Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 4 Jul 2001, "Homes& Gardens", C7

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Wednesday July 4, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C7 Homes & Gardens An Oakville Beaver Feature To reach this section call 845-3824 Fa x :3 3 7-5 5 6 7 Passive solar tree planting saves money, improves environment T his w eek w e continu e w ith o u r d iscu ssio n o f p a ssiv e so la r landscaping. j . BRIAN BURTON Landscaping Forum called "fast growing" species because they tend to have aggressive roots and are often short lived. Avoid trees that produce a huge amount of twiggy growth because this branching structure is too dense to allow much light through during the win ter. Choose strong, reliable trees that are proven performers in our local climate and are approved species on city and county shade tree lists. Passive solar tree planting is one of the best ways to save money on future energy bills and to conserve natural resources. It also improves the urban environment by helping to lower ambient summer temperatures on a larger scale. Above all it makes your home naturally comfortable, work ing with the sun rather than against it to provide a logical solution to the growing demand for energy conservation. Thanks to Maureen Gilmer for the input: visit www.gardenforum.com B rian B u rto n is re s p o n s ib le fo r d e v e lo p m e n t of C o rp o ra te P a rtn e rs h ip s fo r C o m m u n itie s in B lo o m , a n a tio n w id e n o n -p ro fit v o lu n te e r o rg a n iza tio n th a t e n c o u ra g e s a n d p ro m o te s c o m m u n ity in v o lv e m e n t in e n v iro n m e n ta l e ffo rts , h e rita g e p re s e rv a tio n , u rb a n fo re s try an d civ ic b e a u tific a tio n .w w w .c o m m u n itie s in b lo o m .c a The east and west sides are the most vital to passive solar planting. The east side receives morning sun that can begin heating your house early on a summer day, but because it is shaded by the mass of the house it will be cooler in the after noon. The west is exposed to hot afternoon sun, which you've probably noticed is brutal in sum mer. Planting deciduous shade trees on these two sides can change the comfort level of your house dramatically, and thus lower your energy bills. East and west side planting calls for sizeable deciduous trees. When positioning them pay attention to window locations and plant to the side rather than right in front of them to avoid obscur ing your view. There are many excellent deciduous trees well suited to passive solar design. Those that are tall but not very wide will make ideal "side yard" trees and perform better against tall buildings. . You can group these into a more naturalistic arrangement for more comprehensive effects. For shading a single story structure and to cre ate comfortably cool outdoor living spaces around the house, look for an umbrella-shaped canopy. These will be wide but not particularly tall, which means you need fewer individuals to shade a large surface area. Above all it is the deciduous quality that is most vital, and it will ensure that those east and west sides are fully exposed to the winter sun. It takes time for the trees to mature and take full effect, but if well watered and cared for you can speed this up considerably. Beware of so- WONDERFUL WINDOWS: A window's role was once to simply display views and provide ventilation. But now, with dynamic treatments, windows can become the focal point of a room. This Blinds To Go treatment has the nostalgic look of a classic window treatment with the updated materials and colours of today's decorating trends. Rose Festival at RBG Sunday The R oyal B otanical G ardens has a full gardening season of seminars planned and they include: Sunday July 8: R ose Festival; Thousands of fragrant and colourful rose blooms, from centuries-old antiques to the newest hybrids, burst out in time for this entertaining outdoor festival, featuring musical entertainment, garden tours and a children's day. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday-Sunday, July 13-15: North American Lily Society Show July 13,1 to 5 p.m., July 14,9 a.m. to 5 p.m., July 15,9 a.m. to 4 p.m. UBS ARE COMING! Be P re p a re d ! W h ite G r u b s c a n d e v a s ta te y o u r law n . 1 G R A N U L A R A p p lic a tio n o f M E R I T g ru b c o n tr o l n o w w ill p r e v e n t a n y g r u b d a m a g e b o th th is F a ll a n d S p rin g 2 0 0 2 . · No odour · Safe for applicators, children & pets · C om plete guarantee through Spring 2002 · G ranular formulation used for maximum control and w atering convenience PATIQ SOIL MIX CALL NOW! M u st b e a p p lie d by early A ugust. M e rit n o t available in stores. 2400 W yecroft R oad, U nit #5, O akville, ON w w w .w eed-m an.com 905 827-1441 - em ail: w eedm an01@ on.aibn.com F re e estim ates and/or analysis provided w ithin 48 hours o f your call. Walk arden Thinking of Landscaping? · Patios · Walkways · Driveways · Curbs · Waterfalls · Ponds fet our friendly staff help determine your needs. mi urinaria MORE THAN · ROCKERY JUST BRICK: STONE · COMPLETE UNE OF INTERLOCK · RETAINING WALLS · DRIVEWAY EDGING · PATIO SLABS · PLANTERS · GARDEN WALLS · FLAGSTONE · POTATO STONE · TRIPLE MIX TOPSOIL · CEDAR MULCH ·S A N D · RED CRUSH · POND UNER ·PUMPS · FOUNTAINS FINANCING AVAILABLE NO INTEREST NO PAYMENTS OAC MINIMUM S500 PURCHASE All Cell Packs All 4" Herbs All Water Plants All Rose Bushes All Fruit Trees All Flowering Shrubs All Vines AH Evergreens Selected Concrete Statuary Selected Shade Trees SelectedStandardTrees/Topiary FOR 6 MONTHS I Gar de nCe nt r e l C A R R IC K e? ONE-STOP GARDENING! w w . c a p b r i c k . c o m VAGRAM Conveniently located off 9th Line! 2082 QUEENSWAY DRIVE, BURLINGTON (1 bk xk East of Brant, south off Plains Rd. · Beside the North Go p ark in g lot.) OPEN Monday-Friday 8-9, Saturday 8-6 & Sunday 8-5 All specials are while quantities last, unless otherwise stated. AGRAM reserves the right to limit quantities. Mon-Wed 7-6, Thurs-Fri 7-7, Sat 8-5 · (905) 634-7707

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