vel 0<ibilt. tdO. bcemd fat owtu n ri vilibes, la*lace ilfcue Piât Ndstieàvc th~ed ~~a Nilljii. iti. lb. d fineal in fawti d A its, byvelv has agdintoie rotiud the oudr tifithruéci Tb*-m novei pelismae .compatea11 40Naples;- thi.eoa%, iit el rstyî e, bnd),y dovers lb ii flot, lbu t e sdim fraotods, anouianenld tue gidebytlietneke. - gazedai mania m u luilhr. 't coimgo. a- ett ist j Io*-- lhe tuw Cm. TUt. eoiWq t ohuaPhu~oas iAn à sus 1.wTuq~ li bor ea toruneat eft te. c afaldor; th& boul ahl ialasant freimmi h ber..- -,,,i itbof. Septeadmrs, lie 'cash and auitcotstemutitm b'b.deathi Lutenanat Ia1u0jflu~ea ry o, t in.tb tauhtietucb B St iat lilgit Iamirty, fina otu aqueuces0ntiiewen>ijhto alseen'DittiLFi y eSb.Mfin q-1 tic mint.. b. pnoteri't lane,-Wtb on; thie - tigrtisiA beuOOMW à t amuh mui lilers aaithenrSu mus a~ ~~wt Lieutena t Cagd qibiy pltred ii tIeroola vli te, sud q llaIe aW i Wo bap am sué kltlsatib. iet drnu;l y lcti, i tt mhs in us eshe lusevepimiuai t bandeai ase 4mn tisttt. ,iettnami throit radein as i* off bit fIs linta;ta im beW. draBni 1 àSiid u t, à Mne Foýd;- - kepla Mn"vetut i dteé.mi uabut." smaunakli tita thr#i rpcin iieI( pG Fl* lb . Ia u1l eept =r .ton,,said iiJce-ei th c7Im esudwit bt,5U em-t uit i MouiivOsMMi eoe elngIyai ~t~ (ha, in b eaissUamss00 3 I .3 I o s * ~~~ieuk Mds iti et en sud . wemme agrsé.t4a lamestus- mu'oeram îtoulm rd-wnulty easè, *isrlg laguage : - lt wil b. e eub flmtim. lb. et. Tho cn ti Tue- is*îissM la murlng Dolegm ,Vie- 1laspe=. U ter"hu ae, Ufflt. emhw piiiee~~rea uIam t 09 mtteevu-vicb *0 t et intweesec çou4 ntas fs rli -ntos asedby*Fc siNiI~. ~~t, o oWà» tu«prs <hUm. daPaietiot tdm ti.Clisbe y as'g enotrtbm lud . pfI>puem o"Uay th eli MarMi, -, hbtitssaceuryte'previde fur thLb. 1 T85 LaIi>x asp4b AU U"e" 40i~ar.klug p etofI* Cimbet.1 The e t tUaajtse. t nIet aaimfarîlt do i-e.~ e1~ -~ Ifii lmrianiet. A uw E...peepatiel ef Dulogem b? tbe. bu *y1 'isrumpm[Evide1, marks of et. NU» --lep -* lbforexplsqtiee,'wicliv. mue ~ ~ ~ am~~~' dé flt d n piîro"ef~feopoIi Wh eSt sqvrturejà osfeo balaioo» inrfeaid5.a. - S'a, eikn-out18 L lae ueseing lieu ~Lotmsproveue*eé,dg Ipasia eebn tm la urPgépramuof 1m3wap déiti erst sboa" afb oR-yl are, bt i-imOfC. e îe ailir ms aa i Pls h M iifàobr sêCwukdj = etu rib-ibis> i qsomueaTfa,, p, puii e. dva teKmeiaui a a hm 'Caîo t.rve a utres. p omms a , lad tesretet t teAk -AR, eu»to Ibo aedrlbUendvernick jt off ci-dtw wie'* qss t* Tii ou don T i l 0< île'ut Mrch S <eoitteîbi Th on ds.Itcsfei aaa j epl e-gl r au. ye prvaesa~is~ u lue., àom W"tm oagnedtelêulImnimhetenu- V, " e th Poci g. d ereteat tRzie f rgim reteora lui the of Jtuti l E etu'a-£$,vgts. defor eefsi uasaiga.. lue T heIiymLodonTie suofi sulssst Ma- a eo, laeot4 if 5. oiion fras Wa mumîinWig i bof .opridvmetings. bIms or Poinlt Diy Ôw POLA Gn.ut iteiewTJhiaf Aunst I.i 70 e 8"d" haes, l. atis î»i ases Potiiaszim*ods f ie-rpi' bay ta * udtt.. fuiOie.usto'tbs lisedi isiali Wal ý1 .«bw. shei net wjs t nuai.of bo Min esbros- durpeieathauta4fnem q&,t &UV* ePjrbatbaWblii W Orul sgaléjai s ul~d PIsmd aeul"hezsa7tAi. ~ ~~si_ Sau éhc~ W"vu - ticl 1t Tua. imequpalty or t harpito mae evi dont, but esipety lloled upuon it as1 pfmI~n~y e 0 o. uater cnre Bais~~~ ,Fi riiiac -mnc Cnatitutteýa MlYIel I 9, vus seized upat bj tCmtbàclue2q as iroaceasion tu carry liais Ob jesitMe UMef.ligl-ccudeaii h peseeitbemTurka, ahedairected tic viol 0ci mttaY wbiéh taad boraemployed i tatatmr, tenmrch imanedialcly lite Pc melreb" asgdte maintain itm lilteg- Jt>liedfdét. isalur otho seon .X 49 -n i1aandlsuaan-nlthe. eut-anc. i~u~1~oteMoaiue off tht R.pu lia, 1aosdbcaration ,aaied tie 241h cor Màa 17eO, tiho lauguage e oficb it w<satdbe u. riO uogala cmm wiLh hat he W writteil doe, a"d ad'iaed Ivo zease tor. Ir abat namifuato, Froderie repruanbed LIa P-Wesvitl t11irXesmaâtanahuois nik snd ta the benevoient itentions off lie &m. pies. CMbiln; b. aleipredtll i nlortu»n ors cauntry-y anWd by "lateoanarcbl mlua celmion, andl pretendel tu e . lylmam eat theprgramof "Fliai pai-xoelainaPolanfi! Tteseraos, h IailiLs.eabiné usaer the neesty o(adoptý uug slaatryme anues y loîug pauses. mas dbegau Dantic, u ut of Up- pia Plana, in oier te restau-e trnqiit) t1hatou andl afford protectionvta th. wxintenioned.Paies!!! Titis decataaiicM aois ee i7 tie esutien of he .."sstary mes sures" 1iereii -glanuneal, - At Thiorn andu lin tzi e Puruiaikroleletbu«h inop pased, .ntere&asiflejDisiahntic PaaassyelouiF. h ju#Ubtrniablel pwtmw 1 ata 0<~~~E zI~I5at a man"i cebauml mà, anM « shu f promm legacm bée eqped se pan..t M'OÙM ,a itebar!ta et rg pteul, »misvci to i ato-j patm v rile 4, anl a yc 0muifede.* routa k vuous n os où a tvie moi mont tirifs xectton,b v ýer ofltc arail dclraiat iila, 'at ,lu ar iieeneis indof thédito reia mted Itomen forthi 'Tlir Maroisîe plot usvldelb. mnthoebisaemîy hafýl ratowerwo <liiaaiiaenua, d aleinu sontî muer dmeurtheir wrep petiv ely (ia - A confflute "Pouah Ilepubie t. om en d"taj iionest *ois. ba. t bf eudo -'Fils dwýoýt- tirmae, lu and iaeffael pe f us, , c=m ntin. aie luAdtm lfe tkuea res e t lii Po' o isOpea- an tien logIo i ~eoues~m~r~4at rtionlaa OOWO*iafli or ttie h ub o e Of nai id Tb rotu >d ta îau oebd ' ia lisi Mjesie <-asi-su iPe on .' baatergvecamIorhnitin thaa an imsty. cedtherdeerute igimI ou Vr ispm tcaetasn nite otes ie bIati cf tint. cantyfouài ýV W fat taire -ir eiei ent s 'teueie MbOu tbe rtmeceinsi tbe794, a bsola hollaldthattbr n nteal hQWîand tien ate ive asudb Psiatitua, aie oaitr, alb aeeuu tirepef lum 6*di,,a pts i Sp e-l sibe0iethsdbuse their-detim atem unila di suamot eifupoa rui- Vil %ooo tuM favetEeh, 0~ ça[ liteisture in as fidega..wi eV à- d< the gene a ai c .f Pe, "- misu amr.*va pur- olen 1sh~epriment '0 lts aniciens aeeeignty.sud *ab. ait.ei. b pçsent revohletaa tuedlar Îue .p- y apuiiik liig e<. 1mtbni3- woéh ucikie i;-Wooraw, sudemoi,, y KalWîIi,LuiPozkMlvaPaoha !' ad 4aWatow». The. natiorAl revenues In 8mont. in comion fty li 'Off Poliah giilders (t2ý26,O00 of wil seh-- vernimillionss.amaiedto te civii lasI Sexpendituru. lits militarv force cons"st off of t uty tg... md iid 1 sy sMd tveuty thop neit i shi-si5O0 l mmid Sondoir, iil VM00; Lublin, 14,», and Kal'ez, 8.5M0- 1 ur aretlirt Ilye prsodrsi, mand. in èe addition, an A= cia6( 90eto f. the vol- 'l wolip, puhuimledouaea week. 'A vsek- ll nai ltoi pubused at Kaliez, and a Zragazine fur cbuldmc n aN Pawy. 'y ;..Te constitution t~nded by theau~ ixof Alexander profeswlois tarare pe le civUairigioei uanutaçal Tue ýole * itve bodY, utiqlb W#0" et of a enateasd ,ovW liaes. mm t -Watuaw every sec dy,,W . pesira off y theKingdom l w~oï1rl.bthes uet Revoui n]ana rîsM . bw,ýbt dasunei ilas si i lie pobe:,r4edà "'bali.:Ict cese i.ea i*s ecil 'T by aprivy counPlM- aY«t aDi m ninisterial bude, . m- o mminii oe0ba JIt Wrulen it be oke.u e m éected by th#110 semtlies of.:-" t4a d distri cts; dU4t mo sm liss. e' £ 450 eîerr a onevote. - I apfCtyobinft ela cansti- * tuion s tiiaibremasuirs imtble pro. -pouderance to the crowse whilst il stripes the niltian at large -orf the wer orf inerfernt vY itb ekct in publie à oiEut it mi. vi« -mèrs ej1Iil 1in other pointastor slow, flu e ie, Ncre -wbitéb arLtentyfold greater, auid devolves ltsinterst aponthe.chances of hie pevion,- If a çlam ter mid thtender nercy oa[ M» Col.-t eprie...Thi. ilW-moatedrelati.n e<tlae na eCol turythe.notairendal tii. situation o odinfinit Iwo1ai~ a provînre of a er, aremm, 0 sg4dcb t la?. C hié . . . . ., .P.. . 4. T&1 ra..litia mebint, cIf wipi*re ciStir m en t, ,Who a se s"iS kiull mi c omtilroti on l.0the s0s.i4s Theigular nm-tar thpl hbaOsim f F «wi bsMI 110 ustubi lit <orpp.atebe~ 1tigaa abjcalu- vbt ide te figubgeis V ihcu. ta pediia n aln ttestThom eight or te. , il li- u off h avp e a .tw o , pr laim ba l RW~GNATlION 0F 1RR C, UfiET.! th W.b. *0 npu" ilieu sq i ti. andr~ »Joepr illi à"tcaa.5b setielsi tj'lalmjiuu. esmm ~ au e4~iîi. an~ble.~,ihmath.hpu * etyeit tom- Lotf .' s--. - ~ 'u- - -':~e -~ka*.o" ~ - * -w-. s--a-. ,- . s-. o *'**ui '~ * ~"4 q ~ 005 ~ s--. -' q 1*1 ~ I 3 - i ai I sa.uml .1 1 . i 1 I .1 7.1 10C41fltau mbnant fb. ug MY 5Wt lu y Catm e'dm huit My »X», Jh uitatisu of the question lfe.MOsc We il sbetter eppartuni atyteJaillisthan étt It baa,blevr, been nnaviîrg. à W68ec.,.aMd ef MY CMIrea ,lIn, ud Il. = t bli eyond ai conat» o t t ae given îî **jMU & fur» uhicli caiint sou lie te ,wdled, ezcept b ssmtir-nbae.. vbkh, eoavaifildiciatted y ai uîdiîdî .6 'k" cani!d ardly le reconcietable wI1 torself-respect. tJe~ h e b injurions effet:, wih ,ti teeunmaai *aitUebit ot fige Ci. If stm'. ccupyiuig the. relata lu* n validra heIl EcoumuY talubieh 1 bave aderted, ji.rIu. 1 lateuttit bavtupll te rendurt of tulit ae faire, heie contint, I tbmnk, ait is is bu Dreculer tuaoOpinions. Diveaitaea ,,'f e. rir frefèreice am-ng h l.ftendu etf.sAi. istsilaui Orareul..eidble;sud leve,If' tbe collective adnctes ofthost it, Pl.,- edifr rîvalohlp lie peut. ÎOua enougla t. icuuf 8 ii the w o ptsuien "f cresting " istac ea h the radaruienei t abiauit te me Weleetuo0 thelre embarraeiing the br50c otpublîc service omutted te isige 51 .7 a e. nV erthele-s, by their p lo , t pae etI.saPîri on ai elltertain.gc ehview a s it loI>wl.ich t, ZZZO . il anil».lad, a i .. ,k Ste present antoisu ellrticpr-9. ýp!cU* ia.dffreaicvit woshfiitgave i-aiIolait -ITtmiuner. the leauif unruévorable toli.. 1quetacs, inidvidoul injustice insuirend, ai -lbi Adinji-wstjon eaiarraucd,ànd weak. -eioed. Wbataer Mery bave bren the crts 1ot tbsgsentier the peduiar i- ftUIi-lui, of lbêt je r stmgo of the R ep îb ic, ay e. pudencdlm t mi atiglied ne ahat, ai his>1 Iday,' saotiie ield -f 'el'ctiui hi& be,.Yu1 -sa extendédý the chrcolahtanre referred Io, be'agietng thbmonitives and our fliti à opotaitlon tte e umes o f the. Execulivr qu uai aoidably proe the cana. of injul' I the pfublic servicefrar.itpii .11ibi vaiMsr in vain looetate p-ceutiir oulisaionsofet andividual;and avenif & bl e in t ha i e m i tken, stili 1I ra o it oo«or '" eî aytIf ab ta believe for a nu. Ment at ' t lau iulu d.d in the crerlio. Thaatraction. ta lb. sucreuupros.~ b cti et i piu lic s&irs ia liuen uperad.Jad tla iatop jie itien 'vhic b i iseparab e rout FOurbe.huitutions suigishici evcry id. .minlatntie M« expert, pluenut a mat. lu s, hlcb Bb4 eertncno'ernment at a itel Ita lio en. b us volona i ly expo e t:- tha mai espeialy shuld alti. lie arlided se g etentf a peried in the affire f the Ï evld , w bu.ui -.irc ontry M ay p rticlarly bed lie, utmcit hsrmnv ir ber caonnell. ý'SIx là, eig My imptemien, the path f y1 is"pain; sud I bot cnIy sublmit itb tfeeîià Ita ilhalever penschai sarifira aMy 160 volved jn the mlrende. uof the eix. final J -aipsnpv: liut M . e i y am b ition le ý m it mbleu ple w hit à h an ld it in the pro- geu aic( the Gaernumantlie debee al- lutlxsta d in g t be b i ility et i dO rorigl a, - thy of ueamectand observance, «cact, thuudefil ta provoemeentially sd pern. Allev mie, Sir, le pivmetone more view ofe ti. Ubject-You ave coniented tb attend yUT ilo atituenti for re-eleel jo. uuan h orae fai Îlien, rinerous, and uidel e ' teded P"le, il becita tiC mut tri ileawitb cersaiuty. Jîîdgîg, botte- et, ta'"Mthl pst, muid mI»ing a remeaousle allovau (Or the <air eCeim uof thie ltli. Obcene ad publie spirit of 700r tellas-cit. zens, 1 ca"fnaI hesiat. ln adarting tbhebW liftii.,lie caridencei eas v. lnreur ri- >acîtý fer civil duties as in retorcliv it. t.e~lo~ S sjainecueî and striking. ém asmiugy Ilisait ailcandid obviui. a insi:: ai"gàJèir utbaet expecttra 1p have isea morethisai emilxd. comme. country, lie foiflleI, mi.cicel, tem ëf0pair adminstrtion viilla, abgts eOf tauirpretinnent cans IkdimeAataMOPX ts supporters, affi.rd sa mit t=Dél forte <Nil accent- ý MI , lllose wë«antpublic ojce be'Ptd"ëinu of h a âeie iaits. 1?ou lem urpaisnbla dy viglance and lniigiifion. To theIl. nmor'.ble in- nase i toiu tiumena ne lufn.Clib. l let 555 ait ltimstmOces, May ex- trieSa bis latteriluagproopech,l cannot, Ilst ,a tetldlimradof 1thefilgits of atipeflenesa"sud ithout mbutting iay sive fina bu obvions ttnenet tblngorlite futur, ,lie lusenliue. Isving, Monsieur, km. s éi ule cavactasorgfûi~ mportance la tib. -outry, beau amorti the lmout rgent ut Tomt amete yimbi te lb.e oliIom w m ftbep oalle 1,and iuo iing tbee. Critiee of Peaoml &eltnf icalwvasinvol'ed innpair -cq ticu.ccanuet recosIre it eaIslf o lu nany degmeu lietaicausheof emnbamas. metl ta yue dring tle. peled ,hi'a. mail certainly. viii bue ofdeep roterailtetaYeom ýcountrv, sla nioreever "st indt triai tetails close, "ntcr tot-, toulmueanid evenîtai Fatlasethmlimderatieu, 1 trel il tle b L dota Maye. la = y5lte reigou,ýpxi Iieil - agp it. n'erdri 1 'ae te.vcb na i veaut a rieb eIducemeat-hi smahsir '> bamtovr ie ther m"a, te me4t lmpbî1vt.lA4asisuwapmetlajurie aillet fla, Om inos lpuhîle iereuts vick Cmtere and bboand emmqthetb support f IJ S ed i.-Tbb daty,i se"i bhm cm *'ia bwug «le11hste expoeuapu- us an e tie n te pb ueasu u t le M d aiM W une . MI» ais lilamai0<stot.s stMale My'u t" r'