Devotional (J.L.J.) As you know, many of us who worked together on the Centennial Crusade for Christ with the Campbell-Reese team, last year have been concerned about a continuation of our fellowship in an extended ministry to our Indian people.from different areas. As a result of much prayerful waiting on the Lord, we have been led to establish the"Ohsweken Christian Action Fellowship " and at a recent meeting held at David ThoJnas Nemorial Hall on Monday, April 15, 1968. .A tempora:ry steering committee was chosen to guide the de- velopment of God's ministry. Officers of the steering committee are as follows: Co-Chair-men Rev. ·Gus Port er · Rev. Ken Cwnpbell Secretar-J Miss Julia L. Jamieson Treasurer Nr. Truman Hill Visitation Convener - Mrs. John Green A monthly prayer- meeting of the Fellowship will be held on the first Eonday of each month in the D. T. r-Iemorial Hall. The next meeting is scheduled for l.fonday, May 6th at $ P.H . .Arty believer burdened about negl ected Indians is invited to pray with us. It is ·expected that Rev. I<:eri Campbell i-rill be with us to present a brief paper clarifying the nature, aim and objective envisioned for the Fellowship. }1imeographed copies of the same will be available for sistribution to those interested. 1.'Ie trust that you will be able to bE::: with us on Monday, 1:-:iay 6th. God bless you. The StoryBehind The Delaware United Church Organ ( by N, H~ ) William Montour, the founder of this church, raised 10 children, next to the youngest was Rodger, who at the age of 6, with the. help of his mother, was learning to pronounce wo r ds in the Delaware language, his mother was pleased that he seemed so bri ght, but fate struck a cruel blow: one_:day when he accideritly tripped and fell into the fireplace, for . many days he fought for his life, when he was finally on the mend, it was found that he was totally deaf and his speech gone; as be grew older he wanted to know what his brothers and nephews were l earning in the school . books; . he made h~nself a nuisance by wanting to ·know what everything meant. When he grew up and went to work he was able to write nfliles and read the newspaper. The Delaware Church was always uppermost in his mind, he ofteµ tolq of the times he. ran beside his · father on their way to church, he al- so _knew right .. from wrorig and a lot depended on how one lived in this world if you wanted to go to heaven. 1.'lhen .he retired, the first thing h e did was to · take over the job of caretaker of the church , he bought many small 'things that the church needed, he paid a bulldozer man to level off the ground after the kitchen was f inished, and finally his money bought the church organ. HBuilding Today For The Challenge Of Tomorrow 11 The· Cal)a:dian C.ouncil of: Christians and Jews is having an Indian Conference on the above theme from Hay' 14 to i½:ay 1'8. The piac·e is: · Friend's House, 60 Lowther Avenue, · Toronto. Meal s and accomodation ·are provided, the orili cost to you is a registration fee of ~rl.00. Ever your transportatior/ c·osts are refunded· except for ~~3 .. 00. 1.:'hat' s the catch? Nell you·- have to register by }iay 2nd and you have to be a woman. · Can you still register? We don't know, but the address is: 11 lYiiss Jeane J(otick, Room 506, 229 Yonge Street, Toronto 1:, Ont.". Some of· 'the top ics are 11 Id~·nti,fy~g with l-.y People" "Rol·e o.f ~iomen in Community Life," "lJhat Is Leadersh±.p," 11 Indian Arts and c;r:·afts, 11 -"Educati ng our Youth for To- morrow" and a film on Indian History. Participant s include 1:ilfred Pelletier, Vera Martin, Ethel Brant i-ionture, Donna Lebanc, Ers. Stell .a Johnson, Halt er Currie, Chief Andrew Delisle, James Powless, Chief Burt6ri Jaco hs. . . Thrown in for good measure, is a chinese luncheon, a visit to the Canadian Indian Centre, yes and even c_offee breaks. I ~ t' • Coming Events In Six Nations May 1st - Re- op_ening of Chiefswood, historic home of E. Pauline Johnson, b.ohawk Poetess. May 2nd - Rummage Sale at St. Peter's Parish Hall, 10:00 A.ll . to 4:00 P.iVi. Sponsored by St . Peter's Altar Guild. Hay 2 and 1-iay 9 May 3, 4, and 5 Euchre, Grand River Church basement.. 8:00 P.Ivi . An..riual Indian Conference at · Five Oaks, Paris. (cont'd)