Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 24 Mar 1835, p. 4

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6 4 on- ffoinIl 3t IIiAE J edany dewtpUss~ Kimgsîe,,, Dec pl~a sy .te £Iwo~ d t andmttas litait et *shet fk.e, epM.mi l tg et fr ýmJdITU s su slt.taheoet Ar Usdd n li. - hie4m aiqa itrs aWoiike: ,t*îsag~td eig2yo wâib"ilbez oueedpsfrreip 1~qse, mmd ascuips yuicpuim m > ibo~tefjl . ,i- M.4a*is; l e 18. b.vfjMgen *Rd MI e J?é 1 Fil > s - For Iliait du. *W »0- . tes peud-ih .niM I bisMeri.:- ¶~es S~ Ibm mleeait& laiedntu Jean Lssd.wblcb ton ruieMbeai sl~e bee&iu-~ a RWr4Y,~ niai i~.. fu.~ ;à d.- BopMamio, aandd urtlmSou Cassi, Clovs, FgBuSi ~ 02,T. 11,W44 ffinglisb iatm Sat, vley. sud fBlterSteel, Sheet ion, Sad Ions sud Herse Nails, N te, usserîed calots, Poty, Witîug Ç O011, AND -A fev cases et superior Chaupaga (IF Cher Branid.) WM «ED TO EXCHA*#& 1*»~3~* L ti eime vomIld fl.cAddingleu, belg Êe Bouaê oisie f Lot No. 281in the SeondCu :feveeur tcN Dm Mlsw in siglit oStiNaa irevsudsUa MCII 150 iecree ot lausi a tb. T.wuchlp.et ýryagburnisud Cty oet'Prince ic ber 42 in thp Vînt éousa8e, ayeM Only 28smles. tros8E ou, enltlva sud lblckly smleaWo Apply allbi maui Kangstetel,8b'QtjS TO MEcftÂiîiIcm. mdut forà" ieah lm bseié ai sus Je*avsvI. st uit thauv e envemoeo s 1pot -. aslaib t.rp e a smeoIisealg ta i laCaslsIlàt blitri publicvici bis piesat misse lu commmnld. Tqantam m en fln. maaa.1.. LANDI IN UPPER CANADA, TRACTS of LANqD le disbcs. cf vI*ali my lieclaed s folova:.- làl. ScAnTgsmi LD <cown iwsoeas.- The c cmala of Lois n t Pret Iee e»u- dei cui or Issu, n lu ImI u fty Tw. ahi llbateiaie.Theyame. tsravar- 2ýf«w onge ta te Crow> andi ;00hcJ.Bp1dndpIe. rd on, Prs- s' shocue ou' Lesta ef tieon 1Two t. 10IM çv«ua-Thm ese ae imy sitçated in *ik bmWeiteru Diau , *a;d ste of a vericl of cet' » Wo.tbm luatew ~11haa Mbbo bed, an x te a mCompany ltsbien aMt** kl s snulpaed.lildnrnod, sud emeisins a 'il* S nany 00inhetuitansd a Iiie T«« let saout -amillion otatra ara r sls.di toutisnugfrein 21t.,00 lbal 1- Ïtams. The., land a» r" Msd Weil valered, sud pouecOs e,.. stimatagea a a ettla eau requin.Theliet n fGadmnici, its capital. foubded in 1, already 'contaii's rupv>u.de of 100 bouses witb g:ad stores; to alMet. A Beamboat te gôomungcale *wîtb Lsamen.v ise lie,, bout mille âre elhbied i avarimas parts of the tact; anti ebmroerd mnauoda55 1111positeo bva lua nDcw cutry., n u ,rît ln rtoionmthal'y b. neý qiatvili, be fumaibd et lieOCmpse'.1 Srincipal Ofiesat Tornuto. Guefflsud icà, en laithe iocina eeg k Ht uron Ttrc Avoue MILI£ Tonshiap er$. ji. - sVIFILn MuI" Tucbt - caia Couaa.. * ~c To aite TckME"Ici, USL , FOR SALB. LOT No. 38,-lai Con. trneto*wîi' les frocs rmgalon contalnha o Ceros. of wh icheb ac u4ecultivaîmai 4 Frame Houa. snd Ber, ansd sbouut rf5tug Fruit reêes. .jLet No. 15,-8d Con. Wfdth Crosby, DiSý #et of .lobalowu, euwilnibg 00 êcres.' ILot No.. *2,-awd Ccii: eorgint, #4me biïtric, coula iinu 10stres. North à of Lot o. 19,-liit olly ln !sriteiisg 100 ats Cho 19, Wisutb b TIti Cm. Youge. . . RAA. s4. 191 lisud7tliea.Voge.xbud aLAot W7mte stai ot ., - 1Co.80 n Lo. £$TstemDwst prt e 1OG.tC.cou.HAN. r s14M snude 'estâ prté PITTSBURcGH. - - Lo1tlliton.j' L17Olathe a cu. - 1W lo 9 7, édNe*« ,aii ot aM %mtip-elusatvel u bt laitheW b".0.et.Shsu c N th k.éress1y f ioými Se; 4, êlieeu$ in 2d 0«.h et id * 'n. Ny. vmtmidu tmtonl chili 2 OR4 Inquiry luto th* Origis and Htiiy 'of the kb. o wGiiestutand Most lapoit. Iem a heir tige fre, .Pi, WPIZ si ccidentsl circum- gtantmL One *9thIm e st dletguiahed Mamie,. of ibe îRIglsnd 8eciet fKingston. ini s qoinpény wbre idm s fIi Iqi vas pamat, am ttat Il the lrisb b.d tu*e et'gin fithe b.Highland, or (wiat b. wUml b) celleScots: and thst - (h I>rogaot. of bot thelb.me, andthie other, b.ud momnsMon s.Btait of Doser, trffl the bmUek muie of Eape!" Tii uaia cauoc.tmmd the Autber te it t biudquisy. Be ~p oe beyouâ possibility of le ~ b s.~qalrin tqhtu *al usir ative Lat- r d:Tbat tb.fr la-FtIben dii POT e som B" ihl *er Der,, nor front = to s onsidered as pari s pâlee ti.Bcottish Nation, thairntuesl euuxi s vtb bls.la, 'And t"aest. Orteisasd thue ejbayve ne more ceeuesi theB and Scots, lb., tb<ibw 4mtbe popuistion of Swodmt la tbe joeties et tiisWorks a Milt wai lie tI cvin a, ttads that mont desa- o!,En: -s. voet as s indly feeling lie- Ivean lbem sad ailtotiier Nations,. h ile il» bopet te e,, ejust ground of~ pu re «i. lb. National haracter: ýlà bpwlptsg tfaelwuisofutqm ma 1 melalu.t4aia aihui Ib.,thpm .MERi- ALD lu in aie estdietutre: se Ibat h ah;iI iey.evedsu beiïire(sud Dot a disgrâce) le ibm @*eAm =l ' eaueut'be eau Pre** Uw $à* IMM as 1he.Mostpecoliar, sud uleèI !M ie% tic .7mws net ex- h *t or blia usted on tbe Tb* wek* e meot iun rmbere, pn q uaet r m ti> c. And sne duom esmt .fect tO gouný (emcpî in tenda gratiibtios,')no oe anot ai. f#M&i.bue-4t le îlaeelorme pectea tat enobsubscriber vill psy for asNuaiber in advidém, en potling downhi. Dasse, te the. Ambhon, b M. David Leahy of Kings- ton, agta wl bëm eameut wîlilibe depo- sie&le, uihe Ibmn are given into bis b1.e fs or deiivery. Public .plniîed, and influentiai Iniaimen, lu Meutiiesi, Qumliec, Toronto, New-York, PbtIepbl, Baltimore, Charleston, 4-C. te. eqe elmte& ait in the suluezipl ion fr E11qftbiëwark., uyocut *-#ita orwardirrg is ibe, Id al»l~Mmea eclose tudr d te oAKRMaiL McDous- 4*U, Eoe. (not )McDoasld) Hesel Bank, i Who $hall roisin il,ountil tb. 01vered to hi, b b. fonerd- ' Ae ,o les 1o à wCitizen (. Cerli) *ith It" Autier, à e igh stuéiln, tai Chareston, S. 6*(E . bsrmby moM ire*- pmtfÎnly soljciled ta u.d.t in the further- ince. Vid sale oet iis IRIS!i-Worlc. Al*i hh.u.iluCanada andl Ibm United aiea, "ho.fielfraiendly te te l b"b wî1l pIeue I.iuPt IbisPreepettus, and ouis. ho Coa*urte bde o, a b . .aUd 10. a o fi uFrk. tupigatn, Ith aFbruary, 1I85. Mr sI vota., ia ning 1h. ý frice ase ari, :lb. te lam a tovbae le Fei îMiLfé 'sa É*,o a1A e;îttoMage, ie- Tb-">wené",conté the le milian., ue gs:8ssbiç4l ketchesof c eies a. $bd Q#gbsJPltrkaie; Euswe oa Cbhm usk, vocal Ule, e,&cz"sceow- Iim m musBct et Nosiesl Instruction, ta * Us ologîal lai.i Iréb br e- its,' directlomas fer 111cm mUsesio UAE *Pi ted f«:%«seil .1 im i csians ; et ale: Hi.t * oteeaetess »orîs Ssdein~Amenes. .1Mugis, *wlib PROSPECTUS Ofa àTreieon .Agrkteture- the climt.e andCirc~seances fca a,] A BOUTIFULProvidence h-as wealti,, in ber niost fertile si i wbieh is by neolanentunfavouraî,~~ ricultore. Tii. due ioeproveuaent e ther netm advaulagaa, ua capable,~ givIng riches snd every reasonable raja mient te ber present, and s vasuly iricret- The importlanceof Agricualture tco~ muetai ob vious le every oeecp~ tormiug a seuud judgeaiant in such Mat rit le Agriculture that muet afford the, 'eluy ofailber gieatest vanu> tr. tIba sudnuevery cher courntry, bcth,. reut cf Manufactures and Coaaîcerre thé esct mut& f promoting civrila sud ?opulation; conacquently il lic the anealuniverselandsudrsefui of Ina sat aul naions, the mn powet dividuala derive their wealt andaCO quence from their property in latd, ulbiI ted an auaged Ly tihe buibantiman Agricaulture, tbcrefere, and a6rkculï loue, ceau suport us witbou the hîrlp aq therot, in certain plenty, anrei n, Wlaile Dur greund i. covered with cote, cafit, WC can watfor uo.ibing. i factures and, delicacice that ve anay raq (roae withoaoul.Cernand Cailla vieil u if w. vawil only raîucthcm irn abunr roiu fimportanacc Ci Agricutrr, thé greelt itereal linet i. coaaaequeaîî on lthe sibject in tiie Britisha Isle% a then couinnaes et Europe, a vanied iand lainojuus mnasfetknowledge bas Iresl ualsd,which %rould! biemuost rustful te ery one.who would wisb ta practice (4 vri suceuse banseif, er undenîtandi l, veil practaced for aum by Ohers. To c binaesn ferrspracticable the portion of nk4ad îhacb I conai,,b e ts rit fui snd uacemey fer the. caudy oft he Ca dieu Agnicullunatast, is thre objeci <j trestise viaicl 1 bave nov riearty ceai1 tie presesud the plan of whi<b 1Isal vila grasi defletessce te the rcuidrstiq ai tbi... ngaged lu lie art. Thi. ao, trein whieli I bave madIe à electicns, aie, odera Bltis.rfsid Frencha Authiio, <I cided reptatatiie -eaid merit, rait my obsteraîîons sud expercaice, durn1a eryy sini oCurpaucy o f eliteis fau us1aUIobiefiy as a Grazin, for a petfod oif ne arly seventeen year, I hare beau s fariner j,, Canada' se, Ymars of tie latter peuiod 1 have had lonor te lie Secretary luthb. i)ati County oif Montrent Agricultaîral Socitl 1 propose.te publiaithe vor in ci t iv. parts. The. fim part vili give, vicevr of theorigan, progreuandciip qtate Cf Agriculture, arnoag sonar4 the rcl and modern nations, partieularly liritaisi, France,Fanderc, the Unitedi &c. 1 aregîwret he putatst ae of Air jure can do ille more tlau grat, lbth rieuity. Net se il$ preacut t aaî, Wh calculated lictb te excite Our curiasrtr affect onr intereat.. Tuer. la probiall country vtich 1 chrill refr Io, that i,m palssrte animal or vegelîble prodjo or puisce sortie mode of culture, oi a ment, uli ight be iieneficiallyitrdq imt Cans4e butl witli the exceptiii'n ceuniIe. 1 lièe. uaaed, and parti ofi1 sund S*itelaad, tulera are no very etaiig ICiptte of lthe Agriculture of ci parts o Ers vth elaich amlna£ led-at ple.ê Tha second parit babit a cotw»q , iew of the science if Cuure.Ra t4 lprînciples en wiic eerolan sd urevoit» thererîf, are leur Tbc third, and1remaîing Parts Wii r tbese, pninciples te lhe practice of agr fore scipting tlieu, te eclimate and or ciamtapjea anada;and ciLue vb-4fa ols sou hat portier lia. raiesnd eetUeceof Ibis couirli vic larmert uay itdirctly orini Coawluced as 1 Scel, that the pruilucai micuture n'e eocly riches Ihal the pile af iiscountry cen eail their ovin, whieh Îh.7 cars neer lie deprived cfil *0tastouaishuiet tat amgu of liberil ucotboin ugurat, appear sn 1 t4 regqag Ialimrovement or prospei il tact 11.trepted asasuabject quille te fl, cmmow hffe, by ueanly aul Wbo ni lnUsistly pgagld lu il. Tbel lipsnno allàwteagelves toe Ir by Wb li rade and cemmerce can lie cai' ou soccewu in lu esade. 1 aauceorelb6p* to Indqm & Il vii. ivu wtlhWbtrou.«lletfreadidg cay boola,te refleci i bé snojmcts 1 *hall slierit fer ibir cor 1enction, snd t tist liy viiijoin bie)l àprouaoting necmssany Improveent, - ams adilam flin vesItII snd prosper il k bm lamd oS hebînbtb, aud etftiacir cha i r A.savo" of tbi~js, r tien canari pnWbtwed lu Uugplîata rcnch vsri incwriung couehdüralePens", il vind nocsusn to neta aveu hesy urtll liatavili b.]eeft ai ibmevjra1Bomk-SW e oueal. The vox apect, euhl wuit for parts, ai la. I. mach part. teai fat1 ie publisbmd : therea itam C.b tdglatfb. publiMW ibefet rfg Wt lconta in from 2*1 mate the *7. ai i-ib psapesiy of Aglcultanî,t ~~iats *Uaeif e.vi.prctice the art.> lYs. EVANS Pi«Deem.l esuuu 1 <tbsesmmcae e ectilk debâim ottaWttig c i6eMI INEtATION EAEÀ T obivi anmele ti caM fic F.~ bgbmLm tte i -Imm" ~ ~ dii * NEW. sra t 1' tut E, Vhs BUS. 1kg. per esc ~ce.aadî jiteaismi q U595ssik mcci,. os. sth.r. rges * r Bill m a.T P»QYNibavePARI wet te .a.Mod ise b iiýnugekqw mm fppin thne d *m e we mbd by l. comimuoi s e va Mt thilse v dees ~ ge in. t eM.t sim d iw Mth Aem ei ina w dm 1edo ibm i sa o tiis udth* atuu) Irieu Q hmie Id 1 . 1

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