*lis CANAD., MAUMO P- 1 XII]KINGSTON, WBD1ÇESDAY9 NOVENEER 91~. ENUMKBER ose '7- 1A011,.-hu idCUuieu.UJTC-ieUbole aigr-DUOLVED-lbute Puvet Surpris, A WDDLE AGED MANE, Wh.goueh.RUAàDy 31« Y.-Â5MKt 0 Issâ. e PUIIk v.qeduI~y nfeuad 0mibulR.l Keao a .- and teafford tiens ferLPrer imVudsp. ý4aaiu IUinb, Germna reeh, ro vldences if a geralwanaîe <f Oitht vD Va= a HDBi' ý 'iW Oammimo Mufan, bep le infrm eonin mattitaMy a~otheb.prim ovate e. sém in aties m on l a dame inmooy mesures ai the presai '~~1iTmAaé^lk. sud PMOIXOL LPOWDER8Se m tr4 h. e cbamia .1 UwmeCanada atlibebus rlgbla ofi"dadildo., AILae»«edt te mate Ume~atâe Eutablishmnt, o mr uer e riod of alicalt univumsel diriculy be îgate ,b ai-by (amie Maln. îk Cc. bave bma ex.- (Motiv ait eif ehlm fWou tuIà Standing onder ofutheLégislutive Oses-à-nowuiee. neu ilhingte devoe gtit.. lowing apposadage t .ctu t eu&a- bu de - i 10 p ru evei es. IW b ia Poceaou"h.ngof i, a% fil t a ttionore4prvatl il web ltehsmptaer, sud tuit bbsf ol jeuel le cocseu, at tbe West mandiCrSu oft * te 0»e ena M«voit" orm..a"sdFverVairmuvado Saga,., Levat casaea eti.va"tetWigbtlufinie gou ÀA prumanet ni~t ,ud bmtropoo.-"tN. B.Cbdiaa bu "M 110ura au MPeL dà-imme d, f-otheb.m e 1at JamaIl" HUM, lanstati.. Cellse, PI- voacof Sul persnser puwaos cher tbm ma il d.ASu.dietueeaft for on iliii." et leii ee theis a" «lbue aEstiie et thl. e ut. menaGiai o aand dit- he Patitior etrPetirUaer, danl ho rosu,- .tt b t office, or et Mr. Wn. Carrl'. ~ ~ I~rad imgse dlmg te (Ca-MUlcas.oeBrandy, ait.ospriciqulty-Jsa yid after tb. tventietb da y of theii. auo, C" ellaeliHome, viii m iwhb Pm1ne- r ANDSALI'. cEmluga 'r -* bav eq helbpapyli cf Cookingasutd ouble*aa"S MnS liaImePrivate BAil of "b.natore above saimt u . 8w 0, A amEV RUAInOel'r a J e7 IA 189 uofdffm erete b.d vbieb mai coiskma the b.As- Kplorr, Odoer u, test. 1v iBhmum ~hup~ 'tbeé*h. Lie v. Sltovuexs m bu witb mbly.after ithe tbirtiotb day of lb. Souroi, rd artb arI.W5B1 t kIIdIIh%* 0 of wi. - f @cases- As AUTION.-A< peamus Creborsbyhi for.t lÏevez: jr là». 0 = Sbeet lisSSAMUEL AYKelYD.o po'.eedea open in Uni Leg.dâtive bMpetiondlei, nt the tii.m me a nise volalrea nd Bf lb. l TrollEuct d. cmmtfteu1881 _jie__rt are WN a E rssy,&Wts e m m bis Ra slha" boumlparn s-obmMOfrbu ta oé e, datait a ,B rd - G.PW L . l cir(oehr e.nI@'M "b t K«. eralladis- we ie o a Ilelm eotais. biiu=eof ad0"sabulm toulU GOVERNMEte CZr oNTRceacTSiic. S 121h YXO 18. ON'NAPNTN-@. LB~ ~~~~bv stffl eutSrb@ =Utmra e a cisr ib Ucia. <.5.WL UparOCathdaMarchnts, vblchtlb. oTIC ahorey iostrd Wauaterloo,__________ "t 14, IM..~ub ~~~.h sau~ ~ t .JMdphysiciAs huitARAN tir ltNvahrpexm, e ub o-vr CA4ADAi te MoiOff" van air Sa a naudor P~c~afilm b.- mar nazI e lie 1,1 Daembe 832 vi:-mIof pat . unitel, ira.GMaaî a o *ufe imVbit-..wHoIomta" f eenndestr Tmese duht i Ppr Sl vsBo-utult prl.Saou.utdt auruEianvieart ii.at fCca. ue dmo-so aieretaritues t ud l d. oit...mepbut. a y.bu, calkedebdH.a a thizyiri'y 1ma, te. vus tulmaax l a avi eteng eb u cupMe » on «Ig y he Jo« ua avis aut smss ichsath~e s tu es, fro Aue e ie. ngaat e aurlat bsui i dgtyif io pr eae."oo-eblh ti. acti sdlomntiviitospoir.ai 0ft» sud glasspblcaio o -ITedes il h upi asi bi OfceImean lrable by a- e u o team belvluen n u tos virt t trme a Utus. Cegi' itec cmacl c lvde scanbt tiest the Ibis d a ds e a by muu i & doq.g tie12oxieuckf tmira ublt ofS M ond a rqu1VIE, cfTli ain tFICE ugito.le a a doa e aetra fyorAdonms Obont. ve àd1 mti. MA AB. the 21Iimg a mi o bnertvram mspe ca pet-ru fhoRoty laviA xxhAgoln&Di.ss w i'im,,v.â,iKl. a M-bauli A sgaslle ol s~ 5 Ceagi .Drep É eo f1mi by Mss ao be aDAe,. s u ou o r a h i ifmle po1rf r c oth lBd 5S~fia q olesîmms e t i k u'd K is"et Ds a e nam dek b.1 t 4 at reslu- ate Kingsfectonai vomt lira- aMY h ESN3. uT. l ie C o t hle omus uitpolies f th -rg as ]N En lEasei edret iV arnyautgsIpg, gaasin lie ofa las cf AWSOr Pu.. haimyaleuirlychud mlb ~ r -e Y u a prft0, suisou,= S dr. I Sa-TSOUION> opEe mia TNEIRoryl ov Cemimarand Offictt ine - - t E man.-B 15 w LOgenti «ibn% saoucigottti ea miedte tir oi, Ib otW aié d fa Et, KDE. aa f.ca rn rel««ùgtn irc.18. mrtusd arifbas ountedKtd881. pbcherieamdirc Oavn miniWsd lire be. u.ai. f is bd rI e-toth bis lgs r, ni fi e tg au 2et"sts h-Uin o oS.a .<i.s~i~, n. isu.mbe t r" tosio th LertutGea euiedta nteroéodlmSe.l.ewmry&"m vau Pd imie teUite sgdm ierstviliis Pbay vis drMis," lb a ofemt p edu e clol GÂw bTiONb. a uu d Sm e aius abr tai mo u f ibu ix - "PLAT e & PLgAiT lu dWA e. oa wbumstlsedlt e l oh eI" is l cdvg A aiBose "Ye atut hb ut t acviralius a boEv ut c smM r vire vlua b. nmll si 10Brmuis elfosent. Ail lrrblrerase rdLde s m bhaai0 yi uri u blc uhnln oore lie lie o ul e m ihebloi - e'chk ua timi prpor lir. loI.,,(nil cen b. entcais. su as iat us bUla ate s> de. 4L purgations.ila vcquen ofl h.bueoceteut yUnitedgbu Xim a ors loast t.dionr put thora faitat ,i umoaypus lnts Fuarenda I by, WUW res«b"busavumpani t.la NuRMuCOc es aisiGul.Cêoin erLipol ashi mnli L e uni t ilErl o f j... i l K.u.adthelb. irmt vuuuotwu altde uil oman. la riaià Id cess g he entora Wt h oue h r.B n d îte t r'-o( o 1t. m strfrs4uil»a ai, b 71. t e t LLMM a$ ieau u P mW10 ,ad i1o .o é tOy!: , .fav aeian i itob-b ut qâa yente Fae Risde j Pv isesée q f sia, d e-[ ce.. 8bSS dw m o o ân qty d zurgbbei. 10 B. ce.r.wi a ind o son e nbter, ou p=r r ie nte te _".__ Si ens theurs; F AN to r fron6t ii a ine ho joeo f ,qAil.in thecue-dly o f r.3 é Mu. & Il.. m i o i al, ligbly - Sud rn l J feh r w iioe a fu e t ms o ca t u d onveMomday tir ltire > lhmef nbe s h biU n ta ut B ir to rete R b n su . ,t0 e r .b h Ba, e p u- SA,-Havr.aPu ienfea WDo p li e stredau.foer i csne b u dmri et. 50601rat & it temmes Insn. letttun ialm o n ae ntVasouniepaDaitcn,.miheb.reasticUOita v Ali om suurbl sem soit t0ubai"ilasvCecegrvlii hfa:rcp. eM ytunsEfR SALEi aot 10Bxe iHENstRY AVS. m elts wby ex aeo nt, at u ml.09 fhebUnitd af u o Great ,By lb . arto y i eli egnd tae.p#fai- .05- trnie uit f utbe l vm-8n itre, e NBW oMyasonibmenasieuvwuigsali ah lira lavuin _p.cjigof Mrgssaitou a Jot erai c at. sl> - isaondfce foain u la iamvtaeln. a asciihl. B" Sleo t retetci, ai i ndluln aAn tiouuîycfh ertir . le of *9 fcyvasknout, cc1i Ws "d t it ATL CE ED udf aibyprrWm iistti 15 Utleyb.tende, bbour. Gssrvicmo En ti". r aire llionspateJnt eb.part entailb. Gradioair re. - veaoymy dimbly e" .- is . m ult mca le veae ofpoheve' Ai lWaoell.S19, 81c. Srcl- a xtive on ulguHeny cfvswo re spgca-lr te, ieet £0free. yocuptivloi. tUoeislof tis ody Umitol t saot orsvrglaye-Abiitu m OS te * Sa- 1 Roert Xw tfi tgadupartthe Cvtracte. fl rouamatu, stylesoand eitlieofBar, -ra n i lam roofr, ami I eg UOt amre H asocal ote. Ih f r llew are-tnacef he ulb.i Fumade- j.A.angtir. o arda te, . i, oF raeinWu- innl.i d au*dae= nirc satetintetr PuMtist ismafepi iopn , Att i-mSoUl *tianuci7J afEq.eshhMmjulrcoiltasoo e îoOvfrb Ie BBqsth tBesi Ute tdallbe IrelAT mi pFc-.A k y at1w eR. Raesr ymq iti A. MNAHAN sRatins and la coe, wte hmu i.ir aie fing bobau lum ent tvt=cpasforvmiatiotys "mg the lete a us fer r lame "cue ict rappy tes ob erv tia l ongresa by F. Ile ainlath fmat, UBICNOIC j hetb gsefili hrkptinstreayth'svetAnntuenn lttn Ptet e o sW niie te ret " »rwturu ier ludwua es &mubaof« orvariaiasm ofAient lva of br ueamon,Ïe btmi iew aaw«mhmnsnayntiroeSel c'nied."ree.f ret ri- derint, as bu ty me uNt. d of &M givaix p m i ncurlale y & aleses,îorAm e&, ha ut finie tSAt me, bu «abl- te s> aand y laIAnstAlnUoa m»opories ktie peunda otis e d suàyDePscuicuJ.. -putVALUBiFAI.paçatheh sm i n it e Gr air, vals aCour wtsars a is lOâ lu. p t er elia « v àovh oietsruge11toare Dumeci f ge y dWacla l, but hl heAdiet a a so vit y. fumtulb.onv Th e t le e e s ftheucSe urce. V arue n of e it nt ed g ie tGrator~~baon 113 ' ffl *lml o e y uk t MI~:S couDot, LHiccokbO.ocetrwu sfaiy ofedfiry.talte ut vie b a ve îai endermuestiutoifter creste alu airtEtI ram , mst.thetdgrtmley < cx' IR 0 .9 L are ILDAiesi m »&4 tresbl -ZE onCuh Dtsa y, iig âetoulevu as e.JH I. seshuc e, uor daru t ba u Lo i o lbfute f No. 17l bu b ie ofye , and t B i fi tekng eia n tr . unr i tsoot s op e Il MUyp vb te ed;e am a sf1.- edIof Sn ics. ceupiete1ditte ete PAo4ES cial U Tthtt e Ca on ftrate tTen a ndif di ingsoes tf oM We Kig a s l btsm i et u m alt to iramil hln lal.g us0 vithoqit itetloemoteyueofthelB ai thés effice. N. A EAt . aoufz a.Su ofDhe i- M arq e of et l. gaIb.im b vs otnesw lotit AbuLS en Tone"sMgl*mm Commissariat office, suastue nryandoiIraient!e oatiLtout; sa t OS, Noll .. v RE. ER MOV L JAS. fooh t " ee« K rai4 eon rao al tr e, viar cfB le a 1unl. n ed- [(t otm e .u . ?ii M"emNie-gPbnfoin gite,, cam' - 1=31demsýmmhmevM =Zoo(ing..u.eo te LordrGerge agofDaer y CconduoSat t, op il iffr",ls60i au e eoi t e e al rei l odtiure. TeS imdba e I a e ea f i T C E - I e s l orb r t gaout ta arugt n. te osu"tile i B b yaron Di u ,i l ui. Be pof le,» t e r n oi t i e b v l amiavM . Si mlhraK«o . s t R - m ciris W bcl maifiln i Rotai R adiva . ]Îlhitmut m a e ta m o la - P L. ioA T on c s, &îs m. 1v K oteu y t e .StylPeredhiior. hie L rd: bot sva lrad 0 v t s n i vad mPoPU& Rue rANTbp ssetea t u"Cvedih 0mFN. t6,. ncous boto te AUE uhm- Ua in rp ociatBte arls cdon- buous AastPeeQm,. and un thâta t..,the boulesirnm:hMMa edsérutwiniisiblbf s'dock ten rva nel iai lis s o nd*lir U ."ev , o a in be sauttn ifs ' Ï2K oglie« ct0,ISSU. tom and i ls tala, ottrea.,syle s u ecvoâ T q-m u W b u rite ii yit e Bi b ml.., f.init "Be »b r m"tr pM.ralb E eci rian Ros, L nto ," a s < y p n-he 2btftt ud itein lçfo, be nnuFal" ..tVI"se m Wi L ula mur Dm1. 1,suitLA, porz i pool, . ia cuerotfaene- bLPoentand . Gr as caltraM& Mitr ot v htci Moil tenolb t, >tn uuu imn ~i~t~ Hga a dgemiaioloIebru oe uoc A7,CPSau .N uTS iYeof oM. t ui;b ioc -e W Hrg a i S K Yufo ahil lo inieu d C huses tt lci b. ef araarsa e a c s per@rPa rrisuomnsh tu o, w bl h li auins t. hp h b us e, ri ie ivi li .1 B ee-tr sis sp u Vl duo.w YA1KER. livasBe, as ~paroaseiteilInstalb. . i a mo(nCusii ema beit vapDe il ioceif a ren udnthe., i re - t ifse h poMD ;b. u10 g (efl partuicunretoy igt Whas- E L --' ' Un801gKington.P.u10 Pace - h. beo cut ua aa nrrte 1 . ) Ti li . oçy aw n ytie om, ou te le f ,i m d ls iys ) mu vil i t ine s me ori . tu, r- _ peut mazk, paleofraqu ette dm 8 » MGSi u, at lle ed t t t e e i , fet ave- " ,andop t h eu ls c eiu stl r b la i 10p Bls aio qur, umaieislieCofbOYs N -lhGuFF e. public ta an adepeifra t hen N a uas, row, Lu ie oeathe ufOmyfordfou ialiwe. M = f&lo ie hmsa duersgeeff;tin n&iuf er utri' »T" R M AN D AN T «Ch¶ AREIAIIs.vr"alhosou ill tell uac helrl t oitpes . aS of eu.Wein he ms5s cf erth.boB uilolashaevn.s bnt i(romaeeoliscehi@ aut fot w vind llduigm ii l K T EL psitCZIVE iend orsbgsmp e ntihMîppy <k, r vi b nsluo ua m q sup e aaspsan it.of nn Petma, ou nss istybDi vaisteiebtndneis erics j te bov lttn ptet e otud nireGeat. bwa is r uieibyncs Me o ~ ttlt chaiiamiBCuea, vbicb » LbuteàSouPros. ret - ne OJasa, cosigain st oquac iglinoith o u Im framly oet es u ftbtpto u nt bed Knae -ibofg-ase 1h. Cuenda pamoluedl4 hua ux-sop,%wguDitin , add"oP edil-adSesuen r aeeitumvl ra rtanad!5odcali tlnhnd éyonih tmordina propé rteSand iobalaptpessure Hoo lus SdrcBu do. boPupiseaLopi, ofase. b1 lieolof . h Par tireuiras .oisw .1o o tveae, p as Kinaa F ueai N ioeKg o t. 9 es., 314 lion.p aa i a ni gab e u t m , Styl , a n i thlais fo olz a e n a sl s S g r ub o us p ac i i 4 baes Cltes Yann Sol asT ~ emellIirotvitimeAshisomblme, ithe ~ N F Uiiaissi _.ngd en'd an tqu 9,i .Iga. pseyt b.. fri ofle Cee, l lb esuly i <fluWumPhieeanu" ;Jsvse ire igiaaia Maepicineate M ..coofKng- '" -b henmsetbr-"ý teo e- S. f~ppa~ IL »J lu.ti, e llU n oi. ,ac sud oflananio itemi of siTa-.i c leriututu levlsu lad Fnuru a ve u n J. t is-t.he u u desed uri y oo balair,- L$*. REIEDSTT TE. too ellito j o tle n ealirs ùr th wi o es easpot. amU C1 anaa inEl hasfAitb u aiTéoi ca e d Ê RZLA PIEWo fiuthe faeieu sith me.keINUW my o uI R A nd.RR PN vtr "S te the pOil. . 7>yth.[wf M Nle1p00 alien thse 2hj ioden, d ot LFmliFOR SpetAM letia- peles, t * fmait usndq theIGeat"h us. Laay'Setoigiso; nt. e put the orf l or . Piletnu *nob-.A&Mvi- hSf, & Bk .înb ot lumêeys . e. l the lUi. A1I o sidia , o fBBaleu -" 8«1o h eni ted i 5ag dmo rat efBus-ho u sComasstm u ni sph boea st ly kuo_________arentIl"_temoite, ami caft. lie leady fe ieliPari,. uu mb.Whoahtve T RE 'et- ir.ea m9 osidenisait. u mîieesieO foi i im.cm igo uy10euo sissdfead t tedgtun his une-Orle u cherpo,ed e115? kdouyan idg. for he lbm d'In Eets bs r be SdATeetre omi ai.of SOisaIbqOaurstmieppimimst5 teethe catuiobs" fr WbsolonflIroP.ri sai Pef-No.Sa17,.au theut2uGcon-tCBars."ma exer. Ustelet I. Coort s sflb. Salvedome as &Q i Mypoooeo h m uo a fScok ip e£inD h vnial A e -coulait ofBtnepês. f iguo W oleigpesnsadth i as of thoir harha utbis ouv adubee REoftà a Mi W uusoAM8 ulwpera.H."MT. tusteo. 0m f . th be m palissa in a mea sdle . .e. mwaI a v f UUin- i thé ingaite à..tin wud.. a& SM, air Mo- The __ _____ittus'sa the Ne 1 tif, 1a lem4l a'. 2r 'top i 1Deaevlgsuussuts us- tP b Mheaibe et U. <"î«. linshoue vra u e Boabattu, sMd it. m m q-hoau ifleo5 f aro Xnil fm ' B 50 e 8.Uf dIW ' a4pu Tiyc x o urIe bhtsal. u l ndcms dtothe Provincehihro4iW'viva'u anT.. te ff tmi .t h, bop it . DUNANVA1.LTINC "»» M1Utmo8A*UMenan. aa. Utotsadund n b Or-v-w ýatOnthoe w .sd epir- *",uor s.'ate u.suuy fMi sur-de psndibMaand t.u isu, -, ¶IIf"hPal-EU00 the W" fieîsiijsj. a Stone£e Wll f ndJb habeBu fben i. .b suiomu*IqùI PrprdadSolE 1*8, if Pwles Kigtonrs è n B le su t- H. le.luO MSON S..lthm pb h &oe rptry ath me«làn iteofBro u#ath ,tigM Who PARIERPriori Rond, London;b shid 29,tNom- la 1l 05,ittBehIMvMMU surnommonisa.he vSOebaimeibb. salit ve Mr. HEi (biéber bop iemre teaesuto bis ru C. o.uq in M bu «Potle -«W