'g, Ovwvpuumy Ibo.lu tif vt. e d $MWup nog 0 Ilal éw m e 4>* *eu* 5ctm"%,0 Lut& w YPmut foipil od, us or maoiteMnse, mv«b 4l g»luit a îb teaJOUX 1Lodmuuid oovar ot quije», . Mai i Kgsimar 8~1 SÀ2. *~f o if fu n of iundtbeb. Courit Wemi.tietov inuto~, CmUbb«4obleed by vistn4 of eu,of «"% bag'oboib*a* t#tf t Lemm, vnu is. mat >a.f !Lac k.. 14 lu ttml*caommo eti*4oombietao Laind, d siq Fwt,.Ibmrag lutendauç0o ' the L . duo ea&;bond y ho .dad ta î inO~ thleAr *o~,f 0*. Wvocia socUtly viitaien ý = eseboL- lia soi m4hitoby0ftuatimof et mauviI *f s<md vo treconeulou, nutuventrm. . Upoliu, EaitngWrtiugArkbthnatJ blihamti=L-----------4 efasfl. t lovu N!xbaiaiurPopferIforal: Vii-1Ima"toof Laud ixlut.ovmag LaiNe.lai Ni* le~côowpiuet fis MM = U.00 tilmg Applis Ahe-:4 ' 1aClatkville, DM fl.e~o Mis, eambtf mquln, of ana lv. Ho~ uni ah. uc1 Tha viola, éorfqppro ~.,.r t. 11. r an4,fa. amRA bleu> 1 ECUL M à "dAr.utwuae aa rh Mât IoTc lOoylvuol erAmublâi, oet*lia imfa a am tUeouviya eàUge osoi pode.vi dAmepictbbe ain.es)tu 9".Dami ionmlsu P, gtS. t fi. mqa . o se ol »fanu omm t Iais.temi abuv Of- MMmm o - Pile' aeifi ebuofPbose . Of acthe s mi k.ami budya- fnhat e Uti Staonq 11*cinaNnr- wi t M od e floidlymi*ag(t ue 818100. FrA" rot r u"Mour cie. aiP ubi auil. tfeUt 1*1w lit Lese faStts NTol dtua,. pa<ou n Tu» -at1m.aTdrasa #*tiis geuàt emis rqaslu <l aiaigetofelim .te itr oPM rfi Uhavst0 . a MAY othuahiu up.e.ouaot. -Tb m Mv Pmtaaleutitiswu *u gay 4(mý Sy aO hmw ILB-Comd.tdy 0enlhauat. a v7Bb 1- loaba sotanto testayMa Empto., lItb b m mr, 1S be e am -SentReiftbupa.nr4wa"o mont emna atmoti wKnomai;a"aaldsea tabrummoidfth iO& latbe Povnce eau a"rp. in lu b oxcolme m)d cu 1fout of iatmeo in u 4 bath tuur foMWin u ilvryeut 'tle. T.bacrierlavlug - = ïTeralare. 1 Uviày amn. bas a.qairoe eserlenco in that alàiod bc trusa bt with =wmiins àattaotoa te fI. comà fort .1àiapeotith, 0 ini surit a atsrof thre poulipationage 19la Vetuxdthe xaulob Moue.il a large yard-lu vilel *1er.s a9 oxtoaiveaud oemodiotu range of aae-àaa where a Livri7 fahs le, l e oo*ataly hopt for 1 i tb e o m m o d a tlo u of te p b llc . & CARMINO. Kb%*ga to, h Octaoe, 188. TasKingston M" llu Besevocuu.laing f Los Ne. M3, ÎR 41 n luth. laI oocauoof tlaoewaip of KLnmn, ina tii. Mid »lelnicf, ang lierapunr- dui en bebaîf cffia.e Ceamisaneùos rf 1Hi ljety'u Nary, Notice la herby girua <t al pensums, eanne cai rutieuun dova or taang limber eorfina ood, or lu amy otlormannir rlotenicrating the sali funort; AnadaiLsieafou"d se trpa. ig,vW. bhuproc oied agadt l<b t mont %mrorty'eft law ,i And ffbg, Notice ta boreby gilves, bat ne. peoin af a is " dto rocf auj Hu, oue., cr Eslliing vb.iever vititeut pur- reaion iron tbf r .ad M;;;6c of ut<ho Dock Yard. J . GWOYE, MICHEL SRA? uerbrbavitg ne-i uta ladebteat ise11, aatlae sf Note, »ek thel wfbon0U»a " ei bïnc - 0*0 la bWd l i udlpIssa.prunt litait ne.56, for alu POTARWOIK, i fahebou cf oner, aijeloint Mn. Gtmtit'1 iillery, h in *0vieinity et Klngate.- TIare.,Ja icted a gooem subtulAa HEtu, 40 iy lefait; a"s a Boiiing Roue.4 26 b>,24 fe.twâkb6geoâ Laerand s1 lange Buffle.,,Coulera, PmTnu kr- mPino Frmit.proxmalty te pce.,at i lacpo t i, fissu a e- an. ero*i . an vipeol a rvil! lect.- martahi. lo N tCiorw *out ipprura cillsmiiilqtltabla114 va.Ap. boseroen fi. Suhiaen os ind s db. detai te t"ha ea.*,«0 -haran. bàt x?4 VeC inceént. sein lamaa e DAY-Hour ociulg fvo olocSk P. Ji, JOHN 2MACAULAY lxma T ft Subm b.plaa teve te mtue big tno t el eght yeara, ct vhich ho hoya« te menit a continance hy a strict attetsigmt uiuoaa.ie B ous. harengoneogos. a IliuinI o pait, haplaoai ifmmre isaeV. et nlu .poerte<ocoeîriis<ote 'bu cesdott aud accommodatica ef Taroethn-A fow Bardaiseaub.caccoumodat& Theo Tabla and Bar vil ho <urnléad il the. lait fe Maeketafia, a»d on di. Most remaoame oteme... N. B Extomavo Stabeamisab.do, taga- flot vitI a lage and eure Yard, TOM.BABMID. Kingston, Iobtay 1, l881. CANAL COFFRE-'HOUSE, fltik.wu0t c.uure qm à" nshkieah xiarocTON, OPPUA C&NA»A. ILLIAU.CAMP! es lia hmm iin uulrg atborugit tot co abovedmtno Yard, .nhope.l truiet a ndo rconsfort uf bs cuato- Mmr. ta monit a coutinnua uto public Pa- ttonsg a" m to ragain 'bat repufation lb. boum alfimndi r ia tlglual propneto, lem it. .Oliver Thilodo G.,WUEbamreeuol ton, & ia vlcu=- that h. bueq»t ttruod1 bou Londs igm a stock of C015, Claul- Mora sd vuioga of 'la. oint Sihtomblo alanra, asti of th i mqbUt ga tqietbhr v" a a fmrnent of Botosu oft iBla approvead altatpatu., m"di lg aucceda umabcing pnrcasa Bnt oe of the dut autshmts, bie ouiliegoex-1 ÇcmtoorMaien A* Clahingat exceodin;loy Lprime, snd bffl ta ammure Gontie ea,m *Mun hlmib wtotmiodoru at, 'bo 9" 4 sorma te tmrbnt ablp. At ah.mmaiSu »a h »ffl ta satur1 lia lnoetwm*abetobis frlmd.apdthe . 1 lie fAt the suPPort o hu km rlv' for <b. lut nie. joui, «Ad à ViU atebuI.lis e4uniy te umt a touatln a of*ib favt.. Naval a»diMutarUnifouga P. S--G. W. bau ma&o UZlneaivt ofie .fiat Houe., te uppy *i. vida Ki àt e 41Dcmeber, 18lm LYON, A YOUNOGLIGSR ]BULL, JrMRTED b# Com«kdoBerri.hlm IL *&. ill mgv aa mte ai nubof Cave aaao-at one Dollar"th. -L-t- e» lae o ae c* l i a lvody cou>- pott ai ga t. boa "roarkably du ani- utof miiLnchr h oi;b.vW»o - b Mh litra.o nziar, lad moon- mainisiraa attralulaoai .impovo di Moek In athicli. t. iou It oroagbfDu- bue . bld. PhatPrdm*, ULlC stea l aby given, sfl UI - - k- ý atnSi . TIelbu salCim aniw Càdlby - Mu~ 5g, - 10 . it inAbe cou"Ealoa -fr the , <Vena bon ri framtis mi 41 me*o wosin t!eouu; ao > Mit@ - b v ivaodmA-pr*c -- -- E aml RtWin belaavudaotgoudl e.a a ët4m. e rtmami viýIScSaL - ldia A. J. prUi. DU Uluve VAUit maaecivsly te returul AFditaub f« the =nuhe bas hitinorto #oedil, mtaboe tomW 4" Ch-t mg ola. 0a"bnd orlas otW»oitt cm% E 0lh and udh CLOPS, Ladiea'i cork.. idBoou tPmà urSuaand Cord Wathlug Boots ami SimOctDn u »d bal Drame Shoea, Drmmui0" r1o',Gia- lomna Rding or ide ts, Goe riA B ces, Trarellinç Bageraisutauuan, I kinda of triming a"a04stmda mued for manhfcturimg inu<athe. uelie. ToL ater pan t f1h.ah" evovua i- port d Fae, buf veto mat aed h..l catil vithin a fov vem piaf,&a"i ae jui nxov unpaced. Aise on ha@ mi a, Laaia'esud Getlemou's Bouts abd fhrue ef bis ove manaufactuaroe.SalaUppa Lab- er, sud Calff.hins, 4L.. 1 Oriets fi-m ail parla cof ils Proviueg vii le tlakfafly mracio,aâait faCtuly t tebdouf o--parcomenMto aH paria fi La1144 Bey 0oRivuer, e freopenS, du- rmI.th naviation o.tan m forem miN. ÎaÎ Bneukly Al. j t . <v 1,eBtatseusIGars c«Talle uni Win* Grapa. Pot. *su cou, le. Ai»o, F«out sd Oraýeat Tnoua and Sitrae, Gnoe-ouetanduihlarbbc oous Ptitu, a co iliecin s ftlegfit aiy iRouea.Pdewtud %ia-2tiqss fo pen vi! eco deiv is bfuithsi cmua*Oý mental Trous6cm bot <otltiu.m m, P. viit Maiearnugomouaatie Waorrid odrd bfom hlm vin b. o Sei ai id sud forwarded vitiutfs lljturde- caomua aumb.ebçja4rt.Pa Pald a% it O ;ïcftbèaiomea lobai ma)Ri, sphas ,yu*goai Allai ne- «rsug, be= rm . ~te4 li raceting tany Tm z ,in he Od c"a fb &y areesa Mo d»rord uitanl val! b. mai. op ato on. pcag itb. a view ta ove lb. sape.o arae lmh* abactlbar %vin' hase aoiîm A gentiûltI. Prenne, lvEna.Parmî ta a nov ruady te ftow «» e l te the alevi aitdguil Kiu ummeia, ho, Nereelem HAIU1MA11 A.!b!u 'n. C. 5. O.. g- LINO. M& . BRBIR viill e prepard t te couve aâva othe oofjn fiscomenca et 0,01 Olauing Q uSte' Taa-payahla qa<tOry in id, 1eu a l.CqiDmsd CO«ing. ngenr eo acb pupU i ltIe Pruporoio shW es71. par afua. Fo ocI pupUl f*tieCalge,£4210». 1 ofra"uIp"up3lot-in. l0 t aiMtfia1m, andti Sefl'a atcl"s whi are o. mmlly fuareihed by Dueorder, Bookso ami .roeug ame extra chargen. York, April Md,8lm. bHt. B& souti <e"!obligod b, au e, may icîtand placilag a papil under hi, cr BOARDING SCHlOOL FORIOUN LADIS AT BATH, V»193 lu* OPMaAisTRCna, ' 1 . »M& CKRToUq, ANtI 1 able a eoue:L aie,( =i 42. 4n1.e, and a varloît of faahi~ b4 o»I Ormttal Waok.. h,. B', em' rbdaace ouaToacher la Ettgland rend, b.rvoll qualiiod teoimpartsoIidina..ctn vg lattaccampliuans, an a plu, eulatte ima. atsady agreorable, aid ea- ue tý* Progrme cf ber pupils. amdL ewdit Wooins'useif I4IIt boérd, Vitoluat Wuashing, (the Bed Lin. o,,4. Sng fouad by the Pupîl,) -d'. W elatethe quarter to b. paid ina advince. Cm dmiss iaon, includmng lieui, iahsiGraumrs', GeOgrapAy, Histon~ MWmPaie Nor&S.lVs,lodd. per Quarter: Cmburo Edmeation, with Faiia.Ne,db Wu*, lS. por Queuter. Malle..... £200>o .-n> erq teer 51ria £0 aifctCPupil.-OjLP«inmg acoaelig t agommuî.4~.Twelvr. ýWa he I.quarter. Bath, IgtI April, 1831. byfbo a"0 ubacrber, at bis Brw- &Î~Lteley Hoja, Cordwaod, Char. sesi. ààalbla&Îtillcry for Rye, India Corsuh, 0aiàfto, le. And bas for sale, WW*t, Cherry aa i PuaoBoards plznk, Md4 *uu*t1 Ug, îwi, Chancoel, &c.Ad e» id1. e au pplied with iCopper Bol!. asw, Woims, Hope and Malt. THOMAS moLsox. Kluptoo, lOth Nov. 1828. vh elî karav Hous, and pru- Moala OGaow. »d et predient occupied by il@. W IL-S.cgor, as a Hotel, forteras &Md aniMiaaapp Iî teAMr. W. S. o=0r fotiepoyeoe. EENEZER PERY, j"T1E la beraéby glro eni all aisnt 10Jl" taod, of fa uywLw trea. opoid t taiE et of.t No.20, ifLETanam"i prou.i pat viltb twottwbouuav.b et fhe upendu of Grave Street, h1.7 o eapiobYL.Gor.RA Onthepomna ffl a #"ildivgll 0< Wten vilh Ontbouses ,I v*o l*t.eocoM alnget a Gardon tai eQMbam. APlygotro Major !ett or ta = iCEl tdamy ilirois 'bat lb. Sel Uudmwil enda, oTomais atiJolaf Mt~egbla,1mmrme~nu Geaoque,en. a.oaa owSwgtecotract for th. l ns"au t l. vIo 1f t. e sgine of th keamIcat -Waum nefA. IafAof aIen id osie rai hoe diFlunry1ci almo J., W Mo alta iaagih414acloro»eavita tbefoi- perieoi 72 telit Oct.- -e; ÏM ot âi rislai et Novu, té t lm of taSo vgsios iausdaàp Vin u ia Teaaisti 'As twýr"î vineu,.6uaatlan DONELLo,Î01 ad I et libi lit, lm8. »mè Witoisum#4by dlrWalaa *ies., artlgel o i ~ONAL~ E --lu amehlad 0-4q. .11 -il A biediter Km eab"id"à 1 zi.- vti