F , - - w - POIL CAPITALIM g 9NLy. York, 20h Nor. 18M0. azw~l'i O2~1 OTIC E le hereby gisen, b, re ON TN WELAND CNAL.His Excellene>' the Lieutenant Gow ON TU* ELLoANDWi terCAiAL. rernor ini Cooncil; that in lieu cf the Seil MAT-D chai cf the Lane rid feirument Duies herrtolibre exaced, (tie follow ellePueaftof te LndesoifHydau ng SettlemenDues %hall ie required il liri't Satitons0on the enfiire une cf tht e pect of ail Locations made aftr thîadate Welland Camnai-ta be delîvered et the ix:- Wellandd Canal OIffice, nn or tiefore tliefiu'slT Ve Lore shail clear tiiorcogiily Uni de fM h ffzi, et2 n'lcukAM, Tile iaf cf the Rond in wldthî, ppoite tutti, oU I. tali secif~y th. highelt 'u the pur front of hi% lot, b>' tirin rtotal ' fmoî ehasers are duposd t. gsve-the Princripal ing al he tinieir Wood and nnder-wood a paytable -tmnyeev wth an anoal interest esc;>' kind therefrom. He shal! cut dowa ofe OPmvceaie.rain, befirtit oflanuar, 183, tire atump fur lte spare<tenle cet (rom th, or the Principal tae b.petitdôtan. centre 0f1(lie Rond, ta , that a wag9 TU£ LAUIiCI> WOPEaTT COiSISTU wtalmia>' easi>' pasn oser any Itlîingth Ffra-Of 4 acres of [and ai D.an,ville. stands within t!at space, and te l.i 69s (Grand River dam,) au which a Grisi Milliithl gram seued the itoad sa cleared. CacdvîgMacin. am UtTC Sw Mlia ar ~ roofthiat (hlias bheen dainc, ani noadercctachoneand. Tii. pace i.hitaet at P.mepersan bas been constantiy e nom orettdmiuleoae rTehisplco ismuadent upon the lut fur thp space cf two Tears rd fs me (t om Lk ri . mun>'mles iuet oiay issue talîhout otiier conditjoi un steu o contr o tany ile: o, (P 11»"nemeitDut> - Bui in cases tatic enSUte s b.. ao g:the rie fr in20 c r 16thc lut bas tnot heen so occupied, a pater ceeniersi4ecf (: b. rverla evelfor hllîot u!aue until the Locaîce, in atMi milles, and navigable for ràalu, 4c. 100 toiles tion ta the Roed Duties, above describor ubosve, ini the springand f.I!; ald theb tirk& hall have wL.rily cieared Uie timber lion a bounlli wit tr akiile imber and g> pn., thc front of lii, lut for thes@P ace et une chair cf the besidesîript ton. tîIf î prosîf of Settlernent Dutiea, as abOV4 Secoud.-15,000 acres adjiinîng te 5-j req.ured, with. or wthulut reaadence ho no D4ian a itîîated nd ihuer! f te cii prou'n ed to tihe strvevor General s tîit landle itlatedun ithr sde o Vi caaltus ycara and a hait, hfie lot shah tic agait sud i. ttiu riches( s'ai!in Itis p icti ft teoeit ocain tountry. A Village is airt'aty l"id OUIit n Iopn f1 Lioin. lilIleaatr e #Ne cntreof thti tirt ctî,didtion s»hall not interfère with Un(e order i tete e cr s a Mill privi!rge wihî 14 (et c u to 14th NMav, 1830, whiîth applie LII cf aes tadb. rdteAeutexchiisively to diacharged saliers, and il acte ut nd biow ite edut repect tai whom, thie period of resiîlence il oiver tb Welland rivoir. Ilieeyapiii Puurt,-7.5 acres at Robiison. on talictl e b oit ube lhréeeyeara, iristea a loan lotas ai,!eut sn soe li mli. ite asprescribed hy (liat order. It as a coinaanling aiitiî,ailthe junc- tîon male (lia is dretec the(o nt tiosi of te cii agills the Wel'andf; haviflg shah. la-e rihe optin tif perotrming the Set. that rivet navigible for 30 tinlesîb,îve, and ieinl Doie eiter accticdiri5 to iis ceg 9i 1-2 beiuw, tabere it intei;sctaite Niàg. laticîn, or lu ltte r'gidâuiîon. tahicli wereii ra. It s i. uesanîiy situ itel, and will have freietr Iemkugîfttsodr adail>'fiue of packeta te en.t]irig eason îuîy ui."iec.(ia aurea1a pauig t md rui Bufîl nd lte tra e lias a grant cif more titan one lot in a river dam. townsiiip, and ceidtes iptn one of (hem, F'fth.-70 acres t Aluan bîrg -, 'fa oft le Setlenilni l)uties ini rescet t(to h lb. d.tep cut,) on ishiclit aS,%w Mill i. r.ow lts, .on ivîicl lie dues neot resite, shaI! con- erected. Titiss w i . bit a 'ta no, gsîst of tern'ad Dîtvand t( le aring the situation, fcoin tho lilY.rail k Powtr sit c!iain in fruîont ti lot, an aha.'e mention- poâameuc; beiîig the irettilI wiiete tIle ed OH SA ,c.E.C ter can ic uçcd îfr the ptrno'e. c lt 1 OHi'inc.x.c cry, and afterwardibc..îlgltini,îa Il'wer lei . 1518 Mjeaiy'i Goverritieni iaving au- el cf (lie canai. A vill.tg? ia aireari LI id AAt,:siîîi a ert.iri proprhîîn cf the olitat this i.tce -and toin it.e îg~r iîîo osîtto fHernp, lbtoughout rniandeîl by a rih ad popi . riuthteKiiîg's Diet Yard tin Engleed, to ie (lie. i eve>' easn t. anicipalea r po pîîretrii Catlada, it ta ureby nîîîified, ghre nîb. resn oanil Iihai, llen. pbon,î file,,the growth cf Caia- &izf.-100 serez ai the fl.s-, rv ttcnear1 ia, properiytressed, and,-f eqial qîality (tic IVillage cf Tlîoc.'d. i ià,ce i4. o Gi't t-, Si Peiersl'urgh, or to. liga Hemp, will mi Iconîaiîiing foi; rîin (if soce, eî .! 'Pur hao.'d iy (thelRespective Olicera ol ini (bisplace, (the coîiy oil!lirîiviiege na 11,l-IlisMîs 3'. ock-,tiYard, ut in~îgson, il lineof (ho ccaal adtal!v ditiptsi.d cf,) an!pp r,'î'd of by tem, and doiivered ai the twn'Saw Mlithç are bUPdliK. 1 il. k yaord There arc lak e vise i oppr.itunk-a Saw Th l'ale c f Canadian 1-emp IlperTati, Mill, tWitt. twosis ne,r tnre'iir'; a ivii!be oie lys eg:lated lîy the pruce paid Grist a.d Sais Mi!!l, Pail Factory, T.icîîng fit St. 'e-t-rubtrgli or iîga liemp,'" ie the lAthe, and Furitace, ntadi ic.. Si. Cttia. K ing'i iDock Y.rds et home. rileo; and a Saçe Milai et O .iinisi2, aOl1> an avera5re, tii; quaittit>' of Canadiar D)ry Dock, fi; cepatr.g Ves"e!., i. aIso licinp, wltiîh cal iceîîurchased aet Kington *cten ai Ille 2J 1 i.ck fioit the flarb irbv te lteppecti, eOfficen, wili be freinSix Athi.înqqiestioli.ibly the miiit exten hîînîred ia Seren (mndred Tins Ainualliy ai a su motn Il. rcl;e, f The Price whiiih cin Ihis Vear lbe paid foi si aller descriîitîon, in the tiesteril part ,f cdean Conadioti Kemp, su uti ve described, Americi, nn individ'î.1 Iretcîmp1n> Wifl wili be acordicîg ta. ils quAlit>', Focty oi propose ta p!trcliase wIsthfaut a pecsî iî'îaiex- Fîcrty-(lure pouiida IHalifax Currerie>' per smiîîeicn; it il,, tier.'fîre, orili, ne-rs.trv Tin. ta Cive a tirief .utbne ,f t1S aeitaî C(olonel Covert haterected Millu neai of whic t in-la p si.d,î. CLourg-, f.; (lie PiîcPo»e ftprepag ing Hemp »YOftAULICK SITILATtO)NS. t r Exportation,auîd svaiigise uny informa. * . tien tiaFarinera epcting the tiet -nethod T'he Niagag..W1iet'tit,,tsi. @eP"aîtes 'f ireging it, un.! the pro5lt likely taobe oti laka Eie ntIQînaci., s crnps"dott.ît -mcd (rom cultivating 1lemp in Upper Ca- table lands; the irsi cxi; doiti.; front lake Dla Drie ta the muî* ,ilge, îiî.noiî. n aî. Jane fo.Niagaro <ls as fato p a- î11,î'c i'itter-TOtv son'.ereek, (Lonîg lotia ,i«Ator 90, __ York, - l-Sth November, 1830. incloding tht town4iiipq,-f lBert ie,W il; ogh- -- ITLIC Nti TICE is hereby c iven ibat Il, Drowland, liirribersttone, %Winfllieî,1p al persans tî,ind Ctiing, iaking away oLtt, Canbotrisgii, %ali. 'le, Ritim or ijr the Tme nteLns andpat o Wi-djojfs; nd n lle oppo.. I. rgtîg ta the Canada Comipany wlîhouta vite vide cf the %clloid river, Stainforti, 'era îîiiiyta ieofctib Thonld Prhan, aisorG.testorttgî,prn.ected Witthe tiomost rigonr of the and Baîtrioke. The secorid table 1andl Law'. Cattada Ci) 'y Office,? beicurthetI.ioiatain ridge, cotinutes York, 11ith ov. 1830. fiens Niagara ta Dundî,s ceek, ai the bcad cf Burtin7,:on l'ay, a diclance if about NOTICIL 60 miles, conprisin! (lthe tnwns!iîps cf Niig. 1ê'Cutdias >teohanicis wai eroarmn. art Grantitau, Louth. Clinton, Grim'bv,/ SailSept. snd part cf 1Part.i. IIE siîbscr'ibers have conmepnced the Thte river Wellandil teing ;drnost a ilead t'usiness of maléing THRESHING level, and rîînning prallel titi lakte Erie NIACIINF.S, wrrh tîhey alefo .r sale oîi 1 irotagh neariy the centre of (hi. peiinsitia, reiaonable termi ai short notice. An>' per- liere tas ca a single stream afioring aicorin- lw isbig ta pit hasIe a Machine cati ses (munaI or sleatly auppîsir water fm an x-ioe iin operation liv eihiing ort tensive Fiouriîtqb to- iitceî.mrtin the i.AZARUS GILBERT,& torritor>' abnve desritiil,plt (tie Grant! OlIN RANNEY. ciser. It is boutîde,! by the Niagara river' pliustown, IDer. 9th, 1831. ou ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~k t0(o.5ie,.tdbTire rua' irh li nve camed Mathines are made s tributar v of Burlingtîn bay, oin is Ite'r,'f 'lie beçi materialst, and aIl the tvotk inof b.itl cf tahicli are durable siramo, 't ti- CanoRdianminunfacînre. Pttechaseeotftbeee sideroble power. miachirnes tri!! have a decided advantsgc nl rTe western coutry abore (i i t a greait tOI'ooet,.ttheUV. States, ai sny repaira in the astigs ill e(eie imedilestien« dlistance, and the At,.riratuî%adol.poste. tin ic 0 ane's t nae The pubic au jieîcîetI;mdlisi.e neacrieu ui co liarc reipe.ctfiiiy iinfore.ed tai the priwerso. snyextnt;andthi itl, nere% an tost liese IlicebitesItave iteen fairl>' tried- tronvenient point Iotabict-thitir mprclii mis Tbey will thiesb in centanaitaheat, andi -)nd graecstan reliart foc ntanuftîclîriîig p,,r- vothlicominon labour fromt 1'2 ta15 i tholi pose*, on a scalo etimtiensurâte lt. hr.ir w anIs%. It t ncnesary, ho'sevec', i. .k,. pet lîcur ; ani., n gondl eheut Veuh geod aI. -*'xtcnded a vitrer th (lc iintiages at'd tendance, fren'-)0 igo 40 bothe!. pc; hour, eicnbortsncr 11.lhehidrao 1iiiîk pruirer un Iliec ICHARD SCORALL, Coopra,41aely 'neafhusarl.Asiicilc iitnce in tii;j'%, roin Eng!a nd, re.i'etftilly iiifornisthe w.e oe f New-Yok, tillI aiti, e for a'. exara lnihbîlants cf Kington and ils viinity,ihui ien. Tbe simsal reaen !coliiîg fn .Crook'- h lietnds cari ving on hi, bleines# in all il li ta Seneta altke, in thie vou,tv cf '%Its, brftnre. in icor ;if Ihat late Brick Boill ,,i1 six miles in length, ha'slreaîly t(lIT otrI g for.ctiy occupied by Mr. Driucoll ii -.-g mille erected tithin qight oe ech allier BrokStreet. iht 'ahloldistance, vonti nuon; comaticirs l I N . hi-The iower pirt cf the said building '-ian iiree rtua ofstooe. lIere,tiie cucir>' lobe Ici. F'r priirularsapplytob c. Job' g' neralh>yi inae oodsaie'f cu!ivatioa), Coudner. and the doitand thon le peciliaci>' adptai) King-ttn, NOverr ber i7th, 1830. ta. -ho gr.îwng Of wuliat; cnseîntv, an ammediate aid inceilig demand exisit"a for SOF- mail FARM in (lie 4!t the fractionf Mîl a mid Ma. bitter>' if cv. (2îCi inof Frne.qt Toton, being tht ery. description. tWest part lif Lot Neo.'35, contaiîiin-, 5cte rT.e tenn of waier pover ia nniiueil. I if Land, aitout 40 cif whîch are ili u g'îo 'Te principal oituatinntson thiefir,.t level are siate Of cwîui'n ath a -n,.d Frai nt the Grsand rivet dam, (lte point tahere Dvellinit Hoii.e ilecepn etei'tedl. theship canal taill -cealler enter like Eric ihe -,i .Ive F.cin i t'. itîoeilabo' i 14 mile at larhille. et Roin-non, and at A ii- frnu i ing.îtn, on 'he York Rcnd. bargb, (tahore thetirst ilescent takeçlpitre.) Fer fîrther partitcnlaru uapply to Mr. A/ T'he ceaI armet Tli.ircud, w'here lbe; waîet Truax, Kirittion; 1%«.. John 1ie!!, Erne@ us brought round fouir lbii.) Frîmtterce Townu; or .Xttsi Blarritaril, Fiedericks it puaesba( tas>'dntaitthe unnîtrtain id biteg. [1eu. Otb, 1930. peuril t he locks: ilt (ten cesSaes the. canal, mm jeu taben tu SI. Catharines e leehe ITIT OS NEWCA5TLE, giq uâ a i lStitict riice'tair utditrh. Thi,ToWt i diuwbobdeieent of 346 feet, the watt' flRDERED by thc Magistrales, ie Cet mlbgý ns!t flicMachi.ner>', en ench level '.P eai Qq'ater Sessious orlcf teae, a- THE IJPPER CANAD)A IERALD. o MIDWLAND bISTRICT--SALE 0F LAMM . Cougle., Asthsue, oad Coaatmptiouu. lDO berety i>'ve notice that 1 shall attenad ~ Public are respectfuly tnforaacd ensd offer for "ale sncb portion of tb. (luAN)RSNnCUtrDRP .ILanul, as ate adverliseu b>' the Treasurer et and5PEC'1ORAL POWDERS as prepsred t a tie District, end rontained iuîate warrante b>' James ieilen, & Ce. bavebt an set- cf the Cletk cf ib. Peste a- nia>' bc ufficient teuise nue for 10 yesrs peti, prosed (hem- te mut>' fthe svrerages of Assiment,,s dit seslves lteb. tone orfte(bu ca lu.ble reine- tueceon, eithie fcllowing times andl plaes, di..eisc; yet diuroseced, for the cure of vit. Coughe, Cuida andl ocher affecticns et ttc Pittsburg-01h April, ai Stracbaîte I bremat andl lunrgla leadicg to Consncaopttons. atlO o0u, orkA.M.Thousandi bave expcrivnccd thie happy' et- Ki igton-1OtMido., Cort Houe, 12 o'- fecesofibisHMeia*gBclsx,etd mac>'0 otille CAAACMA Ydaefrcock, A. M. biglait respectatihity have voluitarîl>' gin- BE ANAA CMPAY hve or Laughborougb-12th do., at MeGreger's en eeificates, norme cf whîcb tailI scaom- linSale an ('ppc; Canada, ab.-ut tenuoll- milse, 12 o'cleck, A. M. Patay rcaiBoule, (bat talîlsatisfy every uîî- he ise bondreul tbnasd acces of Landl, Erraient Totn-IbSal do., ai Fettard's Inn, prejudîced uii.d la tte mnt exiraordine if tlie fîlIlowiîug description. 12 e'clork, A. M. r>' seu unes pecteul cures base been perfoa- Finis, Cîuri nReaccves; being Lots et 200. Petlad-l4thdo.... atJ,'ob Shibhy't, Es- cd b>' (ho use ,f (hi, uedieine il, caes.et Acrs ac; satre tîanlint iceierquice, 12 o'clock,tA. M. Ioi.g standing, iii wbicb other medicine lied Townshipt of aie Provinice. Cacden-15tli do., ai Adam Bowecmt Fi produceultn favonrable effects, and uher Second, lo- ls of Landl; of, front 1000, to quire 2 o'clork, P. M. ticemot ukliful pliysuions botlia llîse 40,000tares these are ututeul intheaTowne- Fredlericksrg-16ili do., ai Clatksille, (hem allaas itopales.lainais etpretendeul slip, ofthbe Western Distriets, and in (hd 10 o'tlatta, A. M. Iýhat ti>' are an itîtaltible cure In ai! caies, Township cf Wî(unoî, in -lie Gore District. Richmrond-l6tb do.,mt Napanee Mills, I but cf surit us are incurable, Ibere are but, Thiard, a Towen mnd Township call e c! vkl P. M' feut cases cf Ctogha or even scîleul Con-1 Guelph ile the Gore District, in sabîcli iere Tyendanaga-17ti do., et Tyendsrisga sumptions titi n ieb;rcieved b>'a a iunch>' are alrcady ttan>' 800 Sitîthera; tilla iit Mt!Ifills, 12 ot'clîîck, A. M. use cf thîs Healfitg balim. Eacb 1>.iîia1 esery'kiod ottradesinen autul er'hsiiics; Ta-1 Madoc-19tb do.rallarmacra IrontWcrks, Botie coniains aotnt Td"-@s, avich proves sýrns, Stores, itchocis, Sata Milîs, &'c. and a Il o'cluaek, A. M. the i (eb.e acheeap Medicine cem.aîdecmng Gruat Mill i. in progrea,. This i'u a desîra-! Sde-20h do., &tTbrstier's,12o'cl.ick their itues. hie location for settiers uil itmai capitale, A. M. Net e Ccrilcatel. au latioteru anid servantà are camili> prrura- Rawdon-2Otl do., ai Fidlar's, 2 o'cloek, T.asic Melle,,, Htirs.N* Y. bic; and lotsi, partI>' improoed, can tbc pur- P. %I. In aie sîîrîng of 1818, Mr. Elcuxer Harris, chaieul ata esonable priuie.. Thurlota-21st do., et Mnnro'a Inn, Il a man in ver indigeent circrumtscces, aîîd F.uciti, The Hurn :r iecclry;coi.t(ining 'tlock, A. M. wsho adlaIboureulfocrnme ceesuionolî> for, on. millica, onec inndred th.uti.nd acrei ai Aieliasbrg-22d do., ai John Bel>'oe's mare than a ycar, wax siolentl>' seired avutt aie ubape ofa triangle, the base restîcg forInne, 10, 'clock, A. M. an affection et thc longs, acroti panieul by a ipasardi et sixy miles, on tic bauîk oflmbe i lilit-22ddo ,at Heringtin's, 3 o'clot'k ight di>' catghi, trequeîîthy nirribe t(cramse Hocour.ou n>'îhuîg fuir ne-ari>' haitse bour, and (lae, TIi Tean f Gderct ba hîen 0iO ,Sophiairg-24thd.t.,at Demortiil;, Motst reminonl>', bliond. His c,,ugb mas sot meîîccd on the sd. ofthae barbon, tormeul 12 ui'clock, A. NI. severe andl incessant, (batltic @nen became b>' the curitticre ofi.he river Mtitland tud Nlary-buriLh-25th do, ai Stone Mille. 10 much ti ;acuîf,bis eves giai.>', andl lus the Lake; and Msea rons l sady cnt ta tbei o, iock, A. M. ' trecgth left bain trii iba deguce that lie trou flore District; and antier ta in progres (o OHNMA(7LE IN taholly utîable to labour. Lomin oatanîg the London District,' it bas aireaul>' hcos. Sierif M. D. hli, situîationi, s cierîd of mine a-id .yselt tie centre of8ettietnet.t. There are airea- Notrember lard, 18.10. proceareul for hi. an; botrde f Andcr%.un' dy> about 500 ibhabitants in the Hurîun tract FRS ECutugli Draps, btihte use of w'eh, bli abouti -a Sat Mill %9 in oeration-a Grist Mill. FR@L . three .seeks Uta m>' asuonishment) lhe tas as buldn; n uvra mvcansorsav'tEB SUESCRIBER allèe the followieg ft restoreul as to lie sble t. pecorm. s .î-! been establisheul; mnd a Brtace> tend Distil- ah.bePoet o ae il b unr. GAIUS STEBBINS. ierv are lui progres. o i Viz:-1t00 acresof La sd in the Towsnship Iilallioe, Fsb. 19,1828. Tht Landl as edaitte al tarîdu ta lbe oflBebr ,-k IDistrict-,ttGare, aithin a shirt I Robert Kidrmcy, of Rochitser, Monriie cquah tea n>' intie Provinice; il prî.duces ulitaiiceo'f Biirliu.gton, Blockr No. 3 le thue Cutîy, N. Y do bereti> ceerifv that ftor a lame, and builing atone; brick eartl, anud 2d Con. oftamitiT--tam.sbmp. n.tie1w e rdc banficlu poilters ciaesbundanc; and tht produce Lit N',. 38 ije t liConcession cf t hngtieis'iulilcelbem alvit ofthe country can lb; carrieulîo umarket b>'1ITouenqhip cf Etrnest 'Te, 9 ile. ,te '.fithfhiiig.,&cbatedwihains ibe vins trater, tbrougfi Lake Hure.', b>' the river Si.KmtiD90c1crItAicîg 300 aires o tapardcfm gstTn u rcirbe >e Clair, in. the Lak" Erie, aî iaimd'i ilranu 0 erigApeicu'îîni.al of (lv,'Physicianu, btiby the isuvice te river St. Lawrenîce, te Moniceai sauld Trees on tbe promises.ofDr.G tcickcfR.teeuu Qn;bc. Aso,-VmIg-Les'anCiaksvilc, earinuluc;r1 mske tliaI cf vour Andersorn'% AGENT1. thie Napate Miiie. CuhD.sii ytsn n ýl a Johin Dividsou .i .q Quebee. For the Laiidsin Benbtook enquire of Cîngli ropi, uut b>' using u bt; tas Hart, Logan & Co. . Montrai. WlimCi'kEqirGici>- foe. cmnuenul ail those affi-ted i mtt i ChrlsShril, .s.St~ Ottawa. simla; cainplaatît, ta makte ose oftifretaine R'.bert Stierifi', Esq. 41OR1 SALE-A VALUABLE FARM reiaoui,aq 1I am perfectîs satisfied tht il #a- Chais. P. Treadiseil, Esq. Longocil. F~in tic 6îh t'ncension of Frederncks- seul os> lite. ROBERT KIDNEY. Aleti. Fraser, Esq. Perth. burg, ting Lot Nuiaher 22, conîmînînîg 2W0 Rochester, Matcht 11, 182-8. James Sainçon, 1tq. Kinga ton. Acres tif Landl, 80 of talîct are ini e bigla CAUTION. Allan M..Pher.tV,,îq. Naane.- stme of cultivation. B ViE0 O.'EFJS James H. Samson, Esq. el. The abuse Farus iu situate about 26 miles Ever>' purchaser tabo saines teioti omust JauneG. Behae nie .q. Coibtuorg. fro Kingston,eon île York Rond, &wiibin lie patticular. and sec that (lie bottles are James Kerti>, Euq. Fort Drie*.: few yatd*ofaGrist and Sa Mill. Tbere saieped iiti th. glass AiERatoNs ucOtra John McFarla,.e, Esq. Alullcro.' are tuto Houteacnmd e barré on the preueiues, nacaot, prepared b>' j. MELLEIS, andulihat FranciBaby, Esq Sandifich. and tiesoexcehlent muler. ttc directions are signet! JA'5 usELLEr.- York 24tApril, IM. Thetabole talîl bhsohul rbeap for cash or B;cscsfiand examinecbetnte yen porchase, FOR BALS OR TO LET. mticct tpprovede redit. tA'aphyat1the Herhl a* thore are tacu putoonskiidsinle oarket. bot n rmssOffice mDr te .aad, .TE OEtSliEE OiR SOutE boue nulprosseaT.HEsad'ru ylo, 83. E. LSLI,& SONS, mnd C. FHEATH, lael the resideu>' it,180. SSIE U'math Bartiet, ce.ntmile front ir t u .iingstan on the laite shore, is Ifr sale on the mosîfavonrable termEs. Ifroi a-soId befoe the faa'tda>' of April next, iît ilI bd ho ta let.-Aao fermsalhe, on ver>' lot teris, b-blveral lotaboth ofeultivated and avildilands. Those tho tub toa obtain property cf ibis deacriptien lat a lot rate, tili knot the ternis b>' upphying to the uiibucribers, WILLIAIMR. BARTLET. or DUNCÂN VANALSTLNE. lt Kingston, Marchi itit. 1829. a'LANDS in Upper Csnada for sile.-200 l- UAcres, Via -Loti No. 15, 16,17,18, 4- le19, in the 6tli Concession; Nt- 14 ad 15 le lt (lie tbCon.; andl thc soutlîern haif otLot No. 19 trit the Lots No. 21 andl 2-2 111(ho 7th Cee. cf (the Township ot Pittsbtte,çb in I tic Cont>' et Frontenac, NIidîanul District, I Cpper Canada. IThelle Lota are ver>' valu- able, as the civet ruiethrougi (hemn, andl as tic projectcd Cansîfroos Richmondl tbreugb Pertli,must plauein thesane direction-Also, 200 Acre- et Na. 31, in (lac 8th Conces- sbion an the Toawnship et Cornwmall, in tic, »eCount>' of Stormont, Easterr. District; and 200 Actes, Lot 21, 4th Coccessin, in (lic Towshstip et Manners, cuunnty oft Durhamu, Distriet'of Newacastle. The aiohoeiegcfý lie test ~Inalit>', mcii matereul, bemning ex-I re elient Tîmber, adapleul to ever>' agricoitu-I of hai porpose, andl proml.sicg tn become ver>' re vana on (lie ceopletien cf the plans fin agitation futr the improvement cf internai in comminicatn.-Appiv ta 11- ANGUS MACDONNELL. ,e Bath, Fela. 17, 1826. utgiORt SALE.-Lots Ni,. 30 and 322 in the 'iftti concesinof Sinrîs>' eacti con- detiîcng 200 Actes cf excellent Laed, iis land is bliînated on Cole Creek andl No. 32 commandasà privilege ef the tater cf salul - treek, ut being a mesi desirîble situation ly for thceeeciion cf ainilo.-Application tlob. he made ta Mr John Richmsondl tatilibres aul- ea onig rta tole proprietor lttAdoiphus- itomen. JONATHAN ALLAN. ,1 lae 2th, 1830. in Maci LANDS ]POILSALE. ,.O thteCanal ouie, betuteen tie Otta- wa, andI Kingston, beieg Lot"-2,len(lie lOtit Concession of Pittsburgh, aborut 16 or 17 mullet triaKingston, coniaitiing 200 A- cres of gond Arable Landl, aeli sutuated for ,h an hnn;the public romul pasing across ttc e he North.-Application ina>' be unade ta Fran- rs cis A. Eamper, Etq. dà Kinglon, Nov. 1, 1828. li LANDS FORSAE le L'OT!Nc. 25 in 6th Con. Barges,, 200! I Ne. Il in6th do D.rliegion,_, A'. Soutt I i3 4r 14 9th do Niaripoba . À1 bt L.ot Ne 23 61h do Mormntra 2W0 kg-Eilt à 23 5th deodo 100 For tain, aç.ply ta 9- C. Thomason, Esq. of Xircggi, uttte e roprietor, n- JOHN W. FERGUSON. abi- AdoIlmitown, IndlM&rcb, 1828 fo FIlALE0< Tuez Rxo.a. 1Letter ýn if msr Liste, Refoxa and Emigcaîiou.i id Dslicabd te the RevTbes. Chaiers, il. D. DTC@sir UEnit GOI7ELAT. lo ]ot 5*11E-A few Founts of se- Ibo _e«W l "d TYPE, ess5ittgofPic,& Sa>' an!D alsVîxusApply aI the Hecelil 0f- f i Kogma0OrAngu5t 6. 8m. NOW FOR TOURt de. C3I4 AB PII & PtTDENS Il bj se sribe laiet a writt JOIR14 COUNTEI. F OR SALE. LOT NUMBER 24 in the 4th cencessuon of tic Totanuhip oflBu- g em,Counnty of Leeds, contmîning 200) acres. Te situation of titis lmnd is sncb asuto ren- der il wortliy the attention cf Purcbmser.- AppI>' at lb. Herald Office.r Kingston, Ma>'28, 18289. WHISKY. FI1E Sulscriber bas again commencedl Tthei Distiloation and reccifying cf Whis- ky, andl '.ili keep the sine for sme sitbis sup le the Market Square, and solicits the patronge et bis former customers and ati- ers, and (costs the qnaîity nf t(liiquor and price taili ineet tait h approbaion. Alue, tanteul, Bye, and Ccrn, for tahicit s liberai price. ili tic paid b>' Wat. GARRETT. Kingston, lot lime, 1810. OLD KING'S HEAD. uMau1T 8QUAME, MMOTON. JAMES A. SM[TH, bega lense tu IL. Jfote his friends and Ibe Public, that tic lis undertâken the aboyae Estatilishment, toteierly kcpt insucti bigit ceputaineb>' Mrl. Geo. Millward, deceiscd, aed tabicit ti con- fidenti>'hope, temaintain. Travellers may beamturedlotfinding,as ususi,ese;>'coifoct andl accomnmodation, on the ainst reasonatile tere Kingson, Match 13, 18W0. N. B.-A feta respectable hoarders can he uccninindateul. REMOVAL. THIE Subscriberbhep leave to intorna his moveul bis Wlolesale and Retail Hardware establishmnt tothe store latel>' occupieul la> Mr. A. Truax, store sircet, talire h. but on hanul as usual a very general aisorinuent of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Cordage, &c. &c.1 andl is in dail>' expec(atioe uta turtberaup- i pydirect tromr Birumingbamn, Shelffeld, WolIverlîamipton, Bristol, and Liverpool, the sehohe ofwiticlih. tail dI unusuali>' Iota for Cashi or short approveul Credit. Stidoz. Foiiauisbydm Grama Scyltes. 20 doz. Engliol).Graee and Cradling do.- for aie uomnmon<>eIow. YAKR Kingston, titJue, 1830. rORr1 HOPE Nail Mnfactory.-J. P Brtotan bogs lease te intam. iasu Mrens and the publuc, that lie has caisisenced nan- 'lfartring NAILS oteser>' descripthon rtf s or spproved bihIt, ' as the>' Lin b. ob- tained ut u' y i .ni. f2, -o e intie U. States. 13 FOI: S.LL. 1~ !i)tLLrCAPtINmC MACHitezet, a Clothicc's Sliearing Machines, i « Scieta aid Box, 5W0 Ibo. Fine Sheepli WooI, igsn, B>' Mus GARRA'!?. Kington,26thAptil, 1830. (ASHard by the usriber,aitbis ret- C- ervy for Barc>', Hope*, Ccrdwcod, Cher. ccxl. Aise, ai bis Disiailer>' for Ryc. ule Coin, Oats, Ozen, &c. Andl bas for"sle Waliat, Cherryr aed Fine EBo"d, Planair and Scantling, Lsti, V(barcoal, &c. And Distillers auonb.suppied taitti Copper Boil- errs, Wormas, Roes andI Malt. THOMAS MOLSONq. Kingston, 10th Nos. 1828. FPOR ALB OitTO LW AAND ima.cdiate possemios givan. â&tItI eli huetn Hona,acd prem- aesan Cotiourg. end st premnt occupleu b>' Mr. Wilson S. Conger, ua a otel,forserms a&%d particularo eppî te Mr. W. &.Ceurf. or tbe'prepnletov. BENICZER PERIT Kingston. EDUCATION. T BE Publie arereipectfuU>'.infornedtat tle Acadeinmi Btth, onder the super. inteedence efth(e Bev. J. Stcogiton, inow rpepeeed, for te cereption of Pupila, onder ver>' peculiat aulsantages. Mr. Stiirley, an experienceul En6hiab Teacter, lias been cmi- g0ageuas mn Assistant; and (hue tuiticn focs for h nglisi department, bave been con- ideraI!>'reduced. Pupils con b. ccemmo- date mitti board mcd lodging, ta respectable familleson er>' mouerattermu. Referenes ausotei t,, acs of fte.ussisfeoî,-the systeiri eftiaitioai &c -r.c. nia>' ticmadc ta (le cener- able tlie Archulcacon cf Kingston, trIo tas rerentî>' sisiteul andl exumieulthlicSchaol. The fine and heo1h> situation oet hec Village cf Bath cocti no reconimendation TUIOOS YE£§. Speliiag, Reading, Writing, Arithtii, Engîlali Gr4mas;, Gecgtapty,,isitti the use cf the Globes) Ancictut anti Modern Histon', - - --------2 O Mathuematic, - -- --- ---4 00 Latin andl Greek, - - -----6 0 Kingston, Jol>' 28tb, 1829. I S 1AMUEL J. WEBB, froni Lenuon, laie frein Net York, respeetuüli> infurnas te iclaiatabta cf Kingston seul iii sicinit>', (bat b. bau coomcenced tic TAILORING BUSINESS next do.r te Mc. Collar'@ Stice Shop, Southi cerner of Store andl Quar;>' Streels, tabere aIl orders mill b. tlankfaihy received mcd punctuali>' xcaccteul. N. B. An>'youngmaewisbing tebecome se tnied with gned practical pincipies cf CUrlNGOina> base instnucti,,ea b>'appl>'- icg aittie sbcp. Tîcmsm oderate. WN Oct. Bd, 1830. &o. B.-S. J. Wetbb, has removeul te te neit bouse abose Mn. Haicl's Clitir Star., ce Store Street. KINGSTON MUSEUM. <R. BARNET Ratura it liii (bu( MVEthe public for lte encuragement b. lias bilterto teceiveul, andI b. gs ia acqamnt tbes(bat the KINGSTON MUSEUMaili in futur'e b. open foc inspection esot>' day le the eck. Admnitance la. A ND ter sie at the Hersld Office, a feta -MCopies Of"i A SSTris OF DRILLz, FOa TISE MîLITIAoVUppziSCANqADA,1»'comt mini! of Ilit.Excelleecy tic Lieutenant Goscynor" NOTICE. Tt1115 18 TO cERTIFY 1 have no rela. tntmy caine in biinew in (bis Pro- vînce-and 1 particnlatly reqiiest cf aml Moinde and custome-Tealion tht>' taise to me tc write My' naine in fu. MICHAEL BRENNAN. Kingston lttiAugusi, 1830. SOAN A» CANDLE MANUPAtTOURT. Prr1fE subsciber i uisnîta miiuanfac- tring, &bdnul ss na bitbacularge 1 f YDlpd udMeuCANDLES Tabou Bar' SOiF, of the Mds qualit>', whichho.alles for mai aet e- ducou rie.., by tabohsseeul.1 Marchents in Kinateca wuhmg te pur- Chm large quasitîties f«r rendy> mon.>'. or short approssd cdit, con b. suppIleu et &oUe re«es (an tht.>' a. pumibiy procure tht.. e freuatbe UntulStates, orme>' other part cf the world..-Cmashe ue go l TÎÎOMAS BENSON. N.B. Cwlpald.atail timer for Ti.L- FOR SALE b>' tbssulusaiboe,150 mi oftIE. IL r. NOPM TO NERCHANTS &c. T IIE sutbicriber reqpetctfiiy apprilet Merclianta and Deaiers te Producin U. C. that frot lie encouragemenîit br e- ceived in hiscapacit>' otan Agent duritig il" last year,ite is inducedtocontiitue (bat buoi netes in ail its branches. At the opening of the navigstion hue wiii ie pcepared toiecui and dispose cf an>' quantit>' of produce;tii-l ina> lie ronsigned in hi., and ocde;, fi goods of amy description requîred for thei F C'. Trade shalltic execeted wiih puniituaiîî, and iviththe atut scru(inizirig regard f'ý thie interestse fpersans cmpl'.Ying hi-t an>' ciler business confided ic bis cire itiai ce. civc the mreos urupuicua attention.- Ria charges, witicb are exiremel>' rodera-- ,ail tic the saine as expresscd in ne cirm ,0ttà n yesr. CHAS. MITT.LERERGL Mentreal, 19h March, 1829. M ARINE INSURANCE-Tbe si:lnrrn ber tii! effectI nsurance on Cari e% Shipped in Sa. Boat@sai this Pîot, prît:- legeul ta lie reAbîpped ai Prescoît s inLm' Boats for Montreai. JOHN G. PARKER Aget Prîtction ta lalr..-'C.. Kingston, Arii14ti., 1828. JOHN G. PARKER, bas for sale, a 'in.s iassortcd l Ion ai.d Steel, 50tiCciiioet('or- dsge, and White Rap., Patent Plougli', 50 Boxes Wirîdow Glass, 15 kegs Neili, 4 baies Cotton Ya rit, Sole and Upper Locailer, Cait, and Sbeep Skii; Candis Wieking, Bating-20 kegs Tobîcco, Si'steh Rappee, and Macccboy SNUFF-Cooki, 9 Fureacesr for fomilies, atit5s. 6d. te 10é. 6d. ,acb-fine Sperin. Lamp Oi, La.np Gîte' es--Paints and Ol-Dye Sinfi:-Pouilîl, [Shot-SO tiarrels Tar, Rosin, Paîc.-A or- r>' geneaamsrtuaent of Dry Goo,nuiiahls for the Semsn.--Grocerles, Creckery, &te. cash paid fer Wheat, Fitnnr, Perk arid Pot- &ab. . JOHN G. PARKER. T 'lxSuBcaiBaaa (egisless e eupec(' Tfully to întorm tic lababitasel, of Kii.ps- ton aid ils sicîuuit>', that lie bis lateiy eotâb- liîsted limulf liTatie, in Store Street. deSI dcc, te, Mr. Colla;. as a TAILOIl ard HABIT MAKER, and liegs te ioicit *hbire cf public pstronae. TOMAS KENT. Kigtn 0hN.3. 8a15 THE HERALD ia çbli hsd essry Wedsctutay Eveuisg, b>' lHC JrEder 4'Propistier, gunre>yStosi T. J. m &sU, PrIi'. TERMB.-Fcsr Doleus p.;sa, mýexcluiiot pootuge> paymhls ste usthi us sdasmt.-AaY l' sam àsis uqmibu $orfelt e, Pa t t lf4 55No pperus iiemtimsd asti! s5?SmiI att se ai epiF" cf the. li&Wbae. mru es.rsuedlapyui, la the .mkst Wut Lente(h es mtite»SautibuPoi87 PAS» - ie.mti- .ssh m.sssU tilm. As tesls. lise tu leai isd. M Ftam d. je&tte 1rOn- le- *tg fdstsssmsie.t.1-tes irettie-i6 Zsse tlU faeb Tldm hre e tdlgy 0uS - 47/ R7 CIrOff OT F PWOTOGAftUM 0 TO PWUC MOWZOfIC FOR PMISSIO TO UNOOUCIAM'PY TO PUC ASOUUSOlTAWA. I Il' -v S.'. The Eî C. Heoùe agora G& bi. tour Pers, haii Ituroser t 61 Thom P, irme saou lKinga, (lie fioe ýc [NO KiqGSTON QAT fW 'ultiUetto carry otithit'lot,.1 Business at his oid stand opposite %% i Bote!, and the Court Hanse, w htire 1', on band the latest and mci mansîot patternis for gentlemen and lady's Hat, a onnets, Beaveir andl imitaticri do."oW' îedvtaterproof do . wich he wili di,' ~ athotapriceaforcaslaàipraduce,oc iiîlrýv, Credit Cash paid for Beaver, Muairrat atil si ptg Fors. Ntiaenber 2d. î: N B.-Hansies on liand, a test ;w î mensa anti Vouths Fur C..aps, ofr lir fquality-and ttu Bies of Buffolo 1,t iwhîîcb talI ho solti ver>' Iotafer Cash. WEteundersigethereiy giv-e~ IVnotic,thaî ti ilinul bc eci. or fiable as FORWAIAIERS or eo1'il.V(,\. CARRI ERS, on aie RiverStLaci,.. thc haxard and danger ot the navigo,,, bene e o Mi.direal and Aie versa&. We promi the public (o emnpi' r r hut sobe, experieictd imen au Mot5te,. sUr eas. We avilI ai ail himes uben itin e cire effeet instîrance on properly coduigtiti ur iwi(h suie , peciab!; tiffice, ftils uu.ii l iver>' it Montrea, and aet the loeti Imin, io be ubtaiiîed. ln cuses tuer; nu. instrutlionus te gir'r 'b eett thle amouint (t c Inaurefci, thue dffee,t d&scriplions cf Pr, 'cr , shaîHlinsure:sncbatnunt, as ire ce&c wi!l tic futr tes&fet>y and itiierec of tii;,a ns.Teproîierty %%au! hueruade 51e tebo ccnsign pciiperty tn us f, r ircons1 r andl objeet ta (lins course, aval! in.d!j", ignuify itby letter, ila toicacase il,e', n i. coiuitler thenuselvsasiii jet-t te ail theto ý i.. it of the navigdtioii bence fiMomîtrtai (Sugiued) lH. & S Jq >N . JIAMES M,411 I (IN IlOlHI.li &VillsIi',i','s Prencntt, 22u 'd Mort-b, 1828. N. Il.-O'iiert-cl of 5dî-sic-u' of te.ý ace igaînut the dangers4 tihe-uaîg" ri,n ttreal to Prescimtt, avili dire ti chaniat rain wbî.m tti'>' ptirnisetla fit. us, or eur agetintIîhîurhavith lit si,.e of each anti everv pack age. (Signed) .ulNMc, lFitOi ic, lA tuES %le- tIi HuiS HOOKFC Il& IIEF*I!'i'ý, Presrcott. 15 Septeuber.1829ý WVARtEiOUS!NSG, FORWNAN!i\, ArioCROMSSION i4USLI,.N.-_ The Subsecriher resperîtiii!y mptorm il,, r,. lie, tîtat tic bas taken a Icose oft tiai art, Storehotis and Wharf, ie thîs Tqiwt. ce, 1>' ocetipieul b> Mesaes. MeCutchon &-' t,, mac, taberu ticintends (o carry oc Il ou buse business; and vill be ceady ai th, i pcîiing oeth(le navigation te rceise aîîdf(î wmrd Goodis, Pnaduce, tie. &c. (o acy pli te ite Canîdas. IHe wiiî miu'ayîs;vtàrie tupho>' sea-wtairl borts uavîgatr.d b>' cai. fui %nd caperiencel boataien, and hi# cia.r ges fi r tranaport wili tie as lut as th..,,,! un>' nimilar estabihtment in the Provînct The subtscriber utilI aIse pay ever>' attri t ri tu the disposing cf propeîty t(lia b, I troîted u ehascare,agrreably te in.îtu.ttt ARCH'D McDONELL. t Kingston, i4th Marci, 1828. (1(*» Retecence nia>'bc imode tolJobi git. tis andl John Macauilayu, Esquire%, Kirgs..a, and Robert Stanlon, Ersq. York. éT VOL] tîmecu auh on liand Lad svatctr proof offsupeioti lie aill dtýp cecîit, (but1 He cenitut.l price for HA e Havi e lune fîtr N mil1 ie ccii quçred b>'1i, WANTM Wooi. fApril rdlin te tic.. A'4 rie; requetomt A Il k indu of facrtieon ta h rtbnel p ce lean e anb i t tiefr'tc Stic and roi ircspcnî;ble1 îiheir qservar S-tinicu t.mui hufit>', ehti r. gtiril (ravi P'gii1iit pîtroi Sbàmett juitl Alliany, IC OiiCe of Amir Ciaim%, Dol reciiverable establistied, patronage t Ibis «catîtr; coinent Bsl claimu t id exprdited chîeitivoly r elaîmarîta tr 5'eISlaeeî, (o or of Attoci uededlirfoci or otiier cea cipai Anthoi ivrile duty i 4ftue State, insv f e perf plupriale Fc I-living ai liosdence ih Brîtînli Ami ryU n an>' Pi rereterd ad hlsf of Ami acta Qeders fiai gage et Fi chise 'ifPt S;t4te,-, Catit Penngvani faM if.i11y ex Applicati ,:%se- reqtiiri scotch otre git pCeed orttan mde vrciinar>' Ietiihisg ti Cssunicuos. BROK rond, BUTIOE %tltlingf Irihrcan lies in (lie Pr ta Iandee tapon (la thc Sheri nirs the les