Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 15 Sep 1835, p. 2

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tu OU t7» o #ate mleaother. ne. mi on E wV n o < tte - I U y id W - heie mmld .hrri ne -ome would negative th*o nght toIOebl arouta.proPomitosdg 9e comamiicae. (Fletr-"or h. port ho juoul Dt aIli»w aparhainent a.iorit <O es"Vert iteltmnté a mjority ha S. 06Mgiit of bond or ledgeriin-by mOVili li prooi"tion which ap"aenlymuntou <h. bttln reahtyiment aus r. (ua ebeern I te Ooppulion, averudby O il to. he miterml libese.) W. tire the . following mummnry and ex- Iiaeimlaliiig to nemattemiqta h tIfe.o the kinCg of the French, durng 90lieeebra <ho tw.n<y-eiglbthtd<3ul:- Vi. 3a1mum toira Be. A Wào u, ly t.-it lb with the duipee etimeeri <bat we lay bultoaur readure the deI.ihao<ttle horrible éventi, bat lok pace of4tirvew pyeterday. Afteria ving pas med alors.-<lie Bolevard Io liat point al wh h<le National Guardsand <b. troop were dra wn op, i#,b maiuaty, accompanii b the dulie ofOreusa, eduke deNemioun Ille prince de JqomnwllNeaî!4 n<Inerouat*n luillmot te ImA, aigs.j bienothe aieent line to the Place V9ndomi, viiere <lhe troop w.re toîle oùf buor him.-At twelve, ai the moment wlien hho laitrecWhe hoBoule vard du, Temple, a Iiti.e belote ho Thesti dos Famamblea, -a tremendoum explohlor *mmahlla irregillar platoon firing, vai board. Atfinti<wacmupoàedtobeodis chargé offlre-worlssbut thefallingauderîu o«<ho vctiiniomon revoalud <bu reslity, om *ac evcodoùcone-uan Infernmam eWb jo d t poured forth a shoyer of balt * <ltheir ertmp bat currouademi th king 4guoai Murtier, dukede Trevrise, f011 an apir vithient utteriag a word. Seavon -tw 1 sàud nom.mof t<he Natiooz Oumniewomoies 1111.4, aud a couiderabi xmrneret PerensmWOOnD"d.The.allial eirome borins, ~ogwhich'vas <at' bieanbaI Mortier, and the caPerng oefo<1gm, added leo ho tumult, which it voul.b.di ûeuit tW deecribe ý.Durimg <is icone. <the kamý,w home ame heében gramud by gml4ile,, ànd wj.oso hm Ii.d aseivli du'und ;a *the Dock, ineir talmud <heo soluim oir ;v vich hbaie doter rw.dond diapl4Âye4l rumapable courag iy sidugup .U. <ho direction of the boue fmoui he.q copluon çmme. Atr< @t UmoÇion bal peie, th. Cork# 0emit ui*roue amiât uhdMti 0g the pr "Odorla ba king< . lire:!, . otiat vioom _im tead.* :The b ïouo s12 Nau t<6 me !wbowei wàuudê&,odoIi meeMtotI Qm qTmro ,,Rok aaa eu.d(roui. i boutmdu N .0 on th Boulevard du Temploof wi Sho a' dor andi rt fOooi aoccupe by leil a riFt& SU ainIgIo indow in fro% IL"hua »modiately ourrounde, aàd althe patio il la 1i rreéod. 1Theroominih lt&aWchue bail beert snctructed wÏe "Iil.i idimensions boing ouly sixoand hMf reet 1y moen. Tho machine was immde vith greatscii * Wood, with iron brace, and extremmel mSUl. Twourii<ais çr<dtro crc bariotwood, p milPra, o <h Wiad ond in thée m eformd groove, iu vhie weno laid tve t <e gun-barrelc. TI ficet êcroie r. p t about a o fm thie wiêiow, w arather lover < that i bimd, mo'hat <the bolldmigb reaeh <hhe m of*aatuon homiobock in thgiadleofet t "lvrLThe.chargi wassobeavy.tL file eut otwenty-fire barrels had burn, oc wîth.tdi 1 hey worm vry mnhtant aod nov. % Tsai oieumalu e Imat ttàm lto c4oy.,About %bra, meut hlrobbîdb romi ' ho second ai t i a touluOfsE M. hJ.gRe.the~r. et«. Ho gav e u"me <3.rar4, V chli annd apMmeeute ho about twenl W"leerofage. iuioo.nadcwiod sutud suirtrîdeqida liehad t km enhoprocaut fr'e aten -b ope toIl latter, te assit 1m*n i aking Ilisecari bl<o ~g ime of the barrelsaitt1 tb~ a r1m tk1 Iris. od I Up -IýNotw.thaiindinghm vodudahmruai iner «tIssud seoint G " b éyou' Gmnrd, wboa D"~ie t a.mot tbe Whg14n<aia. thri bvrlitUMo m e4wo'Iticoeurt. ai 4pse Mra vi wnt <ou<tie ouee, a î6 th. msalima ebuber ho, foodm the *be< ~a'l, gtmd. -4,delay mlea O.uIpt ol inte explosioni *il the Tb*.cortîge in t«OwIU< eile-Tbe Ki the Prince, a -9wh eduâbeof 1 emmi <1o Nom; mai, marchaI 'bat.oucd lioraat Muttièr. Al <home w<y e&. <Who wmma ii utar0 h mu imme se *U.pt dl« pmwemwud umgh Ibo « 1vui xomo 1 s.ensation- onu.~t lis-Ua; oiloutocunhuii <.<'~L1~~l7mpo*, <.~e5tei po te .pruetse -e.s lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t " of e hesm <egdtal-t Ii ~ bethe roai, vhereamm meu utmuicialgua" a s tmmra tbo e ilO ta lied beenithronoI op; h. se-1 <e.te keepie p.a.o e. Ibo Bmoimg lion grw hotter her, but tho gallant tnoops are tle punioave.bliesbave berai os- briotlitib aI ait <anS oanid drove t he certaimn 1.0 bave broom maeW. Maunhal lut cf <ho Frenceh im St. Johns Pgae ai the dulie de Trevice, stuck lan<the huart <ho ight dovai the bill tovando <lhe St khy aboili; Genoro de Tachiassede Terlgnf, Charnio, taling poueqor et<he beiglt.- t u" on the f«eead b y bpI la.ptausIl vwuinew bore on the gmound in advenue Villato, id-de-cambp <otarsif Maieon; of the Stand that Wolfe received he laitIfa- Lieut. Col. Rieumime, of tho S<b lagieS, t110u0id. and hovaicanie&teongbt' s<@tuck by thruu halls; Heuri. Pruithomîne, mmnd laid atalarg houiller of granite, t Richard, Luger, ami Bemetter, grenadiers Of which.ll borere muerai in <ho vicinity, .0f <ho 8<h logiesi; a eclunel in th. rmy, enllmaily four toive fuit ini diameter, viiel i <vo citizoni, a vomen and a oidd, viiOses *Oidrutand protection frouitheoeune- , anes w. vere inablo te learn. tel inBr. Tiie exact spot viseover alter r Gclignmni'a Mesengin of <hë o Ohm ys: képt jiimieiney, ami vlcited by itrmngori, gTue sulbnof vietime lanmi nine non- ovie nuhammers mdbrok. 0o9 pueces eidonabie than vas atfiait lelierod- Seve- o <ha tae, te take vtbthem. At lumgth raI prioet wounded ver. imnicusad til he item.vas mach diminlcbed. and wouid taken te tieir ove booumsl id 'etc aultimately haro disppeared aitogether, had vire net iecluod din the liihfore pub. 1< net beon enclosait by B. Gowon, Eiq., imboi. The numben et killeet andt veina- vho purchased thiae mothle propenty. uit je sid te ho thirty-four, including ait Ilbai, hovrever, sinco been safeiy pmltect- <ouo i.died immuditely, orsufîm' od m; and vuowoe t«ils tothe unotenlmtioua 11y perisiledl from hoir woundi. respect Ibr tbe momory of a gest Captai», Lahu was M. Lobronato, ag.d evui<y a On <ho Port Of the Rt. bon. Lord Aylm.e, if member of tle legion cf houer, ou.aofetg ewbo bain aied amonument ovor lit, thug L- ong.atreceirers of taxes of Paris. I> lin merating ho spot viene, whige i voundi are very serions, but lopu.aroAu- Wolfeo mmmtmiMis u naine, Englamit ad-, etait thflit bis MM .may heimvel"ded luths glory cf ber anme, and chieved of eight parsnsicarried gsel.th e tIa5 he.o oo ie of the pontIapt pf Nqotb SLouic, tour lis», un&rdohEiU Ài mrimoau ern eits bistory,-te vuichm -- hadinhnltration 0f thieider Pitt aitded bT ii anmENGLAND. - futher PLeudou. le Tb vare latusuof tho Irish cbareh I subWina ashort description ofet<he mon- bil wre.agroeit to in cornmittoe of the umsent:- houai of commeons ou 29tb July. In th Going eut, il la Visible on <ho loft, atm counie of thé debite berganden icene bout100 -yards distance, sd a-fiot-pa<h t ok place betvcen Mr. O'Canneil, a les& teoit. the <rider base ýieclosing <ho Mn. Shaw, and a Mr. Fine. Mr. O'Counell @ov eny 5<01e antvucîlef id) c canged Mn. Shaw vith stating falMseeliiaou çoe et square, met <bree ligh la pec<ing bina; Mn. Fine (a friend of Mn. made tastelaly, by adding a<hcr graniute 4 -boulderi fastened it îba blue Vaiet cernent. es O'onl oei great he:t, sud eiclam- On h. lan laid a large square rnuatone, as f aise anditrmo'cous cslurney"-mn n r <r hoplintb te tho bobume itaif; <heho kt encued , hich va ith, difficuhty gufeed, poliéid marble rings are lad, mnd (nom ae- b.ufti nei.e h oîoag h hecea plain circulan columiu cf poliahed l, gn inlerchange of compliments between îlark-uuuhmric bu ifu im la teturgetleens e heoiglut of abou<,7 feut, with s- Mn. Show raid that the bon. pnd barned the y=di lulargo capital lenar deeply u gntlmanhuit alludid ta bis ipiri<iual lre et, 'fluau ci.» W OLEVIcTOAI- id gott;biseman r ws" lk tetr eius." Tie vbole height aeoabt 12 feet. a- ciy% b oov n adî tgieteleo - fuir overy plain but oiegnL ,naemble.6 of etile hon. asud les, u.getleanfe [1,hat exhibitedit itelf jn s dutba flohdaitnd W. bari vote r lomîtoù, il ames cr-mibonu-(Io',iicriesof --Oh!"ditin<ict locatioa liu o imtor7y 4Quibec, 1à Mn. O'Oo%~nel-snd yeurs jla ,a ndc S the.u""e v er scn ai liead.-( & b' ugý,tnnt.J1 meu t ho vinterimg l<nbour of ai Tu " baus ed ,ft<>3.< fia JacqueCarIer nbis final yrageinio olie in uUM aLyfudto eabPlace of Mounoeery, kg , t ta nov dlem, beyond doult, hat er-en thoUnite Statu,~ invasion. Botlimf hue :, <lue Ministoes h.maelree bare mot the oould becorrectl establicluedo Tla oee rs ligltet espectation of beimg able te carry Dnor <hoe iie<u l ocetlbie if- Iisih Chureh BilIlunits prisent Bam> <be otrii hepian trit , nochseai <ho <hie sssuion. Yt profssing t< ld ethéclineilne.Ch al aitret, nith.oe anxity for the velfane oftho e blib Pan.A&tetelatrterdr nu 4lhUrch, and no le- eommiccerton fer th. airerai poions liring who boni vins ai » Eotitu<e state oet<heo unterunate Irishthat sauge, mnd vbo could point outthievo SClergy, they resolutsly refus. te dopt theho ry ijiotroisMoegorvmskuldl a-onir mens, vhich, mcoriing teote<Co- 1 ha nkit we(om < b. e. es ufu go a <iunkoit aodlthhopurent otaet of footAa lu situos, ard<hprsent tte cof orle- =nait îubeription Of 2s. 6d. mach, -for <lhe * giatue, re remntoi <o<he ofrelernection of <vo plain monuments je mari ,i iug <the dictreoft<ho one, and of agludig tluioapOos îeuhnato ib o O_ duo protection t<o <leotlier. wihhmîe ihb u e- Tbat <ey bave the pover <o do me by uftowai u aagmlDoto1et. or fin thebil ietaread inotgth amure, u"m of eflic l- principluetfappoprati~ n e leiing <hi iuerest <boss monunment& creistia *ou% ! pe n.Pately u<men 'te ovn monta, no oui vho by tlma. They form distintmm let io MF thi e<i laIe debâtOOun doiult. lYit' wbicb ailtmore pasengers eues, take e- otwithâtan a~ n alinotIm 1110110q<le e b.hm*m.sl'l~p1u nrone &om Pr .0 t* i llon a <h% hlf t te Isrnyus 4 ru vitbstandimg th ait but certainty am, pai- u. sing <at porion of the .1<bil "rema M ___ ch <e hi settlemt etof<the ithes, revenues, 051 vitaessem i v i<i ondmate hreeitï<ttl *id aud incerne of the ciurc gemmilîy, main- met unnfehiag procuo .1elr"sking pete,, uforI 'y isters have <ouglt fit, w. cannet My to mi, lima prevoild 4c9oicate.5 >30 hazard, but te deroy. ail chance o icry <=Bror <hu eces cupi tlua 1=72iht mm *ing <lua mdbaune,.by refai.g tu airer tune e0esd mad a sirubbery plsatod ne proviWSonrelating te au oa opriation of kn 1heft1 fedirea d me article, i believu by Aplna e tesurplus revenaes of thé ii churul; it Beriloté, mdr, Of < ity, h rs<eiy " ~7beinginuclài mure thn problomatical, it 5a ti spot. Il asbouldheronoeictedl, vho<her smch surplus- will evor barê-auy existence. CuEANELY CÂarj -Taccnlhmc '- 5<No"va iros thtt<he atoriielOe ffer& au tnintonniapted niaigationeu ly raI for rlând wvud mors for lhairote <icitY te Quichet, vas nearly co e d < rngi he Irishu corporation refora bic]Lfo a e ekusinoe,vhen sus pau ' th 11g biein. hambly. 1< commences at 1 .Jsblël Wh Lord Palmenton vis emleil ontforioutOr- utntaI(hambly Baron, paing' the heoio relatire tu tire. Britishi sui aide in <healit. Johin etRiceluieu nlv4.- ç aiitto baie beenabotby oir e o nfRIe axtytfot vide ai h. surface, and 1bai Carte@, sudiottd in ncply tht a ltter baizclfont vater.-Tho leckc ora 24 b, lg dy eaurecvaidt tho admirai t ,giving toet. W. mv large quantilijset liedh th ifrmaio« t ut. Tebeewvasin thi camai on lu vay te t<bis ity T hi' "t08 < DU lioa e fmniohm» Of 0< 0111othe' icOverngthe muai eider "ft <auj lot 3». Thoie Làordipe svirs ougagod t.v yoaRaago longe suppleto!ID2m el ial <bt day ia h.ang esuommi se»&ath<le ail dusciptiens, vere muni frobei ho y coprtin eterm bll. Stâtate IL0<o n ia oQuilec;Dov a Connel su ýhi épi est he Ms, s gheTI t ia ty n ait : <&c. <hand t n ý or housi, oms omotminlfera 'committi ounuai meaionuitte ten, lbuth"ytound b 110 th.oiduto e eraI Darling, ex-gover- New-York market more odvatago 7- nur ofNev South Wales, Tb* ami"tions tb an <Loir eovat <Queleb. 0* vu Mad luy Maurice O'cMnmll, eOposait.Y.Ces.A ta- b hi miniatura, and crrieit by a majonty[NY.CmÀ the :1eight-the vote bing 455 te47. T«la vith plumre vo onnounce bat h. - iait N. eta ev Jipapr, prutedi u ~~ A commi fthe f bobuts et comment Germaen language: bas mode l<sappeanm ras bas recoauaendmi o grae< of £I6,0O te Mr. in Betin, Watelo Township, (abouti the Ourney for bis improvumont in estosin car- mile ibuve Hamilto) e<s<oml theo "Ce mianlsm. ADANvsueo," and "Alguimiu.Zoigl the The, bil te bebOl mprimonmn for dot sud unde tie auapîe.oUr. Wm. Hz.v vhieh it vas referreit, but it vu mt x noi pseiy~tipiatp sspoctei te<ocome a bltorhobouge dor<lue tien cf Lmememutry, s ael so for the *ph MW Pr" un esion. et itslndomutlocpreprleter. W. ta» sud a c ~stand thst there jea largo number - or aï 4mi< Woujomo did od"im or e<n t ua maigrtte inluthat mmegbeulo, Wb ainduit (rman À oic bue.-" ave for a long ie beois ouctrailed jg sud quirer vrit.a-ltein » sutiom mnable te renaiteim hro i eus, tits a an s taauly mile, tisat Grot Britain laid the tonabing olagu. vIieb & or. y taim md adtien of lavery in heUniteed Place as veilathe laid et <heirnmativiti re&tase by th. introduction of ilaca, bt s la auedy evry ether coutruMn ynof it jenow theunudinutdopinionor *Ummt sti.. mv- 0-aY mais thromgout Amaries. Ift lu Thé inbmcriptfoo la saly $2 Par anuna a pparend l - etgou<rabaianbutt Mces W lh tise undertskimg evury sucu a-trth, if <h. atotwement et Gthecrhiot h loge- nsabi t net bot our hrrem osthe Pres n i*a. Of Vwga u t. o .ioMei.Tisat <hnmgkUpperad Lover Canada LO- motl (ebslut n _35p'),i ui<m viluemin tGm gentimsnt, anditel Iinafinms, that '40 Amguet "Ovloine, (16w) ntice in <hein respective Popen r t<hoe c a D" u«-lmwa lesdelad 2 ino e uforcumgtauo, $sef<bt eur Gesiman fiiendi et Ssals, vbich Wlv er. Lutho f t <at Eimd <bat distance may ho uonîutof th plomab vureaerriediats tt try.', Theuas. - ecumutam. -[Toronto Recorder.1 = chan P, theretere, ge have ban Ma eivrhm. meat our oun, oandby mo moissus Weyesterdoy mmt ith <he o tel -a u aonusbyK_ ote-_ imr. Lo-emmn1ot-ainL_. C IDur R0 euim in uuumd fleuoimi viie-ot hâmuround the head of tlb. Li.te Whitby.-At Il <hein(or yaerg, end tlîy, no douhtt, wilI Port Hope, Cobourg, and the Boy of Qoin- la delleut vbou <on lste lor a reMedy ou the te, 1 understand t <at the prico rangea (roui part .1 <ho iarmer, any imîprmudent an negl-l 411 to 4à Sm. Somse ev Wbeat ii about ta gent admixtureoo<tie gnovn wheai ln leir lie slipped frein <ho neighbourliaad of St. a' partoge for oale,-stid make <lie necesary Catharines te thlieiia in the lower part of i deductiou, vbic trustat inte <al case a thie Province, te be manofacturcd ito flour. i heavy one. The cample oflour w heat lams hean gmadmilly improv ilieefew yea;! iREmAia On TilialONTiOLAL MARt It verm a plty tothrow it hack by any in- RETS, FOR vTUE THZEL DAYS PillCE judiciOom magement in a seeson flot iko- GiNSI ly tebappototen. This caution nuay save A5i sTuesdal Evcîuîin -, Sept. 8, 1835. i orne eropafrunom beinr.g poiled. TVie scwa-We ave Cm, variation n he <ho grovn wheat vmll serve for seed, and with rrires ,f ither ort to report. The mar- a light portion of Sai Volatile, in douIli ket bas bren teady, sudi ve have huard of fromn it, vili Mneoexcellentl lougehold j sales or Peatu. ta tIhe esctenitcf 200 bar-d bromd, tlough <lie fleur ia ueBfor expor- *-lcati3&., and a lot cf 40 barre!. Pots ai talion. Youri Most truly, 32s. Smenali bille are procurable at 34s. 6d. i VIAGERO. asicd 31s. Gd.d FLouR.-Tbere bac been ittie animationi Fie. the Cobor Star. iniisî rade, tlue geuienal inpresai.)n eing Shouid you deeom <hofollowing vonthy. agaiist any improvemeiit in prices. The a place in corne cf your colunins, it miglit ai,,siliuce Friday antiutea abont 1 .00 1 ho uceful <o omre lersan <osa expetrienccd barrels at 28%.,273. 9d., and 279. Chi.pr r-i <han i bae.baen. Vhie Standling ii li e roi for Canada fine. Tite lait îranm.oriî"i air a fev days mgo, a green dyly iglted on of momea t <shicli bas trnspired, was aithIe c my at; on elevaýting my lîand to discliargç latter puice. I n umwelcone visiter,t got into h. o>t WREÂ'.-We cannot learn <bat a singe it eiaied annoyieg ce about 2 minules, rontract has l'eemcde for alil delivr-ry of bof.. it could beejectcd. A' soiglt, about I.,vtr Canada WVeat; <ho very unfavora-r six hoursifer, I huard mn unil noisein ble weather woliad up to the bcginning of1 my «ar, imilar la <tie boililmg etf&a t lait week. caoaing the country imçrchants 'vhich increuad tilfnuxt moroing. Dufie% «j declicie aaming a ptice uil afier ban- auy military lino of ie I have keovn ourg- voit. Thie quality of a large portion afi[le gots taken out of vounda injess c han asecro l adI cidféet ht en houri. I vu apprehonaive there miglet bn -crop iî al d oued ndfern, ath bugh a corne of <hue in my er-etManming <bore la mpen <hu whoesa rmalier rrnpor-j by <lhe une of a Syninge end Probe, 1 auc- tien of ieeds mnd ther forci gn grains ceedd'le îXtractingeseversnmaggasix51Kamongct <bu Wheat <han usual. Frein u- alive and one dead. pur Canada theru have been no arrivais cf Blieve mie yours truiy, new beVhat noir la it probable thaut mucb A- SCTT, yl bc aent down <hie feui, le nany parti Latu of thie Finit Royal Rcgl't 1 oot. thie vet wveather bas donce great iijcry, and -- watbtheh exception ai a few favpred dis- In <ho Eastern parts of the Province astrcaho ylbmuhdagd Vha 1far ascamne under aur observation etopsitloio h o Provine mce.aagdWha are 0 goi bueason, wvheat especially:- -truhu h rvne diangcort good; potataus beyond alîy <liîng iPnovisionis.-The demand for Park for vu have had a conception of, Oata, Rye, Consuomption continues good, and more <han and Barley au average crop, aud as for fruit kueps pace vutîl the auppiy. Tlhure: s in and vugetablea, thuy exceuded an y thiigot change 'it) prwree; a lot of 50 brio prime, via <he kind vo erer iaw ie Canada -[Port placed yei<eîdcy at $134-90~ days. Lard Hope ¶ardet.] ba be sld at 6d. pur Ilb., but the deuild for <bu article ia itili languid.-[Cour.J, The Assizes fer <hie District commecceit on Tueudiy tbu fui instant. H-is honfor JumgoShervood prusiiding, voe sticeit a funl and respectable attendaues ec the Grand Jury, cemposud principaliy of <lue mugis- tiatesof<ho distrct-atrepctoblo yeoman- ry alse oaveroit <o <ho Petit Jury. Theue arnasJuidge dulivoreil a clou mcnd reluminous charge o toheu grand jury, andt adverted tethie principal charges oc the cal- unit; homicide and orson, oxpeundimîg the lava as applicable <o the <vo degrees ocfétlo- Mious homicide, via mander & manlauglater. We andersats ho cvii bmainesla grot- et <ban usual. On Tu"ycdey iobserved tbat oniy one amement vas taken,-vhcc <bu ceurt adjounnod ill II8e'clock the follev-1 ing memiaig. TIhe court ituing Wedeus- day dicposed of a few cases of asseesaieit q and oneof elandet. 'lu the aflurnonrue bis vers rettumn.daga"natRichuard QuinI andt W.. Qule, for <ho mander of eon1 Stewart, andt Wm" Ginnis for lorai-ateo- ing. Thursqday <vo important ejectment malta vers tnemi, mnd en* alyai laoad of, aud the lad, Doex. dom. F uber vi. C heer -»ruveitupon mi"ylogal intricatoe iute' fer tho opinion oetthuacurt bove. In <ho aflerneon, Fanny Cook was an- raigneit uponan meicdictment pruterreit a- * ainst bar, for f*lonioua1y- exrcting Jettera frnmtho geaural mail lg, let be<ween Presctt and Cornwall lut violer. His Majeity's Attorney Genunal, clcarly s<ad mbly sustined <the indictmucnt, acd the an- tortanste andmi mlgaded vonice va. cen- victed. W. nemi haritiy romin'! outrtend- era <batthme is <ho vidov of G. Cook, vluo ricontly diud in aur jilI, andt vhocu coin- mittil w. fuily noticeit at lbe Ulieu. [Cornwall Observer.] W. have heen perit<ed to male the fol- liwlng oztract fio alutter wntteit by a gentleman Who basliheinMaang a tsur of tYppen Canada and a portion eft he United States.-[Montreal uraid.] «-0n My way upvardi tirotiglu the Upper Province, I Wall mulu urpiied ta find le larguaportion oet<he Wbeat unbsrveuled, eapecially niar thu head eft<ho Lake, where 1< la uuifly completed Muob eanlier <han in thu lewer port of theo uvnee. PFie Preo. couta t hi, river Trentgreoat propousa hdi beu mdei n the Whéat harvuot, andi n i... instances ethur cropo lied been broach- ad, but ftom tiience to the hoad of Lake Omn- taris, luttle had beau .ocnred, and as thore bau beauma grot mimaoet riny weatber ine &bontt he 17th (Anguit,) 1 am apprehenaîvo *bat a censiderabla qnantîty ofet <. best l iii hava grovo; indemd, reporta genoally provail ta <bat offect in the îeighbourhood of Cobourg, Whithy, Toronte, and te a moe- derati oxtent, aveu n ethe vicaty of lit., Cathurinea. <he o Wo afect ta b. appro- beuded ftaos <ho grewlag, or aproitiug. ef Whoat, is, that the Fleur manuvéictuod s twill, uàdoulbted ly, have a grt ted ouy b. < arus o m ua.= - i, Fe Irapd hs a rei ipaque- pmenabred i Êltaver, aud it-is ti be ulgretteidtbat its .piutaiionmay bo x- Pobed by <h hpaient cf Fleur mode frein the Wbest of <hie year's grovlli. Tha isi'. ference vin Dot ixit isa <h6 United Statuaý theo pa tber. bave boom imered esîs1'. «The. Farmers througbeu t <h Uppen 4 Ovines has vi vmda mmos8gdiapomi Sien o effet eoly m s otb<ou Wat, *dam - I y 0rp b"al olr eau oonhgbt by M1L. ajendotms wivhvilhbc peofll brevu inte <the MOntrealmaketmnie, Iriont proopetic .Oý utl aul <at 's )ught VIII hoconette mhFleu ersufla tu he IaStâe fNew-York,- fa iJeau bure, (Sy eva obo~ratoau 9 nim (o Roeh* t mwgilvu 8ï onieKtatterdtehi s- i < etsles iout t40 KIN4GSTON, TUESDAY, SEPT'f 15, IM6 Our London datei are goethli sut July. Tiie principal item iin<lie attempt on <lie hie of Louis Phillîppe, <he parliculara of which we have giron. Th'le najority against Sir R. Peel'm motion on thie liâti Church Bill vos 37, insteait of 67. A aliglît attundaimce on tlie Assizes in Kingston for <lre. years, lias suggested tu us <ho necessity of somthing being (loue <o explain dle dulies of Jurymen, so as tu as- u@it sud indiice <hum te enter thorouglly into <ho vmious cases submitted <o <heir decicion, that they mmy render <o every mon a igliteous verdict. The office o(Jm- rou in onueaof<lie muât important ini civil soýeiety; for ou their verdicts tie lite, end liberty, aQi property of thoucanda depend. An U nriçl"ou decision may legally mur- der tho ïi6 nt or unjcstiy imprison or impoveriuh <hei n id may entaul untittena- bie misery on succeeding generationa aima. Trial by Jury is thie great palladium of our liberties. Timen limw important in it for Ju- tors <o underatanci their dulies, aid sien- cime <hem wilh proper knoovîccge, energy justice. Yetalîo f tee do weoeceJurons & atnsngely inattentive <o the evidenmS lefare <hem, sad, inîtead of uxeroiaing <hein mdg toundentandthebupoint nt issue, and te se boy thisviitenco bears on <ha que.- <0o5, tlicy aru otton gazîng on -vacancy, and sluovisg very symptoun of iediffe<emce <o <ho cubjeet hmori <ho court. That lîeir du("imr jadiàg and irksonie, wo know; bot tlue influxihle deams of justice are eol ta ho surenited toe esinesa; no n re m men vhom <hie Low makesjudgma of thue tacts on viieli <he varicusacases <tit, <o ho merely pacsivearo onofset <. videnco, ie- &tend oet eauclulg inestiga<ors mb <lhe (acta on vbc>i <hein verdict munt ho girom. In Englan'! tle Jury Boxe@ are fittil up vithi couronibnsmcifor vritimsg,,peua, i anmd pop«t are suppliad, and <the Jitnors am in <ho habit of takieg notos of theav ide, .14 d.pu<ting questionsat Io isvihuesses, ini arder te anri vers< athorouigl unditanit of tlis sajeet. Hov diffokamut it in lucre vo cud uemi. Wkeov luit it issup- poeoith<at fleceunel Moato thie caendu hy i mm ' eeu eamination grhgehseralîj ferret out every iaterial tact, aanit <at <hi Jiadge linlis charge <o the Jury prients the ca su nit W evidence betore <hem, di- vealuit of sxtrai.ue malter, but "is 04n lutgm t ila <hie reiance.on lIme citun sioan sit<he Judgi 0f Wh"ielivocompiain. ThaeJury aisould sly ou thomsîves, net on tie Juelge, andi 1ust et ail ou the coumiel; otlierwimi trial by Jury hecounes un noalitl trial by the Jge and, coumsi la It mo S t' Ar. et9Ournetiez grasty induestc by theosèipeipçadieg a ois eol acuih chrg o ajudgel 1, mmny tO sot lnudinlamot., ie speeh..oft-Oh CuuMel Ocy myctiry sud imlaepenot lb qâfi linsuemeoGt a aman Wcù iu thrlnvblucei ftnoMa iiiiusé, leseril adm11%court; snd <husgb <Om.iionsau f "rw - of. the, pluermoon 0» "euuy I heuuy heoeGM*0ethae, " giboJ4 Sdves, Vithimot lbing nfusoiàw ly fessas mvh bWI tMM qa aiy «.'uu~ ifMý là n stg vh,." t tw Id <I.bmit upoftue"~~ &e~f his ritule applmed <uit hgo(KI j"< in E land. Jurora are ail Ocfleu r me1 (lie waut cfdirect and îl UiTLeV. and have <o doicide on prlxlio0 k tiq i. gitly requites cloçe <Imat thîey mmy acîjust <lie balance fo,1"" gio-e <a every citcunautanoe Ile0}1, non los s-ciglit <bat it âervec shotilîl hopanticulariy care'ul îî,t 1 <Iiion osnprejudices aoni1ioJre,iîîj ions la influence thîeir dcî1 inuit renden a verdict ua orli;ng I dence. li conclusion vo tlîî ,lail , in thein chîarg~es <o thim.aî0j Iu,, do <u-hi <o iMal e ancd cxlibirIil,, lu thie retty lunies, ai the laiteli ;, in attendance, and neqîcîre Iode '. <hian thle formmercrn î, Ii vere freqiic-iolly olone I<Y Cli li cimccil,, lctih li( C co %,itl i pronioted. NVe couy thl <d\Icosig g 0tartiî clents from <lie corresooîdi i(i, Yo rk Couimmueicah Xolverîîo0 r. p Almencauetî-Mold lgivese audi conrt of lhe acluat stk- ufallie,> j vourite tepuîhie, 'usoîel< uî~ Those facts conutinî tu lt oe liave dted <i lues assertedî, thaI clre reýi je cenjoyed unoder th I, i Ng j lisîîon ofGeuvernmetit <itan UlC(Ior îlie vu, public, in <Ohidi Itle <yrant Iiegn(en; %v ith a rod of iron. 1. The great pulit icii gi Il11f'.0 , Party 'ieut brave t le, » iai ijt: <lie vero' ciils oo b î %e î 000 t\5 acd attmenid mmivçttul in0 <lihe constituionmu, lai<os aida aga unst I<ein apii oat h. tI.e thiat mt uas, <tici-jr iýon -o ;001 O fae nor Uîeir ecildes" : ' wssl <biitcouise of maîcaîcmres 2. Thie e' ils (îf our 1po0 co h lIme naturel anin reville f e jl'if tl and visinary- iheiwiecqlit liiit.i , ment, pnopagalcd, iun suce degite, lime reveoliuiin, bit o ei' Mir. jef-emni.iuaîd n idevcîoio lait thîirty or font>y yarî ,loi aIi Éi 3. 'I10 renued) thie esils me iirwt <vu must go taack nomu(te Iril t pies & emessinesi toi<le iotilo tuer anîd a iior energelie force niuiît- en ta lie gorineul,iloiii île l1 F rista ever comtempîsated, iii oriler I000, conctitutional nigluts, adSu! lu cirmb, cr17 mand pruperty froiii <le liorrihlîm quences oftheiictiiouos Iiir<iei noieprevail and loo-iidî oill icon lr tlue whocle ciounitry. L) 4. The arbitrary, tyraiical ieusx Dour governnaentt iiimîaîîy of ils qea Uhe arbitrany measurea, ai tlimes, üd <ho Statu legiblatures ; <lie milaiefll natmou ofîiaee ta enhonce llocîr unois r m the community ; in shuort,,f<lierv lat 'contitutOion, cf Irealies. or-l' tatAqjbýog peniod puiolin lhoýi tîi cq 'Itut5 a-..no, f*iui . by ff lma4f totosm archieh fg U ,oJproooiaiytlueas aenor.Âosh $. tVlien radicalise, iilfraisin, a. ism, nd sratiocaliani shail have <buh commuueity, ausoilil bîayé portionsof <lic couiîii o oîi cy aithave lhall lîî<iu tu ýe[idu rumpli laernlaw, in a like dee t, I ofà hîmndred tlmausand cf colr ilic nat BcfIIcO ta give us a o'rî cali render lifit, ptoper<y mldli-ceci cure sthey vene îîndor theoîfe miiustratn. 1- eA Repubâoaf the Wohicigl* Y W. observe <liat a cantemporarY < he tale of vondrous discovriuîs0 moon ta bu <rue. PerhaPs lie lia5 sympathies vitl thîe ilon-bils, maid il ice among tlie lunaicca. A liii moon May iona le a very cooroînS ronce in hic estimationa. le The 61là nunaber of tho Ail ýeConparlion lately reeiedgoe!' te OOiut, fromi tIi. Londîon lecllall'6 i- azinu,oef a Stone Planig Miel/cit, le ed luy Mn. Hanter, Gf Arbralî. a.chine planes allons as icaetl as i P, at the rate cf 65 mu perliciai feel MfS #anIdb.he et of <ols isc'à,iy'ailien! re eoolefor ery 200 fleet tif jlaciiol a, andsomieof <ho nt q vere ST aAs <lien. insnon.utlïtone eiiiig d. tagfin Kingston, this miachinie itotIW offilborne pou-ei c 5Machines~ td inclined planes. Let our uieecl2i0 ly tu thie.-The full account nîaY tu At aur itt Mai a vit-esiW et iq* rrneUlutika k .r*e c h <l b udiet aken froci .". 1- T'ie Coumami amled hum: Noir iti Y04 ta<ki for thait t(km*,, a'url ver. wmgssg <e saiiit 1.Ille <91 SO ten ai iCanada; Mot <e, I ho 1405e 'Iniglit, at mnidilghb O lsduie,wousdrebnd, emPloyioI nie, <opéty(rmchn! *hiel, hy< ert<im cou fui f"te <hi vei Ir, e i julfoeed bh1 Wlom, vhtlli ïk. aMy puim ho MU<h ille. ronilgbîsince r nimnd Allai rby acdn lia 2cfd ted o live <vo iAseizes C011111 r mt, <ho Chie Bartiet was tm i)m2w. 'Tiie on the hWoIl symkingi W Il sud cauao m was <bal vi a petelr tlie latter h un, Jet thiej <fer. se tbut noue c cf mIlle vrrt* i tc#nýtter, i aoth eEdit or of i state cif depre of Kimîgeton Il r,, aîd wlic appuarto.eir c thme enquiiy ielat aid<the ri locution, and 1 say 0< once s Witlmtloein, hie rnmdy. le bulst 100 1 ing<ikiusly 11 a for the unpq wlîmclire p hck counîtrg acgit of water- 1val i lime ~lie îood mi i eslias t for tle il regardit.1 <ime vo v ,too. lDOii fora day -1 ev resoltil and <heilgo t us; asIle ide and me tlie blotti wvIl hiîi, (do stoîcel t.tgimtry is ferti 1 hUi Sce, if nmalle <ofeel I eactive a piri uid eneugl i < i ever Pay ftué eau "Pot O lit it. Thon i ftIer.e u kat mc the moFs duent filaitvil uth Nev en mie vmîtIi ï va.themaim t sîmara of t mmg, and the 0 are note th a Miuga<enl or four hom, ionosible b wue have nm h th s mv We " it>icy inae oroi tilem.i't Vbi ly Ioole » ince, 1 sof ta7r ori a Iet y, amda b Cf. md<J 1.loeu du oaryod li n ti.ide tir hOare liedi meure 0amis nde <hum>

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