li vas eaa toeth e ba4eutiedI ims b a",m od eu b cemides a sm oiata usad i ,h bs aibm gr. CutbbOf t Rippo gare no"ties t aim ko aboti mé for 1la». b g a big te retueve b.e abp 'àho m a <bei'mduncmta te m T Iu eir a &musi.puovi- v t v bedm *ptebdaun mue of souk. the Pm"heeai about platii the<b boumiefetov*uusom»of. r.w m ngidieng liad %0* .zlsag0W Labos ab mstealtst 4lis.) macemalmd. mit kp ai. abol mm vovhi.*0Mou> r vumw gens m-Tu*Çaim diptn 5llh tasM S is in V11- lei buaOM maimmusf imsvdw mpera, du-- rimgs naimom a otaxsnor lv ty1 t ouXkr USB upol ppes ne d"win l Ittoma mn Sunuy <. 91haiAegust FRANCE. Tb.eeha""e.oaiDopulleaad*ohliaa dit on Nuhe M ofiA Uus, Ilum, aua OU he wléWUC."d m ose~eo TbajS7bUsyhla adain et pemeapommai ty lte Deptu,- vatu LouIi lite am aZtle-t Iasekml iimmqee. Thie aui sbu. gi9es he ite alom le a i Aatam. T t Atm eut - A W MW be sa u - .* wb»i as1 usate oma gs va *l ote dit .18<. Xlii.. Ibe cMW toui to taheir bw and aided on tita.ultary aulanal. Tbey aomilbmd .t glaisa udividuals, ani tbej raeifrabmta a fortulgitît f.eau ~arn1y eccrmi of cmosietg IqI 8<a. ume dey% "adiaa boud, l*d&ingaitd mi amuiite ju a v* illi Ilap Âaaonir lkawatiee .u14 "otbe htumi.fdthebmeîcty of m"e., t me- 4quueiswititaal, 4ai uophi<icted ëfu9 70<tbe purblamieus. g~e ~aj~v, £.XSOTON. TU~khY, nc~-Omug '.,lhU. m or Pariameat omintla ceS'a groeame on tbe corpoation prelentBil. A murter in the MantruSi coure ques- tions the accuracy et the. ulenaulcou- taoned in tie Nontueal ilerali, sd o.b mbt titis Papsarespuoot g li ght of Ibis Provinceste m.,ti a re titird d t#* !tk Cm*s bibi at Qebe& -Thue ii, t Causir jat<"athe bmoer paovuei entiti dte mmarthon vo Ilis <ô( lte d*- Noem, becus m ooaummmsby tâ Ml. lwg MutProportmor athe iotpewed matiçie. oi mhoia le b ligiusdalle. apid. PstJn- Ilay 'tesool0068%bieiff *Î01. btrady, &oW, hme m oa f vIo$ lai wmitw pl o vmer and oaî me- fiomd,b.t taey ae et bms esmespe. 1 aelà it i. otuious lit mm nonthon, a- imbiiow; .fer thb.ho <bel tasu en"ai. masmo ma ueq.aaUlluaofi au sires omf rPIMmptfre vidm twsIb dme dama bol um.m* hvin uorbesaiy, u lm s vo msstoay ltai Ibe m aaiiam Ibm pateetl dmuaiid -lite MaI& Ahi a»y poisonbo in îaequi»toi- eiti 14, Caade a <>vs li»ta.ti l vy sebo >mWOo uihe ies, kamdy 0.1. Te smalr off tent"asuaelia diat."lm 410Mg Lta Wnnns.tb.rdlfuile> Wuelpa.o w oe *@$.Pbo.m(.vrsa pemmepoli" or'a amb tAB"Im theiI fIm e muel alite -mme lss , - < Was . ot.. s= 69lasaui, ie thIm atlmgoff Ibm peot n b*4e- " lmiwit. ia-aMd eppi ft c t he cf I WWtheLlU D TM>* 8Ma tus ikom t Cu< ~4m1a h~ 02r ol.tAo x c M.bu ItmaE,%,4 ô Nos ua aIAronsua bei~aiesonftasle Csdà % -Pviln "d ,lllâmbesiy, îgriad lts vmd m.: .he'I"tubdi 71m pOUtw aviseê< mlusa, a llaaIp Wa 'm* i&fe lits 0 o« NoieiAshwIya aed la punrit, in- 4eripaiuon Itaibm ereeired hmob tins ltai Carrait àntendei tabrmani»melitme at Yevpasl, Stade Isisai: oaumqoetaly, Mr. A. vent diioily ltgtespot' mstmt.d thint '0a fiiv.days, and tien csl- lorti 1.mel belbrehomhuai bhm mare thma 'te husm lte &atte: Ater soin. kesi- tatIon ha& os-p.pii4 k ele b4 al tudgiap. ai and thmi b.e aney, ýpmof vii' hob d cocesled in a belt juodldimtody. Mr.A.valprovidedvritit a 14ter ("hete bis E c.lm y Sur Johni Col borne ta heAmeimas authorities. raques- atiewbe'aiiutanc l pprehead tlt, il t. gil.tit I utere mas no oçcsiai>tarequine ltaW uuiaimaaeeAt Sack«ti uttmlbour Car- mgi meesuw4 ita rcmil <fur'nom i iae, and #"lWIihPtte iî» ai whiait ho enqui- ret rétasd giviog m*ni aid or iaf<rxiat"a tu Mir Aauley,, vh% I4owerer %t la~ jeci -iplsdue taM' saeyfrtt r. te-moul ioesty invite te pblie tu Illie bostiM catigvopie ds and allier oa""iius ov eatieuinèg ett i 9**aou om a. Tii. dmwkisg ba a muet samb"a joçiom of uat, and embodiai in a sens. 0 quhme piclurea the principal triiomphe of Napotean. Il la the. vurkcso ogegeulmaestro, au Italias, mcd il occu- piplblmgbt pars. Tl* draaiig pao umusrut pietal bay ; but tiiouu ssi5'WPig cirmuesmna. uintaI Ibme ineu *Ib i 11a fkeletures oati fl ace nd lb. 4 <aulius i>e Ptesare Lianeof oci- 004ý chiai wt viontgao a bualary af the puiomî snd ês'oiAiat ai'e potemsted ib the rdp&.vdIi osnkrefiipavo tvol- quoss. Tbaebibimm iu, *il tselia #¶s.r "su"dami Ibm eremilies, us advuslimmium. 011e lu i 1m., ltae foundatitet atqm6 samt paosmIChmeit as bletJO m Rsg Mllonby Ni. Rev.ArcbâAoa oetTarent ~ mpaia~d Rota theltI1P'»#e t sua ms1. ro mat, balt 16muliyaine.. mlki. amY pat i tb meutesof lt. day. , 1ktllerdhaie~riis e< i*M m, lleaIy *dei *itb peusi bm téuseçmmsprr, who lmiinom eIbrOO a"a* oilistair iestl. A twIst. 1* use Mu, 1111mi ~r. Jeflhm. bat emilsstlwdimgu mealure lu nt Me pmupurity enaa fat~ a Ai mAï lisalaoa boite bey lte qmo 1*0 :mv axr "uP, r 8<on4 5boat 4 SamuelClei001,u s. "ut 2Lt. V.laine ,1 Bi liod Peai, 5 Albert Mr l.~, Semod text "-1 Hugh iRanken Third Il " 2 Mr. Burnet, riýt" &« il 11MPotatocoe oftino acres, 4 John Grass, Second beat 3 Robert lteaîh, Iird lamai 2 Robert ibsIetint Dent cultivaied fari. 10 Robert 'î0", Second trest 6 Juba Marks lieut plýAo 1 muai 1 ckrè 4 Robert (tc Second beit 9 Doctor ýU( s Tiaird best 2 L.Vatâiee.r Best plot or Cab-. nlta 1 bage 1 A. Tlîîbot1o ue"i Piceof 1Man- gel Wurtzel 1 None. Boat Barroaw 2 John1 atterso% Second tient 1 Robert Gibswn Mustumie for Waals- iîtg Poul IRobert Gshmoai 1Mr'. Atîguatu&Tibodo iliom edliayl uf Itiaomit Wanufactturelrrtlmy c0fthea% uit he Agriculturalists-elue value oa te sloet test doUlas-Ilie conmhîîee lie se atuIi reniim u o l.minchIle k rtn *e Societ y. ~Mr JaSgsjueea ur Brockt'ulle po uou n6tpip lamtbi or 1835, whilien t thje e hasecolt t,,M te garn 11 re tpt tlrcy ct trainlij Çunt-thc ireccorî avi*j I thim t e 'p ituiue of25s. Six t uips taien prcusî.cuoui, î[Mi fild allen acres, 'inder sl th le liow t . Knovlan Crote, Euq. iver Tret, a snta doru by lisat gentleman au epeiul Glb orNrok in.tlvge aura, *consiatence throughout. *Somellue Aprîe ccd he Oaalem1 gvWere prodeeced Sauni lMa. Wilt Ca(îj, tarin ai Adolphustown.snticoe n ome. otfifa ine En.-lislm Thorn planta.' .Sone fine cour1 lut Squafst'ct e et% ,a the Socieaty 1avid Johnet liili:almat are contidered better for fccding cattlü Ti. = v1tg ores euwrce srlaijte a tien 1ylIr L'tatoui. 1 a Moatire le yeansoh s c21';d12 t -du,. an4cot £11 5; 1 4 3vear., Il àt S£165;s trcasg bujl B-qMare 3%ijý £12 5 3 S jurs aid (tCortCl bre a ,£l1 i Codian Mare iianft £71I5, aý Thq,,Fairi ora f ie Milliard loeî hale bienmuclàuona Ille aient durnn. à iii iw*yte Flair and Caille l se ta Alio lie open spuce in frnt à a ctc heaci wlîicli, Py far exmecsia < 14b1armer exhîibitions of the kuad. Vr,,,Om ctmauascus hâve C"u viii'-regard to th. improveeetot stock la lai District; (stilI ure are luil *baud fenteatier Districts of (lite Peuars *la &i&i respect;) the finat grand motis, IraPevl gar breedu of Catili, i sir : Ilpriý7 cultural Socîety, %boa m porteet thet? Bulle from ts ueUnited Sxa ;h zt somt.god Eçare vcne procarsd, a yb no ouned by Mr. lau,s %W m, mu it. maddition ofa l rhu.rli mW adsCow. (liom I. wla rg, rearing tai p iiiavbeen imnprove(limid ild ir b ortied cattht-saim 2% ;,le Lletr breeds vmore d bhrrk 4 ?r. ui i. Yasîil sautais.balN bmads4, Ilaporied ]agt& 118 au i Ia* bave lýaivé lteir f1om !~eii~<1~nlU# ntet lot th~<le Lomgebreem res«o* tet, I.A perty o Uac# dia ~ e w M & h v s o W ait g o d ' g * 1utppourgd My orIle impi tteiZour -gricultru g eom..Cous mand cii bb& a , e..uingonldo leb" Il Id b lal~ am bb ti arerînra si roUSUt viSa om 0(t, ai9 0 ." uef ietna arei rt of iltouemblen idal&p çexpaeem ( Ctr athe lbeintiten' b. je rdicedi u it*4 aîi liti 5 art" jp to tlii n.Unbablor. mi itlC, a so kmcorteuplâtea is %aiOotlim. Pm Who, by M. imas A. MerNalai i Wieeanfi sty tesi Id o frma . J. llirJ ra$ Dib el0itedf ai gastit id lie af Ile Pro qtimen misa189a1 kvilla coltilt Of thtl rm" f bd ts 0 4. oed bo ! ~b di : li ri-