9,3, 1 1111; C ufiant lit.. tenit ? U a r [ jti a pln oCîb m i ( neld1 at etd Sueh t aet acm% ts w Ir tbtOUIh b th~ va ei on81 'a iefjr* y a5ll0"g tlhe .,,,,"of t"feagen.e1 ,sl<~ 7 SOisdea,nwl* tinéare je cetaIddL er iln jb e , o frvOooaî, a,~ 9iiang on Ila orides ginn 14 Lat Our owfl improýq :atude for th, ae1!1, advrancermea fkr4b& Camot en, e t.] 1iealjy an'dmntt a Coiln a ki r aman wîlh w d mat7 in thei id" 1 int d. -f, & lis pre ,; à, BUeigo t 31 soitth "saue he , c lm .t 1 it be 'aike- ta~ mouid 16cans clet0 judgaa, tolaé Persoa are, 'a Irhet tey slfulda 1afare aca ila Jiem nt ho, ,,t en tai publie tat, .06 ae orace. 1 do sa V eliforivard ai aii a bo conyey a hant Io,~ To b. vaIad, tlsance., léTht g le," U Vi'ar mrtf. we gln eple ai E*n1 'iiUg nufce ideai o(e mur tigiea wq gowhW ar es slii oute fat i ba Ielad hi ala osn *ar, th"a reeei e an. 'n honde. This a, nq. b.s eerrecteJ. Cuva téidoa, i»drndaI1h ivenne t a ine '~ Mmd ?eisca Caes. las edet if vrea lse mic eould lesal a Zu Kigans w&t 1 lPmm'4 aid showiin i andi hogéor ille emma -ea. Thms reset, om thet sane Of . ala. nu déecouleaa.a en, r loTS tothe watt. 1 éang in musi à, ,pane, or an laquir a f the Irish;" étuiant lionj> a7 original ai ans aillon an Mr. JeRW ai mention, ast &il. fa. ible. He wriles taglb ng after epithet. Mi a lailguare, " spontae Sappear rediaiadant; bal bility of bisk ehaing a s Y ef presion. Whe Jaceai hy the f» Immse There lei osa .finemwhicb taîtie ta a.. aoo daerdiiag. 09 1 CRUi tiaea aicnwha e the vériter In mau atin ions, b. wvoald ce,,,.1, agat wmatai correct«. -Work. Hemo asutart Caavne, non eVo pu% anurl.ttu ait ahe gagiu. of laum !Ilincl mndet oveits.' ,af hie countr, nd lai Maaksusa deBâx miii, a!l bis "htoi Il maviî benigo iandu* hi., fraign anOni5uI , have n«rlv f«oul immediaialy, ils &B 'le sétands an proanaaaa me can hardly dtap Bi is that hithbl ifie. h lielr wahhbd t ilégé of &Il hie pradi 0 "b«aia intarvît tae leor Camubrànid; wi et vre ame liteaint tok in net the mmu hi* «ame md itrU aadin r as oeagunaiaîy MI 0e Coon t lngla thagia aublia. M agité a au '~ Md da b- 'z. Id, ais in Zal~, (li tedw mth tht 'iam mbiath » ,obai iare of lia ati- F111e14 i dORW»t taat du ,0k" ,;ilaci.ieaatt bu relized. Ad 1I fa ciuta lcpublie geftr&Uiy.and hiénas.i deatkti o s pet to ses hie -rp le tr 6«.,lcoaaeII aî'e,)*"from th Gm'a Casa , t-Cape Clear. la fle, dear reailar, oeo.f ,,ier*0bci far "Th.Ie is"in h eu. h. s ,0,or you wmOI ha etaaaalbYet gamasa ar- LA TEST INEW8. O)ur sccoiiaats romiLondon are titheIbm8t] f Auguat, aud rom Paris taliai samo dtie. Wu iaçe giocun amuch ef tbe English neariscou tie anti liiteialloar. The Upescli GoVeaslmefal have propso"sea e aceere lars fofia.h regulalion o! tihe prou, i. ,,,nequence of lthe etteuipleainItieKing'@ lue. The lpspers later loudticompaine,u.y tiat tu, clarler ie deiroyatt, andtireat tIîey irigolul as aeli hava rtainet Ctarles X..- pauîesare granteiblIaitherelaives or lii peýr4ons vain irere illeai by thei ira laaend auj fur vle iùg. Il appears tIsat Louis laluuîlîpc i3 arrehensive of tome (reu t- il uls heig na'a lar the eposeul manarcl a JRELAND. SThure wmain esrian et'iDublii th l.si rà ugmel, grmln'g s..u.uai4 s-hea dissemns oai f theorangemn endaa arefaruers. Belmeen tmenty anal I Sthatasanti persona mire sisenibleti, m »- araneat it ltatgeom, kuivee, pi m- stous.&c. Tare compalmieils.e wregimeut, andtheIb city bornes anti foot pc r- e. sunanoeti, anti uc«oecd aI let in~ quelling the disturbance, but mai t r- ereral persons mer. severely motildet Another accotntsanys the assemi coutI not h. short ofasix y thotasanti. o Thae pepularity of Lord Muigrave etllinresig.SPAIN. bTiser. mwonu alaming riot aI Barcel on Iliaenighl of!tho 25th of! .li. Six1 . renta more burut sud the mnon sant Irf à huichereti. Thm.'ioîers ore represent e #lave bain rayxilt, andt thir 'lger le directet aial ailsusipecteti o! beaug listel. Similar excesais hadt aken piac STerre"&,a and Reusa.. The two aruaies mer in sight of e y otiier on tise firt ai August. 'y PORTUGAL - An officiaI docte. won proisigageai thela 24i1a of JuIy, rescinding Ithe commen treaty of 1810 bel mes Grat ai Etai. Portaîgl, from the 31st of January et an -i,.loue by virgue ofia provision ta I n itea treaty, autbouiiinkg eitlatr part> -ai- aj_.ta. t__,v. ;4 _"F'ai n... la,...s. Tia iliaar ïfd favor in Englai luiru-arateFraceana lIaiaa gaaITiie public sales ot nationual property I precauiofla- inst [hem. comuseasceel, antigottef vif i, a pirit.T Tht aecounta froua Spain presontte qiacan i. sai u bh. Ising lier popiatari saine Cenes 0<o butchery as haveo bien vi-il- owîng lauItie genirsi belief thonth~e is neçýd s log, wthot ay thng iak na uci gaarerued by an' nid match ionens, ,itiu2 anlon, uhhot ay taan tmanghigoletimrimtorst. Cooui'eaid tu e place te decida Iie conîroversy. iat belimeen lie Duclem cf Bragana a& 1,aot Tluuirsday, NiIiio'a ilotel, at New bthe Qucen, larrtisuglaier. lu oui, tlýck ire, and waas destroyeti, ailis FRANCE. .uîuiue of hIe sîjtiiiing tîuildiaag. A colîur- Thae lmpt of Gerard, alise Fieacelii,a cul ii.îu, 5Waair la uicasîalîs4nse_') if.cenîeu'reforai tii. ngrossin. t'q cil[liita %aitr n Ile stablihme, lia -ie :Franci paperi andt ih tere hiuî file. correapondenîs of the Landau jourrnas ENGLANU AND IRELAND. The assasin isasmcertainedt ie h a Con lie hauiée of lords mas alili eogcLed inean, and liis circuainca liasagiven a ha.srig c'aîcnr aglua IIe rfurn o î geobconjectu ras finiat thliabject o! filie crie iiauiijual cerpraiil n ( lae 711t. On mas lue cestorataoaa of ItieBoaartmue fai ilaat (lay lhe rentainiaîg clauses ufthe . rii lyNotIailég of li. e at importance "st ct.,iei uîî mcc gae-a teancaaaaailo u hava eein dscoveceti. althotagiabe e lie flouseoe-tf culaîîlîns. SpeakioofIl e îaexamuined easafs ay. Many adalaîlomaîà evienc bfý)e Ii ordtlae il . ngrealaihave h.aaa made-m )og lIa, parti clurldn suelir iis lrd, o angmre filme mite <ofFieschai ad laer tailler 90. lIosn~ 1wo rmn ohraddultr l'lie exarinalion of inesffsaIlia omthen oîsract iagawr 1,r cut a'ae bouse- oflordis placesin a disat- iviom ie lihadiliveti in aduiîîry. on. î'aliaiaoue lglta 5coIsderaiie portiona or coant sallailt ou thm dscorery ofh Ilue ecaulonce cauIllercday thea colaiusion rosi nainle, lie lare tie bandages from f cis. Nluiofafiîae finie c<maaamedl iy thai hea, anal lie iopese eîrtanet o! Ilis, LuulV o lnI ami]perians, as f<iu as ina h.iecotaaery mere lesa sanguine. The haisto urnhiereîl fromthie Iestimonyo tea i t e m af i bs wbola lufe hatibeen ihirestigatediai as alreadlv eaamined, mas connu i las career smenu tabar.heein ane u t g, c &aasu in ordiary turpituade. Layai tddremeeua1 gleauing staieaaenis, and] fo alen laseayte kingveeporu nfrotan avery fpn uulueufrountîPeraonauedulteil ta eo eearJurnei î;Iivlvc.rieýofeutIllie corpoainsndomis . of the ________________ lime uuu'[l iin flielrasence rof I llepublic.- Su-au 1 Ilue ruluele of nvalitI 10aY blermait Hic Excellenry Sir John Colacrne li "uuucr.eliulu..rvials," in thae abape u of ee jleasea tu appoint AtIderunan Thima ccýIr 1ur-r citauplant, miail îe close ort Carfrae, tu thie vacant situaion o! Coletec raci epr ru-luIrsela h4, has been illataglne(lIttuis port, an appoinaient mmichlahas gil l Av ,iuîuescsud, a hin le case as tu Nor- en ver> general 'atisacio.-(rlortou iilcl, BifOtl, Curentrv, Marîherougla,Reodr] G.rnilhauun, and i aanY olliar places."~u iyAaattaae IInt Fru, îe- inl, c AsnI8. terminer! la Piltdot h l. evgrog m. Fil lay evenin, -A roacticinlhas laken miit shicla th.e ity iieovrere. sè- place lo-uay aiIlle tends, urougi <oaa ai astlth ree pacsons naaned JeIan ,G)'anwg Ile e.uuoseqieiute-ia ut uay attend itlasse- Samauel 'i'wnsanti anti Mary Mîila litterili uresi aLupla.d luFraace, adi merarouaght Up fouseeling spirite mithet valid lare filde 'le lcincompatile' Witt'license, and t h. cases h.ing iuIly prove Ilue rau.uîuilliy 1ut ecounîry. Tlîisisnost, lhay mere cachat inoti in lhe ful penaltyq intuuuur,île univeasalipnion. ase nany £20. esnnuer IlIi lIah -ovGrrnent. h Ilia. late IVe iilderslai, t at a number of simila E iu',uî atitaek onî tile Kinîr, li rendereti cmses milbe brought fotrwardtitliis day. tifl iit uu'ly nlcong lta carry Ibaisi lirougli[t. vi u-t it Amuer. 'On hIe whoie, thlare mai l. re-t lisPnuititun tri seil stock, in order t Au eilcomsinhsmeiidrtu t'~tlî- 'utu- luelarcLaansI 110aorta.- arrit-e, i.n orter ltaI lth e erni culminal iule lflect (It itius, e-insuiiellaidt filen i eiqen wh aveb- -omit t :e, Iluune lu) i, anad lie scalp, lo 221 pro- antdeaqensvi lraOncoauî ;fiuuu uhef iiladk,-tcloner! iaaanaure fit- ance lthe adjourasuacashof the Assazui muaueotte. anti he fast quoaioeaa weri Jîlytâtat, mamy tfoliealîir trial. TiecAA. -c'uus_'auZ 1)90,i Oitîniaam, 21 lu à praes ccmec tamarm iiuîri ex îcluequie bllshi, 21t. la 23j. _______________________________________ 1'uil' 2lnî f Juav, Lord bhirpeli mor- jfrrs lulrlave- lu Iriiag an a bill l'or (ie btter rcau.l'u-,u[, uetesagalusî the pence in LrrolAgai7 [cclau t' le ou un lalb ml as Dol a pro-Liepo u st7 luctinru u,î Illue faions coercaou bii" ,aîd Scvermt paucola nem Montri eal arl Aeh rgulIe al ai slite leagl, la0show hast Ira. e.have hein eald at 339 3d toi 33@ 6, mid a'l lu-o t ruquice tolie d <eaitmaIl, , et) ew at 34%ç anti ofnt-w MunIreailPot Aal -11J ' t'as lîcraefore. The provisiosc of es, a <osa insilblotit; oîiy al Z1a B3d tua s le cia' haill laid a Imo fld tparpose; firiPar Cml. u thursue aLard Lieutenant to istue: Tle Grain nmarket cotinluluez dul, nti pve,,i, c)ta.msions tu olaitmtiiags idils- reduction of 1-1 per 70 lie. in Whtiat, a ctS, frou] lime to lime, as occasiou migui it 1022d. pet 45 . is on Meaaing Oasa eIlui-e, fur lte punialawentof cajnoes; and Wlas in baond is negiecleti, 3000 bble eul ifiveal lbe courts norgaeizeti sour FIeur in baind hava beon iolai for 1' tllu pallier Io marn thae anhabitanta tu ne- fAir Pliadeipalia, snd 20s per bbl. fer Wst aiui af liiuiue aint gt-lo requiuelra lum eri a taaa. ah nut nitof blir f'unilaes-anuh lu a-- Pt ulucu- Precautiaasary tieasarei for hIe fiMA nus oaa~ntHia. 1SaONueVA Man- Clu luinu!oiragi-s. iButl oiuaueiliaa-y KETS, Vofi TEaisaveiltuZ Ayb 'tI,àe- ent tb le lerilcil. pne EEiN G. in. Sui~u , ittu.,ing lais spproval Tuesdaa.Eueniau,Sept. 15,18M5. i l ~ lt lti lwuîild please e- A s- l i brhtI lis 1"n teady al I 'u',: î ci n i relaiiub bill [tir hui- aur iaaîaîiols-tlie ranisaciounshava nui I i lIt ii e a halahe fardier i-enlarge. P,,ls readiuy briug 32s..und t u iiii'b- aililsàtiacauetie~s w hielupens 35s. per c % t. Ou', ~ ~ Il lar'e-lc lîu r-aitial in alcÇaane FLaaua.-We havre ieard o Do transat- Ii' luNi "t %%!-l'fluil waasilai aiaty out huas silice lIsese repetalt a eterdav, l v a n i a , fa lu îi ig u c au r a s a y 2 2 5 0 b r i s C a n a d a fi n e , a I 21 9 . 6 d . p er iîuî )uau 'e- nuuies barreb, Seltamben branel. 1~i- il'ilu', lai grai ls.WUUiaTr.-A f<trler lot o! about 700 e ' fi, inur b1ilfir Ireland, ieieilalad U. -C. hem changeti hindi, priS 'r 1 [,'y il. Iist iltorney general, I ol Iranapirral. NocnacsfrLm n'o~ a -uuutr lue- isahîulîbfrancbise Canadla umadeie 0fltireabase hboard of. "cf u. 40,000, the qiaali. isrlitPo)c.Temre itu~~ u l'-uCIl fur, uaatIlng i mun andi Segar in mitheaul change. A or s top, nf ilue value of feu . mntxssSrceiapina u 't,,Ie o i, ..tyn , ils fflelo a;Povitsa...No alîeration inprila 110~ ~ ~~P iuletîeaiee a Ille- aaat te rat. fur Bila on Englaad-8j a 9 fora i IieluiueVu.,occuiplein la1l Mea-thamns', anadi91 Benk ie the quota- ii e~'uuus iiieulutteru-Nir o'Cun- taaus-LCoier.] 'Flc 1 u-~ \' astQnile ,,,tuureu t I KMSON IiARKZrI2RCIM I uiuurtliat, fc-luOCis le- Carpo. 1fies, Supsera,per ill.....O:a...225 'ii c mtilii h-IOuS n0t urd.a isw- u hlsat, il d. ........ .. o a 0 '0 11. uuu'u,,iere-tab~le e- lî'iaclaIb Sue8«»d%,do. dt..... .....2 e a O O 1 1,1 'ri~e cue th-, i anlWea.....aký......... .... r. l lut I tie laduuoutiaeuî md We e .hl. .......... . 3 0 a 0 iuini do7 . .... ...........2 6 0 it' l l ie- t lui ehuak mt. y, d. .. ...... ..... 2 aO0 -.r ailau un thespolf,uul laiy th, Pôatotus, d..........1 on te u, rI.y nie. fut, per Ii c tîiern. lt.Il.I aîaa ,lt..........o4u efli Vaines ci..........l8a d0 4 l. e mt sât do......... ...... a 0 cuuîu r î aî t- J ttVa , o . .......... ..... 0 a S 0 Collaittee untihe t! Ouse a ' O f C f on teis u of 86 bo83 rs t'f ii '-ug b, i ing he par- l'Sced~ of bea s e r i lot 'e f-wder, arme an Lr ' Urnthe slaves wero fountd mde' rs. . > Arsst a depot in on t zrmvm4 n lanb.UPPER CANADA COLLEGEb H M RIGCUIR ,et of am Coindlm sebehId , Welmwsmg>sjaa, W ILL re-O ien. aller thIb m m uer vu,,S:blosila M nrald17Ir. iaiHekcaa<omeos ber, inatnt. TusaImS4bo et. I s Mayiilistle t ecplr, andi uring wsk. ihe reuanda of ter on Tuedys, ri Z 0@Tudv vag 7 n. tt,308. H. HARRIS,1D. D. Thursdaemdtriys, at omr. 1*117 Orn m a naie of jontih e te E NaPL l ateb Of UPPet and Lower Canada, u "es =e.iit I.40 ere ie htUr.mu- Toronto. U- c. Septeaubes 8la, 183M. mdImUnitediStates, on lt.ed&YS of pub- mgt, enrosie tien ie r e sd w Aoliy -to eehwho haa"heruMeaub" lifatitn, for Sevan Dollars anai ha r e unil Tepaiamh dehqt i at' d~ ,mi i, t t ia? o UtpaOuumnadidng tbe charge fur Postage , ire amoatm. POL"lua edvancm. d- AIRMY CONTRACTS. Tb "igC ures a cotmmerciat lage Commissarit, NOTICE. lamper, lita"d unrivaiieej for tb. cerrecfen ENDERS miii b. recive.]athe Ber- 'af ie riii uge niObservations on w Kingston, 1 M aSepteabr, lm T$ 1 aid Oice duriug the aneuing en days lb. Su re at. r Imrtantiiclau ' JOTICE la bereby givon, abat Soaled (or the. building ofa! e mTTGE. Fer especially libmtheWiner mthea, contein N~Tenders milb. receivoti et Ibis Office Plans mati SPecifctoseqiea bssletltmSiniiadPeia x Ions until Monday, et noon, the IStb day aofeinOMMui. t a ts elee thLie a i nd icmt poiîî.î m n-October next, frein ucia pomrsne mia ay eraiti Ofice, Kingaton. 141h Sept. 1885. Ettropesaneumsppeas anti Porodicaie; to- con- h be iliing te enter juta Coutracte wil& lfin getisor mithimlith.& nems, Foreigan sd Do- ed ajat' Government for lb. following N<YIîE je hereby alvin, Ihat antaamentie, Ofgen.rai internat 1te theCanadien ve a pl~ o u or flou th. Ist Januusy meeting of the Directors of the Ctr- rotir.la the Summer menthe, tb. laîcit Clar- 1836, for tiaeuseo of the Troope, Staff, and !gui Bridge Company beldti i day, Mr. J. Shpiç Intelligence le gisen, as wli as ce at Deparîmente et Kingston andi lU dependmu- Maksmas appointedSecretary & Troeur- tb. pertacutare of the Cargoe of the differ- - . o-te tite oBridge Comnpany, ln tise roin of out sbips treinEurope, &c. cacis For FresisBie t pet lb. Curreucy, Mr. G. F. Corbet. To thbn. bo mane lt bc inclinedti !RtSot Bread B et par do. do. WILLIAM LOGIE, taie thIe Daiiy Paper for thbmiamer TRaons of oKe, per ach Ration. Pei. C . .menthe, Ibm Moaniçmo Coiix., for the conaRatons ofOnce oft he a CtasqtiBrai Company I n9 Ibo. of Os, Pofag eet quiista of S.Plmeihr 7,i ~ "" Country, le publibeti on Monday andi ta'l 1fIb6hutlb,.yta Théedey, eonmlaing every tbiug that op- cen 6lb.o ftym, detivereti fron. tu. C.a.. NOTICE. peutie l lb.Dm1, midi the exception of *aW 6 Iboe.(Straw, tractor'a Store. B Subscriber baving takoou ot IItes the evrtimmmnimthe chaarge fâr mbichr CU; For Charcoal, t par bhibela Cu 7e=?r g iab Me h il.o&- kPa -des The Betta ho of tIbu et qualityof. 12Administraion tb tbe Estt. af bu er D ml Ii.Immam. F eor Heifer, properly lauglâtereti, andto!a- leo uebentiWilliam Driscoll, ]te ofthe ier an .eW-mter, la six Dollar. Jper An- tke. qua] proportions of hinti and fore qtmutes m ieblifIllier, Marcent, requessua Dm. inclutiing Ibm charge for Poetage, psy- aid. and nao othar, ta b. delivereti te t h. taop rsane= L ing ciaijue agaisait the laid astae le iauivance. baid at their respective quartere. The _Suet Dot ta ncosethm a ber for eettlement, antia Thee h.c ibdti1 rpramn. iudebtedto theb i stat e i miJUST RECEIVED,t riay, The bread te b. maufacumd &trm the plametotle their respteaccounte mithbAND for Saie by the Sobacrihere, aItheir tOC best quaaity niflue Flour, andi c. be mu- ber, andt tereby save unneoeserq cot. Store, corner o! Store anti Rear Streeta. j ,,rantei lakeep ameet andigondl for ai îeat aRaIA DRISCOLL, 100 Boxes Cromu Gîmu, of variou sires. eE iwer.ty-iour hoers abter dliavery la the Adminitratrix. 40 Ciel. London mix'ti Putty in Biati- and4 Troope, 4c. Kingston, 9th Sept., lm885. The Carte ta b. employet inlu arrying 12 Craie. mcli assorteti Crock.,y, IBread anti Meat te Ihe Troopa staîlanetilit REMOVAL. 15 Cau Glaemare, anid I ijît Helry aud Point Fretierick miii bo TIRE Subecriher respectfully informa bis 100 Boxes YcIlow Bar Soup, .i permited toe and repau « "bu Free. Lfred andthIe publiic, thaI ho bas lbe 20 Boxes Polanti Starch, ""c T "s eraiiîrst meved is ia leEstablishament ta Ibm- 10 BagaPopr a.-@bject la the inspection of e Commissariat extensive prenaises asilueat het bNorth 6 Biala. P eo rsi- Officer, mho &hal b. empomerodti a reject nd of Front SreeJ neît tier ta tbm bouse 300 de.. Caula ',se aach au in bis judgmeuî je not of tbe queai- formerly occupieti bythe ««Xiugston Bank.,, 5 Punceoma Sest Ou, ie ty describeti, sud cause aibi: lheB reidtair T. MACNIDER.. 15 Cubte Wbale Oit, ni- Iteef te h. ammciatoly repiaceti or li de- Kingston, August î188w. 759 8 BIais. Rouin, pns faulI Ihereofsballpurcham.a p'e qai 10 Catbe White Winé Vinegara ram ty of Bec!, Mitton, or Salt Pue b o FOR SALE. 101)Grom Wime Corks, f ar- oftha Contracter. theIbmfait rs Tomuab o Seymour, 40 Jans Macaboy Souff, f ien Tho Contracter for Beetmili.remirmal Ae FARM efu00 cres cf LaAN, second 25 Kegs No. 1, 16 bandi Tobacco, ai- te race bis lsunes ta tbm Staff andt ii tan Pint 0f quality ta none mbaeeor lu 8 Punchoone Jamelce Spirits. rith mentse ither ftram lb. Publie MBskaI j t Iatfaiie Township: il le composeti of Lot -AIL8O- me- or from ntaae flthemont coaveulent Cou- 24 in the Stia cancesiansd tbeNorIth JF7NA'9LIQ UORS, 19RO0CERoES, bis mnisariat Magazines at Kingitea. ballot 24 in the 7tb Concession: upwerds lis Payanent for Ibm Bec!, Bread, IF ,of U acres are cîerot; 12 are nomunuder HARDIVARE, &cb. re- andi Charcoal ii bo mate anontlyby ~a firatcr09, andthie remainder tbreof ii lhe dm117 mpectetipar. Beat baun Quebec anti Sry Check enlias Bank Of Upper Canada, et vary speedily roady for fail eoiug. There M«trà titi Kingstan. 1lma imre aaLog Ham nse IFarm, beiug C. WILLARD IkGo. use- Themurnsof Imo respensible pereons ta 43 "tbY 3feet--entiil la elli eoreti by _Jingaton, Aug g uet13. 57 to bc ineorteti in the Tender, as sureties fo ver ai bea butiful living creeks, bemieas ,art1 efranee ieCntst p' Wiil bc soit chea.p. iVOTICE le bermby gavem, that aul par- A"*"""tmrinormt«n b o tel, r faraher partreculars pply ta Jobn n te foiai trmmapuang. cutting down td oln appiicrtinf. j mCemeyii î t Taylor, Esq. Graflon, or Lieit. CtoughR. TI@"aOr treeP&WB 0in r uamy may injur- a ieBarrckteet iagSn. 6 . Seymnour. alcu h umentlonstd Lots et Lanti, te ~ A R Y C N T R Â T F R ~ , i so.property af C ptain Lem oin , s hlihbe pro- ýtor RMY C NTRA T ceeed aainate l oirm adirects, i0 STR W. TIL TO LET l I te omnbi et Kingston, Lots 15,16 QteST A W TTTIJ te irsetaofMMay Doigt, tbast &17, ibthe th Von. Western Addition;-iu ce Coluariat, IL gibly Ietueteti OFFICE or SHOp Ermeet Toma Lots 30 ins 2d Con, anti 39 ilu i Kingston, 191b Septembor, 1835 $ 'laelyocapieti by Menus. Cartwright fi i cou.; la hkieurgia, Lot 84 iu 71h Cen; e le- gEALED Tenders.mili hoa rev ti gAro-mtrosg. Apply ta la Tburlom, Lots W.1 9 andi W. of Il in I8 ksI. 4lims Ofice outil M.dy, 17N.u, ~ iLL 9aBE GGL # - p. du . ,li Id Co. d.W.& rit S401h day efOctober naît, for aupplylng BhP.l t .- u.ar cou.; do. Rosir part of 1 &t 2 la 2ud th ii, lelieran te b. Oduane BsracbDe- ou.do. Lot 18im7tbcon.;In Hamkoabury, sa Ielvrig them OilsaI e nto. Pint WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Lts14 i 16 in 4tb con. Western Addition. a giranti Peint Fredrck, 84»00 Ib. ci A MALTSTER. Poraeawimebujt.purchmo can applytla ed odOee rWboten Straw, viz: ONE noa appîy mbo caunotol Capt. Lemoîns, rlir et Law of Jomep ta ~, ood:a:der moine, or. S of( Ose <anth bedelivered by Blet Uneh tealimoulalese« taebarecter, abiiity ani 8 CARTWRIGHT, Esq., Kingat. do. do. MUtanu. te de. Blet 0oto«, "creanco iah di- id or nt- t- kd et et MI Mr 1- Buas', do ............ ... aO S Casdle, iovidg,............. o j a O 8 Dite. dipe ............. ... s 7 poI' , P& tcspl ............ 85O0a 0 do- .vil Um , ,...........m a0 doi. p1m e... ......a 0O 0o Cheat,pe r............... O O wo.p-euh. ................ a O 7E flauoper m............ Sa o Yor,de....................lP a 9 Duekmhe.t.o. ygerm ~ < d o. d e.* a I D eil arm ) The Tenders toeoxpress 1h. Rate lu Car- rency,(iu merdsaet teugtb) for mblcb mach Buiodie of 12 lb. efStram miii h. furnisia- eti. is Security roquireti for tb. due perfe,.- aaaoce of such Contract as may b. enleroti VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE.- cine, mith 400 acres of !Amndincuing tbo A VA LUABLE FARM in Maryburgh ot 4W0 acres, 80 oetttua use e idcr poticul- llratian, Frum .Bou.. andi Bara : oui biluali-n in Adoîphustomai; iucluiin the Store Houss el tise mbert 50 acres o! micel. letut Landi sud eMaIl Oreilard. Application 1a b. madta10Ureas or Da. Adoiphuatomai, 7tb opt. 185. S*-HERLIFF'S -SALE Upper Coanada. ) I LL b. soldat the Midlanti District,? Tw Coudt Hou.. li Te Waî: 3 lie Town o! Kingston, un Wedudey the 28d day a! Decomber nexl. ah 12 o'clock neus the f.iiewiag Lande anti Tenementa b.loaigiag te Henry Curae, seizeti by vWit la aWrit o!f ri Fadias loume directed, iciuoti ont o! Hiei Ma- .1e:rCourt of King'% Beach, ai tue suit of Tiie West heua! ofLoI mumber 37 ia tbm second Cencmioai o! the Tmmnebp ofSyd- bey. Ail persane baving daims on the ah.,. landi or auy part Iheseof, are request g 1 unake tIhe 'aime kBomas la me an or before tbe day ai amie. JOHN McLEAN -Shmiif M By JA sias WATT-, Dep'y Sberlff. Shin'. Office Kingston, l7th Sept'r, 1M 1 SALE OF CROWN LANDS. N OTCE b btebygivn, hsta Parti«g bhape o! Coiliaigmooti, St. Vincent, andi Not- tawamags, in tbm HOME DISTRICT, mal hi o S'enta fer slie by PUBIC 4UCTION mI dam Cout Houanau b. City ef Toroa- te, on Fi iday Ibm 101h Octobarher mt, et 12 t'ciock neon,et lIh. upiet prime o! 5. Co0r. uency par acre. Ome-tourh of the Purchau monmy ta be paid domn, andthesmr.aindin lu Ib . quai Annuel Jmata1meutw, mIi ijterae« up- op emch 1 nstasiaent as it becomos due.- Plane exhibiting the.ituations of Ibm Lots, .ay ha emas aI lb. Surveysr GveuuermFs 0& fcm, Toronsto ant fi rber parlicularskaom. by mplyinai tmaibs Cli...i Commission«r of Crown la&dsogc Teronto, lIsSept.-188u.641 F'OR SALE BY TUE SrJBSCRIBER, LALRGE qat o! COTTON A. extenuive emotineat. e! LOOKING 3LASSESa o! vu5m i ade, Wua. WILSON. Kiu)gsîor., Sept i61b,1835. 64 HUNT a MORTON. *Dngoton Brevet7 . st itlery, t Auguet 4,1835. T-emojalyoe, lm 'SALE 0F CROWN LANDS. N OTICE 18 BEREBY GIVEN, tuai +Itue lnds aiam under snrvey, atijeo- inoabo Tomssuips as EiLISoN AU!> FrELon, INorth ofmilsBoa. Lobe, Wlb.e ffereti fan Sa. at Publie Aucton, te rdthlb.muaiof the moula f Auguet usual notice alcuguaing tue mumbars o! b0 Loti, as vel l t.econditions anti af "le ii b. gaven au soon as th. Geailemaisle faaiinl Kingoton, a mustIbc à gooti plain Cooka, ant i miiing te abe bersoif geneagey uaeful. Enquire hi$ Office. ingalon, lot Sepleuber, 1835 NOTICE. LL persous indebted th lb elale o! di. La. Robert Coleman Eequire, are .te make immediiete payueuî la untenigned, anti ailpermetsiaaiag inagaiuul Ibm Kitate mill pfflmiit Ibo a tta frpaymat. JOHN STRANGE,4 -M. - -W "à a hrAn j EKs.'1-?B Ju els,183. o ue 80N. Bw A onuilemîBOUSE ad .&RDEN te u lot peety lult Im !ofPort Hito pe. Mymiu Appiy te M. F.Whitshad, PAq. R. TOLl EN , M mb og-of 1 .R oya Collage of Sureos a in d u Iceullate e lsethe ara..' Rail, bav- remove o i n 0 Qat S Ire 0a RGERY a»4 I ,Dt h - A vi ce gr etaeuy m rn au fomu n l l n 9 s te . M a y 6 , l u & 5 .4 6 PITAl mpIY oet Iis justy mlebra- 1 L'pusaOWbfumdrespaige W a a St0e, or iluay etber mamuerarbat- e ,vilibepoeecated mthe Lam dIrects C. W. GRANT, F o r lt.h e o rie ots a n ti in bobaltfo!tiseCreva. imaitlin ae 8.1833. - TOD LABOUEMUS. k o Ihm CeaasLý Cssaltobe meaWintf pItbirten -Dame pueth aiau id. MRILL Me DONALD à Co.A vherbiarne Cianange Ce, N. Y, p 3u1y 25.81U5. A n y p e r s o n v n g n f r t o n m i r e eve fi,. pounde rewad on conviction. Kindson, LU. C. Augual 15, 188. TO LgSE FOR A TERM OP MEARS. TuEprmi.. recenfly ocepid by the F os p etcuims eq" itof.1M r. M u niy, or of tbe sabociber. DAVID JOHN SUM. K4ingt, 85h Auguat, 188. M 0 T I C E. DESS hvng demandea gaint the1 pT Ltatm of the lote Henry Murey, rEq.i ae ref4uuIe préenst the "me te Mn.1 Catherne Mumy, duly atteeed: ms, per- »Mm udebeed ttso .uste ne reuead go1 mB"e Paeunt wllout dolay. CATH-N MURNEY, ExecutiTx. EDMUND MUBNEY. D A V I D J O H N M I H , . o u lo m a R i m on, SIIiAA ugust. 18 .5. SHERIFF'S SALE. Mdidiad District, UUJLL b. oid t the T o W it. $ TVCourtHou.. ltb . Town of Kingeon on Wedesday the 2d dJe etgoplembe natt 12 o1cock, noon, bmfofewzg lands and tenemente belong- îg te Joha B. Siyliaseizeti by vituIe t mo E ecutions ie m ut UIof H i e M mJ' t r, Distct Cout, que t the suit of Jaie,_- LiAi ,d theIbmotber s etImsuit of Josepht &rock aller, va: Lot No, 2W9 in the To ma mIi gt nwith lb. Buildings there- en eue$d, etW in stars triaI, and i ou NeM*~awiaatet Bellvit 1 etop t mbae ctions Mthe abev Proey or »mY Part tbomf are roqe"ta te asaire hbÇaM" ekuom te me on eq befired J O1 H N McL E.A N, S h im . D m 1 8eriN M1,Kiafne. . wh mal8lm. a day M *y of Octobir mxl S M XLEAborafM.1)a SheiO es * u,? e l o th e C a 1av a a. i iuld g ? M . W . - D . a u u a c h e s e s 1la e 1 fmr~~~~ fhfelaa e t b er, lu Ihe place ofth il. Ho.John Kirby, regeti. ou dis. wrom lutuue sitedPreilet for A Umi-muuùajDwvdoni 12. a ac5 li aram FOaUe ai thsOffre. 6 0 aL T, 7 a. yT. C. R Ca. <boualimuort crma Law 'OSe> 9 1l'oe, j* lm U. S10 NOTICE 18 BEREBY GIVE, 11 T arATume oie* re 14 e, r hie 12 Lot. sa. I&4inlu nlb.ahbCoacom o fe thlb TOWMW OF PEiZINOa , làu* ues Dift1515Ac, Wbia*10e u i ra el" e"d t he trou Jssla% a«00"aa mwui«.t e pountis. IHAI'%NAgR'ÔWem 3 Kngston, 20h Auc. 183-5 THE NEWbSTRaAM BOAT COMMODORE BAR]RIE>m CAPAri fAULB SINtCLAIR, Frop.Iled &Y slaeLoue Pressure rugi... 'IWLLmin conection miîh tue Sieste BOU sIVEO. ls"uthebmduiffsw porte On the ake etasfolieme: Lia.. Kinugston, Monday moouxlnge,, Osmego blonday a"dThbury Ev. Co" a 't Port. Hoea ueeilat mmd Friday Morninge, Toranto fur Niagara Tusdmy »4 Friday Ereniiga. Loaes.Nifa Wc a eilay matiUsO&Y. Port Hope andl Cobourg, Woduday andýssturd*y Eveaiug, andl rriYmai OdQeego on Tbursday, mb.re mis0à bem, » àai Boat Oemxgo, mut as rives e ai wget.n on%-Igday. sala . eh mete tam Boat sae- JAUMES KKs., mhich boa>. mmi jleavem eiA"sIy Sî Preacoîttanti Ogdeoaabugh. The Cosauoas RBAsUBtgig je Ou f hb. lst Sua Boae on tbe Lakte, anud commanti- ecd by Orne O! the. malt maPeiuietNaviga- oc> Ea'erylttte wion miiib.paid 10 p?»i- sengeax anti aigoain Prcperty rigularty ship peit. Kingtons, lune 19, 1835. 21<lV i-diead, êfe* -"lg ltoBoar P ROPELLICD by tmo-iom presre En 87gnez of ify horse power cach, mili for lbm Seemon leave the diffemt Portase roikars: Prescot oa Thureday mveuins Brockffle eve-y Tburoday!aiLhl Kingston every Frlday ai uoon, Osmîgo every Fridmsy croula,' Cobourg on Smlortiav moruinpw, Port Hope an Saturàay mote" - City et Toronta evcry SundayMflOM* inail Niagara every Mointa7 at noomi, Cilyo! Torontoevoery Mondayeseuing ah 10 e'clack. Port Hope Tuaeday esorniage Cobourg Tusti mr. lgg. Kiugtam Wem day uommins. Brouebvilie Wediday abepos This Boatmwili iefoond by me lin enirnnnity nal surpameet by any other oe I-he Ontario for eleçance, comfort, mnê tied 'Pameaiors mill bsve Ibm adran- td= fft0ýÇ tiTbmusmud ""onie er iw sa trop, 1%eilasCosuoxaa ii malt b.e arrimàI of thse MOp.EAL STAGEs Before leasing on ber uparard -trip. For iseigisiorPeesage apity toe .Perameu boardi. Steei Boal Coboug Oic. Toronto, Aprii, 1885. SALE 0F CROWNLANDS IN THE WESTERN DISTRICT. NOTICE luhrb41y given,tbat on Thur- 18y, lb. 2Gda day of October next, User. nill b. offetrea for Sale by Public Auctaon,. kt he Court-Homie, in hO Town otSaud- wac, nt 1OOclOcir,A. m-a Trat ofLaud, su o m s BIk b C O uP r isl thIb m 7 th , & lb, a n d he qrIrptefbglc4smesmaon.; or le T-oWDSip ofSarula, audebawiia 1,777 Acres, et tbeaqmst Pries o!ftour 1h11 utge andi melo.. pée emarey, par At. 'Y',l nue quarter dean, auj Ithe iusn- er lu treyeank, b»Dmuall mfttgsau of me quter, villth rekt on u cl IMaa- met ci il lacmes .due. id in timfaaiî ibeo, Ibo Tract mill b. a- ain set uorte Atctlon. or* Ibmfollomine '&Y at 10 a ck La . A Pl"a of lieTract, ad. the umber, et e Lots, 1»y be seau by appiimg le ilenry Jonle«-Ehq. Chatham, or te the Survayos- amrl, e y o!fsalcb miii aise, là ctezhem.B Eommidogref Crevai lAndeOMMic. TorOnto, U. C. Augtnti3, 183 IALE 0F CLERGY REsERVES NTOTlCM le bffl urvent h" *0.as peat s ae s dVy ne mOWNSIl, (W mS0zagôIig. [t Cepl a. M. 67 7~ làbUa117 1% 21, 2 il t W Z 2t W . .9% 3I4 . 3 7.o. , 2,1 .1. ta @ 1 C ' e.2, 1&a w at in h pu ou dik ti of PI lm Sté 1