grey cloth, I J · Venture I · · ; · J · , * * 17,900 Contour LX ^ j. air,, cruise, roof rack, tilt, tinted win dows, dual air bags, pi, pm. pw, stereo system. S tk#17137A Contour GL , cabernet red w/grey leather, air, 5^ m a r^ - 25LV 6 > 24v a ,v e -9 1k. , * cruise, split rear seats, tilt, alloy wheels, fog lamps, rear spoiler, sun/moon roof, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, ps, pw, stereo system. S tk#17261A , * box, 17 dows, dual air bags, cass., pi, pm, pw, stereo system, painted cap, fiareside alloy rims. S tk #P 14 0 7 I I · * · I · , * windows, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, pw, stereo system, 2 tone paint, rear sliding window, S/Cab w/8' box, 157' wheelbase. Stk#P1413 Auto, 4 cyl. 81 k, white w/grey cloth, air, tilt rear spoiler, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, cass., pi, pm, stereo system. S tk #P 1 4 25 Auto, 6 cyl. 3.8L, 71k, cabernet red w/grey quads, air, cruise, roof rack, tilt, alloy whls., tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, cass., pi, pm, pw, stereo system. S tk # P 1 4 2 7 Auto, 4 cyl. 82k, black w/black cloth, air, cruise, split rear seats, tilt, alloy whls., fog lamps, rear spoiler, sun/moon roof, tinted windows, dual air bags, cass., pi, pm, pw, stereo system. S tk # P 1 4 2 8 Autr* 6 cyl. 3.8L, 71k, spruce green w/tan quads, air, cruise, roof rack, tilt, alloy whls., tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, pw, stereo systern, traction control. Stk#P1429 5 spd. manual, 6 cyl. 99k, It. denim blue w/grey cloth, air, alloy wheels, tinted windows, dual air bags, cassette, pm, stereo system, XLS package. S tk # P 1 4 3 2 5 4 0 O A A I lfl X | | | | I |f fU V V seats- tilt- alloY whee|s, fog lamps, sun/moon roof, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, ps, pw. stereo system. Stk#1373 Auto, 4 cyl., 77k, It. blue w/grey cloth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted windows, dual air bags, cassette, pi, pm, pw, stereo system. Stk#1375 Grand Am SE ^ sqmloi, j Contour Explorer XLS L A |J IU IC I n LJ r _ * * ^ *· s w * * * " 22,900 1998 CONTOUR SE Auto, 4 cyl. 69k, dk. green w /grey cloth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted windows, dual air bags, cassette, pi, pm, pw, stereo system. S tk # P 1 3 5 9 Explorer Eddie Bauer Baue Autl* 6 ^ * k * 22 400 16 800 26 900 , T a u ru s S E Taurus SE * * , Auto24 Valve V6,60k, toreador red w/grey ^ doth, air; ouise, tilt, alloy wheels, rear spoiler. 1 tinted windows* ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, ps, pw. stereo sys tem, fir. console. Stk#P1452 * * , * S0HC< 71k* autu|T,n w/tan leather, air, cruise roof rack, split rear seats, tilt alloy wheels, fog lamps, runn. brds., sun/moon root tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., 6 pack CD, heated seats, pi, pm, ps, pw, stereo system, home link security. Stk#P1455 * $/ Windstar SE4 A % 111 | | | m W f W I A * quads, air, cruise roof rack, nit alloy wheels, fog lamps, tinted windows, ABS, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass.. pi. pm. pi, ^ stereo system, RH pwr. dr., dual air & heat flr. console. Stk#P1462 Auto, 6 cyl., 59k, green w/grey doth, air, cruise, tilttinted windows, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cassette pi, pm, stereo system. Stk#P1466A Auto, 24valve, V6,20k, silver w/grey doth/ leather, air, cruise, roof rack split rear seats, tilt alloy wheels, sun root tinted windows* ABS, dual air bags* remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, p. seats, pw, stereo system. Stk#P1468 Ext cab, auto, 8 cyl, 4.61,71 k, black w/grey doth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted windows, dual air bags, cassette, pi, pm, pw, stereo, 17" alloy rims. S tk # P 1 3 9 8 * 1 1 ,9 0 0 * 15 900 1998 F-150 STX 19 600 * , * , Grand AM SE * 8 cyl., 4.6L, 88k, red w/grey cloth, F-150 XLT S/Cab Auto, air, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted win- * * Sable LS Wgn. 8 cyl., 86k, black w/grey cloth, air, F-150 XLT S/Cab Auto, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, tinted windows, * * 12 800 16 900 15 900 16 900 16 900 20 600 20 600 , Windstar GL I · * I I * · I 11,400 IIM A H l l l l I · J · , * j, 5 4 0 I O I U f Grd. Marauis LS ^ 8 4 6L' 98k-m ed- wedgewood ^ * blue w/grey doth, air, cruise, tilt, alloy w V W wheels, tinted windows. ABS. dual air ba9S-remote entry, alarm, cassette, pi, pm, ps. pw, stereo system. Stk#1437 ^ AutOi 6 cyl., 78k, dk. green/silver w/grey cloth, air, roof rack, dual air bags, cascptto nm ctoron custom sette, pm, stereo system. Stk#1442 Sunfire GT I ; A e ro s ta r XLT l , * I J * Windstar GL · ! J « J J « , * * 12,900 13 300 Sable G S k| , ' Auto, 3.0 LV6,75k, maroon w/grey doth, air, cruise, tilt, tinted windows, dual air bags, cassette, pi, pm, pw, stereo system. Stk#16007A F-150 R/CAB [ « J , * laurus GL vjl Waoon wagon A Taurus u !0`6^ 98k' I0,eadw redw(9n» 3 . air, cruise, roof rack, split rear seats, tilt, [ « , ' dows, dual air bags, cassette, pi, pm, pw. stereo system, 17" alloy rims, STX package. S tk #P 14 3 3 [ « * 11 900 , Taurus * ^ ' alloy wheels, tinted windows, dual air bags, remote entry, alarm, cass., pi, pm, ps, pw, stereo system. Stk#1459 , ' dual air bags, cassette, pi, pm, pw, stereo system, 17" alloy rims, STX pack age. S tk # P 1 4 3 4 air, cruise, tilt, tinted windows, cassette, pi, pm, ps, pw, stereo system, nice clean car. Stk#1464 ^ 6c y l< *3-0 1 - 118k-teal w/9rey c*ot*1 , *19 ,90 0 * SERVING PRE-OWIED FORD DEALER See dealei for det< extra. OAC. All vehicles come with a minimum 12 month Powertrain Warranty. All vehicles certified and e V is it us at w w w .te rra c e fo rd lin c o ln .c o m T im F o s te r M d n m ie r S a la s & lo a s tn g J o h n R o t h w e ll \ tC. YEAR S J>, TERRACE Prices are plus applicable taxes, administration lee & license. On the spot financing available O.A.C. Over 70 vehicles to choose trom. terrace ford lincoln s a l e s 900 WALKERS LINE AT Q E W , BURLIN G TO N (905) 632-6252 _ < west QEW easl a I £ We are hm ! = 3 ^ Harvester Road ® Fairview St QUALITY CERTIFIED

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