palk Wovau va] Detah mato robarawd to.ebi iehd acarcely f iaehod hia repc .lefiat Licatenai when a bot m e w~sd ith art fc (rom ara vieil'le -mm'via 1al, n i ID" bri6g. W. mayobliger hel~p a,.taa w r hir as ue" coltinais subeisti ztweeo tise Ammnan a&d French coffi ila thet elrreeag, $"ID eut of0I untortunat. flmacasvhc= cgTred short limt ete aitNahion. between am Amcriman ad, Fignollog, i which Frenacha a4or am au Alburim s iteor we kiiied l'h. French cW.u caime upen dec aad,ith oftemieajiar'b v way n, l Wit omeiflasory, alit:tt a ahat frein I Ontihall dpacd ove tihe Frenceh KiD Corvette -, ca@"s way nome of0I figing and a qqantily cf ecamen'.e c tlunc hich ha6'bref& huasg out te dry. l'h. cient lt 'lntate compauti boaiauncac =1hWd 1,oaimiaortune fle, Lut Lieutenanat., of.'ov«?aibia renhman!" "Shot a Frenb"*Qexcaicd HR leipssituable 1 W 1 ~ihmathla of tha*al Z44t.1 ýI b bar, aear .....~<witheif »êd sala tV" ietn t 1,ryWaae;t tlougrd the Frenchh Crvefite. anD«explan te the Ca plain (féc circumabieusexpies ing isdj.pregret at ii.eaàidet. and0 1. #lAd the proper perinns rm Il O nt.rjo l. rpar ail dam aogges. M nsie Iowever îaa flot inne ai cable a moudi Myniseci: he decined the. cicr te reps damgagea but lalked of informing hiecgoveri ment, and mainlained a nreved and-cf.:n ed<mainer,tint il tise Amu"eit. cr's pi fiantce beignte vbaa'lqut. Amunsinga eala semean 2 q Ie Fronchman, I grav 1oiyorved-.."Sj',1 hava informes Y<'u othe cit'cumstanceaof thua acciden anid mde ot e a ao y whicil, inain WillaonUic naurai' L ise caerequirea.- W ii euho leeei t*rm me viie e'tat are entistied." Thse Frencla Captai rminsedataeiy taaW-- oh oui, Monjgieu, crtammelâtt certainnient, c'est aotez, C'i4 muecz." Tite Aniericaen Offiirlhcîeup miade !lis ,bois ndtalraturned tetothe Ontaric The otgcera noir induiged 1he hope, the this uniuckX *hot hall terminalca ite ad ventures wiLtinut frurher aisohief; but th tircumsîancea boitât muis aslthe firat lieu tenant hought sha ho b.immiediatelv coi Municaît b tîtheCaptain, lbey remaincdl dock utiîj hie reluira. Capt. fi. camne0 board al 0 olclock, anad after a fev obsera tisge. took trie tirait lieutenant aside. . H-" aid hoe, *"do you know, tisaI yo lired a alhot to-day 1" "Yom, air," said H. o J am perfect: avare af thaIt act ;.butbhov diti you lear ilp. p. S11 WhY the liol @truck an Austia-", "Struck an Auatrjanip 1 echocal H. "4Y, #truck an Asatrian brig," areplii ta etain. " The Xuatrian Caplai brouaghftie abatteb Mr. Ofley'a viite a vire dnfw.o "DUi v*li'acuaîly -se@ the abaot, Copi e.I atuallyàtiv lb. cis9t as b,>ut Cioi bld jota, à; A.ia.Atiiïgi CsIsliq, t tih. neuYa wtle vvie"t disea', aga laitaUoe tw f able.,* ",Wilier. in the. #hot, ncv air r, " At-Mr. Oeylo.". "ie.Was any aese hurt ab boardthelb.AuS 80 iaa 1ip" nq'ied IH. "*No. but coiedamgage le don@te e teacel.11 «* Tiank Gixi, then,"ycricd B. etthat l'a heord lthe lant oitl4t aot! Never guisfiro clucis a sbat before-fraESt, cl tavay a Outol. man'à 'pmnker,mBatta Frmnisig.rt Rag andi nov ite hulleti an Austriaen! Bua Y- iare cure, Copi. 0., lisat jot avothe isholantMn 004»8.'- A beige i-amocenouardlthe Aumriau vaginal erly ths exmcruing. Shte prot- ad te h. a arge, neir, slronç built brig, ai about 88M lte-a laci Slestrader. The hall, vhioh, air itgaced train the val, had flamad Over th Putah and Fenelî ves cela it aa cinding coasa, bepu gotedon- emud b@foril *truckste austrin; and eues va.s lie im6petue, tisat il drova Ibrosagi thse thlefr*frnng ide Of th. venantl, mia, avay a"beavY eta.acbiom. and'ti al' brought ep6n thoo ailei, cf Uic Lri fieldi, among a inaSDuer c etsuisa veiena verk, vitisout hurttg a Omao. Tlh.eca Nenter0< lige Ontarie o Mput ailtaterigt, en board of 1he Austriew,,~ ad thus ended "Tise etivettrca orut I tl-two potind Idiot.'-[Delaware 5auto Journal.] P'aai CARTOri.J*e 'give blow, tise avilarOicrtd ta ycsterdiey, in oui nolica et tise Canton papere. il appetred in the Register oathe7tisorfApril, as a commutai- leion. and, v. tlsmn, *rue&bitauficit el- idence<Of a aliteaif feling and opinion a- mom lis e Britlis ecidents in the celegtala empare wvhicis bote hsogaetIoncug tablised impunity o .t4 qClamnsa. ia (heu *haumai prîtensians tè7einey, nivx 0< lis haugily at buee » ielmand butîiîticrespm=. Wh=pthe e tisesi autheitY, littietear ca etertalacti cf tieir a- iiilY laretient and puna et, W. faci &an-. reel tisa thie de ilmÏ« Far distgant w heu the hlfacvWlizd MaItchmoaTartarae e tIar their test he esahOcf notions, WatfàlTEyP$a eoUimi D TaUB XPUOvEn aramtat Ploi e OL DTARi. ])car i. EtoeM Ucj a question foc I« amd jonr aae;f-rcertain as fte a C»Mla M -em, a » s urely theeflood or bad management uttheat Ibiceista me- Rare iti um ea4 car velfargs, il@ (ai- Jutre and <str faillie.'lmn and dgaaan In'h..1.n_._ a __ n e e r xpiitiseo ,P - CIoH< f rm th. hiietM eiM te iceSvy ma ï- id"o a n Mram thserempio»o bc nta e= e ta bombai- thtis ova agit MLI tchpu e .receipi te be q a~t kt h.e milsaway, ietting it b. la writimgu i- deratood liaitlhe gocs tu menlam accredt servant ofiank of Élie. emperor'., to sicI ýr vatisott blactalie, bigs daims at Tag Ssng.totat iat of 0< île co. sa es t oPck,ig. *Tisjeopel-ilion choisit h. repeatetin la cte" D. ça cfNingpo, cniy no chisjedt t t1he fltgos ouWsialhetislaus. 1fria rils tise envoy on bord,and a stemerj ingt bChoc-man. s n. more off Nankaug!-Ant as i0 R aslb th e eaneisorage (or triptesa a fiîe-of-baîtie abipe sotaîtb.lis aien,à tieenvoy,ina vaimeiofsupcdrcfoigv taved by thesetieamer, aitotli proceed 1tise mofthe la maiiestuary. adiant 9bout 12 miles (rom Pekiasg, vcenolb 1caPy of the letter toutise euaperor aouli - centtahie gaîe ai Peking,lit thse care an afficei, altended by bl r. Gvtzile ,si a sas elect guarti of huice, intimai in writing given lbait theo cavo>'demin the. pamenceof a man of sank tu eaeo I rrus j graned, a epsihdess Lha"Id be matie for h., derctimir tio Bogue forts for 1h. lnaulby tAcot off. ta ouiag, and Ébat destr=ujJian tae oP*"s in piesenscf ra terti 1by, a comminder ai a Baitish' cru'Tier, a 1a distinct intimation gaven tisat, f tis 001 coniplîcalvilS, Englaisti yul hricifu derlake lhe wark of demolitian oflftic forts. Loo, ai tiheiighaet officer insulting Io Najier, abouid by stipulation, bc degrati Tiellstigecomtplical vilh, anti ceca t>' gis-en for the landing ai a Britisha envo the aller treat>' i aiicable ternaie s malter ai case andi certainî>'. î Suppose tuemnt lcompliet vilîs, tI ai tisie. stations in cite luaios b h la geel chipe aie la b. selecteti aiang thie ca amad tise trade of China (perisape tise large coating trade in tise varld)to beabeolutl annibiliateti, laking asis atiser &teps ofai noyance e a goond miitaiy judge maa>ci aider vitisin lii mons far nteiccpting tI imperial revenue in ils piogrees laPekina Sucis, Mi. kditar, in thitr iramn ai operatiaisi i ioti expect tao efil .du vith spirit andi cill ver, tis encva haveihanteai tis e likel>' pereois te do-il work; and ti atriupisant mccSe in abi as certain as tise riesng afi-the *un le-mo AN EXEM~Y TOHALY-MEA@URES. aud April, 18M5. Téi ua acasaz i p TaxÂC-W. mi tionoi a iev vechi ago, tisaI thero vwu rus mor abioad tisaI a lreaty va inWasiia toma belveen tise United Stateu aid iex cn, byviaici Tae.wvasceded tuthae f mer. Our infoinsation nov ins uçi asi leave un but li111e doobt of tise (act, Tei voja! aIl comatitutional queson@ efis te n h'sto bpurcisi, tise filowing pia, nundratand,bin beon adopted: ai tise hr hotlveen Memico ama thie Unitedt States, wm ncrerrnu hy lise assîhorit>' ai tise Iva go ernimnti, andi of ecliiunuittiac ta aviaal expence and cantroveral liei after, for a certain paymesah ina monE~ datietatis e 0, oviien Clmiteti States. il ih agiese is thet ilts Norte shal l b. hedividin# fne 14ab Cbtirer Seltou s it lallen te oui lot 1a reoa ie a more titroisig ci-cnt tisan tise followiti v imoisoccurred a fev taji aga un lhe neig 11e bouihoot 0< Esquesing. A jomq me nd ansetMoQuair>' anantive o c &lli h- viile.engagea in tiseroces. ci ditiiat 9'vas vailedTybhit e i, astber-simder(roi Ut Nueagava. Escis vas accoipaniedt ain* infant cht, wotis hom tise' firts nahel>' casedt ieinéeli-ci appos te tbé, f tnoce. No iccuer batltbe> ton. mtit& liste cap of tise haîler explodea!,*bdsthlb ver mil covered ith a a rrent 0ofiilits 10 vater. Poor McQuanr enmdeayoening t' riercue th. sufferera, vas biimif saverei, 8 caldeti. - Tise in(antls bave aines expireti ing it ti fearedt Ueir uishmppy asstitere ouicqagb loin, lisein te ara unhinsel>' grave. ý* Sitl appeara Mr.-McQisirr lbat chaoi Y 0< lb. issus pipes villa the umteaion a 'a imrlmedatlY op.ning lise olSer, but diti se il effect il in ime, vhieb vaa tie immedi r- ceuse of tise explosius.-tCorapomdent. d F= tise osasait Olerrir. Tise Asixes for Uhs District termninalei jeaherta>' ibeitoan. Since onr ait tIi foloiovagcriminel cases ver. 1used anti do a cidet as folowos, vz:- a Tise Kinsg vs. Richard Quiai est WiIliaî " Quia-Munaier.-From tise letigtoai U -testimons>' utuceti on botS u"*e,,va an -unablo ta Cive a report ai the cease (ei - lian te sîshe, lisat afiesa long, patient eua Li minute investigahion, the Jury reiuameti a i- verdict of minalaugister againsi Use fira ýr priiosuden acquilledthUe latter. Senteno *-ome jeai'c hmprinonnent le tie dmnas * th1e District, Seing tise loetaca tei i Counvel for prWsuesaMcnis. Draper . Jarvis anti Sierveati. rThse King vu. Aluan R. N'Desel-faa iclonicusdy:iseatmn vii ipooiister, £195 rein pacle propeil> et- c. p. Tredweill, Eiqr. Tiseevudee, vamenhiaf IV Cieitaeantini and pr«esmptuve. Ver &le-gultY. Meuirs. lraperosid M'Don, eliI-Rar the prisoser-matte mem up ea i >- jacctiona te the indidtinetit, ohicia the court r overirued. ,pPuisatie.,seutencot icor even y*ra e tt 1Provinciai Penilentiar>'. Tise King v.-~Loasgbin...Petit Le- cen>'. Banici (or sais gersont of is Proinice, Tise King vu. Fannj Coo.-We nolicet bser trial anal conviction jlest amui. The eoert in Puduaigumt, reinaricea, liait, ovang te tise r.coethon of tie Gm-mie Jury,.anal lhe testitute situetion ciheuchil- diuOmie ola!net Seuslemeedte tise Pntentima-', taise mvu a aisiese een jua ramroise"Province. l'h.e Kig 'a.-MGimM -Unu itfflwbithstantng tise pioer's pIi 0 isait>', verticl-.gnlty. Senten- cd ltisase yem i aprseoon»t i inhe peu- ileatmry. The Kinsg v*.Patnieb M,'Key-ar. Ma - rom uia as 0of Weil ooneCbd cr- comsastiet egienhuslb voiu s nvi a- VicIait, a u s 0eae"t Ca - s-,wmabout te ieiaicmctama antemn.. vuslhwe- lie ofae4 ciite 15 t. hejsI helaitk. sn.Ï Bo*, kBaen.-Tis day thie 1roviasi yet"idY being thieaiverry of thse1 o in 'matoIs e oding blerese tise asicereof07 ifCosonation of ais presenî'Msjgty, a saltl L A . = C e Bntisule gentlemen of tbis atv as firedtethe lascitadel iatteiy, a! noan, s Came aot nln.Tise tva matches andtihes.Royal Stindard isoisted onan ise Un- lalieh. btveen fie se tei, tise Waaler morning. H. M. slî.psesraident, Faite altet JPitcl, built by Nicoi of Greenack, andthielandi iqe, beautitully docked vlail1 île, Loag-toiled-Musiciassr, a Plymauthstenait tiseir calogurs, at one, fired sllutei tagether.1 se. bout beionging la lise officers of tise Piqtmeib. dors la tise first match, tise WiScls vas roweti by- i. Mesura. Rogers, Vauglian, Young anti Fer- Tise officiers anti crew ai B. M. S. Pique ati- giacon, anti ilaered by Mr. Gctingi, ail&arn- andthIe cilîxena have miade il tva rovingi aisaI atetiuausdile Mascuaerbv foui ofrthse oai- matches, vigls iour-oared gigs, to bc pul-1. ,aie, cors ofthe fPiqa a t toreti by tihe mailler. leit on the. 151h or l611i instant. The tiret go,- Oa a given sirgnal b boita utatarleti (rom lvii h conlesteti by lie naval afficere andi liese iarisoard bow ofthtie Pique, te rov tva othar saancn ofthtie Pi que and tise1 gon round a hoait mreti off the, matSoaitise St. cîev aoflise Quarter Master Genrl',bhast. andi Chirles,and relurn toliseînigaîe; the wlmle Tiecontest vili pîababiy ho a close ane. anti of tise distance being about ire miles ; tise Tise Quehota bous arc among tise finest En- ler lite vs with isle msatchs gaing, and agaiast glis,Scotcand New-York modeis-[ib] lat it on returning. l'leebhats matie a beau- Sa- t"l tart, ibut tise lVirc/a eaan obtaine thtie We uniformiat!iltia Baron Gienclg, un- ber loeati anti kept il thirassgisut, vinisnng hy der date of lh. 251h Jssiy, lias acknowiedg-j 1ise nein>' fi-c ninta.-Slte vas atimirably cd lise daims oatie Kirk in lais Prov-t . o roveandaat stecreti, anti perfoimeti her vonk ince, matie about twa ventse sgo, andt uaI anti in very ha titsone csjyle. Afier a citait in- tise pelition Sas been lai attise foot ofthlie5 aon foer-ai lise second race camne off. lathiletiseITitrons. t je howverrta Suactedu<posa1 In Witcisaivas raveti by tour eoidiere, of tise onir as carl>' ai circunustances vili permit,e aur crevaitise Quarter-Master-Generai's boat n d nteot ooe tise Report of tise Royal anti again stecetiby %:r. Geliinga-lise Commiss;ion, lauvisonstitis as vieil aisaliser and Piqu'S botavile ravit isy sailare.Ilse stabjecîs have balo reicireti for onqsiry.-t lise vieistliaatinov tison conitierabi>', anti short- lret ly lise flte turtird visicis matie Iiooming Tise RigIsI Hon. Lord Aylmcv antiLd laslt upl very isemxy pslàng, tise bmtêllhaviisg dy Aylmcer viliit embaîk ais boaral t4 lied bath vinti andti tde against theui.-TiilP i <e, Selore Ttiuradîy tise l7th. and malc vas vieil contealeti tisiougltost, and ia~i Lordehip vas ins-alcd an boarai ofthe a is sstiinatly vons hy tiesailars by lkua lisaniPresident tliseaternonat tvo, andtihie :un- a minute; on coaiug up lit appearedti laIt *iee slipsofwvar manned hici yards. anti aieslise Watei WilcIah ati heen co itrainedt ait tLe flag-sip eiiuted lii, Lordmiip on fais se iaad braken jetaIit eture lier toreinsot reburn lu on in lite A'lrtirail barge, at aird thwîrt andti iterally gave va>' asueci csai hait.pact tisree o'clocis. le. strucia isr, as if asle lisd a eramate OfPa- i i Tic PUBLIC B.ALL ltise Riglat Honora- Ui- Oir f tise respective inerits9aiftise tva I s ir ,d andt Lady A yIner hakes place tu- a>', t bo lI are cati h o nadou btlia,,t an smtnoi orraw evening. Tiie tieatre vigll ie la a valer tise J Vter Witch is l'y ftaIleastitt- pit bas-ed aver, visichisintafitisie d»- P est icraLving fleaedvantagc of neari>' cingsailoti, (tis upper tabla Occupy-ing Iwas il eet greater longlia-siseenta as if ex- tisetrat paît aoflise stage)lisas been spIen- fa- prcmiybUittlaisu flor, anid vin a wager-- didlv decoaaed for this firloe-'i. icI, anti indeet tise firent of the second race s 'est sitowedthti lier fOinsa ias es fragile ec il _________d____ el>' as beautiful; w'vislter campetitor. bsleu,.ïi sa- specy,,appeirs la Jiare suatainel nu l c rnas-alu on- r>'bytiese ren.gla put tupon te . la te visul paîceti off 'tit il Ie greateet gooti KINGSTON, TUESDAY, SEPT'R 22, ]SU5 ng. teeling. Tise oilcers ai tise P'e enter-je me tainet Hie Excellency Lotd GStrd anti a Numeraus are tise irepiaaienîationse i op very isumerasapart>' ai ladlies ai gentle- atsvscsoirdca eomr tiel J motion board, tlu itteca tise race; elegantgrfewit rraclreomssrv eP the collationss ver , pread t h ie cèinas, a tit btttre iup tieir ntIn andtifaillin Iue. out file otficers %vers muaI ettentive ta lhier Being calsciouc tisaI a simple exhibition oa lo- guests, camducîing thi e tirheiip. anti trutb ivossitineyer advancu fie chariot of li explaisamg tt iset tileconstruction af liaI 1. beautitual epecinsen ai naval arcisecure.- their idol-deebocraqy-one ctep, tise>' re- t Tise company hut alse, an opportunat>' ai orl 1i every suhterfuge, imvoke every te- seeing tise lais at ditiner, andthie cleamli- beilicua passion, exaitci-or>' degiatietepir- un- ece aier mai r.ulmityci eu ien. l andt hrust iorvaîd ever>' reckîeu dem-s i a andtindee th ie bigl aider un vhcia ever>'» ag- thiimg about tis afragde jlaisept, tastishet agague lise>'cama consmand, is aider ha place ixi- tih.osa isat flotiefure beian ni-soard of their Molchien lise Ibrone ai tespalme o.ln- ror- a King'@ sip. Tise batitioaiftie 79th Ro- million. -Amomaggaliter faiaehaotis confident- te te gamemt ver. on board, anti payel coslthe ]y put farhis anti aserleti again anti again, fi a- quarter teck scame of tiir cisoicest piecelailteatemnflt osrtv lcoslc the otinuil.Tise day vai uuausalil fine antid ieiieei istcueraiece l ave tise river coveret vils boiaev bathltoge- are corrupt, andt ta tise tovnc thht havi ine tiser villa vescela leii-ing the port, farmet Dot relurneti radical tremblera are rolten p 'as aitogetiser a mait tirring moone. Tiacoan- boraugls.. Ye tise>' cannaI give aise simple it v- pan>' ver, conveyeti tiamnanti ha tie shsoretatisuproft raein.W l0 , ima intise iigite's bolide, anti experieneed ci-: iIit upata ieirasserio a isr Ir- ry psil teto rtefli a gg n r h e h eebie ovote ! be ietainers.-[Mernu>.] ! Wiso bîibed thal t Let na" ý andti ê te W. have amen aaa itlbarge ba»lh o',ftietes, let face& be gi-en, if et, e4a r 00 0tr lai a-sigasal-plan. hl 4: )a1 t iJF-tôlbb1r- etemg ui pietendegjpatuiots at olsleile10 ex tier.tsopuilace«n un i te va- fers of tie S. Laroeas. antiRideu'cea1, dtlicera n aleboo. We have >j"&'. le anDy part cf thisefptes a, as (aras St. 1n11c1t gront ai nigitosî a y Ib«.jui i Josephs or Chicago, (taise Michigan,) visere toessfiantihplaces that have 18e a canai viii cnnscot lise waters of tlas St. ime era ate bougssorC rd Lawrence witl thoas of ie M ississippi, et o p n m t h vt e g ve t Iaeeitt n b o g nli o t au ý ml.Siepeaetgiogerlti-consera.utit'e places. We htave juil csehb au faction, anti dues greet credif, Ioa iswmeo amucis lgih la CaiiTorontîo a ratîti hba.l t i, inted tees>' fi is s ml istodof 0<b- rougis becauge il retorneti a reformer, as tise g loeibalai adirect traite, ha an>' Part0h hiup- rdcl ae otrhigto ot' I M pert:La ilh Montreai anti Queisce. iîe rtaashv etisKn eta n otihO- T ti rev onDufy nine incises Bileon launcheai. ceuse il returnet Mr. Hagermîn; anal ifh vao 1 ' Soir an>' moiq of tise radical slang on liais pu W. W.notice frons tise NovHai-enp tar, Ubjoct, lve shalltoI ccruple tu tiro bicia pr n tiaI iseastouseica Prtea or l ~e the cpprobiioua epiîhet aon tisensceives., B College have cucceeded inl makiasg sevripli le observations upou aa lîey'a Camnat. Ty Anather niisrepremnîaîion lis mate ris- U o firat percei-et lih on lise ntrning af tseï.il pccting Ils. Legiiiatii-e Couincils af lie tIvo i l> ultimeo, but beang apprellescniveabaht t9eY Proi-inaces. lk msat tisaItisere are Dtic~ mnigisl have confoutiueti it villa a notb a, cio * isoy vaiteti for anaisier obser-ation la a- Inaterialle uintise couttry 10 renter glacie lve certina vetiser il changed itsleplace am g Councits cmmilar lu lise tBouse ai Lords ilh tis tars, isv bich case no ilssb iev Id Elaglanti. But it ls ahi-ions enotigtg al ihtut le remain of lils beimag a cainet. Next j tiser. are botter mileiilafoi an Upper b« of glatir observationstise reneweti, antie et recuait vas, tisaI they recogniseti il tu be e BOUm"Is thn are fur a Lover House, pi ce lonsg expectet and muchis aiketi of coins , Tise Legislative Councila mate nearia' te- gi w hich 15 knovn isy fige niaie of ils illust i- semble lise Housse of Loiic tisaisth; Au. tile Oua tilaccierer. Thejpearaace vidih Mmie alelase < mos;c isa l presenled thé fitdoftise Univeift smlesd h Ht ofCmus;g luttr eacaPe, valltiit fa tiant cloutior là lise radical argument ironse a vino aute-to. t fu lt luminous Ibm tise planela; ina -n rialsaplies mare toribiltu lise Assem- pu le nitude; sach as ta renter it visible in mai - bliei tisais tetise Counacile. Erery one abtisai s or teleacopes, prov idedt lie>'abford suilidf n i h . I ~ s f o r er aril irpe a r s n em slya3 lis e m c a - eiZu l rsi h btise r ans d atIhets yi Le hecantean adngiwv i d tisre is a woeful lacis af iegialaîivo lanow- Er ref net ntaigias.appomring anrefllke a foig tia* letige anti abiliby amnug the Menas - &c, IL >r a planetar>' body. Tii. orbit af tise Cons. Ast ifthe reformera cannasot fintl campetemat y Id bailbeon comptled hb>'tsi., d.minguisise a astrogognesr, wvise serali>'mate liapert menbsisenfoi tie se a lies, viser. vali pu- ai eiuPassage, or tisaI t eai dtinrce hej fnd thle materiale fui electiac couacilet cou e from tise san for Ocloiser 31, Noveamsr 11, Belore tise radiale àpakoi reformnig tise'ns tà antiNovensor 7; Sut tise Prfeso r iyale Couci1Jt them .isova iVIaia Calliste, (Denasan Olmusteat anti Elias In a* Laaasi,) bv tou cmlcujtiOutJaunted on ont, knavioalge andi patrioisansintfi.qaitÀ4 vi tise lnt observiations tisey coeigi make, fix sembliez. Let tint reforunthenlsc1s4bo. h l i ftor ti5h Noremisci. Tise lWeof tire tise>'attempîta oreternsfiseeosaais , n. l ka g oeei-atabuvasins On. lb tre 'hein contssct orn tisssubject la anatisarugexla the ac. it tise heavens attiseshbus, in - oof fileat tise>' lamatir agais tapuoieil btecicredivither aragieau. lis. çaurse eche iis liser oppoaents, wiilst tIs'ca>' 8a of a fev deys, the. cuot viii probâbl> ex- tiing on samir but slroatger abjectionsl n * liail a ver>' imposg appeiranc fvhih gle ï- csrcumtance svl. hinki t proper tb pris matt hienseires. g auci 0<aurreaer i ae g-etlefie stn- Another friaisoeurce of miarepremeua u 1 ay Of smY.....Martm.dGazette.] sna-tion t>'~~ ~ lisn founa inle ie Ide of lise Coly,- i Tise Royal COrtissl allusî v leirasa h radicale make a greît paradet.,isb> aî fitgnuthtie Public Oficora' building, w arbticestI are chsiaper in tise Stagesafins Pi.'dAre,, an Moetiuay, ait xaemned ait Canada, but lt.,ciay, thing or filh. - 0 eaepblic u io n difeérent mis, vils i a ie a u vio obtin certain ntom&iatien Bi@ taiseroUt Iicles Ihatardeaet ,here tlnteiio Exccllency Lrd Gos(d andt Sir George r.Becaume Ici, anti sainaUer luzwipas, aloif i Gipp I, F r JvEet, Esquir,-tise_ . À-- icetini is ttetse'ii -i- e t P ti sj d jt p lm if té !I te el è! eli ail pi SL ed PI tn 10 to gi Ilil Ti joi pu Pr, th4 ph wl wl lie ýiü we Ic ýof '3ýI ,aî, irm oi M Ing eýv te, 1 va ffl 011 rlý VI râg rri Xe ed. Ka ist av rol ibi on on ni 0 9 rel ex, IIF or m big hu M ed - i l ý.il/ fit $hall acare te Canaeda, aliling ail wv oteof ulh 8tans, 11 ibea have te oeil, tsar; buving ai ait li ai-e Ila f h a-rný>» e, ')bascep. Jue so oui noon-slruck con- ----- Qui@ tnt an lemporar>' nay islier, tisaIDr. Heaciaeil TaM tatient i atolcnaferrer, a ,tt baaa putltseoon mint ie pocket, anti vril MR.. Ensr.>,--Jn a nets-cirn, brin g it ta Kingston fr public inspection. everY iaaivdualu enargéd a taon, diaceaa. latrie timne i5a ,,,hc- tua-eor science. The U[illiCal, Tise Legislatuie af tise Laver Province m> have -imbed a tlear rar ln saummonedt tamccltfor fla.despatchiofai mualbcdeîaultra nd iieut t business on tile 27tit of Octohor. tiea laifcalmand fi-«ai sra aý i" Oui Provincial Parliansent is fart lirnam of rde cellqnaaaj a "% trr , praraguedt atise 24thu aiOchobei. liot sua er amr 1 __________________thela- stock af kno'tJege h I r aof i-cay une tSoa o; i1or fit On Suntis>' eek A Freeze, Esq. otTo- Caithisnk that mentalit caatîî "' ran'o, vent outIo 0shoaot camne liisks tiat very aghdegre in, cri anaiona 3!", triîmon of 'th,, a li0 wcre tiestroying tise pouioffaisabrutiser- vn at idarbe olaîartziin in in-law. Having ta croas a tence, lac put tise aammon aI urashroaI r ' i e g u n th rii g i i e ra ils , a n d t ht i. o c k g t h y o f m t e a î o n j ala riý r tetaigclia,,i na, toa iý, o,a louciseti le fonce, tise pieco wenh acg, and titens ofisant ni L aie.Ta U a cala t faim in t bis oi eti. H e aied itass i tl>'. tee hasîjilv. i k at' a'n NrraIt ti, . d r 1 '.the', H e v as a y au n g gen tlem ran isigisi>'es tee m nt 'crc 0" se, a - Io'~ rr î et terury rqatia-een. l1itiî' numbea- tsi negiect tiriost ra a Yeslerday nsornig a.vcraconuicîs muni tics, ant i thou,'aaiItIma rînri tS lise Niagara District, arrivantiSoie b>'ftue ment" "'lutcter tisaicZ.1,r fan;(, thoan devate ta i iath,(e11 auaan fî Great Britain, ho ho imprisone in ltse Pen- fai uiraioenal. Tuas, heaC. ta.r,îa 4tetitiar>'. tiisive 'oev-lt, as t Iihiap.t i i'r 'is snurnang. severai vomon ocew p-liteateutre faie w er p ncourage uI l ia-a t,rit rai prelaa ue i fu i stea l n g c l aties a nd t i llt er <en as sî n l aui oer lea e%,Cr î'cIV b uc s e p r i p e r l > ' f r o in , s u n u li > ' > a r d s i li a is 'h e n tiv e a r c c a r I a n , s i) l ita a r ( ai r r r - Tow. ie cal] fci btaltpar aie cttrrf To 'au. aono osocîcayairute aric rara0 i W'ortls.. , To ts. Eaitor urthtie Upper Canada Harald. Tiiere a-c auson.' us nann-m n)m Mi. Edilor,-You viii oblige me b>' gis- cuioet aua a-a i ia ing tIse tolioving elrtrmîuon ta tise dOnttaanatv, and aitire saI-r, larci Music a p ce in>'aur valuable pa- rePutatti aifouina i fu hor alira, per. ASuR' Basa abere ta,iwat, ieiarir a n coran),n r ticisam as tthe abisitla, n' 1 al ui CH RCU SiUIC. a ora, .in C--are persouilîv riaitit.rI liaîiî. Quoei" Elizabeth, lu tise 49 otiier inJusnc- 'tay.s smeling <ain,îrrîsîarî,,Ity an tir, r ions respectang public varahîip, "alys tisaItalever mata. 'ie xac 5trnmatf site "viileth filabet e hoà o oest canil others, ci-en itl; iralas a irrIrls distinuct song uâteltun ai! parts ar ile Corns- 'reta-heis fana-y on, tariaaèr, titn Prayar ni uthe Cisîcis, tiseI the same 'hsatithemascive,, marri5-hti-ra rar, mtrrrr maay b. understanded cs i laeeaed<U-' iia-t- . ut iir nora, oadmut s * l othise gra purpose la tise @,roud bina. Hieriîoild ai Jip r 'abc ntaiaio, Hgoker.n"In Cha.Th mai - Moa-nrnn Tîras1 iosity uados#ntion ofa rt,avanut 00, or are ackuewleaged; but 9 otas-sprsrabn llgbt, on unsuitable isarmoat>, audit as only Retieraiîsitoanegligent of ti liai thr,,.rrr pleselithtisucr, antidothsnul natairali>' der a dait>; anti 'hen aihe bliaui -îar uerve te Isi-o vr>' kitiaund egreot thace are tisJiîtte ttei wn dascra-inr, i, im Pre ciias Ohi di le Om ailfer viicli guetta calculateonsany'- Provn ienet in publtic li aiti il, leavetis, or in apl ho i eî'e in nan',aproiannaan VasîIgaisPt ara-eoira Itar1a,, mnai, atllrallier bieiis asti disgrace W.ia ,Mr. Eaitor, t tarauanavaclitfiriard rarrai fal.t aied, isoasaitier hoîsty r tsr- dtaîor; lamory anxious airoaer atrrnrn,. lierance la il." Suds aise vas lise opun- vIs aie hbottea-qasabifi. Tr i tl airîni ion of Arlbisiop Parker, ho publiseS musa dansme o ts frona a distance'Tal1 Consteught bave long hurlas.IIa, a riai, americil versiofaitise Pebais is 1557, .a atsofrealanai; anditc aia'o ni at anti empiayed Tallentaucompoes eigeues, clan aeem ikevie a inae aaîainaiaei,î idri wicit ere ayilebîc anti faortisemillet part a-y thingexotie. W'siihi of oua- mighris. in a minar key, ant i tse vihietsl verni"a read a b"lsook tten in Kingstona,%ailt anrg migist b.a utg. Indocdth ie visole çlsarac- procurea sa ci-eny pamphlteatt Ron amerfie or of fle smusic 0ofbise Ciurclu iroins lie il'? Sua-el>'ho 'tuld ita era-behodIlitéiaae arîjeil perioat, aeas i lavue been f<taîl>' ne, 'titis tiseeternat Eaq. nppendrilorr-k, accoratit iliseviova. Ifvia te- vetape oetc Toronto ne'tpapcr,tan r-rrr signer! tai hacongregation, anti se plain, vocOt cf lie attiolsaon hens iilia, simple, andtigrave ite mehody, thahaliltise vous>' icelti' ait aboultiho enarriri * i, pcopie migits imgasmeeil vith lie undter- =salesigsueaee ar cotiideralioaaaiinr,rre -. . ~~cetrely, aviiseiaiendeusorana ati enrira ti tstin g ase lise sp irat. it b as ee n s i nv je bc s old e f in ell gence ad re is et 1casra ' 't ior maderat ajs tis absitute tise cisang- 1>' Rot. A nbssaiic acan tis bcheeffarcîraiif ren ,a ragvi-et>' af aira anti meisures iraCisarcis tasecond tise effau ta ihose trias nautat as msisc, for the plina, jet ricis andi najeetic pnuleevoih attempt? But Kingsioriar i aumni ofth ie apoStoic âge; mandi 5'tise trustmoen alaie of aieisispinencaso.and 8ar' raaslmtion of tise ligiter aira of 1h. pmrboorrved athe:tIse>' pprecae antihois i ra toe r publice arauip5 te caurryont, b>' t -talents aOrne et Sela-tounimen. Tiieua nai veaihble1s~ci a,~te, e a.ic~armte mua-e opportune, novaihut rnail of a l.boialy, resuedin t'gave tiseir hiaa tetuuieai1 ho aconiget <rom Ithe temple, anti tise ba".hait the Sonna-etrisnîng intaancala iyllia c m utsc o lier day . retoredtuta Our fu1t nuiom asd"i e t i'an, rs, n t en apas ouagregaatiun. Cnstitistedias min is,tisere the Origias anti ttua>ofnitise Indu 'r ,aol ano eisicie like counat, (or lifting tstt a lssiI (nt'iomble oiin)s0îyegî ipvaidtolatise ehernal letrce af gior>'andtitaeatig pod i t lav taltera aMr.ik èaramony, anti vie Io" oureelve.laas hant evnistyle, vslt Ineet amention, i airrs 0praie Goti witis sucS povera eslie bS as muter ouisour eeing publie. lie iei n'ven tac, voeare equcli>' Sounti ta give are ela. Thisea snoirairning mter epitiie'. A s oui hest andamont appopr-iaie servuce. (to ua. him aepressive iangusgir->""pntn mîatif the Use ohath0Ue congregationt la fuse"HO 1 m111Y aimellmes aar rrudn aieas oel in tise publie p raise.asein lie th" rentier fils gthetaaapoaernbili1 h la a!o' )Ulcprayer, coint ot edenieti-thal thae eftavn ta mca-e iormaliily eeim-0an. ractiea alutei teai fsc Ionslie oncewalalts e rntinuit>'mustni ara a l a r a t i c s l l u e d t o a, Jh e ip o p l e f m T i s e r u s h he i d e a s e ia n t b c i she k e a i h a i u il é se dame performance ai titis dut>' le eqiOal>'lY iaituofeerbsal correeqaseas. Tisane ioi.0 >min, anti 'e calmait hope tisaI iacY passagesscen ardor anti a loitiasai ch ta tlo lso have lire paver viii appi>' tise remle>' andi uniasginaaîve, inay social ion daniart. l laeret'eitliediseai. exists. Scientillctmu- tises. arefeulras, if lirea-an calltin icaaara ic us as utiprofitaile Io a mnixet con grega canraIbe remedieul. Woe-eiter an ma in as veîy Jeurnet preaciing-it la rer>'mi htie raii ee r i nli-tmho wladcar cioi tisdase visa couanuiorestail: aid alcali li ohîise h o sugist 'tiatei rn ho fiat tisaI a-in artis Ianti oeil kuawn He Sat eklfil in picis-%ork. Heie mue ne ln eueg, a iuivercil aong of prairie pl«aidtor sol il ail. reahs (ram thvisenoiae dangregat ion, lnac "Verona, aiiPiura nitent in eaine, non egr snvmracng prouof I lleise vioinar hel"«olti OffOndîr lti, qui ans neursa Fudil, la." Prensiing fltaItise îîsngs are Aut sumans pomunacavt snauci» id ratiser b>' ay aicitiaa, flosn becats.lse l ais es. asa g hat thei ole iui d le ci-ils aiiude tutare troquent anal star lalaimon iseama tr attishue geainm nIofakg ung. v sais ilouI>' mdiitise aiv iceofatmdis5- green fuelda'thro" berihsing msanee nguisiactipr elthe oflte Englis Claurcis Hele n aiIs usiaatilolver etftain countrygag h lamovorigat, taoulise essîjoct or the sabove damgssiaiilu. To hlaieleas cheras* uhlic oeariliip. "Iont, apinieun, hIe snise ucbnrusco oblh siaIe 'itis a' his theugiai la shamil Ib(t e athereuata, aoutai naI be fda , m 'twis or touas, 'titis heaiîtta nut di ofastee, but as nemi as nus>'lie jor ca h lihbts anti asdevw sa f ia rigilacjoralit ticlalcas soi? In Bspak4 o f tise autisor, J havr e adyari o ,P b , " 0 ," a u ISha t if m i> h o su n g d i - b ' 1 .u a k , au ic h isn iam o re m m du a e ly , te a s~ ctjantidesouod,,s olie mains, o0itise presenu notie.. Buei re ndsgonprnua -e m n o ,g V n ite , t he H y a aiis T e D e ssi, fina-asrd ara ev e r >' p a g e, ua s t e a-st hrdly i t led ilaIlse aims.-[ The Masi<wry) comapay eveti fora momsent. lis ain atst We saxairdth ti oiassnsvicis uay ho a- cie, e f egottans vîiatisidentifie@ thse 'rite r ails ,aideti aushyarb 'andi erery diss, for rin- oti igaa thlie M snen ut aillalais anding, tsitbi a 7uil ieart t(Aha asantimaents dai; il us rabt wvisteigaves peauliar neîettI* utalnin ho ie ebuve ruminas on ciaurelpensa-rotBye nitise proe orChataibni&W:d îsic, vais u.e ex etoa .~ 't~ iii e a s ,auetsaI aileare iiengtt cpi i.ra. eta t e- hotievole.o iseattior, thnIma, rneiu - W tie know net aeor r tai-ths e page rater IivPdes, andt isrefoiro agrse ile. t iI , 4-Jlia r. Jff eismasuntelaintoWmà à' fin-til e eft ielma isiao y, an ti traces à i l lec and regfien Il mighstlb. truc- but i it evtis ateise mail a luusattentil ads n Rt no nov an an>' deneaaiatlk LDnn aexa-neo ;yet ho a iroat thvis-sua UsR in New Englani. AHI-aiU, vithst hoaeits Heisiehienadifferentad [ceptiot, accirting teuse malis pomes- .am ii= uit bain loser fia-ma arlaitiY aa di ruas tirecti>'and lulut intte pradtace oi*aIabilitye as iquireti. Ta coilecihisiiuid ,ainsi whiidi rie vaiJs"cautiorn anti se- ti-el» àesezl ta er "llion ,t ." W ardt h ie celebratc<J m iss onar ', * - b t ta evew he u e dsta r.e New £Ehand Chotrch ja. is p ev tm- o nis 'gaelise riaud l, el' lpai appalion j Frot iler' x.athelii- eqw mp th.eegat itSi alen."Tiremeh. us eIbo c- aeepe- làie, dlsatiJi' nsl tOmchour,,ant i sait a inee lory.The-slga - - us du ' daaol joction liaaiait hic miectionan4 wau ig, Of0<the rst=aa -<b t To tise choir, 09 saci tlines se the congueaog e e- dhfa Mdasnffl ici-yea,1 làsni o aclers or sing; and! ise tuiea b5p luaaauauebv¶ladei ,ýJ< di ital be lerneat, ni uon. iireintroducied ta Sii<fl HOif i=- . d:a iroquacisl>'. ttIheli. ongregahio n - haut lth5 S 0lmta -ont t ,, ë nyti f'es!Usepiaatreor s" le '.0< PJulidas;ibeleshe pî iube rvr- ltcmii eea yat EE g i t Ce sai a taudf is 4o ietin thie » fiequi course 0 bissid stae althe pabli ,tkWglr, vigiatt hi img. l1eiptia1t y i a a t 0"Lsm 0 ,0 car IM LA Oui acconte 4 Auguact, antitr osais Our lime rends g evemm voeslave forai ai coussequesce ai e. The Paliers 1 et tise chsarger ha gih aavieilfisa ionas are grant mooliailaocre ffui ite King. illippe ia appiel utltis eing ussat reluiS ga Frais ectullonagpinoit Tise accounata me acete 0ofa go long, &ce la decido hh I al Thutroïasia' rle, tok tire, tauta aitisle adi if lite. ENGLAND 'ril'h sie» GrAMu sanngx evidence a luicipal coiporat bat daythe trentis aira-i bill voie ai le ausise ai cotipls ilence Sciurefil ai.ahai Sayé; - 'l TIsa exeninaîl gr i thue sniae aof aitigeusa liglit a le es-ideuce ciil-ca i. lqhil tise ai>' oi earneitipop R heret i tons lie Isireati>coua karting ctatcutg s-eraiee a' lie sarI>' tie viai. isure or cuple hI repaîrl lire nwitussees: stacil hi, Bristal, Cor riaaism, antimai Front ahe.Tia Itiay evi-oag ee to-ta>' ira ise P ciaseqsernees fIl a-O lilCiirea-05 tla icalaI refisolai ta ttrausquillil>-cifil v-c, tesinises isider filat tue go pa-silsatatîci un lia-ltsl'y alrng t huitit deager. O seut diapositktti(t lIse isoluer preper, ipi tise eflisct of 1 ne0 tieneas In 81a Ian; buhttihe mat4 Mie alate, aniI Onsoli1, 87J laepm ian; anti a'ci. il th lise31 o.Ij ror leave ta bit niul. ce dl at, atSo lein Iflf alotuîhroqui tIti mesisretutare uev bill baafi luiuagIb. o is ala commission*s l, rans leime lt ii lire, (or lthe puni.i ntsa hoinvesltishe hPower tu varn nIet home et isigis to <ut liste ai tisa t olîser precautiou 'eration of outrag tas aire nettbep ri. 0,Cauneit, un lie bsilli cuittsa ratintasl partin a ho wisal i if louchidtisa,. edil i uiluj hie Lav, btulvie te ta Put 1do e Oinlge l tacc tfer lt hcasiPagie ber !et, ppulationtI Ois 88te la e acca -bolae, ai $ier de lowi ofau1«4 ln be fhdàm lUiS ort'¶~>~ leW apprat 0<o ticke ut Nec