kvuiMhmsMiee au. tasreeumceo, and "W Mke " if Umm11 i Dt*:b lièe horoZr ighemm tatw tt hie labe; U i ac Il uBais, we t hr.heàMmassionsulatuap"taofi Povideaa mlheur aàvrIsLoemuet.a a léu l elai Mi bsth taextea"s&Iit hi. Iln baie.liavahh<die thf Eai ullei CT (hri--stad vuedth Lb.ti wgi a heaid .&a ody -the e la m b v dml r.eMoab"! hgu;oiau-e arait te tiha direction of. theit he 'thLe remarIaofthe bon. aMd leai melbr, ame Wbg at a bad?1It vas vhat wvaienhadse cc fracs the pup nedta b " fia ine man- witi, ami which directi ail the umtloasuditIse I am*mueadgot lIeeai»mNd po affairsaof =lIe bdyBut the han. and leasmai geli. mm denassmced i s fatal te -the peuperlty and Ileaan ropsaitaec a court of Chancery in at oit f thre chancI mai religin-far othervise this Provine, and isue a cumia cof lanacy is the tMc. Hear what hae aya open thes mbjec: agarât tisabai tua asrtala hcther il vu ca- "nea divine providence, havaver, vu prepar- pue f aning the adfairs of the lody;adiiAgmmre aand hapyayfoth lrb- fillzngtI* as nt, lhe voulal set about taaciog h Isoder tb thi#, il tanfouadai the, clemea of Ga- thse la ia i with the power ofthle state-tIe leinas, and hagt bis causeaste nothi 1 l clairrgy e m c If (bere vau a providmnce eelithearM3OLiConâtlC ru dyingl: "-!ia the blOdyla>' no spatial iliat a sparrow coulditie aria>'sauted i yul e titleofiAugiastua, bis mot fali te the d onn nnticed, casaÇimot- he sai- an Constantine, sommeniliaftervarda the Great, Iy leave thse of.aia Wftthe la ia erh teathe en secouat of bis illustrions exploits, andl frai healcf tie church? Nov, ;bat cauldlb..sai him ta accept the puple."-l'oi. 1, page 3SI& againt that bil? If a maen ws uked, bs<w liec «Aflar tic defeal cf Làcinius, the empire vas wishcd te bave hisam ion hcht up, lhe vould se>', nled by Coistantina alome au hi ieath, andaItle educate hlicfat, ami then Èe wvoldliea pwepred eletiban cause experiened, ln iia happy progeu, ta aettbis part in lite, ami ha qualifiai to di" forthe Ic ffects cf hie suspicious administration. liki hirisef san the important coneriofrelli *ss.And zealca prince empoyed ail the racources cfhIde if that wa the way vils a faiil of chiireitwl> gm*iss, ail the authority ofai bs lava, and ail the en- mot wiib the great fanily of the liste aise. Gave gsging charmas of lisi ,agnitlence andl liberaiity, the pocple éducation, enigliten thair imis, in- te efface, b>' degrees, ticauperstitions cf pgmai struct Uiem in those arta ami sciences vhieb viliiami te propagate cbrietianity i'evry am I le beaeflcal to (hem sas meinterafcfa dvilitz e. oman ampre."-Pa-es I 326-7 reroft. trmnai, teach tiem f yen pies. theia dat>' as Dr- Mosiera fute7y informe as that the zeal ami subjecta of the Goveimment, but interféreasi uni -diligence vith vbicb Contantine and bisattes- tween a man's conscience andl hie Gai .. Why sor exeted Uiemselves in the au"sof Christiami- should Divines le lapportei y Lthe asIte an>' mare t> andl in exleading île limite of the ChQîcbjial than laivycrs or doctral? Ha could sec no resion table ascribeal the number of barbarius amidsncie- why tbey ahol; amd vas coivinced that the di-. usai nations vbicb receivai Uic gospel-the Ab- vanel>' called minstera af tise trac chrl of Christ ys inian, (lie Georgiana, the Goths, tisa Galà, .Ww wouldnecyer deacîit il for an>' cor4idctWGasw If ler then barisarcas races af mem bersamt conytrta îvorldlyr polie>'. je' '- , l"bisiainity, and tram thai pariod i nlie hadatai Fria aa& ttgreateat îtraperity. In me anancelbas an W O- TIhe 8oLîeîTrum, Ras,- ralmen :- ardi, ince the dey of Constantine, arpîratelf rom1 Ail parties, I douaIt mot, will readil3 admit, that if Lhe Christian Church, with the eception cf (ha thare bacane sibjet mare êka% i' ater, the discua- Roman Emparor known as Jullasa the apotlle, andi bion cf vliich abotld 1w rachted itb calmess. b vhoae apotat>'andl relut n tepapa susperstitions,i andoislemsnty-tlsat àasuld ba investigated in the the hon. and lésinai mer ir ba averted, but1 spirit o forbearance analcandour, viti mnis ar- vill ataiabect 1I iiinot clearly uasmertami r-i iaestly hant on comnligto a déciaion consstentvith He of course diii ot ascribe the aet ta the circuos-j tr'îîh ndjtatire-4t ialhe questiom undercomider- stance of the Christian Raili*on baving beau takeni .irauîa. h val, 1 trust, lhe borne inlemrembrante, tnder tbe prOtection cf tre lState, as il h vaîilg Ilit this Assembly was tontitutai and orgatazai knovn that bis motivesi*ve of a vary difféent > for the purpose of legilaii g for tise peate,_wel- charater. Havitag sai thiI.mach to ahav the fare, and gaod-government of the iahabtast-f adrantage of Uic Christian Religion derivai trami tbis Province, ami thai, [n the performance of thil its connetiion with tise State umder the Roman Em.i ail-important dtty, ve are 00W abocut te dtermine perors andtir uai sIstCors, 1 ilnoieu rav thei a qtstion wlich; may hbc iy sai te iavelve the attention aofLthe tommttee ta an ara vbich, asM laahet Iîcaut ai ftue iapame. hapeaple Proteatanta, ve have bhaentaughita oregard as mosta we reprisent amid hai1de tgt; il iirefora, auspicious in paritying the church tram (the impu- becories an obviens ami impérative dut y te take rils anal errera mb vwhibîcil is admttai il had tare tisat ne rincerons feeling of peraenal dilike, tallan tram îlhe misconiduct of mamy of its minis-c or part>' aniamosit>, ahould betra>' us ie a deper- tr-I mican the Réformation. But before doingt ture rei tratc ourte af cea!uct, which, as mien thIsilI la neeesaary ta camailk that up in this perij andl chisitans, we are calleal opan taepise, aMi the Temporal paver waxsaubordinata to that of ther whicls the deepeet obligations of dut>' tO Ectleaiastical. The kings of the chrîçatian vorld Ihose who have intnstei theîr dearest ami most up te thc ie of Heniry tLhe Bih inîmitted io tiee importânat intéesta ta our hands, require us ta fol saprame power et tie Pope, and acknctvledged1 1ev. le Iis temp'>r andl vath tas imprsimanei tha>' e bld their trot-na and exercisei tieir 9<&hall mou, pr. -ed to ocicr ta the considération cf autborit>' subJect ta bis control, as the universas1 the commutte.th obsaevations hi ri ' yintention spiitualthes f et tc urci. If tharefore thea ta make-amd 1Il ho iat if, in tIse course of My ministers oi religion fellinioa dispute, ami if thea remarka, 1 abosifalit harptto tmrecas irlgion itelt suffea in conséquence, il argumentsanadistaiements that have, an farmer oc- cannait bcaai!d Uat it as canard 1>'tie intarie-i casions, been advancedIlb me in the préeance of renta of the State, inasmuch as the Lings varei momnebon. gentlemen mev haie, 1 îbai.l be excusai, aubject ta the Pape, vIsa permttai mno acculer in-t ani mt thauaçlt ta tlieclgeedi>' as weli as amie- terfeîence vitb bis siritual pover. But te pro-t tessarily> treaÏaasiny4 on their time-a-egpetially, ceci-Henry the BIh fer ransions il vas mot aces-t when itla srecollecetabrt 1 bave ne often expias- aary t.s refer to, came te the determination of re-( rd my aetiments, ln publie, On thc qi,»tion befor nouncingtie anlbori>' tof lhe Pope as thc leai cf tu, that il la ahnst impossible ta avai repediang the cburch vithin bis dominions, andl of assuiigV *mecremarka crpîcyci anpareviasaoccasins. it the iupremacy hiaraslf-trcri Ibis Ile"Iiil s that will, 1 ami sor, halie ral>' concéid ai Uic vsheaMeMtu data thecocnnection of Cbnrcb ami Stata speech of the boa, antI learaci mtrmler for Norli ihin the British Dominions an it novr exista- (Dr. Relpis) stands pre-eminent among those de- 1 knev net le vbat igIt the hon, ami learneal mai- liverai in faveur aofltse alienation oi the property lber vieva the conia-t oi Heniry the 8ih; le ris>' oi theacdard te purp»ofgénésural édcatin.- coneler it as haviasg proceeded tranmomtives thec Tie character vhicis tbattn. ami learned getle- mo4 hase ami anvorbyq sni I ami b>'ne riansa snon h li l>'aqired for 'loquence and e sîs- 'iLVosd ta disputa îl e point; but hae viti I darek cal nve, uap> ina Yw 1 utflasa in teswaa eb say.aianit tIntt îý leAmighty in bis own gondi sihided ta; tt dar r"lires me ta dealara, t AWIfaes mp rien as lis instrumentsanamaponta tha 1 tallite discover any smlii argumenmt tise maiser an vbicb bis ail vise purposcas aîl ier llsghooat tisa vhole o isiadedmu bsa b>' h cqt cprinteffct, amd1 il Dol novasît the Ion, itstain lis concluaios. If I umertoad the ha. rail armed gentleman te statle vhathar in ha o0-1 ami leared gentlemen corractly, bis deiga vea pintiOs the Raformation vss attamiai 'with I.neftlt te poiv-Ist. Tisai thse cnnrcfiaoeof Churc andsoi etise chrsltian religian or mai ? if le answcffr inj State vas and la-d ear beau destructive oi ral- the aivraiivc, as .-marie le vill-i '.ben cai gien-2asd. TIsa religion veuli more ssrely piro-_ hi-ad ail disert vie tala an inteestt in Iis mo- Tovithout the aid of State or public support fer msla question, visether thut goC.s toli have Iis initcr-And 3& Tisat tise Réercves seti*part heu w.iavei nIieranry' tise 8t1 haut placei bv tise Constitution for the support of a Protestant imidiai Uicheaii ftis* ciarch ami taken ita tCegy in tese Provinces aoli le takan ava>' Bisa,, Priasta, amid Minusteis, untar bis protec- andidisposi of for général educatloa,'leeune ion I vho ceuli bave vîîhtstt the paver andana- dominant or EstallisalidChurcI shoaisa uesffrei. toirf thlie Roman Pontiff-viat minisier vouli te exist. 1 shaall fer #sreabelrvations on ecti have dared ta Cacasnter &ia icnamciations ani .C diee propositions. 1 cwn v as s little surpri- urosuipticasa ti oli have tollaved bis allegeal oeiaohear tise lion. ami lcamed gentleaman attempt Cer4Lyif hie were mot rapporti by bis Savereigm ta sutalin bsf tpositon asete n t ami leStale? Na SuIr--No truth vas ever mi Polylielari cf thc anclaniti vas cversandmicleaîly derianstrati than that Uic Refarriation nved its desruction ta ilis connection witis tise todi ot bave bean accamplissedi ldil net beau State i r; I have leen tit hlta ascrile the ce- lethon ami sastalmi l b the temporal paver ani tgemeraiom et the heaihen voîli toa svary diffèrent ap bation f tthe king. Trac ati lsa t Henry' cance, amel>', ta the diffuiWon of thse lit cf the, idnot renourmc, bis religion ; ami on tise cantrary gospel throagl tise istrusnentalitU f thc Saviotitr Icon(inuad an sdhérent of thsa doctrines of thse ai mankim. 1 have bean Ici te blitre tînt île Cilircisof Rome until bis ieatb, ana l i was omi y divine light ot truti vhicl b>' bis visitation vas up>n thse accession cf bis successor Eiwari the (ih shed alarmi in tise voîij tau,ýist tic 11cm pai- th ltise Protestant Faitis hacame tise Esiablialici fiaI and, in mrne respects, entghtenei natives of ligen cof the ]and, and bas continneal so since tisa aurt hel ,1>'as wval as wvichaiedns cf t ier (bitperlai othle prcsent, vitis the exception of forerr-atorship, ami lad thi ta abandon tle pro- t4 short reign cf Mary, iuring vhich the Roman fana adorti«ofc their liais, and bow this méeatai Pntiff regalma bis ascendant>', but sehich vas te aprevacasl>'un n, but true Gai It mas>'lha firsial extiiig'ised 1>' ber acceuspaQuae El- . over, tsa Ihaves ronaaitod thea hom. aaJ aacr --4he irsI att of vbose raign vas ta de.- larn gentleman, and, UeeJer1 I iii procès&l aIr, the Protes tant Religion ta lac the religion ai tconsii e IcIrsqsestoaablloajitlorities vhlcis thé ingions i ail atise repeidciei ihan belon le bas talai tais assistance. Wlcn the bon. mng or whirh shouli afteevarda hlong1to T ami learuecigentceman quoti the leanedandam pi- Cravm of Englan ; ciii (romi that perioi ta (ha euls Dr. Mosheiri ta prove (bat the chrisfian rli,- pseintit las flcarshei, amidb>' île providence ai gaca degeaerati, amditls mimlts tteait cotr- M iilhiIfonrisb ta the end of tirei n icapite ot rapt andiweicci tram tle time that religion vu ilsremies, latent or avoee. Havinagtisa pov iientifiedivih, ami vas taken millier the protection'ci,? trust salsfactailly, tInt tIsa Chrialan aI= et tise Siata, fait atisfiei tist ai wva net juttl. glass lgeait cf sifferng tram lia connectian vith licdinlusaang thecmaimie cf tlisaI emit historien ci tise State, oves is prosperi>' in a gicat degîae te dis daurebfr m an>'aidpurpos-for, altiaayla thatcoamtaae-having ssvn tisaita a na Sav- mi>'liteasy ttainnaentsandami keleige ortboosla crigoipa i deblei unier Providence for havhng ame far ior t t lese ai the-he..ud tessici tacr rscnei tram leatisen persécutionandoinet- E emeran, I1Iad mt forgaten the unmmons au- rage, ami bo anohar for ils purification tram impus- uli1iti... ta1isi alte prove liai long pruei[se tt aionr, asiinoraimate ambition avandil>'l iaya af Comsate le Ifonrt aaoercbil at cm-. .laae >ýwill nov cicer surie observaions on tisa se- th e c 1 itian religioan la ntais la ass ond braci tîebnhm ere eîaa' lota a $tate at voîaptamamu sami deliauclerygdils.argument, nainel>, diat temporal emiovriant,, or gracetal te thari as fellinvars ai LIeur divine mas- la other voris support troi public tamdsis l iniaiiu 19-t. I thaerare eunot lut tisurk the Inn. ami ta tIse tlacinterest% of relmaçl. hi sn leanci memuier for baving quotdi irons Dr. Ma- saill asurprise tisai I eartlias assertion advancd sisir in support cfuis asserion, that frinsthe ime b>' the ion. ani leanai member, ;-blmalf a ils- the cislpima religion vas identifid itILthte State, ýtiailaisîd guaduatc cf one of the iraIscaaseof ils minelers bacame torrupt and praiaate, anire- iesning in the univre, ani vhich in comequence ligimn iusaIelf elto disgrace ami ilrepute-bIe- oethlie support ilhm fb astentalirlasreccived tram île cauae le cannatiev cject tea m i>'et theseane Saia,-ras been ensfl te acnd fot roi ta si 'Tât%.UPP A 4ADA HRALD-Tp U Y JNAY 0 £~* laeIlsLU ilslMaiiu, i d- II. cgsiptani. ot amihaba, an ee 'g e aluminCaclse-.tie announcement soucie ofthe ~W is e i"lwo ttef Cmse:-ta vhou se iinlisesoutrage ofLth istiamalu tast a gluont on tise countmance oi ever y ont. tiera of polo emd7uâat.aeaas ameve ieitei forcfilette a ft reliç*ioe. Asi ne 1 mist cone. a t vaali dThe bunkera aajcyed a large deciee, ottnfidence. perssnaie, hoesmilm ucly ?"-làe agi' a u ghr 3m1e-In le-areitra eUicbon. adam ar The egreat bull of tIse principal icadesmnen je Car- menu'; and i,.ecsratanaieauu g.C12 ~m arment hie dam aivance açainst liode bla deallinga vith filer, andl tlsir noies pas- Kruclcvicc eltami lIe fasipeaviiesi b>' Staen- leuh uma ecesi>' etfralntaissng.en Sud an fri>' n aIod, drugboul a ver>' vide dis- aie tieSaul Lain111e tmamae ct me sulicit thehan UiItsCbr-1. --b-vturc ta argua eticttocible mrthercs taile. Il bas beau rot iv- in'g *la ami beu» aioun Ib reota La lsrecaliecti..atWai tltoumat1he dat>'Oftevtr>' goernmcut te aiew moe ithat tdiamandiate cause o aitlleawvu a cession frc ». w mm or roaevsar n imislsiforetie ravenalas amind nnrespect for the leliest sadtPeome aponlise Mesura. Forsterby dt hacaose of beau maie, " MMF"w amats eta..: tisaarc dispesaci ihgbest intiea mposesdonammss bisiCreator-, VinlGlyn & Co. tliu London agents. This, hov- rance Ihat b &Miow he vfaic làhave supplied et ha mai*taa thïtlheConditionof thut people eau le cesritalei e s*oppage bas been causei hie, vili a viti quel treams ofknotsi bc soma vil un-. happy or th elrinstitutions sectare, shoiw nacsb>' lextant ofiticir aivancet ta tmre oaftlait Prince tzai denstioad 1 ildouAi nm a %' apprecutes P ta a tatedoa"and reigios degraiation s as taeusbmcs,vhohave beanuslaiotametLeie- wuearelalut, vhat du vo mall>' ae thas vat advantages le ultIont las. for thc panlismeni of blasphaniry, mania aun lehi" the lait tata lut ta aIls endowimmts ? tale &am avay ani or whebt if an>'- do exist, areasa feehle tiah ca TcBa no ot M a en sser,. Wari man tiers, ot ta rovcbit vhat voud baail iatbse illnalius Halls vbici dates or tisisoCf enfcrcing tieri? That saudS tates Woolitl, vai:a"saaring lie oumber.' n i> l nov adm tnhe Clamie batiks ai the Cam anamitUicoaithiega bave existi, ani I feur do stil exist, s TBE aMK OF- 52GLA5ND. supporter of isia-ie -pride et Englni-the adiration ofthtie most truc. Fiance for a short pariai exhibitai Talle Editar oatie Standard, Tie Paris voId aathîe Ion, ami learnci gentleman ton- oeaexample, ami a nei -hbouring Republit pres-.-Sr-Tse Chanceller ef lic Excisequer boin&blas oailciali tempWse wiLI cemplatent>' the ovrtlrov cf in- enta s saîl antiaî,-îhe formier bus pasati a- ol.ervi a paragrapis inariai in tic Standd as an ide ststtsias liat vere conce, 1 have no doabi, the eh- vay, ami Uic latter continuas for outiirtructicn, newsapepr chasevamang's date, stating on the jecta of hie veneration, amidvIa ch I hope aie tili antd vInt ame îhe lesnona ifteaties? Do ve oot autberit> of a correspondent, Uiai an aider in Coin- LA tiserishedin bis gralefal remembrante 7-Du beie lear oftfileit public halls in fieai principal chea cil wililieta muc ta stop payment in goli at tie Fass avec contemplatce esaibllity ocibils riaitiog haiasg occupiai Sabbatis afier Sa ch vidth heBank, le eais if his public dut>' te buse no linie Nov. 25. ile Unversity' in vbilfb ha recejvei lis Classit consent, ats if is ta tae presamaci, o-f tlseir Magls- in iaforming yau liaItie report is violi>' valisnt evening afi binscais, ami vltere bai le remainai, leie mgit listes, vith bands of profane ami misguidedilie- founiation, ami hae bas ditecteil me ta do so 3c- out in Mani have atlimeil aidibianal well meritai distinction, ieaas c ps-nI>'iculeata tle doctrine that tle caidingl>' been destro- ma fanding is balla delâte ani desertai-no christian religion la a chant, andtheti Savior cf 1 bave Uic hanour ta tae, Sir, vont a1dienl, do net trin longer île @st of science- the toonitain et vis a- riarntu an iposter finit rian il; nt accouintable T. E.*SPRING RICE. & Money W dom-tIse dispenser of learoiisg anal religion ?- le lis Creator iciribis coniuct, anal ihat lie la bosni Downing aireet, Satasida>' Eveoing, Cai>' article( Sairel>' dia lare ides veuli fillm irla barrer; by tnc tuber raIe of action tien auch as lis osen lNovember 12, 18..-mo vant ofi ami yet sncb maitllle the resuli, if the doctrines vr-acaoaeam coriupt nature maa' surgest; stasating1 The Dublin Agricultural Bank stoppai piyment andl auonrtar le noieaivocates are thase hîicagisi ta tae a- ami treltng wib utier derasion anal contempt the on the 15th, which creatai s great sensain- tic intaresti dopiai in furherance ci truc religion. h i mgit bol>' Sciaptures, as veli as ail blasa institutions,, lin>' opulent individuala bai sent in large sains pi r iiem, wi lie araMeultînt if il lie vrun'g ta provide for tic humine aid Divine, wlichirse bave been actas- tasan i, ami amang alliera, Greshari sent an ptessmon inm Sm"apaofet Millisera cf the churte, ven criaisa- torici ta regard viti venaration, andl upon vhicl 2h C .Tise Secreter>' itatea lie iiabiities of Mi. O'Co eLïrampsauito nds, sgoiaas luilinoe rltapro- va lave been taughlteaLuili oui lapes cof lappl- be 6nksI),0(I0t etvlc leevraf fts vide fur Ibeir educatien pic ara t t trit oet- ne4 hae eanal hereater? Have ve mt sean ift seta£P,0 aolcrrata aatléafirons the a crna miibspoi :n-siunrai liaiin tic cii>' of Rochester, not ana The Chas -ellai cf tle Exchequet, or rilteofc ar erated apon, lien vouli (isere lta an ndofcilataraimiles tram oui shores. a public meeting Gaverereni blas at lengli asseniai ta lie filan- vill eZ irttebiefiadccmicnta for etiieving andl 4700 pesons vere eriplcsiu.iin discusshmg th ic ici sesie ste iim e ince auggested b>' tise cît>' h fnstiibu nsaagpublie Samninaries of Ieaming. Na toiia,at;Propes"ons ;- msIhodieihyxraising the interest on al iescrip. Uic celecties pesn r-oa 'wbotter tIson thc hon. ad leamasci "Tii s an infrilgement ofinationsal anui con-tieof eccheqer 2llsl .1fer padieln. Tise The Agri snM eia ie nvtiiClaeand pull- btituUIonai liberty ftrt he iegislatursb aueat o r1e9W neea s-db>'t h u itikept ihem ilcdthat i v lit Schoscof aiGreatbBritan anal Irelani bava fat day in seven taehl epi hli'y m ca it ais i. n f et, since tie bank increasai (lac rate a lut aibrai centuries been tiiongei by ycung rmeo, Who are Oniiiringement aof liberty' tu reqasice an>' viios a fil - u~.The affect onti s aneasure af minis- menti coutl assiosfoi clos-ch piaiernent, itis>' aylitai togiv-eis sevideoce upon oatb, inasmnucl as the jtees,ýby alng lie bank le sel ihesa secutlîes, 5"tansd Ie serie ai those wviso iught ordination vare net a- ts-deing hlm an oati requires rtrmhlm, Iyiam- - textcng aselind ai securities tor asotier, dious. ricinaIiy actoatei b>' that pore anal single motiva piestion, an avaval fntlii be licas li a Supreme vi l a ~ale Ibat institutiaoi ta increasc bar Notices v sebch mapla ari rin t aianc ti sprilalBping anal a. future tata, vhich lelief thcagh. il is mercanti~ accarmaodatiana. Thiec months ag hIe 2Mt, by welare fbleirtfeliov moi tais ; bat ishether ibiais dtralle cl rien shouli entertain,yet ticnt sIsotJd uch a i a e oas have been et great service itice fite moi liq sa or not, no ana vilI den>' Ihat mankini is he raquired ta detiarell ? ta (t aMey miarkset, amdil it v i ven nov le pro- far goais. deapi>'Iadbta thlose institutions for a large Ifoti ie he Ucocnsequentes of being vitisout an iuef*e mach go.AI tie Ub -prperionaiticrelgies novedg itpusasas.liabisiaut Ciaic, ami aas a toasaquence viti- U*e t SO,00 in gald hbai been sent ta arprassed ta If public provisions foi the support cf Ministers didal otlava for the iuinislaentaifctrages such as I IrslaîtriaLondon, vilian tan iys. uniarsvalue, PMi sa, ve May' iitis ton mach teason lufeilat lave noicei, viii tIc bo. and learnei eentleman Inte trente to tbe tbieaoing fitnt worm b>' wiiile spscil naimibers af blase pions andl learned mren, Wvt, say that an Estalishai Chai-ch la not Worth up- Uithe -tcf the limes, île Liverpool Chronicie arc Masti ai eduateatla public Saminaria,, nfterwaids adoinai lholding? h trust hie viliimt sas>'tatinbl net- aft 19lth reriarks lte combined scarcit>' af mo- oppoitomil>i andl promohtd reliinn b>' the puritt- et tuait lires a. al evenia, I ama sure it viii rejoica evea>' veli- mey provisions seams ta foretll a vioter cf At Ennas anal tle nnnnes of tisir ioctiins-s, oli have rigalalci mini, ami ha a Sousrce of jailde ami unpalialad distress ta the pouletai ii vrling iva or threa ievatedbheir comîOnnîng îaentstooîlsarpursuits; thasîfuinesa that tise Christian religion la identi- cl lail~he pale Ai Cas-no ard if thia bai l es-o îleecase, veu li e Churchit ici viihbbccorallin lav aifceai lass-that out Il ebeen deidei ho end younogLouis Napo. greai, lIat ef Englani bave bas-n the only bai>'ofc tristisans maillaus oasare basaion dthaes of Gd-and ftal eon ¶stise United Siates, on s pleige tbat lacessail iovn in tic fleI vouliibave soll'-ied?1 F-arotîanvîse ; tihe >' iverancing andl protetting ihemi as ici as ho- remaitfels yeai-s. notsiihsaiaat pioat,zeacsa anal humble missienar>' is ottenliries, !nnears Coan, tram insuit anal profanation, ve At rng te, thc quariari>' statameni of île g"in; goi ns>', general>' ttaiant ram tInt clase cf ms-nvho nope toirotciu a-îKimaitaargve B.iankof ngland, made up iolhe 15th Noveuthai, Tepac neye all ahLe aivantagas af thceIiziar orders etfrment-.But, as connectai vith tthis Iranch of th t e B. Ll si4tee--Citaslating £17,543,OOo placeoie i educatiors vîthin lIeir rendh, ov ben éclue esubjact the bon elmn says tiat there nat On- Deposits J2896,0M. Asai-Sct tis 28,. s nwii pripaea imçait for bis bla>'amid deapî>'important 1>'oulil net Ïta l n>'eiaLtaalisbei Cbaîch, but 134,» J uffitn, 4,933,0e00, crtis £ ý Thieoin Pta dut>'? Thedays ofinspiration ili 13aimiteîbavc .at aliceministers cf religion shenllieta ift ta Ti se isaay>'Campany iai receivai Istiers omc i passai ava>, and tiscrefere ha can obain thcesic- lhc volantar>' Contribautiosofetiheir congreations Ststing i Capi. Bac eha i cseen,lbtfn t ha m canai>' information 1>' no thar rina than apy for sppor-and bo maintain tbla lstter position, h labea abla ta rescis lia station on the Bi çîl e rage iog te thc vorksetfthose vho have Iten more bsmlydm grrsadmc lqene-o ci ft e at nnit>'ofaice. Thc sas- Nmeso imtinate in Ileirricans anal oppartunitiea of dlcku- but, Sir, I cannai admi thtiehabas adlvancei an>'rmva nsul = itmnt, soi it vc% oct iNiimro inç deep ai tbe great sources et knowicdga, aa ai ruet nmi ha btIsbsqu riIovri dia vas sat'inder ssii or inclosed in îhe ica-n ohr l vba have pbluisled to uhe vori îlte rasuis ai one single nauoit>'te shich an>' importance tan theeapI fiait laborious investigations. B the Inu a ieh attachset ta support hi% opinian r imieedifil vuli Mr. ta, ttirnat, vho vhth M. Islland, Firer cf hs ledenici hy tbcheimiainar>' ami miniteri of haernrprasing if lbe bai donc sa, inasmucsau aua goute etoffortune, anal M. onck, Muasoog ginst Mr.j lia maycrsinsintc icnE-abosse ilalustrions men, seLose opinions lehabsa ctai laIe Msretarof the Engliai 0 oeaoue, noer. ted onbiua t CucQuite sure I ami tiat i if imrline >' vey itis ne anririanal >051 approbation, Wealdi.,es-y the k aCha aln e reeat Pedoag iits' 9J< viii ho tise last ta esafe ta sac aveithrowo tIc ve- ase f thms, pure cssdcm gas-athim. Tbelcarn- ieEila hnelrIpeîfrm inus1785b>' A large su neralle psrent te vhose 'eairetal>'instruction the>' ci amd piossaDr. Mosheiri, vhoie voîl vas îhe Biancbaid amid Jeffries, arccecd tiecly-in bbc autiof St.lie ara se largal>' indebteà; andl if I le rht, tIen filett ùe bon, ami laarnei gentleman talli to lis atlcmigt. ic>'y I-ndeiitîeapu ga17bm ti hee Sr, let me ask 5lirlhet tuis valala iv sa en- aii,-vas a ataciber ot an Establialci Cbarcb ami utai I~hin tiheDutth>of Naa, inGerma- sjr Robert ligitenei, vctisci it las tatineal liaI degiceofa i iitinguisls-dmemro f seversi lilerar>' institut- n>',lii 4 e Msintta oing-ati'l .t-G 10' t peffection tlstiti la Oclonger nmccc aary toholé! eut- taonssustabeby pnttamiuDs- Bousea-t oiev-alWtleujun>,ia4bisco vivr' Ii sa exmplinary iducaments ta mankini ta investi- tas, il s snnècessar>' ta sa>', vere Bislopa01 theisc cyce. 1r$110,0WO ta gaa drpaialprattaha0fraIun EabllasiciÇharcb, ami ta thaeenamas tP, hon. Ilioat.rielia ileex-lsinq 0f Wpetpaie albai Pt et hidam secrets af nature ? If if'bc ami learnica gentlemen muict bave aiddaTylor, arrivadin LaeI 0.anun a visit ta lis brohet Josepha, FaiSpa ,-'~etsiesaoi oneeyial vsHcnertàse, Parteous, Bmrkley---celebrated foar vba vaiS abOut celrnimg btameir.rs li a Urwjitd vgo intheacqirmen ofknole lbia pçc phlsrophv- ave ad sastout f Oe loniredandsoifive notices IsatIbeen pivertnf ai usaitasof mrî'promilnenioi which la tIc Estsalsei Citaicis vtI irgumns onviocin if-uthman argument tara, :agiani ar.isait of nglantd) tram vhicl va bave slrèaaiy icrivei coug .coasinca an>' anc aftiseerror et bis opineni. TasiPaîne' bances, lroagbt front Amairicu b>' cutien-s-tri sa asany bllcialega, ami whtb, if vo vali permit Thefc i, socallier autharil>' visaI bas been cateal CohistInov lia at Normands Faim onder disrass In rcgard thamn, vilcontinue to rendai theirpaverual ai i s lia eam arcigentlcman, althouarb tora fcr ett. acteunta are naakinglas vise mta iulvation. diffurent purpoe, vbich I aise ylmention on the i vl mv avei t îl lst otin t tse on presinit asiot-1 MelleDr. Cialmrs-a mn Arranigements bave bean maie ta îta> 17 per itarcal>' ta1 ami leasinrgentleman, r-hz: tict the Rescivata set vitese un s-ntatious da ai ofpiet>' andI taneva- cnt l rdiraa lSanaGvr Man aai vIa spart for hle support of Protestant Clcrgy aolieha""0c hava ranierci bis naine as familiar ta the on secounit of dabia due far suppliaes farisaes tram lemrhn ethernist ilapaSai aoflacanse no dominant, ai Es- inriuies oathUe pesaant's cottageh intiet nEglsni for vhicI acceptante baisee aie. ta.Aes tabliaheflurci shouli exiat. My bon. and as ha matcleeloquante, lis extensive laarning, Prince Talle>rinie la expactedPari s Peiitieen ai that Gai learafit-end i=frmaLu.ox & aiungtom, vbasc ax- bis' eP but Pure pisilmPbapn',sd bia ardent anal Uic 20t1 ami 251h cf (bis monl. Hi la eari>' fanga, viii calent stech 1 iendte twiti greatasistisfat- la euionlvestigations ami expositions ai lie vel cf bis lata iliness, s-hicb bis physicians atata rmatch on Ut tion, hasareair- shovn tic alauualit>' of calling9 truilsoaireligion, bava rendereal hlm illustrions te bave beau a lit cf serions apoplex>'. iahasvid theCiaci t ~mganîbhiai caîit ~, a demi. tianset tisa cbristian vorid, ami amicsg ail The iteideimai-iaga ai the Aiciduciasa The- rome>' mi ment Cilrtîr the terni la culer sne orcla o f is iraabitanta ; if je with pride ami se- rtuatta tle King af Naples gresîl>' intereste the nition analia missppll-i >' those vlc uei. eTicralanot an>' tisf ticn LIaI IIcan .,,eak ai havi ng formai a par- b litalViena, la>' vlarthePrintass ia extreme- 1100mien, of domina* Charch lere-lie Chudch f Egland as aqaitacevth iiagreat sani <ci mas, ei.-jIGeerman Paper.] der. ne o uierta oeceorcetra ay lleranal ane vIabas ever sean Itibut for au lor Yestcria>' uomaning tht renains et Mr. John Billanhad M7dyofIbiatians-it bas i net in ias pow-ar ta an- v Itaabiion ci any cther vorlil>' Banniater were interrai in the vault onîar îthe Cailis on ti farca thpyment oa i (hiesami the peoplea are mot mo eba, is teiattaldo ibistoinabio s or pocaiofLte cdard aofSt. Mri9si-h -d. vas oub aaajcth an>' exactions tori- miasupport- if con. r nlte rlsatc nttton fbs'ec funerai vas private, but i vasatienia >'tai îu tributilc cf Preebytarians, Metchiist, or an>' all- cou t Wbat, ihen, doci lie sa>' in reterecse ta Miarly prasiman iieais, hnludingr, C. Kcmlle, valls bai ce ci serti blatevec. an tabisici Church ? I vilii t asIhi opinaon Maern>' For-cg, Cooper, Esiti>', Meade-a, dc-, finim St. Seli W'ti pt ta te cChuicl oi Englani tain,, r sadialisVla civnnt cNv. 15. venteal frci the Esai= hciCbuh. h vil mercI>' asic the " issltae godofa n astabislrient Tise , Deatis aiViarount Foihas, P. M.-We lave ta The Carli hait. andicarmai gentleman, ta consult hbt for a ,.Lntead of being leftita go in quest of te- cetedahdti olm ,wihfurte14,bt moment lis lgal klevci and ail Iislf i eg ~instruction, have b>' its meama, the itus- annotuntstcdale ia aaeaviîto i 4h u viei~ le Cnc tE-aa alltcla lo îtua pnten aaal'seknplact aisireidente at Kensigton, i eu arLon, men. Establlia Church ci this -Province, [if net onethey jav etaemach o e irie or demiami for tIheo Sualseuvt-n.-Nv 9. Ofcan acre ai uni bai! bean reservai for tl'a euporI articit, as tlaal tha> ahal theanseives originale tic Thc narcforainen wvIa bave "turoiet lninc t sni atemoebn bad f ln a estae tewoeadlsi ds oe rit ei a>y, in Staffor- tian e il îeappropriation that las e vn tn vii t mitiI aarUcvo e ien disnia.e ftram tisai a u" f Tie accon maie fqithat abject? Unquestiomabl>' not-il is di"eta g, sumralee 9il lieeffarts and all e sa. Sirela pnsqasie i he'vao'inontmc net île ,aisssiom et lani that reniera tIsa ClarcI crfiu ne rsaa>'tea bLaini. ho the vaut mtri veml>' famaces, je stateal at 60,0100. The yea-15hac a "--li liEst i~hîCh * ~ b jaitvalmtsace, neiarvcmIîlehesais miai>' ihavceimtcivei orderi ta lbe in raadincu, andicf that klmgd cf gid h salished arc. af tat vare O tollar!otý eq t se, tlaaavould the Piebvîcriani, Meibodista, and tioul le ,itakanoctterust e apeselets- arrangements have tbiemaie ta etore tle condition-s, cliseroggaus secta, letalbisîciCherches, as curi. lya' havc nt enoaa- cf native appeita publit peite. Dm ie tcaposiso aysmlns un lSike ta fis ccrpoieai, thse vstcofthia food, in- have drauai abotosa£450 a nigil dsringthlit a»b*otan Actt oftle Piovincial Parilament, ain a vtttinile rl ami It. klies net vIellai tiaeac lands vara s- tepio ual n he apptita, voali ram- veek at Dtssy-samcTheatre. w in er oni qus y lttmtieConob>pache 1> lyI anajiceden iitlemr. Walava, Ibare- lTh.efLard aestannt of îrelani las nominated asaia ThlcClah hai England is lieEstablisheal tare, ne dolaI, tisai on thceavant et oui establital. James 11tnses, Eoq,, M. P. for Wcxioiui conty,SpnmCs Chur-f eth(is Prvince, ami et aillsHIa Mjasty's ranlti* Cpt avra>, aal aare i>'itemai irces oetf lo Deput> Lieutennst. Mr. Pavter, ît the Don, ana aller Isinions, StlantI excepici, is unqaeatian- fride taie laitulai 10 ts, lac, the maral ci- eei di>' I.u atl i laan ancomprariiig Rc-mrasUc ~a al u; aithotigl the tact lai bien b>'sonee- feci votl tréms-nions, WaI hich gave at- formerloc! the appintaient is one sure ta le pp eost srrauonaiîy deniesi. Upon a forerc - tivil>' ami Vealtiful impualse te lie commerctaof loai. papo Sion 1 iit e piaent te brîng firvari thc atior- out landi tul lile ot vithciing affact lupon 111t li "-'du Çmea.aaa htsv T he mima L the mapactva -haasery, if neeiful, teac - ?I-' mtha 1whe rinistan tW. itaesa.1*ch te pita placi e ilds- Christu'stî e Ic . COrnaiqlàf" dMr adci aune de Salvaga that aignunt ai Il petei ailngbnvbt .ftua eil D e forarte ilcie ai anailer pin- Prince Leua3isjaiaea oontlie ttaputuoi lit hal rejccted ltIèrete an>'W dseb iae furtiser investigation of l-llIla s uotsrulsgml lctili a Wt maaonitiana. Tins, le vas te la, s vas the shjct, I viii fiadifh enacîi tiat tîle ecclas- donc avay-Ilhlet f lcrovicled vith#sare efficient b ea ibor raativaetanarcmignd iasatîl juiiifflcto that lsd previeutal' isee ca- vokmcn-t-and evar>' ling lta donc se as LIatit iIs mailler vhs taileidgaberteifttjoin limatisera ciscs b tl>'thPopa vars fot- evar cxtinguiiei, ami performai i evolaliona more sveely>'amnd>'t mars (15 ina ht de $y. Madune de Slaerpi ig b ancidta tiha Crovn, Ibrangboat the dominions poverfý.tialr btfore-but let it otbetakitn -W 5Svgepoli. Kinofl NOS ami casntrieg then belongai ta corssbicli afinr- avnw neervift refu~.s sse 4 mo t liersnI ocmn'Hortevoli 61 f a van s slsld taleng ta, or be annexai ta île king-siene ac1, or leptinleoperatinB . y cartsethefil hc o t seriaa;nrillsawhare le ila damaiEngisai, ai theProtetantEpiecpel r, habt ot ise eopie î ma' diavoulid ler ra icla>' il e aprimg ta un- tîsi plncipa domoFiiand an theProestnt pisoïaïre. hait f th peple I l ai v rogglt ut dertake tic vavae. Tie Miiser ralactantlyi> .8-aA- ligusea, thntawfoitiaetlisc l Lob i oe fnime. ami voue ai anothar; hlu*--*thv-- P *g1- ePollea. A report prevaîmi on the i sni,ditha n its- amniua-a.c f se-day le viwipos arios e rs f ia i arinj othei, viiperdes sn c 1ai rince Madiali RIZ.s-ll uPIpssaoin of the i surreli se uxIc in Siberia. Frt h ae . aiva'big ilqaresa as tilt ?qisicisbas blens-suivred b) is tis exile, whas-i is as iirtl-r sot lac for lis-. MI iîtec-so ttorisi Ias itifp r u ' e rm ateecOntinues t ia ~ - ,VIh anavtate s-suca ru rira 1 ta beconsiderci as tlue crarîr a-, l i c t h i s O l n t e i l a t i las l i g n '1 Popeis s>' lIai ils-e perîro fr y oiiizenithe .x is ite os-e pendent kilsgdn .TER F1101 E.NGL.ND. ate N- y C-mises-i Aaat ý-lt vas reports- il, sLoai , t'ic 23, th-t iittirban,,s-lidit isi . i tial tie-c r0 ' « Liverpool piers of t ia, Wis in -ris-t iemfaad aura th, -d - c f ih lsMoiha'sralds a, rcoliine ay-a tic lerr I' rY isterests. lias-necsý-t, ý tuposu ers-equer bll h oîfi a"z a s tro n g i >' u rg e aI. Ti ers u t a, tle conll marks-t asl a s AftnelI itas antolorc s-j irf,, eHouse of Lords. 1 h at haîIeli Ia laite btitrofaipursfor th, lh iclIa -- rc b l u Pl 'AI-anl lia-che l Is-l suber, sti- psrmlnaa P-rc le 0s-ha tata maïls, o re arara uifaira Balai'f 'bi""la diid trouai-paý crs-alen ai Bul0s as .ora i a---,1 A W .iit. 'Theas- iau - rctalieyei. Tic tan far 1 cciv postas]inivthe striso f &i 'Ya nîsmuici of ahaplarsperst-- aes of tie AgTicultuial Banlrr,"' buter bas-tiks e u tainasrses n Les ireveat a frtier paait,Inu lteIsis esio lthe noies air-ad3 anarîi, nor an n> bacaioat 1C lutlu I-I Ita les, ,saj -- ukillen lfi ban pai titI) saltiac he outs. I, tise prs to rb aca tie courri, tle paruition wall IeatIn rss cstruggie for piecel-as-e. Tlh, rua. ling, caoitinues paying, aid teatrac one lotir oser thi Osual turne.k& -e of breai vas risiag inuLr~ a quartera îfouiîsound) 5,f . a pence sterili. Isif-rior que rý îtiîee vs-ais bis bes r2d.p-. t vaw sasici d(accoard, si -Ia uis nti eaîlier than usual. St ta ste tbât tie proviuncal ra-r imeons nntases o ceri an au -1 fhby-îictusbhd ta-ens is-ttîfsdia se il niWindsor, and alls, &c. ina lces. liah Magazine las brodâta an art, .Beiklal>, fos lie haut 1;asaîrtcaira: a>' the latter, anal Iaid lats dârnmpst ilsriPîlon lais las-r m Iaie 13 the lie- 'st nslub, i f a hi et i ur te>a V es b ai S alas ee itS aferd. 1 Pe b as bri his-a raclo eri iivartit>'. aut hat. Malibran i laslita sforturnei b ler son Wtlîîtc ac esea. SPAIN. tan tlere lcte alidrl ta ot. T. mpn-a-ttaiuualsbar ls-hesu.r of u&, tt-.lsta îir filarintueilaare aply aritauada ctias. tau1asstitl.- le- aidaiainîicru -an ssa trirtitwe te icken eut. dta lie Itragress If 1the ciihia IIrhe t as contrailitory rs e ver, [t seeme tali kioten vhurt filc daeing Gonrea ait about. loure rajaîsistet lira iulton Sev-ille, aid alla ieaAer espacl froua haire-as anUec IarL tha 12h, vhs-rein ttiJ(eserlt.1r-vi taz pai edtic nglit ai ticeii Is- ich aipparent intention ai dararbrrrrr tiel, lis La Maneba. The- oua, asr là ir consista, it is ssid, oa i a-ala ain rc, lae soi l 10 ladfaain iaaleta; l rocps conit sfaieaî Tq- il boménln>'6,M100are ia tirarare - ad mot yet faln leba the biandt air tha 17th of Noveriber, but as ciaan itble nec it band.Al, ithe oatia ceen talen, ami the attack an the cr tririantai. TIse sainforcarîra. ta aalians fer tIe prrison, lad tari p sreacmasg the ti>' b>' liacuder. rlais made an atteripi open Vitra iu lt ere rapulsad itula Ienad eo et iripaeancc haldl alen place àm0 Vilalaiani Espartero. PORTUGAL. rants tram iLisibon, coming lave las snwavlal narming ta Iba vs-il-ise M. Thc finances were ina c lira maouri vare carrenl t fas aiap Ita rapossea bimsaithe t roi- er vwu in LIe bands oaille buta am île mimîstera vere ibligedIoleboxi k Le Dn Miguci vas abtarilsriaiÊs . eoast cf Algrave, haviaf raiet in the [uth>' of Mode ni. Gaeer)h' lis> v as expectadi acc.cpeie 551 Id li patizans are ru ai tole er) i- o of Lisbon. a- sl a t ilqsp f bpi adc overtirer t en c- itlnim of iatarestiul bdl ticlatti, 5- sel çtuiîle cf thair slt5i<ie Jevêr>' affer ami.... si t P-a- l s Cont illaeReal, bads nhCd i? SREECE. a,-cf Greace, ariivei at Rassutr*t couler, asnlais va' aY 0W" d I!ý tste t h. dan g eu cf re'hl' -Use Ring.,21. frocs MWu mict, detai Ost- 14aill val ai Cat Armabsltai<155 svCIner Inn£ictha bbeg t <aICS M38AY, JN imet eraie5 s secla wobammilisevntclt ni d aB mme' for va] maa U aI .fly le rOr te Immnt(e 9 m 19ilssbMe. As thare &,-M usam anapjueal tu iu nlum dist, vbW" ralenammit lue directj sieufi* l OuaP.s m msu (e AM msial~ r~ ~~* pe"eCabspua inl àI, « v'w ovsae Us e imqsai>' be e eii aiseir ~ ~ Fo caltlqpnna gf cTmt hnerin. aa lilathe > iai txaeI j'y.mental Hae t>'teie rs tsil epeture s e ourse a hde yAmomthe>tisaslied la proe tcProvince. à te have tnsauitt Ma be ava p. iecine:sasute exe&mplin mb>'ia Ta'ata tf uez imoli.&M ai he o ot di I s reneith pLxaia detia> p iseti b t ic Asm u t« ; ii tio i beircepiviimp. caliplitalmaoets. mth aie eanoacaunetin eet ain 1 attbevoiic.ale th y. aimnt yodsae metaiscoi 1tamps>WstisimglIlas fo1 y ca us ete shlrt>am i tars aution fteavpeut aYeulaai pepl:a impre t vr it.i ni tea h eudg poatio con te ambd.B>' ufei mrov aie (amProvine.et osa ae bae to ed athevema At ahon pioecnt sora Seepalife t vaormB.>' ofsuthe iin a.anloe ilan ut Dtruts.s, p ill Io et teeetu ai B. Perav kmiamataofintrueel, liI hauof tie milsagaien le a M aork har e -enilaimat fo riacover>Ofi Lertes lIar tan laY -Yesa ta aur mhit câeltBUenifle Stadtu tv ~acesin un(e «Vbe.gi r atea 'aith mp mume nts n are e-Fute as ud eetn Mâtiles f th o mues ta oe~ Mu. mn