.18 -I. P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wn Lu-uè o Ojpi as , foilais w * ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ncLa r. BDodet hbn'on- J IJIV îcd *ée di . Po' @Md$t,-e~ ýftiSa 14th efAPUIL. berShqng the .ltb ufApli, Ij~~I~~ WtV Kingston, Wedfteudy n"u% Se et'& Hetbor. Sunday, 1 P. M.. À.- s&ego. eeinOustogeSunlday, 10P.M Tor.nu, Frids ofrci ug, afid ar- »md snlies at Lewiston on Tbursday *ma t Niagati ueu. asang. r«ncrun uly. sdi ett~ etb.e~t1gnl~1J othg dua.Coautg Delon. 0 ee*x <Ot sAujjýt. Lue.Nbpnt~i t"y, 4 P. Mt. L.uea Luwiston, Tuesday, 7TP. M. «a .e t- Tuentes,- Il eveni%, Rocheuter, Wmuddy,B A. M. ~ a~ ~. - Pil4lpe,Sonday uerntug, Osego, Wedmay, 6 ulternuon, tb~ê Odosr;, « «Siteket' arabor Wodneaduy, Ilut, Ouvrage, sonduy veit'g. buti eqnd Fub r ôIidW Klu« gstordire ma rorniilgKingoto,, ýTbffsdey,7 ini ýhouuan ei~* 4.r-weretii Brgb.lh l JI; z ui>,'lnaaig.nd séarivais ut Ogdembuvgtî ité aI- ~etÇtges ftom PeiLeê a"fmitors. 'e n- Yrbrrawlit j"t Bgi44ii »M»io, puiforuti-bre .ti fh 1 Î0 ri coad~ froin d to <iàhb andsu EPesci, uvery, l4"â 4e Leuves Prescot, Tmsdu7*ua»àmlh ctor,'Wededay momng lustry cf man, they can eue fu Kingston, W.duesdy, 12 #"ài,.See' #ror 2a lt h2~aupuéomagutt Oscego, de 6 eveulugeta'litor 2 tnil p*iOtbiub.dt=Wbrendeir Toronto, Tbursduy,: t. tion, ait KiCington, Thnrsday aorning, sait '.e»Wào$y pM4actve and Pan-. urivuet Niaguru, Thursitay,P. M. arrivea ut Ogdeniburgh, Thursitu, P. M. q<- C.rni ,Dota;..Lestes Up. badlaaluneleSuourtn an es Ogdsnsborrb, Thîriday evening, wbmd nuro er5*tba pu.be QLtingNigara, Thurda,', 10 lualté avu- igtntiia oDug #hh - ing and arrives ut Oucego, YrDuy fief- Sacket'a Harbor, Frida,' noon, end 1110. IL .arrives nt Oscego Fasse aflernoon. sto exp1&i»' 0tpresPt por.0 -i8 miug Doua. tourerta. àirelation . ate.pré- Leuvea Oscego, FriT,,',in he liemnlg, Leauea Qwege, frias, , t 6 P. M. 4k as i flr 'g w#albl liai j Toronto, Stustu,' 12 eon, &nM si- Sacket'. Hanbor, Friday, Il P. 7<. uMrA oo eboCanadas tote date rires t Niagara inuthe alieïnoon. Kingston,Sgaturity, 7TA. M. end o r- Wb*fo wab lb.7 es 10 tebave <mjDoon.rives nt Ogdetubergb,Saturdoy atternoon. ~ty Pvidece. en oiiy Loe& nNiagara, Suaday, 4 P. M. IGti p »à 4«Mxmmuaet&tîit"o!n& 4ONVs.<oI Mondav. in th.moraing,.1Lu.vuuOdumsirebSStudy-vri mrowa01osiLb jeu% o e M oyt i e t.5P ons c Se n afui,' tleuluc, une sor n imoa ean..ealt a, 1..- me , --inoi , thé cggo ontqupporY Editors lu bath iovipu- l ýUI#1wII ngis f.PrAetutwu li mes, taee tu,. cp,' or Ib work. THOmAs nfl;LTOlN ueCrc1u. Çil,' Toronto, lit 2,190. ;E. -1 ~ SÔU~0~ mil, MesbO I~6 t éeiemaioe l~te T~lr~bIpoi "conveniez -ARC 4*èM*htué,t Ma- IN teW the au i md ,-0 - 1 gbi ruqe W-i KlQf ,Mnay . i_ -, rives aieea l. &"Baoeng. <sqo ad, vaig I T«emnto,. Mndut *venin;,. ast si- Aodseethe hm rat p emir, tlb.repeetuve Bout wadersuMigtted fioi,'gives P' e B qtabais Ex1atrsppoinelb lIUallthe lt*11t. ThiaronE hMgJuanne4h q the w r.by c.- '*basreindbedtothuao.adEater depqerequeileiltgo ailmum".eda ,- 0.$ ' atExecuirixa sige. lu me~lt aid;teu laindeited araru t . l~ta iti!. daim y sa possible te on r , aaeont lt iia vioc ta the il . ltw b eo so41 . T n &TE1OMON. inungo at 3 e3ng toà, Fubmuar,' t,183. Ania NOTICE Aituoip~s H CASADA, E ¶.,M» rostisKug- edpge ePayaent .ofacouI--.-d t tiBoca» mdiudtlmd, 'Who bave, ait prusett dwaet- fer ub.iul tinuet batisioeu ai lnitn. ë'Kingston,ctobur lots1leu. FuiA rixva oti aNes. cA iOe(àgi À *nozqo.lo' , Offle tf&e e WfIlhvm 8U tuset, 2eu et»Adri en& udtMTtI d A >AGENCY OPFIÇE. th"l1et1 ù:Subeber iilesagUW ' E, or Loyaiiii sitMliMateu K , Ç- . HATC491.., i«w SHOErS. Aist Tues - abier hu- J"aIrcnlM*t direclt b. ocuge %Wuer 'n Db$ ith .1 fe tuisutb emerBluic idit 51J. ppac- ii ei n baud, feM'a. asracrmti asc e#telito. et-A-worhbythe.attcatios of ib%,. cstulgtu ýD MeDONELLX mnautiam t atunrtiele., le ihW !w 52 emivétà fo el Opmr eoos' Wnlyz a eu-oTra udn$"au ~~*~ WERY à& DIS-iRKIJa a~l'Sd te Kiagate ciatua sarI,' ?ueaday ~uorning. Wwillsuumetiteirtnpa us flisi A. CAND IV ER. DOWNWARDS. lu,' th. Carrying Place «i 0NUY sud TOURSDAY mor- 3 lc"-toucb ut River Trent, egh, BellevilIle, Uoplimabrb, M'a, le"n'.Wharf, HtlieweiJ, ews, FrededcImbîrgb, Bath-to . Willase Kingston amm day, e, "md arrive et Piewao u t rne gu w ât.am Boat for Montreai. rProett .very TUZOOI'va" n ,P.,,M4 irnrndiutely sftirthe. Ar- ha 844"O or StUa arnEo& tb u - Kingatunetrly Ipeu #oeoing ruKegmveyWEMNPEDAY JRD Y ri xinàga sI o.cock, mi~ ~~~plcs <biir.isePeuit r- corgymgpl aime.eve.inma teS"for Cob~ourg Pern Lbo M M ay, Paemgur, leasing mrive iuth» lot theose. Guen, PUS Kigtuen@Wednemb and mormngé fer Cobouarg, Port upu kutges end Lalggge et tbezisk of a, elem buoed endt péid fo. tiU.stion will b. p. id ta the -e.- foenget, andt the Bout ainereil a- >tabe feigbt, boises, te. o, Apsil, 1935. D RIVR.- SOAT mer seUe.pee!meru, 1usd Na, s! Quasia~ et 15U8t mmd outrai ou - i.; uu~b.. P.uoti~on~A.n- ~mtsu t - nhe ubove work cili bc publisheat aWater- fort. Saratoga coonty, N. y, né sen asu sufiS- dient lubscriberc are obtuincd te cariant is publiSaloî4andut conütai front 225 te 250 pagesi doodeciano, medium site, ou fir type unit godi papuer, accmpanied b,' Ico cagravinge, ulu&-i ttsii.g the. pover of preautractéon (er6iîcousty styled attraction;) and umnivrsai motion. Ilme fort« ineuil Srepreseited by a çoluunnof lte eiectrii claument, reuling ipon a mum of mater (w" g ~style au clectric vacuumî,) titereby esusogit ogravitate tom ards the centre otite esrtih, hicS asinnecomiçon vacuum in tbpt e- luctre celeutent sen; includiog in te saine en- gravons, a represenitatien of lime power & agent of the mget. lie latter (universel motion,) will bc repre. seuteit b, a drawing ofthue solar s> 51cm cish lie plumets turrounded b,' the electric etement vit a division ot lIa pressure imb local andi uMvotbal reputalon, by chicS euch planet is cmue&4 fron philouaphicat princiPles, tO traîci luin tvlua liée round tae ,rg b,'one shlete sotpriuuary impeues.. ai S As lie aboya syshemes aeeenlivel,' 0"9n1l sud the asutuor (cl himselfjustified lu presun. tiagtluai t.aunenligitened communijires- peoitfuily sliiling tudr patronagle to a conk ltaI comprises assîgnuit Causes forinu,'of lthe' nattent phenomens.lhat have becu lookeit upon b,' lhe choie seliaul o! philosoptiers asi beyoitd lie ruaeh of humun keu ta fthoin. andi that have tomberut in the craile of! Natune's an- CAns R0 in4 commnccemaent of timte. Flcautitor dattes himotif tual man,'causes of 9be, trium penouuna chielt haie been deu, dst iodg out,, clii bucaati1ctorily es anddeveiopeal. OQ-The prîcu of the. abovu mark, hourd in sbeepwill liecar. S3d; in cai gitt, ls. 6d. Halifax currency. exclusive of the u tieu Waterfoni, Strstop Co., N. Y. Pcb. 28,18MU. 'Nv-Iefcolicung defiuit ion thte aullior hua utanchu41inlbis original îerm preaaîruatioua Thc nstural porer titncanssboite a>ep 0 wlueet t it iitout any sensible cause, tiiabàglu te lawt;e meduni, eotctpieute. Front teeSature cf te reat principte (pressure,) andi lte apparent onue tration,) causing the lautitnl ppr«Caebo&bodties or substances, euh- ont an,' visible casse, lie bau eshablishuithle tuilapmýresatkelueMmle mcipreasrail ec.- in4ty' rarrieu a ontraition. (pveça.acsea the ruïamuit pprenl eausseprétucea g avity insivs aeottaieioe Tereforu, hie au- thorthlnke thàt iremreullon ie tie meut r pitite ltu l e represunt tis piniple e l t,'. Theuaboya cotisne fartitiiivolterlc tt.ityn. clii i. esigioau(tirougi citation.) b, ithe apilt of lte .ptilr1hy of Franklin, rela. live w luls.tuiicat expesiremet. tu utfflut tl in44 utcpegbu thtet.applusatiacu, hocever. sic - enltet 'Winal * ',NCY INAINIMSTN) uI.uud.lbmaeranm' itGse éQaç, is i' îuso'eto fîth tm pudothm d i. m" Agent l aeru CAPTAIN J. T. HoýNjA LarneRW~er, beivween'," ?.îghand Niaara, ustellows; UPPFAII to. Leaves Ogdensburgh, on Friday e King%.oî U .)Str~ «Sackeit'S Harbour, "Otirego, Rnchester, suroloy , «Toronmo, (U. C.) forN'is 1"iston, Monday murnîng, wlreo rives ativnpacgîI viaitthie FolleeflNia.garit, and reît), boat. Leaves Leiriston, on llondav eer Rtochester, uesda, «Oswugo, yMod' "Sackett's Harorru " ingston, (U.c Wde-" ing, andi trilvea uit Ogdielàrbiur,.1) evening, touchitmg i rvnî",k tawnAloxandrms undtBrodvl.î'~ celtirtieuilnicnding lu iiIî it l, Niagara, Buffal o r fle ic fereln, ri LabeoOntarjo, ci initthe raille Va( g. or Roclîeter, to be the clitapet,.,à expedittous. Petelgeus leaving Ni 1gara in1; on Mondsy ujvîîîing,witlirrit-ea1 M. on Thuruitay evenmaog, pâsuing iln ' treting port of the ,;t. l'awren. R,, îiavtigot. N. B. The ORJVEGO n ilc. rîoniing from 0Ogdeneb(irglî n i 7th of April. Oscego, April 1, IS325. Ne~ ~~x 1tuui ywîe byet tld th orf ?. »W mystean b. Or nôtet-, lb.dvsîn *111 .li~g6~iu*voIexfmlèsutio fl thegrust Waature. TrefIoi~ "Thei"0uovrt Z tpfilciple- iii. pnunçai te . i"uelity, of eleeticity, rnaetlPian rvUir>, I&.-rnay b. un buuar ram'rved for a future uge, and scieqge -Y, Ilubave to record names wu ar asad on lte sme lerelu Witlî those :ll, tutuandt La Place. Abou('ouch ul- tioue.Uaient' it wub ,,nwise Io bu sangnine, aÉ uunpl;iilotical la deapair."1 K ET TO THE PRINCIFLES OF Ný T E.Coieglruint the following4 leçon es orignud. ,vit. L-Ebb and the Flow of the 1idea-Cun. seil by eontractien and expansion,througb rold sudité tfromein lb. trnate absence and pie. seuce of the SUD. IL-tiravity.-Dy Ia head pressure ofthue- te«ik *kment. actii upon autmatier asualec. ti esfb, wb1 terni Freitruction.'0 * II3-Ugneiso,.--By etcicity sil# Ieokt- caue, t4rogh oluetitevacums. ineu- dig'le lenoules of te Compats by the '~5 tof tbre Planel4-Y 'Onancsbple tni#iid'bipuise, ufuming a euMvihear direc- Ilion rond their respective centre.. by local andt mitetasitrepulalon in apposition, front the ve nd apacu; thmia n etr aliuan t the ': o b ta e latve t esisatance. V.-.4uasms.-By the alturuate itintï. Of ticpoes of the Eakrl, ho uitfromu ie Sun- thes vflrating by the expansion andt contrac, tion of ther usmoopheres. îhiY.-Siturn'a Itines-As lunur reflectors for the polar regions Of that pianet. VIL-ciinate-islance of the icinotesti plasets frein the mun, su regarde clinate, is 1 quatized by the increuse of surface of those pisuiswbch retains a greuter proportion of lig anlet. and thus mainlains the urne icioperature witb nearer pluncts. 1 lIT vo as zasseli)DDT, Copy Riatit seeured accoidins le Law. i -. Mi4 ld Bou Imm. me in i tu miofdurn *eke = LE 0F CR 'aCE IS HE] te ,,asts now [utre Ou ELI Norm of là& loffereit for à a tihe endtcf i ioul notice dh Lots, as Wei ifae Win q Publieav# a s le n e lens tlie si .uirmednmie mm. place e uni. of Jal,'A ýrfallocing s alo lieb rd Tuesitsy in on the third Ti te Augl, Sel 1ltulbers cf ruer pailictill 'r. of Ciocu Il1, ILE 0)F CR EpAmlic aire il e eif Pgii aitd adjourn id t gli iitua the sipr@tht > nbes tud furthe 'r. cf Cracoie ent 11ft lh mai if Cop1 Inli. Mua lte Toivruloî1 engerford, K land Tyendir Mouday, 2(41 Tluurity, 20 Monta, , Si. Toe.dy, 0O Frides,, UGl r . T.Wal Ttîuràdtay. Monia, Fridas, y Ille Tee Tîueuday, 21 Wedn«dQ&a Monday, nbumber ei y b. linou Iit, Elq. M Tunisi, 23d j ALE OFi li tlu? Pb #Ail borfibeq 1et "moi Ait bum orMI-m ob-MN o j ~om ýms THE IMANSIONIIU KINGSTON, i".c, 7Il'ESîbfrriiter coen ioî t. exteniîve anti oeIl.îi,oîî n'v ment as a JIOTEL forii i: ,~ ,, cf the Public. » THE MANSION103p lu pleasanti,' situted on Slire triý ing Ibe principal auod Oobt ceiînl l in ingston, in tlie Lusineçç ri.c town; ie convenieumt to ilie mImt Bout whsrvt.a; anti no tal-unf kindithe ti.Provionce cin ,onpIm. il i excellence unit comfut t o! iti api la in regaid bols b partrout.n. iit led IV ail of whieh are furnishin lie lens style. The Hotel bas Iseen terttitlî cml throughouh andi nîherw îse inprnrd Thse subscriber laving hep! D Pri Houst for man,' yeurs, bas tcqîrnedil rience in thitt une; antIlite trusttbat tintramiting attention to the 4~F guests, hoc iii continue tlE mnt vutir tioage. iluEras Atmor TUE MASii11OS vlrAtOIF t . L AR & la R D, Andt exlie Shtabing, utar îrc i ci,' Stabuviuconosîtt,' kept. O*The Mansioîi Hono Caiiir- Poriers; wiil atwaymmlbe in îeaIlincesý t vel Passengersaid untJîggagertiiard the differetat Stemmu Bot. S. CARIPi Kineson, April, 1835. Crnter of Fs-on andi Store Sit KINoseONv, tt5PEIR CANAD. G USTAVUS MERRTANI îvorld %Xpecfoît,' atvert ie lte puie à oral, tutu he lias opene t liti ,lule1)1) b,' NI. James Meagi'.cr, on i le n Fs-ouiundtStore iLs-cas, nuit direcily site tu Ibo nortit corner of titi Putt esu n In for pubtieaccommîaion TRAVELLERS BY THE LAKEA Rt VER As well as tose iy the mail Suogni find it hiîue coîvenueimtly ad pin bituatit, froin ilsproxiliiyto uthejtri Steam Bout Laniînaiat the font ef Street, te Pmot Office, aunidtoluthe thie Market, and the Garrieon. Hle lait terminei toiDfuris~îh lis lle ythe licît tite intrket aitmrts, eînd ài with Liq-îors andti ites cf ilie finît q à Huviog gone b n uiderable exPeti repaitring unitfitting up titeut( prei having before hait #orne capenience li iterinig tri the virnts cdhble traveliOl tic,"lie trugsa t e iii1, by assidios tentian, lie epabled tb ensure lte C4 . «ailtaio nl,'favoir hi. si itil itiit gingMtoni, April 28h 1835. la sitOItion aflutlwtedutfLake OiW't s lb. raverSI Lata'mne, andit lit hiOf 1,h Laie ,, b,' caut Ofte, Welatnd nul. His Veuseis îoctiby a teSds te~ ýtAbn7,iseéinlende t tefon- t ~ lirus.4bortwi cRb. no detentiehl 1t et Oscgu cise Meurs. Buoi, 'Caocugteli, uud Mu. COLE à& wei blé ar pkeigeit ta ubl le*Dand untr!l an ipisttli Laite andiRivct Il' ebsee-.is. woof the"e liai woulitbc 1a lsqttoteSubscubniî comifflre a am e cciII 74 -aMarket, Wt ;uI~t~M cpod. ader, OPI P%,~,~,4akTua, 1-"t ow.vjy ite1 - ~ K Cu~~0ÇAtLSSY ti > 1 LLý-