Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 13 Jun 2001, D04

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D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, June 13, 2001 T h e O akville: B eaver BONUS!All classified ads appear @ TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905 845-3824 OR 905 houses for sale PORT Dover area. Private. E xceptional 4 acre hobby farm, 2-storey barn, 3 pad docks. One-of-a-kind heat ed workshop (28x70). 2800 sq.ft. home has large coun try eat-in kitchen w/island. Form al liv in g & d in in g rooms. Den, 4-bedroom s. Home & perennial garden show 10++ $33 9,90 0. 1866-369-5665._____ M C M ASTER/ W estdale. Warm and gracious custom brick 4-bedroom . 2-1/2 baths, modern kitchen, sky lights, form al diningroom , double garage, $279,000. 905-526-8257 C la ssified - .wwoakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! 337-5610 FAX: 905 632-8165 MON. FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm 190 townhouses for rent Circulation: 905-845-9742 · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-1% · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 170 apartments & flats for rent 170 apartments& flats for rent 185 houses for rent 190 townhouses for rent 310 articles for sale 400 cars for sale 400 cars for sale 500 I I I I I I I I I I I career training Downtown Burlington T o rra n c e S tre e t 1&2Bdrm Apts. with lake views. Freshly painted, new windows, hardwood floors, Outdoor pool! From $869./mo. B U R L IN G T O N /H a m ilto n R B G - 1 bedroom clean q uiet bu ild in g . Very re a s onable, 2 a p p lia nces , parking. July 1st. (905)5223362______________________ SP AC IO U S 1.2&3 B e d room s. F reshly painted, brigh t. C o m p e titive rent. Burlington high-rise. W ellmaintained. Convenient lo c ation . 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm 2-B E D R O O M S : $81 0./ mo. (U tilitie s in c lu d e d ). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. O ffice Open 9-4pm , Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 LA R G E 3-bedroom , w ith frid g e , stove dishw asher, fenced yard. Brant/Plains Rd. area. $1500/m o plus utilities. 905-332-3542 HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or c reative financing availab le to fa c ilita te pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay N e lligan, Assoc. Broker, (905)639-5258 Re/Max Es carpm ent R ealty, Realtor, creative opts@quickclic.net W ALKER S/ QEW area. 3bedroom s, 2.5 baths, ga rage, all a pp lia nces, July 1st. $1500/m o. (negotiable). Ken, (905)570-5141. NORTH of QEW. Off Brant St. July 1st. 4-bedroom , garage. $1295.+ u tilitie s . R eferences. A ctive M an agem ent, 905-33 3-55 06, Ext.74 _______ CENTURY home set back on 15 acres for rent. Livingroom, familyroom, sunroom plus 4-bedroom s. 1389 Progreston Road, Flamborough. Possession July 1st. $1950/mo, first/last required and credit check. C all J a mie E dw ards (B roker) at J.M . Edwards A sso ciates Inc. (9 05)631-6363 fo r more details. E X EC UTIVE 5-bedroom , double garage, fireplace, 6 a pp lia nces. Im m aculate. $2,000/mo.+ utilities. Refer ences. 905-630-5185, Active Management O A K V IL L E E x e c u tiv e Lakeshore & B urloak. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, main floor familyroom, laundry. 5 app lia nces. Im m ediate. $2400/mo. (905)825-2547 C o n te H o m e 7~o CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington M all Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited ELEC TR IC S co oter (3 w h eels), good con d itio n , $10 00/obo. B athtub seat (exchange seat) & 2 folding walker's w/wheels, best offer. (905)827-8920__________ FA N TA S TIC S a vings! No GST! Love your furn iture , hate your colours? Sofa & matching chair from $788. Love seats from $488. C hairs from $199. Senior d iscount. Free estim ates. Fields Q uality Custom Up holstering, 9-9, (9 05)6329090______________________ FREE E stim a te s... Got w obbly or broken chairs? W eak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam ? Tired lo oking wood fin is h e s ? ... then call Fields for all furni tu re repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090_____________ H O S P ITA L bed. good condition $700. 905-2784239, ask for Ann. (905) 637-6701 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lin g to n . 1&2 bedroom apartments. Available July/ A u gust. From $895/m o. (905)632-0129 KERR St. Large 1-b e d room , July 1st. 2-sto rey building, w e ll-m ain tained. Parking included. $869.89. Call 905-844-7843 BLO C K S from Downtown O akville. 1-bedroom , July 1st, $875/m o. inclusive; 2bedroom, A u g .1st, $1200/ mo. inclusive. Pool. Lots of seniors! 905-844-1934 O A K V IL L E . amenities. 199 2-bedroom available July $84 5/m o.(905)844-9006 Near all Queen Mary apa rtm e nts & Aug. from $ 1 050/m o. 25 to C h o o s e .... CAVALIERS & SUNFIRES All Low Kms 5.8% Financing OAC From $9900. 905-331-8500*905-257-8500 1999 C h evro let C a va lie r56,000k. Loaded, air, p.d., p .I., c ru ise , tilt, e-te ste d , c e rtifie d . $12 ,900 . 905639-3264 cars wanted OFFICE A D M IN . DIPLOMA ·Computerized ·Placement Assistance lost & found FO UND: buff coloured m ale cat, New & Lom e area. We call Buddy. Please call 905-637-7325 FO UN D: G rey cat in the Dundas (Hwy 5/ Brant) a rea. We ch a ll Chance. Please call 905-637-7325 FO UND: brown tabby/ white cat, Cavendish/ Brant area. We call "C aven". (905)637-7325.____________ FOUND: Calico cat, Pros pect/ D rury area. We call "Sherry". Phone (905)6377 3 2 5 . ________________ FOUND: Long-haired Cal ico cat, d e-cla w ed, very friendly, Guelph Line/ Pros pect. Call (905)631-9872. FO UND; orange cat, King/ Plains Rd. area. Call to identify. 905-637-5349 LOST- Budgie- blue/ green color. Very tam ed, called "Turkey". East Oakville area, call 905-337-7810 LO ST: part Siam ese cat, fam ily pet in Appleby/Fairv ie w area. Answ ers to Moab. Please call (905)847-7177 LO ST: M an's w a lle t. Har v e s te r M edical building. B u rlin g to n . S e ntim ental v alue. Please ca ll 905332-4240 I personals MEET B urlington Singles! Try us absolutely free! Ent er code 4094. Ham ilton (905)319-3111. I furniture EX Q U IS ITE p a ir Q ueen Anne settee dusty rose with taupe, like new, $1900. in clu des c o ffe e table . (905)465-3487. Duplex: N/E Dundas/ Winston Churchill MUST S e ll! $149,900. ($5,000 less than builder's price!). New semi detached condo, close to QEW, HWY 5, 407, GO, shop ping. Great investment property. For details call Judy at 905631-8269_________________ WE specia lize in C o ndo minium S ales & R entals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., R e altor, (905)333-4347 industrial commercial space INEXPEN SIVE W AR EHOUSE or lig h t in dustrial space Oakville, near QEW 45,000 s q .ft. or less. S p rinklered, overhead doors, overhea d crane, truck level doors. Joe Luyk, Ext.242, (905)845-7597 Available Now.. 1st fir: 1.5 bdrm , shower, Irg liv.rm , F.P., 5 appls., $850. 2nd fir: 3-bdrm , Irg liv.rm , 5 appl. $1250. WANTED - Good Cars for $. Removal for dead cars. 7 days, 24 hrs. (905)4679484, Oak., (905)876-4594 Milton Halton Business Institute 905 - 6 3 7 -3 4 1 5 careers professionals 505 careers professionals professionals First & last required. (9 0 5 )8 2 7 -2 2 1 8 CARPET, hardtwist, dusty rose, good con d itio n , ap prox. 12'x2 0 ` $99. C all (905)633-1256. CH A N D E LIE R , suitab le for diningroom/ kitchen, ail glass, paid $450, asking $100. (905)681-9215. DOG crate, XL, Furrari De luxe, like new, paid $160, sell $75. (905)333-0970. F A B U LO U S G raco m ulti s tro lle r, lo v in g ly m a in tain e d . W hy buy new? 75% less. 905-632-9865 FORD F150 fro n t & back flo o r m ats & light covers, $100/all. (905)681-9215. FRIDGE, Kenmore, chest nut brown, in good running cond ition, $20. (9 0 5 )6 9 0 -0437.___________ G O LF clu bs w ith bag. Right hand, $35. call 905827-0726__________________ HYPNO in -lin e skates. M en's 9-10. D etachable blades. Extra w heels, etc. $90/obo. 905-637-1690 KITC HEN tab le and 4 chairs. $95J905]639-5856 M O TO RC YC LE helm et. HJC-FG23, open face, flip sheild, silver, medium, like new. $95. 336-0732 R A LEIG H D irt C ross Mountain, (boy's) 5-speed, with alloy rims. Paid $250, asking $90. 905-333-0789. W ATER skis. O' Brien, barely used, lik e new, $100. (905)681-9215. QUEEN bedroom set (a l mond lacquer)- dresser w/ m irror, night stand, head board, mattress, boxspring. $400 obo. (905)331-7550 SIX Deckm ate brackets, never used. $45. W ater skiis, 1-pair, $20. C hilds w et s u it, $20. King size douvet/ sheets/ skirt en sem ble. b lu e /p in k/ green, $45. Carrying case full of basic Lego peices, $25. Aquarium , la rge w /accessories (no stand), $100. 905-632-0068 after 6pm. SLID E & sandbox, FP dollhouse, FP kitchen, car, tric y c le , w agon, assorted toys. (9 0 5 )3 3 2 -7 5 5 4 , cell (905)516-3382 SO FA and lo veseat, e x ce lle n t c o n d itio n , pastel peach, m int green, soft beige. $200./o.b.o; Queen size m attress O rth o e legance, e x ce lle n t c o n d i tion. $75./o.b.o (9 05)8424861____________________ SOFA with m atching loveseat & arm ch air, green & cream stripe, excellent con d itio n , $85 0/all. C all (905)338-0943. TW IN sin g le m attress & box sp rin g , m edium firm , excellent condition, used 78 tim es. Includ es brass head & footboard, mattress cover, be d skirt, linens. $375. 905-332-7949. VCRS & 17-20" colour TVs & portable CD players, $80-$120. Excellent condition. Call (905)6 8 1 -9 4 9 6 ._ W ASHER , drye r, free zer, sid e -b y-sid e frid g e ; radio phonogram w /records; two rust sofas; wicker set; bed fram e; racing bike; coffee tables. 905-336-0981 W IN DSUR FER , $150.; Large chest free zer, $45. (905)634-1441_____________ { f i l l * articles wanted MAIL BOXES ET C I furnished rentals FURN ISH ED . Large, a t tra c tiv e 1-bedroom a v a il able July 1st. $850/m o. Heat & hydro included. No pets. (B u rlin g to n ). (905)632-0961___________ Franchise Development Administrator Mail Boxes Etc, the fastest growing Business Services Franchise system in the world has an immediate employment opportunity for a career-minded individual to join our Canadian head office in Oakville, Ontario. This entry level position will be responsible for managing all aspects o f franchise inquires and could lead towards a management position for the right individual. The successful candidate should have excellent telephone & communication skills as well as being proficient in MS Office software, Excel and Word. Knowledge o f MS Access would be an asset. If you have the required skills, are organized and a self starter, we can provide the training for this excellent opportunity. For more information on MBE Canada, visit our web page at www.mbe.ca All interested candidates can mail or fax their resume to: MBEC COMMUNICATIONS INC. 505 Iroquois Shore Road, Unit 4 Oakville, Ontario L6H 2R3 Fax:(905)338-7491 Attn: Franchise Sales Dept. M A R K E TIN G - If you feel you have leadership poten tial and are not progressing ra p id ly enough at your present job, we offer train ing & exce lle n t a d va nce m ent o p p o rtu n itie s for those willing to work hard. Fax: 905-631-7822, #2152349 Fairview St., Burling ton, L7R.2E3, Gary/ Jim 1.2 6 3 Bedroom a p a rt m e n ts - som e w ith lake vie w s! Lau ndry on each flo o r. B u rlo a k / Lakeshore a rea. From $875/m o. (905)639-3301 G EO R G IAN A p artm ents. 1.263 Bedrooms. July/ Au gust/ Sept. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 905-6390456, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:308pm___________ 1-BE DRO O M basem ent apartment, quiet area. Ful ly furnished, utilities includ ed. Yard, patio & laundry facilities. Close to Oakville Place. July 15th. $795./mo. (4 1 6 )2 0 1 -6 9 8 2 , leave message 2 BDRM basem ent a p a rt m ent. C/A, all in clusive, $75 0./m o nth . No pets. S eperate entrance. July 1st. Burlington (905)3368678______________________ LA KES H O R E basem ent 1-bedroom apt. Immediate. $675. includes utilities and cable. No pets/ sm oking. References. 905-634-0065 DOW NTOW N B u rlington, 1&3 Bedroom s: July; 2bedroom s, Aug.; Freshly pain te d , som e w ith new kitchen c a b in e try ! W ell maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake! Call (905)637-0321 GUELPH Line/ New Street. S uit single person, $450./ mo. includes utilities. Ref erences. 637 -77 07 leave message.__________________ QEW I T ra fa lg a r: 1 large bedroom apt. avail. July 1st. $950/m o u tilitie s included. Call 905-849-8938 1&2 Bedroom Apartm ents ava ila b le J u ly / A u gust in w e ll- m aintained O a kville building. Close to schools & p ro fe s s io n a l services. Easy access to QEW & 403. 905-844-2646_____________ W A L K E R ' S/ H w y.5. 1bedroom basem ent apart m ent, s u it sin gle. Cable, laundry, parking, storage. Ju ly 1st. $550/m o. in c lu sive. C all C a ndiss, e v e n ings: 905-315-7914; days: 905-333-4900 SPENCER Smith, la rge 2bedroom , Q uiet s ix-plex, laundry, parking. No pets/ sm oking. July 1st. $950/ mo.+ utilities. 905-639-1466 O A K V IL L E P L A C E area. 1-2 bedroom in small bldg. Near all am enities. $825$925/mo. Heat, hot water, parking included. J u ly .1st. 905-847-1138.___________ BU R LIN G TO N Two bed room near GO & m all. 4plex. R e cently updated First & last. References a must! Sept 1st. $785/m o. (905)632-4072 or (905)6302444 O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated, Large suites. W alk to Everything. 1&2 Bedrooms from $845. (905)845-1777_____________ G U E LP H / Dundas. B ase ment apartment, bedroom, bathroom, huge livingroom, kitchen , laundry, parking, $650/m o. inclusive. (905) 319-3145; (416)428-4994. O A K V IL L E . R e novated 2bedroom apa rtm e nt, low rise, park setting, $820/mo. +hydro. parking included. July or Aug. (905)338-6473. ALD E R S H O T new ly re n ovated studios (3) with full k itchen a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly from $575-$625+ hydro (905)633-8547 PENTH OU SE. Best dow ntow n O ak v ille lo ca tio n . New k itchen , 4 ap plia n ce s, 2-bedroom s, 2 baths, very large patio & balcony. August. $1900. all inclusive. 416-814-0620 A P AR TM E N TS a v ailab le from $875/mo. Indoor pool. Q EW / T ra fa lg a r area. (905)844-1106.____________ 1-BEDRO O M Suites am ong refined tenants in lu xury build in g close to B u rlington M all. C all the "Princess", (905)639-8009 T A N S LE Y G a rd e n s - July 15th, 1 bedroom + den, 4 appliances, a/c, cable, un derground parkin g. No pets, $950/m o + u tilitie s . (905)319-1533 or (905)6378878, ext. 22. P R O SPEC T/ BR AN T. Immediate: 1-Bedroom from $740/m o. 2-Bedroom from $840/m o. C lean, quiet building. Sandra (905)631 0033________ 1-BE DRO O M S u ite. S p a cious, clean. Friendly com munity. Underground park ing. Large indoor pool. Bur lington Tow ers, 9 0 5 -6 3 9 8583____________________ Q UIET, C onvenient, W ellMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., B u rlington. Spacious 1-bedroom , July/ Aug.; 3bedroom , Aug. (905)6373921______________________ FRESHLY Painted: 2-Bed rooms- July/ Aug. (Single & dou ble store y) Low -rise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios. 1460 T yandaga Park Dr. (9 05)336-0016 ; 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)3360015 (Burlington) OFFICE Space A vailable, QEW/ T rafalga r Rd. area. 420sq.ft. to 1615 sq.ft. Rea sonable Rates. T ra fa lg a r (Oakville) Realty Inc., 905338-1130________ ________ BRANT Street, Burlington. O ffice space availab le, 500+ sq.ft., side entrance, am ple parking. $700/m o. net. (905)632-2533; evgs. (905)639-1260.____________ B U R LIN G TO N : O ffices: 500-900 sq.ft.; retail-1200 sq .ft.; Investm ent building w/land $460,000. Building lot $145,000. Suit 3-townhomes. David Johnson, As soc. Broker, Re/Max, 905333-3500 LUXURY "New" 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR, 6 a pp lia nces, stere o, 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Pets okay. D aily, W eekly. M onthly. $1295-2995/ month. Visa. M asterCard, AmericanEx. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M A O U T-O F-TO W N student requires 1-bdrm, preferably furnished apartm ent, must in clude u tilitie s , separate entrance, kitchen, bath and laundry facilities. Within 10 m ins. w a lk to Sheridan C o lle ge. Reasonable. Phone (7 0 5 )9 4 6 -8 5 9 5 or (705)759-5977_____________ LA R G E 3-bdrm . A u g .1st. From $11 59./m o. (+ u tili ties). 5 appliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (905)-6 810070 _____________________ BU RLIN G TO N large 2bedroom , 2030 B luefield Dr., fridge, stove, laundry, parking, $835/mo. +hydro. August 1st. 905-315-9821. B U R L IN G T O N - F r a n c is Road. 3-bedroom s, 1.5 baths, finished basement, renovated. A vailable July 15th. No pets. 905-6376496. ,____________________ O A K V IL L E . 3-bedroom tow nhouse, 4 appliances, broadloom , garage, fin ished basem ent, near schoo ls, tra n s p o rta tio n . $1,300/m o.+ utilities. 905270-2693______ _____ NEW R e n o v a tio n s - 3bedroom tow nhouse m ai sonettes availab le August from $950/m o.+ utilities. 1 parking. North Burlington. (905)319-9104. M APLE V IE W area2 bedroom , 2 baths, eat-in kitchen, garage, C/A, 4 ap pliances, patio. July 1st. $950./month. 905-637-6544 BURLINGTON. 4-bedroom condo, tow nh ouse. 1-1/2 baths, garage, rec.room , pool. $1060/m o. 905632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd., Realtor_______________ LU XURY Tow nhom e. W est H a m ilton. Lovely 3bdrm with many extras and upgrades. $1,650/mo. Call 905-528-4944 ^ condominiums for rent D R YC LEA N IN G depot (Franchise). A1 Burlington location. Good lease (mall). 20 years- well established. ($3500+/wk.). 905-336-1550 WORK from home. Health Industry. $1400 part-tim e; $5,000. fu lltim e . T ra in in g provided. 416-631-5441 HIGH M argin Cash B u si ness for Sale: Vending Ma c hines. Est. 1996, good cash sales & margins, top equip, 15 hours/ week, run from home. Negative over head. Simple, flexible, ex cellent ROI, - time + money. T urnkey w ith tra in in g . $30,000. C h ris 9 0 5 -6 9 0 0311 G LEN A B BEY G ate O ak v ille . 2 be d ro o m s, w ood burning fireplace, walk-out to ground floor and ravine. C a ll M a ry V a ld e R e m ax Aboutowne (905) 338-9000 ENJOY Lake view, walk to B ronte H arbour. 2 -b e d rooms, 4 appliances, pool, te n n is c o u rt, $1300/m o. (905)827-2175. V BR O N TE: 2-bedroom + den condo. Available im mediately. $1175./mo. Util itie s in clude d. No pets. (905)827-1232 BURLING TO N: beautiful, spacious, 2-bdrm , in 8plex. Upper floor, private entrance, 2 baths, 6 ap pliances, a/c, gas fireplace, vaulted ceilings, 2 parking, W alkers/M ainw ay. $1175. plus u tilitie s . July 1st. 6 month lease. 905-331-0453 NEW 2-bedroom loft, over lo oking 16 Mile C reek. .1 parking, $1600/mo. Imme dia te . N on-sm okers, no pets. 905-829-1762 NEAR Spencer Sm ith Park. Brand new 1500 sq.ft., 2-bedroom + den with lake view s. A m enities ++, in c lu d in g in d o o r pool, 5 appliances, balcony, C/A, 2 parkin g. No sm oking, no pets, $1800/mo. inclusive. Im m ediate. C all L.D avies Real Estate 905-333-4347 FILIP IN O ce rtifie d Nannys/ Caregivers available. No fees to pay if sponsor ing. Please Call Excelcare 416-466-7573. LIV E -IN nanny for 2 year old Oakville. $8.50 hr ex perience required. (905)825-8620._________ NANNY/ Housekeeper re quire d part-tim e (M on,. Tues., Wed. 1pm-6pm). Du ties include housecleaning, laundry, meal preparation as well as after school care for 2 children. Non-smoker w /d rive rs licence & re fe r ences. S tart by Sept. (905)815-1771. FULL-TIME live-in/out Nanny for 2 c hildren in O akville. Some evenings, overnights & weekends. (416)994-2012 6 PIECE Dining Room Set, 3 bicycles, gas lawn mow e r, and n u m e ro u s o th e r h o u s e h o ld ite m s . C a ll (9 0 5 )827 -6273 A-1 King-bed; E xtra-thick pillow-top O rthopedic m at tress set. Brand new, still in plastic. Cost $1700. Sacri fice. $650. (905)971-3315. A L M O S T new sid e-b yside refrigerator ice-maker; s 'elf-cleaning oven; m i crowave; fax machine; ma hogany china hutch; child's oak desk; more! 905 -84 97505______________________ FRIDGES + Side-by-sides w/ w ater/ ice; Stoves- (Saran tops, Gas, Electric); Wash ers/ Dryers. Like new. Spotless. Under warranty. 905-549-1911 __ BED, King X -thick pillo w top orthopedic mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1700. Sell $650.416-726-9885 BED- Orthopedic mattress, boxsp ring, head/ foot board. New- still packaged. Cost $1275. Sacrifice $550. 416-521-9635______________ BEDROOM suite, 8-pce., so lid C h erryw o od, all Dovetail/ metal glide draw ers, sleigh bed w/rails, tri ple dresser, m irro r, large chest, nightstands. Never used, s till boxed. ' Cost $8,499, s a c rific e $3,999. 905-971-1777. BEDS, New- Com plete: D ouble, $220; Q ueen, $240. C om plete w /fram e. Futons available. Free Delivery. Call (905)681-9496. B E D - Q ueen, o rth opedic mattress, boxspring, head board, footb o a rd , fram e. New, in p la s tic . Cost $1225, sell $550. Will deliver. (905)304-5573. B R ID A L / Com m union W HO LESALE. T iaras. C row ns, V e ils, G loves, Flow er g irl accesso ries. Huge Selection year round. LO RILO C KS (9 0 5 )3 0 9 1160 (Grimsby). B U N K B E D S - Ikea. great for cottage, $85. (905)6347417_________________ CAR P ET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon c a r pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. (905)639-2902 C A R PETS, H undreds of C o lours/ styles, Including "Stainmaster". Will do L/RD/R for $319. includes un derpad / in s ta lla tio n . 905SI 0-0589. CARVED rosewood o rie n tal dining room suite for 8, china cabinet, glass table top. Alm ost new. $5500. (905)849-6161 DINING RO O M suite. 9pce., plus le af, cherrywood color, neutral tapestry seats, lighted hutch, table extends to 6' 3" $900 obo. Piano, upright Nordheimer, needs tunin g $200. 905634-0540_________________ DINING RO O M suite. 8pces. w ashed oak, ab so lute mint condition, $1400; M ikasa bone china 5-pce, 8-settings, $325. (905)824-- 2668.______ DINING RO O M suite, glass top ta b le , 6 chairs, hutch & buffe t. Black & brass. New c ond ition. 905-337-7747 (eve). DININ G R O O M : 9-pce.. solid Cherrywood, 92" dou ble pedestal table. 6 Chip pendale c h a irs , lighted hutch, bu ffe t. New, s till boxed. Cost $12,500, sacri fice $4,750. (905)304-9994. D ISH W ASH ER , M offat, portable , 4-c y c le s , 2-options, like new, white, $195; model R/C 6-channel radio airplane red $250. (905)8474409. STAFF ACCOUNTANT Oakville accounting firm seeks self starting individual with level 3+ CGA 0 1 CMA and public accounting experience to assist clients with bookkeeping, pre pare year ends files and personal and corporate tax returns. Successful candidate w ill have proficient sk ills with Caseware, Cantax and M icrosoft Office, Quickbooks and Simply Accounting. MONEY Problem s? G a r nishees? Too m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 W AN TED A ll-C h in a , S ilver, C rystal, sew ing m a chin e s... D o ulton, M oorcroft.Quilts, Glass, Watches, cam era/ audio equipm ent, do lls, pain tin g s, c o lle c ti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477 ________ P A IN TIN G S , Antiques, Estates, Glass, China, Jew elry, Clocks, W atches, Dolls, Unusual Collections, Toys, etc. Karl (9 0 5 )6 8 1 6939. D A Y C A R E a v a ila b le , 2 spots ages 3 years +. Fun lo v in g e n v iro n m e n t, o u t doo r sum m er fun. C la rk son area (905)822-8350 HO M E d a y c a re , q u ie t neighbourhood near Pinegrove School, full and part tim e space available. Nu tritio u s lu n c h e s / s n a c k s provided. Lots of fun and le a rn in g . ECE & firs t aid c e rtific a te s . K a ren (9 0 5 )8 1 5 -0 6 7 3 . e m a il: a r m s tr o n g l 76 0 @ s y m p a tico.ca CARING mom has P/T & F/ T o p e nings c hildren 3+. 9yrs. experience working w/ children,. Registered with the HCCR, refe ren ces available, Brant Hills area. CaH (905)319-1314 C H ILD C A R E availab le for the sum m er in estab lished dayca re. All ages welcome. First Aid, CPR. S.E. Burlington. Receipts. References. (905)639-2183. EXPER IENC ED c a re g iv er w ill b ab ysit B urlington S acred H eart of Jesus School area. Full days, hot m eals and snacks p rovid ed. CallJ905)332-0253__ LO VING mom of two would like to care part-time for your 2-4 yr olds. Nutri tious foods, walk to parks, s ongs, c ra fts . P alm er/ M ountainside area. Ideal for JK child. Ref., CPR/ First Aid, Shannon 905-315-8183 MOHAWK Gardens School area. July openings. Loving fam ily enviro nm e nt, educational play, references. Call Kim 905-333-3937 REG ISTERED home dayca re, fu ll-tim e spaces av a ila b le 1yr.-4yrs. Near Mountainside/ Guelph Line. TLC, lunches, crafts, ABC's, 123's, outings, fenced yard. CPR/ references/ receipts. (905)319-3826. FOSTER HOMES re quired to care for physically and developm entally chal lenged children on part time basis. For more infor m ation, call (9 0 5 )3 3 3 4441 ext. 260.__________ $8-$12/H O U R . P/T now F/T Summer. Students over 15 to take orders & deliver household products. C all 905-847-3548 JOHN MACDONALD & ASSOCIATES 1388 Cornwall Road, Unit- A Oakville, Ontario, L6J 7W5 Fax: 905-338-8042 Email: john@paylesstax.ca HEART of Bronte. 50 East St.. close to lake & Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom avail able August. $975./m o .+ parking. (905)825-0816 W ATER DOW N: John St. W alk to E ve rythin g. New Appliances, New Windows. Comp. Reno. 1.2&3 Bdrm. U til. Incl. from $745./m o. (905)690-4454_____________ 3-Bdrm 2-Level general help wanted help wanted Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. COM PUTER- 5 month old Compaq ATH850 com put er. Includes color printer, m onitor 17", m ore. C all 905-681-8022 U-HAUL Storage Management Team Wanted couple to manage a self-storage and U-haul truck rental facility. Minimum wage. 40 hour work week, brand new on site apt., heat/hydro/ac inc., medical and dental. Must have valid drivers license. Computer experience preferred, but not a must. If interested please fax resume to: 905-560-0212 Attention: Jeannette Equal Opportunity Employer TELLERS Full and Part-time OAKVILLE BRANCH No exp. req'd training provided. Excellent written/ verbal English skills.Varied shifts including weekends. Forward resume: MONEY MART 198 Speers Rd., Oakville, L6K2E8 fax: 905-338-7719 W alk to Lake! Cent. Burl. Fantastic views from 16th floor! Lrg 3 w indow corner condo. 1-bdrm + sunroom , A/C, pool, sauna, gym , tennis, squash, 3 appl. + priv. w asher/ dryer. 24hr security. $ 1 150/incl. 1st/last. (905) 827-2218 W ALK E R S Line/ U pper Middle. 1-bdrm + den. 2 yr. old condo. A/C, gym, b a l cony. C lose to shop ping, park, T a n sley W oods. $9Q07mo. (905)734-8495 | > ! u | houses for rent S O U T H E A S T O A K V ILL E B ungalow , la rge lo t, up graded, neutral, availab le im m e d ia te ly, S h ow s very well. $3,400/mo. Call Mary Valde R em ax A b outo w ne (905)338-9000 FURNISHED, 4-bedroom bungalow, E. Oaville, long or short term. Professionally decorated1 . Fully furnished and equipped. Turnkey. July 1st.$3500/mo. 905-842-6968 M AIN F loor re novated 3bedroom bungalow, Guelph Line/ U pper M iddle. S uit mature non-smoking couple. $1300/mo. utilities included. July. (905)822-2065________ B U R LIN G TO N Lakeshore area. Immaculate 3+1 bed room s, app lia n ce s, near schoo ls/ shopping. R efer ences required. 1-yr. lease. $1700/m o. + u tilitie s . (905)536-4132 evgs. BU R LIN G TO N N orth. Ex ec utive Hom e. 4+1 bed rooms, 3 baths, familyroom, finished basement, double garage. Im m ediate . 905637-0880 ___ SH O R T-TER M 2-bdrm bungalow, beautiful Sene ca Dr. Huge yard, central air, steps to lake. $1900.+. July 1st. (905)847-9130 BURLING TO N, w a terfron t d is tric t. Unique fu lly fu r nished cottag e. Cable, la undry, parkin g, e tc .. Sleeps fam ily of 5. From $2,400/mo. (905)336-1036. BU R LIN G TO N B e a u ti fu lly deco rated large 4bedroom, 2.5 bath home, 6 appliances, C/A, C/V, gas fireplace in mainfloor tamilyroom, ensuite, W/l closets, w indow coverin gs in c lu d ed. Very large fenced yard. Park-like setting in upscale area. $1695/mo. 905 -33 20755 evenings O AKV ILLE. A detached 3bedroom . C lean, brigh t. A ppliances, c/air, garage, large yard, Aug. 1st. $1375/ mo. (905)279-5614. Call 639-9212 O A K V ILL E , Ripley C ourt. 3-bedrooms, 5 appliances, A /C, backs onto ravine. $1350/m o.+ utilities. Avail able August. 905-847-6718 B R A N T/ F airview - T ow n house, luxury 3-bedroom , 5-applian ces, C.A.C ., basem ent. Asking $1300. August 1st. Ash. 416-2307402. XOXOX B U RLING TO N DO W N TOWN: 505 Locust Street: Spacious 1,2&3 Bedrooms from $940/mo. All suites AJ C! (905)333-9008 _ O A K V ILL E . 3-bedroom apartment. All amenities, laundry, parking. August 1st. $955./mo+ electricity. (905)845-9088, Usting #315. www.actualhomes.com SPAC IO US 2 bedroom basem ent apa rtm e nt in clean, quiet 5-plex w/backyard. C o nvenient parking w/safe access. $800/mo in clu sive. A u gust 1st. No smoking/pets. (905)637-3243 LA KES H O R E/ D o rval. 2bedroom basem ent a p a rt ment. S eparate entrance, share la undry. Nonsm oker, $980/m o. in c lu sive. m id -Ju ly/ A u g .1st. (9 05)339-0051 ._________ BU RLIN G TO N East: Large, 1-bdrm basem ent apa rtm ent, priva te en trance, private drive, hydro/ heat included. Non-smoker. C/A, C/V, laundry. Accept cats. $800./m o. A va ila ble July 13th. (905)634-2539 AP AR TM E NTS For Rent. Make a virtual vis it to the best! Our w e b site is w w w .o n tim .c o m /re s id e n tial.htm p C lick on B u rling ton Towers 1&2 B edroom s ava ila b le from $950./mo. Sunken liv ingroom , eat-in kitchen . Quick QEW access, Guelph Line near New St., Burlington. (905)637-9725_________ 205 Q ueen M ary D rive. O akville. N ear all am e n i ties. 1-bedroom, July, $875/ mo.; 2-bedroom, June/ July/ August, $1050/mo. (+ parking). (905)844-9670 1-BEDRO O M . Q uiet, clean adult building, down town Burlington. Available July, $695/m o. in clude s utilities. (905)631-0191 or (905)643-8979._____________ BU RLING TO N A d ult Up per Duplex nea r Fairview GO, 2-bedrooms, $755./mo. includes parking, hot water, No sm oking / pets. A v a il able Aug 1. 905-637-1446 BU R LING TO N. 1&2 b e d room large, attractive apart ments available June/ July 1st. Heat/ hydro included. From $695/m o. No pets. 905-632-0961 OLD O A K V IL L E . B e a u ti fu lly m aintained, very clean, quiet building down tow n. Step out to shops. Top flo o r 2-bedroom , $1350/m o.; 1-bedroom , $985./m o.; 2-bedroom + den, $1485./mo. (905)8458254 (leave message) HUGE Renovation Piano Sale, pay NO GST/PST un til July 31st. E verything must go! 200+ pianos in stock. (905)631-9259 ^ pets, supplies boarding S H E L L Y 'S P e tite Dog H o te l- No cages, nice backyard to play in, walks & day sittin g also. R eason able rates. (905)331-7249 D O G -T R A IN IN G Com m and R e s p o n s e D ogs. P u p p y /A d u lt 2 h o u r b e h a v io r p ro b le m s o lv in g sem inar and group obe di ence classes. Pre register before Monday June 18th. Held at R iver O aks C om m unity C e ntre (O a kville ). Phone/fax (905)8CR-DOGS (8 2 7 -3 6 4 7 ) or e -m a il training@crdogs.com H i I I I cars for sale I shared accommodation PART-TIME SEASONAL WORK We need men. women & kids who are interested in being represented in the modeling & acting industry. Beginners welcome. If accepted, agency agrees to cover full training costs and guarantees representation. BU RLING TO N nonsm oker to share to w n house, fu ll house p rivileg es, close to shopping, bus. June 1st. $450/m o. (905)631-7392_____________ HWY#5/ G uelph. Share 3bedroom hom e w /nonsm oking fem ale. P rivate bathroom , a/c. furnished, parking. $450/mo. +1/2 util ities. (905)319-7556. FE M A LE to share house, central B u rlington d ow n town, $600/ inclusive. Call 905-333-9050______________ R rtnr P/T DELIVERY PERSON Must have own vehicle. Resumes to: 409 Guelph Line Burlington L7R 317 Fax: 905-333-9366 RE LIEF Supt. P o s itio n B urlington Hi-Rise Condo m inium, non-resident, light c le anin g, m inor m ain tenance, F rida y-S unday, 8am -5pm , every other weekend + Monday-Friday coverage during S u p e rin ten d e n t holida ys. Wages negotiable, immediate start desired. Please fax resume: (905)632-9366 or contact Don at (416)642-2807 for info. BE PART of the next "Tril lion Dollar" industry. Poten tia l 5K firs t m onth, 5-25K residuals. (905)634-5869 LAW N m aintenance com pany requires experienced, hard working reliable peo ple for lawn m aintenance. S ta rt im m edia tely $9-$12 depending on experience. Call (905)639-3701_________ 1991 M U STAN G (G reen) 4C L, S ta n d a rd , Pm. PB, PW, new brakes, new tires. 190.000K, $700.00/obo as is. C all a fte r 6:00 pm or leave a message (905)3339171______________________ 1994 FO RD E s c o rt $ 3 0 0 0 /o b o . A u to w in d o w s, C e rtifie d & s a fe ty . Call (905)847-3474 ____ 1988 HO NDA Accord EXI S ta n d a rd , PW R o p tio n s . N eeds HD G a ske t, Runs $500/obo (905)469-6565 o r (905)466-3080__________ 1995 Nissan M axim a GXE- 110,000km . Dark green w /grey in te rio r. 4door, p/l, auto, am/fm cas se tte , air, new tire s. A-1 C e rtifie d . $11,900. 905827-6777 (Oakville)_________ 1991 P o ntiac Sunbird, 5spd, std., 2dr, e xce lle n t cond itio n , E -tested / c e rti fied, 136K. 1 ow ner (lady driven) New tires, brakes. $3600. (905)639-5240 1996 P lym outh Neon, black, 4dr, auto, air. 80K, excellent condition. $8500. (905)335-9950_____________ 1992 Ford Tempo GL, lady driven, new battery, muffler, belts, brakes. E xce lle nt con d itio n . $2,300. (905)336-1705_____________ 1977 C orvette, autom atic, $80 00./b e st offer. (905)335-8465_____________ 2000 Dodge Caravan 13,000km. Power package CD player, $24,000. or $50 0./m onth. ca ll Suzanne/ Karl 905-332-5963 1993 C a d illa c Sedan D e ville - loaded lu xury, leather, A/C, rebuilt trans, 170K. C ertified, E-tested, $7500. 905-631-5969 1989 Tracker, $1200 firm as is. Alarm System. Good shape, needs work. 905315-7347 after 5pm 416-595-1010 w w w .za id im o d e ls .c o m e-mail: contact@ zaidimodels.com ^ cottages for rent/buy W EST N ippising R esort. 12 housekeeping cottages on Lake N ippising, fu lly equipped kitchens, 4-piece baths, private decks, BBQs. Sandy Beach and boat rentals. G reat fis h in g or fam ily vacatio ns. Prices start at $435 weekly. Call 1888-673-6429. EARN EXTRA MONEY!! O A K V ILLE B E A V E R CIRCULATION DEPTARTMENT We have routes currently available for R E L IA B L E D E L IV E R Y P ER SO N S BABYSITTER required for evenings, part tim e. Bur lin g to n . R eferences re quired. Call Elaine, 905332-6814_________________ BABYSITTER required for 2 children ages 8 & 10 for summer. Experienced high school students could q u a lify , N.W. B u rlington area. (905)319-7988 BABYSITTER required for 9 year old boy, my home, June 28 - July 20. Suit ac tiv ity oriented responsible student. H eadon Forest near Ireland Park. 905335-5668_________________ CARE G IVER / ECE e qu iv alent experience required, 4 children (3-8 yrs) in our Aldershot home, M/W/F (24 hrs/wk.). Non-smoker, drivers license. (905)527-8881. LO VING care g iv e r, e x perienced, required (FT/PTw e ekdays only, no eve n ings), Coronation Park area for two g irls, 4 & 5. Our home. Flexible hours, paid vacatio n. Own car pre ferred. .Moving to Oakville June 28. C all E lizabeth (519)-766-493-1 or a fte r July 2nd. 905-847-5099. SITTER w anted part-tim e Ryerson School area. 4yr. old & 7 month old, must be able to pick-up & drop-off from school. C all A ngela 905-785-1074 after 7pm. G EO R G IAN Bay F ishing! E xce lle nt bass, pike and muskie fishing in Byng Inlet, Ont. 3 hrs. north of Toronto. Housekeeping and Am eri can plans a v ailab le. 1866-26 4-54 64, ww w .saw mill-lodge.com I travel S IN G LE S T ra v e l- P o rtu gal, July 14-27. 4-Star Al garve, Lisbon! Porto, Sintra, C oim bra. M ost m eals in clu ded. 11 E xcursions. S hared or sin gle a ccom modation. Only 3 tickets left! Sunday, June 24 Afternoon 100+ Singles Party Cruise. w w w . s in g le g o u r m e t .c a (905)827-5912. I lost & found FOUND- Budgie- on Sun day June 10, Cape Ave., SE Burlington area/ call to identify. 905-333-5355 FO UN D: B lack, lo n g haired cat in the Dundas (Hwy 5)/ Brant area. We c a ll A u stin. Please call 905-637-7325 for door to door delivery W ednesday, Friday and S aturday Please call C irculation Dept Marie or Kim GREEN O A K VILLE BEAVER Circulation Department P/T Driver/Delivery Person Mon, We, Fri., Sat 4pm-8pm (may be flexible) 15-20 hours per week To drop off individual newspapers and pick-ups as required. Must be reliable with own vehicle and valid drivers license. Contact Lisa Meecham, Assistant Circulation Manager (905) 845-3824 ext 281 Fax: (905) 337-5557 Thum b Lan d scaping requires a reliable, e xpe rienced gardener, Monday-Friday, to join us in our 30th season. If your ca reer path is leading you to the garden, fax resume to (905)335-2316, or in per son, 3077 G uelph Line, Burlington._________________ Q U A L IT Y con scie n tio u s com pany seeks dep end able person for assem bly work with good mechanical ability and experience with hand tools. Wage depends on expe rience. (M ilton). Reply by fax on ly: (905)875-4729._________________ A S S IS T A N T S u p e rin tendent for Burlington highrise apartment. Must be ex perienced in m aintenance and cle anin g, understand la n d lo rd / te n a n t m atters and have good rapport with ten a n ts. S a lary + a p a rt m ent. R eply: Box 1830, 2321 Fairview, Burlington, ON L7R 2E3

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