AVE TdU A-CO>GH?-Dn i"tro ge] ji~-tba5A bdave Meta pfs'fldIiflOdrisi f«Iooran. ~t or a ligle ttcniebIto 4comooset, MWl. Have yen a cougli t-fti. o r. Rartholemewa Expector..t Syrup, a sale medicéi pîcaription, toLdAnsng Don poiWosUdm-,*, and Q-..d ini an el. tenolre pfatfJecfor everal year, vti ost pes- lively afford relief, W s ait you fçm iu batdf dtceaele )UIrly c.Jsmptaon, wictr useall oweç,o jute fthe grave, boutekis of the yo% ik ni1, ti fi tir ivy u the love. lae yon a csugh ?-Be persuaded tar5auS a batiteof Iis Expectorant sygalb go dy Merisiermay bc <'>0 lae. Have yen a cul BsIoeeWCEmqecto- rant Syrop kg the oly tzieiy yon ohoeshiitaire te u;o,,<bisplan reaon -Tnat in net one of the i>ius'>md cases wberoi bas been ascii, bas AI fait- For mle et the dIUgý store of Cronstork L. "., 71 Miden igLne New York, and by every Du.- guiâ in Kîtîgoton, sud in Canada. 1eor sale by X. Palmer. rI 'qlE Subacriber wil daiog the ooeacon be iCOnstantly in the. receip of 1rug s Cbei- cals, Ilerfunscry, &c. &C,, the whirho, comiflg froin the muet respectable English Hoes. toay bc depended u"n as genuoine. Thi.e oupouno ding departuint will he c ,nducted under the im- mediate iliperntendnoe of the Subacriber, wiiose nbJect il, by the use of good uateris, hy a carefal manipulation, in tuduce couldence au regards thia ot important hanch et t]» hui. nets. J. W. BIlENT, lIruggist f4r .lpdmàcs. -oret, Kiîîgeton. Cair ratod TrAh Powder, Per 1 n d. IlIaitnieoTinotureofmyffbb Ira nt@' Mixture, Croocentiateal Es, enceof Ginger, do 410 Il'epperinint. &J s du Itaiha, 'bilions Pillo. gable EXract for the Ilair, Ptt Pourri, iowder, Cumie Powbert;, HaneàaVarnich. J. W. PRENT, ruggist ApoLbmcry F_tl5h4he.llrtell'a bet Cognac Brandy, 10 do Scheidani. 50 cases do 3 quarter cacha atreet Msilaga, 16 du de Madenor, 16 octav@ do U quarter canhs Port Iine, 3 bisdis. Sherry, auperior, t do do au 8 do Xdinhurgh Ae. Oct. 1841 EÇO. 4, 11ARII'5 IRtflLDhItt, rUÔ1T STREET. HE'11 unmersigned respectioilly announocc <at A. î!ey have entered intr Copartioerahip in the WVhnlecaie Con»mion BuiUesa, lu, ho naine of CARTER & BENTLEY, on tii. pr. miss aove described, which, laving beeno cou- sitraacted fer 5theupe.,are hoiefir aud fro6t pref; por'usa reeliadpted frtho salie seeping of every descrip ton f Gooda. îrr i<le retpetahlityof tho rfrences, and the charcter t. trtby have obtained ini Kingston, the aubcc.brehope <ey wili ho able tegae achatiofatiosuna to aecuro a liberal prrtion of the public pktronage. Mercliawtain generai wili fSud it advauagecoe' Io conigo t the cae of the rumterrbersam it 1,, their intenttuon te at as Agegots aittgetier. ad vnt ne principale. This adiortisemeut degerves the particelar attention of Fàxbmzss, Dealers ini Prvisencni Grain, es du.etablishment forme a dept for tuer pruduce on a principle deccuedy favorable te ItW.of jateffltf. ALFRED CARTER, THOMAS Il. 8R1NTLEY. Kingtomi, Dec. 17, 1841. ItErEILENCES. .Loas aCerrixa. ESQ., Kingston 1'tnictD nSmOSKL, YMQ. do. 'N'm. WILSON, ESQ, do. 3. FtianaraX, Esz, Watertowi. MRn. P.. lAmorEr, du. NI. <C. hELLO<., ahit6 11t1lia-bar, UnÀeAILlis $saT, l";Q, Albany, AIARAHA'I Tituax, Esq., Rochester, Dit. Ait.isTRoo,, .0 J. IL. AInISTRtON.G & Co., Torono,, Jo,1,4 Dove..u, EsQ, bontrenl. Mesars. LASHItt & BTVXOIath,, 1<LLA FLINiT, Esq, Bielleville, Wàt. Rotiçî, Esq., licwn, G. TiAIl, ESc, Cobourg. E. le.uEsq,&'.. i'ETiL 'tIxcr, Esq, %Vhtby, R. Juso-i, Esq, Htamilton. L) RIE!> BACON and hAàll, curel in tbe -Enzlîab tyle. A ciocn lot juet roceived tid ftr cale ly the suberber, -kt tber (*,liiuja. an Sî tore, No. 4. Illnd' lluildie, Frut si. April4. (1 "' TER & BENTIEi. FURSUI LýAU)VEN SEEDS. A GENR.ILASSOR T3IENTtust receivo] Aanslor @ae iy J.%Vi. DttIP.-s, TO LEAS C. 1SOR the torma of 21 Yoars, four Building F L<s on Frntu<5tectiu'sr thecUomem-ninolt O)ffices, l'or <rmind mchteir particulars, rtpay rlie Office of! te Kinggtot Marine Rabilvay Comnpan. Kiogt,42j3d Febrnary, 184. To CAPITAIISTS. l'El?.pI' <»'i TABLE IN VES T'fENT. F 011Sale b% r~ivate coutractat te Siaci- J! hr',te falüwing aluade prsmirtT, isme- Onte lot of Land 060fret on the Front. W k«outn deptt. ,illa îwo tabstal aIBR#CK bOUSES hereon, itowgA 's, coURgKe style, w'itlu tables, chois, aid plenti, of yard .o»m, sud drawim-g a ye.arly rentai ofb £96, ituatted is n. of ttc central Streets. Tiie pries of tbstmooP"l9iet 5 very muderate. sud lerun of payaint mllin tmna"d easy. Fer fer<lor particuier enquire at.oui of- fice-COLLINS a HAINE%, >- C. M.-f-4. Kingaon al In.2(1 Mit DISSOLUTION 0F PARTNERSHW. TER & Co. at.Mestreal, in hi day d&sqlve&l 5.FORISTER. irtHOq.ArGSU uA5 ~ ,Eo q.H. IRAINEI- sten te lainea, Foarter & C., ad.bas mot* te S. Forster,& Co.; after which time , <ey will be put in <ho Soliciturs owo for eomesiol. hMes, Forster &s Kitn nt 1-n .er te oor . lrnar& Ce. -- (SIBLEY I'ORSTERt. ' JOHN J. IIAINES. MAf IRY 1F. liiiNEI. iugt>>MaY9. 1142 rEU uhoiti veplblyinforme thse T. LaisamsudGems oaadKingston that thoy ha,. received per Great Britain and Doug. lwu, 0» «tn largot and bot caertmentaocf Lo!,don MsnufiLetured FUIS, ever offred for Sale in tht. market, eSig it pat as fol- issus: - LAIE8 1111 U HffI AMI BOIS, Chinc~hila, Ootioee &'southa Lustra in. South Sea Ses!, Bweedîeh Sable, 4Cincblla, Fitch, Squirrel back, BritiFh Sable, Nul ri, Bro. & 1k. Grunett Astracan, lImitation Sable, Rusaisi Lamib, Bru & Whita Angola, Mock Fitch, French IMartin, Imitation Ses, AND CLOTII CAPS. ALSO, 'rRIMMIUNGS & EDGINGS, Bru, blI,& blue Grunett, Hair Ses!, Atîgoela, Muskrat Imitation Sable, Sont], SeaSeal. Martin, Sable, Squirril baci, Mock Fith, <ith, Mink, Ladies' Fur Mtte, Nutria, Imitation do. (Iloves & Gauntletts, Gente. Fur Collars, &c. ALSO :-. large aasrtment of Squirril Loch Sackr, Siberian Squirrit,'%N'ite COuey, Black Gernian Gnînett, AW-ra-mv Lusltia, Nutîsa, French Martin, and South Sea Seal Skia--AI articles i,te pur lino made te order and m-~ arigdouet tii he rDtat ntice pAlec, a few Mahug&ny Frenb Bea!atad, with liaitMatrasscee, MaicigsY centm iT*ie' .»d! Rokiu" ChairscomumOl cae, sud flag boitbsaed e(hairs in gront varety. Lookin Glagcea of al decriptio, sad a few t=ncn of the oulPi nie"igro-.lof which wiil hoe sold leur for Cash. LGRE &CO Oct. 2th. 1841. N. B. The. highiest price paid for al inda of Shipping I'urcs t <lir Store in Qarry Street. VUUI. SKINS. IT HE hghoat prîlc mll'be paid in Cash fui *I Il dcscriptiomî of Sktua for Esportition ai WVn. Wilson', WVloleaaie store in Brook Stret. M ngton. Nov. 1&~ 1841. F0OR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER. UIYF wooDs cfdta bot qualiy, Wbolel and etai. 1 . W. BRENT, DruggW at 4 ptaua King Sre, e.t,1G-36 NDTICE TO .4G1UCULTTJIUSTS. T IE suboerikers O&r fur Sale t Iheir Store T nthe Stoue' Building formerly occuPied bY Mr. ClhAs. 1ILATU1, as a DIaggqmt Sto. * lionghs ifauparior Patterns and Castinga. plough Pointa of Amniican Casting#,, whiclî ie of great importance te the Famaer, beiug more durabe &han any otkeriutinge. j3est Steol Corn, ami PotatS Ilmns. ,spadslo',Eovele, snd Dufig Forks.. Gindetouesl, Grabbisag Iues. sud lrush Hoohe. American Patent Concave Grsacs and Cradie scythes. Engliah Daggitl'a Scythes. .oapi Ifeku, Hay Forh, & Rakes. Trace. Ox, J'a in&, and lalter Chain@, l'atout Sheep 92effl, lied Corde, leading Linos, Halter and Trace Rope. FARUEsU IPLEZIESTS OF EEYIN5110 Imun, steel, Nailsansd- Spikes, toge tlter wt every article lu the Hardware lino Clover, Tlsnotby «Ad Garden Seeds, (flases, î'aiutu, 011, Putty, Vaeîmiah, Pitt, Ter, bagin, sud fSpirite Turpentine, lrarmnens arn par<lcularly luriteat Ie cail andi examineu <or theiselye, beore pnuhebamuw ele- sîtere, as over, article wml be Bah! St bm fices. . .BRIGUS d& LASHER. Store 8]reer, Kingsten, April, e2d 1842. - FOR SA LE. Paîim anode laid Tarrd Rigging1 ASSOhTED Ia sxn. c IIAIN CABLES, ANCIIORS. &t;., Oakumo, ltcks, and! Dock Lights, Copper binnacie Lampe & Ship Lanthons, Doubsle luoiled Limseed 0i1, Paîmîs, Turpen. tire, Tan, Kosii & Pitch, Ploughs inast n1qroved pattrns, S1adesauaîd lovels-wrougst iran and ateel bladies, A ièîv stiperior H.îg Skias for Saddlos, IMPROVED SIKES'S IIYDROMETSRS, (Mlade by Dring & Fage London.) îî-ith ta- lIes, &c. complute, and gougimtg roda, Onme case stilieiar Fowlng l'acces, double & single barrels, pocket and] honse PistoIs, iraient îvadding, Silot Beits & 1'uuhe-1'>ovder & drniking Flask's, &.. TIlut abat-e articles ane a part of lait (alla ini1itrtaflont. cnd are cow offered on tire muist favorabtle termet. MORLEY & JENKINýS. Kiugsuan, Marci 15, 14-"48 TOî6 C AIP I T A L I S T S. T IlE Subscriben tas oneto f the most valua île MIILL SITES in thse floenisliing Trown of BIELLE VILLE, Victoria District, P'rov-ince of Canada, on whit, te us desirous <o croît s firmit ratte FLOl'RING MILL-forthe wsnt cf muic, nmany thorasani busels cfd',X'eat tire si-mt away yearly, moim that toîvî-he mouli e <lier bornait One or Two 'rbnsani Pounda aom atlvanageots terme ta the leuden, witt underti. -able securiti', for <lac repalnaent ivittinthe spa-ce of cii-en ye-ara, or roonrer as e beniglit final it conomuiemt to kimîseîf, or lie îîonld let tire Mi11 Site, for a nominal cmiii, on condition of building a Mil as might be agieei upon.-For feittor particelans apply (if by letton, "ot paai,.) <n TstoxAus Co4rax, Eaq., <ho Propriaslr. Belle- ville, Who bas several Towe Lýuo,. leuses. i& aultable stuatios fur hydraulie sud sailtpur- juee.>ANTED I.MMA TEL Y. Two g4nod jonrneymcn Axe mnakers, acquaimit. cd it liiotter Blacksnai<ba mark, <o whoialiber. ai encouragetSsaent will lie given. T. C. TIAP lIAMMER WORKS. The atome building centoîuing the Trip Hams- moi Wwehs, Liho, de. mill be L-K SIXfl er ose or tr. yesrS, <o a 9«9«et" letasUOR. Ti Rohmbr mphimemWpIap.p le bms POR SALE BY THE B&JBSCRIJIEaI abLonEartiien 1111k Pana. Abho, 10 alageJ mM c f lam re, CIls and luge »etd y<u rt Spring Vet. mi.,agspenddasoortment 0fCrcey h- Ex atr bythefw àoaI3i512. i"-- 'w . ILON5.5 11OR SALE N Y W IPSNK1gpre T1rea loche O E adLIWYP 'L AR ER & SENTLEoY Kingaton, April U. UST fpem a few cas«o »f Chiqà s les qFwite andl blacis Beaver and Gcuwn«arMats-. ASe, Leof aime"ie. aad 8e CloUsCaps, tit4esst t auy rod-ad ' T---fOliblai.Oniaudega :5.1< f4v mie, iumw Lw@àd, by ' - M. eALDER. or Profuse Exrpectoration. andl ail otîter Affections of ite Clanot, Lunge, a-ni Lit-or. Thtis Medicine is for -aie by time solo Praprie- ter, at *37.5 Bowery, betm-een Fouth àanil Fiftt s-s, New Yonk, Gen. T'ru a, M. 1). ; ani by Coinstock & Ca., Wholcsaio Druggists 71. gaideiLino New Yark, andl by eo ry liruggist n Catnda. L'Rsale by the Subscntbers, F6111 obests Twankmy Tua, 10 baxes do 15 Younag ilysi do 25 catty boxes do0 R. H1. & T. RAE. M 18 S 1 N cT . A N Engliat des] parking BOX, baunn ilhit £3ivitlss, beîonging te Major Germerai Clithe. rom.', suppseailta h ai-e been sbippei aI Montres] an board ai one of <ho subscriboî's barges, con- taining 2 psir cf sheets, 2 or 3 pillomr cases, a roseood iaid aniting Deask vt<h Icather coter, anal writteu ci' it ..Mis. Gemîcral Clitherowi." An oblong rmasiogany trinket case, Bramais locis anal brasu boitai corners-ami Ebony -ork box in- lidiamt motter of pearl-a mahegany meditiîîe t-hest, a rosew-od îvri<ing Dez-k covereil mitli grcetn lai-e, and a,yellow paînteal iti glaî'e case. Tise package is suppoacil to bat-c been landosl at somie Illiceoan thme litie of tha Ottawa aso iRdeau Canami. Any persan giving surit information as w'iîl leail te orecoveryaifaà wi bc siuitably retmsnd-'d. MACPH<ERSON & CRANE. Oittawa& Rideau Office, Kimngston, Nov. M0 1841.j NOTICE. QUEEN'S CO[LLEGE K 1 M 0 9 T0 ]q. IT is iereby 1auiaicly iniionted th<at te- flrst Sessions of queen's Cou-ege, King- acou, vil l e opeie>!oth le irst bMonday of Mardi r.exr, aisd<hsat <harothe Professera <vjo have heem appointe>! idi begin <o teach is- ses for thoefuolowiug Bmanches of Study: IA K-ýND GRJEii x, UA5EATICB 41ND NATIJEAL PIOOIY 1 L .ageg s.4N» 1<15 inV Uicularly rerquestetilth.± <hume 'wjs0 W~ con min e pafe, tmay have beon expci smCRdtiçW re Insnannc<iat.aae lier op.mog cof thi «s Seision, anmd wliich haae.n~reentd yciouusne a4 mhih ela 4sier the Trustees nec <lie Petbe- soura ba*e Ia>!any contrbl;tvmhtoenomautc aIter tie hpp tiO@tai e e >;in Cirmttg 'hintention ta enrol <heunjiélvea z àturis. Comuneumns ufrom sas $a nuor t1Sir friends, a te «orlnseaya bc nne eittrpsto or sucis W n¶-yo virauis th le dsiy ed comenee t e - ofQonaColego. Kingtu, wtt> wj 4»s givs.ipfornation as te the probaisie dura 4co Th«I S, Yaoi) 9ie¶ D: J S !JT ec.ived sud fer cle by the snbeefihera 10 lh&. briglut uovailo SnpRr, 290do et do R.Il.& T.RAIE ESbRS.I & irmom> heGRmî naSlIli-abespets ai ll f<igso gnriltha-t eny are Iabutmot-- oigton<henerimît- Premisoareonboumg tret lameîy occteal bie rais GrenebingStreet,- 1e atex< oan <o yMesss. W. lIent, iemiet& and ]orgit, anrt i o M.eJ.W.tem, iC e biget a Drclos îaedcicutiot of <neirll bray or s fdo' dav!e. As imey anc abaut miri ang er adiion das <hei preeit aaoue, msis l.readdiion t. nheqeet at algue, tMei-cr.ulationtiV. R. retune sa l as oülsiblencirchatonI.ilr înay te ne.cpseao imtas milthoat tas ibraisIe Mnyb oes.I &w. thak tl ela<hi, opporte. ru eurn <euI. ceW.R. tanka <o hein varruions M rtilsrn ii iuer<le pulihnk otenaiva fri<lie patsraibelia-i-chenpcbliei sielc o the liia patrolie iray hale eimoed hat thargeliit aot te Lbe toad e t miiitcelre a-cotios -bof pote bladet i vors. r cnina o Ail mcmtavris fakîo egdmet ai tel tue Liisrofitatiaole.dieit de llrock.Stoect, Kiigsto,Vlisnct 30, 1842. IAT MANUFACTURER, aiU-ARRY sTRSmOT, ARELSPEU TFULLY tenders <o te pubîlite sguteful acisucisleage- da mntus for past support wlaein <tac ini of Tivediel & Wright, snd would inform tbem that ha continues te business a<tihe samne stand, ws-ere te fiopes, by punrtuali<i' and attention <o busîmîcaista menit a cuntinuamîce of thir favaîs. Constantly on liand, test Ileave,-, Neutra, ctmnan lFun, edW'ool lia-te. All oralcus, either cash or approveil creit<, foi eauntry merchasts, tliamkfuly rreis cd, an punrtnally execuled. Kingstoni, l7tbAug, 1841. .3Rerisons, Mn. Hen1hills, aud <bth e r.e aid Office. A SERMON Addreaerh Io tise Congregtion of the WeslçyanMbe<badi.X Churcla, Deceiniser ,22> f8o1 eigth a eottd in th Cit of tisc Prhwiuof <Weesa ai t 5 " u. 5IMmT WILK5Nw.- PobIlg.ei retotim bcliJnge- du.Prime 'K4«s0% 40 '8~18 10m Slacoored Rons, Novliitr,184. - ILL&T.RAE. ,y~e uhoayIw 25 kegs ý1ug "ubacco 16s. 2 do do l180. 20 baxes Ca-sendîishm, 83 ha-f baxe$ Niailmail 32s. 55 jars Sîtufr, 7,000 principe Cigama, 1bueLondon sertmmmle 15 oe L coulmoîtîl, c 10 du o Fgltrel-oii 140 do CFi lura e, 20 doagiroi CtTe;c, 15 boxs groni diré, 15 dioxdo l'ejipedu 105t-gdoumi d 10 bs doyddalsi 10 ian )Maistard, 705arMt ase, 75 eanms wapingpier 60 remigaputnga 4 libîs Nba5t1ih tnm 61bbte bds t-mlhniie 10 boes Cloîes, 15 boea Pipoes, 15 boesCiest, 10iSe rrate, Oct. 1841. R. Il. & T. I aiitlà e>sale at the lJi i IJ hf ir. <'ALEIIONIA W VIEIl A mji tti lt- itiii h t pti bo-e, Ot a r.idirict. rtc. l i a t iP: tics hatii' -ctlt s-mr eten-ie-iv î(.. hb mulernli - .'tb ýs- w , 'S' r ,r . ai-h its-e test ied îîetIl, t i tr-ht âteo tti enledti dit tua lige ' C The aimalvîrs lit- Dr. sIt -~ daînlt, 1<5%ialintaeoi--tr.e o r tt-iue!i> t i .'t tî t1 Il, IttCloit a Spig 'Vi.i -- abared 1;l;- the- rCîIII -t rt-rt i! r t-Ci tl vîllIe, Boxes Qmitiret- tton-- j th. 9d. ; tut hlnttte lii; . 1at'- i r t m hu cii l utiteFi, tîo1l iL - w o icI ' t duen wiiBR - RAE. AT T. 4 J. RIGNEY'S. FIN E Cut & plain Gl]ss Tumbler. Cruet J!Stands, l'en & floecet nives, Tes & Ta-1 ble spoons, Scissore Needies & Pins, Itazurs & Spectacle.-ALSo, their usus! variety <f Combe, Bruatis Paper haugingo, Travelling baskets, Loohîug G lasses, &c., &c,. Kingston, Marcb, 7, 182. FOR SALE BY W. SIMPSON, 1I1 IKE old Cbedder CHEESEasd patout WAX CANDLES, coual te beeat »lixan mer. King Street, Kingston. ]NOTIC. IUML *ýotwu=E OSEAMneL axvts CAU.iLENBIV au - co1w. y.: ,or', 9& lm, - *Wossl110M >a i atimuewia O f JLIL .JOSE. i1Iingoton. Aprl 1811%%* FOR SALE T H1'3Ytiî J>IUE lire>;n. itai-hi and I hret ilo >clîthg, plain bu', b ý%li 11 tt diîmstuid Boa-iena, Nletrtî-itl 'tt'fiurd I I pninteif Saxottiee. Itinsatta ht r crînîconi Moreeîa-cri I A Kerseys anal Serge.«, wilbu, rrd, - ta cd Salisbury l'lanneIs, Twmeed>-, b doit-is, i<t'anal i'bimîtciîtt, Pt i printed Seficias, baircdiiiIttti nettes, iwhlite, blart, pîik, Fs - ejtti ,lutilia, Biehops a 1.a numi -taîtu lins, colored Lenoes, iccia-ll 1el doton Velvete anal VelirCeelo h, J"i lerc hiefs, colodrealBac-onw,' ai] C'C dastra, blonde as uete 1ar,t Veibem, niape l4sndkercit<, pla"t - piteat Nett1,'pain d hinry flode' Bat ~sesUl!icg, s-oe1d Ire FrSik Bodieio, ua in'uCSad o'~ (triflihUw t lcthue ulia lASiSki-li - ed miti euhk, blacks udwbiire grfe tillac, s largeasaortmu fc Hsiu!uâ iaufm olShirts sud mt éém rt. & T. RAE. *1 KINOSTION H3U-21JSLA , JiI 7, I12. NE HUNDRED DOLLARS lE WAUD bas Clical> roterI Store. LI1VYE R C0 NIP L AI1N TS. LAl~~< ~Pbeen qffoted for moths, tu suy eue %* mi t14-E subscriber baga1leve iMost ressectfully AND ALL SICKNESS AN!> DISEASES 1 , FHA-R. usea atiscfHep' Laiwu fr hiTP tu offj e Ea-bs fr ils sth e publie lita vin TEMfPERANCE LITE BITTERS.ND tend stri trapte i Pri eutbelî uro, f ieèiad ge, a~oe ecr. gînsok for tL.e hihrai share cf patrouapo CHINE.SE BLOOD PILLS atiould e.I-t hn e ai Cie&, lit stance bus ilfailqdd àimc. Proof t elei- beto.e4,onalmduring th lust ton y.ars in The greatest Secraidi.comd! ential-th, i. mingtbeb" 'biikois" id tisailà, cet:- t<i, i *<y. HO ile DowadvicOdfly cloing upbsoaie Prge-purge-gcige-bas obe c fui f<ailth, Xed~-ard tain cur i. ZÇWX,ý 7r)qGonds separtmnient, and wiiI for te fouureslat filer years. Tua bas beau ft ffctually tried, %13Y Lltie kert cf e,,' 0,ýItP5 Foe tenaleia *heS ln.ueMbisu Of a g laisia it e th<e and yet sufererstbavemultipied-and died e ali o<fC at! ou t'i For~~ <teP. ý C*Rgulss.etlb.cbR 4ac~ r 4PROVISION wbyt Net brnise.porging mas net secems a.rîari0,< f51* tuthis FocaUDeroFi-e, ep lad yî ine <. l êsiuai exlrtively. Wbel«lelonsd Retai. but ton match tisa been dne-wiout tie <o utoriit1s i bs~,) Foc Il Dej*y flpcii.iy u chud>~Fromtarrangeinerites recentileffected, lho has fllhow,ansu ustain lie 87.1m. Purge yen mu 1'îif<rre t'i Soriero, t k caton o oer fmm oreentohlins, The ickly hurai e ofte bloioa mut b. carrîi 011 Lmnle arteacenn ,ofroan wbenc, direc, a vii ceive, uradulte- -r teaccumulation of ttc. preventcd. Pie. Ari-d rh-l. Ciht ,, - we;ece drecrdi o n pesi, h u rid - ratell, and ijIlorimen, al ar ail articles con- vent, then, te greth of sucti tumers.ua,-~Il. t Wltopiugcough, Frati oBrandyte1 wGin îaandt.Wty do te Chine5e lire Io smd irinen-e t hose I c Scald He-ad 1 Chiuîbiaiia&c &c Braatdythe ..eGiniisud, LOOK OUT. Spirits wtil corne fm<oub London docks; lis agi-,ansd stili retain the îowers of jout or nil-I LOOKU'c, Sente SwA'iniers Aecte coumugrfcijsd tulis seAinesselecte>! forh!iniselr, wuil b. of choice die age T-Bei-ansetii-y puiify <ho blond. Thel ways lorti iS-C0 . e afupaeth<linon duaar. e otben-Vint4i, and nothing wtli hooffered but sucb Ch.,nese Broi Filly-so cîlîrd because <bey work p bi i me oa pets, 0 ( xI.N j oduot. One tbaing cîy ili prooteo-iI as, cannot faitlin giîîug satisfaction. upc. and rîranse the Blood-are -ho standard 11me r;, V "- poe opbn.nasee thigOMSTOCK & rCO;t. yut ,pe A large and. genenal assortaent will always lhe rentie. These Pilla wili do it; aidte Tem. rot isthe naouian fliC OrrpST ,Or& Ou;ae heat lîept uhaud, snd urrintting attention mil le perarm"e Bitters, 0aen as dreted, milstîrng<hsu IOER Vî.lTÏ ien tte tte bueaines, anid t u cc as may favor te system and prevot te accumnulstion ofth jadphabs -t ed. Do net forort il.- Taire his direction uitb tiwtha o tia of their ;upoL Seloir base humonswhch nfst hebîood, an lahc Pl-iaelpiabat -it yo, sud test by' <at, or ocrer boy it; foi il isjut oIs f îartis unbon iggivuof gnie n incisasesa by puresq, miles te ittrare To h e ui-î-( li-ido i-e'cf .,t. 'InilibleCor my oCK & CeOi71te aoden saequality, which Nmil ho sold ut extremely lOir taiscu cter. ttu, <hem> lee puIsandtI itters. u-ite d m cfCQIîl't NewYek, udbyevey rsgiî i KigAoprivaisfor cash. es Taise weekly liii pills, sud daly <hi- itters; ast d l ,, ha !sndte NeYkadbeey rgitiKnoo, 5o boxes bYountg Ilyson Ta il yen are or tiave bei-n invatuda for day-,,a eeku sî. î:.îut anmd iuiCanada. 30 cleets Twankay do mnuthe, or years, ynu %ii!fini <ttsickiy harmus basa't ~ erî,,ita -,, , For alehy N Pauier > 30 tuis. 1àuscovado Sugar, dravo rfi, and prevented front a roture, said the wl!.NIIACI Crdle Sgasallow ,llomo hue of ickness chance rapidly t t, 'rlo-..ibt i 1IE Subecrilser has recetved a euppilof 20 barrots do d, teu . sgwo hahan oli bo JLChire Englisi Plenfuniery, amotng which 10 lihdis. single nefined Sugar arîi~îî.î are <lie following 10 - douésle reflue.] do, Th;ere are cases se nuielona of trac brilliant JHtD.T:,M F Sireet ESSENCES. - 30 kegs PluO, Tobacco, 16'â4 effects, lisat <Ana and space forliui au atteinpt la ~ p .F-F,~W-- SetBiler, 20 " do i8'e, pott <eim downLBey asdud o se acmedi cinru IUHMîLkî' 4 Sprnng Flomens, 10 do 24%s aaud aise o ler, Manalaan sd streugtt stiali HUJOGN ARDe(-, ~i~ Sireet Pea, 20 boxes Cavendih lSa & 24a, yeals. eo wrappcr anud directions <lai corne The 3dans Ibtsho Hodycannia or Persiit Essence, 5 hdci. Molnses, with thï.. g Eglantinle, 53 do Bordeaux Vinegar, 1 te 2j. FRAUDULENT COUNTERFEITS Wigr. na)" not tdtra)s i n<i~ la WîlI u a<euptd. Ey mc arncly u thakindqualitîra, 3%et it wuh l iaî, i r boueias1 eg idPpe, Wlb tepi. <orm4 fl*k letic cîrtion of the 01e t.nuvi Citreriella Roue, Wboe10 pii unien il have my nam-O. C. Lia, Il. D.-oétbalthtite o! tie abo liî~ ehIl Geranium, 5 Il Filbers, lbts wrsppor, and &ilb. the»ice as folleis.e Marechalle,* 2Q luiles Groend Coffee, «a Entered accordiug bo Adct f Congruesa, A. D.yemtfaisdt eit'10> Lavenr, 0- radGner, 1841, by Taes. Ceusas., in <ha Clerk's Office of ComiwtTI i Lil ai<hoVsley,* 2 "Pepper, te District Court efth<le Usnited Stalle for the Psitt " .- ny Il uk le, 10 > " A l spice, m iltet ., aD istrict of N ew Y ork ." . R O B E R T wy . i"R Xîd . RoyaE l (Co dr), 20 jars Illaccaboy Souf,; Warrantcd te oily geflhine. city of Pli iladi pia,,.5bh RoaExrccfRs. 10 lbnga Roasteal Calice, Meusi. CoXSuaocs & Ce., NCW York, are <lie wel acqliinmeîîwiliî lI eitiar. 1, " - Flmes.20 Il Lagura d, sole wtnlesase agents for te Unitedi Sates and *li S. Fu-, a!HutrCIru- ht CircassasuCrent, Io10bags St. Domingo d, neigtitoring couities. sigur ne. bealaiV îlha,V, i.t% , Queem's Bauquet, 30 kege Raisins, - DOCTOR O.C. LIN. tiier, icbarider o tSltthlî Bouquet d' Arabie, 100 boxesNlomntreal Cenies. Soi..!b>' N. Palmer. fuull it e Ib Ind!tiP Ih îJtc Eau de Portugal, 50 do WVax wick Loudon Candies, NEW AND SPLENDID I.. ndase, t Cologneo Veeitable, 100 do Laïvorpooil Soaap, e lîIrat , a Esprit de Lavende au Millefieurs, 15 hhds Oa ttard Dopuyja" Cognac Bratnlya CABINET FURNITUREIl affixi-d, h si iv, Amnbrosia, 15 do Bordeaux de. A8 Chccp as te Clies t, and! as gorin0 l«tIT ) î- Verbena Parfume and Extract, 10 barrels "Hulhertsi' London troiru Stout, as th* &aet. LOOK OTS, r-ile,. Persisu Sireet Ragot, 10 do, Leith ale, Genuine, IIE Sbscriber belga have te intorns the pub- felled the acrOule, und 1uî tt'e" Lef, Verbena Perfue nsd Extrait, 10 thal s uperior Table Cod flsh, T lic gcneraliy, <bat he bas eroumeod bis Fnn- LDO nat bcl aloscdtpnm. (1,, .mil Esprit de Rose, 15 harrels Sabuoifur Ai saccis takie, niusiSWare Boom la bis nem building, îeceutly Y00 it s hebbc meaetafCOjiltiTua2g i Veital. Poîsale Divine, 5 Caroteele Zante Currantc, eiccted in Motitai Street, <ird donrtfronthae Ihal nc.r mijs bc ýhNys O thi;eeli Pontin, 5 cases IlWicks" hot Muotard, corner ni Store Street, sud tisai te M. Tbibsdo>s are cIi-ae. lOs It, oî-t4tt. T,Letm Gold, Sfilver, sud Bronze lnka, 50 Wur "Duram" Moutard, Gîocery $tr.- -wbere mill alwys ce foui,, a ge- lion arîla 3 oi, and t-stb1h,, [os Amber Preston Suaelling Salto. 20 boxes Fig Blue, n-a miaetc ED DEFRI li)aipo.U li m ii, - . &e.&c &. c. do 'emiti TUBE, of tise beat quaiity sud l ltest patterns, and Sl!hCOhT K I J. W. BRENT, 5 do Macaroni, puces te suit intending puictiaseis. Peisons dtsi- Newr York, ail y Lu 1t lia I)rogglsf 4 Apotheccry. - 10 casilseBlacking, tr o bpurcing aie ieapectfuily huitdte <onaakc dsiiin Caiad!a. * Kîngeton, 14<h 2*2 btis Superier 01>! Port Wie, a cli.Asttc Subscriber is comststiy aec- Fraih-N.PmeK fiEITAIN CURE FOR SICK HEADA5CHE 5 qr. cashse very Soperir Sherrylistng tor sale and <c order, tbcy cao îpeedlyle cJ wtict bas hien usea in iariies, eveiy mné 2 laIds Il ackbtormi" Madeira, supplied witts anj article <bey enay ri-auine. lie», > ýw0j bercitct asta ick raace temioany, 100 li.r aissl Marseilies" WVmt, Port & Ma. T. O0. BUTL'R YIIE subtrrîle. V i i as a costitutional fimily compotai, sud has cu- dema, Kingston, Jau. 164 1. Uhlai fî,r Sî!v. asIle.~x roi efctal in every instance jet kat- 20 Pluucteons- Boston" Spirite, WAT-A Varnisber and Pulilber. STRîli.Ni itý'11 ,t tîî i arnouning ta many hundîrda. It is etot uplea- 5_de_____Raton______T.O. B. O n % . l% 1 sent ta te(sase, and dosaeflot liierrut the daily 20 puncheons E. 1. Rouin, F t. irNc 1.5>-k Il ..lit. gi-nuilme, a-dtii O tti' -tf-- arecationuaoi one uing ii; iiimuet b. pesevered 20 bos Il lerctens" Londosn Si arcli, YSTERIOUS.-A gotiemm ubélorging te JiIIIN 1[ (;EL in), ana the cure is graduai, but certain and peisa- 50 cases Schiedam Gin, M ont of te Most ancient and weai<by ts*.,i- mna Ot. cilt, Il.1 ni-t. Insancesatae consta.tly îuuîipy n tee 10 bags ftorke, ies et Ibis ciby to utb ml umol n UST RECELVEI) i e i tIis dîatrcssaog compiait la couualetey elierd - cases Lemomi Peel, mieos frnd, bavmog ince.tbe jear 1818 ap te i BEN TLEY ut <li-r sud coril, aitioghs of years standing, îy theoaile 2 Citro, seresntl, he bou et oeaely double, and foai everai ol ,Hth' auliiî Oî ti f Dr. Spohn'c ceiceaird rricy.On. dcided 2 "S<OUgbton's Bitters, jsscofual< isha, isbeuiioe msrfo ae preforence is ils pl-eaitmcs, baving rmie et <lhe 2 " epper Sauce, gond bestti-bas regaineal bisesnarl cîcct plI0j Nw.,k i,. icit l-t oasetig ffctofcomu dui.2 Brmuda Arrow Ruet, tios-satdtas qlltted bis csrisge, sud to wn e omi Cram S .: jlu Il is se periectly satisfactcey, liai the proprieter Ketchup, w~ itti eare!! W. briieve tis is the getienai Crckrs b il,,th,- orre l, bas given dirction for bis ageats to refend tise 20c le rocSaeyLi're, mldescrinien oas near as possible, sand therei s SuI)erir iLt ýl.lrîItim.Tr.ti- pice Io au>'ose wbislanet plesed witia, aad cr-n paagsGaîaoGo exggeration in 1. Wc iiIgive icquiri ra bis! lie. d". Whti& c ured ty il. lHe topes aIse that Ibis îay soeurs W Phakaety of otrc artie aondsecte bnt bis boulotte feeflngs '% ill!1 ings by il i ii igreat bouesiato te .distiesseal auffencia whowitît a GnOcery inesiio. et 0ta n'<tCduls 1 ncori lt ,eil are Isbaringeamier Headacte. - , , kno <hi-se faes-tlaougb lie requests lis ionie Elk H(,rilimi.îc itt E. Spotmn. M. D. Inventer aud Ptoplie<on. Thertfl ýiF11 R Rt i nmv Bot a~iii >-rimt. Aminzoiter siiolaiin- î.im maay-t -t r L'OMSTOCK & CO, 71 Maidlon Lan u. .Y:k toc k sances, &n. Jast.i&. tReynolds, 14 hrîs.ime itres-t, 1-3 &- &- and by very Drgit in Kigston ad i Canada. Wil' bc rotad0 Cost l'nices. Semis as desire tas hbleu restored, aud wil give perso l sisurstt - DIt 1.'AYLOR'S hargains in eililen braneta woulal corsult thoir ces otiteo faits of bis case, îlot!> 's-ci,. es-,>ia- î)tLo~ dMv, '. BALSAM o YLVR WORT oruinterest by examintand coorslarutg <tho istm, as cnnlrtcted cordsansd sinerV-.Ib s -<-f itt ,t1j-tlit. B.4LSA1 OF L117ER O-R T extensive Stock of (Joods-o mmovtored in hiii pie- Ibis bei-n done ? - - raacoî'tPtOtANI tVER COSPL.lX. îmises, befono purcliasing. .ose -Iy&ees seadBosse Liniment. atiIsti-r-,.- -r Cougts, Cai, %otilma, Dîfficultv t Bneath- R. M. PlOSE. N. Y. Iieruld, Jn 26 1841. 1 .'UîL iire, l'a-ms in the Sie orlireast, Spitgil ilod, Kinigston, 2Oh Nov. 184. Sold by COMSTOCK & Ce. 71, Mai!rriLaiei vîteî îhNt,îi Cjtarrhii, alpitation of thoe11,art, Oppre- on cî1u.~f LB AI. NoYoad by ercry Drnýgisl ln Kiîiglton, BLAN i- OUSi. rnod Sorneisr oftire Climt, Whoojing (coutih, lC IA ti ---- - -..- il- ,, , .W_,,,,, an--sd lit Canais. 1UIEEDS ilEIlliL.tr ýCANADI ,1"TCATTLE SHOW . t holScrs of "hoAM » yfrtii. Midland Diotrici ~ s Ion'5a, on tii. l9tb May, té ~gaa w me .alprtioneai for <lie ~ameShOW te bliholl at Wa<erlu . Ot ealey Jute 29th, 1842, dareamitbColt hy loi aide do , do. .. ....... .- 2 letCocf 1841----------...I1' de ...................1 eed~ ......... .... 1 h LA88HORED CATTLE. W« on.Wtwo yea5OId .... 21 de 40 ...........l1 de de.......... ~do do ...........1 d.< u ......w..........-- de .. do...............il j9g<a ..................I WdierCalf 1@42,- I.. doai dde .d......... 11 -3o CLAS-8SHBEP. 1uiestTup............ 2 i ài de............... 3 ad do--------- .- -i il Fi> est six Yearling Eweo,tat sded do---------.... 4Ta CLASI.-WINE. buet Boar under 3jears old .2 O de do do----------..1I1I ftde do ............. écebst lreditgSow...- - *-----2 hui do do ........... 1il r.i do do-----------.. hutieiPig -fIf 82,-----------. t t slor ig of M14 ......-------I1I 5TitCLASS--WOOI. u i-n tIe Flaeees, Fine Wool... I1 hcsd do do-----------I. 1I ret itlIe Fiecee, Haavy Wool, 1 dsblist do do.e -.. .j Sk mittuet hie ouatlde the. propertj lCoiptiter ma y shoW anore than one LA trsm, but no Lot eau obtain <mu prismes h hlbîwîtugGentlemen mono appoiinti igiàlntte for ai,. District ('imtleSi 6mi . Stnachan, IL Spoomuen, and il Ii JudIssm fer euhb Ciscsone fronm s violl boe hosen on the grouad. hlSciety wtldine toietber at Waterl.o ILeneu l.day of thn Siow. iDllar - qwas electd te Mlthe of vre Prednt for the. Cccuty cf i, Muet of e eIs ngagents or pu..nifl. il fowexecuting the 109ecrtay, heCorrespond Dlr- larier, in roeuosted te 1111 lsat th<le psenat year. lJER . B. 1SecRentsreùt. X&Y tii, 18142. TalcR ART OrP PRISTIRG. 61 M@4»autsNPwag ssise -hiai -d primeet Mes ma bjuM Pm <bufe o pape<wSmlM.r ,»Y, imaim dthagshpe aal4 te Thsagt a uubsts e à is ai.1say, alma diis., ' mu i i m e u t d k y ,d , , , -.. . ýuhIm t depéid uhd W4" mi scukmgmw h ahanai. se wa miau en ulUpy V Biw 5 1 sniIWh s»lmis.l",- le as. uftms is mid ss b u ll e d a i - - - UB m a & M d i t 1 Vcet, Wh Um," m lis a Pi wb seu ,l et thesheBd" il ear. . se irehase laViilheudvie %eu ba e -9 B o s o m Wduwffl.~ «bless .blg 1 6" let m . 16 % leftiç he ha lieue4qtoPWsi Ie<o*ha ' t 1 ---- - --- - -- 1 ff 1 1 1