t" ià~ru a.p*sporw W NL4~X1U' ~lz:~ Ou uhieli givol 'o rIswtabcm~euabSV ta wi&ih~s rnt.réedlel th, fu in mmpp mûr fu -or he< INUa ne h h-fie Md BUTI eut cf N j ¶~ete mere4d ~at tsltwhiéh separates the tuel ét iie a'c oter. OCn iew froua the AmericnTilLadder, ~ wll~hfr~mitsaituapion prementu P more ju<i#lma; 7orf- the hewlt oftiii waterfaill (*Wb. it introducestir viewt the two sheeta f l?*ès&aimy gibet' posiin praa fmmwhMch they. eaube tekgfi Qtucrview frmt the tmp of the. A- * ~avha EIgo,. which gives thc truc uine a": , beqrncof the Anleýricmn Fl, the * ~.4vilwêeOtOfa that and'the British, sid ad idew fouf the latter fron the east. *etsuion, eau only introduice hUM usýf wters it how- __ seé, IEsents lie enery and great ful D.vqiug fme l in e Oter, No- veînb.rsdee~iibr lut, in perfectin the' deieation and, tru espectiveno thès ~le.,Ir. Weatwrih was fiattered bt rentirk@ cf the fHib. flomas C veseident near thý FgIts, ùid by ~auyothr ptiemeài intlat vicinty, ata~9~4~ego 0wuO tiec most p#rkect.' hè TCuIcff>IUthéhon1.Thoms Clarke, ~> M~~aée.~Ma4s¶nw:ddear the falls) 1* Thoe4ts,* .er Esquims, M.iDtonss, Secerd, Byr,,and ssni~menefr Q3eenston the Son. ll WrnDàoý .mand ma ~ tii.preietation tI~u *s ffod.a d recoin uent I. êe uacqugatd wth the m AhYuties, have collrmed %61~ f the. corroctuesucof thest b! becoming'stibstriherli fe os.os torospe enci sud-to rendesIl in i#,ptWVto ilo*ÎÜe tô the lii] IfS ~Là'ha ready receiveit ~ >v. e~~parposes before lhe coin oti.pintop.gu subcnibcd for, to de 6ie o niinth ue city of New-York mapoeint ini tIst rt of the art qo toflhé sf aind lait fa thtthe delayocecasionec U~be amply ,mdee up to hipat Io.1.hoemllency -4f thepanting, srstte mi which .hbViews of d PalIvIl% ce. uIkkothipmethm on titho'e couereneil uiéte t solicit a subacri tie fuq uttisWhou e naw liehas ai à Â1rospeu in etth thr Bditor i ' ib flof te- wastcd. -snd ar ý 1éjo..pric.she wil bMnd tuadhere i ortic iat ofji1y, à Otthleimpmgl ~ ~mîIiÎifto eMr, 'flwtns ~csos tpitstacofwiRbe atteW ~ hat sl~sAipiOOS~vW_«ube ciii 1.suCeap le Ki ut of o e or 1 ýePkt e ce yu eLin. ~'~ ~-t.aa~qelhr ohisitUr UrIL (om ü londonne pu l te*qu'il ne -faut por*tnmsettre les c*rnunicatiofllà Qiebec, -des .postes.ea plus éliné.es, affidavits <les'Officiers 1 n'arrvçflt Pas àtCin5 pour être iicor- poe dans cés aors resteront jusqu'au prode d a eeetsfltiflt. FWBureauadu LÜo nissire-Gieneral,. Quebec, le. Mars, 1. T'ro ffleerü B Hfalf-pàay c in nad. T is desired that Officers receivinghalf- pay ormiltary>penstoflU, through the -Imnisar;t, n anuda, will transmit tO eir several Nigerts, ut Queb-.ç,-tbeir affi- davits in tr pliciate imrnedîately after tti' tweity-fosart of the perio4 when their halay beomses due; ou that the âalfda- li f offlcers residing in LowerCanada shall arrive et Québecbeoretilha tfiae of officers reiding in the Uper Pros . ite hofore the twerttieth cf the lowing uonffiiàtwhlieriodthre ret«Ma wil b moe p. As more than suificient timfe 15 iven for çommubiCatiofÉle to reacb Qubtfrom the iist distaitt post, those ocr affidavts -which do not arrive -in .time to be incorporated in these returns, must ,emasin over titi the. ensuinig period 1of avnient. 93*n'aOffice ' qub e,.arh 1,i819, e SIIERWFF'S -SALE. Bis hlaesty'5 Court of King's Bench, Mud t me irectd at tihe suit of William jIfenderson, Ptlbrt Arniaur and James 1 lender*o»,ý. a at the lands sud tene- s eta of John Stiii'rt Esquire, 1 bave taý. kin5 Maneecution,- aj bêeo* to tlhe rsaid John Stuart,'thirteen hundredacres, ï i the township cf Anteliaobtirglh, in the Mcounty cf Prince Edward, insaid District, being lots No 93, 94, 95,97, 98, 103. 104, mIad 105, in the fifth Concestion-Alefive huadrodî acres in the front of Amiherst h1. àand, being Lots No 123,A44, 2,%and the rear of lot No 27--the whotsl of whîch *will b. sold at Public Auctiou athte' " Court Blouse in the town cf Kiigtun, on d Saturday the flth day of June tnext,,at ntwelve oclock'in the forenou. Ait pUr. -sons holding mnortages or daims on the a. e elads, or aüypt of tii, req2uï. ,. d -je *ke the. ganspknownEt M'Y. e e dpreviens te the dy f de -qhm f *A Kingston, s2d Match, 1819. st F OR the unexpired, termW of the. Leaseî w hlceh ta seven years froiutii-Rrdatbf May neit, the jêremiiies at prese;tL.,cu Pie by the Subscribe, façing t iarket square, beng sîtuateit on 14t_, jotingMessm Strith mb U >o the Street lending floîn Mr. Irpl er's hotel te th'e rive mini the prenises .con 'Mt of a I ble for tea horées, sud hiso abako houai with pgog- oven ln compltte oider--tIi yard wP.Il .ecured.' t'ht place is Wei I wortl thte attention ol any bakerý or a peron itesirena cf keepi.ng at public house. Fir f.trther particutaiï apply te the subbcriber, on thre pretai se&. Kibngatoit, *prft , 1*19 i XUflCH. ou aw hepventhaeay a II -catit anin veat d ' ii gut auiîtd Al"eijch =-n y na l onheh eut. ai ppa 'hoi oboliit 84> oendO iùad or,~i~ 4*soa40 ~1 -4* 4 li owan4d tbI- H e " e t ou c4t Offi ce, C E C . JFi & 96, 18191- 5 MOMITE. î ~EJ~QWbNS ta the LK itp l-y M7 ae rqusted ta- send ~hsonise djoining fl dth asitele delIya as JOHîN FE,ýRGUSON. t I1~hee I~&Lut to Let. ASI ossift ven on the IlaefJ i rçlqaiit Brick Store wlth the s"i u@ad «etiwieiit Dwellingr Ho;,à in theTe wft -f Kigson-St Pre- - sent oýccujilei by Miessrs. Balfour and Fer- g ptt*re iâ qn ýex cellent claat t»try Store üýWj 4O'.onthe preui-t os. Apl~to'Jhn W.Felguon, whe i ait auhoi e t -e ie i.agair ftMii. laefirm wYhich la thi aIdadved by puu" coaunt. 'IUs,-?li iratue W. FRRGIJSON, Kingstop, Aprili O, 1819. TIIAT elegand commodiaus two sto-1 ry Dwelling ;Hou st, t9gether wit$ Outho#t!q es, consislng cf stables Stili-house &c.; ilt sruartviUle. f.rmerly occupied b6y tr. Thop. Dauton-4there is en, the p remises a sprifig of excellenlt Watr.d a Gardeni with InLd feice(, whkh mako it a desirable r-eiidence elther for a privatn fa iyor for a person desircý&s cf keeping a Purbli ouge ..Forpatlculârs-aplyte thre sjnsierby 'ohorn ammediate . -sonwill be guen. EVANS- k ATKINIýON. Executiv'e Coanil 4)v% Y-ork, £tt& Dec. Ir,8 .1" NOTICE is hreby gvn hame cative Couflcil for the falis. of ttta Pro. vince, wil assemble in the felipwing days in the ensuing year, to take into coiiidratiolt rapplications S- land <attera -OnWedgnesday. the 13th & 27ih Jianuary, lotit & 24th February, lOth &24th'Marcb, Pend tOtit & 30th une, 14h h J81 y, 111h & *Oh Auguat ýkstb& td Septumber, Oth & 01hOçtobere 3d à& .7th N0vi1nir, i st où,hk& t4u*bDecembor, By ordeof n.if Ex"i.il6U JOIIN SMALL. VIL . ~Counc*l. NOIICE. A LL Cattie fliîud-trespausngci h enclosedg rou s1utli cf tii. icrber. oua. ilIbO taken Utpsd o- w.ittedtotéPud JOS MUROOC9K Jutleeeived and F.1oraai,Uli F ts andi 8d. net em$ by 2,- nrsstIta.Iti lOi' Oit tii f i s faw if it u*0 c ê f' ywrft IRutu opr-Aevie, soslaie J4 fl iete tuer*ay or fai ab-$& c.- tainai by said ebe M cute theta *iwof d~j Freacli Chumcli enq;aly - WU, nane cf Line Banacik-4ý slicit5 the att*adgnee cf UM~ Uh that ace# to whotu wiil b. 1 3 èt~~ Pr *ch ptudyi l 115E*igAit Thon. atu~I 1ýve arriedte yeavac de-ai gond understaaig - t1 f itp pliçation lIoh "ne iir c1y them agdM k = G rapmmStar rs froe+1 IL ê1,A.of Ul d 2ro~af t 4 ?t'. Ir ne-at achooi te a hopse wa.b s. ulq ltso uppd&îte. Un Blanchards. Mlly S. l*s , ê 1>ETURe- tb tîahero ibmhi further c mwtiuaf4lcj cfm Geuie )~p M Dacau.., ib at the s ofaithe GOIDBN",MOILTA, farth& 91*11 opjoeie te ~srktt;Wblttlqtq w §Wnii abv their fomer stock, renders ttf mthoc f ô&be,ýti more complete thit n y q, T à ett b Watur uMdOU CIue Idtv P111ýjý ~f B~4~%:I crweu, un tait. F~I bb%. D~ç. r1~ 4.i~' J t.. Uma. USVI ~d~i ià*i~mj, Le -v - S~r Sp ~ WYIBIt 1 .. i M&4~ o ï , i Yr , > b e g a metr Adq aid lvia i-.. F ~Yst .4-. .4 rien