Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 6 Jun 2001, A2

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A2 Historic granary can be yours for $1.6 million THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B y Angela B lackburn Wednesday June 6, 2001 OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF The Old Granary is on the market under a power of sale for a cool $1.65 million. Realtor John Vail of Royal LePage Commercial Inc. is listed as the agent handling the transaction. It's yet another chapter in the long and checkered past of the old stone building that sits at 105 Robinson Street, at Water Street -- where it has sat Cwrw X % ttw FOR HCRQHIf 2001 f u a n c n g M IE S AMD SELECT overlooking Oakville Harbour for 146 years. The Old Granary is not to be confused with what's become the new Granary condominium on Lakeshore Road at Navy Street. The Old Granary sits behind the condominium building, on the banks of the Sixteen-Mile Creek. According to recent advertisements by Vail, the Old Granary is available for occupancy this month, offering 7,000 sq. ft. of what's termed "pristine office space." However, none of those involved, from the real estate agent and current owner, to the previous owner, are keen to discuss the sale. The Old Granary, built in 1855, and designated a heritage building in 1984, is a rare example of the type of simple stone warehouse that was commonly built in the mid-19th century. In fact, the Old Granary is the only building of its type still standing, in its original location, in Ontario. The land surrounding the old Granary had remained vacant a long time as various proposals and owners went before town council. From the late 1970s, a string of owners included Park Sixteen Limited, Midfinser Realty Limited/Carma Developments Ltd., Midland Bank of England and finally Oakville Granary Ltd. By the early 1990s, the Old Granary had sur vived a late 1970's demolition plan that was eventu ally scuttled. In the early 1990s, the Old Granary was sold by Maura Peacock and Michael Peacock, then director of RE/MAX Oakville. By December 1993, Oakville resident Bill The old granary: any takers? Masson, who was president of Ian Martin Ltd. and the Granary Group, had purchased the building, which had previously been used as a real estate office. Masson used it to serve as the head office of the Ian Martin Ltd. contract engineering firm. Under Masson, the building was refurbished and used as prestige office space until it was sold in August 2000. Most recently, the old Granary tide has been held by Ogilvie Rothchild Holdings. The building has been used as prestige offices by Ogilvie Rothchild Inc., which also maintains a leased office on Randall Street, under president and CEO Paul Ogilvie. Construction to begin Sept. 1 (C ontinued from p age A 1 ) Other problems surfaced between 1997 and 1999, and in April 2000 the Town agreed to look closer. M other Nature was one step ahead and a 17th Annual Avt&r C r a ft F A I R |ncing Credit Financing maximum 48 months O.A.C. See dealer for details. ·All vehicles market value priced in windows ·Market value price includes freight, air, tax& NO CHARGE PDI, protector plus included ·NO ADMIN. FEES V > °° A r tis ts & 150 A r tis a n s Spencer Smith Park, Burlington on the Lake Saturday & Sunday, June 9 & 10 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sponsored by month later the flooding occurred. As residents ride out this season, the Town has permanently parked a backhoe at the creek, on 24-hour stand-by, in case of trouble. "Every effort will be made to exe cute this project in an efficient, effec tive and timely manner," said Town Community Services Com m issioner Peter Wagland. M eanwhile, m ajor construction should begin on the golf course September 1. "Extensive modifications to por tions of the golf course are required to integrate the new channel within the existing golf course," said Wagland. By October 15, the Town should start its portion of the project working its way north to Culham Street. The channel's route will require low maintenance, offer the best flood pro tection and will improve the creek and its fish habitat. Since the agreement was reached with the golf club, the Town can avoid running the channel through seven backyards on Otter Crescent. H EA R JH ST O N E _S2D _ C H A M B u r lin g t o n P o s t Civic Scene MOON IN JUNE ROAD RACE r 10km Run & 5km Run/Walk . * Saturday, June 9, 2001 -A at 9:00 p.m. (City Hall) for pre-registration call (905) 632-7796 ft { T E S T D R IV E a t I n s t o c k 900CHM L Y Q 5 .3 BIG STAR JEANS CAPE *bO U lO U r O A K -L A N D FO RD LIN CO LN 570 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville AT THE Q.E.W. ! 023% 1 3 i J 1 new balance M O N A R C H ttt* GoodLife BURLINGTON J . 844-3273 A R T ^ l * CENTRE A B urlington A rt Centre F undraising E vent 1333 Lakeshore Road, Burlington 905-632-7796 H o w m a n y reasons d o y o u n e e d to b e c o m e a v o lu n te e r? We can give you 6 0 ,0 0 0 - The number o f Canadian c h i l d r e n reported m i s s i n g each year. Help bring them home. U PH O LST, O N T A R I O Helping to keep kids safer in our community for 16 years. Call 1-8 0 0 -4 4 7 -6 0 4 7 O r visit w w w .on tario .ch ild fin d .ca Wednesday, June 6: The Halton Region Planning and Public Works Committee meets at 9:30 a.m. at regional headquarters, 1151 Bronte Rd. The Halton Region Adm inistration and Finance Committee meets at 1:30 p.m. at regional headquarters. The Halton District School Board meets at 8 p.m. at the J.W. Singleton Education Centre, 2050 Guelph Line, Burlington. Monday, June 11: The Oakville Planning and Development Council meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Oakville M unicipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Rd. Tuesday, June 12: Oakville's Community Services Committee meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Oakville Room of the Oakville Municipal Building. O akville's Administrative Services Committee meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Bronte Room of the Oakville M unicipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Rd. Wednesday, June 13: Halton Regional Council meets in the regional council chambers at 9:30 a.m. at regional headquarters. M E E TIN G N O TIC E Y ou a re in v ite d to jo in u s a t H a lto n H e a lth c a re S e r v i c e s C o r p o r a t i o n 's M E E T IN G T H IR D A N N U A L W ed n esd ay , Ju n e 13, 2001 7 :3 0 p m O a k v ille C o n f e r e n c e & B a n q u e t C e n tr e 2 5 1 5 W y e c ro ft R o a d (Q E W O a k v ille & B ro n te R d ) L ong service recognition awards will be presen ted to H H S staff and physicians. By-law changes will b e recom m ended. Audited Financial Statements will be available at the meeting. V is it o u r g a lle r y fo r m o r e d e ta ils R ic h w a Mississauga Home & Design Center 2575 D u n d a s S t. W ., M is s is s a u g a , O n t. L 5 K 2 M 6 M o n -W ed 10-6 · T h u -F r i 10-9 · S a t 10-6 · S u n 12-5 Please call the HHS Public Relations office at 905-815-5100 for *4 5 - 70 % o f f m a n u fa c tu re r 's s u g g e ste d re ta il p ric e . D is c o u n ts v a ry b e tw e e n 45 & 70 % . N o m in i m u m s apply. F U R N IS H IN H O M E & BUSINESS 905-569-6000 » Fax 905-569-0153 w w w .ric h tv a y fu r n ish in g s.c o m a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n . Halton Healthcare

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