rt~4 ~ -a.' hoiuý hom ?ileket4Mdh duai t Mdsib qyloi MW - 9 mihhni gaa t Md "~apa oultfr t dwwai teo'poioale e0mufl iv alb d seIaa -Mde upkla « d 6 hou eft. atu MtuW"»a 69 lue Tmhita, wt e Nop; as r,4MP t d -mi IeIbbu4o feloauyh.. .bomuo M&u&AMaY »'%W by uÀi& u*àela«UI laim ~6et1N .Ne- apti. r om m'y " mm vw à a ka*$ *tfu Ibêie. rd#mugi" n, . s~~~.woe ~ ~ ~ l â~ haw~a~dg a pa à e 6 au rlai lo sé sn$158 Ami amp poun "w .1, -, Mis ot.NahIw, as aiBue ugmaiwoa,rm aiasmw.mL I ielml Uu..*mms hmus n o li, a bt Masi*v dl m ma* a b".w otw ua*Ceu 6ofeilb noft utu> tba- Co"fe le m. beides tb exps. treoloi é* 1ieaCt.ioief Mr- "ot nIe, Bi. bat *Dy poissaue -ha Mdstl4- .aiuely eolid washiy »VAin 315 etdeomtg .tbe ummoeoehs- Udd.g, IpeOU4 mikeasaeasis;a - via aa. b limowioa »r "V, y ladesea mou et Cmulobe wtoffl *MI ~mbu;tl6qwW or iuin.the dmlesaear.4UeuuuI4 w,k ldek ot euh acq Ibs in ""pueM i* à@ 16e7. Thai amypmmm va émUplffl.etosam a' 6meiae . la bu lOeA.yu, asgo une.,vg d"4*0o tborAaiie aa loeenm ",tu- buse. liat &Lde-4al mn leoa.aa s thie eu uotv *m.éiéotsâo e fdplalAh Rqetlaie 6e domdY1we aWIuima Wk4~hIh- ided"dû$ Mqu «sas upiq"lia uuo.et bloaim ub 10L _ w » Mun ma Imm mommte im , , slma, iO b":. ým l poamlly leett lm le hem oad %J1e, M.dbagt*Wthe t &W uKip b-kwi ruquesiOU p- na as t - *" dd atale Fouimt 6mnon atoe mats Uh N.7, 11M& NOTICE. T.ahmÎbub*am aam.for <&b. b* w psu etmot:am» Home Ueuai -Vow SN. S. The atUsto be Unevmby tWa iimm Mmd p.id l otalMhy. BOYAL SALOON & ONSERVATUIY. UAwtn VX. V oetVAUAI. Ls nA flénwm *MM, "nh" moZu o." a. lth*ui emoe amdbe te . u uaom<M U 6elosl Ml*,101 M . qki cv4 -a vý.M.etM U Bse end gar-de , um = evY&- beIwa aupstae f l atalrglma-a»U» mr, 4»»4, m--g 6*-, herni réeexulica, va" r imdmy zi f omme, nva*0 Gesiama&.yy t meavtb is 0 Vi"*ctnmWedaeaiipa »mi al- ardu7.; lateadkag PmbuecMeosa muime- pfilon uieruto. 1 4lag alonAprlrIb3ma X.uWqG-e mdte e811 PIW bam Ta1 e to temul»toim oi7 at 1=rut Tb 2eeme steiun8h hi. u i eipb a B sal~UEIAmIur Oi.OC>TTbaulog tobisathe .K~&ik-8eee iouly b lais MW8 a"»,vIout'Iuaii ~ limbe w l4s - eméoeila -. tassat e PMeyU * le mo vlu blaute OAVT-1ON. Kitem4p U ~~B oloAL ESm.als 8Oias &ce.in êt~~hja~e ~o~"»Me, 600mou, L» cal .e<M. uo *,t ~el a OtoftE USATO or ll lutmpmi* r tg %pd Diable mWed Clotha, Facy Cae telb Ame mth GreenakneliO e , i'iI3, IBIs ~ là VUSU I. U Cloth; Bint' eIn, as 4 Noa'aTu md Mefi Shawls, Tats, ocre~ h 6e .41h 5kédBonat,,Red Capé, Cou or,rG Clbusi he un. lnoehaLght a d ak Chtotzes and C, >0118 Kci. ýFactc ott onu, shirîcog st.j JO" vcl&«ÀN, CeUsa rick, Osnas orgie. bhttng., Coton latean«,MLL iL COUs Batting and Waddiug. r 1 L A N K E TS cf every descfipti;00. 8lmgmte, SO IIari,3NLchoice. asot'entot f the mont fshoaabF, 3U113194p'l BAL£. CAPS. 11»,-SOLE & UPPER Lb.TE% ~~ ~et g -1 Jsttprior quWiy.-Tocgetber Nujtlhm c hr artce toc nuamrous to dctail, and ta Coutmi laue e C. IL k Co, wculd ral the attention (o<W ai i f fp embtoithe country pazticularly. »dVt MILAs'B. emare CASI, theil, pn, UCtb» egaaé,Alsat net Kiaerani ngsto, Novembr 9, 18- d iBf;I.dlm etl pneo m-BANK OF .u~c uaiiua ja ule 'ia he8~ BRMTSII NORTII AMERICA. Cuumdom,1 %iEistem &MTNID$-KSTABLtsSED IN LONDON. r14lllUlCpcaOr Iliior l$ %W4 wonPO BNSD1 aitvKlorSTo uctng the affàj uobli>. - W itaoUnkatKSTN,"CQ la BULLOCE, ous30i§M soNosq. 1~a~Sc~moei,RRlIANGEMENTS for the etiy mn 39REl'S M ALE. coamualctioons yin the meantime, t k -r» =»% osest.drsuedtoh amemb j ofthe Cnmmip.. Musa IqpvotIot 7 LunI 11lituth6e ROBERT CA RTE%, le -sy. Co urt a, n du Cvinowrfrscthe Court of I>ffeauy Tomd1 Kwk IMulhta6eMthdy 'agaui, lOtis Jauary, 1837. Jnum'wo>wo g um>miadbyrvirtueai Ma Egçuai osi ata 87l~TAN AM 2TNOTICE. d a%% »rleai, aitiheai t Jamu 10 it.va-MlAliai eeusttat raS"Ii uttai a - npetof » TUF. STEAM BOAT 6e Bb*on tise t y"** uoelle in rit u » i. a Md ehu Au un lr. 4-l, &Io% 9111JILLcomeace ber reguarTripson . ~i~e~nte m et~ .4.~iLMt-.VV 1dy axtl the 23d imt., leavirig thà phe hgdgcdshmg ~B cru, asi ehegum 4efoitiotu ice a week, touctcinu-at the ient modsepolviz. a" 4 ait, iaMcd ad Thuradavs at 6 P. M. 11 puasntbavsag oins.sputu iaah... nDonup s, 6a5 pas, 18e. lwiê ami ytou àorb t âa tFOR SALE. JIClxu À& BK AOUSE AND> LOT, in the village of 1a UCRRD LLCKs la TbeH MgelFrome otteo Simug Otisquare, *t itcthe b rs a ob4drsorme, 18. ,A Cellar ndir the whole. TheiM. 86 HurIP'S- AL1 equai teay in tihevillage fot aeMecW Imm*mi* Abs-A PARU cff100 Acres of land,tof ero pa m#w 4( d ad lnt abo u et tbr« ilesliifrom the ilp- Imai EB. j'M .4about 25 ara pariaily ciearedswad feciceil. Io" â i«.pamad @M of ris &" rgîs Fer pelalma spply heG. H. ltlo,E4q,l XM f .,eoal, an , . tumepec«, or t heoa buaiber. beaM oe»010» 4( ii.%t agotith.e tmis li THOMAS DIEL oigt Ç410»34. jMd temeumtae fwubhti.Npase, Oibr1(1837. iuee~ue¶ d ,aisit Coiem, diei____________ 25 Abres. pltsùbJV4 USA à Nb. 114 . î5pituyà& &' 2nde. 15 r, jEe28do. AtibA$ mUin =, ne opoki N.Ca~da...si o &6eeLatN.NSsi doe. >u. 2 ii& ,vmbm* &eàdOdto. *004W ito 0 b àmi l1# 9 obert CdIe=MMs- et' :rg)lpaid in adfrace, and eveteesil uhli"ai* 1 d"u64W i uiia&1 kt VOUt pumMma xpee if bdotpsu in adrance. He<Mla 6oi*a Ult Elagmu, 0M. Wedamdly. M pe.sa eco"ig responsible for &e Mt liÈ1 a Ut Jessaat,aniLh* roff 12 o'- Meu Mapsceaahirecelyt ose gatsuid ie ~ 6e .b.la Sfe prepution for a gritte nomber. ZUstl *,uo~ mi ramesosi epeeat ,,'M pue,,diaooaliaued until ares amp, Ubu *sés: « ueIek*0 eta eOmit. ieepisoff tIse Pbfisher LJr8et2UJ13g. lilMuuioaons, tlobe adressed pWd AdvestleouelaMadLadtesctl hsisot t ______________________ llenIoh 11». I. Bentkcy, Propietor. qW26, fiot luettiao,andl 0Wa gn 4uEho i f »g Peauia "»Uhopott imarli. Tee liea and ' *l~~~ *méw r.!- el-sas .&M irailetion, andi oi. esch uulaqd ,L= e4g s~ m alsa eh..toa lises, 4d. per lise hfatU1 WhjýJ" M % j, Q «fiq MdipuIii- for every salseIMQIË * *U~~5i5~ ii Mat6e aiâcstht5t ritten circc 06 ai gM * i TW gitM liii sudi amicageol scc"Ordmç. * ~ ~ ~ 0M "M'yM* rentraalIIUUi u*.e JWdmelamsiadvewetsue w u 1~*oim sàhli. swoad ,vae y -0 eté Sm XIoin b " fgçaotetbe lelita R- - -ruE4ï I L D . & M lo y s . . mlm. B..i ...... w. Roes.. j A.K]setier, I'I IblaO. . ...Jau I;m oso a .h ami iLjameFAq- -t- -, -~~ ~- - ~ W. .sIU* t Jfl O. me"ION .. la lat 1 ýýmvvý% Qý uýn-. .ý now in pmm. ad