Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 15 Sep 1835, p. 4

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418 com amUou 1 -biglant b14- lsarait, itualmd mex or theb. :Puit of thi aEy O QUltuiM theb.roulde.of4 a reterve loftfoér Umiy parpem sea ae t iavaual& mdte Sou Job Harv'ey, Ob ehicla te" lae a Ferry erouaieg le i" Six Nation ladiaâ Tma. lia ihe c.lgibour- beed tiiere is au exuii. etlement of tes-1 peciab. Tarmmr. Tii Promises and lthe ?Iemiyabeun itujaïgal, and the Bay1 wi u rihcf every deécripiion fouiar te La& bl tn. . apaailcularusuitable for Grasiamg. W asal u ithin 40>miles cf Kisigaon, vbuch is a cuver fsiling îeady Meeey market. Il is, in uhort one cf ithe meut desirable and vluable propouhimu lac the country. lb. tmm hontsenavigting ïe. Ba ipama digsanceof soveralmues round Lb.am adily. Thesevamule eLaids wiU iehold id llier tagaeter lia MMsoeral lots, ternit parchmit À. plan cf the pro- pty iy bh 9mec b, apokliton te Lac- dnMeepb~r., Eaq., of ilovolQ, or te eh. J. LINTON. Auctioneer. Kingston, Augmu 7.1835. NO)TIC&-.. LLP4mm s lvins daias on Riti ma- A Jeul's Govecuot fer Danagos - tied lin th construction of tb. Rideau Ce nai, sa. îequired to forvard thon, vii s M"ile iy as possible, addreused i Rideau Canal. (Claim ro Dt I& N.ln lb.Tmwnl wps vh ei.tiLands are utuaed. tise Contentiounu, cuiner cf Loisor ponts of Let,wbetbmiCowiiLmsfll es, Çlerg Rsevon, and if obtaimsd by Grant or purcbas.; stating ais. the poiod vice tie paîty hocarne in pon»onn(ils 1)o.ds o! vblcii aie te b. ,xhibited on the spot toilae Arbilialers.) 2Ms. liail casmsa Diagrmasd CeUtilat. of a Sworn Seorvey astote bemtentmand mna- ture et lb* Damffe uusliaud 10 LAnds, fity v*ach n.y have beauencvod b.- fon e .cnitrucllaon of tbe Canal. and awaking tioreomi an,' fiais ofPubliceBa". adjoining, at c.nctedvilla tihe lots sur v.od; asd b. cainant maigstatu th, erMO and rosidenco o&Jithe Arbitrator appointed cM bis pu. ad. Percmts <esirens of baving iheir chais snbisted upon as speedil,'asrun cmh = Roue sil i.pay strict allentes oteb semracatmentioned lac tia Notce Royal fEngineeOff Mtce, tlS Uideaanl, 141h ui, 18U. cmoa-Oîe% Juaslm-5 OTCZ inluboehby ocutttthe1 ..ocf Ojr .e Tuh~,Gem.-1 ni Oisai f 1.end Nia Rome. T mi Wsstmus, Wo Coda asi ,L"a Notic. rmier of tbe ourt Nuise.. . crier f th Ceeu, - SHgRWIF's SALE. midianDisatrict ý_1T1 J b. ois t tb. To vit. $ tTV ouoe lu tise T ove oftlcgop, on Woed a,' ibm 141i of OlQotberuoxt et noce, b,' virtue fa tt elPeri Taas agiut "lb. LoOUam imaueu t tof ermeaa n ad 1Henry Dlliebeek, imuai et of Hi*'MoJosi, Court et King,$ Beucha. ut.tho mci *1 Wil- rum . . iieli, allaci vimole theo riglansd intesua cf lb. naid Le aCusallomala liv f.lleving Land, viz-175 ac-es, belang pout of lot No. 21 oflthe &stCea<oei cf Caadon, and 26 acre., par t cf let No. 21 cf metameeodoi Ceosea Ibaorel iimg souila cf lb. Nausace Rver. Ail pemmqn a tim celnth1e ubere land tgsan,'port'tbenoaf» aeme qiieêicite %mare lb. mekueva te M eon Or bfai tbe de,' olsae. JOHN McLEAN, bliiSM. D. Sbeift I'e fi, igioc, 1lill li, 183. WANTED TO EXCIIANGE. A ufflSE and rim KINgimuvoulid l"ACRUS. .orLADi» h b evbp ncar . ,bqNapue ilvl of a a ivrad miaa m.ueeoeLIlu b.NevMle Mh te. mm le Ù»l and- aLt mcm M- b. Vt, i rAM tesiemiof bMa.di Su,'U ' ime K49 quinec Ivud Se. 48mi ImUsi OetVf e u ber 4; the 4m cnoaà,4 U0SW TO MECHANIOS. Im fer<t.her v lcabie frem, tbua cW ta.* mmv te asitiheir c.ave"lane *g£ aqmi ie Bshvae MouîtuoN'a PILIL. .-H___L. 1IARX., - -gen4;0t.ý OS WEGO, (P5pdl.d SrhecposssmjW lopsè-r mas) - CAPTAIN J. T. HOMANI& W ILL ly onLake Ontario mand tIbm S W scnceRiver, hetveen Ogisuas hurgb and Niagara, si follova: UPWABDm. LouvesOgdeunahb, on Fridu,' .eft n, Kingston, f(U. C.) Saturelay m mang, « aeots'a Hachur, il nav, " Embaser, Sanda,' moiclng1 Termîto, (U. C.> for Niagara sud Laviaien, Momda,' mrniag, wvice i.ar- rives carl,', g«ýilcpassger ail tb. de,' te 'visat therailis or Niagara, ami retub,' ibm boat. DO veWKWmne. L«euvmLevimic, ou Mondaye vmmlug,, Rochestcr, Tends,' moaiug, "Ouvèe, il afleruces, Sacketts Harbour, d« ciglat, "Kingston, MU.CQ) Wmdnouds maso- ing, and arrives ai geuugt veang,itoucaimg at Fe o.ÎE.,nti icvn, Alexandrinaun Brilvle. #$'Partleu ,u:ending t10 vliaitlt.eFaksoe Niagara, Buffal, ocuae diffovouml ports on Lake Ontario, cr111 flua the route vin, (me- go or Rochester, to b. the cheapeot m4 nmi expeditioces. Psuseger lesving Niagara le Ibis Bout on Mouds,' evenln,willraive t Montgesîl on Tbprua,' oveniag, pamuingeg b.mcmln-f toeneting part cftlb.t. Lawrence Ririb,' dapi%b. Tb. OSFEGO vil commence 1running front Ogdenmhurgb on Frias, the r 7lb cf April. Oevegc, Apruli 13.u »THE MÂNlSION îHOTJSÉ. KINGOTO-N, . C. THE sabocriber cocicuo te th* bi T ctentave aid WOvoil nea .taiuii umnt au a HOTUL fcr tb. accommodatioo cf thse Publie. THE MANSION BOUSE. le plenmntly atutie on Blow ?tra, bh.. ing thm Principal and. upt central -otreçt li Kietoma, in tbo hunme.pat ofthIe tovua; us ceuvenient i. lb.di"ittcuitmaq Boat ubaivos; unad o eutuimn.netotho. kiitsin le .province can rpmnltlin- the excllence ad cefot cf il»s partmenta, .arerd bouhte pnrlersmand bed.rantn. vsisCiche aacfurnlabd i âuvwuyh osle. The mumote bas mentlaiej rimmica l aa ime;mmdb sustisi. i Tb. mibocruhor baving kept a Puar.xc asariating aftinmte th b e oit .1bib gum"o bwvll continus ornent public pa- Inopule.., 1 1 Ani extaluiive 98.sfuuisag, b. meeaee v- W ftablesssCaniaga ami Porters vîll alway,'. h.ln readmmm Wtee- s.'Paumongm uad lugpge te amai frou ti.difforent &«em Beas.. 8. CARMINO. Kilnc, April, 1835 KINGSTN 'BREWERY & DIS- TILLERY. lTHIE bmib.rs bae rcien"ITermiss, una bave aaew il) f«l opeaton a PA- =INT COPP,ÈRIECTIWYJNO APAArtvus for lb. eucfoar, cifPmup CANAI)IAN WISKMY -biag thoem, ouoeset premest cf tise sOn contruction lu ibe iv. Provinces. Cua- ora canMDb. ah &JI limes suisi o» pea shonemtnotlce,'viib the vuîoiwutt*Bff frosa Aleobol te commen ga"lproee f qualit,'setime t l ne r w nn aciie ilu tb. province. Tic, bu veu 91.baud sud reai' fe sale, fs-m Id te 90,000 Galonm oetWHIS Ky. Aisoy-ftiom 12 te 15,000 Galices et vWaimulel Ibat b,'oust gpr t tlentieu te ita rmain go".ed lbeugbut"l. amsqa PÂTE £aT-CaOli 0r appfoved endorsea clo.ÉaIS mon"bu l7oiu, 3,M00Bu"a Lqf HAMIDWOO.D Kiqgtos &mewe D4,Isiller,'.1 May',. l .4 TO LCT, PR OM t rIde,' of lovezme si, lia onaiosi lucasiSe. Co, utatei on lim t u"-o faboeUlmçl lat.own ofï 1 -. .ner ui laui,'veRmdasl Dufo c mo c o u -m n.lag ita, y , ie lai we cbd . for <trmeuî ic 1mLw aIu mu,' be M»40"eithe eJames Lq~np.aorte Rebut KlioiGnae h Ma,', 1835.'46 TRA N8PORTATI0qN ON fTEE OSWLPC(> C4NAL. a oria"fbitae .1 Lwao Oij, et the iriver1%.La*renee, ai"smlie bopu, LaiZ. aibymucus f lb. W.llmCa- nol. %iii Vels temesb,' a Stesu-beut t, Ahban,,«arciuedei te itom a 1h11, 1iue--tborevii b. e »duealis mw lb ilmiin rir, -cokr munii u1ai,U"e aiC4 eo wbe MIleurs, *os Ccenam, Mdii Mesom Coj à Wawums, a te teiglt ubib ay am" e "s,' RiveM r mij 7tb ~ÀB~ - VOS 3*8L TuE STEAN-BOATS ~33UL'2 ~Z~AZ~T &TZ~ ~ÂTZ~, WQ ru s loaitT SJU55 55W M lst >j junc. TUE GREAT BRITAIl!. THE UNIT ED StATS. CAPT. .J. WHITNEzaY, CAP?. 1. VAN CLiVZ. Commencing on the 4thof April. Coîmencing on th Liuaof Aptil, Louves Prescott, Tacsdu,' evening, Louves Ogosbuurgb, 8 Sahurday vein Brcckviile, «I Kinstion, Sonday, 7 A. M. Kingston, Wodeesia,' cocu, Sackel'à Basîbor. Suaday,1 P. M. Odcego, "Doeunag, Qavogo, Sonda,', 10 P. M. Cobourg, Thorsan,' uicinga leocbmuts, Meeda,', 8 A. M. Port-Hope « e4 Toronto, If 9 in the eveia- Toronto, Fridu,' mcrnieg, and ai- icg, soi arrive$ Oah Leciston ou Thursduy rives ai Niagara mmre moralng. uoieutg ari,'. * Cosing doua. Comucg Dow». Louves Niagara, Sauunay, 4 P. M. Loales Levlstcoi, Tuesiy, 7 P. M. Toronto: " veluag, Rociiester, Wednesday,'SA. M. Por-Hp. Snd,'mcringo Osuwege, WedDeuda,', 6 aflernoon, (Johourg, « Slcket's Harbor Wednesda,', 12 et otvoge, Semis,' eveang, nigbt. Kîne"tn, Monda,' mcrning, KIngton, Thurada,', 7 in lb. mcmn Brockviiln, 41 nOOn, and Orinig, sud arîves ut Ogd.nbîargh lu iL. af- rive$ t Iroscoit, Monda,' aflernoon. neen. Froua 1* Junc te litiSepiceber, the tvwo Beag. viii, le connexion, petfouin ibico tripe fi n ai oeb, starticg lbon Nisraandifrom OgdensbIrgb and Prescott, ever,' other du,', (excluding Sonda,',) as llovus<.uig gue LeaS LwisonTuesiay cvening, Leaveu Preucoti, Tuasmla, evcning, Râavou iii Wednesday morning, Brockville, sk"' Brer a12a Kingston, w.ed da,', 190000s, Oawego, < evoning, owoc, 6 oveeing ekgaHro,"1 tnigiil, Toronto, ThursElS, nt unon and .Kingston, Thuruda,' mering. and arive& at Niagara, Tiiurday. P. M. arrives ai Ogdocsburgb, Tiiorsda,' P. M. Goiaig Up. Ce>msg Dome. L.aves Ogdenabug, Thurslu, evonieg, Leavint Niagara, Thirday, , lin the cron- Kianaon, rida, mormiig, iog ind &nives ait Oswego, ftidsaaler- Sackmi's Harbor, Frida,' noon, senl moon. én p-irilves at Oaego "me afîcrnoon. Gomg Via. Cosmig Dosa. Leavo. Qswego, Frida,,6in Ùliai.vn*, Louves Oowego, ftrlday, at 6 P. M. Torcntô, $%ard& 12 no"e, and a- saickot'a Harbor, Viday, Il P. M. rives$aitNiagara in im a~ . Kingato,Satrd,,7 A. M.aid ai- C«drives*.at Ogdcnaburgb4Saturday afternoon. Lavue Nia"a, Sunda,', 4 P. M. Qcag Up. Omvogo, Monda,',7 in the asoring, 1Yb isven< Kigson, Monda,,2 P. M. Kiegstbn>5undey morimhg. Brèville, «" .veaing, ani av- Sacket'. IHarbor, Sonda,' non», vie iProucot ucMmre ovening. Omwo. SeMay .venuag, Rociester, Monde,' morng, Tonto, Mondy vonlng, and et- riveM Lauriston t' al' Td, & ruag. And aLoi thiblri cof Seplember, tbe rospeetlft Boais Wyul rame heuir i"oaseIDm abqv* slated. T[HE aederigndhrb' io ulc _Meciot ii Eeuoaspoltdb,' tbe viiliif.the aH. C. Tiacon Esq baving. renounced the power tictoel'vs- tidip hdm. the &&lusof bis Btat. Willbe sO0.d b,' ber tas lei. Eutrlx. AU pur- sob#smboam iâ e ted imîbnid mbefrs eqemsCI l o m . tai "-5*t.te, r-ald Enecattiz, ail.ie vWhoubmnid eice lu indeu4r mi ndi e ti~s. lwq% a ' Ci te qi&tlon, as tie a«air théi.taud muit b. fortbvihclou&md. E. THOBMON, Lnp aMo, February Bd, 1835. N 0 T I C E. H CSSAAY Es.,Store@ssoi à H . suubcdeto ecove ecd ack wml- edgoc Impaymint of accoubai dlwtçqi Ib ilS'uignods wla bave, a# preaent dilOn- linusi buéinemmat b on. Ktisigitou, Ocober lai, 183m. UAND AGEN CY OFFICE. tuy fw-É&Or" est i oei te big mer Sbcp, Store treel. ging"tc,2tiaApril1835 NEW SHOES. T?'gmmier otrcdd bis stock on baud, fortue an anmottemnt I vortb,' Ibm attention cf thon wvlulingo r. aleitiosi te cther articles, ho bau clved a 1mw pairs GecItbms" Waxz To, M am eaBooe. 111 Wax. mt1rEi£4 Ù~ of âv # Skvis. D R. TOLKiINMembenotdi. CoMege .E8urp.a. la Loados, Lismathat. et il. Apeibsuaramo' Hall, Advi.e gsotm' arma,' nernaiig ina 10. Elagmion, Mis,' 6, 1835.40 the Ubite a lathé J'asiu» AC t i1za Paq.,et Nspmime Millu, mre te- = teprest teiruccemants, de>,' an deasite "ieamu Es Li alcr1payl.mrnue 3. SL CARTWýRJG". JAMbEMACFARLANE, NEKW UPPER CANADA LAND AGENCY IN KINGSTON, Fast Mr.i. Jota oa im. FVIIESubsbera native 91 tlis W Pt lae avm d., a- v"Y!f BAY AND RIVER. 21.a utSabn ie smBat DOW?4wAEDS. W IL louve the Cary- plne on MKONDAY uni THIUàRSDAY mou- nium 1at S'clock.-..oacb ai River Tient, Aoïmisaargh. Bollaviule pbi..burgb, Culheilsn's, Scanblunps Wcasf, Hloe Adoiphutovu, Freeickshuigb, Bath-la Khaçtom Wiilouve Kington ame di, at6P .tonut tairmau, one nue, Urockvifll% andi arrive st Presect h l"ime for tbm&mu ciorStean Boat fer Moniosai. UPWARDS. WilI hatve Preecet evmy TUEBDAY u&bd FRIDAY P. M.' imetl flerthie ai- 10oivistotBrocbvill,FreeehCreek, and *riq stai Kugioc, mail, ceai mes-ie Wiffleacr.Ki«iuever,' WEDNESDAY1 and SAUlRfAY ýmcrmlcget 8'clecb, touciig ntthe .iatoruedimtm places, ami àr- rive ut ili. Carryicg Fla".meeelgu lit t1imctumeet tb. Stages for Cobctwg port uni Toronto. Abe en im liMa,Pamaagmrel.êving moatreml e.n mnda"umil" 'aiajm legs com uk tac i uaovvt ioot Wbh liaesKlngston on Wedn«dsy and aslk ,' Paernlngsfer Ocbourg, port iHopa AU Pséswmssud Lugggcet th. xlu&of the ovnei, nationbookesi an miad icu. - Kver,'ahtuim urM lb. psutebmeosm-i fort off 1us.peu, a" théb.Bot jevWeila- dajped te tube frewgt, batau, fie. a.augen. April, 1835 BAY AND RIVER. 5!UAM~BOAT &IR JAMES KEMPT, 'W'K L utilford timti.poufiaiabei an M al of sirdae 0% ig I"eilmoLn cfer PeuooSau- eWllmPIe-omt fer Kcnwn amsl b ba, eni Mon& d $TIscrads« eonJtp Ipauefumsc for Nonal lmaving Klsag- teMnd, wme =?0 t'gesa tFoo Slior L0, IFZLBANX ALCTFAGEBwitiiO"osethsmod bauiu meuuah .fera larggees- lous t Im TOANUenl a m We publisb belcv Ibm Prospectus cf a 1evSysem I Ntuvl bloopy, vici profeuseg t10 aupersele lmach of the Nevle- ia Philosopi,, b,'mssigaing mv amsude- euste ca ue for tise pheumennuof Nature. WbtIi.thetrathof the nev iystem lie Iemonstrated or nctthe dsucussiean vii elucit @orne novel explanationu cf tic preut principles cf nature. Tic followingextract rom Profemsr Playfair supposes liai fur. Eaddy's theur,' may possmi,blybetroc. [Editor Heruld.J "The discaver,' cf ti greal principtm- the principle cfthe idefltty of olectrmcily, magnetissu. gravitation, &c.-may be "un honor reserved for a (mture age; andl science mas again have te record iainel vlaich are te stand un the sarne levels vitlî Ilace of Newton amud La Place. About amacl ul- timnato attairnnuemai here <ifiSise le b. sagune, and ueplilcoopliioal te despuir." PROSPECTUS or A wons 5 STiX LE0 K Z TO TUE PRINCIPLES 0F NA- TR.Comprising tie following &ys- teins au original. Vix: l.-Ebb aid the Flow cf the lides.-Cau- mccl b,' contraction andl cxpasion,tirough cold aid beat, fromathe alternate absence and pre. senceor the Sun. II.-Gravityi-By a iesd pressureo f the e- lectric oleuicat, acting open ail malter au nlec- tre voeuomns, whtch 1 term Presairactioi.0 tll.-Magmctism,--By electricily as is legmt- inlale cause, through clectric vacuums., mclii- dmi; the pbonoiena of the Compiles b,' tie elm agent. lV.-btion of tie Pluneta,-By anc simple original impulse, assming s curvsiear dirc. tion round tieir respective centres, by local sud univcrsal repulsion ini oppcoosio, (rui he electio tmospberclr of tbdr centres and ui- vernil spac ; thous eoiralizing tiacir orlaits, re- lative ho remustance. . V.-SasoiS.-1 tic altrmiate inclination of the p oies of the Earti, tu and (roi the Sun- titis vibrating b, tise expansion anad coan, tiea cf thcir atmcospbores. tiY.-saturn's Rings-As lunar reflectors for the polar regions ecf liat planet Vif.-Climtei-istance cf th e mntent placets from tic mion, as regards chiate, la equalized by tie incresse cf surface of Ibose pmaiwhici rotule. a greater propcrtion cf ig hn eu. i, W tos mmantins lie smc tenperaturc wiii nearer pianota. 'Iri oAs eas ZEuSOn iDJ cony Biglaisooured accrdisg tu Liw. Tise abovo work cviii bc publimhed astWster- ford, Saratl ogaGnt, N. Y., sau sceunau suffi- cient8oubscribrs are cbtaiied ta wsrîant ils = E attnam coniain (rom 225 ta 250 pages meoc. mediaui size, on (air type and good pape-, copanecd b,' two engravioga, illos- traling tise Power of rosractiaî (eruoiscul, shldstir in> outrve 1almotion. l'bc fo "e ille repreeteul by a celunn of the elcel lemn, retig amp aimesncf milieu (Wb!* 1 iet)>le aciectrie vacuuin,>thereb,' ermig itogvtte towsrdu theccentre cf t osis, wcriiloncie commno vacuuin hthe c- leetie leueniais; isclading in the ssci. on- grvisg, a Sep msutation cf tic Pocrer & agoni of *immagnat Thbttor (univerel mouen) Winl be repme senlod b,' a drwiag of tic salai system wiii ibe placets uerreeimdedhby tiec lectrie elemesi cr115 a dlivison cfis Presure iaio local sud uauvrndrepuloioe, b, cra oChplanct is ,onseilfroua pbiloemiol primoipile trairai ia curvilinoe m r eoud iii contre b,'au "IF P Èaa p inamupeiu *.be i e z§Totms amc ontirjroriginal. tiumg thon a 1 aenuiateced communil,' me- pociful,' uoloitimig ulmir patronage tuoaa crk tint cosmprises amsigned causes for insu, of lise natural pheommenatbat have beci looked upesi b,' tie abolo sebooi tlospbcrs %il boycla the roaohi of humatua. le fahoe, and t"s bave siunbered in i*m eraieof Nature.s à» coes. fronit toecomennecee ofuime. TuIle sutbor fiattors himelf tisaI Marly cause. cf the aerikimag phcnouaeîa crich bave becs deemed pt oiding et, cillbcmtiuonlly epaeosd dveboped. Orlim puice ai tise above crork, boasmi asisoep, cr111 ho Sm. Sd i ruN gei, 7& 6d. Hslfax currene,', cucmnvu of tihe dmîtiell Waiesford, Saraoga Co., N. Y. Feb. 12 833. 014073-,-The fqel6ovimg diaiione &Whoili bia altoied te Wis orlguoalternirfAaie 'Thse natursi poweor Sh a sens L= e amp 'Pr"s "esla hie; vitmut au,' sensible oe Ilirosigi thce lutie medliu, electric preuret Pron tise nature cf Uie real principle (prossuc., aed the apparentone (tractimi,) carolng tise umttraiapproachiofsabodies orasbstances, wclt out an,' Visible omisse, lie ha, all aised ils terni presolaio n; Te'rie opresotm let ec iumgly t-arries a contradiction, (prs-draw,) ai tise real smeIapparent Cam u4duigrvt invoiven a contardictioe»,. brefrm, lhe au thon ib7mksiat precotelaciin " homuet a"p Pinte. terres nepreucunt; theprioecipicu f gravi t,' The abovomksno fer *à a ltvelv«es dc tricity, cli bue adloraed (ibieuga claflea) h1 thse spiMthtie vWimpgaior Pm*uiJa. " tive Io bis tkiocl experwinul.tutemuaihih ihe rnciples; battei pulcaaiuboveve amo Ontili, eviLl SALE 0F CROWN LANDS. Drlcî,Pu bi m rinfused ,' j. Jeme ol ssnd adjuerned sales valit.rwat*d. liet.i > t lb. mme placeo. n tcthe TUosio tise mitie of li,'Angelot, Septmber, une ocluher frovu ai aaille al l IM .a,.Ll... iheilaidT...dpy lu en. ezt, sud ufier varie o lie tird Tuesday lin ihe monhi of Juif, Auguat, Sepiember, and octobe The Nombm.of theLîots oIsoffeîe bi Mtrcip.rtislr.,'aybe kvwn b] W iig t.eltav 3. Joeu», Impaire TeecMt, 11tha May., 185. SALE 0F CROWN LANDS, 'ImBUPublie ait informed tuatt Ibmwo heu Sole ci Ciw e "iLis ,' yAncii. lentth. Town cf Peteuhorourlàhinu" Ise . da la tuuef la lb Agtepws.-re,> Tma Fb.eef "tise mIo h.e eifr talé sud lurbr aemsiscma,'b. beep. appiots t.ALKet b mI)uaL, Ï,= iefdous oefe Turet.,Iltiy,'18M5. Thurada,,Md Jul,, Mdoiss,, BitS Augeat. ,rbirsds,,»h Sepiemater, %& av2Mi Oclober, Mon d Noveaiber. A'r KuMoTeiN. For lhe TovuabipsofaiPOORtîAi huri.linabbook, Bedford iid bomoug. B.ad, Y. h9ib uot. Tueu,,29b Septombes, bm b ,' StsOctnber, Mna, OhNovenlier. Th ebustg bmlot eie 060 Sale.i MI~b bevu b,'aolying t1 'Furol, 22dhasé, 0 SAX£ OF' CROWN LANit V H <tblie are infmeed titIW i ýof ar.OvsLus i lile ÏLsd triai, yuil tlie place ab failows-vit AT L014IDON. :Fory lie Ceuati of J4idWeMa jili,, - -Wedceuay - Angua, Tbwhuri, eime,Tburuu,' - -cee, -Tiersaa' * AT SIMCOÏ, For Sfis Cesai f.Nurfolk. li,,- ida,' - - n r, Fi AT BLANDFORJ)- AIlli d. Cnion" Ufs =Y-I ne, nmber, of saeLots tet Md-imtb« DAeziwmbu a b. k ~stmmLmig lrm aIADOW. I Lb XVI'.] gag BLIEI 'ou 005.. la - flua rmmandnu~ -éd 1 11ONEY Is POWR UJNDER ibis title th u s'-b meg tu pabli 'Il a o 011 Jedicateu lieuth Iiegnî ad portion of the roiaauinity, .¶vl' 1 vey tu the Calaadhan tPuIl( ,a' , t foim. everv ntess.aiyi (Ifcrmîo deservedly engrouin5subjQ(c thor i., sied bau overecri, as Of Banking unstit t 1" a' t vaîl a principtel obje , in as Ir'-Iinhir impar to bis riaderajît dlýeaiotj portanceo10the prospcrityoý' f C and Agiticultural colln niieît sidering conîroversial discu.,aeîît quming mird May becomne r p etrulethe cwbuaa frot,,te re are front the drolle. To ibis endl j: te bis intentîin t, some ofthe tmost ipopular %,rh-sd of Banking, which by thir inger plausibility have iaUriuly prej't unreflectirg agains.t a i'er 'U~ Amnon.- tiîeiu Ii:ukoeil re.emîi niscbief. Coliet's «'Pa>er agiilio and Gouwge oa BnIl -. Perbajas Du0 5tioni of tbe ivlizý preacilte the plastic Posvers Plfje cimnt and sOîîDi PaPer Cutrency am pànded tand inobstrqicting hîpt , play cf Ih i nghtY eiergies, han ferti: apomdages uf the Biishî. Ci witere Ceres tend Poinoîla arc perretatotheir geail cg,.;~ bowels equally with th qsutri~ trn witla emb)ryo tiches a he î5îýl blindanat waters pt.siîîiîle rotat nailoto eonterprisc 0fcsMersa vcy ihîir ire3sur e îexa table to forign cliene. En etour ging bow ver as oe id bly thoBitturai advatitages Lcf theleu to the induîtiy (f main, 1liey cs,, nothing blet as a reproacli to if hoe seek il.tfer the aid esn,1 bis labons effectivoly productive W,~ tically beneficial. t Tbat onche aid is tatone to Le bfiil iabienitret currnney, wil L e imade cts Fthoritices;and it wiiI bc ait especiai * of ibis work s0 ta explain the pie sitior. cf commerce in relatîionotiq,1 clouse mollets sfully tu demoîstîli the ad'v3ucment of rie Canadas to i of opulence for wlîicb they meeo been destinoul by Providence, (ail effected uthrîngb the initrumentâlit, abundatit Paper Currenry. Tii. book wiii bu 8vo. dcry, li contain at leait500 pages or dîîae M exctltent l esitype, 011 fille Pâlpeî,m lie deliverrdiin linen binding. Aiii be atiended wthb certain and greatî a certain sale, tend pay ini advasce'li dispenssable.Tu XCIOs4Ot been caoefully calculaied, and serai linge ani spence bas huefo fund A loeset police ai wbich mt rai Le Y4t, oseing iiotbing for the Author's làt comipilation and original composts vick if bcu ulti ately Obtain iny tary teconpenhe, il can oîîly ale exce oela le bonoedis subsriptim ' Aeîery exertmon wihI bie lad l dot,,#*evork huila etertaisng ii airpçovo, mcd nomiss P"a1 paio i cspucity5 ithe Autiior, wvithaa isnl t po ibhepublie gnod, aindgs luajie bat them emunity et large tbi îeady patromaageexpedito t6i pleltion mda vorla upun iwhic hie iM lioms of partial frieîds base iiîducîj Ça C)L crary Editors in hotth cm pub ibtis Prospectus font was1have a cpy cf <ie work. THOMAS DALT a Editot City Toronto, Zone 2, 1M3. SALE 0F CROWN LANDS T filpblic are infsruied tail t « f Caowuv LANqDs aid Clu * oives laelb. Midiaed Duitidu rplace sfolov"-Viz: * AT BELLEVILLE. *For ihm Towlaship, cof Htiîtiodips, duc, Hisagrford, Kaladar, liassdon, *moud, and 'Tyenuinaga; Monday, 2Oîb Jîîly, Tbursday. 20th Amigust, * Monday, 2lat Septeember, le Tuouday. 2it hiOctoluer. a triday, %XII Novemaber. YiAT NA SA N E * For ibe Toveablps cf Sbrleld ami *deni. jass ý reil a 1 csOtcEditoi, glomabldisoer 3se Mimetusd Il tam ia, 44. Fer 11.Air i tac raosa6 s.i uapea EiIu lieam li'ara%,li "litluitn.s lipire avas pstimatfor s is ters a ritec aumn i elief mendor lied toibadeit, vri oieeid' M. -»-, ta i liaIiti u us lam nrla t w lon) t wF h lacs' *u as as, le tutu frae [atiril.iIeel il,' antvog tM u.ul ils hs ci n the ima t, iil-le m Ici. 'l'lie uni, plie ""i deet if it vas pus Slic mibetes uica., allucri lve ust li ver, lic colisi un t distance ho lieMtnm in the apeuir f lais caus a- padidîe a tum coa, n &roi, und a visuel b liait lie w 1amu bmulimi Spai, Bus-n tiaal itmmu te (Mr. Traili , at Ibsa day nn lehiecmi ta dispia,'fi ut of lie la cici Ibo ha( resaideuîce herahea i lus nul b.t disapl 1,' rend hefor hy t>Sir 1 liaitlime lt tiluinGrel . betwea N r181. ev *lready 11111 durcag <the a titreS elae ns *viz'Nove fte-eighîl,1 0< lieiIl mi, cal, 4w use iu a Ps

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