Wednesday, June 27, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C3 A celebration of Canada's diversity Celebrate Canada Day on Sunday. A large ethnic festival is planned for Coronation Park, featuring ethnic music, dance and food, organized by the Halton Multicultural Council (HMC). Canada Day has been organized by the HMC for over the decade to cele brate this country's cultural diversity, to promote community participation in civic events by diverse cultural groups, and to foster understanding among dif ferent cultures. The festivities begin with a parade leaving Bronte Village Mall at Lakeshore and Jones Street shortly after an 11 a.m. opening ceremony. The parade will proceed eastbound along Lakeshore Road to the park at Lakeshore Road and Third Line. Parade participants include commu nity agencies, clubs, and cultural groups. The Halton Regional Police Service, the RCMP, and Band Filipino will lead the parade. Activities at the park begin at noon. An official opening for park festivities will be held at 1 p.m. The HMC has organized a variety show. Presenters include the Kanata Native Dance Theatre at 6:30 p.m., featuring the song and dance of Iroquois, Ojibway, Blackfood, Cree and Lakota peoples. The group consists of First Nations people who enjoy performing and shar ing their native culture. Dressed in eagle feathers, buckskin or intricately beaded clothing, these dancers synchronize their steps with the rhythmic beat of the drum. Members of this performing group, representing tribes from across Canada, will mingle with the audience after their show. Muhtadi and his group of drummers will be on stage at 1:05 p.m. Muhtadi has a natural ability to play several dif ferent percussion instruments and has performed with calypso artists and arrangers. He's been a long-time mem ber of the Desperadoes Steel Drum Orchestra from Trinidad. He has also appeared in several theatre productions and festivals including Harbourfront Centre's Africabeat, Nelson Mandela Tour, and the Havana Jazz Festival. He will play calypso, reggae and other Caribbean music, plus some African music. Returning to the festival is the Cuban Cabaret Show with Azucar Picante, fea turing fast exotic dances to a Latin beat, choreographed in Havana, and wildly rsj H a lto n L in e n O u t l e t Di-interl P|aCem3tS Plain Napkins "g $, .99 $ 5 .9 9 $0.99 ** 50.99 ,, tf g «B IK " s | 9 " s2 9 " O A K V ILLE 481 N o rth Service R d .W . b e tw e e n D o r v a l D r iv e a n d 4 th L in e ) M O N . - FRI. 10 A .M . - 5:30 P.M. SATU R D A Y I0 A .M .-6 P.M. SUNDAY. I2 A .M - 5 P.M. ( 905 ) 847-2274 Voted Oakville's Best Linen Shop Oakville Beaver file photo The Halton Multicultural Council's annual Canada Day celebration in Coronation Park features an ethnic festival of music, dance and food. colourful costumes, at 9 p.m. All of the members in this dance group are either Cuban or have some Cuban connection. Their costumes were designed in Havana, and most of them were made in Cuba. Among local and multicultural groups participating in the festival are: Rocking Rainbow Cloggers and OakTown Steppers, 1:45 p.m.; Momingstar Tae Kwon Do. 2:20 p.m.; Holy Family Chinese Language School (dance), 3:05 p.m.; Anti-Racism Skit by Halton Race Relations Youth Council, 3:20 p.m.: Iraj Rostan (Baha'i musical pre sentation), 3:30 p.m.; The Queen Story Times (storytelling), 3:45 p.m.; Oakville Sikh Cultural Association (Bhangra groups), 4:30 p.m.; Oakville Portuguese Folklore Group (dance), 5 p.m.; Siony's Dance Company (Tahitian dance), 5:30 p.m.; Imbayacuna (Ecuador dances), 6 p.m.; Gurbans Grewal, 7:15 p.m.; Glen Hamilton and Lystra Gibbs (recording artists), 7:30 p.m.; Joe Crone (Baha'i music), 7:45 p.m.; and Via Mexico Mariachi Trio, 8 p.m. Plus, there will be face painting, chil dren's games and craft sale. Ethnic food will be for sale. Since parking at Coronation Park is limited, there will be additional parking at the Sir John Colbome Centre for Seniors. A shuttle bus service, provided by the HMC and Bronte BIA, will travel between from Bronte Village Mall and Hopedale Mall, where more parking is available, to Coronation Park, from 10:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. For more information, call the Halton Multicultural Council at 905842-2486. N IA G A R A . R e f r e s h in g S p la s h o f F r u it THE BRONTE VILLAGE BIA AND THE HALTON MULTICULTURAL COUNCIL Invites you to join us fo r the CANADA DAY FESTIVALS In Bronte and Coronation Park Ju ly 1 , 2 0 0 1 1 1 :0 0 a .m . - 1 1 : 0 0 p.m . Cultural Entertainment, Parade, Sidewalk Sale, Local and Outside Vendors, Street Dance SHUTTLE BUSES FROM HOPEDALE MALL, BRONTE VILLAGE MALL AND CORONATION PARK HOT SUMMBR SAVINGS! Celebrate Canada Day every day i Any One Batch of Wine, Fruit Wine, . Beer or Cooler E m m tr n N * 1 5OFF prepared by you on site! V a lid u n t il J u n e o t v a lid w it h a n y 3 0 / 2 0 0 1 . o t h e r o f f e r . % B o o k y o u r b r e w tim e n o w ! 8 2 5 -B E E R (2 337) | Etn H»tem 33teu< dnwtfe 481 North Service Rd. (just west o f Dorval) H O U R S : M O N .-F R I. I2-X. SAT. ¥-5, SU N . 11-3 A TRUSTED N A M E IN O A K V IL L E S IN C E 1992 Summer Specials Effective July 3rd to August 30th 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. SCOOTER'S $7.00 Tuesday and Thursday Admission. In and Out Privileges Included in Day Passes Skate Rentals Extra Q)Tuesday All-Day Pass $ 6.00 (J)Thursday Afternoon $5.00 $7.00 $5.00 $6.00 Sunday, July 1st - All Sessions Join our Special Christian/Gospel Canada Day All Nighter m o s m special Open Monday, July 2nd 1-5p.m. Saturday, July 7th 8 p.m.-3 a.m. All Nighter Did you know... each time you sit down to a big bowl of Post Shreddies cereal, you're enjoying 100% whole wheat, farmed and made right here in Canada. Thanks for helping us keep the good things growing here at home. J O IN US July 18th 10am to 5pm KIDS APPRECIATION DAY / KIDSUMMER EVENT A dm ission is free for up to 2 children (u n d er 12 yrs. old) with one paying adult $6.00 (Skate rental extra) In appreciation to you, our loyal customers. Scooters is offering this day free to you as well. Kids get you Bonus coupon at the Office prior to July 18th. (just west of southdown Road) Good, good whole wheat Shreddiesl 2 1 0 5 R o y a l W in d s o r D riv e, M is s is s a u g a C a ll fo r tim e s & in fo rm a tio n w w w .s co o ters.o n .ca 905 8 2 340 01