Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 9 Nov 1831, p. 3

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rsoepted adot.. -u te hau, mera v aloe vlhpo t vou.0,p1 ue t. viet a «-do tee ut e -,ove, tIatHi m lutme., 1e at t la . te u, lusmmi * akemv AR, AII'y. GL visreâirrol 10 la ed the camumadorc «oenorila Cbef te amompa yince r asay, espiesaof tuittoyoumm iB. GLEGG, bée'>' en teferse i bu lx. ris, MliiM, 1881. Myaour of meo- us eeeau te xi.ce tbe awm e W"t vi mmaaotad te e.. i.2. GLECGG, Sac'>. Att'>. Gua. tvoa ddteu.) liMari, 183. vler te opt oU.Ma fita ExIel- st adrme Fibr mfètr te WuaEtec mm ve. Wi met, îmati -f th publi e mrvie, or ondtte paupW tha purps of PZs as amwev r te Sbe fimtidbed a-mot- rART, AIIji-Gan. iteo Hi Emal- -Ciai. ycn, eltfai lIe>oiacumaol, e mbaqsa - c< A-mmsuht t, taestwe t *a on. Vayor tbs r, #m 1 J. B. GLEGO. toaocutmmiaée tho Bous.of A-' evidence ums r <o te on.) mmummum m,=o2ýt EUROPEÂN INTELLIGENCE. CAPTuIE r0? vAsÂ, MyTTifE ussaNa YaOO-ruurye lu 1A11-D*EYEAT lu. cip Colomm u iaawriva4 a Piaul- delpil, Itou Lvqppooblnmg m cde ote2OtI adLvepatb*22 ly usaigemm clllamlIcWamvl.am. plp caaituue..Bét it vusenitnd b>'tbe Vicic o,., te bc"Odlste lai, aftep ac nets oistasce, l in ii. l*. poses eowardly policy ior: b* ilab idavad tbis gclat îd mimial'peope h aMO te b. uarilod.-{[Cm âAivutties. The est Landau à". Wing Msbe mol- -"Ymcey uc et c ieeptelaofiWum' b>' th. Rualas, wvientuendl .es he Of Septembat, atersevare flgWàoig onthe tva peviu lay, Mi vhich lsycauisd mSwtai e damuo te City>' amamdal mei" flu mu.Tie Po"aBr>' le h M"gofni «McitM irelredta PU94 &bd alarvardinlahe direlicté O liatejon te tuaiudsrocite mmy i telart Wb.r. it insIlegminaI to mait a siamd b' *esacoaimmd<rmOtiiur. luvoit the cem of cihe. Emparer. Who<ber te>' vi . mblso eep te fl olm~th asuls, but u.ay vrl or.lth in Paria am lom"eaMM l atais saguin.hopu cihlicoAnl tsimmpb cite Cam cte Ple., irnf ul hotit avO exatilc., bý lin.a etence 0 of chat Povea. Au "te eM.,mir euolamrkmhteenmis et eimuc;"cime nfiocceeMuà midi é e a true " ta th" ia cmty. Il. mv.ie <ail cWa.v pA.,em&tgua "à" in Parie, lie omdectate Fseea mAinier>' ou lIaIqua"ol..vus - -Yi>'hm- lied inte chmmbot ig»uMdbemwu tia pesti Opica <bey vouli h. dga tO rtire, aI tlbk ,plaia 'oelb. 'npplsdb>'mm &ilsta t au mmDama-d ttot4 isKMOfeacpobmmi, Ablk ledaal uvUpt. ~.5 ,PeImdhme~ léï b.lu IImua- -e. Outeimi FieiINmmoé l Ceet put.vib* -a a mil a& ,aS Cet te Wums ,te lemnd b *0eImm et hie majsaiy te mlaueà of, U. tasmMd te uàmen ete .li yrd.. 8hn &ite RUU ad t aej ls. omemm buama. l'.- Imule e hsap a teaa I M 173 ,".r -i 3diA. bY sA..yueM nduecrisg b ~frS met*~1aL>mmâ.tpro- e" u e vmhW.11*.the ioet coui- SWIaI a"y>' ste rem# ocite us- 1*yAi l@upoulbt.fume.e, lutve taen peeotieioat lecmsry viiimot <ai a viommto themiiim.ticusidksuteamd mai deigig men. Thlb.Pliai of y..- teuay stm «u bt liera i!quaedly ap- pr apampbiu lucdtuy Oiavary min- at. procoedaing comee"rig the Canal, au viU ieaset t he ularacler of Col"elB>' a %ginWh" ickvery mam of& gmt'- fuI mim, %ad a loer cf hi. eounry, mut rujuoota tovies'it.» la mvpabs O<Oumorathem 00 d-,)viého w iil be m mua outebe Obél thêm the iliRdaagan mmsia <thmw the chimi ine m cfo o I pta u;a-Cbu is t C o s s e , 1 0 y4heuUff-i NdGJ in'm*bav. <o mdpuam"m tpaiàlth i. Adya t ecoe rd e mm tg dot m nm arebiewitehà elrmm ieb"«m b bigslIe ug o puI i ii. te.ms Iio ev Viocsqut'endigntugopFlegmcht eLàu pette ide in uc e. tMi i b Iohm ts nofr mlu b"., Lit h fi Win wisa Sta, t te Sor.u NerRUo. b*yvumt po àler t <a rl te151is ameCama 1 ae.heKoumttem pao Ut 91. W. pesivedm"tisa i. Duuav"4 41W)Gaaf J. th& BnmbEGG, Sec-.I borubîotmaoabPeaes; 65 te l.) We ybyteruie tyte aNMot dluetj Je-dWm-oo, md vmllySiaoed t py ff. cigao amdlo bmpdi.umd t in. <ahadate N.. otkmaieaJm hVr huma peeher erst , wht ad ovant, and s leC m-aiteni atar a AmoeofgM SMh. mer b>lb. BnMr 9 <vrut itLvemolaNo.k. lii. Ho. Jam Croula, 0<flabooegb West, U. C. THE HERALD. Ou tUneet amq"s * um =u0W(m' elfe a liWeilLilu of bkblItiie;lmo ubd a ouit On ai atbeamhuyaàm, aises.dme 9At Iowacesoathe muaeof het b * lew 1.1 E wh lvn tu1 algte 1"OOMonmetsie Whou veGem.,- ni Erdwevlbd ua Gomeam peedsynaki te hiu ta au»«»e <*0Intatlavuf 1h. Pllé mamiw scmiutitIs legilluate Kng- Thonsentimblentswone, bos'ver, bol cou- Îtsedby tliaI Cl.ftbe gavernam,vlio am ààw ,caméi e l oro e the. msualt- Ho auumailtht l60acomtcilh. Diet vu se..ss.p lot sol uiion. -Aflt ti. mstnrgutexi osati ndetunmlu dmanbleb itilvool i Isavitahl vi *,ClGaoeal i mdre allasn M ua lha fotaeosu.Htempshrée boau. vki ili bch til..b. ntgacammmue.te 9ie Mauaihài inoateuion. A. <hie v..mol gleen by sesn*,o'sck, the matéal saabw ventaIh.osiallâcaglu. rdoste bal- tcek Hall as bout more vaarqnmaed for coeaauldron, butl hisleue lapalag vitieul a authfadcory amavat being given die Mat àlmia otorderafor te ti t<ac It vu terrible, la dveeuil ;dfa f ln.. eosuibut brougiit o dlt iu. Thuaaci t s barfere begun vblcbirms carld athlispontlof tliy elle t »i. sMy. Who lanlu %mou th" recaveiï etoreass vilcoronmly defet- th le gardons amd lh. ditcbus lovmrds lb. huam barrier, and avec mad.eout troopu gie vay for a mmenct -but thset- dent e .f.latter tevaved; &-iayq=il> usl.d lb. vafla 0f tii. ily, vbicb tsme e. moit formialefillme f dafe. Te P.odtci fvaleur vhich bail mImd>' di. tnu* tiels'e daps vere tevwed, mu et ainc o'clocitta ti. eveslmg lb. lâmr.cb- Mente. grdena, ditcbes. vml-..v.ry bhimg, wsuotv inhe hb.saof Onr bravaitops. eanlime sigl imd ut lu, aThé. rm reqeired repose. of lm. iitenchimens .cariledby Mtoro, 6,000 pdlaoer,and ealy 100 pioce ot canson.1'ver. lb. trophias cf <boue lv. N .lIngcd nows v.lthe cil>' mailtlb emem s rm. Bat, hherefore, auplered l . s e c ef lie E % p o r, mu i b lecri- enutaca made 'b lie MW.;;;"'sdulte nuIrais lb. vengeoncs et bhe oldl.rvb!c vu eitad 101h. utmot b7 uhae obti. mts résistance. To-day our trefflare ID Wam..ThemPolieii rmyandhle no have submi<tt I.lieutmocrch - lb. for- Met, in cononmkity iti lb.empreuma- nifte, in gous. ta 7ezk, thon te avait ie ordure. la mouedayi ve emlabl taIl give a more deualil ed eciof t ti .u- pett.vens s-Tho glotiomuscc.u hicli va have ebtaied b au..purchase lby «veu.louas. The flold bMimalbrmIt bu s ivei a contusion onshloft atm an&i à*issrât. roloviocki bu reigea CI:,iN.lacbowaki hma mssouced le tlb. Frid alil Mmri n Ivo lattera signailb Mba Owa band liaI baiIse1h army t.e = vith tb. MslamIbm of valimg lier. forthei CnMUMaad" e Of lpe l aty. Wg mout ope <lia tbe Mor., MmyI&lpa. vane la hemgond sa=ima<m, mon. gard di rfidieus inuinonvbicbmay, WW c pn_1 addred le il. The ftecllGovermam reivudaomanl of lie fanl of Wasven lb. 151h, bsthe im French Milistenin Berlin, but did iiot ven- ture lu male àtkaovn ustil th. day follov- ~amnoumeueint thon a>pa tu bave heau th.e *gnalOf ag ommod- moui.cl«eidi tha atteets of Parie, fie <b. betayers 0<Po"&amd, md alIa.dis- eue" took pla"ein lie ChemiierfDe- tien, viiekvu as ied e b. u MhE Monday. Tbm Minister. gave 1tcla m lmeic anverm te lie ataal mad.e m c.O b popelar itelg wiliot, fi Wniadby the frieuiieof pSS t int tie meigmm of ti h MiuIsterm mant b. lie com».quseom Tmi.Govesumt bal boesa aIrsal>'bsêek ais beCiambet', epou thh. motio litwinlg hooe UPc. *0ie o ecm appointeil y Bonaparte dnicg e a de.p am pinful mpcsio85eata upea Uie publemimd at PN.,» a b »b of agurai convencm al in"c c<h. of publiceiesert. la l*6 eaoy e Wie r ta-U' vEerdil»esagngl. euu i,4 mmd liePasma About 9 'clocl lthecll0< <lie Mli.u for brC emi in s a backad by a large, Pbevmttoyt.b.vidW. and tant dos'. a part 0oflime palasade;;at the lbolevard. oue d.athmmml.o Iroopahavagocouleup, Ibis oeovd vasdis- euiod and%, "bttI ptotecled <rom forth., damagle. Laarmg Party oftheaimitat m»talsomdim le viciaiit>' cte Rii. a mme e<emerg.ay ;but mllbougb tie eon- euaa.uodli.peopein latldrecion ve. gréal, lteas" o alteupt ta comict out- sagea At s»verai Pointset thle' capital, ""mmpvoebroIes. A. atempa vu ma infâmce theashapo efasmonru on the Boul- evudPi ' 5rJbut amYoung mns, vwon> 21(ilà ten - =_ o- ké i.- W&T h ock teialà aule aseslct appomet «aI. g eitvim.pulc ae V. = :,.L i 0,pnfeetlra eilt vos, restuel. C.e.blublsovi u ausuhl <hieMuenas lNle W rt <i meeud >th aur rMAIe.mi 4et Illut t »IWeepper., i. toeauvoipte n a ham 6s allaentCLmd re 1I - . , -l J I Mêsth~ .10e DueenSueauty, -~ Bouutu, mal mrumgp te sequatel mllIOtcloc*>j KlagntesdeI 1kv. 1831. 7î lb* BiglaI Nov.Lord BahofciQuoi., vho laI 1> el otmnodfram Englamd, in cx- peew tea i l.Place hourI,. i.ra ebip vil Procod t. York, md, the Quabec Ga- asIle myI4 romain <bedunasg fie vinter. Fr.. a pelvat' berce, hovuver, ve leam tht h li vlretm te Quabbe be t he Toin WAouây-ha d.voted <vo colunulu cii religin.papar toma virulent mIlmeL ou the Editur .1 lia Upper Canad Ekag ,becmu. vepobii.bmd, afev veeka a, ouropau"ca ciertal.lfars vnitten b>' Ivo pomma. la the United Sttua relative ta lie M"ai0"ata cUppet ataa.L iaI- vililUiing tbe speci pleeing md jean- iailsiamaimocthe Wuciuman, ve do bot" <lourmoe alleupS o b taa tiide .yllab" tMvo have vailten, or tb offer ah>' explamti of w0 vie .considatu usatoligile. «Eva,>'inlitiantl"'mp- per Canada, paeuaed of coret feeling, petloctl>'undmetmalu, mild cemns, the documens-e" vicb ve bave leaoumalul impud" mn1d Illiielimu",mad ve an sui fiat our rasd.re geserally wil acqunt una0of Wimg mi armer termelias lie cam e mdal. Neopiti<nperominnes- dom tigat psucaad ro the. persan viomth le IUnitedi Prebylar>' of Uppan Can" bav a seocteaieue their orges mn ver ex- tta tsply kmthle Editr ocite Uppen W. have imaurto e o musacatic.m on mbWbelsconnectiedvili lia Policeofthe Tovn, tovbhio ne douit evar>' aftnoi vil! b. p.14 la tbe preper quarter. W. knov tba it in thedesiteo(te Maguatls totac vithi b. lef.juse Mmdiinmati- ahI>' inapplyiag the mou>' Ocmitlsai te tbair cisrg ; bufvit<b mclimaiteil mueme aI <hait disposai, tinh upcuh"et. allai> the leand <cf aver>' one. W. bhila momuver, liaI sumy>' aruets la Town bave gr«tea ms.fet ocupalt tl"Storei For tbae .*&D" <te shippeescf godc.ubomth@JclWatim. scioc.et, CapI. Ties', vo beg tea mancance tel s@ho ol.-Ouuring thei" aleelsf.J"lisWmt-1 lima lbut er mai, and Capt. Thés' Ir.- ceivea severe ijty cm lb.ebaud. 101 Vele;UPPEE CAzADAIUMMLM. Mrt. Editor-It is aaagular <bal vs citas musuier theieneuo u leepinaghbota, wbm hdue vich bava en - Our va- liaugits am tre irP> mi- m e y ou , in be a a s , at b "m a i stuffa. dream rammd <.'Bopflair, lbatym may have 4"goeddusm" Irmais, your oidl. cr'l Y P. 1 4ay m.eep vîthin a val., A vas 0<plaasant grouad, The ollast res baaamlb me gros', The f-irest love, rousid: Argtl. ar bnmied on <is a".l riamu'" of beus ai Raturas the tubber ireee. Jba t aI i>' idoma dreumelt an, AU ilver> mmd meonne, Wbicih ile a ribon glanced alosg The avenua of green. Tb. traé miove me bant Ibeir plumes; AMd <le,.>' fancy dack'd As vantio' et My test la guard, majc.buc to protect. c& The earfb as lovely too; wy Ien, ever and mnon lier. came Suci melody arouid, Tie coul unbo tdi aruarome, TIsanticipat' lhe scand. Wbile istening in a sti deligbt, A speli diii o'cr me creep, And in the luzur>' of tliughl, 1 languished imb sleep. 1 do sol knov boy long!1 slept On lbhemmli slrmlel's mshor; But vies!1 vole, i val. la joya Fat greter <hanbelote! Mv cvi I my loving, and holo val! Was looling in my eyes, lialfuorry liaI lb. km ac ugave Badioved me la surprise. 1 tose, lu bIeu lMer for ber love- lIa. did mot, coul nof peak, But, totterng. in mi> arme mie <aU, And leand open my check-. Simca lien, the budset hfl hoava lied, 1 nua'd, but to bewail - Yet liagraai.gmen,tha low vear h la <bat romantde val! Mrt. Edifto,-It i. val! Inovu lhiItissa am large amm&eapid iy th. inhabolmatet thii ovu fr the amprvemnt o hetesta. Wb.etrtheu mîmey -ai for has purpuse i. laid out vitb thebuat eccaiouy, and vih a du. regard ta tho publie convesiens e a subet of legitimiate enquiy. If lièe i. diuatis<action la respect te sather, îtmiio.ld heo ni and exprmed, liat the evilmi> trestaI vili lie'expedtuantepublic Mou.>' for the. improvament aof I e a, ame boumnd tbla>' t oun " mcitreete a"i ain i mammer as vil! best sat<h. couve- smenu.of the ible. Thientirat srealmac mgatoa n was ....the contin."o cf lIrb«reeÉ, some dstance, if 1 miataka sot, end lie, limite et the town, and viere ba.i. calnparaively M11e Iravel.- Thii. vas coumderodat the lime a mati., o( axperml-v-ýbieh migit pstliaps hava bosn perfotmsd il i o¶nqal co.ounymd casbre ge»ml utlity vibhia, " i"te ctbs <ovu. If I misar.sol theie mxI expani- mm a ti d upsleupperpartoci tore street from it.=Caut'. hp 1t te bouc. lgtely occPied b>' Mr. P.t.t McDonald, and vas equally ucemal vida the fint, amd gave mach more goeral satauefio on account ai il localit>'. Since <bal lime, b.- aidea marIaI treet, au obscure te.t lead- ing (nom the upper pal Of msItreot ta theb.a anliiimd Rouas Calioo a ih Çmwuvieamd rati>' travlled except onfu- Deng! occasion@, limabeau madamzil- Durimg the peut mamer a strest lsimng hth lia vacsatrly»sbrewesyb> lia court boum mnd uas ste ;s baumhabou Mcmlmiaed asfragrom sttaet. This .trmet i. vetY t rvalwo -the moue>'expendest upc. il thardkiea, ~jJtl>'bc co54d.red as bavingheu ont wihou egard te epubliacCon- n. am~ipfcjam<osplaimt. Tenrm m pabliestelne"lv, mmdMos vWh""liaii. prbew byfurlaseaà a"mi tr1 l «m sM ot in omre- mteIl mas>' putt ofii, being lover lias aibieride, i. aivaysam e orelain the. n and leep the. 5maI muId>; tie mmi.vet vemlber beiag genetail'k!ouone teohns. ofour lacis, la Iepth. Ascimg as du Street rMais. eim ite preoeat ondiasc, a v- r>' lit1l.rein viii proluce a groal demi of "o, as no part othe.ver oca Pas.vc «ept vieu tham inconsiderahie delivity. Tie promut @hmt'ofitestreel je a fusaI mDamte.latheii.nhslitaute and <o the Publie geàerIl>, and rellet. littl. amit upc.t te tovu. floy mucii st rafluctsup- un lisemagstralus, vho hava the maaaga meut ctbe public mon.>', "lic7liausla oe uiy imnme. TIaOate otf the au asubjct;or, erycams inmrt, ad aIMeaoint, Mad il!cortinna to bk natal m etrmosrestme adopel for ils imipnvement. Wbat ogrogioum (My i.nil *Nr hwaanmd. vba a *mm et Paulie imme>' aven anmd faIte ucrépo up the xmd llmaem u t il evay ua ""mkleupt te g d .t .f f Mute Ini s .z m a o megbt hb. aval, if th e u weatvs pao ulevated l in . mmdle, b>' aaumm.zi drana ach 1 Mo. r. Editori4bIat eesmuad lu. te t~e evlahaue ampicled et swomu aais. Ki.gatc, 5h NOv. leu. albeame y era W a baras en c.a aii 1t ot-Pab. i iet l lTo v. Nod ubt* ela v i. Mvey g 40%e AsboMa mly igktcAs, «musa oua- brumvetuiclus be aoffl thmiili e. . (=a %uW y, W à goasmi4oci.tbaaysis teim bauoa.- l>., i. howevet amibe, cviitea vhl* host A. ymurMi. taa i. and bave ne deubt the. aamwt Wefr of your iellew4tomet hbi i 700 W'in use 7001 bo ug Cbua to thelb.grievacos (fer ilsa êe) cou- planeoc A. a. P RO C LAMA TION. >'J C PP&R CANADA. J. coLa0mmw. . WJÀLLM Me FOUR 7V, iy M1rfl ofb. <JOD of LA. Umi*d 'ring"e..! <ot &deim ai Ird. an r-Eg efad-eM#j'* FiWIIpic. 4- .4r. Presteehi P aihst our Town m l;. U s. bld, emil d eutemm o5V yu.. IlEESby our Proclamation butr- igdate the tenth day of Sejember Yo&kyou wota held and coutrmaed l oap- polir-NOW 150W IrE, <bal w. toking in- to onr Royal commiderationtlb.«m anmd Convemience of our loving Sub"eets,. ha"e hhoughl i54 by and wîi the ad.icmo<the Exacutive Coeudi, te rslieve you MWd mach 0<00 our te»dmue atthe lim arbre- ad, herucSnvohimgandIl thasle Pro@- enta eu"oinamgyou asd ach 01y 0,utal os Th rdythe Sveateenth day of Novem- br . Et emauiog, you mel uM ini Our Pro- ViflntParimmnl aIeturTownof <York, VOX TBM ACTITAL DI'ATCH OP PUBLIC mustmaa.,he b takoi@ e comaideration the L-,te and velfare ajour smd Province of Upper Canads, and Iharein le do as may seei ecoeusry, and herein fai ot. In TEUTINOwlT WBERBOP, We have cama- ed thon ar Latter. lobehmmdePatent, and lthe Great Seai of out nid Province to h. hereunto 8mEXed-WITRZ@B ont trusty and well beloved Six. JoH» Col.- BORNE , K. C. B., Lieutenant Govermor of ort aid Province, and Major Geno.i~ commaadng onr Fort«. therein at York, lhiii. welfth day of October, in the year o<our Lord On* Thousmmd Eughl Hum- dîrd and Thir>r.ono, and in the second year0o ont . .C By~ ~~ l Conia <HmExcellemcy. Halley J. BouL-ztONAtt'y. Gas'l. D. CAnsaoiN, Secretary. REPORT 0F THE DEBATF7. litU"C 830913.0Sueln or PUINN poannerO5M, Yorkt, 27thOCt .181 j W E eg «,,«uy taintimât. <liai Ww. bave engaget a comjabusa tefl- aoprapher te report tb. proce uge of itie asigSenteon of Provincial Legiiaure, ind <bll rder te <nisb mur leaders wiîb a e prompt and delailed a repof lb. de- àbotes au possible, ve saaitem Two Fa- ricas per Wo. ola rthlbcommecement of lb. Sessien. The, Ivo Bambara per veel vil h. issuod et tleemml addiîonal ehaa of on. dollar pet year-haa e 0 n I oTh rat' f 25.peranmmexclusive of Po*g, [m . pet ra ml". Asilso od te mmto n t' give t"i, impartial, comden.edreport of ill that ocmusin lbtheoum, vithout lb. hast regard t. peoaor pu"i., w*aMay1 vestur.es a80 t b.epatronmgmpofl" pb. dlic at large vWio tairaa nlerest. lb. Par- aCouatua sent ta h.Ç, Wini pl.ase fervirà à hair Nom«auas oos as pemble, imn ader à bal vp uay make the mecesamry provision _fer tlb. Inerease of Subocribet, 7 lb. opens- aiug oftheSesmio-A halfayear a Subscrîp- IldoOm uet, in&Il cssea .poli lvance. $50DOLLARS RiWA-RD!! àDAINlO AITUPT AT iROiBEU . ONyu ME ONT 0r TI E 10h OPOCTOUgaL. WHvEREAS the maw etote ofathBab- TVscribe,lu lbe village of Part Hoe vas breboen Il Our or more vinia. ousen lb igof lb. bor morelg f0b "b l 00,0o. o'of W va.wu AI by th. CiIl, sud làpo dteab.ha oad e th.<le iim ih ml1 ahot, *bilat erAobvouring te enter atthbe vîmdow- Ti aboya revard à ini b.pald te 0paeor perms, Who Win gi - r nti u lsalwa1 la th. onviaiatl.ofl endrn. Ail Sure...md obiier Moldicl Masb Win dû #elte SocnroellePeub*@ boay teaire thefrlté aca, Ta esmctlag mie 1 eunlteebasd, or body,s oeuesl.of te ba- dora ism e»e.peed lobeha »d i n lthe b2dy; havzLnbesholt t bin 14 ydi, art bat &l bout olle aise lmu Ibm. Plgaoa 1 hol, dmrlmng tb.portuait. The ogdum are stilI more wcritiy of pumhbment, hai if Omly intcndimg 10 rob, haviug oand ever.y 9eudftv«e k111lb.thepense in ch"rp.olue b «ers, 1121119 "vera isdsu retpruaingget bl,md odervime badI, veendal hila vitit s h a r er m l arem e g h to . P e i o a U l m United statue vIonni eaaave, by Living th. aboiaeorelle uda. i onBROWN. omp, Oct ms 1lm. "Il bu. vi viasI. jay itbeM du mt I.apmdVlepaM MaP-Mvy uin hm»a" sbBIf 0e uiuv e d"I abtelri. lUift à~Md q JLply of Ormets diruçt boa Alias,% Thsae aue fovpoinla-on vhieli <mle. a IMusaMnmsmouopimaeu th a yts". An laEe- ta fihervrtm. se extreuly1 1.1.1 n. mmayth lebo t lre:pgusla mek 09 4ambi qu~ue,,ihmmt malles- I:ffmear luim. fut isuee.., 0AsWbmnusm of Mtwww pTe '~ GRENVILLEGZErg Pulée mlsot la Ihb Pmoelwe, wha beiut&ditede, bet brialy ruit tha being a~itimb oubjec, il mi ehW i cusale esvor lu prumulgaa emehI. imligence, and at as emrly per.ia s pou>' hie, né %mQlie fortlb. alvancamont of tite latrmofeIbogremt »tioen whlie h ... longs, mmd of the. çrviag Coleset St4. t1mb North Arnerica la pmticnlar. Il a mmd..loy tel ta wvol! codacted Noae- papr mua proveoaau qhilion teu mseu deuriahin md grovring Villa1 as Pieu- ceI-Tie generml charmeraoêteGros- ville Gazette viii h. potilm; but l villî conîaiu ammuayeof feri,% ud demane intellgence, legelbet wllbueMail and enter- aiigoesoa»vfloqu mbjmt,ls tii..- letinof rem t cae vili b. tale tint cohilng u «=t, or vhich aMy bu calculmlel te esmad the MeM delicala »r' shililmd thalr vm iutiljlcelumas. IAdi. cilmd te conlaibue e10 lb. ilholffl.onmad a- rmueaint of il. patrons and tbe publie. Cou D vîiux-Tbe G.zete wObe u- [ted i hefolio fienor supuereoal ~"et and afrorded tea sabiera vie recelve haeit pmperm by uil at lia. pet *mum, iau in adivmmce, er 2. at tie expiration 0li. uuonbe-whicb inelludos 1theposté"u. Teo her smesriier, l. 6M. in alvance, or l1s. 6d at thcen or hbeYer Advertiumerats rlud os lhe tvaut terme. S Gentlemen holding uscription p.- pars, wiîl pIens, rettirn tbemi, or a liadef subcribera' mîmbes, (wihh priculat direc- tions boy papota are le be [f.orwrdcd, mmd b whmt place,) by the Srt dmy of Deceuluer "Kt, te lise Edilor, Prescott;as be iniende c.mueencing lhe publication of lb. pspera bout that lime. $tober 1lm. TH E Subsetberm bave jumi recolved and --offer fur SALE, Chmpmlgm Wima in Cam of à doz. of jo1v' a talebraleu bi and. 017Jonla Vine in bbls. ohitdom. bolliel in London. Port and Madeira iie in Hbds. of very supenior quaîaly. Old Jamaica Spluits,bmving beuitnpvmrde oftwo yearmin bond, and just laDded. Bell Hollamd Gin. Beutdeaux and Cognac Brandy. Tvmnhap (Epson kind.) Do. commom. Young IEpson. Souiliong. Çongou, and. otier T..ula Boxes &bd Sheetlioem, in Boxe.. Wimdow Glmae7 a9. Olive Oil in Box.. of l do amui. Tobacce Pipes, T D sud wax end Mora- (el Raisin.. muscova& legmr la Hue. mend Bile Double and Single RefineilLanf Sq..., And a vaity of ohtbr ludaiiy capoc- lad te amIn,vi hha 1Ken"a -uobmt et - OOI, Ar-Aw, whib b dm b. SUl umcemnsl toes. McEZIE, GEUDDU & Ce. lrmg"taslu tou",rlm8 XEINIG S(CHOQL4 ten, <bal <e h lis *ou"meaumn embIg Soibuel alliait teideffl lu Front Ib*mi in lbheulding lately oeeupiam et. Pu.t Off»ic mariy opposite tie MilifA.7 lHospi- tal. Bounë*ta à&llndnc, 6O 19 o'clock.- Thel, ltrsepet ameuh a re sm follows:- Kingston, 2d Octoer, 183. FOR SALE. BOUIE mmd LOTsin temon"l, se- capied by Mr. Gay. 1. WsutmlffLeîo. iutia'.t litecouasie. ofLs.,eu 10ie. thevilllgeiGmnaoque,> c beffl o.3ini 0dc No. Io luI cesu of etKirhy; m, S. 82lit Bdeoa m d Kuing, 1 N Applicmlis. te b. mulisie th. mh.obSh. P, brE a b c.u eteaiefhsmlara- lime evner avo ovs sam mrqeu tOAt w~ forernt pay cies @Bdmi; beboar '. JOHN 11UL 5tii Cen. Wastère Aldilon, Tevselup.< Kimgt«.Oe obache1, 1lm1. Vie PULC NOTICE le humeI sivos iai coanet e«mlascriW e e THOIIAR GLUN. Kimgtea,Buptenh.r 1,10.' N 16CR hJe iuy giva 11.1 semii- mmnta Ibo lot Deomabsun t 12 ONe'da tmhemteo a;îzuavhlg.peus meutminlah of 0 le0vrâl.t.Ié h et ethIis Uatüm, te -1mdm we ripar o T**e b addrm eus .<..psk g ~ peu. t <h.,ma.w~.m leuaausa Ipisaflueosms d for amga. ui, la Nm cow 118 31" lu. N JNYoumAà ) Io vanleilet Menue hmAà" ertsoved aa ttgr <rau im, viii tm a m=yv, Wayne Comm>', Set. Wb" o.,tcenmvay b eUit la. f Cna 4im ate I a. dum t thw'toft . lI. -' . 1 r-,M-M çmmvwFý wvý 110&01rr.Li . dia, .11 Il - 1 ATTEUPT AT &oBSBaîaAND MURDz»a. Il vilI is sasub>' te taliowlg adven- lisasot, ft a a n eâfanlosmd darl Ont villag, ou19 yda> Ub, or Sueda> moran atme. le mditti comaief fout demutla augierdoecWh ftercatiig avuy tput ati. u, Md eXbacimg the gla . o oetite wisdamvofethls e stom eflbis Etevu q., atampt e n,- lrmS.;tie clit vie la>'iiteo, bua.- iug lh iemis, md 'ilmerng a bond pu- aung lirougb h leaevdw-suionaly.v- ad uaobc.r9o, ma" semmi a gui balaI vifisb miesul Ils atmeiaie te baud ef à@,v o. cdla>'Mumiaby the 9veMhgOusOft6t0suetmedMllm b a îles' temthe gline-enilana, m s tombilsIb>' a blev traum of et hrbora, 'vie sell round hm a"i vuuM havam».- doedNulh., ls obie sadravai bIb li aceitan..et mauliatchI vi. tollovul vibi a gua,-In ishe alet "h.clubit e. cival »erdmu miete bandd an.osn bisb" hua tm m up uinstruat. 1-a tobism s.Wsmppd a pmotwic. or tbii vItal *. b @ »i ~ 'imofet t b*imis, hs rushapermit, butelb.vil laie. bet» - eollsuev e abs veeda"m sivActliir msape, sal'ibtum lhe 'vigilamOf 0 1elmhbtatm Wvi dloig <heameve. taIs peutemimÙM inla ssrcb lImasnmg Fimu lieu.' lis <ing vu cosulsl, Ilem mlast, <hie att at a robber> wu molte tthe et asof m arnt gang, lb. viDai. wm won ucquainlil vl<b & <h Imbt of .0 epeMd b.d npmad a 'y oa»Ms os ltier sithof do E. L--%n a ftmmbu, vu zemte in *Mi Tevu tutte ofwm, bighle*ep eh aibeat 4dyse. 4M; the mutiar te plac bo IalWMa- hé vu ailn *du yome UM"4h" hmapguamaams*e imipotMycasbout le >'tam 1a1 About bwsoeatsde be ua m liim shedgDVMnadg d Dr.sct beasusuWW laalim, i. afa dm M Md m iIaapbs'*vdMfos.4i dddb am a -2 . laIedosa ' h lduggleSavenly for - t :-At ait@tb"Sedmhmiw@esmde n l am". lvmi. ~~rlcDhu Imm as, i ie

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