Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 9 Mar 1831, p. 3

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v KKE LaAtI1iICLCAN'ADJA I-IIUA Iii. -a-,. - 1 VOL* e&JLJL3.J M(ENT. ereats of h Pie mer. s- an, buas»el 0> deiend the 1 f tihe pe- I he ez.m- ing mas ial. COuatias to aliomiag ght ut he cW0âjy us Oma iepr- e oUait>'(or r 6o voters Voterx in ~ememnber, mas perse. cem1iarj- a b, near- jrat body our glorie-u hd and tram.- îD Englaaad ý(Mr. Il,) yr hetween Villages in refore sup. lward to he wth otier Ia ceuJlty I;a aniCo. rance Z_ rivilege.- ion.-Thce àr anxiety tII, had t lie dare tdwth 'et§.lHe dirment. e right 0, pert>' and WMserre n as *oue- menaber ping tI it Dow. meaarks in erved that tl mer. nt pe,-tiaat a the. other- nle mer afartiier o- of etowns, ned nmn *(Mr. Bid- for the cor- »se teatj- 3s intentioQ ld hiegay L General . Gs.) be- y parsong mas par. that tei »BB IL A IW àa là, - - - - - --- - - - ý i,*U %7 ao d y m i incay caled for by m eo l latheProv ince for man>' year, mmiimss mc rewunolegal eesa- at0 or Watbloiog the. Roya assont le it, th iuteanmt GOvetr bail, Of is cm, rd"<ued tu givo bis sssnt te il, P 0 IIIj1aveacoai qtbepecple of ths bil a i W beem deprived ftatil sut meus Or. ftwto 7«r@ Past* andb.i feared mOulil hodopraveil cfit years ta .. Wouidouaed>aresiitace 0*the voice ,f&natiom b.ateanpted i.nuglandi By S IL siiem dean>' tlaat the. gaweive of a ColotijaiGovernanent mas mm aepening aipot the. people, but coWdi mheaaaver t chma oo do e , a i> the. wiw n ntmss. Nordi le (Mr. B.) maliedhieereanarlts in tihelangalage e crn plaint. or sensureN-liut it masnlerent in theve rv ateWof Colonial Governmeait. mHz. I.Villsoac iet at great langte up- on popuarlam iaour, factions ambition, &c. _advered te the late Bons. in larnguage of stzng condttflfltioi-sadthat bouse tes. ra bl, naaraing Comomission- e t woa me sdmappropriating monay where it wtt net macLait, analmitiuhalaing t oepletthat needed il &c-even miien the>' were tolil of il at the ime. Mr ierry sai ahe honorable nember fi", iWentWOth (Mr Wallsoaa) had been in tihIehaitinost every time, lie spoiofu attackiOg anda atiitg, in a very loty lotie the latihee OfAsembl-but li general bis ause ae> tee clontemPtilile ta deserve nonce.. H.et'old nowmta', that mhat thst bonorauhe gentleman bail tatedi n regard te the proceediaigaefth late House of Asa- senbly respectang the Road Bill wtt total- IV untrue, and lie mas jrepareil te prove it. uit. P. stateil that the honorabale member fromn Wentworth mas not in lis place when tie rot ibll paRseil, and thrat notling efthîe kind mentioned, bail passedin tahie [ate bouse tntil long allier diee mail billliai been bet ta the Legîsîative Couneil. pj long discussion litre eased on the siaýject aethlIe late oail bill. Thme origirnial qiestton mas at icngth calleal for, and~ the ainendaient mas carracd. Another amendaient mas propeseil, that the aenbtr for HallîweilI, vhen it siiocali be elgible tae lect One, shoulil bc alloweil mage thetsaaine as thet ceenies. Aller rsaee dscussiorn, tii amentdment ivas ne- gatved, anal tht bilrepoctoal as aaaended, nildred tu b rena i tilime to-mer- it tas ince passeil, anal beau sent te the Legaîlaive Ctuicil.-[Guardian.] ,,,,GCY ESERVES-EDUCATOaV. Nlr Iiawell, secondeil b>'Mr. Camapbell, Bm.çea the follwiag Resolution- Behied, Tîcat anulhumblei aidress ha pre- sented ta Hitc Maje§t>', setting forthn that in and ia n Attof the Parliament of Great Britalîl pstal an the 31st year ef the reign eti Vua iegtlt'i illustrious Fahe- Ki"î Gert lim Thia-i, provision was madle for tlae Iolmnent anal appropriation otfcne gev- eti ofthlie landl of Lhe Provinces for tht support anda maintenance of a Protestant Clemy cithin lihe came-anal that il mas further enacteil tirat ail anal everv tht rentai, prfits or emiolments whicl i mglat at an>' liane rse traim sncb landlsseoailolteal anal -appropriated ui lnll haapplicable solely 1er tht aituainace aand su pport of a Pro- îrîtaat ticrgr w ithin tht Province anal te ne ocher pu i .rposes mhatever. Tîat in pur-1 ,iante et the sail att, amati allelment anal1 appropiation of al'nd as ateousid. have1 Irone tille tIntime been reserveci for thé pur, pose therein mentionei:-wlaicb landls are0 LIbye in the Province b>' the nmre oftht (?lerny Reseres That by an acttofethtt Parlianent of Great Britan anal Ireland 1 piscal ia the Sth anal 9tlî ytars ot tht reloan ot Hisna Ite Majesty George the Fourdi, preision mas madaiefoc the sale et part ot e le erves. Tiattiiese Reervesaanscattereil tlircugh1 thecontry aaîd have deri Veil their prescrtt taler. chiefly frona tht laiera et the people f tios Provance, who beieng le variens re- 1i.iýîoes enominations. That me think il or dutv to inforan Hia Majcsty that laut a Sinall nieoritv et tht peopleeoetitis Prov-t ace are menibers cf tht Uhurch qfEngland,j ai that Hia Majesty'ae suhjects in tns tel- oncr are aembersoetvariomas religions devnm- nouions, equell>' coîscientiou.s in tiaeir opin - o,-equallv attacheil te HilsMajeaty s pero and toernuact, and equally ebeali- nt te the was anal meritonieut in their geeral ronaluct. ThaI ae ceasider il moreoaer our iluty la leclare that tht sentiments anal feelings et Ilis Najty subjects gencrally in tlis Prvetaestrongl>' opposeil tean>' con- nctioa betweentlioGe rnment anal any Plitcllar claurcli or cherches as maIl as te ana fanr or assistance on the part of Hia MaetsGovernment te on. or nmore e- la0es aenomaaîoaas111qually bestow- Jaiupon al-anal te the grant b>' law of an>' ithLspiwers or praiieges te an>' sur ile- t 'Mitciton, mwinchiare flot extenaleiltleal. Thev attelae an equality et civil and te- ligtus deomrnatrons. TItt in these sentimcents, His Majoty's loit1dui Comment molalhumbi>' express their mstbearty concurrence. Tht ender the circumatances, His Ma- ettra faithfül Commens have more titi> Oleproacheild.t trone ta make kacemn eaîIc af Hi. Majety's subjecta in re- hUiel taim1ese matters, anal mlile lhey re- wulleef t L just gratitude tihe gracions lasse- marn ie bet ttcer ejîm-centatons ware list- efielto ly i$ islate flajesty,tliey iumbly ne- queit hat inasamta as the. objecta aoliciteil on tiiese occasaonsby Bt Uestys ab- JeOs havtetiter atataiLnal, i.t Majeat> Ivili 4e pleaseni te take ltmint bis aaast tâocaahle considration. That Hia Majety's faithittal Commons IleiiinPressail mith the. injustice andl impolev eteaclîadig an HtMaest's ~cf maequ atie 0t th benefit anal assistance ta b, deriveil il)ethe Clrgy Resta-vas, anal sensible of the ilPractica iity cf a jast anal eqnaal dut tehîtion oft thein proeaeds among ail reli- Çinte denomninatiens, as meil as cenvinced[ tht whilie they arfapplied in amy niode ittocin 9 at Ime abject oet tieir original ap- PoCntion thty iii fuirnish occasion Fr Cen contentions anal eaonties, bavaedb- Sartai tiat tliey soaboel dl, analtheia ai Dintlrealuceil b>'the. sale be applieleitnder 0 the retien anal control of the Provincial P.miSure tatho e renal improvementb<of th Povince anal t e.support ofed aucationa.J Tias Houe, tierefore, bave ancre thonip the sumgçrsanteu pea-thamenmai- mi' a Proi- ciai Artt leamis tit inftefitoce 0f Lie Ci- mil Govea-nmenl.» Tht Rcventab te ha cealealcannet ha cal- culatdai heu"ilian eheveai tîousand five munmureil Pcunds Sterling, anal t ill I h aigly>gpaatityimag te tie Lieutenant Gover- mir le cencur la an>' anasure Ilmat oea>' s- cA-latth le final arrangements pa-oposialb>' Flic Majesty't Gýorerinaient le give eaient le His Ilajeal>"s granulais intenionsa, anal te t decmaicn cf teBaitish Parliamatat, mien the Lords efth Ie Ta-eua-y mua>' b reltastit front their obligation oft approp- ating la fua- oure lie Dues reteecian lis comamai- cation. Govemmnent lieuse, 28th Feu. 1831. MARRIAGE BILL. MtESSAGE OF BIS EXCELLESCi'. J. COLB0RNFLI~ The Lieutenant Govea-nor acquainta tie House of Asseumb>'li taI lie Bil, entatîcul, "An At t le ake valil certain Marniages eretofere con branlai anal te provide fer- lie future taoitmnizatiea et maa-t "o n .titdis Province," passeal in Lie tmenut Marte, 1829, b>' lIe Legitlalive Council anal As- semil>',anal reserveal forthe uigmifinatioai of ia blaIajsty's plea.sure, ini confea-mit>' miti lie King 'sa nstructionis, and b>' lie alvie if th. cilcers cf tIi. Ca-oma, eca-iveal Bit ilajestyle Royal confiramatien, ant Is acter- dingi>' final>' enacleil. Goie-mtrat Hu-me, Mua-ch 2. 1831.- GRANT FOR THE ROADS. Resolvail-ThatIth emutcf£2,200 atm- th.nizeal ti be capetadeilin lthe Madiani Dlistrit bhe sppropriateil antI spplaei as fol- lOe:- On the road leading tram Waterlaoola .Lcnghborough £100. Horace Yecanans, Henmry' Wodt, aid Wm. Latimer Cont- %ieners. - On the. roti lesaling trm, the 5th conces- sian et Pirtlatidhe e3d aonmîessft he Township et Kingston L100-Henry Shib- le, R.,baat Ab ernati>' andl Brysn Spike Cossanasioners. Oie the roai!fr-oaslot number sialasan ta 'acalson tic nom linetofraýdinlaPitte- îîaagh, Western adition, £50 John Marks,- liephen Yarmeod. andl Adam Laitaw, l'oanlsoners. On tie bsck ron eadiiig ta-cm Kingio aileI 10 Parti, ibrangi lie Vomur i c Pittsurgh, 250.-James Mattbemsen, S. Htrcey, amui John B. Smith, Coosmissionean. On lie roui! lediing freas Waterlote Kingstoan, 2i00-Samuael Ayka-oyde, Bor- ce Youaann andl B.nj. Olcaît, Commis- honora. On the. roud Ieading frots Bellille tlaro' te Inian Woods Le lb. Napatae Mille, £210-Allan M.irPben, Thomas D. Ap- plh>' and Jabez Kellogg, Commissionece Oan the rondIrla-imng fa-cm Waterloo to tb. Nipsase Mils, theamssof £250, ami tiet b.e Vamasarer ami Trustees ai the. Baest Te mani Kingston RusaI Societ>' b. CoU.w siuionm.. On the. rond leal ing *cWs llace'!-Vaa.- ern, Tommsip of Kingston, te Bath, £30- <elna-vLLior William McKay', D'antan Vanaisine, Abraham ArAmy, ani Josial ,m lesComammutms For the. Bridge antIthe menmtis of tlitle Cetaraqui, £ bOJoit Feavis, Peter Grass acd Thiomas Rogers,Cammissiouer. Staauay meraitg, ai e Io'c ock, pions tl were mute graliie l b> heariaag thirtuen gPafa-ena the jackel ira honona- of bis Lord- siip.'t If hi hhy gratatyimg, ta-en Lu us, simle Preahytertana, tu se &reat respect paiiltu religion anil religiosistrLucions. -rie report cf great puas mienever hie Lord- slîip changes lis lotalil>', muaItcvancc Great Britali efthiie aplerndidreligions ne- suts et lier liharal grarnts fer theu encourage- ment et Colonial pety. Hem gmsitying toc muati ht e tote cAposies i i te>'are permitteai lu look down (romthbeir liapi s- )ode lu ifiese lime triumph of their eitii- mate successrs in office. Wt misb me coulil ha urder the spiritual insruction oft Iit Lorulship fr a littla. W. are anxieus1 to a-n if Lier. in an>'probabilit>' et a atm Revelstion: Liai cebicl mas ence tue Newt Testament, in g-oiag oltI-acu me hum- i>', tbink ther. ilier ongit te ha a nem re- ligion revealsalfrtram Hcscn, or an adapta-1 taonoetoua-Establiuhed Churci toetneli lika the simplicit>' efApostolictli mes. When seoffers look inIe the Sca-plurtis anal ste tht mords, 'My kingale n i et of Lits merld,'t andi lien beheli otar ia)rd Biaop meving1 at the seuteilof tle marlike instrusments of eathi>' Ki, go, lie>' na>' iram inferences urfavorable le religion. A aumbehrocf nem rea-laions tee are necessar>'. For exama- pIe, Lie Seipturos ne miere internas us as me Lia number of puas fer a Bisiacp's talute.1 We have leenal hatinlatLIe rit>' efSt. John,* Lie conmun Ceuncil mer. muni prazzleal upen Ibis point. The Ortiautox Ciorci- men insisteal on 23 oaaRoyal Sante beiacp 21; and thbeir: enta cf sositai toodsal- masas piacang Cua- c haeaStae. Tht ungodi>' eppoeul Iis--anal lie dispute esas aI lenth tseltileilb>'menisotanbuetflatn mua camjelihemai>', anal su.gested 12, te tahi>' miithie number ottit Ilmstles. VIa, Orileodex insitlinthLe religion of tht Apostles mas republicnainlaif&nastue,ad,i mo sv an neul;saltahsed byhy 1w: end, tiierefoe, Lie agument moul net bod.- IL mas, thierefoet, agreoil te compromnise ai thia-ta p uas. But il anstili a questionr w tetiier Ibis is thetrtauc C/aint/a anal Stae nuber-a«na nu important a point ouglel net tu e han lefIdunsettl-Pait-ot. LOWER CANADA. [Exftt fa 1Lettefilma QubSe.l Feb. 26, 1831. - As te polifies the storia agtli-1 ering ! The fisti Message of the Governor1 of Wetlneaday last wus receiveal by theffonse of Ass.mb lwornh sppareftly somejoy ;tberr was, bowever, a doubi as te tb. rosi inter- pretation of tuis coammunnicationm. Tuat i centaine oully word, mil b. mean by the se- cond Message of Friday, whai hroer... to the, Roale Prorogative,. ail the. raiuai and territoarial revenuces. Now ilth th mode- rate demanil of 219,5W containoil ina the firat Massage; andl some £12»0O or more, theatouni of (bis laut nenlioneil Mevw us; the administration, Io bcsure,nhed m ot tuant amy mmr; andnglet Ilie..heb.peoaple sand the. BHras. cf Aumbly t- iegislste en infter-8 est communication, rosde and bridges, a'! ca- bots as the Montrs Gazette woold bave h. i Lsst *nit h84rCuuilluer me.ed an addretsg te bhi. u nc raigfor comua»r-j tion.of the dupatele referri la is M.smg- esmhat thmnk yo, e, m thie ansiel Tiie mine asLord Daousie often gave-a At refeesl! ezept stewbat relatstetheJe- [overcliargeal, ilat lic state of tht nepresen- talion is net se despicable as is bere alateil; but an>' one mho lias bail the last expe- tice, or bas takea an>' pains, diapasslon- atel>' te observe anal interna tinaself, as Io tht munisez»ofconlîcting electiena, muet b cona'inceel Liat il is eveai more despiabrn than laishre rchaleil b> tit gentleman. Froni the systena laiel>' in vogue t elet- Dtiens, tepeoplesa-ratant>' depria-tiofLhil inifluienei in Lie Legitlalure. The repre- sentaticai as is lier.alesta-ibed, it ahttein- nasaldcal the Arittocrat>' antI a tew anaied antan.*- If thtefHouse of Conamons bail been cietsen b>' thme people, st la net ia tie lest »probable tliattaci afine country moulil iave been reducemi te the mretcleed stale il at Lhia moment tahbitits. Il is b>'lte great imprea-emeait iramachiner>' tthlIe>' bava haeai abi, te put cff bttii-il day se long, wiich saial pretracting cause, ie tie meana Of atagmenling cie pressent geaieral disla-es b>' ieprivangthe peopîeth le mutons et' m- ployaient, andl reilucing thmni te e etca. cal state cf paupeniani. A Houa. cf Comumeflacleesen b>' lie peo- pIe, meulai neyer have suiered the mate lands or commens in Lie différent Pariabes le have been encloaied anal alloelealtei ricli, union a pIeset ofcemnon riplits froni property. Suca lande mighl bave been tan- proveul, anal have remairatil mat ti naine implieut, cometsno lanals, or tends lie- Ienging toeavec>' oaa in Lia Parisi, anal aniglîl anal ouglilt taave reaiacil anal hen cuttivaea b>' Lie beatis of thetlpaonrfamilles la the Panisi fr-e e o reat, as their juat niglat. If the lanide hbaitbeen se appîleal, tharo mulil bave hean but a ver>' tex mie moulal have needeul parecliai relief. It is weil knemn mien sucli comment mca-e openi, mac>' fa- milie emen aale conafortable by thiemesais et keepirag a tom or Ime, and otier usetul animaIs, analb>' cultivsling a pat ofe such landeslac cernana, and placing tome ofithi- cleldren ta puar-ilthe greming proiluce; but b>' ena telsmeep,lthe cupuidilyofthei-nmore pomerful fellem-men deprved them of tela- litthti coinfilrs, -anal roduced them, maa> ta>', te almst tht lomesl paît <if miser>' anal degradaton. W eremanbera very strikicg instance, ame*g maa>' chers, te illusirate mhat me bave advoncel. About 40 yeasx ago on ad of pgaelament mas passseal, te an- close aconlanMon belongimp te a Pariail; il mas toquaite eqah ten acres te cen>' la- bauriang mts in thie place; The poor op- - eitemeastare af giving Liese à"ista »ehi as b" alrady lanà-. lime>' chaimedil i satheir persional rngb, as b.ing inhabitants oi lie Parisia, anal frouisi bica tbo>a iedo many> coantis, ami a gmet mess Ci stp- port, partaiaul'ta maCh as liail langefani- lies, b>' iavrag pebta, mieai, bsrIeymand grapatches oui t saicornon. Among ctler timpag, di>' ey recl te take Oive acres ces eaca fiulv.pay the taaes aneultytbes, Lanal lie lotiotaceand the influence ofoisusv- U* iolaltts andlttmtir iependaints ai clections in I .rU:iE:aa r ibers bemmng %boutasti o -are aioposeal te put a chîeck le tie groat and iublie A'actnon, at theiSica-e in Kingston, ojust compteini ot officiai influence, ah Towenail thlimr exttnsi-e astmock et e electiens, snd in the courue oftheir remanka, DRY GOODS, (CRriEÇ, CcoEu'r, A"n ethe>' appoa-btabave gavan anucb effence le i lARD WARE,- the otuer pari>', mie expresseil tliia-opin- WITaeeVT ANav aSsovE. > ions, or ratier ager, la tenums no e -ay cip- Tht>' ire rconfident, Itira-iavîg a tmpea ýr niflid for Legialators Letae, carallier atyouu iest oet Iteir Godsirea-ct fa-cm the .Imi- -ipîease, teersonal abuse, caîculatail fer a a-e- farlormtetan Engîcaild, ail utfmuibiaving - a- he nie-idan.bt-en seherteal mihgreat rare, il mill b.ea ry ow erdia. nali,-caena for Marchants ia tiie Countîry anal Toma te attend, as ho>'mtidons meet withias publictsale mitre (bay mil i fitqsuci n ALetter ,rom na-or,,dated al turdils>'ageneral anal t mpleme asonîmont. Tome 'tMarcdi as ie elan anai e-lrnt- wmaalamig te pîarteaa i ae 5 ili at e iag cmai1 fer £O, p, ant a sat night, thiawtiti Great (ceagaina, as the terame îlI b.e LtRosdillthis morning, anal Lie IVr Lu - laberet-anil lie gocdssi-Id ithaul resarft. te tomes on L-cIa>, anal milI ltitabîhesa as. TI -etînder £2&--cacb. £25 ta 50-ire. menai-. £50tnd upwaral-taurmontbticre- iT.,AT o ti;CSTNERMOiiETÉa 5O'R T V it m1b>' fuiraang tb. Broker mati spprov.4 8 MONTH8 or D ECEMBEB,iAaçeAaY ANDe mdirced notes 1, EvmBUAaY tABT. Sole le commeonce on Montda> lie 2ddil> 6 EoCCutto. of Msa text, anal ta continue itom daim le sa.n.1P.ý. 6,&. am. iPAia. daiy tLî1 ail are disposa-ilof. 1 29 47 17 19 28 BEACH & VANALSTNE.. 2 34 41 18 2s8 -Io Kinagston, 8mb Ma-ch, 1831. 3 38 44 19 26 32 -- _ _ _ _ e 4 ". 51 20 25 6tiSffERJFF'SSALE. a 5 SI 39 21 7 26 Midiancf Disturî' N audyelb 6 28 28 22 *15 12 To il * ayofSatareytiSi 7 2 9 23 18 26 nest, tIme followinçUaise as b.lcngirag to 8 16 28 24 24 36 Wilson Conger, seizei b y viriuoiofacne- Y 24 32 25 47 51 turolner lued out of Hi% Maje-îy'a Musia r 10 -2.5 31 I26 323 6 DIistrict Court, ah tic suis ai Joseph Allen, Il 28 30 27 31 34 vaz: aIl hie rigM anmataitie li Lot No. 7, in -12 10 30 28 26 s4-thea 2nd Co.oIhe Towrnship w4 HallomeI. la 16 32 29 1 322 AIl pea-tomes aviag clains antUeo aboya r4 29 41 310 30 33 Landi, or an>' part lieraci, b>' martg. o 15 38 33 31 30 24 ethea-rise, art requli e t maire lie moto 16 26 32 k nomn to me, na-r befure lie ils>y0t55m.a- cAsceAr.. Sale te commence ai 12 otrloe-h, nosa. 1 18 24 17 * 2 19 JOHN MACLEAN, 2 12 30 18 17 23 Kingston, Oct. 131h, 1830. Shenif, am. D. 3 20 m0 19 15 29253Ia.Thebôive *alein spo'Ipined ontil hatWe-- 4 2 53 201 i di>'theôtb th fMsrci nextai stliesbq« 5 27 28 21 "17 à andlplace. 6 22 30 22 5 14 JOHN MACLEAN, 7 22 29 23 010 3 Kingston, Jan. 26,1831 Sheigrnmi p 8l 16 25 24 01S i ia- aai tato4espna n 9 16 122 25 ~2 18 TheSaters sa'le ai dey et Aopa nmiut- t 10 31 25 26 18 24 tlStra h it a fArlnra 1l 31 10 27 10 26 the saute heur ami plaie. 12 I 14 28 12 ý, JOHN MACLE.AN, 13 0 6 12 29 0 26 KingtonMaif 91h lem 14 *10 19 10 3 26 KngtMm h9 ,18 . 1 15 9 17 31 22 39 OICIC-A,m AiýnUàIMaleeting -f the 16 1i, 20 -~Stankioilaraof the SimemSurJames a-raasa-.Kempt,mml lcake place at clin Ofce cf tm0 I 20 36 15 2 96 Subahie -n u "v il3922dianstnt ai- 2 21 38 16 -*-y 6 the bautrof nacra. AVIDJ. SMITH4, 3 19 27 17 26 28 Seiy and Tgesarot. 4 18 22 18 ô 21 Kingstsn, 9th Msrci, 1831. 5 0 23 19 1 17 6 S 20 14 Il <AUTIOI.Iji a1 ien-ieta az1 22 21 20 30 c ronJames lefi me ami the. 2tiof 8 0 27 22 28 36 Febusa-y at. As bie t. not cf @go I l 9 1 22 23 15 22 Dol ho accounabit for snv otie rama-- 10 le 25 24 *2 28 lion@-. JAMES MIcAIFEE il 21 31 25 0 1 127 Ad.lIphcetowh 3'd Match, I1881. sur 12 12 21 28 02 30 ._; 13 * 4 15 27 10 42 NtTICE .. he SlokboMM' tlheb - 14 el15 29 28 16 4r asBaWtaabl.erqm a Bits, Base. ta psy'Ten per renit. ilai eb rh n, o« Taa~Wesrn:a-...We ave.>v. li cmbefore tb. lut daY y ti'a 18. state of tuu. la.rmsoter fer lie titres bus, A cg e LL#,immr o 'Witf tle , ni mit il be wu ba fil. PnaSxtlibbè A lm aT- *mn mme 1 -i a. lut/ 57 I~ ~ «m UMMG4T0 4OOIPI I TO mPWUC M c Fom muâusuowiommou~ m WR mI*ISm% S 1 . il . J . 1 'ar l 1 1 -- 1 31 -' i - - - ------~=.~=-_ 1 -0v ---04 ii leav e . pprOPriatimof0<ail monles lac lhe Township cf Richlnond, £100- suit5e atcs. Thisi, inet the fintlfaux phd anal support theoaestiteite pour et tht place; livîntea- 1mahee..'n venv severe. Tht avee arisagfron uc ie orromany me madleArrbd Caton, Jameis Long, Wm. Prrurile, wbucb mY L-)rdlAy iner lbas commitei.- but ait thte'coai obtain mas 11 tonsraecîîlat o li ltmc ofaahhtembr,wat,etseue- nde ay Sltattsnow inorettidi-PuiJolnaafa elalnm Hmabetaiisgiacenos.-<f ii forceatiafilemilv, l'y J. tiacananolSamul Baldwin, Cin-bout liai lut de>' 3310;îaJanu-f posa of the Provincial Legisiature fte .m.sanar., n suchi rondo ami Bridgtea as acceptante of liaspreselat situamîmono, onfml, a h ien ifw ie bu iteda 3Q i au pur,= s mbch me bave aentionai. îb.y rsa majorty cf lieagay deam mat dilion oftremsmnia.g eagim t arisin Cînacden. lbalieve) Francis Russel, Dulie of Bedltia-a. ar> a aactilaveir 9, i lie day 22. lac selsmebel; ave aie omabl>' etu epedient and condamive tri thei nbsitnls &c. 4c.bt hai Iif ecertain, ha- bellima, jit j 1. tisacotuntnv it .IdOtliappear a fable, lahraar v.a traction le"t 9: li lb.day, 271. sentl, ÉbaltCater aigsCl c ie sai Tomnship ai Riholjsni. micre Lord Daibume endel. lHe'is al- lesiapose a farnil>'coulai derive a livinag 'Tietir, lteerdays Oftilis montlimera ver>' mieh mne are prsuasiea mas intendeil or In the Tomnship of Camaien Rosi, tbe viseil b>'tic samne plecemea, tritl faloleni trenipitre acres of land, analkeep ail telime lî:d, comî imhîii hie .ing without an>' front, the bene&t of lm Majetty 's subjects geste- am ofa £100, ali at Jacob Romleu ta, their adites; thucughliela lias baeai attela' ra-l>', centaine pricplesoofeîsous supre- Sead. Clark, Jacob Hoffan, Calvin tW. srned, it uiadvace wum enta of i~noestitute anal infirinapersonc in thiebarzcn; anil't1thrdaiv we liait temmeraate tieat, the. mssaniecnaei Ifaereathe Churcii Perry, Cavin Wieeler, John Possroysand ceavk: iba a Ian!Tht lieuse tfAssemiin but il is amell knomn tact,lIant anretîaaerur mmgi ecm-td>',taI u Of Encland wmiielianeincotistent mill e it Peler Bavmers lb. Commissaanerà ta expann -n atdreeîiaî.b fi emIlhnnelatlt epeimv lt h îecru'llnO e iN admistahn ulu-sv eq aalaly ofrights and privileges ii ic h ccl r - the s aie o n nc h moa de an dl bridge s as ib e y auled by E ng lan alb t n o t y e vee r tw n - tP11acres te suhela t lpo aat Étisnîoui em coIia s a t m a l as n î -r> in - m tietn of ail ieeaomnateona in tis ProvInce oe a majcrrnîyof et en msyalealna mont ope- Lv pett>' t>rantq an tiait Colony ! Farnanes1,%t ruiaonpca ubunenpednth deserve, ami miiela lie>' enfiiently exýpOct dieît aid condutava to aie adrantage cf the anal Indepenalence on lie part oftÉaie As- soppsing il v heat, ga-ean 36 tu 40 lau-oelm, hall 'lave an>-ainra tîiss aaiaTh cr Iron His Majesty lsgracionas anal PalZraid Tî-wnshap of Camilen Fast. sembly andl a C'nttuii)nal reoistanra. o aL9s. perbtîmîliel, will givet -na£17t 1;maiainal-a- oemnîraie at feelings tomarila hem. Oea the rail lesding aom EliPeter$' lie Part of tie Pteple ilbrtng tdut Sy uia garden , i m l madeI bd.uht.Sags u ehae(iýrcevdteN Thiat m ntshurnbiv requeit liat Bit Mille an thee sud Tomnsitp of Camden to ens ofcoppressaan done. -morenai.t yet YorkcmiU-t.tc, erctu Monayeîir -4t'mae l ilN ,sesy Zllepaati u el hsc heprimncpl rondfinteeNapsneaMillte iMy Lald Alner can have nie extusc,s tlt--irlatsnegnl'o are isumî i i nireivettthenai latcit t daysItater aaI fisrtgracions censideration, ami te a terloo,, otiermase ciai e Yorck Riied, hae bar beefi toldlteumas stirroimded by ticdpig ies tino etlg'tlatè v'odvbtat cause staismodifiation tehaiemadle in it& -EiPet a, Stepien Warnec anal Na- «aile advisere crie sent Lard DaIioioe .aal~lagtto tq titaa u eth lna' ial pneo 'isn a as iii entirel>' remove ron til Ét i 4:1 H cki, C m m am jinnars. C alcu ta. H e ha l te ft-e tfiam th t ea'b utpif acres1te spaide tîarohaiay ta-e-, as anmode cf a-a-- gfa sectarian anal exclusive On the orosl leadincg roin Bahit eShaw", of hie preclecesser, wmie jualgeil for tianseit. ief; we lhave no teubt btitult'lte ertap eiea'aaaetsmn [hecrad adopt iiltti ttle manIa analMils n an I £ Cmmea,£f0-Jii Pea-', be- Wy n le fuat ' canoenstae ucsbeficialtittae pooa llae' tie>-liai-e te ya iloua- cliima timat the Ladieof Rin.- misiesfîa, eole tihs rovnc-andlezer Perry,mand Baj. Clark, Commnoacer. notfellece.iissa.pà! %Wydî)eoae net ton- large renl forîfleosane. iton inlenil ctoolent tac exanaîllt LIoe that Messns. Perry>'anal Lyomas le a Coin- On the. roal leadang frum Bellotein Anme- sit bona-it memn crIa pos*eds the confidence Wlaen tbe comamns aventincloedaa i t 'lara anl Q Chet îîîlte ext-rt itiair uttee te draft anal rport said airess ana li»sburgh te tic outiet eaIhe Weoî ILake, ti epl -iev lIîw v.,-ima"eamity ile uîaîîsîtna- île B&ZA'An t an I th e 32 d rm ie oe th ius lHe u e cds m £ 0 - E t -u d M a iab a n al J o s ep h D o la a tu i dan cn - - tla cr t ail l i eh a n -v d iffi c u ltie s la n d e s îalo tteu i n filet a r i n e r lct ee' sta tril. I c s. o e n o t th-U-(f A r o lith eurliaseatesntanÉaimuotiont. th Commiiwi'iamrs. -tie qacotton titI beaie: $hall ile ChanI-mtamy god acm -enlcü mneal the lpr.mca -ice, l w eoiaaemam lta pi o Alle seera flers pen in ebae, he rom Bullant' an -4meliashungb to Dame- alant lietliemers cf caoei l idraweere et anal tetold ftle es-at ceiseqimorîu-es a at *t'lenetofet'eime lea Htietlent se- flosediidd âtonan ntndaintUrP0-;resîville, £,50--Jacob H4weil antI Banja- mater lotie Castieof St. Louis! Vieyne- womuld result grointa he measure: liait tîeseicicI>. -W. trimst tuaI flimeffora-t of oma- tain sil b;Mr. Vanicouglinetî setended yMr. ia Stapleton, Commissioners. ver sahli! 'eascînwi a'cme eiita McZab, hhL "îth. qquestion arabnet nom put, T-astitIin erecîang a atm bridge selons The proteedingt againsit teAttorney- lands beenra catal b>' Éieîtpeople cf flime ."wieuin pah condwihfl bel asttieflose o, o temoncmr.-thet McatiCracklacesr Win. Brickatian's an General are gumng on acivelv.- New tact, iis, ltme juet andl rigilful oerstitr f ftici siac-e i> sr ,aJtmtlm arn suive itself imb a Coumitteet et tie vitale Aaaeîabotgh, £20ýWm. Brackmananti lisclune Ibenasela-es ev, r a-> uner-1 sm ana1climaaîd by teniila ctI lir- m-I asoistmaic£ et eur morti ovaer- ;r4nBidmitre letion , lLfvoeit M ig, eter Reaner, Cormaajcmrs. siatidlMa-.GqigofQu-eic(;mnaangti ' - eanIle1W lihljtisofYr r " ltenas nigil iieotah,Ietloiosze cf t!er- ' to ieIbriiîlaiamse bc B idwrlal itretitutn, Can all ek- Oit fticroad le4dhîp faon, Hîtltomel lehJailmt, wd a "'trade et accucsalmummosfor lima %%aiat nmu it, ewilliliuIfronti sulaudalle an Dnncaa~e Homrd, Lyon Dei.cretvile, £0-Jtei Cllet& Tios.paoecuitions against Lemupsota 4-c. Itvsee ci, famuiles, fle improvetamcnls aiî laboa-sas-aie- j MucaII, A. wrd,. M cnal, Mackni, DvsC.mmsaîners. tic KRangs posta. nachainerya, moudaeearelta a grat ailti- id tig Ptry, alAl, D.R o al , avackenzb~ie, 18 To repair the diffiraarotuain the toma- taon lti e conafortscf thtelhumoairaic, but1 ~ u~-o AAI lery a nd av rot Mr. V aoug Wiea' 18.sip ni Maa-vstuaah, £65, John hRichards, Qu F aE-, 27 th Febrara-1831. ,. ycutybre -nh ai ih, Iý"TNBÏ.R for dela>', voteti Messrs. Att' Genral, W. -e ilrîeu aml itn>1Haa6aaîli"ttrandcei f /m jlus frf maua- n n> comrobrnn<daita'inct, atmheiRngmlamarzagemIlhah ub-n i B. eiaoG ocln u-eIJh o)umiiiners. sîli NMarcha on motion of'br. Bourdalat-seplaceman, anal pensmeners anal an uaiing.;1 tu7lna mnî,uîmlr ib , iîs n GIeli v. , Sa ton, e z, hn To ena-cla i dgmle stress E at Ca-tek at ioadeil hy Ma- Ogiten. On thesame eve- aia t cratical minietibody of n, la v ng al lic lRaaematal ma 'ite,co itaaie icu geacla Ciscn, SJ. & W. rou, aa. B n, eCl the East end -t EatILake inLthe tocwnship 1 aingMe'ar. Neilson anrieil fur a coacitlte tW ule anda ailiorit>-, il assaidnt imul a, ai at Iil iiîiimrk, adisisoni Is. 3d. Chlar Chisolm J.& W.CroksBron, Car aethl-tt'wetll, 0,Asa Weileaa andl Owen tht avide bouse t ntt notees et, j y il eagetcrs arc r Ellott, A. & R. Fraser, McMartin, Thomn- MuM4tian, CoMmi-emoeran. thetimnta> tqli blm tî lay tl agetrua-s 1 te ut um- -darhe'TaIesl cateddb tefl son, W. Wilson. Jessmp, Magon, Inersol» From Mar,-la teeirlat Ametiasburg lie- triea. %ie Tlablle0sI aalnelb'ttfl Leweis, Morris, Vankoughnett, NIrc.ab, ý_7 imni Lots No. 76 andl 77 iam lie 3d. Cona- Thetiobsrvationsonfile vote by ballot, as r. B-e. llTair, assisteal tu' Restitution aela-eal. cession tothe top othe Big bill and ttence TU EflRA D. ameansofcounteracting ttme powerfil iraini- Ilar.S rUAarT, as4sledi hyMrs. laolcon, inth a .l i uadirect crs, ti ilhe villageaof Hal--- entee fLie Arasîocircyanal nilu eai M Wîmiencejà, and casa Stuart. CLiPY. lenteil £75, Jesse H endca-'ain, G ee. M um- W ED N E ND A Y , M A R C II 9, 1831. a e s ef v d n ,t al y m in e c u 'M a-,. ell un, and is rheib> t r .M L o J. COLBORNE, co, aid Peter Valleau, Comisnas ners. ---________________-_ ac e vde't 'mi htyaiu' e ea a *t'-s.hetim a', nli-a, v lleattîaea- 'rie Lieutneiant Governer has lie sa- On lhe recnd teading freonIl-hlviIIe tii tic Enphish date te tee 20(htb etinuar>', analinaig ever>' cne, notwittmstanditag ail 't-.1.S -ue-aeli lt I-nc tistaciiome te iaafeaa ie ieuse of Assembly, Marmora rriWorks tiroaipb the Townsimp$ Liverpool te flime 21sL, Iave her-en receia-e<I tat pit--md s tyimilr-la, lls Il .Itomo slti i M uaL flime King places at flte disponasai tiftic cf Tiurlow, Sidney amnd R.edin, £250,'tuecountemîance anal retailime prescrntftraina'arker, ail Mas. Cassait> Prouvinacial Legislatur. aill Hs l'testls1 Anthon>' Maian, William Ketcheson, obut Lit>' lîraulrgchne laterasadates ta-cm tht cen-'ULF triturrent in tietiluies wieh are colecteil 1 Jena- and John Reynol-, Commiesaenea-s. tineot of Europe. f shenvinpuan dpu t iitiaelal. an 1 ra.PETEO UIai3aEOT TA5LE. U under lie British Statute oetfle 14Ue Geo. Oîie tefrîy.ft - ad betaveen Lots No. l'ar. OConnell bas ben aarestil ndîald 0osî iga ~aeedntmma.l'air.PTRSimi t M.Mc 'i. Cîîap. 88-Anal milci have iitherto 12 anal 13 an the Townshaap of Sidney, gn-t aileam wt eeaiohrgnle cic T oYO..-reRe- LAnyLaywoil nd dhret been applidctu te support cf lihe Civil Go- tng trocasthe Bm>' of Quintie thaougi lhe l al oehe iimvrl lîa te- soEs. as TO e pocra-eorg te (fil- e A n>'a ime ce-îl k o In dl>'luilraI- massaonuera uftIhe Treasurhian, until il intezaticta lie River Trent A gentleman (sala the Lia-capool Coami- Iilteon titePalaitien tut ifferent alenu,- m ia-avgalTatble, ailI actiflerintenîioti of là, 'Mapesty, -in a ie oplete Ronad, £40. ta-) fa-ena Dublin alernes thal cily in the ations f Ceistaas.Agent en btlialf itle Iamatidulsla t Ms. lies. Wmlcn.rbàe r a-if ~~~~~~~~~Petitioner tu cary filePetition toEnghand, hatvdasmtnumgtcnriie r diapesal oetliis ncreasng vemne, its, On lie Fort>' fool:tuaeei boîcren LotNo. greatest state of excilement, businecs par-aa emrlIeouetsu ltmni i5irequeteealte senti lmear donations tle iee- natural>', ltheconfident expauclationte itat se 24 4 25 n Lima 41hac.inceaamon of the Town- laimesni-o epe u-tad fohadth enthet f lsaienthai-luIt-arof such Laly asttht7 ma>' misi te great a prootuf etHiasanxieus attstetrcon- chipeof Sidaney, £20. On tie Cmncesion 'tia urpended hua fpople.sLr-piave tît saoîc to;altaucfilg lii pricPateis-ca' suit the mishes etfliii faitlatul anal loval sb- rosd in the sag furth concession, beleveen rounding lia Police Office, and -amiof the mtai.-[Guardman.]garet aticle Kmamtan 2ileMaricito1831. jete in Upper Canada mii bha nit mll a Lots 22 anal 29, tie aa'm if £20-Henry Mirl-at renalereal impassible b>' tan-lapes, T cl York Courier sayî iLle signet b>' 7 aril'-aso,2 irh 81 reci¶rctagl eing by ibeir Rcpaeseatatii'es. Ilogea-aan, Thomas Retcheson snd Gadeon andI tht dense niass ot indiaiduals, ail eta or 8 thousanil mea, menen, anal chimîdremi, tian Thaaadsvlth. llh Fabrsuz. try 'r e.Lieutenant Gevernea- is tiierefure in- T-ia-mer, Cam,,mssoners. gry enquining Ltae cause, bocrevea- il tan hacîrovcd le have bhertait-n te RevDr iStuartNfr. Cliriaiaaubsa- Swmler tu sîrîrnetLeacquaint thtfleuse tiattfils Onmlie ronsin latle Tlowanship ni Hqntnp- e perI althuan mr fe lla-e t Ni.. MaMreît a-k, bi.h if LOboeeugt. Maety't Governnieni trusteallaaîthie Le- teoi leadimîg te the Toavnship of Mail' canal Note, tht dates ta-cm arsace- aL e-ek tib'svrltesnlnn o f 5 jy lie asote, asnt-edîidmv the 1611s.f Fobaray gasLtmre mil tbank it andispensable Ilial survayeil hy Williiam Kaîciason, Juair. inabouit Iave ie te ht insicad et the datt thal papen dtates the aiumber fam. PtteRlsalaiLdsAt3'oetia provision shootaulieh imniediatehi' madle for lhe yeta 1828, £.hO-Gara-et Garrisan, Ja- IfituaoftJanuary. ers le bc. tepat- let salariesof etlimeLieutenant' Gov ernor, c n on¶ lu ilJames O'Hare, Commra LieJudges andP-incipal Officeasoftie Go' i le lima onship 'f Tyendinaga, or ai l noun celumastfto.ilay mill bc seen the G Wetiaiderstand liat lmef gî l ic t]Re FtheIaîdividuiîvwho ddreied abassnny- verament, ad tfa-suci tapenses oetfle Ci- openmrag a a-ndatr ainat al 1Townhip t, mes ntt matres et a speech, dcliv- ChargesJamnes Stewart, LorudBislopofqtie naantis La-lier te a Gentleannt Store vil Geraiment, anal Admnstratin ofJus- Lie front Rosi, £40-WliiainPeral, Don- mntprombcinaocc asdpatr frLinanil tottealtr-yfat enia lekn ine asMaa>'appear uoeaiexaminalien Of aid Muchiason analicait! lLazier, Com'r. ereal b>'tht Rev. H. Montgomaemry aIBelh- ecmiew Yok ma ptatuaota of c1ti.n ai M-enut oa Situa i se>' l, mlia b. kaoni Lic Estimates an possessaon et tileelieuse, __________f______ astI, on retonan. If is morti>' cf lhe alLen- Lormtshrnp mus rsttaeiigm ia oa[i tnat 'th- 1eml b iediosb le .qmr aamor pa-arna-miarartennntlien ait ever> Baitih Sîabjcct, betaLse i[Colonial Advecate] jbs c..d beiaip atrictly ceatpliedtial mth. th"ae tht suppliest micîaare granted By Aau-- NOVA SCOTIA. cKaisaa> oetuliLa ultl e] lison Mach181 mi voie. c'nKamîgmatonhmePilitsMarrito1831.t The Stian of Elgli husanal pounils is Pacveer, Februar>' 12. ha ktao'lvmand seriousl>' meigleai, b>' ever>' Il will haseen b>' lie ehale on Lie Prince EXTENSIVE UTO SAE deanat<ltaflhcienî b>' His Majesty'a Govern- ratraattof a Ltte (rom lmita. omehhatte god ohitcouniry atîeart. Euimaril Division Bill,,ftiti oua-repaesenta- - ment.(or tie importatt bject, exchusive of "Tht Bisho iment in fliac acket; anal on If mav lie said ab.v s .,ain , .tenotaait à t-iare iesaining mnsec te vilca -ed of. -- a~. te ai..- . , .- - .- - P met, mas dip, IRt. Lihe hon. to the ai- a pe!rca. Il ansani represen- s (Ma-- amy tut- to e hame- o" La-e oil- a-rs, the restoal by eisctive as muot s i il s intlmi t> mia vo tra- his a- ntatiom ara bave tenants ma meUl mili Wn hile gen- B.) bail a IL lui onu. 1a Govera- tie nase rap upota intero5tl dit>' em ca, idi omledg- hfe gev- the sqs- tbo te- rI and . k.at ý Iwo 1-a"Ov Pwbüc 1 fai 1 ci vi et hi hi ni H th th fin tu Ca ru Pl 1 'q se H th Of M di th D Io L H qi( siq T. le, cg Pl 8,bti Ci m Pl H Ki tic th pli th, Tt mi er Hl VI L Ci 1 . --

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