Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 2 Nov 1831, p. 1

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TEI~ UPPER CANADA. M M M M IA UÀM 77- ý volUME UIL] KIGOTON, WEJ>NESDAY, NOVE?43B]aeR 2181.ENfflR-I -n ____ibn t 4ç1bs M ayem ta*@sllsm. the, Whoas u z ffl, Emg.WilgAsImte Reb*-m 9~o= ý.<il b Hoey, *- - -. 4sh Kateiel$ ) =rondUMe 0»».. B m gsams boIte anIai iagMea sd lbeellat <at omi l aflir. ai& td gma teibaa ce 7~ laim ie rebordnrwsied3.hsugm-u Mr. S.,le b t M .Mr am la lb »"V bstb ipupiki oe. vi&amusn.rm&i MI&t in mpat tee. uI@ob sd e. VAlaà spras omfroo e i b@spsuq us~~~~q leU qma n unq M~ es% u n ii.PM q1Sn E e u eusem 4,e a" ai e ouflo *pva1 -M Wa N ii. ' s 5qi jeW5S "8'8»0= Pm WqPen p uai eu es 'ari, a~o m pMMje e-Mr =àgy 1.'qi~ pe «-Ur le-op un evoi L& se 01 psqqopm »«w i v-zXogqi cut'at, uné <lefueesiwo a J I. SungI, Taai Eliias, ltOctbe,, lI. SHFF'8SALE MIu i BÙie4 N satu&iy lisedON TO cxv. F'dsy 0<Z5Uiy5fl ciii b.»Idliet tbm Court Houine bl Toc of Klsmsion, the foloclmgL»&d, 80 belon- ta Nichla.Petummu due yeugmi mt sat of Richard Roblae, murilu Pertmer cf Richard Cemttobt mud Richard Robiffln, vie: Lot Ne. 48, 1hCosn. Cou- du. Ail Peruouavl.g hin tshe.ebeve LuàrodmmPnptbemee, iy Cilae!e Otbrwht, mue requigd e I.=e mm d 'n keaswbto M, oui or bobe thsday 0ofml S"l te cerass le, 3ecmu, u»es JOHN MACLEAN Kingston, Octuhet Iab 13. Slseifl'. D. SHERIFF'SSALE Nlid illuiri ne ?dU Satuithedsu TcWiî. Ç '04 slae-uomtj[ val ou i ellhm oie. .ap s oeiosàlout ba11g Mies7urt Ku i ampach tiesema ap meu bg. s k-uaIo V te«eomu ebfmd» duay ef Sw o Sis tem caussetl l2..ok. JOHN MACLEAXI Kguia, oc.t1881m. Shei, a.m a. THuE PROVINCIAL STATUES. Tlic tat *M laàmmumha pth- PmviaW.qtUu vR Euorw u fSie f«Slath llul te l maae, laOm euacudteéseuinsmsia w goim vlai. i.~eiaiiSatt.nvl as, Mto duo pu 118t.iUilaylud the apsasi t qia, lsaaut ei lui penaWin 6Pvm <if . Piof biaiiathelm aabu bus prme ei« sae- uoftnbebsk à w* t n eit!me. bot -Yie oat bu mpt ileta M bel g us- IoLm c .ime m. NOumaCel eum tomaIaeudithe«pthe eû in b. fiser ut rP .ubes up sbeutdu q4uael eimu ift& beupeaCabla. l nia euelhren- e te tse. P»Mpeepa ciaiget m le ,ia -M acap. The li, a md . N.L JORN DuEIGSG, Mrue, loti C4ot m.FTD.N -r m Ce 4300 m iO e u 6 B a a m m p o fl p a " WP I "a*u do Um r 'CI ùL mc68 B.di.m "vt. Uthn FeaeRcl oud >Mal; Mmd 9 Ne- luie Place, Kanlut.u Iod tah y appowateu by Mr. W. RoufDrubtL aulssle@4m<rsl, laeU Ua Bules et Il . impoULTAUT CAUION. Obm .. <balducod" «IThonaes Pocali BMch Fris Real, ILeud," aa imi,' pet- amie. ef uMo ai '. e m'ile Comnn domieof eStmpej) Engved in WWw .Lut- lms paled titou" nilt<e ovmeeass fltampatee.i du tep of né D.tle chen ch lt<canot b. gent"me ¶ilEéaue"U bu amn oussacai Wmmdcli u esme féesai.et hic in la.l MariIqume." unI W lcthéd paiesae e bl Sme uonomal neb- 4riedu et mibe lqua m Ah.,caMi, ,eMmd Corsfor chié m-paas ue 'eua,186 1j0"W G. PAMIM ,bu f«e. alsos Vwte Tum m»d Uusaie ellmeof Car. W Wbbdow, lgl has 14 aoo.,Sitmh ltm od ahebp im; FF-Oe 1 kths -las a.i.1. e, PPOlt RNOvb. PiER.Mpm 150 IRXAMWUrnm;seFAPER, 4a 1) NISUE àDe. et bujuatia «met. e i. &PANIR. rapet@% a" éi.., m. 1 1 JTBOGPEAPHY, PROM CANAI>IAN STORE. Atete ubiteu udus ofme Utiegeupil ie.b.lu l P".bythe marn of a* WIS&IAw IV aC.., eh. culaemuutla 15me cm uail ise tul uufuletah mseMp, Vhs, Clombui. Mu.le.let0 Mv r"d et1k.1" zmt if t=iuiUn 4time,.a . Pe-smer-a*llag Cbo*iCd EELdm mEa citunphubytbsa mb humgUhihllil f upi*.AIR. IItb, lm. TUR aelvdma"mie ale ubo- si lec pihaaR. M. Kbqàeu,'MiiAU&, 1lm. -. flRoppEDni,Ia d in t dieg . =1tm ReCtu Y M A" etsai Ris l ui, IL s IRAI I RATS IHA"tU LJfui yt=ndees bïs t bis f*leIamLhpubliefor tu iainghabu beietofore ve- cIL d labisli asd lifosse rb.m IbsI b. coallnues.te iecp ceuomutlv on badm i ae'. emeem'm mou s %raie, proof aTS CAPS %ad BONNM of murer bic and mansufctute, chici be e 1 poso of for Cami ut abort e vpiol credit, (but tdu former coru;vuld ovabbe"..> n. continu.. as «Muelte pm t lvb.aht pril.for HATrING&SHI PNO MFU W Iaving li opetation e paent No- a".1i for Mànufmctumu g Rat ne"1, ho cli b.e *»bled te f<misI &Dy queutî,re- quffl tefielmAprili non. WANTED-A quentity of IHmttlug Issyrequsit lione»indîblel te me bond, nme, or book scrcnt, to sdin thbae ofauiAllynefor ifc . tien. AndI mli bavilcmue&ga areu mi. requcauci teoccIli m resmt <.t ue Ail àine of Produ s e inii nturu. JonRTF Kingst on, Pcb. 24, 183. owlu6am SMIA" AX 0WABUBD FO0F it by dMed aicia. buliontis. -là'% à afie .aja.c- austkkbi Sla 6. Thim, clb wde la ; ý *0 o a curé. Runsesum b. ave comae te lie PImpo- ea'alir -wo Yug hv Mu ae~mui mWaataca, e tom auesefgslu*& tedcllezci,4 tireor*ins baties habeau beau poermsdby Ibis in- viiblaedicins:mauy, ch. for yeuom levua .amamoe t. do b <he bst- immulmiet 0<Phieu <hiécioivsglmh comase0s901esdM7ui tmec.c diRosia suil cddbrmet aaiilaa rocan- but pu b. avoI y tmhlag ose dmosaf thh.mo.Iaut ai.beisu tesbisi te iey te.emelmby la <hait lds. BU tbli lcimmsasaieoftieWho bave e0eisa ie esêdai ed et, Wini de IMM e .reuno- Mea &i mi mmo Ith" supper;et06.Pub- lcma i l g q he Prépim te u«Y la Me &mie, madi bpupartiam a ub.bu Re"o mia bitsff l mibyJmFair, . tgb*il., te b"ienic, o o<diugb, ch.ofEeuti- mdie ta, M. Poceil] Luilrathg, lMthJan. 183. "You mec dt a u aceptica liU egrte6. cader mimelby du4ma& saise 'elofmiPatent Mdclusste lbq mu- Umm omplim e<elffl ipthntls.-l iav. atwutMy piales si leumainlame fat eg " te dusfct imodrmenInmby tce doma of 'Finn.11immaeofAmisah.'la oua tkl bdt5 mmdt«.saed M& chait erw mlsda temaàc gb,' I iol mme te.sqm ofthédubotqaetWne, toit- edelîtha iMuM f ld weber là.ind M«2Man sd temelis d aisOn mtsclqe,1 ld- êalhomeugipoev"nt dumping ldmeboe 0«vevosa agl, an ohmthst ime wt i., a vied otemlieauagsh! Raudesf6. 'ai.. ibiChsli'Iauded liemuoves adni 1bc le chois, $im e sfftpolum c eudma« have isomre isrsdlam mor eloaLt ~Ya ~fe t lb5te ie at m'y.. Mi. W216 noq;. Uaie@ 8le-Bavimg boss foi a ierp bs«ç lias traubWsi chia ev.,. cougb,, cith die dum asufbmio, ma"aflor toymg UVo"a »mois in lapes of acurbut «»thcie- fitml ibasd dmot IugIwolelisl t meav.se lt. um a 1"leet <Poele Dehmm of Au"h evlmg iard of kt@ ex- tmudlumey proportios, and 1il; eg ta umu r oeu tint aelliet hbai upomneu, afte taik- mg nos.aor <ce deus, wcee a mni mimu- taomue. In "pgpoe beme ia ssbave fourndai seïy f thi lavais. emehiim .te. eau511, et Kiae- .cbl eaext.esiv*lUp Ca"da(in prepetios te du epi inMy ejh- or Paim du cuill cme 0vîbumea buscs. Iu as aetUlm"tte Munl a -odomy mdk 0JL.i,.. h.l eflole, ami..mai Ccac'aime. a"i PCTORAL POWI>118 os ptepsre hp ItemsNden, àCe. %obave u exm - leie. ue for10 eaupans, pimieldieuon- slve. te le oe =tf h. mut vaiumi'lm rosa- ils, oveyue lacovered, E«itdu cureof Ceagis, Colis mai othes afuciomi of lb. lieut aMdloupgu ading le Consompuions. Theumdebhave experiesac e ubappp f- bigimi ssec=bilhave veluutadlbp giv- eu cerlilicates,»M o Wh" iU cimcom- pénap sac Dmo1le, duWH tci th evepoui- piejudicel .1. tbaï;thd ee M tmorim- up a"d unsapelci cusehave ban pedror- mi ylhe f thii. ndieine lacue!o SOUS stouand i, a chOUM .. diclus bai prmluceino fmvourabla sfetm, maidchoe <la cis Llifu pblascm a baivLen 4"ime. ep me plis,.Itl buot pretesmici *bathep ssam atbbo e l lu iCose blwei Msb é e i laabl% , bwet ut <swma .et Ceagisormim eed Con. o tmue lut May b. reilesi timely = f, lis e flmng ilse. x oa aha estalmiaiat Odoeme, ch pimies t4a teaie a Chur NModclas coidrlng lait virtms. a man la vt nieiciuises, muid ch. bai ia er me us cmisaiy for mm tbaa a jur, eue vibmly silad i 4mb dry cugb, frmmutir unsbbm te ra. am" tun ragfoiliy Isa bou,aaitien, mmi comrelp, bl. His coah ugca e samamMdinlcuai, dt hoa»Mse.icama ua" suami, Ide yese ghL i hi@ i M lrtbla u te tat desm, t hacwu ujetly mebilelabea,, mPmnomtlu ile oktamie a frima in le end myoa f piscursé for i hmsue boutle of Audemen'a Cpugh Drap@, by lie nue of cib, li about lire, vome te sy uteniabsuilt) be casm fuore etms te obhaahi. teperfora le uam- ai labeur. GAJUS 8TEBBIN8. Ili rbhmaFo. I19l. m 'l Robit Kidusp, of Recuter, Montas 2:qmt, I. Y. do bsteby cuti dt fer s . ~ turne1i u» esdumdbyan affection e! hlsueattssdsd cie pain a boites., lEien<y o!hitilung, lm <batMy Ide wun dia olive flpmlla m elebythai. of Doit. 0. itclhcock, of Roci.r, wu ,ldc0l1 temie triai of joui Anuletmo Ceagi iDMF14, md hj Ming sue battiswun - - aIte puisa t bl. 1 corn lies- <eue r.iestaud &H ithoe-micted wclebs "R« ucnmi ut, te asit. useof duheIn. v RET KINEY. Match il, 1898 CAIII. M" parch e ovalués beau bmot .arLiarmai9se theliabotlen as shped la tdu gimei èwî>asonl'cte diepespctebi 3. si?, Maue ashu mutw. .Pu«iw kinds laumrket. vus OENIu£FOR $AL£ MY E.WE LESUE &SONS, sud C. IIEATH, Coops.'sSuglaDietioaasy àAPo=ei sposItion .1o b. theeM f<6. Univeise, by F. I.LHasaer, Esq. witi Ai=,hp b. lame auhimm-Rimeatbe 6 G.ometjof Plauie # Smid-1 VoL. Ove. Esma et Arutmetie, Thaoeeticai sud Demadolgy m Wllchoemft, bySir Wmilm Sctt Wsb.oeeDitionaty, amitilgelfohé dus Çémb a" mi euecéaMania, byr Mmi Do L'oisbydthemtiSefRieiat.s Bmr% Jdeos me edition, TmoDsmN4isst.m mi. IEMOVAI. "mov l Walse.s»*Id Hamuiad Hardware, FeintaOl<Ceuag, k&0. . endai!ïaàâ ise au rm i Lleopo Woverlmi tan, B ii, àuo ha e v o ck é b. cinebiunuuuail l)c fSi ClishaMot aerîd Csut. MM& PôFOhIBUé GOUs.Scythes.. Ew"ubucOnà1>bulIER RLagmis, 9b Iuuo 11. INFORMATION WANTED. IliA oaul TCA&Taym éul e. JR eeriiuermmn, eh. ilsii um dth smut., Mr aht el Is jps.. ci d6..Is6 ail l eseweqmae.litallues ENGUÙWSCELANY. pàvm""lmeA6uV7~l nie "emm ïïfoizchi& Mi ésWh. poW*m.Oea desi., bu . mimiPm&* pIè my bu m"7 descuis En,1m. ovesi mue féb ne m of i.lmgh Thbdma ihSumoa plat@, w" is ma ra.obbviM a uie, mesthed., m .; by ch"éf.amm ltheetm q.id2 t th .u.UeAR «PeBOUu. I Lste"MputU,. -itbl laovm esuted bjautimem- ter, mo.oeig te wchtheiampgliomsi the il aIgted. WbalblieMo.. «Umw h. uhiabout NM dagmes, lhe ov-1 ea emu ; s*atn, by a -ark p- 1e, cens, be dm dou md.otew- tgt.I la a enu orneim he b.vaour,WchI he eu *'the do iuelapammes h 1ug caly- «Me qta&ra114, nuttomrbu thetue- poasemueh above M deç...Wheo thesmcomsmutadrap, tua se dust limebremiis suloolicSty baked. tim. te comsple.a bâat ishabout amihaut &"m lbu quarme à" hquseus e procu about am ouuicm of - m iiL- Thmdvaîtbg et i uainventionva e MnY a"i obvions i. 0bead in puid, MWd reodmvad of< puem Jlity, by the ex- =-non;he. te r man zemu fi adi imd unwbhbm'an md tW.V maltem'e mvetadimiae iomo, aa qutty mate b. n el"ct of »pjort- mmc. Brsan, boMit this cay, att., bc- lagbkept a Wool, hin.oigt, MMdfi"é- er, thmm briés abked b.eemt place. ouly two dmaid . Ue are iuifcgmd liat am os%,mnforwthebaing of bmadnd&r ri. Hck mpatent, l e a haimmediatdy es- Wblilme, mid to ho colild lhe Mehtroan Geamine Biemd Compmy.-(S@pscttsr.] CAUTISN AGAgMIT QmAGa nooe. Dhe, u Fui,,tWaatosUidae ia,- Ib e psai 19 yesv,-acoad by bu afkesm mpiaper mdhmeu, mimm- =t. ber, be a qmao, --ads&by (bwddlia ustive et Commcît. 'Thm am- enni W us di ,-te Il., sd mal IOy ne bmw vu. Au mi nthueb.bodat tb. yeyemsdn b. wiouipamead, mêmea Is u ahm.mdmi a ver- dit ofumalu or m wu- um CimuidWhovbewus ment ulatoMmd vitqflmiZly qme.- tio. Met ta hi., hu0etumouai ulmi ne wmi a mt li t MWId. aimu'le. #à% a ~ w om - fatha m facs.] mm in e. m mîrusml ente Lia] cm» or a mars*1miéasTm£ 5ma Ibm ~ ~ l eimemuwonul l he met dlpmceM te o bmLiling Itmmiris.- liam, tbet mma hould bi e e "p- ing la tb âmem. suad actually bucaiumliay bave no vimme le lCy liait beau t 1Tamus te tic hunmait y 0< eu iboo«eiin iveipoel mthloueuuem wiatit.-Et". Noe-eisM, - 1 llookec lng etsm ceu iis moninlg bieucit ic- f reSrlcbmrd Uinie.st Uec.uiwst. char- ged unie, *0ima grant &ait dli <h oence of bolntféend wmslea.tbheopen ait. A police cofumbi id dut ibis meaing, a- haut tiiw e'tciecbe <mmiiiti. prihoumi seim le nudtedil Almou eveysW9,iho Mid, iu tuissi a nmsbr et Pmont& oéeut of ibis uhalte,; and on eme eoe,, me linm , M Y c.ise bl iuddhed up t.gmee. Mlericard lirai méiai tbe pmb.eïm ehtbey cote, muidthsy imiotel i. ili»? bicoe e t.dL"*out. lok fmr cew14 &mmbinsumabe te Feoi tt d b m u uey e f b pe - tact t $"% b t oftos, mmd h" uen dteseus-mdepae. lauéa beeslau >- m e e acite nu* = Miaia e isas m ##tIsgca- au» à~eus . coral ad lsmi. lue la- dieumaigaho m ida a"ild uêtheses. A di -mm- bu bea miaedabymmm osturemepeadowls ispsetlg the Osai of Cha.cory. W. i. etisot hr tbat ce M m e esuao4bg uMac l e e d b bar lethie lim ee tie ma «s ia..N& Ul di &0P"uaNmrllomg ne te4i" se lee ,c-li .memiie et 0d u 19 et.lin hm.luba te li Veut cula me le 41( fclmair i lis uma. ieueil. L d erfidtcu e Ce Il WhteOa mrluuul iim UvIlacus caieloousev. 1 LsuiMYlY ia bo ajusms<h me,. dmmfui~.se oemu p od, put h ii mMeuba Tisêamsa es. e hi duma mg pFil. esape b du@ es.nq«stm *OIty lel Rosesareies.T-u i snmvmeememu. i 6. 1.nio~' Im eleueg.8e us 6.buaie~ MI. * 4' eh,. - 't' t; à Lcva". --..Ameng <daiseneui biOpqil u* I ppblés,<m L.VaiiUeAM-iamp le Ra PMe reedy Se phli 0~e av1i wu aaei liaam mo Mbige imu ifel as ilsestNapeloma, notha the heisélevaln.aumd Lin just es- aniag wet. naibuel ian o n kcentaine Mi ~.l. h folis <l ait-ui lw i er4s&àar,tlofblSki.cn hoinmi bey~ ~ ~ M esmilatci iue am bauml PiretCaa'at~su IaqaielleaAerfflot- iage lpashi.ullawu appMuited PsoimaieeGstwul hick iuation b. re- ths imilesadliuuu ieuis t rima go falitt Uumtera taist.France, %mI ma.eueplqillm iate**Me ietp inPtrs, M,. vousised llslbej&mete Te L*a- -esui is c*b u h il. lpn eoli !fais ef is Rwuui ae ai, la hE reime Ctheilet l., eo ep e aibciewn baei ehier bbIa-dr, d noMAaioln 6. at- pin adni«. cgHao éer hm 71e1111.u ibis captlvllp, the obet of elici ea§ u couceil frontlime wvend thet Ibis lady coe a dg. The m aeconineamentu a Pun- ilhuent for rumxuiug aepfmai.bai mervice: tb. meagrediet a mems-irof< rVeuig, 1b.- cames ho could ual pissent ber' grecing ouie asilugli.revirp dey.-IMUoIMOle - crmtem sur la amnie.] A NEvW xîu.MILITIA-Aîae iIbe lala exmil incourui for Une 1se.fpai ging tire Ibtprevioly te.6. seau baieg raut tu the ballot box, a ulilslc odaf&P imuolnigle . b. Pariéof W-, cie bl oWip relNol trouis behymms.el mlii the se bfoe, Mlieplacad chas hi. "M ua unelm "mA elalm e smpti. oméAtbh.ze.plmlou iPo" aa bis, "ona ciichlehoge i.d 'DI1m. M41 &bd l"i. W Ama bah taiesa Ma clé, b.mhsdut ge C.19 e t. m, usel 6.11h.b. cleip cla subulun: bu b. @hall b. fi»et berne *Assa, mmdlbl chse, op bis cîfa chié labe iga le."- cw"ibavlie clumd te d lama heu" cis *0Ice. Oe a( meI silncl- miseusaeis i. ne.ru. ne b'asasu ienlvné. les rlaupm tu sui C suLufam.,*el yleseneubave eapieaimalimoIL sus 1 su.oui t satm m &m . "-S u l coa cu..oiemy PvaeaManae. la the Court aric= mtlete 40 iy, arMotion eemda te. iuia m l iCourt, hahtubclobuu,. emetwbkulim k.ie staed. b. MmWidul li oluioe epms. A bibibal be.. licol lehéaolu11 et ÏOâîV;oulét mateal lete e aluA Esmesu fi pgiuel Se mutis, alovlagsshradtae àtoïcomh. At Othe IsyduAM.M Ai. TI's, Stepbe lit G« mymaaea( v5tpispasa~la 0%oawcuspbmiAt nuit mdes lelsodi Wmi lig, tesmin Ou psrbe.,ta lo-o ~t!ieeoeIay, aq.mlet ra. lae ptir euimnien" 1 t aclusea. e la rmi masiW.. sent, eho sems l.iss. b. luwl*s pdise. <OUabtIs nmd g.te tlthe t tmclenmd depoulle dthe fthdu 0pecontaieing thb.m lt b. âdki. a41 »Mfe e»sgtrue, md ta ut liamin pisj tus§«ESusl.laMoem e amlsie àée Noea*li am o ia . lai us - Se meea eshcium u gae l 1e. a6 .9.. sué ui Vid. Ab pp etdsuau ide ofuq idmw un ~ ~ ~~bel rmauicmilu. tg hem m OM.ie s lget mhala b s at éI l Nac. fgi e, Wa nuae. M » u. idem.asi cemeebaisi KMIGWM'N RAT WAD.E-goueu. HR Smfluith, reqmtfaliy Wu ART forme the public tbt be cou- lumueo carryon tbc H9tBnfmma am et bisoéldtaueppcmthed Kînut nHO atelhmem-Ibm Boume,1 ciirborehobu on baud lithetamind mou i fa"louable patterns for sud ée mila-, lice Hala aud Bouinmtm,= DMmîîud imita-1 tien do. carrantel cateryroaf de.wblrh b. cll dispose 0<t ec piu for cash uwpro- duce, or ajipr ed i t Cash paid for Bmavir, Muuhut, sud Sbp-i phUi Fs. Noeembmr 2I.. N.v ILBasalmon anad, a <Cc oille- im'. and Tautis Fur Capsoaexcemllent qulity-mnd taoales of0< lbiesm, chiai ciii b, »Muid ry lac for Cashi. T NEBubmbwsbeg leavu te lifru tb. Kingutben sudaiiiftvcimt, dm tîbeycillhà*a leurdeys mjusamWbMl nuiNte lamapait efiaceil kuocu pro- mise evuiby Nos.McLeod, in Fronat Surat-Tley clU coamanliy have oui band a la Mid Wali cl eek aottut of RiY GOODO, GIIOCERIES LIQIJORS, &.A&. chié th.y cWitleu n theloeote possible teres f<e, Casi oueMort ppioved As tb.7 cili confine diemesuivec mnirly t e mmiing by Wboleaiesmuid aetNsslal prilese, hey nfi ndeatly on d suhe of" du Ntaudfe Ilodu phe =à.- je Foteriput mu r enthe mrrivai et dia gois, chich ai.expactldadlly.- idAg.t.a,11Ib85Z .183. Mitave le inufu bu fr-and m phlht he ha. c*àeai e- uhctuiig NAILS Gi eveinstructio f a Inircesumiit, chiaé be Yi me lefiu-l art mppleeIov ed a mes atn .- PSortt heHaaldoffc,,a1896. a Am duown bp ev ear ofu. haouiruie aie, mimdotimaobefoyit mle basns&ati.. PaortHp, hd Ny, 1831. FAUBUC OI sbre sALE aa L esu O? o. 11, ht thums m ea peut, er a islapefdu R ock, NmSoth wester ean, &W h atmRobet Woee ue actirmu ila son mm thmueivaMU;san< pedmu us Maymm . uas apu FAM FRBUAILET KAgeBrt of nRioc. 83at~ . Bon. mmdPusaseonduN1l a g" ni.:f pmd4Ofui Ciic tr Mdtimbyoupehe tra.toa Dieà &eue No ' ictisTn-fe r id cet pu- t0uh saso ent t, bémof the erbeto - Oct.ne,luOc l. sur. REVISKD STATUTF.S., rirmi m EL o? fi et? 0<6. katel. Win b. pu te<s Me. . u9h mb it., mbd la a"eetuau laps u*micaiibdu eb c i h. tudy fer lelvee. PaftiemWbch.ae amebmiuleie md a- leeltel iasa compuisi dislea of tha ProincliSiatas *Qu 17% tlm 111inclusive, cii phwae for- cai Ibel, arnes clbou "yh. de Tic Edkôof ml U te espapsu, duPfflr in ciipleus e."bsoes eue lauitianmal emdile thaitacooumite fer fat- Meut IR. C. TROUfiO -eý PAL MACPARLANE. AMIDDLE AQIIRAN, vie psml chie. tes al ulmaeàs u a.k a tbemis ,mgaimai e s Ibu sm uaaLA peinueutonglpe eeul unftii Ale frocw at L ILMdasi otellietth"hor8minMr. Wu. geiis Camai Coa e Wcii mmml cxli pou- lM attention. P riluio, OClois,1MIh lm. 1 1 - --- - ---- -1- - 1 ý 1 ý mdr:&; -Xtl', ---,a ý ---au ;l p :il :l 111 1.1 .10 -làý Min. 0 Lé.ýýÂ- j ' ýj' rio

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