Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 8 Sep 1835, p. 2

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110 mwuesfho-ifb" osie 0ecama. î tmi~ ma, C0es,&'Vives or 61 e e Mi Pied pecheat -thle 'ftsesaltsCauMMttei lU witlabol d efid, if thaeattlc.ohiht- - u.b a ama sti sdAticlesistmedita h. ,t i!5prismu e b.esal y te' *mm«ycmomgreumai, by isaUPM ièlt-i AtJ-S ITî rmiso< ~~uif~?uBat* aN- Jals Obreb K uirws " ute 'ec~sud GogeL *aa ppdtsd Smla. h- fusecais <remm av warded for tlbuti farm v-d w-s ald for sud aabmiihed- lot, gamovsut-That Juigos he appoint- ed ta vie tb. VaIlle I&e., Dwnovao-d for . 2&R&*Aed-T&t te rpodof the dif- feroni Townsmhip Dr.clonbs mbised. rita lia lhai ai permsns lavwhempreîiui veo aw#»W eaitlb.CVale Show- tis sday -sud are sa fioiav- Liaf of Puemsta e hm remliss f ete er e b se eait uliid Fer-mas u th* saurai Tw-ulips: masser guu., itC.i<L«sie Iaer2jmI bed 20srs4Jobs Bell,21dîu ' and 9oves- Sebasim Iloge Sd do. 2d Clane, CmCasai lMua, lit beut. l1i) ta ,400b Jobam"i, 2tdo-e M 0acres-bu arfa rnli. Si do. i Cim, William Clumgiibuti do toe jeeiiKielo 'IOec(Robait.9ept, SBd o. Jouigua-Zbemesser I"iy, 6am lut CLM-4a. Robt. MeDousiLlot bet. 34 Clam.-Orin Rsmny, lit do.- Hery PalPsu., S2ddo. .Iudgu-esuei nu, Jacob ELlIamu, aicHausa. Pt cIiJuoLog tte. Arublb"Id u.,2d do Do" leb" Side, Si 244m-Carloa MeDonal it d Fraubseli À. Olver, Sm do PadIrE llAM, Sda.e la <bm-WUbau Ragot, lit do. Robeur trs, Oudot Somes'laldivi., M do. Judgeo-R.sîms hory. Miles Sliay lot. milms bmoe,Jr. ialImr. me Cook. aoI@e.1 ut qIM&US @m e ae y lot jese Dm AlexandeEutgsr, SM du Naubs Fm v a, li Udo. Peter Davey, lot boit Gem. Ah»s. eP&esios, W de. Joe. Goriasier, Id do De lP"tr, liii Olt James Imoeg, 2ddo. Peter Date*àMdu.a *TMGordimer,.lt buit 4 Calvis. 'iDmasict Tdw-a, l d Alu macPhomm1 ,id do. Pblip J. Dahio,lihait 2 Calisu. Gilbert MoGreor.2d "du iudgea-Edwin Maitery, BEssaasagsa, Mdiles Sit.e-y. Jr., Suea uikMuilr sud 7hooîsaVaa.y. Rbert Bat.lo UtBse.dlng Mars. fouiDorisa, Sded. T'oi*-Davy, 2ddo Mhhsml A melta,3 o PèeuvIhyiletbiplVs ïmsusft w-~ .0 i elew0imEwor Mt ~smbse.ou. G. I. DETLOR, IR' »asubfiamiers viii sean bave cons- Ai lètedi tlt.hr hsrvesng -sad- hsying, lboy p, ri id ndou tanse for melaiuîiug insaive- se ps-est mauy uluga, theugh appaseutiy oain, i-ue importance, viii »eal thele nves- «. Wi attention. Woods have boom ipriug- Ca ag op, sud their fieldi bave l inemps.la-ta us become mach iniested w-ith thora doring go eo boy seaou of harvet--cine as-e ou ha i.0 o airipeuiugltaieïrsea-teme abould tu )a deitroyed lmamedistoiy se finr as ecu ho au anae ritou n juis-yta the. crops. lt is Dotetu rot leote for drape te he beuited by ibis I lpes-tian, sud il vili net only ps-aves ad- lai rmnilageaus fer the prennt culyar, but vii, el Idestrolui the sued, save a largeaMotut 10 rI 1ar fini .xtiîpat-ing Woods in futaie ses- b! aes. muuleinsansd thistie. lu pactute lb ronds w-hidihbave b«»u uegiected, abl iw erw b. deutroyed w-thut aleiay. Cd Whatever spriug drape have buea~e k'sM rm land w-hidila stua h. pet inat i rt w-huai,it la hast tg bar- e b.puad *medistoly &Bdhaegly Fii'i sattereai avérlIte vagtlaiem Étiis a course i oresier, said mach pt le ll toaughiiag setirundes- blb.mi;as w-hanit &ey are bus-led deep lter.win mch tou t bhaac.aif thait gs-ovmng seau, if t'bey do et P ll. The gal ucoal ai vegeuttian vliciiail 'Mi caver (b. grouuëd in s ievveeles, May a baun'se piougbed endier, sud lte ianatpro- el Pasredllaoc ow-tug by a totough harrow-iug. g If bh lias. peratios îb. w-elldora%, the.si groand viii b. lu as good canditli sas hiti wanld bie by trialeai plouglangs. n Eves-y attention shoiild b. givenego the i prepas-tian aifscetes hot. Tics-eare sev- il uoraWya oficleaniug li-otiier aoes,1.acb n ofwiriltbas lils aynanagea. As rlaess a ià pluaral.tise matperniegus, is ot, Mt tr potane a t seed w-béai b. eu"lre 0 s-.a buwmllt. Tiisanabe dons tiy au of aif bs-lemado by fuliy lmtcrating calti W-ster WU Isat; Ibis vwili b. towevorma l" egoa mioa,msudmloaid1b.s diieteet by iding s qmi qihtity ef rater, outil noedasssud P Wipvitplace in iuit vil iic leiber bllas, viich i iibel the case if glas hune la sl@vd taromin iua ils original sizoiiti. Pou tls, w-boul tub tibrune asurie , stud DUl the choas, sud (6itigbt saidimper- let grin$u, viii rase sud Boai an iliess- fac. sud may h. akimmed loff. Tie wvits st tho batteinnusliesonb. mepoeafront tbhe in. by Pauling is w-bole imtas large baaitinet ovor ant empty borrel et ttaa- w-bicS tebrise 1ev. sud nsy las dor Dsend ai sshty oleod, sud wn srepent- adir. Tho illsi tuS cleaed t mabh apesa anm aci- tro ortlire. lucios tilde, sud al-cked luu.îifted over il sdinl- tlutely 7mizcd viti by atirrlng. About two quarta aflime-t. thelisbuabel w-il1 b. s suilabie quastily. Thte lime assna dry- là& l, s»ad bas a lenidency la paveut amuit. is a b.O epes-erai tienw-let by pusiig£ $rolay hsougb asood , aibmgsOrit mayb. dosee baus. Dat Itbe faslDterevoive W"tiimlv. fti'AÊ,w-leu ticécasrou u s t0ieo the dieu uutirely Dory thte w-ebet in i~ t an l milei as. couruclod purpocyTer Ibis opetatiOlui lil w-ili b. setesala-yterenove lthe cneciing s-rad troni b.tweeu th. lan-crsailesud titi loéve, aise tiey wiii b. siaken too ta pidi ite lb anuc mo ution of lheMil; in titis cime tierefore il viii be nucsrary l0! a se- coud persan le> shakoe liena moderatoiy wih bis bond. Tis nîthod lis more expedilianai sund closais veat moci mes-e tagtly titan "InpY Pamiug it tiirough lte fanuing miliilit. mosssuw-ay. No larmes aulil rush matidWloutil bhu cioseai ilsbis baI se cmphîoiy, that by spteading trvos-ai neefeaive handiai. on a Biat boardt, b. can- naI Sund assingle grain of chters song il. Oued w-hat May &aolab. btainot pus-- fely cle-laypackiug ltin theabod by th baud. ThUaod, titongi tedicia, as 1tioroagi; sud in particulatiy ta b. wc.,- mandgeai w-bers inisil cs-ops are riaisel ex- ps-euly for lte purs-ae af inproving lte quality of seed. WIaese tiere s aressen t10appruhaus inl- jury iu crope Item amut, mnuaboui b. tatou ta provientilil hy preparing lb.hecaie. ht i@ DOW fallY sacetaineal tiat mseila s Plant Oi tis. fungos tribe, sud ta poapetinted iu theo croîtitoagi auccunive yeanbit sendi adb.rlng tnalt bgrain wvilclais. Any applicationlies-cicr. w-hidh i uil- strOy th. VitaiitY Of the oueds e mt withent injury ta tbose or the w-«testufl suave- tbhdasreai parpoeo. Tii ns eh effecmai by at.upiug tho ul e au.» ai- ftaliag bas beau escommsnded. C~ prSa oitu l uicta lime sud w-atea-, i arpr ionofabout on. eond ofailin tOi 0" alln ad ab.alf frate-, lienag ahoulai ngeseral lebot tea asiat ina eb ieg, sudtho e t»bu addeai graually, 4ud - IâOt .1 a tac. Withe ater bau cep- od Jusieaug ornie band taobe berlm -al w-a ttiaIpain, p us-loer lb h uai ' Amrbes- Yaug performeal cer -extî lni lu ai-odes-'o o scertalu htuistula edkaey of ttc difeoat Modes 0ai nsaln sucd w-huai te pictrent osant-He av * mumber ef becli w-iS secai s hiack ill M san a»sY b.o ver sar: tliai sedsi O oing hai tire Amdrd a-d d n f is met ea-;-thai ruilu inc« t atr isaci Mm. A..àd a"dfstp-Jhe; blfe lita Wab" lu limse w-aier b.daibel it- fl- e. t (liasteetped i uei-*&t r 'bul houeb btlielv. ttlita tocpad MI7 trotte boiamb.d eue; ttlsep a btmy veuY-fsu hubois mue, aii -i»M otqi t rnera-l- uI- .T.h~ 'AVELS IN UPPER CANADA, NO- XIV. GARDEN ISLAND. Thoe neigiîounhocof ainagston abouris eti many deligltlful w-alks, vriaicl asfftrd sloîtevery step, stviesofsurpassiflg ieuly. Thiilil opposite te Scolca îurcks-the Bat1 table rock near w-hieitiith rillery Barracles stand, and the Fort an Mut Henry, ail preseut v ieus of Daterai ceuory extremely agrocablo, and relisait- Dg b tii e,, of haste. No place, bovevr- W, nur Kston,aud very liw-in Canada, "u vie vrila ' arden ain, for Vis. advau- agett ilposacases, in pointî ci beanhaiu mues-y, and heaitby recreation. 'rais [iua is oabouthMiren inîties front Kings- au, tva sud a hall fren Point Ilqery, td ou. frein Long Iland. ' Il la aia tu . tbeveen sevenly sud eiglaty acres- rie *l ô, getieraiy aj.eakitîg, rich ansd ýigily. prodacîive. Towards lti.upper extra nty it conisusco a blnck& vegetable tan; aot the midle, il ii s siff, aditeiev, rova day, froua uhicli bricks af excei- atqusiity a-onov being niade, sud ta- lare ti.lover extremiuy, Ut gol consis f eea bie loam, rnaxedvilh asud.- Viiere lb. landl bas net been ansr du put nmder crop, ve moet w-ith a grout va-j riety o e i.mont beautifut sud &OMAUesib Iaut.. Fsrn lb.es-apid giance-w-hu, I eatovsd,%pon Uic., 1 fidiooolq*. tu a demsiption of the iora of tiijUloidluld &joue, vouli .e ztreaaeiy iuter.stittg lu b.e bolanical observer ci nature. Nusut eus vild fruits of excellent qauaiaty, are pa.scued ta us in qvery direction. A- mng lb. nuanler of thase wnica t saw aud tashcd, i1rnay mentiou tiie graPO, lie bhers-y sud ctioke-chîerry, the pium, ltae gooaerry, the black andl ted currant, Mei îlrsvborry, lie raspberry, lbe biliberry, bhe muib.s-ry, the. buttcr-aiuit, the hickory- lut * nd the tiibert. Abotinding nilh muci a variely of objecta ho gratify boti the sonnesud theiimangination, il in îot te b.e vonderet ai, tlîat Gardeu tslsand stulid b. the favorite rest ît le nume- rousbeating parties wv ich duringth lupic sant monilia ofiencrner, may be daiiy seen pushita; off froin lthe varvea et Kingston and Peint Henry. t ondes-stand tuaittis Island w-as gise- ted soverai yeara mga, by Sus- Juhn Col- bas-ne, toa Serjeau af ise79th iRegimnul un couseqoonce cd certain important vera vies ici ho iad s-endered iii bis corps.- The gift, salike rnany ochers, appoeu t bava beauo wellbestowed sud dul appre- alsted. The pa-opriehos- lieu slreaalY, abut forly scres under crop, sud bas erertea laarsd eoioua bouse, w-tIibans and marnerons allier outlaouses: hi onsboh a"de ceustrucled jevhsrf, vhich projecla couaiderabi. distancem ite deep w-ster ofllae Lako, sud aliords the. mont perfet parotection tathe mumeons plesure-boats sud amati veuels,wluicb fron lin. te lie viite [gland. ii. improvemneaw-hich have bocu effecled, have, i amn credibly in- forned coatnepwards ci £700. t arn lia partictilar in mea>lianing lieze circuai stnces, heie I thiuileil w-ould much ru- douud la lie credit of thase individuah vbo basi bta;ned .extensive grants of land > »n (Xe.rnmout, if tiey vould ouly tala ,V esicn iran lie spirit and ente . . vlich hav" cbaracterised the proce.i 1et ite udfasigbie soldier, up a i l ioesmedmeet ta 1'tsExccie ne te cônte, w-uis bien gIM darn. îon bsbaa Thte home of vhich t hav, mi&ude ac li, bas buen let iy i proprietor as a ha- tel. l islacernmoy fltted np, sud i usually veli provided v iii viandaofai t most-oxcolient descriplion; sudh,ai leaiat, vould give ample satisfaction to tih. pelatou ofilce w-ho travol lor the purposea of lux aisiating, lu inthecotempation et lb. beau. lies a£ externat nature, and not la animail vert ~ ~ ~ i upn .mansl hich every mo. sel ,theo ei a- t ta o mnd i accetviii hieh eery word lhey bla Ilrons ltse centre oflb.eiiossae viici bai linau erecled on luis fiand, a sort'oftovi dasmaP hbe height ofucsrly iliy iel.- Ou lie topof tii tarer, liere w a commet dicuis plitiin, tram w-ici w-. emjey, mail deliglilfiul viev aifithe susroundirl country. W. stand lu the centre of s cir cl@, every port oi w-lici pteseuts s varielj cf objecta capable of exciting ans-adms- tien sud vouder, sud viîiciî are rende-s ,extteyerniy urating by Ith. uaeroaa v.l sels w-îhh which lihe anrhce af lb. Lakei vhi"ced. - Kingston linc on lhe aide ci plae, .uty iciidtowrasalie Bsy ualurauiy a ttracti cas-attention in lie fie instance. lits long ranges of stores; it ststely boumcand olegaii public bau: dine vîi tlacis- haty hiuned spires, giitteting.i the ne beans, prenant a mach more (avr abi, aspect t tho sp.etatar,Itian wvbt vi.wed fs-on y alter quarter. Ca -zing tho ey. aioeug froni Kingalov to~tesi argit, w-e view ini ucceasio th urq ni creII, spauued by the etmri *ud bea1i , edge allie saineuDane, th >o- 8etiu, lieacs sd store-icasea MoInFS-cerick sud Henry; belw-cen thes pont% va behold lte remnsofat an( b1eMicesat, s-estiug in quieluessand pence ni -u lte basanaof Navy Bay, w-hici roi i .i bai-e dealhtasd destruction beforei 1 b act lb. iran listofiw-ar beea u mkl IYàttÎ&sand as isting pe.ealechut 'bMtrie thesie w-bosa obvions duty, asti traitqnuiility, tb. gocid nadersisudiag w-ti now prevala botween them. litas, hiarq ver, puiai ta ttik cof the immense sa qf Moey ýw-h" have boon drawm fronai ocaffls atie lîitiuii trota"y,lto fit ontaa armut w-hicb noter rcred tii natic lte Cigaent Serice, sud w-hidhislaDowv i angleempitd irrejlarabie decay. iwllas thersoe p nectoaay boelt vhawtea4 sssr*gtkom Il. Thei. Lessr«a niaqe, baudd sud lw-enly gon abiga, cme .r tIra *cd hhree ituodsed ttboamana patin S i g ~ 4 usEastes I~9~7, ~ lplossd~1d~.'aeu -. uqi j~ -4 b. A Wbyettaý tin «pm th«eiscoMaietable probabîî1îl,, .s.0asau*8 IaiM esswor sn1 xtensive plan, heing te t= iait City, et la very di',t.-n TiA tou aaé. Imm 5w îja Meu t rc en -[Oieve. blarions a~elri, o imdieoaoeieue mentc- pti[Obseirver.] ~ ranges along< the iiorea of Pittriburg and BrunqWick East India Ct ,ilIlj Lawrence, bale far off in the dliâsuace, w.r the Legisiature cf the t'rc.% ilý'e1 . behioid tie commencemnent ofLiat beautifai ter; to be snbject Ici Sucb nlV, chater of verdant islands, flrlm'which tihe tions as a ay bc agreed to opn, Lake of the Tiîousand lises derives its, boldern, previotis to the t11 blâme, and whicli has been su .iegauiliy plied for. Upwards of o describedi by Mlr. Moore in thelutter liacili Subscribedfor,and it oisthe ho wrote ta Lady Charlotte Rawdou, as lie hlit the number, SIi prcae: i., .glided dowbn the crystalline waters of Ille -tbat ptrsons in otiier pIMFISî grand Cataraqui. lace May bave an opporttiiity , Thmtmtsmsy woois,hrou.ih in leu dowernt fiair, ing. The Subjacriptiuna list a O,, Thniwh Ancen of tlom,wleruth iraitisinfIiifair, ' te office of 21r. L. Bedeil, For eaoatDiaDmight have wejin (trid, tcld's brick btiildîn.[b rWhnt bani.lied from thie gardien ofit ir Ood! Oh, lady, Éhese are miracles wbich mtan, TEWEK0 U CYcaged inthte boutade of Eurpe's pigmy span. IEWLCOFTE tv% Cao saurcely dresai of, wbich hie <y. muet &ee, Sevcral guns andi other artirl,,I TeLoir liu bobeaattiil iait world cm ,bu renîiy been lîrouglît Up IroilIl,, Frot he comenanding eminence on wvieili George. wiîich waas lest at ho stands. the. apecator is enabied te terim year 1782, wlien abo>ut 800 pet, aupeorateidea of lbe difficuities whicla Mr. Deane, wlao raisedS. tît4oý'boweenKingston and Cape Vin- Mm.ouestI of Northî Scotiaticuia lias it let. i .heother aide of the Britishb unes, mttlmugi orscu, iaîy art in conseuence of lth e "lierrcnner in the"fIlc, vdeep." iia ie leai wsigI lgansd is situated w-it r.sp.ct ib tu Goveramerît alj lis tetoepaes. Ho unesdirectiy befar. o il shuies are entertained tl;e, ¶Î and, wiiich w-as projectedl about two yum b1 i ieb raisedl fruinth te RoqiL& - ego, sud ns .uabled duiy ta appreciate the. aller varions unsuccessful attempt,î,, oadvantages whicii wouid resanit ftom il& individuals. nitw ercî,. SCompletaon. ing W-ho wer. on board, c le The o if af Long Island is extremely fer-psetA iriSriîq U tie. 1 visacaetime &go informed, th:t a Dcalmi, relates (iefoiIUi i: j, j a pince of tLnd for whiclî lie pays on- Leuennt la itiril li i y £5 yeariy, r.siized fronatbe sale oflfais ciailalo îto the wuter, îv-relýegaas cheese alerte, no lesa a sumtn tan upwards ed by a drowvnitîg mlarine-, lý îji,o ý is £46. twice carried dowî; Ilii 'Il, t1ît The. next object whidi moelte the. specta- Lianje Lient. I)îînlani sîch lor'* eye is Ile Sinicue. This infstidfpas- ing hitsell frorii the yiîcl' - esses-a rida and productive sof, very littie tearing off is s aistcuat, , n ie,7 of(whuch, bowever, is as yet under cltiva- cf tihe eanien, was evetitiiifv str ln ien. IL lias iatly bien pabuciased by a seiziaig tii. lîalvards Irjil, poison of Kingston. w-ho wili no dfuibt turcMaat-iîead, by wiicuî tlitca reache~,111j Sto.dvanftge the. naturel riches with whliehl head, frou) wlîence ilcy 'erre îîâti il abonna. On the.ripper end oafiseS- great dificu ity by s boa t. Th, 1" cs., a iigbhouis. as erected about Iwo rine's boy vas wasliedl crishwreà' r.y.srs ago, on s projecting pince of lanad afterwarda, viitu e waistcoaa,, ,% - mnnathei Nin. Mile Point. Ranging liad caiight iioid cf Lieut. Iflîatâ"I,k Io «long the. eircumf.reuc. of thie circl form- ly twisted round lais arm, tiîat a pfe - .4 by theo bjecta w-hich surraund it, we bearing the lîietitenast's initiaN ,,'% texit disale tSnake Island, a su..11 spot of sale ini the. pcket sud restorcd tuill laInd, ci rather gravelly benk, viiich gives or. Thé caplain uiider whoNe (lie là suipport ta a few satunted trous. Thtis with thiat af tirai Lient. Saîîdler,, Nt a-'" .thfi gh contain Dt nech more wu careoring, was on tequartei relaUrger dimensions, asait Inarnebeoe.usain te rar e .admirai1 wl10% sI i igeîî ethe.distance. Duriug the. lai. w-ar it as but h. vas unile tu effuet hi, M Laby a detaclameaut of [nau6lry, and frôn the. cabin door lîaeiiig hecectia aeyet teobe seeon upon it the r.maids Whin Lieut. Durhb a le ciclîediî C âablock bouse, snd numeroua eako fillied fetlsnorry meerty, he obseuîedgt l: ut sud sud gravel, viiich. origiually tailding by the. weaîlîcrmzen.t asfulait a breast vos-k for the. protection cf ya rlm, sud sent s boat tu isiaîil lber -trope. tv ver. the. anly officera savblef 4?Beyond Snake Isand lies theiIliof Tan- gtraittadmiralinas ow ver, aig Je ti, mai tl ha, been iately purclaaaed by D»MM bas, by inleans of liii diçciai i Lord liauntesbel. StiU cotinuing ta turn reli.auceeded inaobiain.aiigacol In liae rilitSalmon Island, sud the. graupquantity cf Ivins fron t il,. îliï i tlsda cagliedthe. Brothers, are in suc- nhicii w@s fest about forty %earnîîýo césnio bourht ém e «0 ervati w- ine ha. been presented tt 4iîl b guygd te rithrniw. .ajoy a pretty sud the .lera Lord ai tte Ad,îuinlia ##Md - v i i hecountry areund Bath, end eatiré sMmlbW& ti, aveu tihe aak.d eye. te itan~uce o iltbnmilesn, ita T'urning frai Bathi towards Kingston, KINGSTON, TUESDAY, SEPTSR ~ au ting bochaist ut bje beopas lof- Tihépapiersof the Lutter Piiîîin esl iv agef buildings, ccnîpoaing Liat parituaté pretty freely on the prohalle u- ercesdteÎttl _pi e hi fre Ilthe (J4amisiaers' enquiry ie r- on thelarious ohjects wliiel 1 lave cln-: Province liii, (lie pligiies ùf EgYpI lemoraecd; the spectator wiii blave wituasscd ibis diitfoence, bovever, ihat uiid rail ioreeo" asi promineut filatures of lhe . amplîlubeatro, ir. the middle cf wvich h ira ovals 90 lîitta.rly compr1aied hr jas placied. ieshr udvrods r Canadiaens, ar e oe.aiag a r ,o romnte hr anaiper<ect ds-ai. Wbaîtte reat of the cnquiir, - cription 1 ave given oi il, ithe leader may w rtn ntt a; htg' i-b. enabiedttefnai an ides cf the. ieautifual eeî ltt a;tîîg a aceaery wvtia presented te bis caniton- net lihaï every concession «I coaibil !I isvtio onirnîe- iuiresting litie islaid.- thei« preservation of the. Kings ce rny part, 1 have been no csptivated by ever tii. province,» viii le lmîJe' it .il nodhae mueb enîcyed teeletii .»ave eaulsuddhau party. The et,,i ut ihn hicl i s waters sltird, tâla e l a-boeau anduceed ta retailanoicil tfor sororal nue may bc surrendercdl, either y ~.days Iotilquitit vigil rluetance. 1 vas vititout s permianent civil Iit unahie te Icave it, havever, ritiient Psy- deabt nmach gtbateven' s ilî N faisg ia he irbute of admiration vhmci in ~w-ut gran an eledf.e eouuicii, eea I contained in the ines juil pennied. Iaomalle il half eiecive-that i i.4 The. subjunue exiractt gir.e a cf in- appoauited iiy the. King, anîd thre 0 dication of tbe sdvancing prosperit' ew icldbthpoperlteAc. in aeik twilbeosre uIn the two exiremo branches cf thre r- 9hra£0,000 bs withiu aiew montis, been un invesied la Joint-Stock Cotupanai... There ment rnsy coucur in ccnstitulîtag lie have alto been coniderabie specialatiohas in Modite beauch. Wl"etce""u n"" nlimiter lands by Americans. The Haisfex eJc.e I>Hhpa~ple la.ncded alr W. ion le. tires accouus for te rapid impraive- pivot lii.question of poliiical petit ment of the. neaghbouriug Province. M9 This prosperon ustea hig uy ea-w-liulurci; ou uiiw position the u on -tribated lu part vwebelieve tote i. acitîy oaibcha fîgil; (rani tus dragon't wi~ elobtsiinîng batik accommodation, vhichbhere isuente oftsidragonets, tu crry eti no. wiii betheusht tahtamorant ta publicetmin. teruinabie wr furtitre lctice posa' ap. Wç migbi tiilatse, loo, did aie nut ot hu r. &W ôýeanusfraa nid titat the, Scotch system af Bseking is ln u mlM.Ppuuurcaaîr o it." te - In ulSt. John, nhich, w-hiale front oows>ciikminde lit anduitlie aniliui _ Meetlsed sp.culations, and guidstrade Govèraor. -'va elject l t etat lil ie eahhy chancla, keepe np sucb-a se- he gîtaisicheck sud contrai, as prevents it fron Ioimas endnsages afs republie llas jeiftU, 5tgm au those vachbe embank lu isus tit es-taps-oection ai Greati fuib rê«- bazaîds-Tbe very nature of the Joint ta bewbïý tiudffpeate t lhe fiffi c ale Stock eterprles in wbicb Lhtise slonneon n lie g csl iace but litti. dan get of -loua, an prves liait be the Sster Province s Hevevea-1kinag the politîicti ion malliig large sud rspid strides lu the mtrchtcff the' Loes- Province t "Ili ' go. otatp-utue.ent, IL in at lio pester Il ibsia bsbat". , wp hgve t conipiain of î out thasi aithe ebrlbsry chances et trad* W. rer w-,I sof 1the. dormant enerciesand dor- sbeW"*aeslllceli meenient capital, of Hlifax, wootd takract.- 1Ca" ad. arlir npsious siiiir. eeu pt*e. lbo New Brunsvlckess. lI liatheCoga>sisaers are atO bal, JOSiIT STQCX CeserÂuîs.-iha wble. enquilseuta i. gievances of L10t Mo5.-i toits krug itis ro M&ie roat as h ailS ,!l the. Welianc to Motrntas-r Wait. Thun va opetaemt dillcul sio- e i Mr oar ti'"< rapide cocld bau MA*.n' s-is li ir rapide. If L is, vs muet ha, o Maîttreal add Papneau groW tere are chlier ai F the Ps-ent s-i Loves- Canaris fioned ho redre 1 ii aur budget out a niouub W i bore 4ffl n a 6w-day a oé [ome, sud! sq" rfor là 50 elagv aiainpecting ail suci s treamur 1gev, but tuas oi neud Ici ey for soie kool r. P. V. BInq t~5 e bibitngîi id, Rives-s, Rh ting Hoes The ammum ite aFun li. slwsd pof uinte 1u «Wtocm oller" e at four .Ici ~ery. paîronago, bctL I leailaig view- Iricaua a ni larng us. A 'oelce, sud W-C viti uam"s. -. J. lus, s-yU. O k inter big wiug a renoersacun couadiscoves- y unao rers ta discoutin fuel t w-i attention iddiei, a b. tlas ai vage (UUl ba lai ltinspeu eVse .. .1 OAIMM

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