48, -Vous, f» ICI oi an Md sam- prstàq e-» CE1 u am Ob med Fmeg , aAd,<i a«.d =uuI VMAitBOAT pwi.. Vu.A~r po Le.Pie, qRoçm Pow.r, bus At 6 é%j"t %cket teuis uyo ptb&w àhuleso. loti .Iuiy. l", kýUDiMG AM UNMS r tb6 iice ,à I>nhâà N8~ R. -~t'~~ "'t ., pie. ~ - a.. m'taiw 1 Buts vittas. Eh ~Jisa.Uahe.I n. YoetI.~m du setn col . amUy« sien t aile mmen fterilý dy,»l& . rtrJsa. I,8~0. The" n.h il C-9,' mm, 1- MM.- Tb. Obcrllet ep isus tw4PIqbi- = mnas lte t"e mbasii abect MOi îs fes b utectinuai btd ptu .iw R. omties r thie ht8aip piluethon $il ttsnii ue mtse mtj sud duat h. gwU ou te raij bais popits trou,'lb.lenceje ld of - pie maont ibeaeetus HIENRY BALDWIN, je&. Belevlle, augon lm~8U. M inforu di. etumess- mei asti f Kigaton, bud ils ve yth"uem tb. lest of Octeer la*CMa= (mt the. boue lstely eeeu<tl., yur. lich- aioinGrave Srs)TtIsIitueliol Wt fon- gen) . lu îe "im sd Eg- IibLang-tag., Weierd omt i pty rotes of Arithanatle. bNi. J. in 0,m, ctit. be "y- edu emt tentioz te thobe Who Iau, le gds66Wu.d Ismettal i bewtsedgac l eaus- 109 the number e1tiltpolu 1*0.............. ..........s QUICI&Pby, ..... ................. a MneJ. vinl tec sor i ts cf Nsâl w.ak i a upmrat, voeu ires the.bq7m. UEVISERD»MSDITo mtI Salom. wm ero» il1 besit lgle atevki logvieeg b eeieopstat8dev s b*Edl hitns... v4e amumâeI. ta irin hoR.mC. TRObffl ei Je. MAC <AlLAMt. IKingstsa, lti April, 1881. Noirs. The utici.edise, Will edeoN tie Statt,. o Io Preino eueCoge- t'onal Act, lieOrdlmmss Quee, upi auI other Britigi Acha of Putrmmet vilsi relate particulary te the. Prenne.. Kinuten. lti Amai!, lmS, TUE IP40VINCLAL STATUTES. 'rery cu or shott;.Iwra i3p It WHi contai, aRdu ejUb!W ilDhste G rm. ai fnnménIswslm Cus appeRmnite1 tm~.4~ Index. nuduiit atd eninhies âe Puowb',~ Mc. W.. Il .1k-R u.eM.dw ty qi IWUel N 1L EW nom Ta* pos alet uRgi..* wlsw am p- U.iuiiy T C ü*m ezaio Ld aa lmg~ bc hv.lUpoe m;mi I etiau lisw 4w Oa4flOI5;dti If . PI atoll ,m bwmqe tbeodi n O*mI~stuai Oum«a. A tu Uils .udAwk i eu~ bentsw MOId i liskdgsie.ealt.15 %mdqUd al, t RÂLE."' [NUMEER O8~. -p vuh a( h éi.a. au 4 ~We.day....ue" bwor ount w uU i amarks, Biab < Ua*lih< *th ~ I4~f~dMr. Voyou; xt. * -~ NLZb - Oulet; f4. Vs I<eI.dtme s. eue*km îltci rw~u~ eUp.ln.Iwltim p..5de fihuve WMaci Cctaimmile &MA nod *0 mue. sgrsem-M di î uen. :e n.itild be uie soitheai lism.ii.d Bohos f I oppout. tii., - ae'.bmu, lue upamtiom a cancidat" ror 'tkbaetthe o» * ng bhdut M ty .ol*a *0fas7 a feW- Gle t ck or m tab li cfescimt it - emJnl4 o*ard a p far Csah 4& 8u*.84, That lb. é &*u OU&ssi lofare ioçegblLmbd*utvin Pvsd tboRémai mmu *iAs.âge M. s là, Thaw ih~U~~tedwqhvu1 abw, S.UBWm.U pILu c. Thé ap0<bS UMM lad n ai e ot..é" 21,1 ~S1WAIUiUAt I o I .A -,,-- - - - - 11 --ý ýý1 1 I - - ; st- ~L~!.LUss, q. wlf us êlan~eieds-, .ddpd fS du nm 17flu- O.k mi e. Nommai, 1<' 4bi, lcEt s,«aUu= ep, - OM b", 0 Bmeos, a EOB3 ARUOUR, Bb6lu.msaami Lue, NomnaL&phloeIbu r«mie î iu. 'ts.lb.TLIW au ' I-e 't -~ m-d.I5j W-4 um - mima-' pu - rL i voqpdv<'uuiui~4eiJ'ashuvI~ * i. suds. c0ussgai~om-w4 Uaen.ph o<Octéer ne~ Poids lai 5~im museS I. ai. ' '1e14 ime., 4 s Puduausas.s.sMuarwI.~mmomat~. '4 Aui8<blg 8' .4' * tlllld~4 5~b~g do '8" 1~Io* 5... W. s ~ bt.~biOrnar1.. 4 t ' Ilirdbsu do s, ~dsbhipatraftge7 ail 8~rm-, P s, 1~~hai S - 5soI~do" -' ! du~mBI5P~s,~ ~ s .ms.aq.sIn S 2uvttsi~±t w.,.. f 1W~eb~i~ " hlpa'lmmblulIU 8 if ~lqetdu q. ' E *ULflQWINQ N4I'0SP~ 4; Uic~1~v~..a pekNmmp~ h s- h. ~' tpukOuewlbésdshs~ u~up f g * "~'~'w'ht~ ih'~e - ---- -- lad te" Mil ié..de Ihq i g WA(f U.A,5~ t, t' '-t - ' ~4- ' - - '-t" "4. iLil!~1 d~ ISm cfo mm ti ri .1 - A ISPECULION!I O . !s sccee attemaue Mu*glos. 130,Boadway, IiswOR.YI EChi No. 18, vinibu tas a Ilest 30 Nýuiners.-4 diaw 84 *IMelt*,prime. am.l mwsl. atntidu 08J .-.Sylvester la lSPokg.wWbisTickets. 300 M0 Tk4. Nu ru, W 3M10 40 a. mam 7 2 - Tickets 680aiet $l, 08 aao88&M.lem.pjm80' su 10 datio, lihe get lsTicets whU drap- min die t. ~ov saa mmt. bot tQue saMont me pplioUed » tiey est" noeu tua.. Ti04wm W ho seut j.38 w Noéeor Pix.., aregt44roericte ofew.h 1'ekg. aad Cos*iotioo )Iutuborawît! hbe s,- ded. The tikets wattl e hude t tç paumktilt i ~t r .dnima d 1w bit* -us tio .swn du pipndid captaIa.-n*o b pu. Y*gm 4 Uwia,p Mdntm lit, Wtho dù kaov ia. ý Vn4sê tvmiwà TO lie i viil*M wvge ta y" 00loa * kf, W", ekoel os AAII ee bI a". xwm moujh t.h. 1.11 -Iwý =Ill =iMmým9weauffl wamil