-rot o~ - g - J ~ t 1- Rlciestisin *iiet the la iUi ptmieê~Sv.l5 thn «ils eqimae, us»à un' te i. riedaofl 1.1v r M"pect t mab. ( tmqkw -te uad p eaitih tapeni0tu &4" desi o»Mmlaeimas. Iront Vie IMmw. huM M4te bd" aît.h u*imietf«hpuawmf Wing -sledi the« " ihaisn-W hg "andi bW"i 16 Piep-d g e ouh.Monumenta"sea lacldnomemumuev.etIc MePublic Subs crlpstlo isaUbt. et Iblsouic change, aItlb.he ebec letRa .aitih eSt. of ib.n iRlul Biiin i elt, an ist e" tice uef b. ten lin puai. lit Papen. A&aàameting et lb. ent. uof the lote HoM. J. Richarerâ%tbeld et tis lic £m- e ang bo 94 8l dey of AnasS8. Teg fcrcgnig reoci esadota na- imea.1. andtw .subcipion ceurem- ed aiiander thse prinier4i" of th le tou-, Atma asting isit et tb. Wvarrobeftbe- ]gu Roet oouilogThvqietiehIlis dastei l ime l1iiwanit. ocousde, ofr"s &> PlictiOII front Motroal, concering a Monumntnîte be'erec tu the elb nury of li e ai0JOdLYN WALIw§E, Lq. Pàtit.t'wP Asa:, Esq., M. P., calla teto the Chair.-1 If,.sliuesmovudth le follemsngrasol.-1 tienmiaici me augo t eau= na. 1. Remoivebtith!&d meeting fully ce. culs la a Mo oli pmnin empreaiti by the rtagatadi4sethe flouse c et l,,rS. th lbcousetry ; am l be taies-Joclyrs Waler. Diq. iiy bis ahi. ai usnsuntet suPlioit, mes publie uter, cf cia pinciplas 0fflose 'Rvevunt, m0" lhe oss@iuational ighte irof l e .cte et Ibis province. 2. ResoVnl'au Ta t a uamenumaet b.ie reclod te th e m othe ialau. Jocp- zema andti r vencontior for bis iatents, public virton anti pivattesorti. . &. Remi.Ivd, Tbmî tiismeeting mie-1 -psrato aaprmaitng for (ho sîpue. fie1 erstlo d0< 15 Id ounest. 4. FRescleet i,'at à subsecrtionnlist bh. oped ethe s aitipuilpose *eh*$ laiMeue.. Pbillpp Pinot, Jouai Neileon, W. Rsa'tir. cou, J. Cana-,, M.EGlacuoer, P. P_ Ta.- ~ereaa, H. S. liuto, .Lemaioulie, J. B.3 Marcerus, Dr. O'CAI rleg J.n3. B. lotm~, P. Cbalonp, andtILR Dcfi, be a eCummttasI te barri Ibes. reecoluiens imb .ffect, i aperalion %mile Ray oSier eilsmlc oybave boemformat LEn the ian. robject la (b tie Districts.oter couee, "sothetb. epatia o f sppl ingsy surpls et h* s.idrlpton lerie peted, U vrideu sorenisor dirnet tusuauu4erl athe 1 cr in dsfalh y ibe speaker cfflb.eflouse ci Amsebly for the ta. ebig and aiea, sabolt i le oued expadient, tO t atian conteur laail eacte siafor feaating 0. Raoimed, Tiet NM.r.LGisckemer bu»qtmd e. ot caemvuScy TUE NAVY.Î .M.frlgaie Mouche, MgnComme-ý doet aqaQA,evati Qussonalise- lurtisy Mauisg es m JAI5ACA, ch specie.s A usntotn <uns, lii.compltimnt tinste% a consmoipre, wumm fen rwe tae Caati,1 mhbwa" relurmuet b! *levaguits to thb. fige.0 Froms a lie JAuIicA p-r,Wmecopy the a toh0fdi.soi eliw" m im entuom le vualblY mutmiLsbstet a mOSmftb f i Bai-ruen umi AsemsicAae .avvhi.n tie7 uma ensfomig s matios. lk"J i monu (bat te lisit mi aiors, mie s a omMouyari.ed suQuasc cîtbhisfiigale,1 " tlhe mont pomitstla Puyiug marketi attention te thei gentsleen otfsM . 2L lslip Pimcaesas mit -bem <Groupes, mchas t6m ea euis cees os tb. Jameuc& ma- tle.-[INs*msl Gsz] "W. fnl coniderahi l ph in u eing ails te imi, lt iauutmtbarmony atil il dfeeling ovale bae» e tcOScars f iaAumicu ntsoisDowetaiport Roalt andti uS o&cs of lii Navy au ibnmatiois su mach,, tde.ti, liaia Se.onqeUciresig trye ile;üraqd tu le tliguish<mU hiS. sousof Jiaptua. ara mingldoeti cgîr) the Bnhiabisihou As Arnukags tecaere . surver, S i0ree.i p ble, anda vl t nMa r rquà.r dis plics...., ant rM»10", Y". lima on boai. OU&*oaadr' ugivs se,*.uhite «au fret la romplibesst tbi lc ssuanbie ers 111e Mâww;dmM. Os Wuda4siy twy offie ajsty abpDi"esels sm nu.sea ammu, aMic sslumnTatillt if te e àwmmlW'&iIaboRceesba*s e*=pied Ç» katiiicf ett*eCommodore te as k (Mâ a d. -"se <in emuodm eli, me traépoouil n iwd»WLieutenant ocet- Râ,egluiot, colsesi oie,, <lbru . ,aqi A0WWley, asti t.a unern l ithetecibm s lstm iwà ouven it tom àwùmtm~aii= at -g - _________________________________________ .-~ -> OR tb »à GMaY me te Dl ek- EvmiingPilr W. k'. Ci l tidressel a m«euing of lb. inmituansfthe isparié et Kilmos., i eooaty 0 Tippesaay, on *0 eateeoftiecouniq. Aflar coapratit. Iatiag bis audience en timu onlyai anti indue- riesis onisel Bir Williamu procoeedt te My,-_.. in zeturn ta lie Pauici sc lis Mm"esutgroupe orf ppy peuntry dancig nt pseng bbc evenign a in- Cent miatii; ibis WC aafppypenge orth"t an tipzai.sy reliurn <ointbe ele- donmm ot t adayfortaiglat, Imas gratiieti a t eing a lbant of forty respectable youcsg mms tree.tia. May-bays, accoupintti y a naCIrcrus of0<phaanlry, asud uveval melI tiransi r, (lukacring i.sliaenioub of Mayj>wiiodancee in my lien accud a decorateti May-polo. I1ligiiîy spprove of the contiauace o( lisse innocent inus.- mente, teoteret recred <om ther ecolletiO that us7 bat beeu hantai toma-to usefrein olten timse., asti ere tb. sporu ts our au- cestesan sd 1 promisme yenOW elo uIng ai dieue shall biasgresn eltiMdsgroutrs on Tulae, youa uItbavesa May -pois astia tance ontire hands. (Ip.cev asuie 0<approbatiI-.mtlc.*gilsluth. ga*y, sait mrréh dancing la Diu. ,.. Tlie, gicla aiIngis tiers jet piper ors&titiler in lbthe s, e ;= Yuhmll.aocur Suintmy avens g tace, anti YOD haIeIisI i aannce»Sm.rrily rountdmbonfite." la- ving cow tetlis bopvCondition orthe nengbboning coosly ofClare, lie <allat Gaerai mex( touclieti pon lthe ail rh=r îsg questio f reforu. "I 1cm iet ai l Ireant amm eff asaitEnglant ameon tie *tipte.e t espectation' forthe accopuesi- imenlof the g- otulustof 0Panliaina- ryreor. u ihthi antieffligileed Cpof h < is majestylo Ministena, the, un- inig Irnnassmhicii "My evince inlar- ryiug a saimre mlicb di. are cenvinceti i h eOt f t pe r, entitte tiean Tax, av s ~~Ssss Ib.aire. kbset Taylo vsaiudictedfer bhsiem lraimes mfe sceunila lime idcnmto'%ib t th dma" ; pleitiet a f f. < achmfore., tietisi e dm, omnmpuo*nisdby tai.deooti, autsh ia4teudls a. il. MWle im et dum, upsa lsbebaime reigion.The birnet Cosami Imiai tionof t ie dlsour. me deliveroti by ithedean,wiibicb ce dli rooisof teindittusmit; b, X b010 dis Jet by tiel, veric, aulti ti ensase othéi. ibocaty of ths.of. e~n top ilb.econtagon vbicii sri sphdtait. mre cslculted te dtmeiate lasseuithe. commuity.1 jospSeph one, à short lbandmijue, mes escarineti,and ieas vaent. Wengt leprove tâibe wu mmpromient ai b. Ilumidis nlait Gocti Vriday m*bd slto on East, S.and»y, ou sacb si mbich occasions b. ud the ta- fendat atitreux the.sutitory, an ioek ver-. balîn accoent cf wmha .esai The.Isis- nein deecnbedt tut partie. of iii Rendu frou,,hieb lia defeontant 'Votsatiom.. W.ti mli ibn psrapieroali.. mimd in ýhe cer- ein.sy etlihe yScrnn.Tii.- iqsi- nus cf the evening commenveti by a youang1 Mun,, mhereati3.anex ("et fimc0m«. olny'sM Reins of -Eapires," mbicb the gave out »e. tht Sai kfl ofr diii evenino'service, a lifer yearding extncets rous ilaumi , mrk far bal( an heur, bu Place un lie platforu 1 W"mae bath~ie defendant, mis dressi lun the. casonlala c( a bcshap, soret feemard,1 anud mu bl7 lgreetei by bis audience-i fle Pwbe Ioete erease pientandi tnrnlngfto a crue whtcb W.. suependeti ev-1 a. lb. pisif-M o ., . cM& an cboilsimc; thn pluci a blo indis *er hi$ * ay ua(oi- fecti bta e nallent iadoration, la pro- seumsiug b.m ord "lily,»thi dotant pr*ou*oed WtlM au irrniail man«e, wbieb twtcw g«t )àugt- *4 b. u tar.-I To=ii éssdia proesdgqtoened kmn hi'. s 'a-unDmt, the" Portion. of the ieloendnt'adlueuvre. milch ferratthe graond tibuSpresent intiimlma. The. viras.eostermesi a long andt la tiloasczois.eamiaadosby the defendant, but tikinot va"y hon bis evitienre in chuef.1 ArModer iineu umsd Sub, who aise tet 0«o f thediscuasaieivared by the tiefentiant at the. Retende, wu examin.ti, sud bis evi&iuce- wonconlhmaty cf lte Prereffilsg mthem. TWu. It*u wu tmes is rooesîmittetiby Ihe defiendami, orb. endeiqonrd et cii3r upoe tii. ualade etfthé Court nul tus ury tist u e aunt e ie u.osnithe Drity in*u of tii. dwconuo b ati dlivetai; abt ce futr lstpîb.tbeirg ie caseho batltisî.- ereti ail homepesane w"vi iheo a t &rom !bu. Bible miiitirent ptios, ac* nl imne I)ti e h iv itiridIcule anticn teapt thons.vesses vilci cwue inésdue an cousus, je the Inda"renu ah i na,, anti whicebub. iulaiàedil ng kWeauior rThe &dmat, laritiai. defone.1 o aiet eWjb, auni vbib seqpie4 thrt Sv* boues lualiedelIeu, lpattit for Ieo Ssppriseson ofVie. ulioi 41leti bur imeitutlut'pesa Ig aguinat iJa.Tbei.i eosbilsy cf te Clergy, bo mer.0d.termtu"(If Ut. coltd, la cr"bs4 gbim en .Isoeani . l.m7 mae, b. doitatetiti a stof .prits mie mers noeble te ,otraeritbotouteets mbich lho proaauges, endmi a an inutance nfotaece,1tbey mure afri te coins forarad t et nt muetciogica itas- sitou mihlmnb.lie aving giv.. a publie ebailenýge te lie miiol. of the plueti, anti la.d thollomUeige plcirded t ti he tifer- ent C-Ileg« a ntbiicoentr.y, a. mil ameon &lho content, eo neboi d siavrsdte t tirow obliqua1en bihn, tritraduce bi cher- acte. flvea mbiaenlchk-nams of the Dvl%,Caplhall, a Umme mich mu clait dte irnprsspeopliéihi liotion iat b.omwu rier tbeDevil hmul, aor serne ~~ rnarcfils.- fiNe d Dneumr tedo =ml Z =1 sstiniMjesty thon athor people; bit th lb.ne, wchai ascaogit et oco by lb.'hiismpapere, plî%diniuacted Ito apitt of mlevoleneS chiabietad&insagmiamim. IHs dreth& bisdiscourues more calcula- ted te mle&e b iri"a rligion, sud b. deelmesi that >ib. b.d 48 biba veesstis fat Ibomua»tifel andttie euele*guqe of tibcrptqm se au mu upondie'<ace of Iboeauth. Hec. dbytraolingtipiw ofe c"ar la tué l vedicmt prseinga ýeeuen uutinet. Me. Tsig* v.l 'l'h. fendant clodolmhis adefepe. ai baff-pmiarmlv. a'loctee. Tho Clbeirman cmmned «p ibe evitiene., recrgia"nes la disesMM of am for 1l116 goret bebaviour, anid M wtuematoref. Ohels, f'tfick Gibso, et d tismîamo- r oC1rt is mu bossot .tel muia -----Jet -à dea IUELA3D. 1ly,E Î: u707P.. "get agi ani bsvuy COeURTOP RING'! IROR reuesuoivereor, bintvue htsy viiai >y Wb" slîbrniquErasscay pssM1.h tusimM ti. latbueMàdthe in hb cm àprnsêa mdka Sd ta tom Fmt atWtmlm&l90 "a in&Wa C#W. yo * m»W*m. W «t» lMé.. 1g.- ie adaio. b" t" its. detlg dI. H. te.* a aoti dm1et m.iNagencrois e, iumuâmm ao.m iâ he ilme nise I- am ». outil lie hsy*i'he àsly mahb5d io pied f, PMdaud mat bht huhlt,.p- or am M m ia 1Lnit the oilme lk me<r mt issm , aual. uWb" sadmee» tu#lft*- op tele& lL aMlidet 5nmoa1 atdt o ab15% v-** r . âm. «te Ihi N u. . bioade ci edl a bubot b MWd ho a lduba tibousti by it, asti the am" a' eti e ver dUt lie eiticat lima vuaad shsp et, mis r. Gagfies nasay 5th. ealasione or M. crus"i aipci il, ami triedtut amure hîm b. bat ,W" tipy babt if hoaI it, anti conoidsu- ead Mr. G a tun edo un tino; aLa" "y ofeméiet e hefe lemattu ltiegalm mi em mIep.et mien lie belmamte- bl das uectinetiy u. Gag. Os lie 141h of ÀAprit the Imu gentlesumenit e h lieuse fa Mu. Jamâ, n Dalylcngfort, anti Mr. Creebie tenemstthe anmutnth le bel, as Mr. Gbail miel t tmarrieti asihe lied eapectat in the inierral; the latter re- Oued tu puy, deciaring ha titi mol considei iieeund hy it, asdt lai i. col oltu iSird un psy i. 1fr. Crosu i tt t iiet ibisastaticient apoloy, audat langth uaa a seiiilcanl geture citi a sot, nid-- . temmr coctuci isa .01 ual ofa gentleman; it ialit Ial fa blckiiard) Thii, Mr. Gmtf consiteceti, vas inleteto provoke hum te fight a duel, anti b. accordingly motet lia court for a criminai inlornation. Aàfte eienngouse-naî t outes , lie court suggestef-d th ddeenat haoul wiuiiraw lie o&"nsve expressionsa hici wu ilceady subhtally dionc in Li. aé- daiand pa thecola, and aiicueul, chichise oult do, ai the ensiiti Assies. Mr. Croise anti !d. Weitsnid, as Ileir client mas Rot in toms atai the aoy t ot communicatedti i;.".im o:lieauja, a- thougit they concunet au tii. popritl of oieyeng lie m sulge thaeiecourt ty cot o, on thear Oms ioipea ilt, se- code to tItis oiter. Mr. Jacte, K. C., anti Mr. Bennet, K. e, xp.se thoir reatituon, on behalf of li.paniXIo accept it; andi TieCourt, fOnding lis tene flot sgred te maesils colo that lie ouder iliuld bc ncante ehelute,lbut enlihe condtioe liai 1h. plaintif sh " I esgags ec te proced, pro- vidaie tesivo expresuona more mi- tracnta o courntandtihleousepalm1 by dtheentant. UNITED STATES. 1119URXZCTbON< OP 7115 SLACES L in in- W. Oin theiifollowîng article cfa very uoe.n uonature, in the. Richmondi (Va.) Disagreeabla rumeurs bavlog reachoti dhisit uy,cf an insurrection cf the slaves in Southamapton County, mihhleIo f lire, in ortier te correct exaggaratlon, and ti aheb nm liai te intiace ait Iuliiîy cauticn, we diate the fellomi,.g pariculm: An expreunfrocs the.Hon. James Trez- vont states taubainset ion bcd broken out, tuas ceveral <miieshati hotu murdereti, andt uat the negres eamre embodied, requi. n a ceumderable military force te reduce Tii. nms andpreciso numbers cf the fimilies are neot mentioneti. A leiter t. the. Pout Master corroborcies tiie icteliu gente.. Prompt ant ir88.tstmessuresaiare blg taoirn by the Governor, terail eut a diiiieni forest ta dnwmumie nurretise, sud place lover Virginis on ita guard Serions dangrv,cf cours. tiers ie non@. ~loc deludetimreichee have ruabeti en a&- 'uret destruction.,1 The. 1l'seta Artillery and theii.Lgit Dra- zgons il leste bore tbisevening fotr So.uth- amtmbn-the AniUery go ia a stem,-boat andithe Treop hy landi. Te tis in th. absence cf any furiher in- formation iy mati rom tie South, are op- pend the annexai! îiatcmenii, (rom ithe Gi- iette or tii. uorning-aincerrly ioping iJiat in ths and ti illiiprovo tu baveboat,, greatly exsggeraled.- Ciplain Dsgru,ofîho sem iboat Swran ataccied te the. Philaticîphua Union Line, caileti on usr lest evenlmog anti furnisheti us weth t>a annazeti cilling inelligence, a. ftiulbe te hlm by tVa. paumenwnhb canosnmtb île, linance f tbe maii. On Mondiy lainsSeutbhumpton county, Va. the. negrouscommenced an insurrection by as miait an the farnily cri Mni. Wbi- best; miio, mih ber fOve ebltran, Vere amamretadtorbonts severet irs <ber bofm& On Tuesdey the in.nrgeotm r a »d tihen"elv. loto a bodtiaroun- 9 te to u ndroe acti. oral-mountati ani eadati b tome Ombits mnm. Tisy are vrScism tonnat a ccessimns, anti on tbe cloes ofît tdey, the ccabuez of btisecf lhes-orbtes, b.d meahet i fty-nine. [Oue report sciti tore hmW"Itirc.-n vety case tia ben<dftei ai, wuma e.rmi frai s body. C&Pt D'a jnf ruants peu -d-mii- in tsn a".of hse os.,Thie ngr.es bad houa btiactet *y WabUn b* repalset tbem.,ktWsg 7 or 8Sandt tàijmgôOpguonejs. 'l'bsr, bigmmli muanteti, <ouid afe- ty in 0îii.0 On Wetida the marines loft tho Navy Yard At NorfolI r, toreds s....of action. lobe aie .t#>oOIJa lroep o<javlry bad 840 eterted, <kemsithe urne pace. Tire.ex. pessbodaciati tii. Govenrerf0<Vir- giist RcMusi, mli. imd gromptly or- det eout tis mélitia cf 1the adjarent ce«. Arnog tl ie pros maisacret in aSoutiý amptOs ceustY.-à*sdis&ath«odia M inis. tee, vie i aperone m iswu tam i tlu i City. I les nWdtba uthampton Cà"n eesqt"fI s ingle pop.mious, mtor *il- laged eut reaîly <mret, rom tbeesma. tendt pofulbtiio,*bmtheb.devoisatiuos n n sinagbter wromgit by tbm insugefli. la av. FUL1T1ER P4"TCULAIS. ar"aetidt. the. b"Bdf .4 ur fit Lyfeed sfr lie I£rsx esttîcutraci<s use fb- lia ged" cflb.Nàt<a f% eral. u sbi*tag the pans-ais 1j#a s«404 arna îamrctmos.nghe Ubla oam p ,tvn bes ilage flib i 29ti t aes Ami ]Mi 5nl bg mon l*ueuie i it la pmiueémi s. htiqs tsemepred tenoggus. sN1b 2=912m=s bua wl isf no4.ba 4tIoW a* è« @$ me« imm*yê & w -u ete mW ImesuMiq 1.0 se 1 i a w@ yaý Il Mo d jibea, a d__êtm luh mmà Um m qin» teu ~ = bebowm âpl g t*bý M MW d 4i6« c. 1.euntlrzBt, my friends, Y. uid ti » "Xsa "-f0 mii. grand quetin f.ain- cation, antI'tb-t amar immediately ta gaen gresi andtiradvit7.. rom ils eu- actinents, iqarefhm bi i fl ot, 1k. the. ovsrdiking 0 the Nil., inuadate the. cout tywith rich es, or incram ,our crops, but iibeurfit. vili descend Ide ltmes dewî wbicb nov ightly fli on car crops, suent anti almédtunperceiveti. The. oeop yon ueap will ho approprit.ti te the support of your famâiies, andi a greaipart of -tu pro- duce of your labour, vhieh va.hur.tdon pilfered andi onsumeti by tics. rata and veruin vwhicb burrovotin tdeiate 1.gratta- ry, vwi, upon tb. destruction of ubose use- lem, unproductive animal@, ha appropriated ta the ont anti n.cesary exigencte of the @AL£ Or ait LATIC MAZEST' coaONA&- 'On Tient.7y, a portion cf ibi lai.3ma- ,jeu#%' coitlyandi splendid mrdroe .de%- tirsetifer pulit sai, indetding ithe magnifi. rient coronadion rob%, andi suer ctumie b.lengv.-g te the. âeparted Ilonsrb, wum it bbj action ilu New Bond-shrt. Theru werc 120 lots dlrpos.4 of. ont of wblch w. subjoin the. principal in tb.e rder ini wiich the mer. put upZ- No. 13. An elegani yellow and ilver ,sai of the. Royal Hanovln Gueiphie of- der, 23 e.. 17. A pair of fi« kidi troviera of ample dimensioe, ,anti Uneti miiiwhite' satin, wassolt iùcj e. 8& Tii. coronation ruff; (armet of superi M ecbuin laie, £IL 5. The. coiebrateil cotly Highland e@ turne ara iy aelot. Sosreig,, Othi# en- aora aet lketb Place, tetate cf hig of 1S s, lakoc.j dn et £40. aLTh murpuuscrnnvelvse cre- lion missile, mit iasta mr, emuodsed witkglId,oempaiauedoqIcasaudwblch cool oriaai» , acerding ate i.Mitemnt cf lth et«»»«r, upearda ai£80, mau kn'wketi tomn n .ai gii.. U84 crimslest tsuit miii tbe above, *5.A magaiicient golt llody.de.sa&t trewow% e, u.. W. Asu-4lamgembiagrse PO10- loefbogi Wb u i bthe Tar et i. b 1 u and asmenedly bis Loudabip te Olb. tes 1Kinttwue moItfor £16. 87; A ziehlyeutbroded-sîlivet tus. eontln valisat andt i* kboss, MI 95.lie peuispupie ssvet cceatea of wublai Ilamiesad.couiain 00 onace.. mu as nocîteà 4ou ait£AU, althb*h t w» MMaeti ta bave coit bis lots Maj.et 98. Au elegam nd aadcly gren volvet antie, llaed Wib «mi».oftbeInm tquai. ity ; preseated by dis Empoerv Mexander te bis laie majety, Wb" ma eoeuprara f 1,00 guRoi=mmskarcew doms ai t£M8. Titer.vua iîght coumsation M<a ay et tie afficle.j sud me diti net aoerve Ciat îbey mers knochsd demate porsans of dis- 7- sMe. a8 Inibdbais. Dof 0< U MMsusment mameti, antialsions dieumnu alof ia. CiliesWiiieiend, Itar me utmorthî towmna, N. C. Wbiie.d--wis, iii ber son ant iOve diogliters, ei a secilice te 1 utuvge fetocity of lias. demeas in bo- us.e shape.- Ti. insurrection mu rsproesled uasone cf a mcli alimuing chantier, thougbilk in beiieveti te bave originalet oaJy isba de- tige te plunder, asdti si mth s easm te a moré, importat t bjec-e-s Mm..Witehed, bilng eaitiy lady, mas suppotaite bavet li a large sou of moey naytber houce. Ur.mrlunelely, a large mber of tis of- fective maisepopulation wmabmsent eai mmp meetng un Gale. cauniy, tome miles etf, s teircuti.stncOr vbicb gave a iempctary mcu- rasy Io tho brigands in tbe perptralios cef ther butcictia;&Mi the pate chichi lisy «irocet the moment, provontei tiea ssem- bling of a force stafficieat te check tiritce- As $sonas liis lahuc urclei *Ur suibcrilaa. mail. ouet nuts animméduiteapplication te Cul. Hein., comuandinç t Foron esMonroe, wmieta 6 'citctibis motng emisiteti on boardi the steambeat Hampton, iii lire. romps, niea andi a place cf srtilisry for Sufftut. l'Tienu rcope marére inforceil iusthe Resta hi delscbment. <mcm the U. Stales ihipe Warren amet achez, lie omiceamooatiug la e aamy 3w 0mss. fTe-dayinctierexpe.mrivstifroua Sel Ilî ccnilmiDg tie dusarous ceca 0ofIeo preceding tue, and atiding miii morto teh nunier cf tic alain. Tii. insurgenla art believeti te have <romu100te 150 tasteti mon,,anti about telisne numbet on fot- They are armet mîtha <mwlimg place, club@, &C., ast have lbasrencounier ml(b a emal nuaiher of tie miliîls, Who tilti si& anti look eigtft leu priconors. Tici ire uaidt le h on tieir wsy te South Qnsy, pro-. babliv mkîsmg thiai my for the imaI Swamp, us chic1à (isy vill hoabiiite ter-1 main. fi-r a short tise an secuuty. Fer my1 Part, I have no <eas.fcf udr doing utucta1 famter mitchiof. Tiere ta very littie dis-1 affection ilte i$ lavez genrally, asdt bey1 cant muarer i force suffiient te effoct uni eiject cf imnportancc. Tha féec cm bave1 liai rustie tailong imb (ho area wmut bo chou ,h.an like cros, or captored anti1 matie euAmuplos of. The anilitis are colie.- tigng inail the neiglbaorieig ounie,sndthle1 ummot vigilance presais. 1 aubjoin a lici cf ube victime cf tlii, avagtelegeanice.9 Mms. Waaos anti fumiy,14-Mro. White-1 headi, 7-Mrs. Vaan ieL.Jaco Will ia, -Mr. Trstia, 5-lWm. Rats, 4-Mr. Wil- liams, S-Mr. Raines, 2-Mrs. Turnr, - Unkiacco, 10. Total, 5& Beites thesa a privai. latter att. tie fsmiliîedof Ur. hanta. anti Mr. Henry lry- an-n-umherm net mentionet. M usetu, pismnls, scerds anti auquannition ha. beth f,'rmardeti te Suffolk to-day, by coin. Warrington, at the requent cf ouicavi auiloorituts, asti a number cf our citizen. have icceutret mot formadt u«ies as troope cf avlry, sndet tofftole slittir1 ftll,.c citizen. i. Satuhiamptinn. I ruet us4 neit nema y uher lýi1liho uhai auI taquiet 1 again. Iluhsteyors.. Extraci cf anolier latter tteusais gon-1 leoman, dteatai Nrf-illm, 5 o1cloct P. M. " Il la Dow IS Ctlech,-ThOupsosstage bus just uniivcdtue above tatement iw con- fliote; &a nti adatimneplate., tual 800ne. .1roem iiedteansdtbeadet by eue or imo~ ~~i mthe mni.la. ount of the listar- gent force. Tliurctsy Auag.23-10 A. M.S Diuugresable rumeurs heving rochetl ulic cauy of au insurrection of lie slaves in1 8-uthamPton cousu, m ithIton of life ;in orter te correct exsggesafiom, and et lhe asue tune ta indu«e aIl' nluary caution, are saglethe folbomtcg particulara: An express romus eso. James Trisx.1 vint t che Eocutia tal.uai an insur- rection bil broten sut, tluteveml <smilles liait beau nurtiet, endt the pnogioec mort amiioieti, requîring s conciderable astiliy force tu Mestbern. The cama.1 amut precite e umof thu fanilliesa &%net1 mentnet. A latter te the Pousumeectc- ichicrae. the imiîlgonte. Prose t mcd effcient massaete . SIsgtaken iyth Governor, teoeili out sa= lenst tfrcest. ýgit cown teiimisritecio, a"t place locer oh. d. t'"Mnon Mm ed destruction. Wi usdamd sd tble insurectioa in Soctiseuptou le lite suer lias irmé- letu la IIor 200 esamaylaes« roa ite DEisl Swmp, iN*leti by &aqirt etplus- der' and rupin.. Il wili ly lb. sel- là M ULM crmus' A TOMMEV. 1 bungica, N. J. Jaliy le, 188. MIL. «"uve-I vu excstiagy inter- estid bY' s pucin, ayour Mal nuhes.e peecling ali bet 1 a -tiog ia tiahit an.. p havt e.env am up wcgtiren cir o ant cetai-y liiovewY appeaae cf laet. Au 1i ha,ve wtnen aa mci somebat ihtiar atur, I aielibuierty of relating t, ou tic îpett"id <f .eeca kt in y-ea valuabls Uàmag», if il morats jourappueval. 'l'. isWilliam Coggq, B mIoelea a pair oetuboommes as mwue., mué er the aum il., emai ti M» e lsàe si- t mm le iainthe suts, te Ceatra ciirb, a bit u<psoleiaa<ouneeaawueseery; The dayencillc éml3 eit ip------- the lssa iiluibs, té: t mlt bé él.i4lssiss vrl the #un hs iu sr e. e eceaeci cl. b~Isor.s4 l ctie but «0 lu o maIMb lbf -pp hé d 1 li ui.laê isus li themp.i ds.eed'êeob e b di i u ei uD , and as one O th finoat be"ts0( hi. tint I swthug tii. accident happeosjdttm ira g JH.TE RN G. W. have no doubt Oflithe tth Of the abovre statemnt.inla1814 me plrcha, Oine borne, wbich on ezsLnana(0 proved tuelho testitute of a icagmie. This, "Vahni hie organ," me mare afterwards infort,,U mm eu iioffiy a amaIl coul, vhiciathhr 050 er useti insleai ofaibridie wirn lthe amamaaU ia quit. yonng.-[EDiroa HE&tALDs] Moaaaorîua.-lî is certîinly ttatgr, you neverthleme true, Ihat thisiIfatuated people, if us tMay place confiden~e in the 1reports cf the newspaperi, arc becomi,îr MOrs niamercus, aniasurng a mi're foo. mitiahle appesrance. We taa hoped thit by ibis the e leieverc or iii Book ofmo moult have he entirely eximct, and ihat noindiviu.l, bovrever credulous, could je founti no blndto(cressont anti comnon iad<. ment, as te Permit hianseif to libr Carî amayý by the absurdities cof lhe Mormonr doctrine. Tiie frailies incidenite buhoni nature, bmve in ail ages, invariably îhew, tbeméelves,eiîhar in remarkable lethirgy, or as enihusasstic oxcitemueut uneanctiotri by reasont or rommon seaue. But lhe fol- tomers of the Bock of Mormon, if the t,, couris receivet ieho fot isccnceivimiy exag. Smrsed, are amomagel tie mont blasmi aid d,. udet people wto have upon record. TIry belevt ibsi liir leader le tie real Jera, Chrit, àadttant bath he andti4lai.dsciples tu"i,. inntie power 10 mort miracles, Cite sis tie.d, cleasothe lepîrs-end testiî «Ma à.#lAs cent out mony drraI.haî tb, milîlenim is i.nigh, andti lat Philaalrlpia Il tbe place wmie .Jeans Chist ,(will mnert h4 tituipins andi folos.,,. Tiey are noir. re. moving t(euh.epremiset land-eom1e md. vilte spot on tus Misiccappi-some tave goune, acd client are tiaspoimig of tarir lro. perty. olten et an immense pectlnmary sacrm. lies 'b i o su i ni thell compni.rr, gao. efore. T oia nlt.,mm i, have (bey ras.ct leuirnaginations liait lb, ei.tiatias anti pareissive argumenetsf <mienti, have Dmetcihl btever. Teil religions ceremesias andi observamncesa rt forme of obsceoanmd blaspbenmy, amdatit cnnducteti in a niassehocking îo îbmpins cf ration.al creatuies. In ueir exceaaemî, restrainei by the presenceocf tie, claposti ses, anti in oesaiemby-ithey r'.ol nakoti os lie floor, anti exhubrt a vrieiy of aro. tesque »d i neernly formes, mbich hlan. îty mm.uiibiusb tompuun. It troly lacer- table ihat such a state Of uhingi ex iaî-yet neverthelen.tii...<astics ara dly te. ceivhag nom accmuns rouaNew Yorkc, Indiana I'-e(Dacks Co. Intel].] LATEST FaoM EUROPE. The. pectlsu2,cGpore Canning, Capt. F. Ailyn, "rrvothdis lrenoon froua Lav- erjaoO, iiaving umilati on lie 24ih of JuIy-. Bi liiiconveyanctbe «tts.of tht Crs- unECtAL 4uvmariena bave recejord tbsr regular.Iiea of «liua, Ilishan d Se" iripe.tuohlaItent dates, togrîber midi ii si eni commercial ativicea. The Lentos npe exctendtub the msorning of Ow U9 uly inclusive. Tarre is flot naach mers, oeluecontinental, or British. Ther laie iionr eai iciOur papens.merererceiy et, veuates it 'p<s.19eI f acmt pormsac bai been omilteti in the following abstract of lie contens ofuh atent pais. GREAT BRITAIN. Tii. fl oe0<communsmws stil cciii pied in diomnitte. upon the tietails ofthr ReOar.tiil. Tii. Tory oPposition conîrsta every inchi <oun.an t otle couueqaetice in, thle ernslowprogren i.,mde.lion. mpriled Zebtes coeur, but tiey arise alto- getir up. ncidetaiquestions, leaithe nettiin ua.0 i.ppr en pr- heniyedaat th. rOtrmfovrtène,wuie theo rcmng Marntiy tiiavemi. lIns- nyautautheieofeacuborouga ual.- cueetanti docitietion ta intivtial tuer- its-âir rati« er eerits, for vsete i foar gmapetithat tdir i. ule ieril viti any of liem..lansd, thirty-tmo borouga bat. thus Mr bosnti*pcssi 0<by disfmcbêc mient. OU lb.hest.om vieler t. Cru- mes e leuor 1 "iadouit eabocpteduefr thei b.borougIn luSciadulea A& S. qTin ujdom-ty mwivolet mninisieus in froro<tbo formermai244. Tic ninoal- ty sumb@eeti169. lu tie Houme. <f Coojaa, on the liii, -ar Aihboep attiastettlb. e WM testa cotouastac a DéMci MoUýttb u, -fi ofuihe outiajr murumed by thme bdceres- ay ri hi »vou folmrmard iet m 'regsoury. T 0<ï Sofpeusr hoan toterforait mamceeln thei.OCCURDo, byan'imtusg in wdispeseti it I b sitto b.e ;icat. anti ubisà.oneOfithe renios isgnailaioemittiagtc custos- .a gary . Prepauos cq ec i- king thd.e OmY mhicha cltale m" &à of i S ep<Stember n.ii, Tiers and d Cout oi Cla m ax le cil 00 Bon Houf<Ouarinons, fins» certain cder* syaleu antidese<fjego, -anelti [rens 0(c1l tGoa :synordi &Collage, in wlich th:=RmuaCs4oW crelig»On W», tei idehtrW~s. On Mr.O'0o1el1 motion, il m adi. by the Clark, anti led les lir e é timae. The iMegige ofth# *ini n u mmmsrd by vMes.. Hune, Lord hiisaid Mr R. PsI, and, on a disamom~ Ib -(goUie go isti e ow ittle *lu . eqamce of Mir. W'ff a y'e t- Lotis, luy limsl e.vs a r (Uc taa)emà,ttet bkn W, ucm1c 60l li, itiatie, o.ba orieu*d 19-04 * sM e W inotiibefl te a#A fusi oa ~~ult ibuesiias cr n s te < ~itphas 88 ale Teso ad te wu asiever Aitth chaubti 211d; a la ceU ~Tbe du hs i lion(àl Lefaset «e miy iem* bmw, I Qelh u kit jl to the ý&dmmtiom ahdoum»d a( oir«w lov-1 .1 V7 -- -170r" .ý . àjqrl 1, .1U n i E 1 t, il A i4 >1 -1: