v &Bata, bq mou of leI4ut e aa lia *aot m ri te l ten, if h%4. vau of ae mi .ip ' etT àa *i m aaiua.t4 aulaý ata pte. aM for St. Pot"rbue ogl mUt'sp, a ibm Kin% .Dockt Varda et1 Onaua*"MeR*g, theailgafCaSm womp bkeub o . els ml »os t hoReapecit. 1evU. .S Tho Price. vhîi daum ii hl C alsf CeIO" Canadian Holiea k-taclb,1 .iii1. . Mîtordo% Sha i Y, y, ty or1 Fet'-uhra. peou" RlK m ralyperà Ton.1 a Colonel C~oasbu.rAntsd Mile usemra Cobo'mrg, fr th perpoafe 4 inHm fir Exporaton, saSl ivsky inf!Oma tion te PFermera reaimaetimmg Ib ami tiod of dresicg it, and ithe ggk litrtehe oh. tained 4 rou cektivatint ktmlulppor Ca- York, lsth Noetasbey,183. et Lots No. 86, 37, 38,10i, 40, in imae1 '!h concessicn ofet tev'911.hm111Kstoi, E in heMidtand Diiriet, laaog I.aplm-1 chased lcn behei oftheicCommigioners of1 Hi$ 3da'tyîN v ,Notice is hmreb *< er thai i persons arecv.rned fr n uîimns; down or taking lucher or Aire wocai, or nc ne peron la after tiidate lerect any Hu, Houa, or Building mhaivr, mithaut pet- smieonns thb eeetiv e rs tftth. Dock Yard. JNO. R. GLOVER, MICHAEL SPRA r, MtAdum. ROBERIT MOORE, Si Co. of mIsc Tofiadi. Twnh Lai Ne. 8la the lot Concession of the T or£rust Ton, 9ins'onsm Lonais lu SmMbtO .Ter e ila*am arn and 6Wibal j 9mb Conen 1monie Frederma ha Ao,2iiNau ot n lr 2, cemitnaV Lutiam 30 ksEsqie Gim bo n a gaie of eultivai ion. The. ahwe Farse lasituai. u i20 miles troi lint o, on the Yarik Bond, & withitu a fewyard'mfaGrot and 8mv Mill. There aratl. onnessund a btain on the. premises, and aise excelolent tevae.. The ibe l leha m.id <bnpfor cash or t short %pproved cridit. hpply atibmeHoraild Office uer le B. Caasdy, r~~ > THRSAE Oh oan ZeT. 3 ISmith Bartiot on. mime trou t ki~na on tla.laite mshore, la for sle ou tt mottavourable toms. Ifîma aold beforetha frauda * f Apnil exit ilI b.e te let.-Alse for sala, on very loy terme, several lolahoth ofciiltivaW anud vild lan". Thoale ib te ohiai% propry of tibis descriptioneta a 1evrata, vilktiovthe terri me apy 1ngtte i.aulcribers DUNCAN VANALSTL NE. Kington, MardhifltI, 182. FOR SALK. ialuable property etGreem Bat. merihr, conatiog of vrieîaa diellig and ont iebuse..and aevarmlactas et excellent lanai. For parîiculstm appui teotiaïRi. James Rmehardwa, K titn D Ju,.1881. IMiOR SALE-Lots No. 80 aand 82 in the. -n;11h àconceme o f Munay ach cou- lalaalng 200Acre, cf excellent Lanad, li lmnid in stuaied on Col* Creel sud No. 32 eommandoa aPrivilèeofetthe maie, cf saiS Ctaakit l eing a met deirabla situation fer the aeacion of ailisa-Applieatlcn te ha made te Mr Julmm Richamnd imo livesad- joining, or sa the propelmtt lAdolphris- togv.. .JON4TFIAM ALLm&N. Match l2tub.S. ÇtaaCoenty of Lead, c0« ltsl*CaMra. taion cf ii ria'ehas taftn- der il vortbi imthe à eot Prmetm.- Applyeti tia HemaId 08W 2 li Klpgial, !ay 2,188 SSE LTm, mid lumdlnia puse.- amn!rm, <ie4 lim 1ai4m it ien 810- 7 rucw d Iloîsse, eiwrvl m do ofet S. adreea'a Okuteb. hlm$.--ied p.S by Ma.. Baywmin. The Jicua. Isigi and vomia., an4 Weil adapledfoi« eielfami it Coamhé RMouwb alirOui-q = a geed a*&04ai*04 4ta scalim on of pmro prisg-waiai. A*P)P$iaomu ; hamada te My. Oleatt.In*lim Kaer, Stara S,, %«ite lbe. prpute, Mr W. chambmrSI. N Pomt Frede"li. - à- LOT Nu RV, litCoôtsTOmmeh0. c L Ernti tom, VAteil'irpie bt.-iteafrount, witli a %Ood Fnt fieHoaau,'4 hi' 30, one Storv mmid a. at high, ata' 48 bjU 3 Imprivýtenuta cf aat1i 0 aê %aidr cesplete fonce c ori ibmel J~Su une 15d, 189.. ANP 1ràeMai the FleraiS Oektèa ksW $a"i*daeawd te bî. 1ý u 1k fete. Beeh A#%toe*, e iego s m mi tulmau, me th" avili. «s had» t jis onaI,»4ha inde- mmingtll je onbaua m n AI- t«âqr lor md i bm. e ouhou, béle woed. wu Omvl Pi esmait Iheir calmafoi lqkwboe. Me oaf.. foi "i.a ITASH WORKS, la mm tt uSr, dl*nsg Me. Garnts diuawy, in mevlritioxyet Kuaptn.- Wsaa ««Waca i auhatntaal A" N*ue,ut by%*0: i. aD..lliogleune. Leage LUh, Coler., Fhup, Thronghe, ke. ira ots nmeil. Proeximity te Ki0flimer, Sm i.othimi ef ib linS at mn e eration,ist ai a de- u T r ay Poion vialing li;Ptblamhe: 1Itlle pieeoi oit anielmoeue) esXv bilîa, . aréeî "ii bolea vili busoldTe.- marbale 1ev fer Caîlior mshort appreved enpdit, mdan indaiaable titi. gven. Ap- ply te 0. F CORBETT. Lugaton, Deceuilmr,13. jxOR SALE. T HI~iAT valimbla Pgoe't.y attomiid by Mr. Pi- CarIaol*eut a 8m ileba--1 l i l. KmgînMill. ..di îhM'I ."tsut#« fnemmaKingimq;ili mia For,,, cf 100 îlereqen ahîh .t-re.t1maioie cf il,, B'11 l.h., i.ut t4w .t e P ,a,. ; it j.00 I.. 40 filt -AI"., a g<'id De. Ili,% io'nst 80 'y 24 fart -cha.fr .,lini 30 H4.ram..' q,.d Shed. âmt,'at beyermd mea..îieg. Thei Land ta cffithe bept queity, imd weil w,.od- .-d amid waiered -The aboie Poprty qiiiq b. %-lI lîw for Cash or short apprî-ved tri. dt.-Foir fucir mr irivulsn. a pm'l tfo MIICHAEL BfENNÇAN N. B.-rdepemidemt ff the abovimime.is 30 Actes on a Lrasp of 16 yeart an alik-b i.- erected a ,,btaniial I.laekanitih'aShap m,.d other Buldgs-ilic imble el hp i'llta, rcior. A lrit 2OîTI, 183t. LANDS FOR SALE. Acesm L TNo. 26 i lu ou n. Surges, 200 LwNe. Il in Ouli do Dariaigton, 200 Seuil j 138if14 Pili doe aripesa. 20M Lot No. 23 Oîb1 do, Marucrs 200 Euat à '28 Stia dudo 100 lî0m Fer terme apply te H. C. Thoumré, Eaq. elf Kingston ,erta ethe. prprietor, JOHN W. FF.RGUSON. Adalpimusown, 2#àd Match, 190. A AND imnediate Posseesion given, &Athat Weili ikanaHeume, and prem. atin, Cobourg, anid ai prement occupled by Mr. WilsonS8. Cenlgor, seas Hetel,tfor erre and culrgap Me. W.B.Conger, Cobourg, 6th April, 1829. N OTICE la herîhp ien tiia ll permotme tL otindeciatin.g vod,orin n y va it ram inmqupomi the Wtm ahttL et .,Concession et iingstnts milIbl po. cntedmiitii.he maimamt rgor of the 1Lr.. ROBFERT TOLBERT. Kitton, 2»h April. 1881. 10 iy LEr,m.d aimedmta pumnoi: &Igmve tbetiwo *tory bouta ituaeai ai the. upper et of Gave Sre. ,laely et- cnpied by Li. G.,re R. A Oit the pratuise are a geod well et Water wimia O.,îhoaaae. &ad mime lots, consistiezg ot a Garden mad Orcharut . Apply le Mj'îr Cirbet, or te the. r.prieter. THOS. A. CORBETT. Ma, a is. 18M1.- FOR SALE.-T1-e fellovring Laaet FGrou-md on Ithe YorktRoad, ai the. villaga dlWaterloo, viz.-Lots Ne. 11, 12. 18, 14 and I& . Appl lte Nb. Math, Imnteeper, Kingston Jmim til, 1881. Suroagor aem"raIo W" st PoretIOlmca, York mà ec.1830. p UBIC 'Ioieala bwebelaiava., that ln JLfltuoalilpensonscmating Timbe, np.n the Crovu Lande, or Cieray Remerve in Upp Cnaa itîmoul Latent. tropm Ibis Oce, vl h midly pomsteed, acd the Timberme eut, viii te aeized sud sold te lmlm MmJemy'a mie. PETER ROIIINSON. D IOU"DAY, SATURDAY OF dioumt.m*Bd mode payable ai Boi moe ibaun imuirdeys iter dale, mabclepui un der cever mtethe Cauisso, and lè et taims .- fice Ibo day hof4e.,, JOHN MACAULAY, Caher. p UBLIC NI 'TICE la herehy i' len timt JE &li jesoimf.asd Cumillngiaiimg aval or iu uoing the Timber oeini Lands, b.- Zmgn te ihm Canada Coezpait ibcit a speeintai mthriti' tram il. 5e, iiibe preaemimd ii tbeîtutmtaeairoaar oe. La.Osiaelda Comp', Of0ce12 .TYrkt, 1ltb NV.130 NOTICE. N eonuaonmiy te Ibo Act inoarporatiag ilim Conmapna abulnieî Sook a Dov epena m ise -'ce ef THO& KJRKPATRICL Kicion, 1&mb Mai, 1881. NEICHARDSCOBALL, CoopES, laie1' .R o hpx .nsd, reqet-tieUyitfon»tbela inb..<mstKsm an d ieviciaty,tbal he,îiýgetaiscaummonhia heaum, mallitm lràa-emI.emu 6th P BicStk it d- nlu; ul fesr y ou Ied t. D lafii lee Ui.Par pattcules aapi'te Mr. Job* Comteir. KliS.1iaemerlii.18»0 3i wg"etitI8TT etiiel CANADA COMPANY 5.02 FoIlit Lip 15 uppl CLNIIU TWO MILLIONS FFIVE HUNDE TROUSANI> Ac"$ or ]LAND9 or*8llouimagDmlaa$-Va. Second, BW kmteet Unda; ot, fre. 1000, ta 40.000 ceta.hie.,ame. eiuied lu ihe Tomie-0 @ile1s et ibm Western Districs, andiun thua Towmnship ef Wilmol, lu the Gore District. Tiairul, a Town mand Tevnmtip Calim" Guelph in thie Goto Ditrict, la whieb tinoé &aire zody muar, 800 Setiar; viii aue éîery kind af trsiemen man dlimialce; Ta- v"ns, Storte, Sebeels, Siete, Mâli,, #e. mana r.ist ili.irel luprogrra.m. ThiSIa a destlea- hIie o'walcîm for eulier. viimli bsaml capitale,e as Ibro,. and ,,-rvaaià are ima.i7 tcmr-1 i; asidlots, partlyinstiterai, eta hapur- cbaid ia àrîavniblu pries, F,.uni l, Tise Huron erritory; tdimim on. nll et e, onq biatdreai Ibousenisetie ain the- se orsefatriangle, thebe oesciit gfor upurdusi pet Cmilles, ou the East bamtik oft The T.uwma etGodericli; contmlningai preseoit about 30 hi u*",senmti Stores. Tai- ens, Bkulls a.'Curpentetà Shopa. al Smai,aad th-- btandh cfflc.r'ttheConmp ny; ovelhaaaigamalbarbantr forumi . l. S- sio ofthae Mamlaci; a large âSummum vhidbe fitit lte Lakte Hurnotan saut hecentre ot ili eetileeesm. A SavMili ain eenim -a Glist Mill n prcgies.-R'.ada bava bien ruî,liea Dondasand Loindon, vb.bIbm.in vea,, ai a very gteat expertse, viilha rrt-f dezreiequai 10 mmyiii athe Province; and thet cmmumnicaion by elle S. Clair, maia Lait.1 Erie, and thente blitsibmWelland CasaIl ir-t mia Lake Oniomia, givez a moniativaentageous mode ef sendi.ig îr.idmaceo ithe maret. sndc thea yrr Rideau navigation mill lie woml tihen prmidmce msy lie mlappedi li a Slo.up at Godericli, amni delivered mith- e out breaking bull, ai Momareal or Quetebe.t Thae landt là,et .helesgi as eqi i amuv in ibm Province, mend grealy superor ta thet aiterage of itber U par Canada, oren o - ouos; e ta nied Staiça. The cli- mamte, ovicg ta ithe viciasimy cf the Laite, la mari collet tud equmble uhan ai-? t pois- fe-mling samlelr advint. g e..Il bshemia i;à Brick catrta, Lime tend building S#oee,ani liolds eut osery prampeel th emmlmg he onut prosptu'ualettiaentin ithe province.. Semi lira cominq b' the vai' et Qaeh, mlii piecerd hi' Mouir»Au smad Lachine t. Preacoît, miereanmmmAgent etfithe Cosapami' vieli formeni theas te Pari Dalim«e. aenmu tbe.aca ta Bufflao. Thoma cosalng 1' tii. mai' utNew Yomk ilt Imte orouta hy thm Etie CAal te luffatlo. Fies liat thé~ 1are fotverded tre Detroi, vb.cce the; prtaceed linaàemlle, SLesm-boatlatpthe St. Clair, aetithe bead oet vu-b, aimseIbelea;. ir«li te cCeusîpani' yltraunapori Ibes,<ai- bount 60 mile%) lte Goderlh.-,Shont5 thty mibt «poed taummmi' ther part et the Cemupome Lais, mi' tthmie Agents mel%- il-m n 4 *a.Wa icelong tiem lina et Liai vii gr. wt.thtnerrsmaad iSe emd infourmation. Csnada Cnmpammy't Offce, York, 7th Moi', 1881. OS.M oil. om@"s Camai YORK, GUELPH, AND GODERICH. AGENTS. Rlail, Loans &Ce. AMntai. Jobn Davidmea, Eeq. Quehoe. 9Chai. P. Teemdweil, Eaq. Lamgnil. Alex. Friser, E.u. Peth humes Sam on sq imagaon. Alian uPhza'e. Nepana iamesH. Sammen, Eeq. Sell. 'JaMe.G. selbnm.e, E.q. Cehummtç. Jau.. Kombi, Euq. Fart Erme, laimi M.cFarlamae, Enq. Aidmare. 1em. r a Bmq and mich. Amirmw T. Kerby, £e,, »na E. JaarascAsq. Enfale. Ducin R»8a, Kaq . Vettii. coal. Bamivel, P.,rtTmlhot. Wf.SM Cocay. Eeg. Amhomarg. Wue. omýeÏ, Esq. Lii-un 1. C. Bueianan, Eaq. New Yorit. Rmhert Manena, Esq. Bnaiosm. F02 SALE, a smmliFer. in tha Tovni- amlasip -t Adoîpamova, pkoleanîiit- mamie on the. Bay Shmet, Containiog about 80 Acres, neeiytaihplel.ofsshu are i a date of cultivaties, end imiatoisort eet- cd, a largeo motorf Trama fHouamd itt rvlietimer eui-mmas-miui a âna. lrd centaining abmo 0bmrloig rfint Ttrea-ApIy 10 1WILLIAM BAUKES. Kingston, lune 2w18i. - 12«. JwAIIEHrouSING, FOR WARDIING, AND COMMIMSON mmIIR. Sieeeus anSWbuartb tiaToiarm-. Il Occphathi'MmuRm. Meicebon 4'Lame.. ='n, mier, ha lumetocarry c ma homebWuens; am Wi b. ruoamiula- imaud «aSP-sdome te.Ose.. ta mai'Pouf i~~~~H lui.Juim.H ilmivlayshbave lulal empl o ua-vali'hrO saligad b e.mm. SlI «m eparmnSeu lomima, mii Pgasfbsrisaaaent "il ulo irsvm.tb-.mai mn> b ilm ab u mahi luth* di. Piié. Thasn.alaf*111tia@psy etery aumiens r.. Ib looalotenmatthai mmle-- 4. . eDW<2L~ s- B te Imbu Kit.. tumwbtm - - -. - - os Uaimi~.bolus the princlipal a ,an »nom tg i u excauellenace anS coms- fart .1tIapaetmva, lu rearmd bathtepr louffl »md lad têta, aD ofetmicl vilà bu fiffirlshad in lb er' lit styla.- Tlmmlarihibalnghapt Tavamn flirta- voimileurs, bb me.d expeain btirem line-m" oi #reauitwts imi itb onrmamiiilaag atmeniotea te .comfoai'm of liat gnm eaah vi it doms.e fmihe publie patrenage lu rem, ofthibmMention Houes m a alarge tard-lu viieb thi.a.as extensieansd conioodioe range of stables-and mhareaa Livery Stable mmlii ha eonaantly itepi fer thea meempedatou of ibm public. s. CARMINO. iMgns, »O4ta cber, 103. TErAu-BUAT rOTEL, lu eaocz-$TatET. TEilacr ttI.hit mtdbis radan the u publie for thair ver' liharai support, dirismg Uba luit esghi Yam», etfimbiclibho p".te surit a coatinuanc. hi' a strict attention te huinen..Bis Remne having uadrgoneaa mboramgb repais-, ha. placet] limoe. iama iv- e lu bis pover te cosirhibe tle bmafert sud accemanuttion et Teaialler.-A faim Soardtri eau ha accoumodated. The Table soi Srwvll befuarnlahaimlhb the bust the Miltlafflendon a the Met ressenmble terum. N. S. Extenaive Stalles end sheis, toga. tuer vitI e large and secr. Yard. THR. IAMFOR». Kington, Tebry 1,1831. .CANAL COFFEE-HOUSE, Noih-Wust Somard tQaMi, Md»uj Eamokats, KIN»GBTON, ViSEZ CANADA. W ILLIAMCARRELL tenonebis motgrâteful ck«Ieldgmaste t bis fiendeandia a gematons publie, foi lits pmttole ie bashmm aperiesseed mine. hoabha epened ithe aboyae sud iienm nu- forme them uat hob as nov comrpIe es-1 tetiqive, teat mcd eonf.rtablo ACCOMMO-i DATIONS FOR TRAVELLERS-The1 honme having unilergone à tborougb repaie, with many impravememîs, and mthe addition1 of large Mables and Sheds, witb m epm,ioom,1 convenient, end levure Yard ; bc hopre, by mtinci attention ta thte mtéort cfrlmbucet- mets, ta morit a contihuanceo f publ.c ps- iransge, and te regain thst reputmîîen the boume mtained 'inder îleaoriginal Pu-Pneor, the laie Mr. Oliver Thubodo. Janiury 2'7th, 1981 OlNBOOTH, MEACHAfT TAILON, *Mut. removfully bega litre te itîfore lituf <md. mand theapublicie mibas uroe. ved blm busines te Maîket Sreet, mmxi doue te Mr. W Bimdey, Drmggs, imbc icon tnvmma bis emplo7mentinanumil*îlevarl.tiea, sud «geut« am vaItn tho lateot fauhioma. Ne.élise ubsraes ibis mediu fet"na- angote i aide and the publie his inceee thanitafer §Ima patronage liemxpesicad ai his far stand, "sd émev me lcitai ctinau- an. 0f th u upotmthe bm asaca lima hilm 0, eat alie hapraethed fer Ibo matimfac * aUsa a o 1 iry faveur bae vitia tbeir cumioom. fle likevise.bagao hava tu latiemi., iba bavin ;receî'med àta leRaue a ersuesat cff l.Sma, CmAanere, VsSaga, lwuifflg of oury daesrpton, 4e c. ie leaenabid te iu"mîiany qunatity on tbe meitrImmouable term.. X: B.-CorMslmmly en baud, a îory fiab- fashonabl. aelrtsentof ResldyIMade CLOTIIING. Kingsoen, lltb November, 1830. G WEBSTER4 beg muet reapecifolly o te inforcs tbe înhbahtamlm of Kinlp. ton, Jk îlia iciiy, thai hbu as*09retern.d frosLandau wîitb a stock oetClha, Celui. mone suanSVeaingocftecifaahineala clouts, a" dJ tht hasft qualillea, tugeibar vith mau muwim"oîm f lutan of thema«e approved amiil laet palierns.,sud halg succeeded lu making parchasmoet t me a e ill iit eetsherita, ho iceuibloS ite ai- seule aidena fur Cloamhngei exeeding leur pre nmd hegs te. aie.Gentlemen, en- m Meslz h. it iimiror, uhat ibmy salileha aberamd agreemable tetahe .prenn famiol, ard in têtefti tylae fiokmun éhép. At ithe mue tIsh lboa ete rot hianaroutme "Jueisfriondsansid lb.puhl- Miefor the toppmibhobas rooiv.d fertile bu ai nen y«»z, »Idl il t iwoys'habis stndy itemmiii a esibamneoef tbeir favem Nav*l and MUMOIevUnifofe.. P. &--o. W. hbaMadea mnmm s mivtb one *f temime etHausse, te ipply hi. villi the latet amëImu.. Kingston, 4th Deceummha, 18M0. S AIUELJ. WEED, trou mLauioui lae trou NevwTarit, rtpeeitly imaou ibm iuhabitauts et Kiste m m uid lia citi', thst le bu eemamncad ihe TAILORIN G SUSIN KBeuti doua le0 Mi. CoitteraSbc $hop, Soutnh cornerzor toen id Qtimt Streets, mier. atil"marien i i thimtut recrivecid ipuciefli'execiaie. N. S.Ani'iounguam*umaogtocta naFatail it i od piactical priemuplef lsg aithé sop.Trmmuiac Oct. 85, lm. *»N. 11-S. h. Webb, ha, tebmaimi'te tbe nexi lboum aboie Me. Ilaicb' Chair A.. J. VRMNs. w" m iemot taapectémr.le taf Ap uiahfor mimeoppoat hhe buthart recriem, -" w tW." a qIde b.ib lmgssesma. mà es &* - - al- mtlng Sossu ha.~ i *am%%aiwb uwiuim I T08% t OU tel abte . kt et eoltdes ouilmiimesuv Miaia mt.m.a i -- rommPlmîmpe 60 MumdammiRia AL mu at o MM 9 PM4 "*$mbya «"h"lala lte s3mimg BmoMr<w@Um4 ML Fm FaMABE. Prom Prua t meoi .DrSh.Ma im, F- 1 PermitCalta ua ...............3 ra mohk umm.a... ........O.... MFom prageS m id W-,i.ug Io riagto a" v ia germt. Fa.abmha lMbalgbnf) ... 12 a #WehDc ..........0a Prom PreaeaU mi B-enS. Se t.Cobwg ami Porj H.pandmi oci cara. For bit bpammagr Claawlmg ra -.1le Fer »£h deek passeap............le pro. Pr6ati MWdBrace" ilat. York, Bmw- hImgtomBe. ougwlqmrm, ievecrs..1 PonrellmpesegaUmailabre.-2 O O Fermea"DN&kpugesgw .... ........OU12S prom rmasaist. Coôrg ami Port Hop., mai Mmvuarm. Feor eh Collassempt e(1881%È4 a 0... O0 Pr osaitOeipaoeemgar............C? O Frmirawo goYork DmmrlmW-omBqpani ivg mm n icsca mia.. For i m malin" asmgsr [Wedmg 6ra.. .1"0 O parehd" lpa.sampr............... 1e Prou Cob.s g MdP.«t HqugopebFrk, Dr- £limaBy anmd l ero, amdi Eeversso. pua« ..imla pasa W masrldig -3 0 15O Fa.malhdmiP*ase% ..............O 0 7 Prom Yerk ho Bwl-ilg" Baay mmMdegaa, ma i cucarme. Frtt ltapoaseagr (aeis i)ru. .. OIS 6 Fmrde* paemau...................O 0 à Il-ms DirigtoaB oBay Mgar 0FOEimGIT. pýerw«; Z . «.............£0 I2 a Fara0»"7ML .epimlfaumd, #0....O0110 Forerary Bmotralajia...........OI O AU other ealintail mpop-ho-a l'orevaiy HaS» .................. . 1 à For every Oxer COe .........-..-.....-1 0 For ierya" eeiimmaa fier muIt.0 1O Prmeilde"iam le t agsou. FPm avoy bomrmi f e t, «ation e 0 Pire" Ibsarg onmlf rFleu...........O..I O AU tsmi- aricle. s ita -mesparia For eMarinm,. ...............I O O.. Ferme Ox -TCoa.................o1u0e Prom Ps-eae miBte #à* o place Fork«M srt . Blmo toiet op'*0sg1r0 Forovtyew . ...... ........... O 1 0 FMEavonyaro o MWmItmm hi O I Prom Eimgotmm *.A.. lem.-i INO. EA SILTON. I y ,@]& L le xeqam-flamsesaM. JOHN M101b, M »b 2-Sot iepr. .PhialuOsveg.ma &Qam rama aWlthe mmafl amams asit," hepét i avptouumleta1 <OOEA I eveeryM hà', vis: Joli' 11h@10dm14h 201hMd51h Amgt mia lmta 1 h 4h2m 3mb Sa&ejat. 11h 1rh 151 20mb et11os- mOam les Ilt llving -mbee- ae Dock 1i'fe ta. Aha, KMgto, mml W.,mm, va 0 Wlll i. PtmseoBéat i e " ok, A M. evrIha «ymff« Mbem:4 Amagit N 3mb -ii emm 3m- tb 10 oc tiliin buin mai O.- ïm e.g st.vsig<temai>. A. pblic ammapeet felltr nad, mte agi', midi r. T. W. Caramg, saiine. Moueri,bu C»meu* er buregnaw trime mcd, duçiig ibm tessea, Witt leava iaauafoi Pm.Acaema Wmismadel aigle ai12lSoek b4hing si lKtam »0 ow»rillo. modmd ivietaI Preaecut mien'FMISi' I re 99hre -M tsl poek, teeigat Braah o.u, Rîmesma 'm S,.. 4t.. 2r US Manireraite Lachine, 9, hi' Stage. Lachine me Ca"d-mes, 24,-Stea..LM Caumadep ta C'aie&o, 16,-Stage. Ceteau te corebval, 41,-.Sirau.g.ii Ceemîmmail lu Premstmn, S,-Stage. Priacaît lu BrockItitle, lO.-Sîua.f.e 1trockville te Kingston, 60,-do. Iapgaon ta Yarit, i80,-do. Yorkitle BErngion Bai'. 45,-do. Bairtington S. te Niagara, 48,-do. Total, 485 Miles. Proms Buffalo ta GrenBay. Solelo le Dumîirk, 40 iMils, Dunkirit te Portlanda, 15 PortlandIotaErie, 80 m Erie a teAstabula, 40 Asbiabula ta Grand River, 3. Gram ivue ieCleveland, 30 Clailetd te Sanduaiti. 60 Sandoaity te Detroi, 8 Dmtroit te Fort Gratio, 50 F'tGreiioto Michelleaciinaeit,200 Michullami aci,toGreeeuily,so May 511, 1831. Total, 918 mies. s TEAMBOAT NOTICE, ox LAu on. TABio.-Tmasplendid uîrmSir,,,. hat GaZÂàT BoS-Av 1 ,Cait. Juseph lVhl*uy propeilei b' tva low premere mngine«, of uîueiy bora. paver esch,. Th. public are respecttully intormid ihmî tbm t.iiewing snrangeý.eutà have been nide for themountb mit Jue.:-Wili leuse Pies. dott utIS o'cluekithibmor.ng of the foi- lowng ;y:-Friday te8i, Wedy vtille, Kinoon, 'ocit oralNiagari. Wii loui. Niagara ai 6 o'ciecit on memof(crnco ai tii. following dmya :-Sunday, thetRh, Friimi',iOibh, ednesay, ilili, flunday, 2)th, atuirday, 25th, Thursday, Sthtîcia- log ai Kingstonm, Seockvilc aend Presctt. Tha nng-meuitsfor ihu renaamider of the saaaon l l e aiventioeds e n asi is-s certaaeed, if the Great Bnîtain miihi per- mtted le cati ai Omwego. No aspenar lia bacu epareri in fiishing andt funmising the aboie boat lu the mcmx coufuetaubieiomrier. The rata-, of o05.10 :nd freighttnie e aiome a ciargcd hy cii- ar boits. Jure let, 1831. TRE AMERICAN STEAM BOAT ONTARIO. Cape. w'u.R.ILUAfir. pROPELLED hy ima Low PPoms s..nn, ofet ut're,.Poier, bu emumecaiber egmlar trips betweei Nma- gare,, Pmamtamnd Oidnoburaîh toudmim en inar pasage at gochester, Oemego aid Kimagten, U. Catnada. Witt itare Kin> mirn lor Ogdammburgb, hMI, , LS2thb ; fhA 6u'l«k Auget, 610 15 20 2 si~ âip'I'Î. 510 15 20 25 MAlasea Kingtion fer Oswega, Rocheatir soit lNiagana. Joli', 21 268a1 A .d1 Augut, 4 111621 2681 A ock s.ptr. i 1 l62 26~ AN A lineofetStages àmi Patet Bs eslu Comega for Utacà a tiy.-For fre4ght orPal me appui' ta Meu.u.Bmyti & Bardot or te il. Capiain ou huard. Kingston, ISil iai, 11. STORAGE, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. T BESmabacnibers liavingintated iiieCi JLPArineralaip unie es-.fmnet SHlYTI &RA ARTIET ai Kingstou, mmd Sartl,,l k Suvili et Moniret, 1,-r the lormsrmlang of Proaoteay t msection aftbe twa Prarimi or UnidIdStata, hag me lnlerm mthepublie tint liai' araprepareilveillh Durhi, ali »md Satiemmix ta transport,.&%y proparty Ga the epaiing et the St. Lawrenre, 1151 mal le entutiad mli c hose, on s modesata mtel- se tbm oet mminhe mtradie. The SBide wll lie rooaducied la Moreal ly Mr. lait lit, andinlui Ebuten hi' l». Smyîb; liti of arboe a iii gave promspt attenion ta au OMiSer.thCommission lino, ai îhtie via- pactive tallons... WILLIAM IAluio gMTr WILLIAM lS. SARTLaif. AgzNrl lmns Fiées-------- T h . enla..............Pe* tok vaez .Sj............... enI, <ismits Rijl............ ay 1. T. T.oenea &co . 1. seu>ly ..................Gas avt Ciw mmt mytbhi ............RFeeleter,1. .. y" uusad & u,............ifmt., i . y a pu. <egp.............tiami limr de Use' Paia.............. tirprtmow& li, e m ri, lm. Caaid un erd.réeq*ared te pay loto um lâ on 0ior 4te m7t1del of Septeubir "31t, lino "r* a au t ibeir frpeCtirs ou k à o f et b.Committee. -,DAY!» 3JOBSSMITRf, Klut~AIbAuga.I,,1SU. ---'-- i ~ thIlasea. ~y4um-- ~E HEBALD lê~.eus;e~;~Lrut~a b' ~ Seat- T. £Dat, Pt-hier. C myp. - 0 flpm Il - us me 1 - 1 - Fi- -1