Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 10 Aug 1831, p. 1

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UIPPEIL9 CANADA....ERALO> " y~LUX Xfl.J -KINECT0N, WE£DNES»ÂY, AUGIYST 109,1831. '[NUMBI 8. ,,op comm op 0,TmUemvTUs. ImIle b. Pttapeta eie Vr;l b- t erlimatedpew- hUobol... WP~t ]EL Ç. THOMSON. Yolo là a iACFRLANE. Vilae gmgin, UthAprl, 1lm. Mb-it. Tht aboe ediacu ill inelade en là tawto fibm Prvince. the Couttitu- !,(widi uAd.l th ie Ordieteetof Qabe, ted md Nti. ~ goda Brtih ACte of PaXRliatet biéh as * aprînrte theProvince., 4. el pe.lu r ~~ pROVICIAL STATUTF.S. mggm&EuhM&ntg to i*uthejpb- tes-prrieciatS"tt"t iliib. redy for adi- leLe ycor tabout thet aoaNaveidlmeazt it vin «itae ail theitis lah Lace Wh" Ct~tis, able parfiualttItoCteades, lb. Odil- a.ou< Qu -lcamenhtiens oued hy lard Docheter, Goiereor simeo, tMWthe " d ucfth* Preveolai ttts à& l WlI n -rtofamte » ea cappurd la requii ldtUa$m«4""5 tanlu e la p uiol thewoek for ilb. Proeuthe »VOIaX ni ellactamtiasbatboet aïdtocorreclt- mam, t= 06r ofth but quaity, tnd y ^ lo th p . tit ti t ita Ty p g t a bel 0W17 ezaeution cdi aquti f Dmt surpai O Wht a ay vontreer-pohli@W ontaCaad8,nas bie ee. but dam vtheeont Piatellt be en- - <atin t hea" (<rm e i t in e7amo. OUMO lia"et b. émtuua adi, batail pet- toit ho aubecribe fer t<bu Editias ciii ha se aawally fureai c itb thet u*maceag provincial ouà«tmnet a modeate prie, tan. aWinmtjelàinthetsaie fér. nasthe vert l as te hprose. 09 H. C. THOMSOK JAMES MACFARLANE. Kinegato, Joe14, 1831. t.ue.u.. ,etu"s, ~edLlm. 1,> la. US. a ~- 1811, amy tee I,~w. ENGISH CATTLE FOR SALE swie fin tute opublice. t.sported Stock, tho eut09clebruttin tEeg. Wa, bth fer tboueurpeau mlkieg preopertli aol tM att!. Tboe. ce hu»atdote.ta becout poueaatd ai <is fine brouiof e"tl baveonetc an appar<aeity. One af dthetob-1 ucibel 'o Caca vratimprti trom ng luai et à grett xpeato, cbicb ber tatoimbe - patn <lty vcarrant ; havang gava .o tumber of ycardithe so mmermenthe, tbiuy-drarxqts ofetrieli maltdaily. lier weigbt on t tMlay,vas1700Ib&M e h mu of th Improedei bet borned Duham breed, f fetsproportions,ed clehati as a brooder, neta<hfmusantBll Ec&ipau, ber Ciii, clii mho, tnd teveral othoviofa bar dtock nec en tbu promises.., The steck Boie for tht te-n are Admis- rdL frnt Botn, Masi., a folt bleo Dunr- hme ti.uo, an a uiI4loed rc tbrca- forib urhamrbt a ne.t-ourth NestbD. von. Thty cilmti on dia promies- Terseifonrbuuthe e, s cusumie ksur et <bu mttle, cheth etait maul ieb msie. L. 3ENKUI8 Oamumilgna, OttaiM Ce. -N. T. .Marci là, 18m. NE8W BOOI L ATELY RECEl TED tnd for tale by eLaalit Ut Sono, Store Stret- Coopor's Surgical Dictioetry, Ilaopura Medical do. Southenete, hy J. G&I4, q. à Papular Exposition of the aystem of the Unuterse, by F. R. Hamiter, Esq. cith AIoob; thetcame.tther-Etemenotsel Geoaety ai Places 4rSeldt-b Vol. 8,0. Elemeeta of ArttUetie, Theoreticti tnd Practictl.- Dvaiuaîagy tad Wiftchetft, bySlrWalter Scott. Wttuoter't Dctianar, abidlgmi for tht nua of Scboola. Cook and Housevritels Manci, hy MUt. Dods. De L'ormne, hy the tathar cf Richellut. swnt a rtices, etc ditioui, Tomue' magistralea Manoal. telKiaingtn, 183. LION, A YOUNG ENGLISH BUL, I MPORTE» by Commode .Bu-rielogat AFali, cii aurvea thalleS auber ai en is <Cc yeura ad, s sala iocod by com- petent juigot ta be at remrkbly âfeu te- la; ho àapant af tht roui Duram, ed part ate notai Lancahire breed; h. vu te- triald by a firt rate Grazier, te ea- melnded ta btter caicutattut<airprvoths kt"c ilet<is climate han theth<orougli Dur- hat kin . Point Frederict, PUBLIC NOTICE. Putoia. Khagme, 'lIEfolicie Jemuar 1831. floigarrangements, 4iv t*o ¶ <ho Main ltaka oefet Ironsiteah The Malst for<hae Aantd West cil!l be maSe upamSUNDAT MONDÂT TUES DAY WEDNESDAV<, ad TllUd» <vnng- ofa cloming, 4 octact. ThteMals for Offices on ticelâeu thnougb Prnmce Edward Comaeiy caaaencigaîtBi aend ending at thie River Trent will bu matie up on MONIDA Y, and THURSDAT, oe- nung-Hour of o", four o'cloct. Te Mais fer <hoeUited States, fSocar, dd eCa.Vincent. ciii ha maie u X 0NDil, C WEDNESDAT, tW'MR- DAM EHo oiale <a acloct P. N. ThoOffice wilî bu opun on Siimb.b twcen <lhe Iho f&S.and 10. o'ctoct .M JOHN MACAULAY ]REMOVAL. estabishment toile store Intelyo uidby r.A. Trutx,stomoatreet, whet. h lâmo eaedeuct>al. o n ç..~Ja rrtunne tlventasaton, Brio t, Mdni Lirpoci, <le chole othié ho cdl mcii nntuly tow for Cashboreahot anviCrodit. 50 ds. Ftaod%ý= ,B2ytlee Kingoni, u1m i 13 utee's ineuit mtvu.xautetye. hbaMedecpubue fer theq Met* age baba. berutofoe rr- ceivdi bit ie, sud infoma Umm <bat b.aeentinues te bnp conaumtty et bond Ladit' etlme' ed Y*"'* cater praof HI ,CAPS tnd BONNET of MapeSerftbric tnd manufacture, cbicb b. ciidao f for CA*I or short apprava «eudt, (but the former eouid bu prerabl.)j Ht cotitatse ang.,te pay the Maihu pnieu for ATM'NG & SHIPPING F1 M. Ualg ie eperatian a patentm- chue. fer mantetmrg Rat Be"l, ho cill bu encitd te fàunu*Day quantlty re- quirmi bytht lAdApril bsert. £ATD_-A quantity of Hattingi 1 bekey requott ili e. oindebti ta me etber by bond note, or book acconaSt, te cail aed tettle <Lý uem soanar hefore th. fiat of April tilt, ethurcima<bey clUbu Pltc- id in the baneto an AtteeeeY fer collIe. tien. And *Il hvi demanda aganot me are reque.ed t t d a reuet. lima te Aul bie orProdoca rerçived itenmat. - JOUN R1TrER. Kingaeu, Tub. 24, 1831. KMçMTON MAT WAUE.R-M01355 HOSISmith, retpe .tU inl- J t T fo ie epublie 1ha buCal&- ta carry ou the Batelia nue at ,bi t d0 th Kiegitan sHotel, tbe tcourt Houe., wheretha bat an bandt the latnt ted Cmut f&"oble patterns for gentlemen and la. îles' Hat&antd Bonnets, Baean sudimita- tion do. vturanted vaterproof do. whlekholi cil dispose t 1 faIl lfor"aat wpro- duce, or approvoit credt euh pui for Basver, Muarat, aedShip- pigFore. Novembor 2d.1030. Nif .Bas alto eohnd, a fowc OutIle- eien'e and TotiaFor Cepe, cfeclen qtity-tnd <c. BalesMf fB la Robes, wbick cill h. a i van l0* fer Cash.- NOTICE. moitai hy mutuel centeot. AUl poan-e debted la the ceecere ane heroby respect- fefly requoatod ta ey the demandmea Inst theux te Chanles onsat Who ela. tu- thweri ite recelai and dacharge themame; tnd &Il tbom te chenithe nid fr.may b. indebteit are reqeede proetnt<her Ac- coontsand demanda duly anthenttcatet tho éoid Chartot Thornat for payaect. N. ]EL The bua»ulee lconticmed by the ndCharlet Thon»a.ilebis own em. CHARLES THOMAS. JOHN THOMAS. Kingstoe, October 20tb, 1830. -NKW FALL G00136-Tht Submerlh LÇrt ba on band a tory genetal amiozt- ment of Dry Geda, ted on the roture of t"t uugonimr uera <rom Landan, Liairool and Clyde,eowdaiiy exocted, becil te- euve a lauge additionttitpromuet Stc cmemabcteof SteaFait Guoçitwhiéh cii wuoe a chalce aclctien ut e lieom, Chiliot, MalUt,6 Caumbrtct, ledit ani EegliahSiliceMaorit, Haud1kercbem,#c. Bamhtzettee Bamb&men an d othor Stuff Gooda, ai leid, ef Lace Goode, Haoory, Glovet, and aret va.riety of SminonWne, Jecetio4, l.teoter Birmi*gbM Gocit Ljkawea--Seerababa DoeatieCet- toan d edsbirti»mgtScotch Eonett, ted Large Overa à Witma variety ofother Goodsadapte for the poui sud Winter Trotte. ROBERT AIMOUR,ý Ne. 25, Noir*. De. rort, Nue, the >Eig" ieh Chuch Meatreal, »eptember 1830. J fOHN G. PANR, hMbeafor eau, ITona wemorlai Itoan d StMI 60 Colla of coq-. dage, andiWhite Rap, l'ateut IPte 50 Boea WuidavGltue, là kegaNails, 4 halat Catton Ytre, Sale naît Upper Leather, Caîf, and Shutp Skine Canie Wkibig, Battieg-20 bTobuceo.&Sotch Rappua, andt MaccçboyNUFF--Cobki f Fureacet for famlie, at 5m. fM. te 10&. «eh-6.e Spent. [amp Oi1, Lau2 Gîta es.-Poinseand Oil--Dye oge-. acier, Sbot-30 barrelaTar, Role, Pitcb.-,A 't- ry gemtl toenat ot DrYGeada,Mulble for th Sema.-Gromtim, Cnothery, Uc. euh paid fer Whttt, Fleur, Pent uni Pot. ahteJOHN G. PANKER. P ORT HOPE Nail Maeufetry-J. ABroaeboge lbava ta lefarubufMonda a"d tht publie, that ba bat comameeoitman- ufacturing NAILS ai tvory demri to f a auporior quelitl, wbîch ha ul til tIoi csh or approved bi e, a locmthty can beol- talmud i *Dy mtnuffttory in the U. Stabat Port Hope, Juiy, 182. L ADIR àGntbemo'celba lm itaè »ett ntd dromeit ccording ta odiut by Kîcard Wlcbiey, st bis mhop le Store Streot, meoud déoar tavuthe Nauon Homme. At! lne. ai 1km lue td e- loursdIn le .meut ahianable atyle ted te- eerdiug te crer. Kingtas,, Ape O,181 p UBLIC NOTICE la hreby Slv«etaal purmantcencere t iat 1I < b bi- et aundm hodle nt oef- the Bonduth er peutet let numbr 1in lth. Townof King- amen t batRobert Waltev buho t stho- zity t mInl estlietheam.. IL WALKER. KIûeitan, 2»i May, 1831. T0f LET, the Rouiem a<hoSeotc .aIChrhntacoiudib Lieut. TIIOS. KIRKPATRJCL 30h Aptlm 531 lm £]EMiS waaiauePAPIER, J. G. PAnKeR Xlua"ou. are h, 1leu. by ' .F.RI G A ID IEN aSxE D I, f tbdtytr% Kle~ Nuélot, P.R T« U MRÏià~m BOAT ONTARIO., inca, 0 aux7 ou Aora. cocmmenced ber regular tripe botwun WKi- gara, Prpmcott and Ogdendnugh toncie on ber Passage at Rechute, OSWegP>ni Kingston, IU. Canada. Win haVe n. ton for Ogdonsburaib, Iely, 81lh, 211b, 1'"h,>At 6n'oc Auguat, 65101521)25 30> sep'r. à510 1520 2530> .i Wl!! hae Klgaten for (hw.Rachuata and Niagvra. July,2 126 W > At 6octcÎ Auguat, 6il11021261 Sept'r. 1 6111216leU licommence ber te- gular tripe on Mon- tmy ttOtb M8yleavine;Niagi vr 0M e t 6 P. .M.atd .amy . eett Wede&dy-Moreieg. WiliI eave Pîtcott, perd, aornd&y omealeg ftSr tht ai. rival eof<. Mntreal Stage. Tht Nlagua viii Cat at thtintermeiate Ports en ber hy tbiearrangemat on Fridayatet oat.. DutTA*Ctt. Trant Aflimi Montroal <o Lacuine, 9, by Stage. Larbin, ta Cttcmdot, 24,-Stea,.Bo*< Caucadot ta Coteau, 16,-Stage. Coteau ta Cornwall, 41,--&earn.Batt Cornwcal o Prescatt, 40,-Stsge. , Prescoît te Brockwille, 12,-Stetm-Boat Bnocbvili. te Kingston, 60,.-do. xinrson to Yark, 190,--da. York ta B«Ulgton Bay, 4,-do. Bartingian B. ta ]itagara, 48,-do. Total, 485 Milet. P»on Boflo S. Ortua ay.omls Buialie taDoebrt, 4 at Duebiktot Portlandi, 15 Partlandi <o Erie 30 Erie to Aahttbuta,40 AibatelaGrand River, 38 Grand River te Clevelan, 80 ClavolauS te Stndmtay. 60 Sanduaky ta Detroit, 80 Detroit ta FortiGratio, 60« F'tGrttie to «Ietmcbaq~,O Micboiloackinack,toGne«Bay,100 « May Md, 188. Ttl 1 " QTEAMBOAT P-OTiCE, on xt xOn- K>T4go.-The aplnili oc Stam-boat GILEAT BaLITAIN, Ctpt JAupi WIhiay, pr"epeltiby <ce lcIo aeeegatc tinoty bures paver caeh Tht publIc art reapeehllyinirma tbet thtfoeitgarrang«eotbave bon mmd fer tht eth of lana :-Wilillest. Proe. e 6i e'leit e tmaramng cf ttbel- 8th Modnrdt, lhiTa* dy,2Sd,Tnesit2ftb, teucbieg ai Eroat. vhO»inolegtoe, Stead Nlatemu leai Nim et aiS eccbon <deetem ai tht talIclegday-Buatiy, the ab, lng Mt KisigatoErctnliIe a"iPuue to arauntl dvr a oth rm asdrt stse. .untainai e 8maimInite ili toP er- mitte MUte t t Osege. Ne aOffmebu buai rod le inithie anS Weemig tht aboiebhuat la thtesmm Co mmb e ser. The nmIsa ofpsmx0 ted freU «* tbtle tams saclmge hyo- er bota. luneoId, 8IM. N OTCE-Stetnbot Qamumta.Tht public aure rpoctfi cîyformi, <bat the Steamboat Q.uamtos Cpt. UnamIL- LETv, clth Mr. T. W Ceeieng, Saiing latter, bau cemmmad hlie oglartripe auPromuait eairy Wedty mt t a2ll'ciock,to"gett Kitgoanattd Enoctyllea td arrivent Pee.ctt e"MryFridy aitertoos cenSI antl, tgea cilî bu in ttopm tg tcon- M~veruaettearysoniay aige- iog at 6 a@edock, toeching ut Breetille '0 gmtoCboairlPan"opYb oi ky, endwiU k» tbe m o. -918t31. eha> id <lu MarkttSquars, mandtelicita t patrobage af bit femer cesommamied tb- ee, aed trotta the twf tyet hliquer ted prlce Win meat citb approbation. Altovantai, y, ted Corfe cieh *tilhertlnc iSwibe ldhy ;'. RRr Elegaten, lot Inu, lm. POLICE NOTICE. I T 18 ORIDERE» imai amy ladwivha A.iedecanly ezpcu itdepureon. clii iathieg ein t ci lIme tac., boee the hous of 4 c'doct in the moaoug and S o'eiook l tleeeiag, ahali o atry mae clan.., fo&m oand pay tbe s-ansettcenty ahitiege. e, 27,1881. Straet fomata, a lageÊtete af [tabeg glati, BMblesTàetummueut Tey o loca [u ýIRe Sh!oeuery edi Dry Geedav usw er .i iie. &%'Oi RSALB-À few Fout, .ofn. ue. Elagies.Auguet 1,1lem W ANTZD bu bembairalm nE TOM Or BUTTL er cWié t" beg ut pbat - e Kiev&@%s, J2%eut ~ lia&t en*uîr¶.. ARRANGEMENT FPOR 1831. iefaflrFa., Ocrxooeda & Qeebec. - BRAT NEETAI." C&"r. Je.,,..,WxmTe, t'ueIld <y <vouacprosmreEsima.0(90inm Ba pocwermach BOILEES 0?1 THE GUARDO. W VILL lette Niagara et 4o'cWuk P. M. tW verytb day,vtz. J*511 101h 15th 201 251h 30&h Aug" Mtl5ti t id 5 h 0h2mtb80h Sepir. 5Sdi Oth 15th 2001. loti 0M cutinet Oswego o t"tfolloeing otn- iwgutt ehicb place C41Maalpectets &bd Stsmu have daily for Utiet. Alo,Kiegaton, and Brockvillo tIi. mmne veneg, cher. Stbgn tme tlwmys in retineaut lacouvey pmaeger to elmreal. W-it have Pretcott ai 1In'ockc, A. M. ar M13h dey,23i2811 img d 311lâhIM 2SOl dlU MlU Stober Si 8M1 33h lUh I2M cailiag et lroctvill, Kiegioen ani et Ou. weon thle evecieç of the mat edey.- Alo, aetort ted Niagara. Tt GawmAv BanTAIE cwu hult le the Fait af 1830, by Met. Brown U& Bell ai NoewTat-4a 162 feet inle hgil-Promen- ai&e Deet 148 fia-Exr ohumh, 60 fot. The ladies aed Geetleuia')@ Cabine are feisahti in tht mm raenene t<e Newc'Yub and Liverpool Pactet Sbipe cii State Roomt. rNo expeme bu bueu apared in tlurtibieg ienl t e buoat comniutablt easnr e vry endeaçor wcll bo tati la acconmadate peteegert and ensoro regutari- BY huc«eyacepu"me rfrorn Bail. (including fre) fiam Ntgart a, oOmeego, ;£11lo.. Stage fane freetOmegotao Utica, MSou FO0RPA96AGE. FPmScft t rel.t.s & d. V...e omr euchliek P.mam :::.........." IS Prom Preocot eMd Brockeiiue ta .Eiatga tanr emch cbit <aactuag fa"r) ...e012 i Piau Paetct .d i i.-teCaômub.r-ogeatulsd Port Hapu eadelcecuva. r«Fuh e"tca <ae«ri mcttdig tire>.. . îa 0 Ye tuh dock <mmataur............... e»0O Prom Pretacouitd Brachule York, Bn,- iglt o 2, ad WuWemu, amd vke vea. Fm «h Dek poem ................. 012 PS raumgtos te Cowg mei rtH"p, uni tan emh C&l. pung ife tielm] ue...!1 t 6 er a" flmk a .............. .t 7C rm EfimigstetYork, BurIftm RaBy tii NiBugursMdnviae tees " utméM«Ma ........ ......... s Pues Ceierg md Port Hq o e ui, Bu.. ligtm Bay aidNlegert, te uavre Prom Yr."toBu.UmttmotBamd lWagera, aMd vie* -a- . Vr eMèh tablapua .(- pmg ful.. . 9Il 4 Vand"ikmwem .. ...............t t9 Ifr.. onlaglt e N (iager. tanMahob ac.........e.. î .2..uMrlajt9be.=N.e'ue, Fer, Fai mtBehiutd Prote Perem Ofâb« . . .........£0 2 f MW etqL.r?14 »ý id' t..... I 0 1S,«Y la etiflat...........a.. e Ail ola' a*tla 1. euaproportoa. TrStve" »W ......................1 . t PoeryMoxereoc.......... ......... 1 Fm euyur tmaa m .....0 I 0 ProhOu-bave place. ga iugmteua P tuemyhm etilu..... avuyfl. ................ Ab1t 'FSnevay mnCc. ........CI. t PromPreoaiMdaiBrechiflote cebunx, tan xvuay ew c1t <the atie.C I 8 tanutanOtCi.... ......... 0S1t Fat ý uvi at..................0 tpnerozyxnCc4» ....ai STORAGE, FORWARDING, AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. smyth et metet, m rtht e U erdltgDEt Propeety te anlyteetistbtetdiucePrttudea or UnîteS Statt, bog te %do0m tht publie tht thty -mppred euh Durham Botte a"i Batteax t te pout %Dy pr Int the apenleg of tht »L Lacrascet t y ba @nu%"ngaieithhonemamairatum es thee.s<ay intheutradie. The letu cOl b. candecttinleMottresi by r n;Est let, ted leKieçatas by iM. Smyth; atile et cIa. cil! mvpro attn teaua .«idera e tComtleie, aittir rri& WILLIAM SATAIR SM7%U WIIUAX IL EA1?LEV. AGMrWZU Sieteni 1'u.................Todt. Nmtap... .-.......Pu«t»âtmdl .ai Y.S i.........Nec Tut,«1 . Siadp 1............ meDi ~a o o y h............... I IO .I.Y J. *IL Vm be%'......U mirh . tFth.. ........... H. M. tiactYtai, K~¶atee, O t. 4<1 .lnlyl ~ la hureby guveudihr at a quuaetmty et 01..» STORES, ces.iatung cf tbout Tant. Cwt. Qvv. Ibm. lanb, 7 0 0 0 Ptper Stufr, 3sI10 O 0 Biaetieg, atd, O O 2 4 Glus, broken, i1 l &0O Ian, a*I rouagbt, 6 à O 0 " "cati, O 10 0 0 1;dlaisilm4Tc ie, 0O 0O 22 8 Netse, decye.l O 0 3S 0 S.g, (Canj m) 0 S 2 O L , hrBçk+ît, O 3 1 0 Copper, i 14 O O Steel, 0 4 0 0 l'av Barela, (Irce crauglit) 400 ini mutabor. Tht Sale tucommnce at 10 a'clocm, A. m. ted the atuveato bu removemi by the purcha. ter cithie fourteen Inys ira. the day ai sale. JNO. R. GLOVER. Natal Storekeeper.' COURTSOF ASSIZE, U. C. 1831. nhe ceuoncf Knge Bouchlé a lm t lu. fadleclg arrangements for holdinýglue evaval courts of Aseâzo and Niai Priut for tha preteet yetr, via: cuiteruaîuBTCu nouixtaxe. Jobautown WtntfiokfeWdamday, 3d <stimm, Ceaucali, May, 150h Aeult m.arta, Putik. W=Sk 2" l&hdo. Mludha, KMM-.tu, hoy,tl&peube. un. JUtTuCH tMNtBIWOOD. 109"u, LOWOe4 W ded, Ido. Gars, Elaima, MdaL do. IL. JierCs MACAULAY. 8lapr, Niaait, Wedmà&dy 14th &po'r. 'y", or, Mm"y, l2th Ocete.. T HIE *Saibhe hving huen appointei pany, hep lesta ta aneounce te tht public, tbat ha cotinmuesteasmure tgtint a1 a dumg occamionemi by firela any part. a.i <bu ProtienofaiUppen me 'Laer sCad. Froue the liberal, conditionsand extenîv mcmle ont cbacb h ominem ai the Company is Coeductel, ho <ruts the publie wi iad it amivantageoustea&muire at their office. C. TAIT. Alliance Office, St. Gabriel-street, Mantreti, 111h July, 1881. The followieg gentlemen ame Agonts lu Upper Canada: Smesa,0. natutte, .......an. tomm!Ida tWB, Eq.........Tork. ipatup etc8me J. W. ARMSTBtO1I & Me red ndiffereuat arrvais ram LM&%s te'= d tGlasgow, compeugalgtg - and very extensivea acort.uie of Supuais ed Conmaon Black, iPlue, Btoee, OSto, Cilat ted Oxford <Jlot As&tçCM81smera, Fmecy Vettiupg, Black Léting, gz- Shalloon, Printemi Calicoet, Mualins, jm tnd Satteent, Inn Lineet, Lineee Dall Diepera. Burrgamu tni Futtatu, Rui Sbeet= hurgeand Sait Canvat.Ging- hum, c andSte. [came C*omat Hosiery, Gloves andlitraces,, Toant pori LonionRtm, anmiPatent lahW Cap@, Legbar Flots,,imitationa do. and 'ha cany Bonets, Chmdre'o ttripedJean ted =acyDrseLtdiesa Cornets and Lo»i« ShcRlba, Sbacle, silk tMd Gmme Htndkiercbiem, Italiteetis, Booibazeli tuS Bombais. Crepe do Lyo,oFigrti Gauea aMuiPal- mories, ledu it o8,SeatndiSGrsde Naples, 5111< Frinagmammll'rcmlle, Theud Laces, Emigiega ts " Qu liap M llaCd- lkr, Rtobesantd Tnamutng, Ü h"r ted general Fureatiaga, Utc. &w. kr- b J. W. Anuitroug U& Ca. le sohactug eommb try Marchantse l adi exed inéetW Stock, bel conviecithe tdnamatu lb. possesu ai te ext"emu an td betumt tequla. lance men<lit home Market, mble"tht ta affer Goodsis n their lUne on lamer 1%ti than <boy can e hoperchatedin islther ofd Canada». Klegalce, 4th Jute, 1881. I. NOTICE is horeby given <bat theoCCurt cf Oyer ed Termner, Genertl Goal Deliveytand ai Aiz, ed Niai Pnina, ie tad fui <ho Midiand District, cilI i. boldien at the Courit Home jen<lia Town oiKing- *ton at 10 oeiaet A. M. ne Wednemday the 5t1 day ut Bepteuber ritt-of chie ai Ceroners, iMagiuurales, BahuTf,,amui athtn Pesce cemue cowmmefteii atake mnotice ted Si"o tisirattenaece aeeiegly. heel'aCEe, * h&U*MD. DENTAL SUIGERY. T HE Subaiber bau thtplaeaurs o amd ventime teIditnban.td Gentlemen of Kiegston, etfbMa roture-tead that ho cii eaMay a foin deys at Mr. Myers' Hotel, le the >prattice of Daurs$ev a srnualite branches. ATCAL ric"TEXTs af an excellent lquality cill b.eortmeite amot improt. m ai mser. itatum et y be bt.t ta lia fermer corh inn plapi.Haeau alto rote agentle- mets oft tbiatdrtapectabtlity intIbist ove ted an tbt Stasteo, if raqured. OD Kingen, 20h JUIF, 1881. * O BE LET. tud immediate pfea iona..gilvtn, <tsexcallentilceste ry Tae flmm, ai the Wet t ideof t Adee c'tbeb. lItini accopimi by Mr. mmot. The. Houe lalarge tnd roay, ami ta n*"t tdt t ea gentoti famy itylt Catel HaoteStable tad*thor Out.aàie... a goed, Garnies, teL teexcellentWcul orai lprfpn u.atr. plction toemaie te n. Olctls eepr, Store St.,av te the ~rLWae. Oamberi R. N. XKlgttois, lOdi july, 183. FOR SALE. LOT Ne a, lat9Coeinslt, Township af E runt Towna,167 Acres, ieciuding tht bruite* front. with a goed Trame Haute 24 by 80, tee Story ted a balhihgh, a Dore 43 Wy W0. mprovomentt of about 50 acte-- aemder complote feeoaedtsowed wutb wbeat. 8For tober particueara apply <tt eSuboeri- bur, outhu pantises. Kingston, Jon ues, 11. . N TOTIV-Subbaett he Midiani J istrict Agrlceludalsociety ean escit recli» &CMpy iha peacotiiega of tbo le- sttttie, tom <le perlit oftuiacommence- >ment te thé, Qcatétrly meting hold inAprt 1 t iclusive, on ta 1 't otht Se tary. %" MiOxsN, a j*aon, uly 101h 18l1: 0 AGRICUTURAL NOTICE. àA UF MGOt JIteera BS cf . tb»646d Die" Aieulaul o- OWuY cili ba bala t the Cmat Hom in Kleg atoasWedetmdy I thdi emabr nuit. at 12 a'ei eshlamoitea gemomt forataudis Pro.iume&edi uea.sg au- tqm. Ny Oite. Ba . -TOOMSON. Kiagios, JuIy 2SOu, 113. Sot INFORMATION WANTED. P IIILLIP FARRELLYof oNe me <y Carte, who mita i onU;CDu i a the. Laburnilum, and trrived tQuebie luh Jraty 1830. tndproctodei to tho Tocnilp of Opa, Neccastle Ditrict Upper Cttadi, aid <lien.toak 400 acres of htendIlusiMr. MVDonald the Land Agent. A thon lim attercuinds lie onag&vith Mn. 1'Robait Grthamlantie tocnsip of Cavan. choi ho remtu»ei for a ceek or <co aisud u rince boenhuard of. Mr. "rfmm »y» bu cas insane, sud toft his houte about thu lOti or 121h <oi August luet 12 o'ctact M., naakieg bit way tocarde tha coodo,-tn tho ovening teveral mon cent ine 1mnt of tua, but couli flot finuaign,-eadir bat any intelligence boun ern of hbieic. Ho stanti off, lenving bit clothea at 3Mr. Grabat>'. Hoent cithouta eat,&coee a pair of coarse liee tractersand a Whilte lîat.-Ie it about 5 fout acyte inclur e m, fair coaiploction aut fainrtîait-clthaMU mcd face, ad sauinatll tctr over <thetoit eye. if ho lna aitve, or if auiy prmon ce va ain itelgence cf him, tte iuliIteude a fa'a., on i.diecoatolate molbe, chalatkW arrivud at thiltplace in expuctation cf l:. ing biuorb reusing a linte J01HN I KNO LSONEaq.P. M. Cmvtii; ~-Editars wc ime iiibalettbo dmeet tu giva tiuan uinsertion wittcua brtvese on <lie undoraigeai. I £LSABETR FARRELLT. i arehpe, ly 26th, lm8. A HIF NDSWIDLEU! wHEREAS a permon calllng Miit WC. .I MILlON, lately Cam. te t"i Town>. anduneder proteneothat b.ucnt er- san af large capital, and about te ami" hirnasîflere inean oxtaeive cayofbpolan tàa tDidiUer, Utc got in dgimt tu aia amaet te every oc.eWh. wu&eJ i imo ln the toce; sud thon aimeeoaie: M wbua- be decemptdi. btaied nierai vttuabla- giclestUned afte pmtence,but d1 d* felonlout latent, af cauryaeg ttimeus*y withhbim;-tb.is atberafor.te aflfythga aCtwAnD oaI 00DOLLARSS cUl bu pali t. bey ana Who cil! give aaY Mitueu .mtffs ta may eable the pouvans vIe bave boss scindlti by i., ta got peemtice et bit Perman, 8t <b .May he breuht atte thue ountry, teareceivetIbo punêmut'ceié bit otiheceasurit. The nai CharIle aum e dmib4 Engluehuoen, front Leedon-a"m pted ftram bis appematce, te be of Jacté embat. Lin.Abut28yuans of$ kmo lavâai, empt«oa--i-eh. ew- Raman-bout iv féout da, ISulu@ hlgh-.tquare boult-ueni upuuthe ca ig, «eudingly geadimkoin - ed et àmMlla blaon manes »àa us etb hiea ce- Xatt 'a .h.cil bis elfo, sud ciao, ba nid, ha marid et Phd.dlpblb-t-ues t- mal,delicate cette, e ofr" llt cous- pleuian and tigbt grey or'ee Tht nid Swcusonia, A tYok .lam- day, tht 16 cf Joty, wttsetoteat Da, the merning of tbe lStb, cwb. lbc h Iba oltce le the StemBoat, Niagara. td Ih f suppoted bat proceedei tocard. ttinChia or Mississippi. on iit ey te Nec Ormm. It la paisible bowuver t1mat ho -y bae m. kee a différent ront. ThtEditaruaipapurin teaghop of the Oib. a*"à Minuuauppe eegsi a t eintht semreCide, at ameb insert<LIma detemutetMsd h aibWet. contribUAltteurmett tIi AWAY.- Thteudoraged agate te psy tbe~ reward on the detuvery ai the "mun and SWINDLE inj tt ipute. aofUppn Canada. W. Bargin, R. A. Paker, John Tony, i. A. Meoe.s R. Creigbtoe, .T. Mme, bilas Bunnbt., C. HI ,Zlestà C4. R. Foee, G. 0. Cchad, laue Doyle, l-Je% olons.a loblt Méermot, Robart PNe4om William Asthmre, L. A. PhtIltMd tUber,. York, U. C. 22»dJly, 188. 1 . 21 . i - .o uo= tlIe1 i7z1 El. r .11 - 1, q - - - --- --- - ki J.. ý 1.1 ý 1.1 SI - _- -- . - - la -il .1 DI. ti A Fe 1 mmiw

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