Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 22 Sep 1835, p. 4

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F'OR SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, 0 N TUFSDAT, thse 29tb day of Sept.- ber »SI , at 120ec co e.,, e1tishe court Boumset5 Picten, to the bigbest bid- de,, hat iseutifal Property kowu by thse DasefGreen Pois4,conewsig f8é8avs ef excellent Land. et whlebalieote la clered.ikatedla mof btuie et at of the Bey of Qufit belutishe residue of a Mwvo e loIfor UaIitu apseSde teravards grae teBk lv OkaHarvey, ons which tufresesFerY crcuirng to tiseSMx Nation Indien Tract. las the neliebour- isusd tisea.ile an exteiv. seulement ot res- portable Fores. Tisa Promis sed the vicinity abonît itsgants, sBd thse Bay ailis Feh of evsry decriptin pecular te Lais. Oatr. Itlsu pezticelarly imitable for (razing, sud le wlitii 40 miles of Kingston, viaici lesa nevreu faillng ready aooy maa rket. It le, !à- short orne ettise mcml desreble and velmalle propertiesl lu thse country. Tise stem boats*avlgatiu tise Bay, pan a distance of several Mile round ltheame dsily. Tisese valueable Lande wilI b. sold sitiser together or litisp8rakte lots, te suit perchaers. A pan oet tie pro- perty may be itou by application te Lou- tiser Macphserson, Esq., of Hsiloavell, or te the Auctsoneer. J. LINTON, Auctioneer. Kingston, Ataguet?, 0.- -U NÈO T I CE. A ,JLLrerueus haviug C418Ws On Hiem- .t.et'a Goverrneni for Damages ses- tsled ilu the construction of tise Rideau Ca ual, ar e required te foravard them, aitis as littie delay as possible, addresed On kiLs Majesty's $ervici. CAPTAis BoLToN, Senior Royal Engineer, Rideau Canal. (Clalta for Demages.)1 Naaiug thse Townships wbl*tethse Lande are aituated, thse Concessions, number cf Lots or perte cf Lots, visetiser Crown Lands, or Clergy Reserve, snd if obtained by Grant or Purchase; sting siso tise periosi wvien thse party became l!à possession (thse Deds cf aviicis are te ho exhihited on the spot btis e Ariitrators) 2ad. In &il cases a Diega sund Certificats of a Savoru Survey as 1tisheestlent sud na- ture efthlie Damage asliued te Lands, mut accompany tise caim, nolmg auj quan- tity visicis amy have been over iwed b.- fore thse construclicu cf lise Canal, and maaking thereon auj liue of Public Reade sdjoining, aseconnected ailistise lote st*- vsyed; and tise clamant must tate tiseuae sud residence oif tise Arbitrator appointed cuisis part. M. Persons desirouis of having tisir dlaims arbitrated upa asu spesdily as practicable, are irequested te psy strict attention te tise ceveral pints mentioned iu this Notice. Royal Engins., Oflâce, Rideau Canal, l4th .Tuly 1835. Crewa-Oiem, Joue. lm.8 NOTICE le heveby given, tisat tise Courts cf Ojer sud Termna, Gene- rai Geol Delivery, and of Asize sud Niai Prias, in sud for tise différent Districts ail bc as fohiews: Town. Disicit. court te emme Kimron, Misiad, Menem- PtJay PC ahurst, TsesdayUtS As4ust. Bwne , ehvh Z «m, non.246 &*Suu Cenwall, ates., TuemdeItDm. London, London. Mondy 2M Iuly1 SdwhWestern, Wedaeda,à<h Asg ilsloe, re, Moday, 171b Aul. Amuerit Newessti, W«ààdea'Ifth sp. pistn, PrincesEdwarmi Monday, Ma SePt N=IasNièqara, Tacadm, 1ut @90. T limBore, Tues&dy, laitS Dtoier. 0f wviich iseh ierifes, Coroners, Magie- trates, Gaoleru, Constables, Daiflis, sud cuber Peece Officers are couamandesi to taise Nutice. By order ef tise Court, CHARLES C. SMALL, Clous et tise Croire. SH1eRIFF'S SALE.' Midlaud District VUTLL be sold et the Te vit. i w Clout ffouse luthe Towvn cf Kingston, ou Wed nesday te 141h dey of Octeber nexêsi noon, by vivtqe cfaà arit Of Fieri Facias against tise lande sud tenemeatti of Luise Oucala nd Henry Diiilouheck, iime ut of HaMa laj Court of EJnga Bencis, at tisesit eWyii- 1les j ai ,irêield, ailsand visle tise rigitsud interest ofthtie said Luire Carscalie n lutise folloviîmg Lande, viz:-175 acses, being t of lot No. 21 aftie irai Concession of esu, sud 6 actes, part et lot No. 21 cf cf tise second Concession iereof, lying sotati of.tise Napenea River. Ail persous iaving claimi ou thse aboya land or &av part tisereof, are requeted te msarkte imre kucavnu b a. ouor befere tise day cf aie. JOHN McLEAN, Sberiff, M. D. Sivfie Office, Kington,41is July, 1835. FOR SAJ4.I WANTED TO EXCHANGE. flOUSE anda LOT lu Kingiten vomld b. taken in excisauge for s very supe- icr Parus centaining e d ACRES cf LAND lu tise Toansiip ift vfCsioaeun utise Qoquties of Len- ex sud Aidingîc, uigAe lsEt quarer t L t!Ne. 0 Néi Second cou- cesioaa.vetnsrtseala.Psu ae MIL . 1 1 15 scesc tsALSO, 150jczs of a itheo Tevniuf Ma ry 1sturg¶, ndsud sty- f Prince vurd,1 being Lt No. 48 sud aestibal( efLet mni-' -ber 42 in tise Firel concession, Bsyside. Only 28 miles tee. Klbggoor, cullvated sud tiicisiysetled on U sî so. Appiy at tise ermîsi Office. Kingston, 81% Oct., 1884 TO MECWrANICS. THE bulding f a unKlrgton, ou- meut fertiseabeve vlaible famna, iu- tordiug s&flue opportuapity te Mocisanics sehi avuis te establims ltic"lves te Ferm- ors in a wav ta suit îise ~Conveulence. Enquire t lt e le Me. SALE 0F CROW lq LANDS. THfE Public are ietcrmed tist tiser. ailI beasSele ciCrevaiLends, by Auctiou in the Toavn of Peterborough, in tise Nev- caslle District, cu the fin rmTada ila' ja sext, and adjoumrnèd sales viii ete=ar 1 lie beld at tiseamine p lace u tise "atTus-1 slsj in ch. mentis et July, Aisgaet5Septem- ber,wid Ocîciser foioving., 1 Tb*emerse ef the leiseet.hlured for sle, tuai furtisor pardcalaismy b. ika"e".1 by *eppymg te AMXer'a3M4l»"&4.,ne- que, Peterborough,or et Ibis odleu. 1 Comma'v of Crevn aslnde s fc, Toronto. litS May 18M. ______ ~WANTE>. A NURSE 34A1Def ed chsrseer, SKington, legust 4tb 1884. Imm STEAx-BOAT OS WEGO9 CAMUAN J. T. UHOMARS. W ILL,on: Lake. Ontauio sud the st. nsRiver, betweem Ogdsns- bqutianu agera, afoUows: LeTsOgdemnbnb on Friday evenlng, Sackett'a labou~t, td-1 1o00%s- Oswego, id eVM4,lNgs SRochester, Sunday lauOfliàg, « Toronto, (U. C.) for Niagara &Wis Lewlston, Monday morning, where duh.- rives sa 1 , singpssners aIl lise day te visit tise FlaOf Niagara, aud relavas by thse Leaves Lewluou,on Mondaytyenlrng, «Rochester, Tmesdayeaeemui& S Osmego, "du &0r400à, "Sacisett'a Harboar, « nl- «' ]Kingston, MU. C.) Wsdn@Wymien ing, sud ars a ÉOt eusugs~ee eveaing, touciing et maCh Criit; Morris- go"a,AIe*adris aud *efroilîle. - #I"Parties intending to viuit tise Flis o Niagara, Bufalo, or tise différent ports ou Luise Ontario, will fiud thse route eia, 0mw.- go or Rochester, toise tise cbeapest and aost P:asseugets leaving Niagara in Ibis Boat~ on Mouday eveuingwillarrive at Monirsal ou Thursday avenint, passiug thse mont lu- taesting part eftae t.1*wrence River by d liT%. Th.e OSWEGO avili commence 1rtanning front Ogdensburgis ou Fridsy, tise rl7tb of April. Osavego, April 1, 18W. THE MANSXON flOUSE. KINGSTON, U. C. TH ub ibrcoutinues toocmpytis meut nuea HOTEL ,fer tise accommodation of the Public. THE MANSION BOUSE. le plaautly eltutesi ou Store Street, be- ing tiseprincipal sud mae entm ra tt InKIugston, in thse bu-abess part of tise toavu; te conveuisut toeltas dui"rnt Steam Boat wviarves; sud tno eeablhshaast oethtie eisind in lise Proviuce cen corpus It in~ the excellence and comnfort of its apertmejai, in regaad bots t. parlouresud bed viorne; ail cf whicis are fumnshed li the ver, lest stl.The Holel bau beau rscetl'uînt- e tisouoa t doherwlse aaproiv Tise suisecriber isaving kept a PUEL.IO Hovas fow man7' jea, bas acqliresi expe. rience le tsat ltue; andibu trum t t it l iunremitting attention tu thse confort of bis Lgueuse, he viii continue te ment public Pa- MN TOUS IMAM Or TueUAMeIN O»Ces =s~Ax1À And extensive eUtaIlis, sud wee up. ert stable le couxtanUly iept'> Te Mansion Hnse C pa7ri g » Porters will always be lu ri&ine 0toCOja- veY Fuesngers and Luggage te sud trous tise differeut Steem Boité.' 8. CARMINO. Kingston, April, 1885. KINGSTON BReWFRY à& DIS-. TILLERY. TENT COPPEU REC'tI WYInGAàpraSAjIj fou tise manufaclure et pare CAN'ADIAN WEhSMgl -beiug tise enly eue es presont cf tise sme construction in htisv Provices. Cas. tomere con b. at ail times suiled on tise sisortest notice, aith the varions trsngthe, fra Alcoisci tecommen retail preeof à quaeity superior tesany othor iamhcuued in 1h. province. They bave nov on lban d d yfer Ieboa15 tc, 20,S0 o e et mWlii- 00Y. Alho-from 121te15,00 Gelions 01 supenior SJ « tAE Wasusted tismi bymilng pro par attention tu il le romin goosi tirougtsot tise seasea. PAazxT-Caiisor approvesi endories notes at 3 acutis. Wmea, 3,000 B»Auahlof HARDWOOD CHARC4.L.HUNT & MORTON. Kingtn Brevery ofDi*M'lerj, FROM th est day etNoveabernet F tiat cemmodieus flots"su t la litell occupied by Mees. J. D ayée & Ce., stuatesi ounlth e a edeo et 1er teèt la tise To roa fKingston.at iertise, cii.- mercis) 4olel. lusp'mg~sr xpd ingij avellaitaptemi ficý oipu;cTal bing sftmtod iu tisa paré: or L"qo.n béat caltmisted farc&lshi shuofetbmes.j if neaiosry, pseion aili b. givenon ths s JneIL noxt. F or ftttir partie aâ U appiton aaybemadoeîtisatejam Nicishi uln. Es.Kingtn, or te .bet Maxwvell.Eeq. Mon-tcal Bank, telec Kiengiton, sBi Mmy, 153. 46 TRANSPORTATION ON M'H OSWEGO CANAL. .LAKB A14DNIVEriNU1.1r TE'£ Suboctiher Ses establisesi»:lairne et Boals te ply itaveen tise Cty of New Tors aidOsavgo, exprescly te muur a portion cf tise tIde etfLake Ontarie, snd tise riverSi. Lawrence, sud as h. isopes, of LaS. Erie, by means efttie Welland Ca- nai. % sVessele îved by a Steembeat te Albany. are inleudeai te trmsaàaDell, Line-tisere aili b. ne detention on the Hludson river, nortauv lrsumiipmemt, ecve .et Oiaege, avboee urs. mmBgone. ot CEpQCKKÊansd meus..uis.& Ws.souv, are ldg te ship te &ny and eeryPot and olc peni tis IAke aid River aibiso usul casses-oaeee oftises. 11oem itI %roxve ai .gettIisetise ShBarb" if"bi custoom&cre ulai addin. t0erGeedu- Myseef snd my tav omnsaree epiulnoJt- esi ailisI te TeeS Msrkaiet wi vl pareisasand al oad t.e rder, ean mt- eemmwfty5 et a voul mmedarate fJeis- *0faeu..rià u of *ek dm - - MM e TEau-EOATS Wia J ruasasflko a .il the lut f June: THE GREAT BRITAIN. TEIITED STAT S. CAPT.L WHIUETCAPT. J. VAN CLEVE. Commeuciug on tise 14tis cf Apeil. Commeuciug on tise lith utf Apil, cgesu p.Geang Up. Leaveu Prescoît, Tuesday eveuing, teaveo Ogilensburgis, 8 Sstueday evening, Brociseille, 1« 4 Kingtn, Stands7, 7 A. Si. Ouveo. « evening, Qiavego, Suday, 10 P. M. Ceeugtiusdaj aorning, Rochsester, Meuday, 8 A. M. Pot-Hope, Toronte, " 9 in the even- Tor.nto, Fidaj aeening, sud ar- iug, snd arrives oit Leexiston en Tisurmdmy ives at Niagara sme oruing. morning early. Comaaag detn. Cosusg Dcwn. Leaves Niagaru, Saturday, 4 P. M. Leaves leaviston, TuesdaY, 7 P. Mi. Toronto, 1 eveniug, Rocister, Wednosday, 8 A. M. Pert-sope,suadal aonaing, Omaegc, Weduesday, 6 efteruecu, Cobemrg,« Sachet'. Harbor -Wednedaj, 12 at Oasgo, Sunday cveniug, uiglt. Kingston, Monday aiaeniug, Kingston, Tisursday, 7 in Aise moru. Brockillîs, «« mon, sud au ing,mand arrives et Ogdeuburgi iii lias af- rives et Prescoît, Mcuday afiorucen. nouft. Froan jet June to lut Septeaiser, tise lve Bosse aili, lu connexion, perfeuma three tripe lu eaccis eois, sterling firos Nia1artansd frea Ogdensburgis and Preacoit, every otiser dey, (excluding Sunda je,) as fo lows: G-ssg up. Leaves Prescott, Tuaesday eveuing, Brockville, I- 4 Kingston, Wodnesday, 12 accu, Osavego, - 4 6 evening, Toronto, Thursday, et npoc, and ainies et Niagara, Tisurmday, P. M. Cosmmng Dotois. Leaving Niagara, Tlrday, 10 in tise cran- ing sud asuivetaOsavege, Friday alter- Doon. Goisag Up. Leavea Omavgo Fri<lsy, 6 lu tise siening, Toron to, Studa 12 noon, sud ar- rives ei Niagars in tise atternoon. Ceaubng Doseas Lestes Niagara, S undsy, 4 P. M. Oeavego, bMonday,7 lu tise aorning, Kinsgto, Mopday, 2FP. M. 1kflrovile,"I eveuing, sud ar- rives et Ptmeot tU me marnvening. And aller tise bret cf Sepleaber, lise resr aboie stated. THE undersigued hereisy gives public Tniotice tisatishe Executors sppointed by tise wiii ef tise late JE. C. Thisocai. issvlng rsnounced tise powver lisereisy ves- tei in mts, t1asira ofibis Estate mii ho settlesi by ber as sole Executrix. AiU per- amn a isoie nebtid to ttis nd EsIeleare t rfo r¶eid tbmalte lmediste pa]- aient te tse id *Zecttix, and tisesete itos tise said qatale le indebted arte re qui,. sud1* m a a. SAUt. ,.i.- p.asiIta t-*Pd in tiseir secemai. -avIi aaview 1tisteir h- quldaticas, astis. afairs cf tise saisi Estate mut b. fertisvitb ciosed. - E. THOMSON. Kin toa,February 3d, 1835. NO T 1 C E. Il CA"4D.&Y, Es9., Store strt le 1 sauthoutzeil go recoure sud ackinpav- sdge tise payaient'"of accounts due Wthtie undersignp, -who have, at prssmnt dijeun- tiaimeilbusies et Kingotou. E. LESSLIE & SOPý. .apion, October lut, 1834. LA»D AGENCY OFFICE.'l T uz &i L audsfeUB,L o ydsii Wtxmud 1 ý li. tary <Jlalmanito. Offce etdoa to hyfr. MW MONepStore Street. AC Kingston, 271is April 1835. NEW SHOES. T HE suisucriber bas just received dect fr0. Eniland hiisSomerStc ofe BOT 4 jq 5;vi sicis, .1oge ilth bui stock on baud, torenas asn meogntg1 avrtby lise attention of tisoseaisiit. purcsas.U lai addition te cîter irtice, ise bas csived a feav pairs Gentlensens- WH zc Tops, su andie GBOOTB Wu. TH-IRKEL Cornmer of Store 84 Qua" sireea, 4 Kirngmoomte 20, 1835. NOTICK A LL EB~OZiS iavnig cîsian agi4 11.= secf tise late JAMEs 1 GazGea. Etq., et Napaee Mile, are I- qh esedteprset isa ceuntu, dalyc- t lt em=set ieEeutors; aud t l ise1- dekted te dtemid Emtes ili pay tise mu te eftiser oetbe sssiesgied. J . S.CARTWRIGHT . JAMES !dÀCFARAE Eeuoe Klngston, Meisi 30, 18U. NEW UPPER CANADA LAND AGENCY 1IN KINGSTO, @miber, s ative eft Iis Prov -~ - ad, wthlu evel wl theisevrosTovah of ibis Provinc more isgsy favored by lise Croter.,tisa creattd asbeygives mtices btis ho prepared te me~a LadtIàAnt lin sea su oa bis eiperieuce sud m il.a Jauge, ho Battensii EsltisihaoailI hée ableil to give &encrai atislluction fer li information et Elligrauts lidotisv ds ras cf ptrcissing or selliag lande luntt Provnce--savieg Corcpondiug Age lieeyDistrict. AUordles fom Lever Canada t u sU y t m e g o t e t v e r y m o d ç r s e d W S N. B.-.Ms avii deonke e tomt at SsttlesSu 0oudjmwstea ime fer LA"si DANIEL RUTTAN. Kingston. lOtis JaneO1M5. TO LABOURERS. WANTD bytise Sutseribm Ms n iOemge canalte vises ave pay iMwIesD@Um = ào umetis e Je!y N, 183a1.e Comiaug Don. Leatves Lewistou, Tuesday evemîîng, Rochester, Wednesday uiorning, Oswego, 9« evening, Sackeî's Harbor, '« 12 et nigbt, Kingatan1, Tbureday morning, and arrives at Ogdeusburgh, Tbursday P. M. Goiaug Up. Leaves OgdenaburgTbuareday eveuing, Kingoton,eFiday anoritng, Sacket's Harbsor, Frîday ucon, and arrives at Oswego saine aftermoon. Coming Down. Leaves Omavego, Friday, at 6 P M. Sacket'e Harbor, Friday, Il P. M. Kingston, Saturday, 7 A. M. sud er- rivée at Ogdeuuburgh,Saturday atternoon. Leatves u Saturday eveauing, Kingston, Snday iaornaug, Saceîs Harbor, Sunday noon, Oswego, Stnndsy evening, Rochester, Mouday uiorning, Toronto, Mouday svening, and ar- rives at Lewiston early Tuesde, aornin. spective Boîte wilI remastiseir tripa as fart BAY AND RIVER. M- CALDEI, VAITES. DOWNWARDS. W EILL leave lise Csrryiug Plpee on 14MONDAY and THURSUAY mor- Dingo, et 3 o'clock-toucis at River Trait, Ameiiaurgis, Belleville, Sopisiasburgis, Culbertscueo, Scanlan's Wharf, Hlicavell. A4elpltrstoavn, Frederlceisugis, Bals-te Kingaton. Will leave Kaguten amasday, et 6 P. M. toucis at Fairmaus, Gauneque, Brocisvilie, aud arrive et Piescoît in tinso for tise Stages or Stea Boat for bMenîreail. UPWARDS. WilI leaove Preucott overy TUESDAY sud FRIDAY P. M. immediataly sier the un- rirai o es tages o« Stemin Set from h.- lov, toucis stBroclviile.FroencisCreei,eud arrive et Kingan, eau, nextinataiý Will leave Kingstonevery WEDNEDAY sud SATURDAY aeringm at 8 o'chcci, toacising attise intermediate places, sud ar- rive et tise Cm luin Place mine eveuiugs, in Uie to mee:tihe Stages for Cabouarg Port Allstise he is Nay Paseugers leaving Montreal ou Monda y sud Tisurehai mcmh- iaigs cen taiehie Kaaecm'rca. at 1Prescott, .,sd illa.rrive kltlme fer theST. GEORGE, visicis haves Kingston cn Wednesday sud Salurday mornings fer Cobourg, Port ope snd Toronto; AIl Packagemsud Luggage at the risk cf tise owuer, u.uhemm iooised and paid for. Every attention ailI bo paid to lte cous- fort of Passesgers, aud tise Boat il elel a- daptsd te taise freigist, borie, &c. Kingston, Aprîl, 1885 BAY AND RIVER. M~AX BOIT SIRt JAMES KEMPT, W ILL util fortiser notice perfora bet tripe up tise Bay of Quinte ce 1tiuesmisys snd Fridaye, snd return i *n Wenedayo and Saturddys., Wil leave Kingston for Premcott on Sam- day end Wedna em iîngs. WiIi leave Preseott fcr Kingston and tise' Day o onday ani Tisumiday eveuinge af- tee ti:se riv f tise Bousefrothelow. Passeugers for Metreal leaving Kinga- Ion iay tis Boat on usdey eveuing une sure te miel tise Mentireal Une at Prescot on moadey mou0 g Kingaton, 22d junée, 1835. P ET ERBO ROUGHE,' NkwcASTLU Di5TawcT- VOb. Sold or Let, MAZLEBANK A COTTAGE, vitis 10 Acts mof clearesi Ind suitabie reeldeSeforsa large gem- teel Fffmily, being fitted up aitis everj ne- quinto, sud aveU adeptes te tise climte.- lassignation l3 aussi pictunesque, beng on "t~ bauka cf lthe OTNABEE, sud ceus- manding views,nrirslhed ou tiet iter- estiug rsver, mnd vitisin saif a mile of lbe aougaiiag lova of Peterberol' Tise Q imcee a f tisemodi eeful description, aud Sabua&dntîy seepplied vitis sphiug and oft valet. AusdtieW eqâatilr oflarnd may ho bad inlutiseimaedute nelgihouaioosi. For furtlier paticulars apply te Robert Brown, Eiq. Feteriseoo, te th. Editece etf thse Cbronime, oe J. TALBOT, MAS01. IjIKA ONS sro wvaulen outhse G.vcn- JJV.ment Werisaet NP eintIiec 146 bout bel gsalWesiMeuavl eceiv- P ROSPFàCTUS *fa WEEKLTrNEWSi- PAPER, tlobe isssait at NONTREAL -teî Rot INumber ta appee, on SATUR- DA Y tise i7tis OCTiOBER nezt, 18W5,and a bc enlitied THE TRIJE BRITON, Ai«D MONTREAL CONSTITUTIONAL ADVOCATe. " For Gsd, the Kiag, and the Peope. " Wisen ave taise inte couidereticu tise nuaber cf Newapapers publiised seitiin ibis city, sud tiseougisout Ibis and tise Siter Provinces, ilatie ground tue confetti, appearu ta be lefi for our preseut undertak ing.- Yet tise incessant enigralion le onursmises, aud lise increased aud ncreasiug population of Montreal snd lise country at large, seea in morne degfre, toa warranltishe preseul cms- say, sud ta call forth tise cexrion cf aur hsumble ebilities leatise arducua duties of tise Alîhougis ae do net flatter otirselves tuat tire shasll cSe sete conipete vitb neany tof out Bretisern lu exbibiliug ta thc Mercliant tise detaihs lbe requires te conduct lus apec- ulatious ta a uccessful issue, or te guide hi. lu thoselisemamy projet-yet e eei confidenttlIm a te segeneral tende-r, thie Agricultunist, lise Mechanie, aud lteose selo rnay ineitiser poss the inclination, net nf- ford tise lime, te peruse daily Neevspperq, aur coluane aili be found productive of severel advantagem, sud aili prove sourcem of usefullnets amnd improvemeiît. ln Politien, st the title ave bave selected ,ufficieutly indicates, ave aire Constitution- aliste. Some travelling sud observation bave erreugist in us tise conviction, tbat under tise Britais Constitution, thnse inestimable ingredientm lunaurtisappines-"ICivil and Itligioce Liberty"-are no aviere better secured and enjoyed titan in Great Britain sud bier Colonies;~ and under Ibis conviction ave sal sedulously endeaveur le maînîsin thseir pranency aitiin tisis and lhe sis- ter Provvinces But in msking this confs sion cf our Poiitical Faits, tee avh al tbc undersord-aud pledge our reputation and buour, tisaI public abuses cf auj and every kiid, mialhaves cartnqualified reproba- tien. lu Religion ave are Episcopalian. At- tacised by prineiple sud babit lealise doc- trines of tise Establisised Cîmurcit cf Eng- land, sud tealise deceut prcpriety cf itu Rites, ave sisal zealously, jet teuaparately, upport ilu Teuctm sud Temporalieo, avhen- ever tiey mamy be sssihed enlise one baud, or negiectedon utise clise. Wille, howev- or, ave amuct tisese points, ave desire t te r- main su peece avilis ail men. We bave liv- ed long enougis te bear vvituessuIth ie truts cf cuir Savetur's declarslion tiset Ged mak.etb tie Sun totise ou lie cvii audon tisegccd, amdieedelh bis ram nnlise jusl sud unjust.11 luning tiis qeatation, ave do not advocate iuiseamaess in tIhe faits lu whiicis ave aere brougisî up-bul because ave icrely believe litlis net giron teauman le' preucunce tismt bis own fora of prcfcs- %ion bear tise exclusive etamnp cf infallibih- ity. W. shallliserefère ciseerfully grant ta otisers wbiat ave daim for oreve- Libesty et Consciece-and saolon ail eccasions tisat ru-quire ils exorcise, upbhd tise maxi. cf "Unity in titinge ineedfuh, aud Cisarity i l]h,, asit dispensibiy ucceasary to tise velfare cf lte cemaunity in misicis vue liv. As eur ceaistant end and sia i'umliibc, to Preecut a Miscohlany that shaalh. as fat as possible .0.1 lise visses of ail classes cf readeu, ave sntend to insert copicus extracli front tiselatent Ruglisis, irisb, sud Scotch Newespapers, asu vol u as viever may bc int.errestiuta ootr Naval and NMihitsey roaders: i.ansviehavelsaltisefora a careful sud extenoive suimerj of evouts tIsaI bave occurred lu thse Britishs American Provinc- es, sud in tise United States, ave presmca te bcpe ot urpblication viii net be deeaed au unscceptable offinig ta tise frieuds of eu, subscribors resiling lu tise United Kiugdom. Ta onr FeI1ea-Couniryusen reeidiug in1 tise Upper Province, tise events nov iu pregressilunLever Canadam, csîmnoî faîl ta impart s deep sudaxioum ir.tereat. Ih my, wilthout fear of contradiction. be as- eil. d, taItishe pr-ceelings of lte Cent- Mn"ilsiners nov in Quebec, for lte adjust.t ment Of tise affaireaoftifIis Provimnce, cou-1 cern tise inliabitauta eftitst Frovince equah- i y ailis cureelves: We $all tisereforo en- deVourto malte "TsegTaux BRiTOrs," a faitbful Record of the pr,,cerditigo cf Hie MajestY'e Coansiaionerm, sud sisali spare ne meaus ailiin cuir reac Io teacconaplish tiset abject. As cuir publication vihi be delayed, du- ring tise Summer snsr.tbs, et least, urtil af- ter tise er irai of lise SoutIernt Mail, ils jp&- gos mill conselc'l contain tbe latent in- telligence frea Europe, wbicb îsy ihave arrived by tise Ne o YnsPocisets. As ave inteud ta appropriate Tiaree Cul- uanm out cf tise Twenty-fotîr tof u'bicb cur Piper avilI beceaimposeil le Advertisemnents, ave trust lise circuussanceo f cuir beiug oe day lu tise Week in advsuce cf inoat of Our Coîeirarie@, aili insuire te us the pa- tronage ofu ercantile friouds. Tise brhef epace of c Prospectus precludes a mr exteudeal annunciation or illustra- tion of eue view-mwe shall, theref)re, seeiysdd, tiat Our effortmvil,aîtail lignes bu directed ta affect tise maintessnre cf the Civil ansi Religioas rites cf eus ftolIoa- couutyac; end te msiutain, inviolable, beVet r' cile cf tise Constiution, un- vs hk tebavtse e applnuet.lire. 'asav Long Primer, nu gocd puper, sud lu Tvsnly-teur Cetiatina. Suisacrîpticuein thse City, Tave Dollars, eut oet h. City, <Ir by Pou). Tte Dollars pFr Anums. V. bu » in edo Cs. ommunications sud A it-Ment,,ame tewaed te k dà- 'etd*Taux Easro y, 1 Office, Great St. ,aMW s tree-opposite tise reeldence et Dr. Holse«. If b y mail, ta b. pont paid. Tise respective Journal. luntise Upper and Lovwer Purevlinese are reqnaeeted ta give lise abee inseertions; aud smcis.as.myb. is.l C OPWOaiC» oo, M MMY10 RfJC f 31 . -1" Ç- t t1il il I -.1 esi é& hnr* ~Sssu SefuesmO 1/ MN10%E 1 Is 1P()wr U NDEle tilie Sjîle Ille IJses to publisa Jioc dedicated te lte ifttlligcct In l portion of tlte rolmnnîî- 7 i. . wey te the Canadian Pt,," i < forts, every nece si if.rnj. deeervedly eîigrossilg suiject thor lis, and has ever been. ,a stea i cf Bankmn ginstitut ions, itl v en aprincipal otjert, i il as f~rt impart te bis readers junt Ijieas t J snd As'ultîiral con "l i le portancelit 0t[e pro<perîî., of tr a drig cf0rcerijd1u~ quuring M in d May beconie pîep,,rj' ., erate h e ît frm tule ' from the dross. To thia end lit sàhis jîjîervu-j- nmre oftbe Mos o.Ipil,îr .r< of Ban king, n 1<ichb y it hi r plausibili lihave ii ju rrida >ýPl unreflectirg iagaiit a 'iîr Among tirett~e ut reden r mischief. Ciotbt's la r. andI Gouge on Baii,-. Perbaps lie secttinof thie ev presents te te pil.irpisers danit and sotinci lj 'e:r jr play tif ihîrir înhglîty îCCI-, fertile srppentda7gîs cf te' t wlîere Cerles aiid Pomnaoljrae I pi rrettîl te tlj,-jr îîîllal bjtwels eqtially tvitli tIi- sI teem s' itît eh, tryo r i, 11i, bundant waters lrise ji, t ij nels te the enterphrise -t cna voy thij tre1stîrce je foren clime. Enouraging ltî-ss'vr j.I bly the nattur-.l ajvIt.sI,- l 'te dti tdu>tly .jf î'ai, î0, j j- Incthing btut a, a reçîrnajjij t1,1h.1,, 'if ho çeek tint fo.r thte.mil hiii labortireffe.'ively prd(ut jjve.j tically bencticial. That sucb a id <aljîje 1,,1,j I ý abflndant t îrrrew-î,'v,%yiili, 'f jjj practical illus.trittiii.s froun île. ,j thorit ies; a nd it %v.il I I..jai, -~j of ibis work go t. explii. îîj tlion; of î'î,îî,nerjn in re la",iiv cioulta 18es as tljllv t Ii.' t,. the advancnîeîjt oltîje Cja,.' of opuîlenc'e fr in-t i.h t. 'j been <lesti mcd by l're v i,j'i . i , * e effecled through tire ili~ îî,t abotndant Paper 'rjjj. The bouk t, ill be SvI. iejv contein at ficast 500 page's orF excellent clear t p.., ojjjillTe pîpîr, " be delivered in lie-n iiijliiiz A. "e, b. attended withî certain amd gre-at j'., a certain rate, andt pry in alvince, i,,, dispeuîsable. litme txpeine nfàwl1 cpt been careftelly acltdnînr' linge and six pence lias be v f i.jl t lowest price at wlicli tcme 'I oning ncthing fur tire Autijor's talc" comnpilation and original ('omnpsit,.!l wbich ifhle ultimatelle obtain any ,e, ary reccrnpentre, it cari oîîly arii f, il eXces f sale beyond liqsuIîcripI:t . As evtry exertiori A i le tîîî'l I' rder tbel work both enter' initg Istriactive, and masl esipecialiy pant'i capacity, the AtuthAr, with a zeaî"',' ni intent ripou the publie gouci, indulgmw b 'Ir talIte vont runity nS large w'!ýY th raypatron lgo, ex peilite the ri pletion ofa work rilien whirh the r' tiens of partiil friets have j'rejiî enter. Contempîîrniy Flitors in bothitre' ces publishiiîg tiisProspectes fijr s,, mliii bave a copy of the wîîîk. THIOMAS DAI.TI EdU Pj City Torntn, Jrînc2, lW15. -SALE OF CIIOWN IANllS HE public lire informel tîn tili.w rerves in the miiiland Dntric i' place anlews'vz For the l'ols-astuîpe of jtig'. doc, litnnge,'Foid, 1<alad.,r, Relj mouîd, amimd Tyrfdmèàga; Mvhmndey,20,11 Jîîly, Tlarsay, 2Uth Auguist, bronday, 21st September, Tne.day, 2Oîli Octob)er. Friday, 2Otlm Novenuti i. AT NAAI 15F! For tha Totu-nihipa cf SbdlitIL' Ucd te.Thuaas. 21.1 J.jiy, MVbâdiy, 241h Aiigjî-. Tbnriday, 24th Septm-iiher, FfidaY, 2M. October, Mnday 23d1 Nevrnber. AT KIt4GS'jI'N. For tl4 Townsbîpe til. buîrgb, Iiinciatbrnek, Bcdf',rt i.l boresagb- - Toieidày, 29th Jîîly. Sifurday. 29tim Aîgn. Tk.4day, 29t1b Septenher, W.diXeday, 2Sth Omt,ber, MNtýday, 3tMh Nove mljee 'lti nlgbers cfttthe lots te tecffgei, i .ajrble known by appyiIg P" ,St q Bl. ,nui a C"@ du sCrown laa", Oifile., T«4.*2M Joli., te6. SALE 0F CROWN LAND. P'HE public are mforuied thjat tlt" T ofCatowpsLANDS ilu the bl"îdei Eric#, aili také place as folle s.s-i n AT LOINDON. îlor tu. Caug of Msddlesrx, - -ylt Wedgday- Aogeu, Thurmay M JeIy, - rdaty --- --AT BLANDcFOI> forair 11.. et5o, ina<t.lra ,,lon.«Ili,4:1. tprases wslo Npapstdarme frireLI E.it I P. Pu"'t' myà opacun-fti> e saîl thelcm£ î U'il e l Us.l n.0 lism 1 tiOh i f, tussan y araIPTi Ut nti de a<tuj ic lit se)l-n ipiti ulCLene"teni Or lis aital. I erre mmm te da iet et fileml'flu is Illemites.1 ' td itit fites feis ar elily e le uuetyifeib ion stitýiâle pa Sion, wore eld smm r ler igict . avilli lime siii olin iseso*f I #ars ereic ti ils. vi-uwfmeast ereiatenmais M la ie fail c iemd àever t lic vas mileita W~5itthe aze ela,. c oipel rh mjte isthey ila v se,,~iiiuC flie arts selse rat lesanse. as c 'ds ios ftsu, e hdier v er 0nk, avilsenge vi ,si pae ate erimane midreacf tfilIe hafl art um trise ly liajl -cf îa sus yluf lh fru limei siuom am t hie Wa " sliia e Young tuiha i whtalleu.rc rrcnitc aerre 4P, tinofte ci.a <uais. olNretilc r tigeriani ý IJIte <mliosi palfl iesia oePeacili ex ieuss il, t Lbu sctiires! -planer*i lIe IIil. ex.Ci ,tmiti rlIMois or tie be" paluroudaib ut teas oute ie estel f teec Vaet 1 slti ,oomsd'se i 1 androronto. - 1 . ý 1 - 1 'l. peu.a momulm udi»ryopportultifi of Wi - - . - il 1 17 Il NU Ji -

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