e. ~~~0lm _M4 rlilis m 46C or wdl4LtuaU a th. 1g ti.i* -iq- - s lisalé Saltsu v ho: oo1 t t b:t as thW#k*roqm8i>and oemito sssvIgosa. mm -h" e, wy 0"foisteare le -.... boiau t Ie >' ePi %s-Ut ifiers m t clii, om iss a.. mu bseoa*M trousrii blod aitr a a s s<aos*equsmtanalcahanavis t rt Ii ~ isa nsa hai.la U thmoa- 4M su lelu ar ..ti.d sud lbs-i u à l.bgla> raili"itai Vu WCh 9!R55* 00.» -'s M ie stucs-, haen*i lot-M,grner h -I 0,lat a< lsu linlades i' u - 1..ê vo emior corisve ihut- isene s mn Il . hhs« ,;ýt bage... ~ tIas ea n or t lhim &iA fu ha lv, halsusApW*&me go suiîlh git oùtWMa>' eltll""id, e ema; tcflgtt m tepas vis s> ssLy4 li.aux *Oa a> Hom ts reoaaa ~M~SIO.O- ar> Isousas deana %ltwmtyBl Worth i» O Liua bs a-eknw< uate- ~*gl siAususe sisipp nituesss sus< uit bqpb.asusw et e.4u1 aamsef1M!,wfi th*-M 1uau *1VîlmilWùt1bE êUià .a as"" b bm 1 ItcSas-ar te It - AB *#Mmtht Ailre ç rUr ouaCDr >.uuia.efPs~gtIn p Nsi la ~U die Iaiavulg -rvmb Sof * jroon *M& fai river usl «Or iw de"a mesvsl.o *1'a bai* i ~sy te li*s.- *ole fa( ia le - au O aiofaur oathi pbstatioas ineftibottas inaery aapm# o *a l if &0 l..Peope;evsy thagls<-eoiriâytais.04r, mWjrl au wreally., hua la nMt beegiom i fotu imeWr* %, ay-but1 iv mw.uê,b.ete "Me; ishamply e sla.stsAli, 4w.wer, does net fear hi.s~a4 d ~ ia.Wbem recraibfanai uaifet. s assibis lesoldiers io te e m.uotry »a" coiobt nmulaiart (trréi -ft*aatli4e toelthe divripliei; batini a aheat fs15 bogie te Mthie . eilta, ai ss bis*, moesober home f iamby z& 7 ïC wel.li a flofifavohytrite sf, but a M-«r liaaiaad la we sed biaste. as fiumam.sb irs &mildhéeled toarda mi- Malioet Aula i about 67 yssrs nid, bat. hsshm e sag L e 117cli sH a sliu, b. Aoc tamidlà size tory atout, ami tho aigisî ameisy, buat thie asdoceivs4Lf, bihâseaclitsmimd allowsUe tie t te hWb ) ly. A tebollion braise ontinlasyris a fort- a igltglae, camud*y' eppooei . ou RIs. *nalivste bis comspdiptian ajatons; lu a tee day. bhoauwu aogthos, asd bas lalrcsdy 004ctmthy pot il dotan. H-ia foirebeenal l &dréug>; bis oye alesys ei ion t>VerY Sèn., it a-sdiap enmnkl. ruei- oingnt pena fio.the. ccrner. Tb*. nose wtik* usy'be leniseal boakoal, mnahafalling ai.e lis <t ansd ts.aiàied i lisa uden- dldverbiteb»astd. TIi. expreuom, ciaob. 'suites, le Piesiant, but ut allier fime, I niase aseitfocl i ho *,MW W b Ottndsa- iean anDibOpoubamnel o f ttaewde.- 'as o&inrs sad ttetidanRs, iaswsev1,rt' ettaeb.4ed houia..ad la eto r etpisyung cdIi w hUes is mini anas t. ils Î lsa atmsalfate0 utile thierg, for mi. Our mmusaftioa m fe Mmé is eiioud acom ta thseaie.1. et Mmaan&Wý pwal~ «M tlt*i So f ils brachsba"off.q 3NM n4 a$"dGtazett. 1The. abjso ti e*scuessOt"s.Plovi o1 lOW imsa, déaogilisth lest ysa nia muers a atenficsa. ,Wihavi, eapls 1tu . m dop oaý *1 uhleniar Miaus amsp- pi'h disde"ain *ti.e nraptetRi. a &,vYtgcPl*,, Colonel Craig& by usRo Viihmias t ts MitI-ou rd i4 f Tii. ' hthe r~I~h uiA~ca L5umà%g.- Wba aethe piospes et he. L o*m MAusatbody, for fias approsclalez s: . uetaiitaoo, mntaunincraiseor dirni- ala raidsiy, Lb auis. bae girfff - s ea sitsatistacior explanation cf loot , ssmeg~uprefflt Uasom me atflaatii .tea 1f Is avagom k ai18, ci Fhb vsolosia aver>' largoe Ltfflk piaça. lu.prq 1ved ta be asilafieltu an iteapgflstyaniIu- «mwot ttd a suaiS teug f laeoe.Y"r% iv Fstapplim .la addaiton ta Ibis, the t1 ediac Copn" hrten hevhng expireul, ; -iy abw out O e t tIs, attai quamiW 1i te te<K4poflsby thaï»hthrani as 1110110 Tae pd. D ot ome iaopsnl Ions". mtaatIoa&te >raplid desceinl lthe cQbmsplaai of s-uan d sîggest, se - pnoviatli te a o &0 opliqtance eai liis, s . edisola.. a Ris suat ofaialy and affoa oluaepaa4~ir priue of iamiiail : 840800 -rilouaiÏlludi ta by tho "4 ia50500a a galle. ai s-ai ar afpet sp. wmds-poet paa duti'of about le, Id. r ceieffyps galeimor mm 6à goseut orer preeC aya me uas 4.. lte e *Ma 111[4 -ostuai PSilas 4 "-am7iae r 4f ýàIIîdut'IMI Aý Gt ileiaute dý elvir ulse um > am,,**utl> lutectso iiaveeos fa at du »Dg@ueu et gl. Çê ~ ~ ~ ~ l <le1111v agle, illndull#a u QMm- o te ath, couli L, suei a lfongusaa ou e, ibavo corn-1 Ce W*UaG et 1 d o.moaCuatiballeul cilla hem astliebas u dne-(lI.] a aovec tRoProvinces cf Louer Cassis- als aitUppe CaadaNsv sco ,eu TIIUW orai6qgCouriecoalaied ona Tues- Betanauiciu, anal ticîn veral dependeas- dae tat;a .ier sitnei by Mn. M ttliai Js &, 807ij.1), ed purportia>g ta bthlIe expresion it P1eýàe Yoa>rsExeeecy, affine senabimonts attise Commitié eoTnads o, tise naembers of telis te rorcftis s jaY, taeclihgcentaiam atters propu- Ir ýfPàntd by,;and répreaoatin the soit for lIsesr consideaution, b>' Dis.Excel- daly a " tici he attntion sudo-. wiU.s, s*presume by bMc. Smnih.i lain bisait ) se awicisl'are cisaracleeroa tha l. jell drsen up, but il constains Ldrthap's rquent caiinxsathaions cillt5<10tome lIOlte ncuaies i andi umissions, fii ÊOmi, resp&clfaaly approact u a, wbici d e ta lbe pairlcd out. lu se- Lordiap, cillaun expression of otan Un- cauIhIng lai fth. deilcieno>lu insheRevenue feigenaitregret, on thae occasion ut yeur lai- c iepaf s eariiurnsangjua diamalteal Depyiteete n h eal jacumper- imporant &CI;t tisainmur theoçreseiaî law. iîy oi h. Province, ave catruol but deplors Spirite nimaoiçtured l in i ntedl Staes 5citeiualtaice tending te deprive it af th>emliesuod'ie peoduct of Uppet Can- siventagas uloicli jour Exoeiieney'a ex. sada, in acaseqiietico af wbichthe.Provin- pen ienfsils Govenuaml, kasowullge eaa ue as deiraudedalauiailly of a 7- etisssounces, aisdiRa sasit>'for ils vwl verycomaiderable amauat of dulies.- Thaut te.- guidait b>' yotan'acknoukedgeol char- lissieonsission alcuhl bave, escapoddtis. ut- acitar for upriglaînes.of pus-po!e, mugi bhaillnon of tRis. Committe., aèparousaun im- soeuai t. t, hadilyourccasintasnco uhm accontali. Tisolîtter ali>ulules biti l j:ssa ,petanuileil. Grist Bnitaisa fie dath>' lale vieil t nul ay Voieauo more particaslarl>' citler uis .the quanfil>' but orna thac ote-proofot*(sW trauaitise Colon>', buRla colcctivaly .end Ipirii'liel, je certainl>' inaccunte.. I- as iGdhviduals, ce' gnenflliy acknoouedge wcaasid isave been mure corrýectuf>lie ai4 tise traess5 oninl' a tib>'tistiesdîty vas Ievied not oui>'on lise, 'YOoM EàqUiey tua navancs ita comamet- qalanitX butaisa on the qulil>, w et r ciel it#ge&5ttLandl mutsfnot caitespeciali>' tisai qialît>' wusexiiatoael>'prof, eto- ta c iltsad our Londsiip'a ceF i tmod Prof, or ùnden-pnoo( As thie exprsion "P.SsslRai i5tathe Home sGaveraimeuil, stands, the te dr eould b led ta amsg.n agestiasbo a eof the outofiaVice Ai1 Ihat tise dut>' ia levied en oven-pnataexclu- , . ' fY. ani yet more tioseinla, avon of aurtsively, ehai a s Dot tise case. Lu nsrTraite. taI grand atapîs of tuis The.letterormts ibi ««Raie ~osupjal> anud di.is er Briltih Northa Americin Pro- t1Si Levard Islande, Deîaerar.a, &c., nut Vinces. -oiai>' cillaOur owu prodiacta, but likewisla Asmailoal as tlh muert ssentieîl branel of with the Boit, Pork and Flour ailla. Uni- Our comamerce fiasi bien, anal continues ta led Slatom, on tisemnane ndvantageosus rme bb'scarnbination <of persoas ignorant as liae Americans, out compjetitoimn ýaiIportance, on intereateil iaitdam- giaet trado sajo>' uhereas l>iRai lalsanil full, we fiel doubi>' sensible ofthlie value of ti Jamaica, Amneican Fliata anal Salteal Youn Eaiçelency's testamony ihua lIa bai; Provisions Irons Canada, -are suhjecteal grourudii ia onayouv personni ottinvation ta lMe saine dut>' iasi' diretdtfron t ue alofite beautllal resailAs.United $Stls" Tis.repsenstia>ein.u SStraIM >' penuandeil cf the close cons- voiv4g gneil udit>'. fIl laitemîîl lion btoth ie cornuia gi Sel itin g i sser Ilat ci" a rujys ssoiepociâiar reaIWMOf* iacouaity, a",fully -sesibleadvaagos di fia. Leacard l.lida, &c., îlaat 1111u141t7o0traite cain alias ocait mnder andibhis la donat te b>' g lat the. term; tii. prÔateoa etscuios-deredoitd canosxtouudod ta han are theIa.mias liioso-liae testI Gova'mnrn t. wce vase catkapsone- AtIi.ismts n»,? *u«Wtteru,"tb ise a isaasiotstko»li tcnai e ff lyal of ySuu-proccids a lthe l îuuo~-m4ls 1nal$esre> siiating *0s iofeala- reaser la thon lMOit Ri eot'tisaCanada niaI polao ii>'cluoa»!qdat' la osaour ofet, noiedinn- difazolreat i olislut ]isitma- futios lossullce individuel ruglt a t .. butilgai-y an àlat.ltter deacibe PO""s-, aPdiesy,,uirats.s ta suvent her relaton citijmaiema si s'ont- lin mui lpeeipies torgodit îi unr lo ber elation ciltii. Lescird lalseis duel ssi,.leng givea, stability and char- &c. Wh b <lie.,cnk.u b>. Re here.- sol-t IuitisiaanaRitmaome l lbut tfeaet! Wb>' so Orh tneofa aconutrn umii. ithout eisuibutaas tho substancel May if lss Youv Exoeiteacy, la ,,s_ To place tis millet iiia proper liglal, c-' Pç«o Ytail> lakhg cat lait,, we.venturestgbel; Iavis, weuh mUidtareuco ta tbs authcr .sps-Ou as a petisai tiae , aiofCaiada aofissth e testat.ssisat Caaaueajys 1 iy stil 'oemtinu Is ao eenpy a Place in greahan 1oltlthe namsa iasuserteal, adiran- jout LotMip's recolection, and thttIis, tîgcm i the Irade, cilla tue.Leewand 1- 'aglic- chichiM B is Mel 'sapprobaL- Iada, 4e. lamai tie U. States. Rer groat- dion af yous- coadue Cft anof aeconter, er mdvintauge 4sRhl;-Beef, Fleur, gc., the 1 a>yb isaitMds eam are if cib., hu Prodace of the ijaai BlSates, expcriîd te s-ute. ia<sa m e ait ealaeibis y hf ac*i»st akMA V adinb(Attmis, puyeaiy We bejgýnqamcIuîîy ea utharlily e Mn aitl*9aif (ho produceofetÇaade, ofeliveytw ambpsu elsy-clos-pas, fIAU eta4laAmeriaa bt. eWso eee4 t.tii. umsuwin iot Te ebicia Rlis Excelieme>wueP;@44# Weiaeuss tafsmaetmii o ta mls ii flloaas ansavo . psttiasg 0iMPartba sPoint selRd ibave GnwvILmUNam,-î blasaI you vs-y *lie aseby ti hetb.r oethle lattasudna «ms- orai>'ts iexpsesio.s-argset ilgntuibat mach mlstatement $11011dta"s bt-bea mpptoechiagd.pertaatirfous lb oaiilacionod by thie Cosfittos cf Traie. eanvoyed ina fil. Addli tu tram f iii Bfera <rnterltding theso s-smarke, ire touit tas Of Tra, r.proeetueg fthe Mercantile adi liait ia eut opinion tbe expressioin, I"tLs eouusnitlY Oe Mb.of tQebhac, à c#rn- Henile. E. 1. Company,& mooply,, is li- ment.>for cuiCa i $haull oves- entenlaildio'nsh tat iai hv.bean more Prapor senMtiments a tler ndmregard. ; ta batse nid. the Honhîs. e 1, Compiany$u 1 fesl, goomloe,,tisai I pessesi leuer Charter. 'liasforr eixprmessin ipolIt.- statut tayut thanka, en oagu sfsy cl--tii.latter Ise ps-tper s.labe1 cd issast w"lua s'bava bain oilaiuaifraapreybubsontsn.(taAi-d out<ymmm ist-îpnmôtei Alarge tsnsj a s asrep-os-ledver>' 1111 eil 9ait liIer- public iîsu asjela eanly e.n Bates-dy movm bagb sPeint.ch. P»ie My eforts Io tlitefeatley. b.dlmm s eau -b.ossimagleCaKan- iuvsably mt, agé ctate s-bsit i>' l uaks.Theslompbaeon Siturdayas baduoli itaemoelulaiy*-viai, issece-aad Ilue r nometelegra phie Coin- ,«,y chises o r fegat ilsexisteme. menioatipos. About twa, p. ax.,. àlîs-ga brotsam og aneval pmeeamimat fragfe *Déuctorai lathe n'ssWharf, haiv- cialis aaiswsas. irtenîo ir asS Thiis risi tisa uaaivr4r@l and oxciieg ne- id hioaliratsbas hl a devais toe a "- tbnt sui e .thie w, cillathRis Got- lancont Sf soum aca 4maetk .ogai raisIna~ler rvl emvàiai scpobltsdyu < Cé* S triq, 38ih ame trona Barbéa«e, disadteolagas ta weilcj hln ssass COie ilias camé, itis sii, ho Inaneport Rlcuadlaa e lle&othe b.priet n4ta Bern iers.ailloins'teaose i i Isaamssultsý-ioM.opens sud otRiers di 31 P-rn-4ffi»ec UOsael.;791 l5 i.1 eM CwncTua4cfte oyl âyM¶% », twett( hePrdèè tey tued lpiresa ',f0 priomole, cusîc. Dégat it aet ndiRbia Wuuti Amerlosi ma, tis LasSoe* 4"tsi Sa dm nutà e dfl bi4 W iSWeufe p in acopiai a sihbouuis us .uiuf oaaa s siu-'Fsialshsa' <uagIp 3oUfSc antBaiilY »"W-oya e §L 51.11 eit Ils 1i55 usisi Vaatiuantau <elsaii eaI#a'Àammtesu4>amd athho ci lait b>' nie heroafier e Ofgaui.tàuicqssk ti it l- V" & leomioe thsa- Ae ir sa alcs 5~ '5i~ W4'wi ~Uaa;ashou nssealaasfina. U' eOb iuii 1? p t* 4 ï44mlti cs baus. Ot "se lus ceW Tas care.4!IN 1 Waalb.,orthe. dobigt oulidrat b.ie Oiecled ;blkers tautilby the. Legisiat l Miu=1 I oear th Fia pllabut ujthoaat efIect agaief u suuAsi, rom ltus coî iîdè wi ad . L . bot in ubi, jum e ofKingao >4OI "F fume W ,* top s a irwt., the recoverid. lit uere easy ltu drU1' a . a«&W hert; bme yianDesriy subject, but it iamnet neccasaryîfor ripe; the s:ais eaise in tare,but â * &n-mntaha soajete ncil i,-j> .raUy moretiaackward tbm sta sJ. Mow- Sailice il tonMy, that lhe Imaapr!r»j ý"4 îog bas comaasnoîd, and the trop cef hsy is rendered Éliae Kingstoni Baa1ik alItega ns good as it bas beea'fer vervamy ysais apposed la do bo, lias tere) repeuled past; sous trops, Inuieca, arc equa,. 1f Dot that Joint Stock Conapaaaies rs saîperior. fa îb. boit cropa s. v ba"elever la the Colonies as well as M Lîîar seloneven in Oe bout ms aii Seotianal, sud coitrast uhicla very natirnî as a strtkis proe off lia. remarkable fertili- selfto tuining men, betwr[rlite Ri tly «C,- si fpraervtýIleal e^bea.rd Bank and thtuaorfU'prer ( ala, 3 ,." uev 1alintelligent gepleoa srai ueUn-nota lulite obiou lonrrîi ted States say thait mch grasas they had es,'JointStock comati aau aiL,01 Seen about Qtaebec they iiad on w et.met ulto ciîrisliedti biai slquy ,nu 10 watb South of 45, and État the climat anadken Étise trouble to ascartas lis corl aoit I this vicinity oustaieb.moro prcipllos The ruin0f tue Kiag.iarn dî tiaia i as tiser,. Tha h ay croibus, bower- tribult lierlure ctures. lt" er, been ujîla diWilkmltj iuaved, snd ioule genceocf thae Direltora. l. ie i portinof it as %guder the Scythe. Vilîent oca-tu siq nu emre-o f ils, offiM etop are bsckward; the tumniles wrtsmuet, 3<IY.. ils illegalal>-, frut)îrcî 'aajued by fi.oy, sued tigele sou aver :wo doubtiliei or nol, iltuffered liDw or avseu limt ain seeral places; tie pela-1 ail thesle particiars,.tÉie ae lnk tee, lherAby have cosse up and nfot Canada piaccrl itanit in ie rtt beoa eata>UU.y sffota in the &round Directors lasve tcen ituusy b~ffo boei~&,a r longe snd proiseaSid %vitiat is above a i ,Ille, rtr wef, ai agoadportion as missiog. Upon btaSt 34 Ri e oetbrl the wbolea, trop. msy b. mn average, if ttaey to tibemà5ive,> ' Thlae tiltit itet sWeraree flelW er dsamage. %sud are evoit aaiiing on a ses tan a gr -at aiec uni- Thi liw fruit isait abundant as teii.nu* coice ofîie aal(tlabk Peia> Ut bas evor been: but the orchards andl gar- cootiifd a; net urre the), iebs fot dons gentrrlly promise little; appîaa,plunm, tissir Cati.r. Now let Ile ask , chorries, cartranta, and even goosatberries, il he ltne t ite power ofille kFaraora>a> watt boe tory stott.-[ib.] -Stock Bank ta folkrw liais a>aI e exi an ihadrection rquslly carefrl a A 1abarug mian, gnaaaosd William larv- Proaadeaa sied able Castitarr or M'a bina, of Wellington Street, Uriffiotown, ciant is ta prevent ils irroNsperus 6, ducal on Sunday eveneing last from the ef- Wiii il bc sait] tige charter crsae facts of a stiflg recewved oit the cheik, fronRihe Bank ai i3pper Canaada l"lst mae VaOasOIQUs inf'ect, on the previouua anctet saiaita bu lo Tlaursday. fleore asodîcal suivice vas rail"n as tac as lthe iu bhc lis coit.letd soited te, breathing vua obstructeal, andl thel, New Institutiona. 'llie StoIii , îareliing bail extooaed laver the grentes tut ppr nadaes 200,i)>, art ý, portion oftheî body. He îxpired in a inosi.great iissuesar, Iisiasail iiic4 , dreadiailiateofotagoa>y, and bis lfrt a alae Ru tthe Stuackhlodrrn. lls ltù et and-six young eidren. Wlaat speries af readily ,ilîaw i îlot Il el UjIj insects ho vas stutig b7 wecotala tnt aser- tige InstitutinalIîIa î,r tain, but ho describou li as iâving bain rii malstck aa rîi 2Jr, ry Imall.-[Montreal Herald. bc 0o(J r gi hal t toc lei crr ira As an Iritellman, of h. ere té John E- wil oiai hst, althou' tiue StockIjr, gaa wu balbinglenit Meaîdy muting, a sta ileo-leu imets the slaia shiort uay alboie point St. Chre.lie gel aecarity giein ta thie pubic 1.)(, out of bie depti, andl aitiier fromt ignaorance Banika5 liat a>any per8ols i! goolIju ofouimaingororaeap,sunk. làuns about bave culleal for Îlt iiacreasr, aîi] il hait anu r beliote btody ua Ismuli hat il miiould Rbe daoled-tiat lige aslaore,wa, Maemblo, arid appanently life- lu lure icse a u t utIlîir lt. tom ~~bousier, Dr. Mlackay t vcéteMslnoflerbick «» et flalle.adisiXlthe sack ut VeD thioliecortlly is nul so goudiLb r the. entigrant-@aIssndilmmedialely applicil terhdetIs ar iaers'il. il,ir a lb. M«e»n of nu.sciation. Daring .- alaietehol era are abe forla aloi 1 wards atnheurlais eflorts aaoanled fruitieaais aslaimtltagthaeyare a i ar t ria and visality "oNI yextme; btien egthî, aider lit. gior, of Ilae iîstituîeîîrlotrt the man s u etord, ao as Ipbeis ahible u nly rtect he public agaitai ary mouauay, and là 1as smo. tsa u par- bhi edapr but il iaakra îlhe bsier taire for Upper Cauada. lus dn iîon ofcareuil u1tew hiîn they gie l>le il lhie sensations uhill undlerIuiter, a dNslbeu na an aihagemsent. Witte regartila eiuviaag, corresporials euhthlat given by sscuralyb therefore Iie chaier rau persnsiii sirsihar eiromamnes. Ho g ays uci lm, than if the ie lîrtuticrîte Ihoil, &lin ~si, i. toit an sagger luirait.. uiaaciaoulIo bprtie eeterlriàc ;-aai aS iaeaeaans o oitaaied toasalue tise pootlthiler varioles proaitîairuraîainaf eter, (bat lae » oosbcame drouay, andaleu li and olbers ofa pruilential nature, longht ilihbcsitu ,aei.Tia.vreidiirefdirecors wili ofR Riîeaîîaelre r.vivisag, ho feit ne iflio vers aveakituag in ado int asculis fur tiacir guaî.iîcr thi. uèo.'nie C utfr lbued-dcaaakuaag theasigiat et ilhabairgoal that ti the@orkltilerh i Rerslu~lks a gmazea asa* bsorLlosrsllliid]trioe 1pelb onsSo~.h 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pset loir, alq>sae lialmo~o .4poeasu ma iue bmatve oicetd 5~i 1lh a prîlretlite ltit , ;~isg 1 tue lie ecai, e. bave iaotîcoal M*M muteadid bakiihing, opposite the Pria- Oa$ 5li.saeodnîtt>o hoge a lch h. la Pîw lsticet the proper- pjula ishnsnsaif>i rrt :j a Ua Claaeraq. Tbissalid andlmoahiaytberaltetc h umIl colestrcîea pie. of uaasoarry isLu:isuaoel'cridaa sRte. alorletis igb, îiaîned en the roof, ujt ilst Tlahabo-iIey caîose tar banîfiail cul iront, and altogettaar presents lors sud if llaey raake ohoict. of al aul excellent apecîmela ottasty sidsiabtan- tiaey ouglat ta suifer. The krrioretJi ùo! verkansip.-Oburieliatis fact, laowever illikes Itle ottarlo, tint~oiv turkmaaabp-(Oberve.] e t sud îlleclilly We ar indecures susai ble direction sau tit un a!; Weaeidbledl te, ot atnllnetCorrea- tihe balance id lrel belarit iî inî falril pendent at Piescett for forarading lei, by Joint Stnck JJaikking Comîpany. Ineiter, th. aaunined l laifth 12 Diret- Piartit nai elon. cleruiag I lotrea te t i ie Farmiaae'llnk, Toreillo. Iltitaculation in Ibus Proviance aiiici leàst stla, tiaI s good demi of ditarpainaaieaa ualea xet ategra a i6a.uP«ennced î'ai-of-daaova estthisaune of ilel graelatRitiarert the eecùo. ?kUerbl. Tauco taC .utaveslielale tit filer populaionî. îhsslctios Neiliur c. Tatruc-rr a utrui aîBaigka lavse at iiaaaaîrttrif M., asuuî lais ibenv as.aongpMr ia> Upîaec Canaada a s-avtî,tîitrrat Misai Hlmhy57 V.tsJ.BIoo 574aetlanat t 1e>'are iLkel> la> conltnual 574; It corcaiatîtoaa --Suppaiose an ail a ýW. Kilcaum a55111 MqrestoinMelector 4000~ îaa elceltaît M~, lhrovae 448, , .ilatnsa t, B. IL ii,,, .»Duv a e t hiens raaaaarl utettj. wmndIOsCu;tsl Slusa 38, Menas- VP.in l'OlaidIaha bleait paid l'orilitt, ci a iiicka'961, Chai. Thaauî»Péen lý,Maj"rthonedinecliv or iadireoiv tîy lite 1-n tîtrggie S. - i.Canaaalaiaatige legai inaecîia£2 th -dtre* «u )re. andalal lIais wihaut lts e et trtubltî T. b"toedb a O au. côtauveijea>ce ta> thue bluaalentt%100 ?aanto <Witljçly,9Ih, le5. Nioi iniis hie Mai loe tui-i t'> it adouris o . S"r. ltu prov o-PM- Porel of, huitanotes a"Illésrry Illemtu i ma, àutapei & >7 st, Tsa 0er Ca»asou ira paid hyll .lia.bak Veas 16b0 tpmoea., l F>aes'; deprcistedc 1s a~iwlaaclaearaloir Sp Joiat Stock< opuyUbank u ie afer CLil a ~lO u s ul. urincis lhiu eie B aUadetclgatr.'I ste - ltau tt.11 n i eîuraaei ltt le9 resh e tr awrte quleiet'onqaieU en. t aifCu l T. anaadded 1 ia grant iiilerest te lb. province sswaul £2A0,naIses in ;II, £54000a neosat> ofîi*e*ag M sgr opon aalsdbl, 5auil tuas).appeler ad acundigly ,I lest Mocitié ssiaid ravi ce hauyee ia une year tutItleL vila .o>stf nlmd aIl arpued ases'. Iaulm ap1 amhut it it loibesami prenrm tpir na paaalà ai suprort*,&" prearnCtagie l» p ensGf83>'t <dcffi ý ltlII p in a matltcr f propos iRy.o .cilg 'fondquu aequally certaal bW e dbu Ife Éeule ntiShlis 14,uim114lxn à sau ean>' ascert&d = a ie7 icrante "Bla u" df>s tlieu uriber ofuatelt 1 totit Ibo"mte a~pbaaias.ss of - W mO mtlt sy bhasingerie the P f t Iis p"i .Mo euimgý* ý « tan te - sme but hI ,# tank aipjyg, WýP« speb teo« t (oitçawcuaion dg Ili " t l i fo i lt bu *qrwbi 1,ilunb - ~~timw naies;sud .ltioq -t.i~ m udiaer lecol,10il - # ,,o,. of par, Itsnws pars n la>éte Swa ___t#&cn tm OrWMd t I, omtaea itreaa ite1 1 fsesaln-ehsdumauai ri theW.islehg oandlat ns ýýao, ia P e Ra g ieulvill îeaatl cana ubmaeiklei%~itaylRrl fie R top iieyaua.âcea c ie lisdq~tooaoclC? littir Spalos, - lie- lai. taîiai Gî> ceï du'dlea '0 0b s g et iStu Ii a a Mr MILanes 151 aI»F- m (iaip fl o er, r teaisi7,tndcta ,7bjo bbt I l ha mii i illrTotesel bseouli oaRe ofa tenderMI Ii ra ibernala, bat il lsauno hie Fieaieh Goarumca cc-a active utures as li onder b>' telegraffta, 1 furth llduepli'Snre olla IbT mes sa 1ht t! miretlty., la olgily"q ami- peuple, ami tisaI rulrae l th tw stan e1 of ebkelaIL wclas bu NewieaId pet5545a ENGLAN siai . NIrs- s prrýtic ellai Mil, rabaiagtaM, tciuhddSrui,aialegisiatiot aiies.Ti.pekers te vs aljaursadta h 1#1 4 timfed. Ie ea>islnaail;S fipa aas 7il *8 5ivila> t' FRANCE aece troua Parislas mlie talittbe ps-act 'ras. bit had bdil ber of i)epta& as Puiais Ile tr ialîaa sIll 71ls e laai J lte là" t JneIO a. inI Suitie. coWhenes Wra e asa nu ciselie s-aeèbulhyi of aa'îeltesu, asud 1 no, Site lttunI'adw Ws laajisotigac qa bave givsu iebinen .latawcu vest 1 Es i! Boe ueIr, and 20 mr asot oul aRelhlà aruiýs ataes she led lgesi 8or 4W uhitos teaume glvoé*. r, ai the Rj»h dam suit R lik tu t1 latcaauiÎtir Pa"pe seakg d 1 mst 101