Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 7 Sep 1831, p. 1

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v ii'flt CANAUA UEERALIE'~ aTbe ong [mde. lamb M lfoum . a.mev.m& S Ni* .l anlay,0th0 a. sr, 018 ,me., 'lu sB Sfleott. bmunr. ofglt., c hs e n ie à Witi havbe Pets- Pie a W, Wdna 1 oan b am le nti Tratomtt m ererd ai nlh- I'EAM BOAT INSTABIO. a. w«.. A j. a ro Ls Pruanr pM bove N. li have lsa Pt A6 oUck ego, »Bmcite 3m1 At O-aga Tor frulitlaPas- tlt& iieo meDNQ, AND> BUSINESS. ngenuoredtae. ao, and al ftot the forsardwc S filas tmic Proqiao. inlou io bli wth D«10l1 mUst n b sam oitS ensol b>i.- ut- ift mtallh y* il n lin., et tboir tee sAD ur l, .oissB L' M-Uost Mi VOLUe Xi. bbusiiamis Ritep.f ,iaraodflfatth ev.'. Z o ibu, loUes' ,w,,py uitair&"don- . N . lîla . a ý-ïeqcbe!, boa beB eh-c a e .flA' tê adtei laition Ilm eider îqùlhcotébe accomo- date s and ldgiug. la retpetable familiason Vary ad'a.l dalomeice ta tkic à t - me -909- .gtra . . My bu lema&e te lb Vitesse- 0f Bath mnu e em@0u ah ir. *- - â £ 0 O Lainad ,OtIIOB DÂNIO GACADUE. uaat . Te dal the14tb & . ai ao'leck. M.. fer tii jmmam o g Ludils, tuamieor in te eanig WI.L bmUctofOIysono tcotiemari. Ail 1lane Wbmi lblaprpetofo hourir-i J. with tbi e itratiamofdmtoirchldvu .maY b. full, taw.t bM eewy noUo*"U b. mae on bis ". 10ltic Juduielk bis Pro6.. taon t au c.abat te t.big iap- NB . rer um!addayetitioS#q- Ply té M. . i lmae. Myee' fago 4wdii.llaBoio, Hua' PI.a & trtii.- cru ne therji missma.? Vacation, oit Mou- d y, Zb.15. Aogpa, inthe -foint &mdachat- modiotut appalflOenlllliiulltlliat*I7 o ei. eo afff M. l.ma Wilson. ai brick Sîveel. le opeaed a SEÇaB.CT UCROOL anfi»Is tog, fur tbe iniuucU.n etyoung gm«W. %Tuecbos wsun b. desilua.tesh &t t ei.br.w, Oa'er, Ldh aM Laqaaga; irfamouc<a vm. «W Qum .fry; Eagi Bdag. G.av¶e, Dhh6up and 'oêaipopilar otemoitmt * tQMalIcf ene. Thieuabro coaafltt in fif6e.-Torir-Pive dollar pet Quart for nacâacbmelar; suthotxdvererte. or aIle natuf t b tdit os oan. 1 iahoi gWu 1b open six hobai' oeyden ex cep Snaday, sud tw. o 1d~au~rh week. The &Llmcriber bb. ý;1, w t..d tbsui #Ttv i lte taach 0.1;-h sbjont tbowty ani tboougly; by teonsnu.t oui niof Orlex- planAimilima, t'I iinstratiofl by sensible ob- ject, but ý,fenotiniil ammi pAtient rovipa.t Re. furher amures the pule uaho éregards th. moral charadie? masof infiaitl*YUiom u- portmurnto in al ataitimntt ain adonne(.1 art; an liat b. sf11 enduree olreterv bit puplo frn ttinfluenogco of bai ezam- pis amonog îhemtoelvaqa. HENRY BALDWIN, Jeu. Beleville, Angant 13,183. W GEO~IRG ACtorsurbegtfhave la Minfora the Gentlemen -and Inhabit anti f Kingston, sami ttcvielty lai the Oir of Orbr beoutl épris Sk Ooi. (atth bouehommeitely ..eempied by Nt. Rich- ardson j, Grave Surnee) fnelb.n insttroeiots of Young gentlemeîn i tue Latin ami Er* Irat Limîgnges, Wriig sui tho pdaaiy r. J. in order that ho. may psy ,duet-i teltien 10IhoeTairmoty ho plâced mde b. rare, and givethoura aîboee ob idfab dîmenial knopieigao f thoja pg ada fitgher clarmiola elils t lisaitl i: the :tombeoff bis pupis Ei,WritlagGaMaueP-laskia. 14118 ........ ................ t;iOwby .................... lir.. vilii eacb Il sort of Nooda wrk in a irparato room fru t h bys. REVISED WsuMOx4OFcmTU£ tTATUYEI. Edtion of thb. rovincial statta.-PiiCi es Per ta .e A* te MiionTwil bcratbar imited pu iron. wishtig 1tu ir er 'optas îlldo wmit tu gim in thurr "mas..h,tbîdla. IL C. THOMSOti J». MAtFARLANE. Kington, lotIt Apil, 1831. Nora.The abn.e*ediiorn vili nud&pl the, Stai es of titit Provinc.e, b.Conutl tosal Art, the Oraimanecaf Qaabeci and akil eter British Acte off PariAmaent whk1 relate particuiary 1teithe Province. Kummoton. 101h Aprîl. 1931 THE PROVINCIAL STATUTUS ver, ona or about lb. Utlai ov ,ab, »«t It iill coiMain aul bt he wlesrfLaawtaia relate prticlarly b lb.headut 6*0a KINGSTON, WEDI4E$DAY, SEPTEMEliR 1,1831. rean RIPublic art re.pectftàll bifsrca aar td EÀaar.Rea, usep"os SOYucu. COLDO. SH0RTNM 0F i tuxtu AqnD31lîs0'cotU DROPS JOHN BUTTERraet * HIEA'FI, AST MAS, &C. al PELTOAL POWDF.RS oas piesahid..d.uuIy leneabi -th e1 PIR~iaaiau.ieaiia.ba h.etr.by'IaaMlu' & Co , bava (rlua ait en- 1tl finoauiti uui rii PA ff ntiavahup.oe b fi.uicima te exrai- 1150.10e fl a 10 yrare itpi' poved tlb... at1iage lu.eashuatmýf'ýer vlagCngb.Csoutsment, dacuhy of tsel.vesa te b. une offthe motat gllc sa.rme ce;ed an fiale lima,,siAd lafoutm% 11kebiaumra n»i" îcnin the Ttroat..-.dies eci ef etditiroverit farthtii.Cure off141% lAaalnle C talla.Si..kro-p co, t»eom.il Il 911411lte. lb>'dmoling b. cengealeal Casugnt, C448arami OUlM. sgctiosamaof thie -no bnd L4ia'» , Geniqeoianl uPdY mslim'afl PbIfm..amaomltycaais s amecapc.bissta uilongs leaing t> Ceouaaplhorao vilerrproof H AT,,CAPS mai B ONNE IS limito. Tlaouosndtbave çzpetieaced the happy m(- .,fpuperinr leb. iai m Eoç,i' wî Thom wharomiblbedmullallatàoplwu. t-oleof thi elag Baaiss, erdaoiroffthe temill tîlap'se ot f'r Cash oroaiO pî,rs M tIkl*,g lan1,Thviat, miirla aervés bigleal reapeclabilaîy bave eolam.siaiill 'gi-rait, (butithelb#.,etsacousanieh. ,refèr*bI,-.>fi tIleset muigbt.atternat, ly théint-e..oaanraii&ates, somme oni b w'h maccom- OlIc oit-ma- tr aautito p*v ahe ,ihjl.a 8-4 tcotplWhiliproues, Vi, b lit- paanécitBolliatîàsti!CVaui- Picrfor l'A'ITIN & SH PPING FUR&. aii dso dm sudi aa.dte ow; a"d.ao uueiclei SIaithtlathle.maot exîra«ora OPm Haviaag ino caration a p'la'na Me- hotu. la mut essi si il aetans land>'tUUti.Ia&tuicaoehave bilan poropsia is e fr Maanafaeiarog Bat Bi,, lbe Xuerma ea«m bave mmceat Be Phopi. .4 b> the me of titis meatui»in 10cases of ill ieb. ,abtedtulafamamîh tai quantity lr.. .10e .koea"iel lero ag eplog b... long s dnin mbicb otiair maiaine bidaal ure ibylbhe i« Apral nral. sbeaoo r.ili silla C rèagSltle t ong .1 nefhvauais lofects, asud he,, WAIa.-A quelmttyof Hacting 210914sua1dupi ýùWt*ing»way, it TLov- MMaaklitl jphysiciena bi givra UtéoL mti>' a9OfUw seis 11 sdc ingbo oU p 5a i, elos. IIlai.met prétendalit ebtSt &BtIlthonus Imauib ,i tome h7 t as en e ,ibre. boffle., b., em tt la.>' yna u iafallibe cure ia, ailcase, cit y boud, note, e orkus ta immmau, effromi.bait 01 senti-Maaiu raabe.filaeorerabul cuil) maiteffle the sntir on or bluIre the tir-t ffeus cattm f-,V'qà or -rien aoiei Ctga. praIl etberwloe tluey va ilbu I.ç remtbiog, e. Zna cuen 4e itewo. qMPtlOnbiti' yb. re1hm suhmblt lutIi.a112doi onAttalem'es,'foîr 'la, dru *aibave hein Pei f rmieal , hmit- U»"*%f tua ialsujug balis. loch Di li om. Antd aPhavindinam âg.ul #n ialua iMediil.: aany, wsh or maile- R oule conuilin.abOut lOdOMe, hieh pmiavei i euaî a alanlpemta.gna. hase tbil anabe ta la>' dosuila ttear bes Illg'utelha scb.isitM.miila ceoaiateiog Al biais.1e ioe eofv lii îaycmt; sithoula danger off bing choked lmy t h ac- 1h05 vitfuei.. JORN,1KUIWTER. 4%WMaulattauoff lilega, New ovra~yBa crfticae. Kingston, Tb ie. 18. IU cannes a aliotfaul Cougb) piliers, v villat eksm Nlanti uadmiN Yle diffcut>'couli lremulu t.1aI ilima aécue-a- lu tlb. spruég of 1818, ÎÉ. Eleaae Rallis, KMQE01V ]KAT WABàiUkOVSE. beat pod11ure, have, filylaii~ n.i-dose of amai lai îery aodaaçnt iîtrcutaaaacc, aii "I~hOBSiaitb, roapir.fIYina-a îlaasexeetemt bi alioimbren enabart La' o. ivibi laboraiW r a raiionally forernite public glial h.con- défie comffotebty in filat, .ds. But tueomoru than aa é ie uhetl>' mimealmi tii c2tîne to canyon tb. liattingBma. lastWimakli.off lheteo ha bve .zp îtm a nalato iumrLsaca.aaa ys am aai his listand oppost thé ltagani ef ffcta, Wit do more te recule- liglt dry cetagli. faîqunti oamble lvte »maonMteai lbheCourt Hoamme,C me.*iràa*ant mtre s.upport offrob. Pub- son>liloit -feIOsl 'halIant beur,*"dtb.iu, sheuabli buon baud th lit«taadmout l.c tiss u elthiog th. Proprielor cas MI>inMOUcateommauuly, Mcc-I.t céagitfis.tafilaiaitaparieras for geait>aenoi la. atm faveoutsi by pari1cusatacquoblu meceran m aemat, bat be non be-umdira Haaa Bonnets, Braver aod imita- ýuhtiuk.4 tb.folitaiog e.tmn.s Cam& ma wch eomacied, hi.e las.>adamiut ion di. mariantat aerproof do. wvbh ie. 31,1usd of a etter forwrded by lames Vairsrg leà t biagothat eelie b.emi mwS!diapose of at loir priceafor Cash ama pro- 314-, of LIdrthor, R-,xbaurgbsslilm, uoémeli>y onahimtl ahofri&u paaaraUia»lngline,or1 a cvelà cédttMn o Mn. Beuwic, ai Icdba'gla, W* orar -bia iaia., ra Wd orminilml»V mtafCsh foi Bavoa, uutan p ed t t. Mr. Powell. PrOeurei for hi, one ogie -f Anderson% s piOFUW .November 2d1,80 ComgiiDraps fil the uni. off sblmh, in ab-ut lit'. -lita alto on fbana (ci Qle'.k 'oa sir, be,11 In 80. weitauys.ohFuro).asounaeYoh Capeor excellent Tom 1h5 ItI ma tepîlal Illlatbou. GAIUS STEBBIN&. viiclugriliilho sold very les fur Cash. -reariethe b mioaierapertoruvi by lb.eai- Rillsdi a itFo. 10 r ». %oiamtraon of Ptent Medlclnm lu the no- 1 Robait Kidaaey, off Rochester, Mono NOTICE. maus comipaneuti OMffiee potLentr.'-4 Coant.N. Y. do baril certif>'glhat fier a P'hiCeportiiercbip heretofore ohiaing hotte ns mralterdit>' opiatimn, nt lemaat in s éî a. a gimci~'an T Ho E a .Saibaclihoole thiimiey dimi- foa1 oti ie çoolndOam a'Ino ..ftlae Ioga,etltmed itb pain lbhebrota l 50ifilb>'asrutal .omaoat. Al paon" i- 'aiwmeo tedPmei". aviaa'ee.' IndaMa-ruIt>'oftirealhuug &c that ci>'life misa oebtdita tue ocernoveara bi>'respect- . « iroir 1h vas quateig e rnaiaben deahpirciof amigivenasiti. enableby a (nl>' requesaleal te Pa>' the deandéégalant mulieaffednitr.ndmthcanuwil effrite Pysf.3ao,laat#th.aîem ah.li C a Ttaomai oalerte s au- mtai em ai a Sf l oniac lavruil m, isof ciuel.G. Eflllha ôbof ocliiaer, mas Ihirizbl te receiva oi dicbsige lthmms; on. fl aa ienfu l of llae ialte ia., iulalcodonri to mae tiailoff Omur A n-on idl lomme tu shoin the smid finn Maiei b i au d % s ud a thé fla a u ntah ofrol, l l a n r C -,ugb D o psa "ab ' î a Og n . bn lle v ié ldeb e at arc req aeu r aI o pr enu r t eir A c- sical frig a ;al th aie p ti. évenbheOh eolori t. rast = aoal'. 1 mili lie.reiuis andl demanda doly auibntit-aî.a te - atoos taMIsba; îoomgtIîveie foro ecoimmeni aithosm afilat-ted wma the lb.mi ClavlaThoasaafor payasot. , « the g b lce off liai pil oialh, 1 nluilai coaplmt, to mable lise off the.sai. N. BM The fhmiliae» ieconluasued by th. tooinna"mtfenlrely carci, net haiger- ruimdit au mwperfeciivaaîticfiei bhaa it sa- mmd Ciatrîca Tlio,'umil iiiii. milOinis.. i aughl oai h! ad oe t htt r it sa. .f ROBERT KIDNEY. CHARLESTHOMAB. plae Chmalr'deacenaed fron Ostalndri oîe- Ilonneolc, Mard1171M9. JOHN THIOMAS. 4 1b lie liile,' lb. effect prauard oonet 1 AITO.Kingston, Otlolaur 2011b, 183. ahalebien mere immeditte see m&etroml. Ni orvuyErr * 'oTti ame nt liberty' l mie lsmiat mOteluit 'or> purcbaaser silla values health mutt WFALL GOODS.-Tbe Subsil. e maiy Ibutpreper off ibis Att, foc irtcon- bO Pa#ieCtisud a ia e glthe iebotti.. areN stiiau onad a ver>'lit ne ti ot- tont»e DisMnrilestruc"lasweamfLU atmtme . l i a.thé AnlDEtosI sCiOn ament of Ut>' Goodia, moi on îtae relui ri of À*4ahîne i MSLL N ui liaI it g tesiaaen iafrLonodon,Liverpoil ElogmIon, Uppe -ite, diamaa.- te di;l* .l pqd u-J s - 1ti Imas, 18m. BacO and .mexamuine béfmre eu perbarn, crieaslarge adai.tii, u bitcpressa. i to- 1 SM. W -.Hooagb aMonralvr>'.on mi sthelere are 1 sput-na-in amail. coniainug mai Staple Fal tioda, miichmuaI gùaubla iiig s t fer y o lefinithe THE vas Gauaia vos BALE m'Y ianiiide a ehouce sélection off Calitca, al troble wihamvecuhwt ifri LESSLIE, & SONS, and C. HEATH, Ctiiaea MutIlais, Cambtkg, 5 lad anal L.7:)s solm 80, rne s ul> me$109Ioenpré-agKiogstona. eaglioto Siike, Shawia, Haisalkercmiucfs, 4'c. r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ __mcaaathss Iaalola -- Donmecte*,Ilombameet, tialotier Staff adu sufficatieil, and aller rylmmg evaral COURTS 0Fp ASSIZE, V. C.-1MI-. Oblail 1 kinds>off Lare Gossis, Hcmary, .remeoiesiaa hope cf a ure butai mthot cf- 'Th e urt offLa' ocaJ aiGtîenigntarl>s-SuiiWr, fcImte lmauicesa dite of>' laieyll thefolloiof' mamgeatieatafor n9 liht s, ielerY, soi ihor BirmingaGooda MassofAnul, prcc Uil-heniof ils ex. teverai courts of Assis.nad Niai Priait fer Lakrwao-Sýmveral bales Domeatie Cet- .Dtto:lL sa Anîmae, a-npid 1 gt ongle I'. opreseol yervia: -ion,. uni USirtinigs, Seo" J onnerts, sumd jeu 1tit e etlhîal Opename, afteir toit- cutie ,,uavucu nosos. Large Overali Bru.. a note rt es, w ua Ztitaitra &3dmmmDMi Bi.e&adi% Wat.Woyq.84 Wi aarl 'OffoîlerGoomissiapteil fer L- i tounas ce mo dote.,àtasa iaobée lan trutthe Tai! and Winler 'rai.. yt eu have formaiid a anPP l fftiielevain. IDuhîivsal, PeNN. Woed" 2" do. ROBERT .. A, MOe, Lalbi Medicino lue3Mr. H. Smilla, orfKings- ULW6d. Xmý Ne.25, Ntre . &,.a Il on,sud 1 basie un ioulai the. dêsand for it MIR. siuC s.aon. M.w tt tu emgib.î1, 1880 0slIl e se extrensie in UpIse nada in luWaiie%am dsieb. Mammy, lac A Montrent,_______________lm. proportiona toeitaopopolat'o)os lîbal 01ui- Leqdoo, Li 1=, W = , lz "4e, c- separt of lb. soîli saiere is villa" au are 4c Bmhem aisBtde. ]JOHN G. PARKERr bas fer olatTou Ilbnomi. Yon mat. at libertyta "10 ol an' it. jurhi mcE Cuz4Y. aorlionaoandsoiSteel 60 Oeil, .1 Car, I.meoff thus latll y thll-,proper, a mi loas muv, Wadday,18 sat* doge oei White Role. i'alcaml pionht b.p l tas> povoon of- Detttl, tlît=e, Ma.daw,&d Quai.. nLl. iom G,lisoj% tlm ,j.1 oi* t ui ree rtofte mioasuaoff î nos Tat. Uey7,ItS ()o"",. 4 bie. Cotton a TmniSol aTUp 8cresitisatiofai.eosées brb ienIaIlm Uat .slet tIma heSha ai bobyfla j imeanfng asnlois. N UMIE i a4 ir htb oi -ut AýM he k ;Cni l am, sir'- id efOihim, Gosai GoalWicblg,Basting--0 o gaToba.cc*«*si Vt ostur et ýý. Dlivcotai mE Anaetmami Niai'Prin lau ppemsuamiumacb.>' UUTTCoi Im DU14CAN VANAI IT.. sud f4,site MdtlasDitrlelmigtlbu belesn aaamfoi familàie, i a ld. t iZ. a frepneutandal oub>'Taon "-il Pcm ,ai M b.Court Heu.. ià&-".Te*"a 1ja.g acb-ns- m.la&M-pOiLeap Glas.- Mu lkTis,. Rosi, Laon, i;u s, Not-emi bt 10 eedocb A. M. uM"Yithé, e e-Pdbb gtianl Oi-D)YO lur-Pe, iealOn place. Kenbington. - Ibay it> Sepaumbor net-.d wsht ailâbhot-3tîttatTar, Béat., itcL.-Av Ssii aise b1' appoitaent b>' Mr. W. Coittrier, Itigburalet, Blisa ud othuorr 'eataIU of iDryGombiutble hk llougta, Ibo gia, Sc PetSil, eil ea Tracelorerocouaanm ettaree to Mth. w..OicneCrecbuy', ke ahi b Mv.r. Suilîl in 0Kîngaîonosudai- ud lgi is. iratteidainet arcovimngly. Cammitpailifor Whoul, Fleur, PrkorIi pot , 'ecel, llppe imCaada, à.nReorseaiala i. JM EA. aso.JOHN G. PARÉEX, amd is. Ut. l. Ient fiM.D.1 b x«à - &mtnSbel tOàk-o, 1>01 HOPE wN l Mansehtry-J. CACrION. Ku»dmi lait>' m'u s. L roiaibopaleavo te infovis ui.rsé 0bseme iltlthbbc ords "'Fhoeg sudlt, thle.publiIler b.ho un.unilabri- et Block TriaitReai, Loi,-don,"' are ly Per- NWBQS-fAttunigNAL3 fvr'docl lnof' fainiamaoff Riat Maj.tle mon'bieCeuuaâ- ATELY RFECElVED sead for miel>' tjerno, qmallti, miub bu jml, I, o6,kvCa - siocu a Slempi) aravdi Wb*itelv- .j E LLeslIe & Sot, &«»Sva~. rapavt itea me ho'cob l il trspasiavdQ" the top aisf ettlnBue. t tHlp e digcal dg. iiatyaineal et goy uusoufator'l thl. st Iation BImsp, pnsiovafah. p o aoab SaSie Hooer~oMedcamido.Port HOpe, Jul>', 1lu& vuslaout mitaitcolinuîot h. goniilii. Uoitcnimat, b>' J GimkBail _________________________A Pmle .'uat pollummai tof timpas fthé lBI OIEt.lea> ieaq t DENTAL SURIGERT. Univerue, bfi,1. R. Basaer, EK it hi eaaacnemr hi h8uaib kit rlSbr.nrtiaiopleamuret» prami Imaca.thu 1th mac le ldiesamiGeutteao afA~o-ay a. sa.aaithai~IImnettm.fMae.e*m tl.égal vauor of thé 80,11bWstten là- gabT , se bis r hebii-ad bt ofae su t Geomt>' ohePsaieautr'Sa.MB d es o.part off lt Inulair i8luth Tomn ofLaj- mil lUM", ofhie rtern-.W glil: Ira-lit Go«Wy,1 Pl. ns 4,Sa".-audL liaI pin. »ilth"Wtleko b.o h negomathlin Oa eta>' à oai at> M . M. u te, inmi laet Crersa.t fAttbuci, TboOttrIkJ londray l t. ie .I »Wo ASwrauct*& .Tic* rs off mtIeietDomenslogamalwbdwravftu bfigWs.n ao* a>.îs b. hnted kail. s mlosprov- Vc@t. Kingston, __fait __M".____ b. UImrucen~,1 la gois ir~ oiN Wet.ri~ihamyi aloiMeai for tlbme lm ia.uil.Soc boWt uU"oï q e Kuagm..,-1&%« 1mu9 the op,,anal ust *bl "ere egill o tum iu!UAw AI 6. -. 0 . M , UuaJ gala 00900,a~iaLa Inf* l e. ii. balaio -100bo ac ia Meadmiat. ~ w m wadne Ss iL ~dA BNIl s d hi t po*Milaforaeil",~P4n [NIJMBEU 058. OTIO EF-Te i. iiiolen liti tht N iltoambot WILL39IiRC P OvwrT one reqote te10 I ii. elinadaoi the Kitt.I, Ang. Mdl, 1831. .EPaaa'oIL CLAOEVBVIL, Auy pn&%à1idie1 itto i r i a, g lte tM r. 3o. 1leM% elfO, themU b. haOaiUoinly retmdel. Kaloto% Md Ag. 113. ]ri SJ.ZbvtbeBpiiuber. asg 1mw wuigeholMmoi prime Mm. QK UtANTZÛEeain nd mi oglf% or jwVto oung'meon, lé« a resptactabto fa-1 iim mi ithin tharco or fw iaiume ialb o(f a , twe 1eagoli cSma.faç li, thb ? outthe public bs1 t1bailavb" riteedhe« iadmmit of lIto milatev Tii. bwneu ta rem1a tes 1 Co"m Thé e haarted Ït a te.ingfiàhaivm. oit round s bepias a dim"stance i auibalaf loqua, vticI sasUmm,"sio.nlbiesqu»art gaaenti es u " ra%, tw. omly huait ms Ne* Yog, for th. eeon or d ma i nentadîle "mat.CehineaiGms TIi. frit ammallaot mrm- O4 hyOfcei;Voala Gaina b>'y y ag oat u( cftiiwbn. Tbe aSmccs osa îly taken by lia Md beat.' A smali amMttafor pilot anal&M by Uai folosmi. @ovenor eight s9ateal- T%0 focliaite bot ast tblIe bfrrybtib ophia, ominsi t»' Jeu,1Perimn. Thamboat mn b. clusi b kamusaneî,fu Pu eue- thet. i* Y bot in b w~I . lIonpigt0and rodaiby O thle = 82 idA ti l$ eg, en t it Iw ith gl# M t nas tuae , toga~o t am mu. b-e 7 iU UAhipèrnta olOi ii bt"p.4 cnti uliiSa.iaîirttm bfr..fi4lý* AHlueTII. ' t t r 'i I ý'f - DSRBEFANIM on AmiMaS. ,omz'naa.cuat~a, U9 WRTSY A.standl, tbree mles afrons the Village of AT rNiO.Bath. About one lanoired lacret am. unie lot heta, sccS. . sTViTRdufit te provemnot. Thora isan eacelgiàtFraie F bu Clb, . J. S LV&Tt, hme amdi aoen the Prei ja. The land LIoU #ii DroUIr, 130, Bri ad w ia.IENWYorla the lbbiuquaity, 5ad la i ho vieinity pmp.eufmaly qlbmnit% tbm 6 llimont Plan Io0 Iffitoi cas Mills. An inmlatmablo tu. he mi"i n ibis teetiln o fthe ciaryt- îlecand iwmediate pmaemiunn van b. givon. TUE eImEW YORK LOTI'ERY. Apply te Hetiry Lasber, Esj. B.th. or Wu. Exta Çlit Ne. 18, witt ho ditun Z%. t ab, RllowoIt. Aoutu 1831. .rtptaiaabo*. 36 Naaater.-.4 irawn Bl -_______________ tlc. tli, daia'f ,i'rîI.r are ' __ I5.M0. $40,0), O30,00,$IALOWER &ANADA. $1 ,$1.93, ait. &e. 4 _ Il - fla liemmiaifilos. 3. SyIves>at ta QUHUEC REGATTA. club Ti. eg atio noedoln Monday aI 40à HQarent 4a12.T*0" bud foin~ag para;:;ïph - giv« ofime mjIing and 'ri.pmatq0 it ai816, $10,00 'woai~0Mud Ttietwo huais l00P-bnva t 1' 0SC> 10-00 roruena *, *a, ig'h avce , ex- 631)1" k... IltVro 4 k&.M pectéal, be6»re hieo. Mmmcii f nes limi lele çwl ebo aac îm btIbrla-uta i orei )tg inen.ot-a raiu lias enint is nimentîm'uîemi; «*llaey rit nia ut'lak.Fm i.tmîcrima geimfae camal. Toule'Whoî raiait .5i t Notmm'.r rto, wa, dm1 i i im,te lv.'thuaia, wvlien liera primea, a retm!a' ceriht'te moaci luiiim .mtri u lu aie tley imuiihe vt ry ani Comiitetmin tm,atb,law nl lia' fll,a..a- ammei l îe Lgie, lime tmur mmred gag, as ded. Thie titlirît wall lie 1ietil in Iii, I " mym'titfm.ar long~, Imifon f;t vitie, amati Bank liii after lime mrawisandamutlie Prize imilt .imlmrelm, mif'tîmbasiimiacedar; alie as adea- amie mndiatly divimeAiell aîmg tli' ermimndas ai a,eattfilml aa,aum , t Cry lUglt tIaruc-lia 8ba niane S-1110111 oc- cr,tructiom, and iiilitedi in a s.txle of cle- cure I o0mbtaiii the apleomili Calilag.The IaanÉe limat woviimîileaa une amnamt t;o imagine pa air gumet millaen anchla a01rollatn in itl iam.ib"n taken front ia ilîiace in a geaus New-Yorcnd hilaadephie, duait areaady calei, vîereitai iiight have atoumi as s tablo 43 aimerea bave. hen aken.- ormmAniaeul, aneaely tu prove toeiuelleian im* Meur. s.tes amii1Melnlyac, ftae attnative elemaunt. ' li ibwartaare barré MAanagea, wsut, wilIm etcb Cellilicate, gie andtin ai"elr basas, cniy cf suffleait a uramntee tir the pavotent of ail Puit. asriengtîî tu tirerlbheamrmnand the acu- B.J. Stvctrl pi he«Sto remalrt ita th ii.mntal mui conaml only cfa birsazeu oa« miho do bans ina, thatlie bhauii.anitllra et aithe bus, sudiÎt i~t brau YOdat h taomefer tu lhe Managers, Meus.Yatesaund cuckawaimm'a.ea, are vary plain, but boni- Melntyre; and altoe, if require'a.,cama Rivethe oo and appalacualo. 'rlmiselegant cutter' naines cf tii.finit hontes liirougiutulthe w s m tu veugh oly 13D lbs.-[lataan. Gag.] United Stats andoithe.Cammadas. M*Iay Yesterday thosuatat anatîsports colWnc- s.li nct mate 10 lu in , & . . adm. and, cmnsidea'irog hat antiseonnts -f"f I terha$thler«Crfr eIh sain oreaan m, dsrpin atclryi aes e Whoie Ticket. 10, Ilalves e,*> atee endmlon. armuiyany u taah voes, liah.a $4. Att letterêhy Mail,ametl hiiestauna- pimalie atai cidern tu aatungoeopi L. da tenlion aa on peranal apiiicai ion, ifalires- t te cati'm aair d ae q, oempoiid aoif, s. ..SY1YVEl ER, IV- Yo*. lte ocaia i auhsiiot i'ycccaatiei.- Nh. B.iai aal li ro alit aetiaigowolho dI* N. H 'Facr ai 'gacalaclcan arwing ver,.beingltme onl>'intlerruion bexprienO. every Wedneatay, iaa Newv. c.-Tu.'ea& 01y iattut Paltmsua'heos hoadrenure The Coloal bri wu dha vsanîbor- 5. 10, 20 doas, or upîmards, amy depaaend hlm untia h-.aerai tl.ga ou having ticket@ a'eaillod, by >f-ordg troin wuicb ah. b(ommlninte o l.v- ,lonir cri bny sl, adresed uaave. orai matchsastarto lamdIoewlatllàiae - New-Torr, JutY 17, 1631 Iqirrid. On huard her ovcro Hia Excellen- LITH ma A P 10Lori Aylnier, iiiîtaLady Aylanrr, ui FROM ÂNADIN STO E. oite, th. Stewards of tia. legatth~s sd a FROM C SADIANSTONE-oehctparty, aInvitit tawitnosatae sportsof PIlint SUBsCRIHKJI belr a onnonuce the dmay-viîtich ver.eepcally onmmaiged to beipublia the est.a1hlmaent cfa andl prumoteai bv the boutur doino thheosin Ilaoblgrapi.c Priem ia Kinogaiq, b>' die ber Ladshp entering lier b.aat Fbg.Afmy, nausel1MaiWaLLtAU IV PRESS, Wbrr. ur the prise ta begiven ta gamtleannaui wm ibogoucd »Il indi tuf cri apuliea- deckled al îlng boala. hue tbth4juj iuwicrt)as Malle, 1Piffn,Thb. 6Watr&ce mi.usasmaling matchfor Viains, Çinoài* Mno'4ci lraiîge off Mci. iaobend.plesatSurbea,:for tliis cire m etâolbo>tî4 anAIR boatiite, uwrit ra#dis.. he it i1John Caldwell,& tihe *atli a the Boit if reruirmi. lîmla ctt?.Mmdf*aJIULnîhoBuaiUcA, De"% and Meanorill, Fianeral Notur.0 ao§ . sb.tuiusllr cuiller h.lciagin toiCap. eesrUbailid it tsujiashe .abta, B> I i.0nitais Ilodges, 3Mu1 eginent; thbsteasntait hi nge, ti.e. n eaiaialing n luaod a lieoffthe, Puint et lhe ltlauda<Or- aMy ait cupr. ti:. ers .hn wwmlghua nl amao ithin a atr, istheL wil beIfsl - il liàpeepared' Palierami chihfptO.mêtaiaKiKllJ CLeLiZ i k for tat prpoie. . ranninir doin i. l . uWa" t aui gond S. 0. TAZEWELL. -my mih the Mei, but in belatlog ap mine- N. ECaricature*a ineiolby lth& abut, ih tîminif09 M ua t onmitih br gagf toisaud beàibg uppliah.ette ll amar,, shenithee aid standinag on bmiîggaiailid.Kingt6mî, Ans. lIlli, 181 lier ceairsen <a h. mager. Sweis ohiting tbhe gutin or .aultirait On'CU.-Sum'acraiarV, thelb.Mid iM. Caanptîmt'a schooer "is, anal Ur. N Bitrict Aga'lcmltural & 'chu! cama maclj abaornela danaiy rig.d bfflt ilgauim, ai. recela. a caapy orthe piobeediuge offiii. In- sca tarteal fur the miing match. The. lui aliiauOri fa,, iii~irtaI tf is cimmntuit up a bai libes4h and alui t geagearîbe agotta t. Qmutei>' n..lng eu ia utt olersandithesecond heving tutber an- char sas a m m illea.place, but soe sa bM~n~~lao onaPçYamiiill~'i!Oia>'hanictone eil rigged cRi a unalr othm lartr.circmatanc.m wkli iiave ion. Ianilsome- * tuaintuv 01 131ly. 'a - - m

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