Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 27 Jun 2001, Business, B05

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Wednesday June 27, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B5 Business To reach this section call 845-3824 Fax.337-5567 Chiropractor markets all-natural bug repellent David Phillips says product even safe to use on infants n O akville resident and chiro practor has com bined m egavit amin therapy, herbal rem edies and hom eopathic m edicine to create all-n atu ral trip le p ro tectio n against m osquitoes and black fly bites. "W ith the heightened threat o f the West N ile virus crossing the border into Canada, m osquito bites are no longer ju st an annoyance," says chiro practor Dr. D avid P hillips, who prac tices in M ilton. "O ur M o squito R epellant P ack co n tain s no D EET (diethyl toluam ide) or other chem icals ·that many people w ish to avoid. The repellant is safe to use on young chil dren, even infants." P h illip s' trip le-p ro tectiv e rem edy starts w ith a m egadose o f vitam in B l. "M osquitoes seem to love some people and avoid others. As I studied nutri tion, I learned that a little-know n ben efit o f vitam in B l is that when suffi cient am ounts are m etabolized in your body, your skin or blood takes on an undetectable flavour that insects find unpleasant. W hen you take 100 mg of vitam in B l, the m osquitoes a re n 't nearly as inclined to land or bite you." Also known as thiam in, vitam in B l is considered a dietary essential for good nutrition and health. However, ZENON signs $ 10-m deals ZENON E n vironm ental Inc. has just inked roughly $10 million in new orders from repeat customers in Alberta and the State of Washington. The Oakville-based company has been contracted to build a new w ater treatm ent plant replacing an existing system for an independent power producer in Alberta. Construction for the project will commence later this sum m er with the new plant expected to be operational in March 2002. In addition, ZENON will be supplying its technology to a second plant for the same cus tomer. That facility will be oper ational in the second quarter of next year. "Growing worldwide power shortages are exerting signifi cant pressure on the production of electrical power," said Andrew Benedek, Chairman and CEO of ZENON. "This is creating the need for additional investments to be made in the power generation industry, and as water is a significant compo nent in the production of electri cal power, ZENON will benefit from the growth o f this market." The firm will be using its Zee Weed® technology to retro fit an existing water treatment plant in Washington State. The plant is expected to be opera tional by the end of this year and will produce high quality water for boiler feed. A the daily dose recom m ended by Phillips to make you unpalatable to insects is about a hundred tim es the R ecom m ended D aily Intake and, therefore, it is unlikely your diet con tain s th is am ount. A ccording to Phillips, this dose is safe for everyone but in fan ts and sm all children. "Thiam in is a w ater soluble vitam in, so it doesn't build up in your body. T here are no know n reports o f prob lem s w ith too much thiam in." L evel tw o p ro tectio n in this M osquito R epellant Pack is an herbal insect repellent you rub onto your skin. M ade from a blend o f oils extracted from eucalyptus, geranium , citronella, lem ongrass and cloves, this pleasant sm elling oil is safe for people o f all ages, even children. "I have a cottage in C oboconk where the m osquitoes and black flies seem to be particularly vicious, so I asked h erb alist S helley C utrara to develo p a rem edy for m e," says Phillips. "I've been using this product for a year and I can guarantee it lasts a long time, usually, one application a day is all th at's needed." "These are all common plants and even the base is a m ineral oil that is gentle on your skin. Still as a routine precaution against allergic reactions, I alw ays recom m end trying on a small drop first." If you forget to use rem edies one and two and are bitten, Phillips has a final solution in his kit -- Skeeter Bite -- a hom eopathic com bination o f plant David Phillips: ready for the insects extracts and minerals. Hom eopathy is based on the principle o f "like cures like." Therefore, this rem edy contains very minute am ounts of m any sub stances know n to cause itching, sw elling and/or skin irritation in order to stim ulate the body's own innate healing abilities. You sim ply spray a couple o f drops under your tongue or you can also apply it directly on the bite. People with know n allergies to bees or w asps should consult their physician before using this product. H om eopathic rem edies are designed to stim ulate your own innate healing abilities, says Phillips. Since they are intentionally very dilute, they cannot cause side effects. The all-natural M osquito R epellant Pack contains a sum m er's supply o f all three rem edies. It can be purchased for $29.95 from w w w .naturalbenefits.com . Royal & Sun sells insurance arm M aritim e L ife A ssurance Co. o f Halifax is buying the O akville-based life insurance o p erations o f B ritain-based R oyal <£ Sun A llia n c e In su ra n c e G roup P L C for $235-m illion. In giving up^the life insur ance com ponent o f their busi ness, Royal & Sun Alliance can now concentrate on its property and casualty insur ance business in Canada. W ith prem ium s totalling $849-m illion (US) in this sector, Royal & Sun A lliance is the num ber four player in this segm ent of the in.surance industry. M ost o f the R oyal & A lliance's 160 w orkers in the affected unit, w ork in the O akville office and M aritim e Life officials say about twothirds o f those workers will likely be offered jobs. M aritim e Life is a sub sidiary o f B oston-based John H ancock F inancial Services Inc. M aritim e Life purchased Aetna Canada from its U.S. parent in 1999. The purchase o f the Royal & Sun A lliance Canadian life insurance portfolio will boost M aritim e L ife's prem ium rev enue by about $ 133-m illion and give it a total o f $ 13.5-bil lion in assets under adm inis tration. Am algam ating the Royal & Sun A lliance em ployees into the M aritim e Life is expected to take roughly 18 m onths. Photo by Barrie Erskine Tara Hodgins and Scott Brouse of Oakville MuscleMag store. MuscleMag store catering to people serious about fitness You didn't have to be at the beach recently to witness a great display o f 'six packs", bulging biceps and tight abs. In fact, the biggest display of muscle and toned bodies was being paraded right here in Oakville recently as M uscleM ag International held the grand opening of its new store on Winston Park Drive, just off Upper Middle Road. Several of the biggest names in bodybuilding-- all made guest appearances to help launch M uscleMag's huge new retail store. With successful superstores already up and running in Toronto and Scarborough, MuscleMag founder Robert Kennedy felt it was time to bring his "one-stop fitness shop" to Oakville. Kennedy opened his first bodybuilding and fitness store in Canada in 1974 and has watched his business grow steadily as the trend toward greater personal fitness and "b u ff' bodies has taken hold. The new Oakville store, with 7,350 sq. ft. of merchan dising space, is designed to meet all the needs of the fitness enthusiast, from state of the art gym equipment to clothing, supplements and the latest fitness information. Store manager Tara Hodgins said people are generally living longer, healthier lives which puts an increased emphasis on fitness to help maintain that quality of life. She said MuscleMaG attracts a wide range of customers, from the bodybuilder to those just interested in achieving or maintaining an overall level of fitness. She's even had customers who have been sent in by their doctors who are in need of advice on how to get started on a fitness pro gram. Terry Frendo, director of advertising and marketing for MuscleMag International, said the MuscleMag superstores are unlike anything he has seen in Canada or the U.S. and the company plans on building its retail presence through out North America. Frendo said MuscleMag has taken its experience as the number one bodybuidling magazine in the world and used the connections and knowledge to put together something unique in the retail sector. IT 'L L BE LOVE AT F IR S T D O W N L O A D W IT H C O G E C O @ H O M E . Hook up with COGECO@Home this summer and you'll be gushing. It's so lightning fast, you'll be able to watch video in real time and download file attachments, MP3s and upgrades in seconds. 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