Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 9 Nov 1831, p. 2

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Z ~.4 I 4. ~,-t q .4 -r I -- N. nipo u usa - vies. mcpr.huParia.y lid, sud th e euaWplleai, tiI on 'lie l7th huit «madui a arrive sCil iter Cuhir akvas -pdl ansd ceis-queny, dth #bey NMrIjamueu» d ticflotta tic pq>h' lie, end forvaulded the, partlcas te dii, Irbil.ue.-probable, as thlb."Sun'. cf tic aftereecu il tic IStil, m.rcly mloudes le lb.efLel vilieul iving a ypalculare, aid aae la Sav lio tilltii lustt*i ettb47i, Tieros l e daight- est remente doubt &du iebntlilyc i iaulg1c, as il la .xprudsy 2stlci ie tbo Ilemelal Intelligence" wvas rceived aI Thi following le tIse extreet elluded te, trous the Sun of the 17:- "'A mrieg contempotmry msentiona lb. capitulatioun et Warsav sa catastrophe liaI Moel place on tliltiialler" two dalle W».dy fightiug un lie neiguboriiood,do rIn vbcitieResiacarlie by amuait ail the etome«bamtnla lhieh b.d bu» raiuci We ivetil ou bhe,. ht IhiaIllstrent neva le unleuuded; if tovever, it ue1luckily prerso correct, ve sial tremble foue e - nation il vil rein theIbmFrench sapitaI. The peuple lte fsinele.u uterintt» thecamsifduhePoiu,flaviliiet, wu appre- bon, tam.ljbrokeal t"e el1lien e i. fatab fWam.-[Courier sd Enq.J Se"-. 1-.-Tic Refors Bl Itanov bap- pi Lyphaod boiem, ail danger in the. Heu.i et mland ain5 expocelcteI.b. caried opluduthebar of "alHomof Peers late b aom wef sensulug ee. Tihe lufon. tact lmq mev »-sainwa rceptloa vi l it lb. Pinsan State Gazelle entaine a se- poil ma he lb Ru'a end-queîtera, but cfi eider dét. e; lises. alnideady rectvd, v.e glvele an st il il op a bkakn the com-i BDy licposition ofthd e mdita rmj,1 W"rm, elb.heay if tii. Insurgeats comnted tiser, aru»rrded aiment éreu lhe ocuntry and mol only htriC i aînée et due Vltoa, lu by lb. ndvance cf1 aid, lie patnX of-atiumnnltioe vihi .LWyO-Kareaew, frem the oher1 a end o listh province cf Piedk,j à . 111 sport te IL leTri rer to deprite il t thui lai teoefreinhem bicb t i mgIsI oh-i le taie supplis, lacérai Dolrov ha, >ee serne wihba srsf"e ut tientluho tien- tiers of Pwzab, dure le at ai a partisaanmm endemysur tuecut sorail communications vithi Waimy hem Plol, by vsy et Mofflin muid iix. la a Mts ettblngs, and lu cxpectatiem et Gene sKroutzmand Rugir, General Doa . fdu emgîaeusi ilpreparing fascines, gallons, pellimdes, cheveux d. frire, and oduer reqisiasfer alorming lhe city, mud1 utthdu mme Ume scalug ladars are sulbing ticdmsovv eraliglenta. Gen. Rose» butin5 adtancod le, Dembie-Wie1limaie un attempt te paustdu bridge btveen War- MWeai PFuag,c.nit abt fthie9n et Angi, ned drawur pits troope on»tdu b.lgblaoetWamw, vîit lie Intention oet t..umleg Pvsa tdojbre.b, ifttiaplan blui mecoed. ,bat Iboui th. brdge wvaseon9 drm, Il vs. dlecovered befor st spread fer, and u vs. xpgis.d lu lime. Gin. Rosea bavlug faileul iti. nteupt te vibhuay as liqwmu tuicled. b.vingely a deuaci- mmeaet Deabie-W" ieb.peulsi btii - r1 minieo et utiops bdveen Mupsl andi Kainisy, oecupyig ielh lieu.plce- Nie Ccmums»es$iea ithle maim ar.y iy meansof thé. brideof C.reaw, and eb- serve, y usansotiagbt CerPs. the vb.le contjybte Bug aid th.Vistule Giss erlRdiger omntue bu coumrlved tn car lb, csmtnjyen d ticPluma. Rosycki, vbe commc atali., bai collet- ted ail tuhe retsaevuballalions, l.m syndroe, and elgbl or tone anon-bul va. drive» by luimrvitls guetles. Ibrob ikie Jleute te forata. Rudiger, bOsing te joie *du"mar.mj, desftsi *@ ais b"cltffylmkiemllpced indu tà es dsendth. iaerbm. Ita E.1 1 follevai y = 1 raa b. lete IpNifR-G r. upe t"a b s e m& enceusin.tIe ofurenta hve eigasFstele . =8h. eim'iIIlm tIë"mSbyVU, . veT<b ttle a ame &mo'ietdca crs udweau ce Am aa lu«e.< uigl.oescls by vidai 0.11ma __.am at"s. eue .venhg, lh.u.u theut..ua»lieof for.., mi cm Gos--pI lme b Ri.. iu.rcd appeni dielaw *àky celàt tàd"Mb m ïhep. sidva ipwu b lo.e dubabeu 4M thsep.* Iceei qlb*»0iseeuo te a u * iat. u 9- b"h1 i a fPn Ibid t peâedte Llhmas r. aug h lait the rsuamg fIraqs. wt î l MMe te al un.' tmm" a-t Gemlmoe a04 m as ee .u ay oMfet, OUIci tedflm MlrmespIml at. e, lid 9« bm» bt l l.doe..f Wamsa. lutb.ud l ".corps rmlylots" ce. pil- nid te LUÇiqen, t.My pcebeblY .Xpeu mb..f.t*l.MasGlelgud and bh .,.. GRIdEE. Castr. Auget.17.-Tbedisccatntvltj the fovemmmt, amd wpeci.lly viii tb. tb. PreademI, cffe d'labil, Wseb" s log =itii. Grck laindi, bu mm iAn t ecopen rirvot. INs Ilyolis(accdsg. te pvaI. lettu - have seizod ie. ricgat. elisMd ir Gn.cédh, at Porcms. PelvalletevaaMy, Ibat celi Ibis cesion an aeie. tub place btwmm e bQGeb ship.sudma ionimnma cf var. in Wh"c ée. Guel oirevctorens! iaU jI issdo "ss 111 lb. m sitenliebd lent by Ceont Cape diiai ts lu es, ta retreat, vitb ILth km. ef 80 mnn.-[Auslrlan Oberver.] The bleui cilier oft lii.Univeisa Ges. cf Gremc, datedMd Di .ny (Sd Augut), wkbu lieu..»receiv.d boe, cntaine lhe fdb*wiug aleular of lb. Preiddeut te the. aev.rnrof tdu situai Provncie-, An gegioeterprise bms htely beau eicecut- iet Hydra. ubieccaracteim athée empi- Mee o h e binhabtants of thin len- They set 3NO soamnen oPoco., whoa - *il sn.pPelDGy and la th enuecat S bene, ÏMdseized tlb. les kiqPate w hI bdYts.mnllsintbb or bGovere- suent applled for suceur te the Commsan- ders othe navail focf tieàAl"ipov- te now b«e,pud immeetely asnt rc oP rthli ma'.tbe disoder Sitia ir. A lserjamomeant, bevever, aculy Ai- MiietRîcl =v a apoflî, Who at the lu- vitatconof Baron Rucbmsntdu Rusdan Résident, inedat.Iy roeded tg Porc, mlii aIl tbe chipe under in cemmand. No- tice Of ti avent v, medlatel 'glen al- oto lb.e iéeula<:=Frnco ami oIdÔ, Bud tie aaimbang'of lh. Freecii and En- Zglcipabiple oel oas' sli e sn.ndeuaahall bc informit f tbis a»lia- tien of lb. Govériâment. lThe i he- e sent sIati. of thinga: w. recban, bowever, on an u.m avourable tothe maintenance ocf eiderasutmnuiity, ofimervisulb.eation villenpiethermeans.Wbdnetdcét, havever, dutat b. pruedof th. eai"t- auts o Greece, sued tlb. asal of lb. astiiei- lies, viHImdai laMe m Inm elc We inivua Yeu or tise.eeuilmu u tyo7 ey b.cmablutediapet at ais, md to prote hou- grouadlec u amlu ra = spmsid Iyr thise l! diued dlode pam Mistm. Tii. Presldent, J. A. CAPO D'ISTAS. NapoI4 18t1 (30h> Jolj, lm. Tii. samenumuber ofthIre mokouMe Davb.isand Relmenu lu-theaapplication mod lteii.. by the Présidet- Sir-W. bstn, .efwumebuy lta theip- plicatlon of yeur Excsllency, tIc bibi l"t or respective gc.remis attaci due 2 h ies lmpertanesu te usrvation of MI Wiot mt. cf li- fai*sà: alin rucedthora. W. lamaent and bigiily disappive the iesurrecioemry mureneul et iPorc, and hope dut te bumfnce uFrm eRs- Mdent and cf the Couimadeseof lhe roe sud Enghiiseuadrena, tble dee!ration yl suffie <o reeIn b dir doty ltee h"etwho bave tabou part indub revoIlt We bave laken tUile oportuoity tue fî te jour Ex. eleydutibut. of our profme.d*.spct. BARON, VO N BUNOKIAN. DAWKINU. Napoli, July 29, (AnS. 1, 18U.) Bkr F. Adai, Lord RuigI CorrmiaWmne of the lossuan islande. sitsoMt te-megt on board ls theanmboat for Anoana, lieuce, l pricced tu England. ALGIERS. Advieu freinAlgles.of the Sd Sept. sIaetmhatd Armb.ladmeseviol plaI on lir, sud tdut il bai beeau brnsng fur tu. das, whicb, lu addition lu dueiisat of tdu atiucopbreprevîlimg ai dutti<ls., rasdet- ed du air lnufevablv bol. Tii. thermoin- et., of Fahrenheit, ilatdu luwn, clood at go, aItmdigbt. inatdu open a&t. THE CROLERA. By udhunile advle« fient Akexndua dated 21*9 Jaly. il appeau dt d choisi mono. vasrugigat mecca .1116guet. et violooce in the month of May bd, sud baid carried off 5.3WO perSoin le uque. offtres.20to 80 days. Tb@m vI aumber c i~inu vho ttended tducaîneasof Miec cm tht. ear basu -cia l- ad,00o vii.. 30,00aim supposmd tu have-Miàe victimte o huafic &mImb.y. BELGIUM. SPEECH or ras EZEs. King Loepeld, o en P" duid "0of thie Camber l teub Of 5p.me.tIn aidreassi duemieér.. sicondtlum uld duhe pceua"Ivas etlb. TheMM&roof taetbff Mdevm"ea arbkh Ibo ,BWCs ýU lý" ecti ot eesite lc asm»ult u»py rw ue lb. Mul. y ,adopisi mUbery. bave -001d7 yailil -*WOm-e.' bié vuny seaquseta = d iatsaiei l ioopqimsse ue ue plsaw ldbu, did. es Wbnac Mfb 101Mte n e. 1 do nem dbuiesfit. M"a.t" of et in-b mr...dioie@Wtm c s dul.bug» due aM eer a.lm.a"i xprisecS Iduh *0 ballo cm u alles bm. b éwlhaveavm te .Imnvs, Ihli baow mestved, lc~se lset ed leurwvbl M c baeidtay lm d- ai Mabrty tlb.. amy ab* salW« M lied lu pos, e u, < ee twoal NMe regsmeatice, hmaier a omusn .o ib maislailetssi. k bsmM -1- ENGLANU, TUE CORONATION. - IrieMajestj vwa mué afielmioneter- ing due Abbay. lmmediaely allai des- oeniln g he i tate carulae, aion - tetii. 'L Msingruenho demid a glasset vtr tlebe brougbt:to him. Tiche noueo mut impcmnog part of tdu oeremooy wai liaI portio n vin hcistdu Crowvu spluie- ed opn te Monarobls beai, and wvie.ail Pemp t t rcoccels upon Iheïe hiova, due viellea giing aI tise saue mo- ment tend iismuas. The uvsFîe. 0nad, lmatieBigvaps m uma loaloite wvai freuy0iePaguns te -grphicdepec vsconvejedus ons umeuli, mco ing dueae t, and a lyn salut. va e .villa thnee cmue of the linte, sud vislal Rie Ma M remala-e wueisbteiupndu inmo.ébua ing. t veyprivaI. sM in thdu niti King- doone hait bisg gives in uwey, and due otier ie brimi, chéese, and besi. Tise dres worm by ber Majamletaithb.Conma- dmo vas or ieu oletme driptim- îî vas cmopei 0of p ur ove, a viWt satin petticoit, vutb a iamond alomImIhIr and apumrpe velvel train linmei itI visie satin, ami a m"e bordr ofgoli aid enaine. lii coii.l oeu byfier M&jestjurmg due el c e i u7 ui ss, it la d upe verj mmmiii al, IL vwu sataidt li te ceumerifethlie Cerenaluison oddneflet ad rwi dh u lgla UI or ngau1iMdt ie t.ki=g~i be wmtatpd wvmineh mmwt tâ*«wwîobütuhisMsty à U" lboteraelbecltj n iC 4SÉee boagst tisas. Atutmarce bd dytf" Cooeatamu, hb. aeLs.toast.inabus hani a"d true ng amamr. "'IThé Lav. lv. in!"-anim d si, du W thdu &y b.d affmIediblocstbe": but ldaIhb did botet atl sgwoeih teme vIe bdi cou- me l eus mmumy s.mlmpambis fat maIm I teCOaPMelbelvesa tisé Pdameand du pmle va..a. hindI.5eslà mmde- e M»ei lia mabrofe Ru.ofetaso- ver cornu follest G. tiom cgset Wb" he bahd go Çsv ami RhMujsepeet- 1!%. Wa wua v mmre daiosu «v tlep boe.. thd e t, t to "eve a" tiiem~l u vebm our tbi e tens deI8kirIIflS ~ fcsur diAri,. 4»0 »lgia Noi»vu e d ed ln tbé.a Wihif e't rnasud dlgnky. WIII y«.m.t»& tst.eail» b, ilenation,l1look1 36li cnenetotheigue .f ti. egotwa l *0s l.remletd bicb ylblaied"bfer "Tb.ý.%ty of Beium gueanteed bj the live Poir . bon suggeît.d the. poisns. DRY of uodificatiom tla ifssystm e fdefeuc. T1%. peshbuly, tb. prisciple of whiilcii admitti.l b . bePsy.. concere te i erectio :1thefote.. e of1816, o.111 1 deulit net, be achmwledg.d by the. nation. Négotictions ylIl 0mb. place le regulat. lhe .Ueculio of tiie usa...concled with the. demoolition cf cmeor 0<tuas fortresuea. Happy liniieing abi. g. draw chut the 1dw wbibitm tha tire w.people, Bnem vii en lii. occaion Rire a proof ofitgpttd.m go Prncm, sud Europe *alrlug nplodtcof ils jastcenfid.nc.lauthe. boer of th.KImg cfb ti.French. The. eminent services edereil by France involuntarily eall cor attention te a fremet omat. econeunces of wbicii, 1I mut say. bave limontoc soucié .xaggerat.d. Balgium confidimg le exem ilathe aga msenti conlracted by Hollamd lowad.tbIL iv. Poirers and lu wicb il boit its.lfoub- ocrhbd, waas uddoulysrpred by au asm tb. force of wicb fur exea.d.thst il Beliguin conld epposeme lI. lthm pariond ircuuau the suce., offinl oweis beczs urgent snd indis- pensable. Yeu bnew witii yul çonhrou promptineus il as affbrded us. If sedivual courage-if the. bravery wbicii bas nVer bean denled theBe.IgIsldier, could bave mad up for the. met cf organisation and union wbiciiwuaa t i esur army-vlthout doubt (sud yon viii believe my totimony.) w. ïbould have meritortously repulsed an Biliest atgremin, centrary tbal 1tthe prinel- pilu cf t e 1ev cf nation.The. nation vil! b. but lb.he resensibseftheb.absolue.ne- «.11of7et b.refoe:.M lrmdycomsueuucsld, and wbîcb are proae.utedvilli a o f actlvity, the tesult of wiiicii illiwnse.»b apparent. lu a fowday. Baigun viUhave an amy whicii if tsaboulda&pin b. ec..- .ry would b. able, ralliaid round il.. King te defend wiLh bho uerad witii suce. theinl- dependence and andl lb. rigb t fthe Caeeu- try. Projecls of law will b. laid belore you doring Ibis Session, te give le lie Go- vereiment ia legiti.mte &aatof influence lne i.compositbon êf the. army, t. restore cenfidence lu the. soldiar. and le seur, a juet recomponso te thoi.eh. ah4i! uistin. guisiithomaelvee lintthe day ef danger. Gentlemien-I yl caU yeur partucular attention te thb.£taie ef Our finances. I know the cave which timessentla"parof1 thhpoblic service requit... Tii. e.vmilb.g dumbe cf Sy Gcvernsn.nt wilii alwa bel auccesmivoly lu introduc e nbthepubliceze- penditure thi.eecmy owbicb leos.loudly calledl for by tha stat* ef society, and by tb. aid of whicb il wilU biepracticable gréduafly' te laman ti. buides eftlb. people. At preaent. nevezhii.Iasasacrifie. are 11111 neceucary, en the. one band, t10 dofkay tii. expeeses of lb. ra-organizalloofnet b rmy; oce tii ocher, le saab up a diinu- tioYn latii revenus, wiiicii tii.cixcuactan- es ln wbitcbtuoare fer a lime placeil, mdi- cate as ineritable. Tii."nahmaiprotel tiaI it did net sbrîe in. rob.thescufice. whieb he .boeur aail the. intarest ef lhe ceunlry requlred. l il iii sice becw te bear lic.. cf wiichbe.Goeerment*siai ba. poe.dtho ececsissy. Tii. ceefidenc. wfth wbich the. viele nation bas Lithbot. met its King, fit..m, a rigbt lu rocon ce lis Reprevstallves i lth eibnsuors vic may contribut lte chegood of lb. country. My hopea vil! net b. dlssppointed. Bel. ginse viitee. ne aninated by lb. sain, de- aires, and laber in c"occrl fer the bappiues acil £tory of tiIscounnty, le whicIibat]s neot ce».te devete &U rmy slicitude, as 1 bave leady devolcd te l uy dearest ahiic- lions." LOWER CANADA. The r-- luaiu.m bAppundlxt.ea Paspll. miags1..a aBtyms wicdégel ie ccmilm amecma »asm d.nnenaf WU l & arrivin<bres G. Att.m.yGeuesLit apposas lu ha. baeebasiy cepe, se. ieil-v bav, ecsavudl, bwimg e deuIlbn.. eetiiet it b mbiumeIaily eseti- à* == 1.I. 1 fer »Y dylt a~b. m "Mul .reme*0 Imm vlof .a, sc. bti *k Sot. es *e g esra. bave bit h a mi- fou muett Ier cmohams 0 if. aiDsury-hme AmiCcvaml.t&menouit QOpen duay veuti e hba £1,0001 Aili btdmaiq-roo u ceeimue tank lae, with diem tg thedurecpties cfslîy f tilla, vbicii ia glv.nre le mu. eleverssalln in du bIieatclie.. A Pursc(ont <molueely maraued) w1mw. cowduit in private 11f.bu mol alvaju bie» ofM cheae. d dutiidmr.uonaa- cm f hr fend, wuldpa"esnted. Rer onme, laduciElsc uCour, idi., "tacl inet..lhugemhrank, s. dose,- uedy lauein la.du.-mmemnocf Qu Charlott. iltelulu T M UU Ui5c o st.ewg. Les m~b dungUs IbelalMn. Rumne1 vas ltedrsucmof < I.em.uy indignent phillipeaanshe du asfthe b.pubwi momy, duelion. bMember vas int.rrnp.d by a pcuiar moisi Stro hue gley vWb"lsvisenc-mugeibltfor anoment,d Bone. Membon ai timsearocni s...med pussed tb eccount foi l Tu boa. mcm- vevr a moments pause, veuagalupio- 1119n-« I ay sur, tdutt lii. Mnotbsng buteunezzernuI, ven a DM o hob.Mu- taImbe cfrom tuhegaiery,msd laugh- ter ail round lthe Houe., îueludung tbc ime- pis' glery, madite u e. memmiipeaus apin. lb. Chabu» man edII "ordr', oh- vicnaly directuag iUmdumoutte .un- couacimu camse cf tdudistuuisumi.. Aflena Pauma, Mn. Hume:"Isa heusm, air, yl aloop a ite pes,," (loud scre and conoiu- suwof e m te lhrougiiut duhliHom, in vih tIsCe!rna aadtojiil bis hait tife m olion b»rbo titter- icg "or-or-dot, or-e-de,! Tbe uorer panant, lie laugt.r cnosmd, sud Mr. Rusa. proceoisi.) I"Aber vbat baum mn I ii a. iudispmmsaby nomway dt Ib is sitane muet osiloud as un hm jî gCEf aclbe, fo- lovai by Imuitble LIAuiter,, put a Cons- plcle etop tu lie hmico iber', harangu. t111 one cf theddortbeipes vaked the eleep- mng r m k m bis unecomfrtable alesta. i. attentive legielaor, a veiliremsa gentlemen, vbo vas stretchodout hie viole length in tdu aide galleny, vas Ca sooner mde avare et tie Interruption eh. ai o- oauonod, tIssu ho sasae a moar. comfort aile Position, maid 'a .compfflsai buusff tlueile tIm&busimes cf lie Roua. poedasusul. aPiECKuEmny0FCHANqCEETPaOCEEDKUGS. IlWb.then law busitzplexsures, and, if k bah, what and Isow many lie, te; ami, if net, vby nudt" Socb cf or reni- emu amy it thepropriety cf t65 foras of interrogatio.and nmy nneye l ill le cbacmry e rete te efilmaof tIse cort iserby vil finid mach enterian- ment- Ibere iC a bemorous accouel cer- tint amcg lie profesion of a bill 81cd agaim«an suarchitet for lie building f a anrsdectivel, dt a gmt quanti- Md(fatsetluain d.qat up lecoin. It lisIcbarg, <bat diva te vit,100,00 rta, 100,000 sae,, 100,000 gry rate, 100,00 black rate, 100,000 vbItne., and 100,000 gray mine. Icoier vili diver, te vit, 100,000dmuce,throgb diveas bales, élulks, cramies, aprtu, andchier Pis- e., did peruetrat, sicualu thmmlta, ta amis=» iud luthlb.sai bers, ~nd t i =~s,nluthIim iniaroga tories t he du illh, dt du saeli ictei- ont sbouldinlebis muevot mucre partionslary amwer andd eut fortb wiielber auj sud vial number of rate,.mineco ica, (ringing tiié changea ce eaci as ahove,) did gel linmand tirough telid.saichiehsanad ernenies, or thiervis, anud ont up mnd conumein. mand wbat qusutityofetdcomsand grain toa in hiesu; and, If nol, vby ut Mr. calcrait, M. P. putprod lu ie x- stece a etbsenL ao, by cnthog ieishiroal viiaraor.ne hai hueisua iepremsd ale cf mini for viols previcus- Onutheiequestit pe i taI ons u- ZaY atenon, DUO C= . raimugii<mr or tie deossSi, v t o uChurci and he. fitecma Deent up lu ihi.edreoin On tic etur» cf Mies Calat, neml ddue9 ber tati., le tie dmvung-reom, $hoeenquir- rai for biâ, anid vent vîlitle foinîu h bis bedroomu, tdudcorc 0hvbch wu sfiat. Tbey obtdadm iittance, lircaglitdu dressngreon, sud on enternt, fouad Mr CL11Ieraft Ijing e du oc, vi ige me dovevand i,& acomplete poelondbsa. Min. Clorat lirew bersoibon tdu body le an a o f grlef wvii. duefots. au due tau asrgue., mrivcd ila n kvsmin- nes, but lit. bai bu s hose Us. exstinel. Tiiee wva aousmi moo.. duthelirot, diri- ding due principal arrla. su ad layimg ban. the-velebra. fdu mc.-A iboo ree vas inalyVpdilae dgt =. Thse mâder tdu Du f Wellienglc.'he am trafis., baifer duuor four mondbene excensavely loy man djstMi; about t<bue veeksapago b.vusconined lu bod i»t skov nrosu foyer wW aberration o mimd Wilb admunçle soliedde"v a taieep melanelsolyami tenus vseanleslaineby bis frind, fluhétue dd do bImoff me hir. lie lry kuciidubt ho p à tbd scMMn sittoue du hetop i boue. IjUy bonda veriéet ofm m- ry »-ibe uIcide cf En. = . ubdduwldÇ @Mln * et b vIiiut any puotamy b»alg hum ae- tomrdtslikct vblci isrmrelyoexpecmied ebu pu, 1 MW &l as,under duesame diasvaulage1 v«e rtminly b. lie a ise aW*St-e . 1 pression.1 I bave lb.hemuee bu, aSr, Your mont ehd'L humble 8erv'.1 (84"ud) J. STUART, Atty.-OG.n1 Le..-Celonel GLEGO, secrelary, fie. fie1 Cates. tl ais, Qmée, Match i lm. 1 gsa.-Hfmvimg mittedteblu a ex.lloc lheb. Gvernor.lms-Cbleft.sjo bterof lIa &te I1sumemuanwd telu"sara Yeu, lIaI b. bas net recelvei wauj oScisi oatmuca- tieno euprocuedings le du, lieu s. i sembly te whlcb jeu aflude, Mmdta etau May irasly rely on dujustice aud pr tacllty of Wu .Exc.llemcj. I havi tic bemeur te b., Sir, Tour nue bd'I humble Servi J. B. GLEGG,Secetry. Hon JAMES STUART, AttorueY-GeuecL Castie offit, Lewis, 2di Mstch,1831. Sza-Tb. Govmmno-l>uif Mu di.. neeo uferu y o, dut hb. ba ued lu-in limation cmnb.part ofthe Houas OtAmem- bly, tepreset auan direateim, prsyl thaheb.-lllbepleaei te suapend Yenutoc lbe exercise of jeer funellema as Alterney- Geum,, on lhe gniund cf Certain chars« cf misconduet vb ïch liay bave luituted agalet you le that capeitj, ani respectlng vbîch itappearu the Homse of Aeinly pur o es te mv.is Maje0y pIlp" "selie nention of WRiEceic t nturn fer sesvur te tic mudres., prayg forturMonapeuae-tisl Ris Excellamcy vili taeire S malerinte consldsrtien vlth %Il lb. deliberation vblc i Is imper- tenos demanda, ani Ihât b. muat dter for a &aY or twe te retuve a defieitivm anaver to thoir aidre- ,s. la duheU-viue fils Excellency camnct cocuel ttc.jeu, iat b. Put!y appreodi, lat l inteenouitI vil hbe speunful duty te comply vîti liU desire cf lb. Houas cf Aiembly i l iala stmbe, unei.hoecen b. ri.ved frous tic adoption cf aucii a meaure, by soue ar- r-museutwvich sas» virtually accoaplisi tic object ef the Houa.,maud tthdu sag lime b.o.leuifot. jo eu feelings. 1 ave tii. Lenour te b., Sir,, YeurmoieidltiuabIeIsv't. LVi"tdi J. B. GLEOG, Seetelsry. Ho.JAMES STUART, Aftorn.y-iner&L No. IV. Queu2di MarchI 83. Sxa-i bave bean benourai vutii jour lettemtof this day, in ybich yenouiDAM me, b ofrcri@eEx. tdu Goi.-h-ciii, dtha Ri Eedleuy bas raceved intimaton '( aueintention on the pat (thedHuliuo f Ausmbly lo premnlan ddrest. im, pry- lag lii it i L leusi oW osuspend me frein du exercusior My fsnctions as Ato.- DeY-Genftal, on te grocanioftcertain cda- %ai vIiclihiiey bave uittuted against me su dt capacily, and aaspocting vhici it hear oum us 4iAa.mblypCrase tu Hdieu Ris Maebte Mes Exceiloncj t.eforlber ph.aad tg, ntoem :jMeliathe r alpprbeni thed e Ivu[ela nIity la ecsapj -ithfi-a"-Of he onia . o As y in Ibis instanceula. b.o mn Le reieved heom tii. sieptice < Of "a memmr, bj soma eamunement viich ai! vrtunfy me- cosplisiitle objeclofthd ue mcfl Asa- bly, and e aI ie inéhue b. e.aurlful o meg t is communicaion, 1 hg leqte ho mention, t1dImire uchbIegL thbaM e Exflnyoxathdu justice due to me lta oco v.iiIae 1 te honuntof holding ni.,RMsjga)ty's Govirsmeut l insProvince, sud"dt It eilier vimer expetincineiderbiou cf My petuoals lng, t tMny doviallon "idlitaire place roa t comme viic Un Excelenej'a duty may rqi.on this efmeon. luaduhe xscMi tuti and aMhninue te iyân Mt.cs tl o. aide acqumimii vil ti&ature of »Yaff breastalict us, vici baveibeu or meay b. bro ngilundur du ceniderahos et Ris Ex.elaeb.7 by dUMHoas f Assess- bly, ami____ s aave e A fi - ndm heiltugZiaofrmiemuac- , ncy. Il vas nader <bispeusmien dut bai the hoour<b n .rjlot- 'em du sahe.MM of Hà zweellenoy'snve cm.v.ryod la jour Sbottwe f G.sa dos vas led te expeet tialthe putucv» i soilcita eu mol e ubelut. I snjus , amenacyvit.bmmKuuimpao ceodin; lteduhekeitj iqf supedio ie may asevee t usw"mon Wb" maH 1 um"hcy ikim-tus -ideàms ta adoplit eniifemd 1st.IMMa Ibèefesêebe ave t. ePut th e qumi ceceaie n.i auy 1.4erof du Et MM mMS inerior lIaI I My bu eabW aits dut , chargeWew«h *DYzila jusrteisVU&h d thâ r.herp cf aum lia ageimt ms dati fr la my orpamlsesp.oagige OMia et ~jai.i mvalwme in s<Myemg lzc=~xelse i tisarsêr, oa e Iramobumqit ul deele t e-r.Cay i yt vut vesl iaeay .4,",cé IL Smymw e, gahbib rl Id accceiesso rpnt vbnesa"b sadogie e<sjry Iteme ami h a vWb",tiféj Duit , m" h" a» lda'd y. xuf aM d mai6. . laM ai i eupasesl.sisjhlteéaa uts "smbYbut ès *0 o Rua. < C - ---; 8la rio o. ,peu*teh se hak"tiy imu bu beaui taen.by Ihm Romme cf Aumbly; ane bbhteaiast as.ai part; but by a tridcl- - ue maod of pcocaeing, century b duhe am primlhac«Justie, imeudial uulsbm.nt t. ealld for witbont due exhibitio ojbu SI wiliont pmdc<fmey Câins, sud witb- ont dufenc or opsIn for detence on say part. lbevo=s&Exosllancy, 1 mom [tpeumidcn tastate, veli teone- silir suh aMoc i procwingte.. caïves lie sanction; the. oemve Injuorje, ltluto!tem,*nd tii. conseuces lu eeap- probaed ifie, lt-4l, application tlupublic ooam la Ruversi, but pailicularly wbeu &«W eapagitau oScair viose public do- du sond.aibIt pecablmîy obnoxicus te the. nuovol aw lduenp led machinatice imouli hé happy ilahe du estym wiicb dunumermou tiouevmilmprou lupc. me at tuis Moment wouhi permut, te mter ssnmedaly mb msciiexplanationa ma Mgb a i raEzceflency thmltIshe lu ndrteare vltiiot a siidov cfIfindation. But wite, liue an. enter- taiw dbyr Ris Exeoflcecy withiiuî ay ceci- munulfoef tlb.. lteme, Iemnot upon mmr conjecture df tbefr nature, or opcn pcpiiisrqmpot, presni. te ffduramcii ex- plana<oea.lua d.,, iiowmvtcw, dut s Exceffmoyi bacon ooue . annte Ibm deter- mnablumivrteotinlayour atterMay mnet eeý"î t -ag ter mo .infiormation det.zmmnmation. 1 ê bvP t tacit iinei1hifor Me EIOBIneS po-al, Co- pnofal;vils of J. K. lt aze. and gem:= OCartr. lackemeyen sud Luis Petit liMW" e .the. prced- ings cf the- Soel EI.elle, te vi e b ebarge. r.bdte -nih l mer Setter, i bave iemscutebdisve npartrelate. 1hbave the bon« te beUMr, Tourucmentlmi't. Urvant, JA. LS. . STUART, Att'y. GI. Lt. , Secly. "fYie Ne. a.-<S.ven affdvits referred lu in due fosigaiug Lollar.-) NO. . Cush.e t. Lewis, Quebe, Sd Marcb, 1831. i-I hav emva the coZmandi orf Hi. Exoelhmcy tdu Gevernor su Chiofte1 tranmit tleyu tdu accceily Copes of mi. Exc.eoe,'iAluver dlverid te due Adâwm i& er. reeented ibis day h beHomeuosf Aey, copies of vniichl1 afl a&W transmit tejou asanom J. BL GLEGG, Su'7y. Nmu L f8-<(Aamvam irsteeinulathe, fcregoimg.) Ne -Il. (ueof It. Lewri.,IG4h Marci, 1831. Ibn-Uhsgt My latter oetyoa- day, 1 bave nov i ossour lu incluse co- of 6 et dIo adism. treoite i lm ExshIl.dGveec- r-hZ t he d 1Hemie f Au they li.amnawmsgh vW Eflie fl (Si .d) J. B. GLEGG, Sec'y. SotU=m tuart, Att'y. Gem. N.. 1mai1- (Thm <vo adirese.) No. XI. Qul.c, IdhLMarcb, 1831. Sra,-4 bave lu coledg~s e te ipt e<,eue lilter ci tlb.»à is lug tnMbhu vilis m'a oftvo addreaseathicein voter- red t Hau ufousof Assnl or Ibis Provinc e uone te Ris M ' Ity, sryug for My removal 11cm the cEor ttuey-G.nra, tlb.Oclii. u ile Excel- Seeai.pumyung for -Y ususiufreonor- Yeour lutter, iit leue addreww, vas brom u t mi ma yt'dav afternoona bWlv e uLisc lsdlt.Witb due multpliclty et edOSc duties preumuf on me et Ibis moment, cf vicI HisaEri- leSacy unsut Le mfeihy avare it voul i flo.lay lnc.uvesjeut, ansiperiapc not wilbent lmjury t. e publie service, duat 1 sbould vapend or omit tdu pousoal dimobarge of <base,for the puapome of pe peuimg, et Ibistenstant, an amaver 10 du cInvbmtshoeatreg <fi.. vMIfb huwevéran îm mil aour be ra.. SI ~s ldr , Gob. pupes. preparimg il4a&i itl allhegaâfiied o-mor- 1 ov. 1 ave "i (m IdJ.Îffl ,&ART, Att-G.». Lias.-C GlggSuly, fe Sî,-naving mmi<tlid te fri Excel- Semoy lb. Gev. mcm-Cbu< j, our letter f tbîmita1 Ia.s emeddtcarquaiut Yeu, tiat an feres Rh Exelhsoyi. ccmceeusd, il us qit. unnuor dt yen shosid p- Pare »a a e te carges pretris agmimmtyen by due Boume of Aueimbly, il =P mteoladptetoenter et ui in'eum s themdu e e ayerlthe otbe. 1 bavte I*m *,." (Ulgami) J. IL GLEGG- dcoheiOkggte nmmuast Nu. XV. y d au siy te ofratherom f du .eorieChefth" i t h h iele tellcha. srte mIr a w tgIouu dupet balisowte eebmenli Ncsu fdmu, illn . .rcli k &M o. "1% ebec bt .i *cldc, bave fise e nte eace spoà4wte dB"mnisiflhcees.- t a Mean tairirMu peot t fd 1 *" An in duas a.jmw" .a 0.4 ;rzu '.b..Pgr4a smusoaf h a be bu ule vbmoetleem mUui o<bwve, ummi Il lés m bu w-oi mwm Sabw indi llen dutheL byte tue on mme i : th eute usaea

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