sw *»»' bïb oxua vu. a.prasases ute the FtdeeuaMd v» le= *. n pth lat*#iea ttiswe labo mèsskeesceyte be sida.ol ff vi.l1ipi u Ppeolrmt & dMlg 'itu' g '-eue. en-go a. 1 au & 0< asiarl" ae t is I"M daeoutslate eCsa, ci MM#etllSpeo4Ihta:~th Scutuy5 h sic u I te. t baie iBM t', We Lnak* ' 4 t ,mie. ï1ïiÔ 4 a .-zst Lctlb , 18,ca î1uu Ili. mm"us Ptstacl ieit. Do U IB 90hIl %ti. aid e d. ii Is-TpesalS.ls4tu Wsin oit naI, iifonmte ai~ mhipe N.. 3840' MiLL »I o Shery*Ira6 o. 18, V laitPlac. *e, lbTstonk. Jpipes rgptit Bw«Y &qat aut aves 1>00 Nadunst aNSMOT EN îpItJ,&e lhaeasAàWa,*le Boul.- resjm 4.a»"p e I . l 4 C al Cm UiluslaPoritslo 3! AstiqueI pa1luIISehud-n lu«Casse ~ ~auIl d5~ Ledon Petr ud&»c poul;im mile v. Ui dia. Ua.a~e 1191mi ialsa 7 .ItIn Cop ita . is uéV Sp e irits<1otes; =NseauiO.Q,1î.1ouAsal"t echiery uverste sf5 nist ai 00hid e ciw O 1,isiot and sîmee ftérhmn.Pi *à *eIUf sot l%0 , Néedr, 0g, liin lattBs* esu Caâti'1a1 TIisS uSe espesgsibs anec u ie »Pwaiendre u eteOucs plad am f1nte, LOtu hrig re Ac m hpliàde, a lan siedto" o fpatmy U rîure at ieosorsbi o ~~lst~l~seexe0tordf5fOuiisll*Kwhio tit hoIesad ptttti nU.e flelilis ~ttisa Meiuflcà aeOtt ri: _____________of _____ eM± sngstck, u we poteB4», Whten, gwltan.el- 51391 anaeI suas asvzssowutd ith he, .,,..m ",sfa stock ALe WAtEHOLten 9gi~aVf~imcitn Uifsw uaIt eiate 1511 *lt lemi thUS eVasnh udrv.ila ($4d) AG1OIIRUCE» O. Nai-Tais5 1884.=ýr titeiass, s&tt4Ily se-qussi l I l p of iasu lewBo t itesopl ru, Rwiof sîaw mebs iretlutd or ani BROUtaS V.he sihu 0o. b i. NOTIC . »d«LPIbo fou eitedth Tbewt__ M4, àdeus., Eî . i 4,10 Ato rt»ïý. éià saw Iesuediscps *plu*ir j lassa,ém M eisit sm enâv1i834 pot. FeIbof à" lbuel ?%quî e slbwml 4'er fu ale- et ibl q~pStîcstrotorerlcUtuird bi Le l& ieilte undereeuîiemWedGOODS. bw-. watt'u al~ oc T»aS. julteaà,gWlý J~a-aIaer tmlfdi.mmdPas,.fs Vase, Vian ly, sud SieteSteel, $bsu t 1ju, S64 ioasaio" (ie N'iue oNîv.l7, 104. w.#WANr» T'm KIcHANGE WQA làV5~ns LrA £eîX4 naT Or -M C HAN 1Cap8. Imms , oyuaeia$so#l luiee1t swîult*l sâuI*r uds a unt IoS * s i. _f4LtT,&eERIDICALS. tor of the L4DY'S~Rc~ MStobl Mgzln, coctaiiiing Tale,.o g<l an d selected, Moral aiýd Scie itil 11 sstPoety (oilen Lest authrs, t equit baneted inPhiadelljliia-coloured, oftenepit style, &c. S&c.-pilblliredit ulxd]lyen tie fitst day of every mron u o3 Atheplan beudins Frankliin Pl' LAN S I UPER ANAA, PbiIaticiphia.-Embellle td with a b LAN S N UPER AN DA ifui and extenesive varooty of r.ga ogekdfplowd of iy Sfis Ceaado Camp«".! iercmrigiiiil and sejeocteJd ouigll8, t lotared sud plain, wtitbtien eiagraved ît4 yIRECANADA COMPANY bave lsrpe1pagçs, and itre dititinct indexes, (inte 1 jKTRACTS of LAND ta dispose Of,I te perfect eeparaté vohm"ci inl. he rD:.6 Wbicli .y lbe clusscd as faolo:- so, a choice collection tifuie orignalW, Jets. SCAIitxax»Ciown Rzsas- selotted, afflnced foi Dito Piano or gots ,1%0»e coiiaist of Lots or Farine of Toahbri- veuh u y6W parta large octava î1,4 ~dredsu, or le. in incit evexy Teen- pieu, aundçîaly tIres dollars pet atboisâ sbip ln the Provinre. They are a fait avtr- . acIt nultber it ibis periodical conta4 aiof the otter lands i lte Townshiip, as 48 paie$ of royal octavo letter prou, rii. t y, Verlel belonged te tige Cirow sud witIt dent, »an sd beautiful type, (ara aereagelecte on a pociple,ised on, pie- ed after the mannor cf the Longln alou a titis landebbg aurvoyci. BbLLz AssEMBLE,, On PaPer of thel,à land Jocrd or LANqD of feues Tv te texture and whitcal color. It is eenbejb leigM sar.-Tbceii are cbiedy sltussted la ed witb splendid cngravings on coppel. the. Westen Diatrict, andI are of a vory rida asteel, ciecued by artista of the. hi&< mail. Tlacaroe ltwortby of tbe att.ntion o ansd distinction, a*> oniracing , cpf ceonaauitos *o atlers, pho, frousi rela Pvriety o(subjecte. Among thosarel1 %onahip, or fronnigabouraeoal, àaueans.ý- indl'ons et poptlar Legend , niomanikl joé to me c got mcntlcwedbctoWnt Attractive Scenety, mdPortraint ,&m*ng theume y tas I jbeow illustrions Feraales. The nuabe 4a fpofGttph, pîtîib, ndei the Mariage- cing ecd urrcuareaPdie0 Maotoef the Coirany, bas beon aettlcd b existing Pbiladelphia Fuiîjor, dei tsa biprecdostl short poricd, snd containa dragon, engraerd, and colored expressi, W viflage of nosriy M0 inb*biîsnte and s. thiq woîk, by ccopetent peotis oevgc gse.aatic iaeaitaîg e uary2000. scgaged firthat purpue. The Ensbeir y l. Tais Hu Ker Ta.scT.--T;l is * er;u - blente of ibis charârter pljeih have op nd tât Tract of aborgt a million of acres arl>icd jin(formser umubers, are coîîfeasedlv, j&reà4y ceptairgit% front 2 te 3,000 inhali i-rior te Arl aehkb have bticîtfruitýedin d t*ts. The. land os rich snd telt seaterel. cy other mamislar Anieritan pliblîu.atioî l e se' se vy advantage giot a asSt ,-r (om the arrangements athicil I,,,e ,eau ruquire. The toton ot Goderieh, ha mmi-dc, there is celt resaçou tr belaeve 1 captal, fonded in 188,'already contait iwili bli mpeoved nu lthe c"niî,g Vol, spotsardecf10 transes wpub gond stores; lu addition ta thce 1nabellislîmelîîî jîî,t logess. tâotaini! a place of Wotsbip oen cferred te, every aîunîîlor eoîîr,înt"J Îr o ail sect. A Steismtoat te cnnmnnica iec efgraviige on *o rd, repreçet.tirg F oi, 'ywtb Lake Erie, lias been huibt ; Mille sud NatiVe SCees, ClirGII@said iîîîitluî 0e etaliliai in various porta of site Traet;- Suisjet t, Nturai H ir.t.rv, Et'~ *bd lterosd* are me god as siin pcssible te M nrraliigy, CoihtlayHwcoenu8 il bavïe jasa hep couante!. dns rsetIPîdat.nEiubr. Acy furtisor infrotcalbon tirat May ba e- yr, , sud etir ,eedle werli, ldirig, qird. %titI hac(ovnlshed et tho, Comansy's ring, &C.. ildtes une or mi,,re a'ieî eg of priencipal OMies nt Torcnto, Giaiud a q nas, Moitié, asrsal fortièe plaia ai GOderi, Ct at lte follorcing *scnetes li t t. the Huron Tr - et:1 Every six numotere of tilt w.,rk fri r AVe, MiLi8-TiPflSip of S. Eaathope. efettant volue u 1satble(for hing, l%âTIutD MILLE Tiicket SubIth. J itt dete are f-f.îrahîi gratit t 1îly JletA'*eNSL*i MILLe - Hay. Perbly e irare titis Pa&e, saog '1 a»&ýom»,q,$Om.index ofColent#. The tlyptgrajîhgirat execoliîî flr FORSAL. Ds BOOK îgomni ftlllthe îProprîrorc FORBA& lerugts comtprmsn wîishaiv lag FNO. 38e-l*i Ce,.N. Eratostown, nioe wtîsttier EnusopRAis oeAàgcacky, .14 #iea(r. iogtton, etîntm.iring M1>0bot mara.and ta j tu abicai W--rl.vnoî 4tries ôfhc rcete îlîvî ,aemplîîyed. anuithe îuo.t srîiu. îre -fYÀa Houte snd Barn. and about 4001 i* pati ta iteatt.ars%, larunen,', anid uiislr %leahing Fruit Treî.. îy, mu. thoe arangementcslni the '.s Lont N. 15,-lo Coin. Northt Crosýby, Dis- jeci. rîlîjeaconîos*_e cloRter-, îe.s. trici cf Jehnatopia. eîvutssurng 3008aces. Thse titersry uepartmtnt ofuli.e l.a Lot No. 29,-44. Cela. Ge-,rgtîîa, l.m cBooz c.tapriace every teî 1%rbc Deî&rt, csattaangtDO acreq. eti suitahle for it aoses lta whou os NIortha à e Lot No. 19,-l11b Coui. Tiriy. , în;4voenol aepu i., il.uDistrict, eoniaiuiîg-100 strial. tit.igitiuliealtytiiisiigli itri tiseuve proper1yy wl h i bc Wdchoop to i nrarrativeij cbameie 4uî#oa, al lh f«s Cash,tend nisieutale tilles *it tcj aceie7 ouf mepaati(s,4 etinkmit%; Poîhy, ;Ipa'n selicaîioiîto plueli aces lgihsaubotos .s<iihiil iii C W. . K]Ay. i t erd*l..Wif4 tllotinifisre g" tiWisuhjlrie Bîarsj'iiot i&sti li.[,4 aA*08 SFO1 tALE.-Lita Nu,, aî ,,tuuaWaîe. îeeea iiaî 3961 oga.; mtd Ne.2% $th Con ii idelicar ten cnie;4i"luy t'-soî wsaîribugli.hkimoroîis tapits chaurrfisil la lit mi, . it IdCmu Euetj y.ift" varions eaulmbmitîe frsi n- No. 1% in tge 7t Con. Yenge. etth Wrk ti'Nf». Si in, tIé ti 9iCon, Montagne. Ttuongaoao ae hoseavse hber Fw AIse, Wit part Lot'A., lth out n. Lau- cuteod l uin u tiI wr deiiýrvii icastor, Eastern Distrie t. rte i#fteuse p tiagel il blet civrd il G. C.~TRAHAN. propriotor dotesn ue& toi ga ela Nin Lu o Kiutem, nIy ltls, 833. ttkvna. Wbloeo ui atsement rIs magais, ho w. det,leiftd t. e borntpii »- b Asm"là lthe To-washi à cf Pittaburgh eMboit rexard l em ore- labour, cîîafâî 4_ uéd parti *041tgobce uor .xclaangiri ttib t1,il l be s$y réatierarcl. ifuL.dmîen ià i4Owea ipostetsoftheFri- lThesterni ait aoW$#tsBanki oui Lohlitoot', . - 8 9 a 2 0 n he Ïcessei h ootitlted tn fêlur t>is fUi pi 44 ir 71, a îls&tifaritof~ 12 adeat prt lutU~cou. - - Lot S,î&Con. - 00 .4i i'SdCo puêisuebsr. .dalseey-tAs wbesesii-An - sisêsil suiSsîsu, s mceaiaimla rsat.,t Lia or atif ~obtaui tise ~ '-'f.S Cii -i 4V1 i. au - -. -t.-'" 'VER 6*8 per, BSt.BasNaa55 ANDTs Foin te r<a.wvss lobd igi fl se -aeu b:réd yo utob a 'Ils tarie, ta h utsima e -0"O ! &WI à. v1ile houe th mi pag geis,' r wai el*,,i, yu Win talh* 1' aimu her aie. i islfey <s(tiOu Uia WW<'*jbm lacaedma Fi 4»w $MtRa. 1<cotat q"le le a vie»' (" bycemtaimn 0%twbehlber enh irgiwcps d lae llwàyilohd té~ hu tr- 'aimer »Ye bas brauglt o aap . a( us»' set e inm ea i n,"m u g4MIbe "w itiokç*W e dpilcapolcahtthiiu ruesa erLi EU rocs' -e, - nid fia 1Wdà Aj a io& bultis Me Wealdes-s ad be. 9di wts& le oc om 1 dm l 94%, &ad thed mm. bwbIw IL