Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 19 Oct 1831, p. 4

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toii ~NWM CILL&NY <TCM. -MIÀ4suULu harquee.- UN mtt** Q.vume.t aig e UESE15S ~ U~VUIEUWIOO04- Il.tisd km obani e s. he .Athtésd..a ilb jwqBi. It. , lQ A y ~ cf r md u.W*o j~5Sh fr Ue h- * 1s an d nt b. ue, 1h' Do* rad au le tbmb. dagialtb ., tr*is on liou. vh. a. S - < ohmo- they Wio t*,n X= Match test, be.,dipà-hid-5&4soif inkhb lut ÇNI~ae eh, iuhaati Nam"H, Doeop uut y êtbatis < u t Ib, Rapebros fde, the. poti oftay tP. SUIt ar'mv-t ctt thîkotuvmdw..ebe r. Coasvemts. lu *l _tht viin te m&cf mgt- Oses- 0Ib yâi 'StULSu u onoeMr oa t ~ Stelu eOInt, belogile dpe sdtircey for clecto; a"d anlthose ta Whou dui,1 dw, tend of q*VI quaesyW.d.yMeonwg. Wnilleerut sautceatetu- bu h. s ld"ha ui t npics.. prescritthaïs t. o, r tsRite top, sII1vmdi o u iridaY 1Siltitg aller tht , os ~di-ukigabout temuo t 'o nitn, ad ite r Ulrbube tor.aid rival f the Monfreid Staoe. The Niagma ça ea ulu os e fofilsJa o n .b . u it a e d t Y ard , et IL u . o l a lb l te fid te P otf T ma, .4 U . u ou ii r o E riG ou a Mur a lt lum th e t x fte s. ud Con. H o. offéri, for ms aeaPOTASU W ORKS, H u aisMo >icwbg te .i n e,$ u i u térbu* y dow n an op sai% ous, vhs. i.v pepmg n Bt biduo;, " bth inr-thelb.best of order, adjoiing Mr. Gartat'i apprivedi f by tbhsenddl e ut ,atsaii,ào mg ItATU W8--toL rsngerm for Mntrital Win arrive ligne the ithbie widOW4 tboîhtil;fi rt suiin teibioarst iyle. Thereon inu Leda good subgbatiai 'hV"OCobiait Htmp« par Ton, mPr em« teBYodhiiOJ jk d USV.,..by ftllearrngemnt on Fraday et noon. Z,1401 ~~,kePt Tavin Wo90- Um, 40by 2 ho; alto, aBB@ing oIoU.. W esu.aya eqeted oy the.li-t paîd rF o b 555p*sseffl .............. . Mr. Connaîtrai'ucdd Der. uefile rural yaizo, bua cquired îzpei1enc ile tha26 b7 24 Ifa, ut, <6,oil Lacbas, nes and ferm g r Nage b« lt1HcmP,' llaie 'WcashDock P .......... ....rom oaasido hibubing BeodGvmne.t l-4ie hiruis te asitb "unradtng large Ketttes ,Cool-m Pump, Througbs, Klug's Diek Tordant ho.. Frot Fo.ecottmild rocle ta £0rusg.disMontzeal ta Lachionis 9, oy Stage. Isousif ___ ateu. tathe eco o4is hi. Lusis bho &É lit ' 1pe&bit <ýo.. -t..,Lbqà tth fCnaluMoes îam. Lachine ta Cascades, 24.-tealm-Bôa Ho 1rel4e thai h w fiatl se- isuit a &aie.of the public Patronagi- Kingit.t bre thir. oi nothioogof the H.sp, wbicbcou tbe percbassnd et Kingion PrFho" m. ner<sIc. ae 5Csae r,*<iuo.foleiluuovns enar.f te M8nu Houstli arbge kno i tenant in ertioil otra de.-by the RespetiveOffioers, Wvolie fraisSix êMersc"D* ............ 06 0isuta Cotewall, 41,--Stseà, Dotflmmem inhr.tiuii OkI it"bc teet a xesiemdsrabliigaraunte il mm per..wiolihag huudr.Itta Seraithuusdred Tons A»»4.ually. Pr tescolfmi Bauc&ud. 1.goCoberg ad :lCo Itea Prtornl, 4,-Steç.3 toi dncnihi m vh!' te cacotyib.Maint Paose. <,(theîte-. l'lie pntu eshiri tan ng s yeb. ho Corussorto Proscott, 50,-Stage. -OU hé desoietGairn lv Livery Stable yul b. connsantty keai for Paic, :atd prospect of a ruI. aneau bject) cls andietun Hemp, asabovi descrîbed, Fr»b btlSlqgfai) ..î10 BocilesatKBtonli,-St.an4.. On BiMr"sintise p ar tiîeevwu Ibo accommaodatumn of Lb. public, aIs., the Land,vbîich usitatd on te au.saInb.accardaugtitaeait ,F rty or yý * doc ak Ifse* ...i...........l*to KiKignta o, 0,-do. fusappradsstWlasCMBtS. CARMINO.*baot-, uMn w htclitheiabove buildings, Ste. Frtytbre out"'a FmpigroiM rokmsy".Billin oBgt gtnBy E.q, b. coeistu mol suca vn rius sgion, 24th Ortober0 1830 ar etected. The wbotî sAIt b. sild te- Tan. l5iiOBat, Md ui d ois ter or1ta ullo e,45,-do. by lth e ssea~ndfous tbiir extraurdin- STUAN-BOAT MOTEL, iamaliable low for Cuob or short appnavet Colonel Covert bas onîcled I srFor euh Dcabaspassioe <ts....... ...uon.. enNigaa,4-d ary WLi et mü., in cebaactir with lqON K-1acE-tiT, credit, and an indisputable titigivein. Ap. Cobourg, for the perlioansfpreparlngHeap FPr.. sthsdé cu4ug ndPort Hop, miTotale 485 Mut.. himueK IL cissnbsitheaî pi-unis tb.e Plyta G. F. CORB M- for Exportation, sud Wai giveasny informa.-.~>.BJJOS ~nBy inveotor of a machine fur dii uihoaieBo wdKîngston, December, 18W0. tien ta Fürmes respecting Lbe best matbed FviceCb&pa.venge.dI I iBoFoto 1 atotGrenkay of bribery andcoruptionaet electiojos, aWal lHE Sbcribr begs feeta retura bis FRSL.of dremlng it, andtheprofittlikreltobe ab- Fot .schDek i-, aa.gw .............i o7 O Dunkrk toPortland, 16 forlairly mdlIon"sy aegiteMg tht. asneT inilcir. thalaksa 10bis frieaod.and the FRtsAatied romaociltivading HemP fhI&tPPer Ca-Po i~t£ iBitriosqoiPrln oBu,3 of votera. 'lh. piaors as hsglly indig- publie fur IlacIr Try tiborat support, during .Front4A VIiabi Fopete ais ts èsu101 aY. "i otad.ta Bies 40 nantaet ld.langbter v imes suinvention tbe.lastcalgit Yonerof sbibbehebol:i.to afliI. ately osnedbleMr. Pi- GOVaiRNMETorPicEt, 7For.a"cabin psusper (iacladiafhm] ... 110 i Aubtabulu ta Grand River, 33 srded n ad ihcnieal ui etnac yatirict atteuila Lc&ar ; il lie. about s mi - - York, iStis November, 18M., Fu ch dock po7rGrandiRiver ta Cleveland, 30« ivarauth,,Gnee, whaLb.' yn May bhomme . Mits Houoï. baving unrgo.lo h-K onflis d Hp . ý CisîaYd bUeniaaky b. pleaaed ta think fthpollr"~terng Larongh repaire bas plauciitonre t&ia, ;vabout 9miIca fioonKlngstot; -,il lta aFaro cf raUso Dock Yard, PClevelandadZfta'irimoJ.<y.uW inarste1 'kno iftaone of the on oer inbs pwer tacoatrbut ethé cenfar 0 ceossoa srci il.IltAl'femsbr, 13.FIMhcbasaqrlalafo]. liSanday toDetroit, wooaieiaol productions of otim aciiue$- andaccommodaion of Travtlc,.-A fow 'ie. bset Berna Inuthe twOProvinces; t à$ 100THE Kinston Mieurevîtipltit gFor .ehdeck p-sssso.......i76DlittFotrai,5 it in a noble, a glanis.inveCntion, Sud onei Bourdera caunlb. accommolsted. by 40 fcet..-,Ato, a good Dwiling Bouas cf Lots No. 36, 37, 38, S9, 40e in the Promo York ta Bwrc'hasgoBoy ad %rfflra, FtGealiata Micbllmackinack, 2w« c alculated ta prudojoe n reeu ilât ejtla Tii. Table and ]Bit ibifaniibed itb 80 11Y 94 f.sL.4tabliog for about 30 Hon.e,, 4tb concession of tb*TownabipofKlngaton, and vice s. ~Mieb.lenckiacktoGreeflaye3O tht. ountry thon tIhe prsunt Kimg or bi hi. blst Lb. Maket affod, andoth.eoetand Sbeds aimiat bcyond meaioriaag. Tht in Lb. Midiand District, baving beaua r- For euae bîabsaa.cagcr(lscladiufianl...O012 6i jiialifUcuU ima ver ammphoat." rinalet.termn. Land is of thebet quatity,anon îiwood- chaued on bebaîf of Lh. Comminaiolicru of Fi«isck psagào ..............i... 9 i 0Total, 9i8 mil% (t. Mr.Cooan-Paimnrsha ae yul N. . Ztcmiv Sabîa aat Slc,doog. ad aand satinid.-Tb. abr* Praperty viiil i a tegty's Mary, Noticileeby in FrontsBurroagtous Bay ta ZIhgrai. May Sdi, 1981. PrSoiO-Taa i mntixmoiian Isr its lrg nt mcu.har, .soldlirevfoirflash or ehort approec ci- tbst ainIpersainsam varased toncuttlng Foûcitabla osassagmn..........fa....... 0 àB ATN TIE0s ii(x ?Detamis; arn 1 bounât! teanethat or visa THO$.BAMFORD dt-For figrther prIlarà apt t. dosa or takaaag sdber or &re Woos or n Frmc oki'ass....... TADAgwisý,o LI oaluiKingston, Febiary 1,.1831. MICrHAEu£L &B&EýAN. aty altiremnuriL.aring tLb. id "a I FRE1IGET. tti-,The spleridid mass Steaum.but Mr n. CANAL rmy.N. B.-u--dntcdo bvoteea jrpry n o u prisfount ciatrmpas.- Po W ?I,.Aiy GasarBas-ana, <lep. Joseph M'. Pniuour-Wh 'thonfor your setiafac- C OANALC0FPEEE-HOu SF, =aseofl6yiarsa"hu-shaebtama f loyhiri ud oa toin" téflintam MW ximma: omo *eil CANADA. woete baintie-.tkmihls AU ad m ot fuerLbr1ty eJ ia. brb ivnta orevery al oAb«..ed sr~.0 Ir h ulcaet.itnlyliona la u~w dg"-;ud, LIA REL tneAnbd ihi. ADUFO SL. er3, =1 inghmiivmniLbpr-F fon. Us. l Te unb lr tpun -lI isot Pros. acksedgsn t he u dngAp hleWnit2ho 91S31t. A le Frrcry Barre.îsflos.............i i i the fnosing sersu<.sints have bena l Prisnir-emid, mn W.g, ~ ~ ie fisud an u gninos pblic forthmeoo uldi g t h at acvi (5Mw ut ar-Lb. F.î os sci.............i ilcfur the moul aytuofi i W simoeprs. is orytm-, xtaonianyatronias ebu bas saperlicai ajustei bs TOT No. 25in ý6Lb Con. Borgits, 20a0. JO . LVR ormni Peotcuatc Mlt ~ Ol, ?onduy, 1», Uturday, 18th, TIers ageutlmanexmordt*tnmqlwm.h..u LaO 0 d b.ab lEsabiamet,-u A. 4 No i A Gb o rintem 31e.l;eu qi5 F ro ai sAVe >aples go S. m da2,Tuui ,2th, toucbing aIBrstck. forum o dt elwee i ietPbW-hi U N. li t oDalntn20MICHAEL SPRATT, For cr527barai of Asies,........... 1 îKîntn I a igr.wl Sir, cinotunmes *>roy doiug so-my fotes inbt hochasnow complesld ex. South j 13 4r 14 9th do hionipoama,2W>0Mu...........F..oii'bac5cfl', 0i11 'nsoi okui ipa î isougl iietMoite, fr hvi ur t«eni,,atuadsolomirlebt ACCOMMO- Lot No. 23 Ith do Mamrsin 0 ROBERT MOGt;C.yisrso Pcs........) lhVN giSB olonth il icot nf hend.i on a ffobo charge, sit and sIud DATIONS FOR TRAVJ2LLER.....he East V 23 th de do 100 MW., n Shi,usA<h. AU tS 0er m" i as o,, oa <à dm cf the fol. _o*de'.:-Sunday, the 51h, 'yack Lbe cineumetuno ;"mm Ïnao 10 te y hsosbavlng amlsrgeaoo uagbrepair, Fa, evry Hoco, ... .................1 0 Fnldy Otb, ednésday, 15th, bonday, friendi. 1lalho4b.--- d tor tire, air. sais b ai,' itaftovuiisudBthe addition For00<s oU SALE. for ivery Os or Ccv..............15o i 01h Storday,25th,Turaay,0toel. a . Mnt. omao-l havi aaly ta sMy that un- cf luge Stles af dsbeadith *opsao% tere apyto . C.TbafO-D, Eoq PH E SURSCRBER offiers the followlig Prom Prescot ma dBnoch a ocohsn<, luteig IKngsto,,,roekiltle snd Preirolt lm es.yu iouesme Wir. yon réssde, ani iuaiuioachld ; b ,b y fKiigàtopn or ta th , fae Poier frsale: lO~PTIOOBUOZ&iGT imn ts fer the rrmaiodcr of the ae19" taelry aemontofy ourefyostriet ttduation t.aietoWuit foiaf laAccuuta- -SON- Visi.-lllO r"omIsf Land in thiTmnua.hlp Pmeu at wi8dtctirebdim .e 0 a aan mgul elb. adveirl. s siocon as il as a:- U ~ t2asaL b. oomsittud. me ul, te omuiî a, continumlles of public pu. Adolphustown, 2nd Marchlm128 .aa oiI)tlt offoaro, sithin a short Fut v.' Bort0............. :..l à i c«tain.d, If theaGreat Evitaiu wiltl le mPpures Prisuur--Coiat me tb prison, air!- tnitap.t o ta u:W m PttioaMm 1DOR*Axe O G Tele" diolme of Botîtustou, Block Ne. s8tIn the FOr evmr zOor ............... 10 ittcd ta cl ut Osego.7t Eld Itv*mtutuWtyou iglt,,so <l ousea.attuined tanden i& original pncpmetr, AN mitlt ooeo h.u oA isltTvsi. . Fa tr asi1.aumvlt No exeres, bas bem spared in finaohirg nul a gentleman tu pri"soi! Oh, tliis jthe ilot* e LOlver Thitasdê.,2.tt si us uueas L0t No. 38 in the lit Coeestonofl. Pe hii(ià osI. aifribngt ho.otinhta buharesai ~naeimimi 'nJmty27tb, 1«1. . i Wel Camlaor im rsuaccup.b Tonsbip af Emnct Towna, 9 mile e. r Fswowt,wigtotisci<a".adeMerchaadiseggf lc a ,fon «evr oê .............. .0 om~cnfortabl mnnet. The rattesof pasuaru ollm.éfb ..atecauu ta undengo incarcieratin.. Ibut Mr. WilusaS Coanter, as a ioW.,forteras Kiui0toncritStaaog 300 arnes-There..........................etIth sineauchage byot.,gt you Win censider, sir, <th e uosim *y0H1BOTMia5A TAIaiona, uitauieumrappl taMr. W..Congm, us &Bonn.es Bârn .aràd 500 b.arlng App. Fortcery parccltomlio.ib .i01i rboats. Iuneot,IM83. whihtyasgawl it maluufomni' .-ou mIat i5ic Ufaily.bigm l«e.to aioso . -r.EEEZ. EII reet 01onlthepromises.. _ JO.AELT,'osuc.Q..T MRIASTMIOT Mgs eti nge hm f<uni n oi , IlsaAllié,cremo- Lots lt Clualorlls.m My ndmI»hýdeth ule trtg o Caoocrg etl#Apnil, lm3. Aw-V1 . nre HAEfNr . .c-Bet T£ MSipe.TE OA "0 ex ipire aLeai er-ytbiSouaofit. â vsiraitbia-mmoto Maket Street,tnext dor ______________ daNaa1eMoî"ONILIOII, lp-Bs IMO. NAROP5 basat diiou -Yutoyppuao Mr. ~t Mr. W. Binli, ,Draii, orsitn . 13'TTC ab~égutittpnes rietnp enlorbok gentiile if. tam msutbi iSendmeta ~P nd ,Sitiie., bis 1emÈpMuia tu tiiis var"«ac, JN f.oid eutMigwood,oni trou '- Wiliam Crochaqi.E r.,nonJ mt e rb.Capt. WMa. R. Mik I 'bullDoesout m vagabonad. aHosellemas, ie medl. f.I. agui-iumWat Co f"]Lt , B<, . KY Mr. Cumat-You vesfouuamî1s* f Hnls mr. ts.sdimicaviy- "iCîadimOKlooviililb. pro..- ARIRA M~~<>1S. OPELLED loy vo Les Premue ahatanebhmaa. a de.oer mt bs oneud asthe - isIinaIwocuted itib théutu.st riferoftbe Law.' VOR ALEA V4LUARiV FARM NagrtaaOseioBelQabc.' Eogne,'Qf ahIr Bors. Power, bua cimern unustnni éno% os»Wod, a a uer isth illonge o .acia ' s, r'o-w.~'lit fâwe th e Gouicasoef Fm.itic1[c- "Muieced lir rîgnlor trips betwein Nia. CU ioe mia-Th.Ibs hte diu' pua ie_ , 20 lu lau t osim ,4mbais iGlt niSale t ofn EILE i dosb't a .se o ai ssluo d Dlarge mnit . s,a.nî. u. 1 o. si lumn ie P t l,- o Odmw Fo- Sa »rii p'r 5 1 1t i2 Ogo)btoci l toyace of ligneas rts wu i~llemm let A sdW;b.*" sit t'=b. vasniuieml.t a W.in bu.,,ut m . 'ik1th h2p te ýotâ r ofpati4cil . Applyat lbHeint Jut,' Sua' $If0W m . Dvgaiv >cswououerua. B.Vi.tni ola~d,~veqfostb W ronu on te Yis264»MrcIo heaboe-tr H.dtfte-Oo , V., AuCall5od001iSs à1.25' OWinlt,, eAreNa sa- Àlie ét rmiav la.,glupendeconeiteý York pendliLlu a ejr,.8 lis. elle At b6usedAck b" My description of of fClaui à4taiui*lani tqe 51 1 p 30et&Erltrt ta lai nuolun diithe tutat coeuile - * W MST PostillonctfoU,' ag uct,7çul, Ion. izda ss obi Otis D arIlit, an. mlle t oseiy .eM. mni .Iea.i. ni iaLify sei. b.taog 5.11 lit - ,'l 11 Ulo AuteuilS1lAEE ub.eveia alueet a bfo ui rsdmc, 'Iechp! - Imseerilombl ocMhLatbii'Augus ~ d '~ nte r ifie l.Vilg i m sols Daqw o li o.,se yng0ousiet~tu sLW ssbs lut n.cleaFn fT s o~.. au ~ ~ iocsiitl uakng tacornci aiAan gaA..tLb. Oebcib - '-Tbospa Br intLWeism heI b.tmsoutaboinX.m e tu bydimetin- tsei..&UNlsluos u e tooet 0M . iW' got ri al m t) ota èlio a iB bsa- Dpl~.ma bes*g one aà4 acke lalot vicl tsa .uts mlb, , laU.ltblus<ibeSr.idi , ci* À lino of uÂorvu S h~ ra t ag is.A ntpiau tht~uce, Wini hial saa il;anaDA pressionso 'Mi$dv4 for Utt2dai -i or frue% r i ta Tmbr n sldta i" :r l-iuo g Bcib&B ta di Midi mÂLEor ma v~vuu ut~ur oilsdetnm a p i r FaSmith d onemie f tliSae cb~ n ~ it ttsa .uî'<u bis tofnswIpt thuiad .pi-=1 Mel .ti, at sonaIb th ls, if oaUnt10 i ne Whiv..m caM. uemi. b.Wau abi osagivo. 10muai 19Lica b reI m l5i asteaa auI'c b Utststn la m oth yelnUi th int a on saks. yuers,n" aie i& -.",m"' oXNI<OM13 he51 - 1i lis vumua et 1,e.dinga of mis lu- ~~gn4smâlive.qp#soi13111gif .si .liuseyt7V'ppy'i"' i.,. i, & o til or i uEU5Cip c lurS il lotWbo0 Aofeaag dd iW.cpu- B,1'1A liii thëvl a baiSte Vlrlage ofs g e me andbonebonges i te ras u 8wft*otý"ICONTDA, B y F hauws.i toeWPeg a itnls oua>s. atU 'ae eht;cibot ee dataes apreu or _ a uU APsr s as.sei be . . Tt*, Saiste 4ousig lai vas Us. "pmI y heri te .t,$4W»uiaçbw49'~.i i uA ii S.,B TL T . ccesaffulé4e ari aluat oý " ilate ,klatou neufs aiL'e aluti a mis g:uiw aplul wlt 'rotEbiwAes oft tMbER*4aamopm - .g a & ýtai)ce »i ttwu -*bep'.4pWtma heisM efh *tiiif iiPtlpsd c1lalaci sfirm bu t È; pices.siud Jree .,u' Ciht-eLudamiJ a. -4tlia .i a 1.E.-&l.Wbjb iao. la br paiiluit 'B'b t*loF C. ie q iigtist lOuntIan h51. ed's. it, as eue dh lm.,aBtlousliftbbk maofIaeneÇstailler,. s.çiBath, et.ll.tesqt, __ atWn rttg- - ., . 0nIl JOH- le». by AEkI Imm __ , 4pItaila 'àrý l . "Claq,ýkay tMantnesi, 3lU'Jul '-UL t Rlim siui. An u N Md il TRT' Buitral Mpriai Gikéat-g.*ýâWý - ;Of0FdCaa , 3Inttixai&»aM i-fls W V-seieqietw;b refaire uSor3 'aw. Mauima, «PifeuiwpgbsâloqosA te tIbo <wbi lept lth M pbi se amuee gt AU.'ls gj5UwqPttli mm Spm5 a5SAIl 'gettb1'qt iDisthrictm ......RiAtl h *ptr bhais ge**ait aunea ate pub- y Rw, , éom5CC*I;k IT s Zu tOinb......m es inrs uue oetpy en nc Suol gt t 5 rlàua .qèp1r aui tb.. .. et kebimmmduA.J.m1fl the Wa utib MecaWaapplthi s LYL MP #1 iris bue q*dý i !mu2tet Pas y M' allie. uI, PMI ~ nenut iba rn avrc U<aUa1ymptbn«ae 'li. tota eueaie 'of its blflstgbtai*th.Omud.e. ___ the la" pub q1t 9._________ et &y r-: - Byt Conia.t.ssn Ué. »Il 1.smmla

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