gtrmgwb«ehr CetaitiEllioo vwu nov 1Mr. Fie"densuggrledth motion, àas shd M. comu lgenrd ioftSe Texa-ibmi b. Wol- Wakley anad COL Mibboa. Sir Jaais Grahamri hetr.~qbtbe bc wuIflOW receivmg 7moed an anendmenulimki t bUe uiry ta bei = -- "whe, t ..thtent. "truck yet.n."orpsment arkmenungoode «noten otmgsr-c te tend hm le l. Taz. instead of moeey, vh ipotioa Mr. Phllipe anp..1 bu r su hported aonltheground thsathlabqulay imb fraudea BirLl&eEt3l4& iataiflBilot liscousulta vould i*e t eradeof the cou" tO and reý Texas. 1 e @ t eint iniLonden ; lie in lot duce usinthie e7eàOf forelgflsi" SiriR.Peol .u t f ocit 1 y, ard vii obu 'n Ihe V- bock thesammorials. Frandi there undoabtedlyj ce'pof iq au:titi letakes i departure. Heastère, andl frauda there alwaye voold be; but1 le erfoctiy ready ta take hie meparure, and in th secerîî y agamnat tintaivwon i compeitioa, tnet Ont7 etied t the instanceof the treairy, hi legal enactuonts. The tainisterial tuemburs wbo are reS e z planatiofls fron hm ai generally trew cod vater on bir. Forrand's repet a eran expensei in florg Koag. proposition, sud Sir James G rahan's amendaient f .~ - as adopted. iý Vosueaid bi hu 5I&~fd ou an tsrly daY, A bill ta asimilate the law in Irelanul ta that sbit vbetber Captain Elliot. under preseet in EngIand, au regards capital punishumot, was cmeumaanco*ae a proper pron te bu sent brought in amd bad is first rend'inT.rd did ne Thbe Cre Nciouel nentionr, but as a mes oit. sJ2.ue ruamur, tbat pjFne, dispeaed a the colneo 11 the Comnmons the copyright bll veut =jisate.ltowalldslet by the Spanis oligvern- througli commkitee. lmdnalplthe reimnhrsemnnt iofthe 2'bnrsdq, Adj i2I.-lu the bouse of Lords deb contractemly Spain t th periud of thea in- the ce--'ioprtation bill wentthrougb committee. visof alm82&ithoutamndaient. Accoutts friat, lie Philipine Islands, publii. In the House olComnmons. Mr.Sharnm Craw- ed by th CoyiipmfliL under date 151h Jauuary lord ofieremi a resolution declsviug the peope ln- announcoed thit # bc mlitary authariîes bil a- sufficienly representeil, and tIsaI the riglt of dcjted thse moet violent montures ta repises the suffrage sbauld bu extewled ta ail male adulte- revoit t Tabaype. aud that 1400 persios hadll i th teballot, aunual electiana and payment of alreamly falen if .ctims ta tIes anguiuary decrew e rsatv of CpPARLIAml res.Them ionWallae ably and eanetly suported pRÇ,FDNG M PALIUN. by M.WlacD.Borrin, Mr. lluamP. PRO(~DINGSI~NMr Ward, M. O'Conuell, Me. wakley, Mr. momslu4 Apdi 18. Th con impotatlei bill ,Sb kaud alier. Sir lmes Grahat ppa. M.pfr t ecn ain nt aogeO it l las inevitably tending ta tht destruction of partifàglm b seechlU n kthé ler ï op tht aristocracy and the monarchy. Sir Robet Dgitmnob irsRot -hOiiOc Ear Sanb-r.dmde tIse principal bapilion, Cobden sai.0 course ba~~ and nsofed the second reading of th t h at gaived-226 ta 67. da sîx monthe-in allier vard& ita rejectiofi. *idcn,% April 22-In th Hanse of Lords tht a0 Z.beý ag ckrlinhareth aedanusAtpo camm importation bill had ils third readiug. of theagricltura interst, dclarn thale Int Hanse of Couinons, the incane tas looked upon thie bibl itih grat alerta, and that bill vas bad Op for second reading. Mr. C. Btl- hoe should vote with Earl :Stanhope - but bis. op er moveu1 its second reading tIsaI day six menthei poslition was net atrentions orefl&ctiYe ; le8pokZO -lest 76 ta 155.-bn commititee af ways and as one who knev tIsat speaking vauld do DO means a vote ta raile £9,100,000 by exchesqner goo&d mooreover as onu who recognized a di- bille, for tbe service of the year, was agreed ta. idd duy-whô likeil Dt the bll yetliked stîll Mondaaj, Aprâ U2z-Nothing ai inlorest in the lem resîstance ta the ministry. Lord Western House t Loids. repeatod thse aId and exploded fallacy, that cbeap In the Cammons-, Messre. Wasan and Rennie breami vould cause lau' rages. Lard Brouigli. rare unteated as menîbers for Ipswich, and lhe tue made a short but clea asud vigoraus speech, committue delared tbattliey Wadbytheîragents, approv itilie bill as fat as it vVeît, but u shin" lieen uilty of bribery aetbe eleîtion, vbicb vas that il iit go a great deal fartier; hc o ~ul thosrefore voim; and that a nov Wirit ouglt lt baie lte rn laws repealemi absolutely, an'i ta bu issued until the evidence had beausconsid- Eau Sanhope'@ ameodment failemi ronimi ,vveered by tiahealose. another lu that effet Lord Melbourne madie Mr. O'Connel gave notice of hie intention ta on of is easy, noncialant d:scourses, pro mis- hrng beore the flouse thu conduct af lhe UnIt- ing ta vote for the second reading, but wi h ot lob Miniter in luxas. pledgiug imeli te father support of tho bl- John Wren ras brought taelthe bar of the anul Ilin the question vas lakens; fo tht socond Honse for couîumacy ini refusing ta anavur resding 119-for End Stassbap's anedoenl 17. questions put ta hlm by an election cammittee. Laid Brougbam tbsn movomi bis amendment 11,eamd that ho refusei bocause bis anwer vas whicb gaI but 5 voles. likely ta criminate himself, but lhs vould answer In the flouse of Commons reporte fron elet. if the Hanse commanded him to do sa. lHe was ion committees were brouglt in, nnseating Mr. Iben orderemi ta witbdrav and inombere vere Luke Whte as mnember for Langford connty, puzzled atadoihb.Fuallevs sud Mr, IHerford as member for tIse Cardigan dis havtlua dmnithim ion a yho uets borouglis. pa gi eèetecmitcadoe i Sir bRobert Pol brought in thie income tax peau agnaitnsre ie ommiteand oeyil Isil, ad mvedtIsI i av il tIet eadng. Tht income tax: bll was taken up in commit- Lard John Rumseil moved tbe firt reading that tee andl consimeraible pragrees made diereon. day six months, enpporting i motion lu a long The 5Ih ai April vas agreed la as the limte t and vgrous speech, vhicb vas as wich the opratian af the bil lant. commence. anawered by tIse Premitr; but omcurse ceither TiusaleA .4v 26-Tht Honte of Lards only af tbom kld anything nov ta say ator Ith pris met ta amijonounlil Tbursday. tracted debates in commttee. Other speakrs In tIse Commons Ibere were more elcoha followei, mniof t i b Whigs, sanie supperting committee troubles, tht principal of whicb in- snd others apposing theoblli, and mot effective vovod a member ai the Hauee-Mm. Fleming- ariang lils supporters was Mr. Roebnck, vwho de- wbo vas complaineul af by the Southampton cam. .Jae. bis ownOopinion ta bue tht tbe prOPer Way mittee for reiuing te anewer a question, becanse. ta meet tht funancial difficulties ai the counitry as lie saim, i, ho uld uat vitiéaui violat_ was b y reducing expendilure ; but bie knew vOe)' ing confidence reposed in it, ta thse ferfeitusi u'ell tIsaI for sncb a proposition in thal Hlousesai ai bis hatoi as a gentleman. On being iterro. Cominons hoe voulmi nul bave more than balf a galomi by tIse Speakeir, Mr.FP" .I rterated dozen votes. Thereforo, lho sail, neithe' lie hie refusai, vitli an explanalion o Ia ieellha menibers id tisat hanuse net thon iselabosont Ilium on tbeeenlijoî, aller whicbh i relis-ad. On this thore, haul amy rigt ta complain of burdens, and there wss another puzzled debae, ending in the se the dificulties muet ho Omet sotuubow~, lieadoption ofa rsolton @smillai te that lu the aboulmi support tise bll.HoeIsopem, however, case ai Mr. Wren. tbat lie unropresented people vaulmi complain, Mcr. O'Connel. prapounidemi bis questions con and in such a way as would mare thoîr coin- cerning the couduot of the BrIias. Minter in plain ing audible and efflective. le castigated Texas. Thty elated urincipally ta thse offér both parties severely, ami the leaders of bth- mame by General Hami ton ta Santa Ana, whiel intiuating tisat tîere ras lile if any choice bet. wer renartemi ta bave beu ilitade thmo h tlb wuon theii. British Miniter. Sir Robert Peel =mai , thls The firet reading ras ordecemi hy a majarity Minuster was ignorant, vhon ho transmittoi ai 97, Sir Robert carry ing 2W,5 votes witl i un Genemal HauItan'e bItter, afitas contenta, au ami Lard John 188. as son as hoe discoveremi thorn a W riîtete exa Tueaday April 19. Thse question bing on go. pros ies regret t baviuq beeu made tht insu. ing inoacamomittee on the crn bill, in lIeflieuse nient ai surI a commnuication. of Larde, Viscount Melbourne -moved a resoîn. Tht copyrightl bill vas read aathîrd tino aný lion declaring a tlxed dty preferable. The passem. Viscount did hs devoir as leader ofllie oppositan, lWeoLesdzy, Apsil 27. No uorum. Lrsa with bis asual goomi huuîorei andi somewhat ilu- Thurday, ufpri 28. The House of Lrsa differenl ability, earîieg great complimalits fran jornederly alter doing a little catine business is opponrîmîs fer tIse cand or nIl abudchliebu tat- Iu tme lons. of Cotncions thor rawss t an edisia vns. A pro-ýrarleil debata loiiowc,tlIe allier eectioncommittee difficuýýley naa umost striking feature oi whidh ras a long, camili from lIe Southampton caomile.. A Mr. !ab ling and ineffective speech frein the Duke of son lbai refusemi t0 produco a check-book beos Wellington, vesy différent tram his usnally brie! the cammitt, afler receiving dia Speaker pitby and to-tie-parint discourees. Another les. arrant te do no. Mr, Mabsan vas brought t tu rwesthe complte adhesian aiflIse new Duke the bar and excusad ituseif by saying tIsatIl, of Cleveland tla Sirltabemt's oeasure, rhmîli as hllmisent tIse book andl tamte aller ae ta ai a champion aite agilturists hie avowed bui other persan, via lhad forgten vbgat ha did vit dimi net like, andl shouimi like betr if lie coui'J ho thon-bam indeemi forgotten whtthtr ho ever ne assuremi Ihal il vas net an entering veilge, but coivami themo or net. Mr. Itodingten, chaicmsa ta which îicvertlieless hoe should give is support; ai the cornittee, movemi UaI Mabeinbu coin intiîîsating ibal ha shouimi do êoO ecause lie lear- mittomi ta cusody ; on this a longdelite aras emi Ibat f he bill was net palsei, soineting but tIse trouble vas finally gaI n3lfaib4a devic worse would came, reling prohably tbhclra mn ngeniansby euggestedbytheolicitor eneral- o! dia Wbi s ta power. te vit, Ibal asulthe Speler's warrant Isau bee Lord MeLburne got 136 votes fr is resla. issisem in 1841, i conul nt legaliy ho actomio tion and '-7 aguinst i. inIu42 Sa Mr. Maheon vas net çommitted. Lard Broughiamitred lis lbandl w~ithtva re- Fridcy, April29. Nothisngoaim iterosti sclutions-oneldeciarng tha na duity ught tla tlimeureouof aiLrds. bu iniposed on forign coin for lise protection ai lu tbe Coimons a new vcit vas orderem fc agriculture, the odier tbat no dty ought to ho Brighton, Mr. Wigney, tbe bankrupt banker,ba% impooed for raising revenue b1y taxing the imper- muse resîgneil. tatîc o f fond. The tiret got yeas the second 'IÉarher çrogrees vas madie upon tbe incorn six. tax bil luncmfiittee, rionseproposemi amed ba dis louse oi Commons Mr. Dunrombo mnti being voteil down by large majoritios. gave notice lIaI on lise 2ld aiMy lie ehoulmi Monay, 3Iay 2. Lard Brougha moved lb2 prescrt a petilion for Ihe national charter, sig a message ho sent ta tIse adieu honte, caiing ie nemi hy Ire millions ai Englishmen ; and anth Ie reports oi cemmittees on contestomi eleclioni tIse 3rd sauve tlîat il ho consideremi and tbat the The accoonta 0of bribery and otbor raacality, maid petitioniers hoe bard aI Ibe bar ini supportaif i. public, viera no enormous tIsaI someing mut M. Sewat rase ta ask Lord Stanley avheh- bu dn.-TeLo Lrd Chanceblor intinsatemi thi er thé ev veienl vas diopoSed ta facihitite tbe the motion vonimi do nu god-tIsat die anwi transport of emigrat ta Britismh coonieus viero fronti the other bouse wonld notlbu likebyt labor in lu demaum. please dia noble lord, or forvard tie objec I Lard Stanley lu repiy vont int a long detail ai. bail ln view-and theceupon Lard Brongla the condition oi Neouthl Wales and the Can. nillidrer i motion. adles, as regardoul ensîgratiçn. Up ta the year In the Hanse oi Comment Mr. Duncombe pr 1840 thora lad broui shippemi 40,(,W perdans ta senlei tbe luge Chartist petilion. bîvas reami. the former, at an expeuse of £9.000, andsetting forth the people'% grevancées atlai go, ai duriusg the last year 2-)750, 12,130o mf wlîîom prayimsg for the adoption ai tise people'@ chante bali arrived ased aaleady inrvoi tise cîiony in a embracing annuel paliaments,universal euffrmg debt of £110,(»0, ile thore vas for tlimn vote by ballot, &c. nitiier food lierorok. The Govrnesent could 1 Mr.-HoeeI saim, in ansees ta a question, lis KINGSTON IIERALD-TLESI)AY, MAI 31, 1842. TIseDuc505!'Io!t450155, vle ! d secni ve~41OPiao~oi.Weregret taoas-n y, peuu-ivitsg that tIsegenerzil Goecrrmr.rnrutm Cro i. sus~~~~~~~~~~ ajd.Lg!Facvs l eiedlmIsneusiefier ai forgea intdits neiglubour- detersitised toatalempt the exormise of thîns rIhu et bi sot0f th Kin ngt e t Froce u Ti eli vil beoul (Wl plan) bave ceasemi yack, uniessaineother modle ai aiunetit o1 tdtt. n beas- the ile dOse t ul M Tise Duciseesa ehreby a gret aumber of banda amre bownupoln, lhorecuigiizos lIse exped e lie v , cousin ta prince Abeit, Quéee Victoeig~ bu$.- -i'r Of f(ubyaient. We as-e infornieu ing ta aguce uPan Ithat euo mode. TIcn lice ~, ah l basa, Tse iis o!tis Prndslia no seua ima ls~ drdes, çenat unreîuneiatiuig pru. goes on ta say boldeioibmaesys. gple mofîbe mattrebo stop TeBritish Goyrlhrummise, 'iuc,%-mi..'r =Xr. Pe c iIO aaou eann alesheibuilcesud i.chaugu tlseir men, sud tht it ed ta propose, for oa b am dispuiseul te regard the ait edIe stag, vuti er faillse. Mr. Bulles-, il aa i ayeyu rlaun vIson tley vil1 re.cominence. matter, vba± nsaj0bc tbonght ta bc ilka ju1.,and aif c.C eubem t oth nu ag o. Tlunesareuycre of euitableequivaent fr a -iotion o mhat %hmuujhle ,ea . han beotcussone of the tentes of DiizyLasse the- the extensve fa a.ds beeafroltbeOli . pctaatalhci aom atr; M. C Kebleis e le =- O.Thonevrof nebur),Russel the u bheretafusie clinedismher auDit-If 1bis ,i Tmus£T&itsy PaTTrsIOu.-Tliaslia rir.Brothers, Georg-e*Jeîice, sud G. B. Thorney. rot going as fat as soune niaY dorsth, l im or mI lu Ne% . anes-tht voice ofimmre tissu ires, millions ci crot <Sruisbery bmeuvrke). Sever.i thor îhe state requires, il certainly is facrm' . l ue t. u Britishi subjeets-appears ta bave aLtrartemi mucli extensive rsaeduyepcoil os p. intalle than moet tdat ne have lenucuimud'.'b'v attention The debaee pon àMi. Duiscombeu oasos indeem, ne hieve fillitt is flot a sis- tu receive fiein tisat quarter.u. i w . motin Iat l hoconideemi calomifori poor.gbofou elr that dicsneût conlempiate the If eny îling lesat tian this is in*e-'ied. rnml hm1 chr fui efforts irans many ai the bet andi most infu. nccesmity ai topping.-[taffords-hire Exami- persuadeu tIsat nathing wnîlbc haai.caumîu)ism mlj D'Inute enliaI memtbers, sud even the Premier Iinself net. the vay af an adjustmteent. Ifl mi mu hte ctm bj, . 21 'id22 îvc dimi nut feel itsaleoras-prudent tl itilby in silence Nearly a rbole famiîy oi dhldren near Bel-hbahoe sai, thiat thetrualnivie s i-m 'Îcc.~ le . "mucm vheo sudh a document vas clainsg the Iseuil.fs in reland blad been eaten up by blge, vtbc, hie, and therufame a 11 iew iietuliftmC- . w u u uum . fi regard of tle natioisal Legisiatumu. Temi ercaiavllh hor alhsoke iutcîmîthe rainlbu agred upon-or tiatlthe case is mua in 1% ,isj',~m. mmju. m iisteriai papers, ton, have thaugltit ilberoming vberu t bey voee a png. indoubt and ddutculty liaI thue o-ilv eqlîu:l,,' t hil,'~.l bî mîa anul~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~_ xpdetaeatIerlotpepeanl Fusth L..I.OMO.5igC hrÎI tirMy t way ai resohving it is IcI'" sptti!lg«tlic îf.c î'î. te tbeir langisage in speaking ai it jemoud usmore Sovecal Paucelle omoy stock noue afferemi ence *' and i dvidinl tle territocyin j Clie .i i uul suhluoi dan l as or vonul have bcen sanie out freoby thus nmring, simd îhe fmodeshowed pptionshscbpropositions, if omt u-eg.î'î.b i -1 sc.lii 'lu t 21 - î yea go-. We opy a portion of tIse lon g euito. cousudeable heavunes,but the intelligence ce- ahtobuteby inrunting, wivane lt, 1I-anum con.uîl,i,. m 'jiteimi cern by the London Morning Heraimfvich ceiveil by the oveclaumi mail rain lndusd h-le favocuubby bsteneil ta by a sige cm: wu n'm l ls i. P yields tueOEsglieli journal in hamac iro demar- ua bing considereil favorable, prices dimi net suf- sta*e. î Iuiu rac'y. fe n ecine of cneqluence ;tIse tasinquota. The îreaty linotva kiain ta elie n ra eD e 'm ' ml.u m "But in the Petitian itseli.-deprecalisag as ne lofoe eaafr da caut ong9d. ouy ne-on uclaies ta tIse vIole terriumry e rale.m b ii uiA mail strenuiey do thiedetestablanasteoa agita- ors andi 921-2 for mauey; Thcee per cents te- wîlhin tIsat lino ru kea telbe juici cuand cIm~ .ml~' tion by vlie ll isncb 'monster' documentsarm ducem, 99 5-8 t 3-4; Nov tlire andl a hlsll thrdiaCourse tIat luas bren pursueul un remard b i nav-s.daye set in motion,-and lIse still noc centst, 103 3-4 ta 78; Bank stock, 167 ta 8; vohave a conîviction nuatlieo mliaketu, tîtat 'l m-e "ue îumimi 8cadaousa atirestm oulracnctoonpbib Idutsocka26 l ncExisqur bll, wth ralî fot onraby estock, s aî 2o46uutamumm8m Ecmle "lis X ar eplyeitagie fect tthonileu; toeiu0spe.tndmpied right ta the remainder. I 'ile G'lnmu t immu ~m mucb ta excite the profounulatention o the Ira The Renfrewslire banking Company had stop. But ifGreatBuiain la preparcdii t Imlm uti. I ii 'u îv bousses aidie legmalura. The petilionvspdpyet nlehuue sesoi aaotly vioetd Ibmpointaoftâte, andl cfferus a fir eqm' Cv.m signumi by 335,75î2 persans, deacribeil as be og. one luthliaamounit ofmiteiIailit ies. vilent la other territoiy, privilegus of ni-, gmtmam u-. u i ing ta va ions eto ithe indusîrius classes The bouse of Accanani, Morgan & Ca., an &c. fer a portion ofthis territorI', a m arnlt ~m nt;;tièee. llow a vasl dedluction for sig- ai the htaviest importing Condomse at Bristol, presunt dispaseil tobebueve, b doneat sec wfvt 2.1. Il m.iî esuoagnu.....~. - ..~-au .vuînaît g.,. ,.,..~thie vexoul question may nusatI Is bl ut umforeter m..1' in dupiate and tripcae-and peraps we ugbî The L 'tI _Bnkmg Ompany, an. s ..ý u tst:nithodleî t edme iu îl . I b-1 h1 . etil la ssua tht tili the ptitioo CI a vasi igily respectable establishsment, bail suspenhemi and ~ 155 Ouui;~ii.iuueuuiui .ti ul hoymi is eei naar rgn o icrgse- paynsent. compromise ber haor. u-tuve r.. b m u- ing demanul fo die fatal, the detraying butn, çmi Fusthe LisorpauîCid, May 4. Enluutaining these viens, 1 am rocfeeh 'yJrhllum uneveial suffrage-intuei; in is effort, Uni- STATE 0F TRADE. tIsaI b think favorabby ai tIe appointunent ofii. I 'ihm - versai- atalgueociplit cl Tiare vas s very dl aIrkt tLeedis îast 1unisaieners by the Legislalure îith surI poiàu'mo 4lh.\V i.lj.'ot , "Ar leueinthehoe ctaegue i phiica seek, andl scarcelyd1nikt as a uot rien o! thse case noulmi seeme lire.qurr lotihm, lmte rmuml J, grevncs n eili oý1chthue oltso p- ayii> nqiry eveus tor fine __and net nisbung lu avaid my muare <ofrm.1m'm- a h,- tm"i givnes anulbeis teuich ie sie ssférpe- botho, tsiicI, coniderinîr the seasan, augurs saulîity, 1 cheorfull>' recoanieumi hat couurseu. . m oftianerms cîe amucl eso! îleirpoit effng nil Iuniavorurabby. Our foreign eiders are un- ' are ,.oro auy, tise destrurtive tendencies oai il tIebmies hlm c mî I r t neunobedadaVery lt rusns as done aI eRochduale h1îtellOfl l9tiilhil. ar a oceunautei nu usceptible ai remedy! flannel market ast ornait; roo ui ni, and nmanu-.I uj Are thora any, ta -rhicb tle legisauie andl the fcueauvbigt o Ipun rds gaveresfient, vithout comipiomise ofthemuconali. fadm11era uke iilal yePisaenat resudn .ttsrxTEDY ui i lu'mr otutional functians anmi state îuspautibility, c Ao l aktetlaiaxlatw adno KINGSTON,________________:_1._____ j u imm ' .aPppy a kealieg aud a rsving band!I If thora buc uto igod xtp ielna >tog 'î'm vo trust tIsat notling in the reli kuown cbsuac.. are inuiireil aller. Stocka are bacomniig toryTIEAiZE. 'mn.i lofrs sud subenisof a a few rtfu agognec, indicative af lower rts Àmusv.r.b)ir..Tsswmcu ~ ~ I vIsa pro>'on the tnususpectung creduslity ai thour r bay n auatnes prusa sales, whîuch îs m cmitIci:.!] l! deludami folharere-tIsat solhing, aven in tie nu Very little iniproveinent in Huddhersfiehl ar ejertinent brouight to recuwrr possesmls ii o .~jm ' orou rikeyan cetig h coaursortom e t iatrek Few heavy sales noe emade ; '28acres of lanâ ild liby ulefeuisut as pact mmm lt umii touon hikoy aulchatig isiis~'ltiply amthe areakab, x eumily lttle ivas 22, 711m conceasion aI the townshiip iKinguouS , umlle '*.,mIle j. rt, in ouder fta sweillthe volume sud nu tIse tisrmrkbeecednl .subecriptione ai these lingeptt-nybe purchasoil for exportation; and, withont afc u il a for-aroyldseernni ibe 'ieWîîr" m Pett'os -- P m e in trade, it-isa clear tIse homeO Icada cannat wiong t n rvy ailot 21,or " d to b l'Cl i W .i iýCIul -J ; ne Sa pred ointèe i ui0 fanii dfris empoyient in aay tdingliîke proportion ln ult2,oua u byliepîsunimi.Teproveom Cuhtdufemmu,mI c 3 The ilionommences iy a r.ritaîtof sonsne oial ensa om ad-lricee are lIse plsinliff'e case- nm5 ai O tIse a chartit couonpices,-.eibasm ie VMav bsauhas tarhetiyo r-rs ion Wsaplym is ay 141]ftîuîh mur S.ic. m" sorigin ai al governunents firan, andl thoîr re5pous p artsei duirado a im gli raing e raruonszi eut rvica Sreo e sibility ta, duheape; thileuadqatoanin Partesf sudtrust tIsaBilmingha ont b aier t, wb>' Mc. HiaSopoe as MIm iay,îcesei d[:41,m1îutùIl~u ;pcoperly eobectei represoutatian of tht British barisbenian qustar teraasuppasabtlIaI bimaMr. iam pooel. hu iade enteniItiiiira'b'l-ur, i__m v1-'.,.îî. «tIse ase a.iCaunns; ai o usai- liheinsace a Of o~ioce>' Potdteu ya bafoua, in IWvIson lie vas eniplovemitri mntuemu'l 1 , C m' lui th.iensit dehrea t uimb a ue~ manufacturer ras a campss-atively caca on.- the ina beîveen bts 19 sud 20, andl feuud great ThomjSocetuu s î .....1u.î. 1 l N. i ln sest orth unabivera intuffratie, c Tise7[Adisertiser.psn Ml .tionset aod titrberyilmdal aliaen arup. Dundee tmarket, like thor commiercial mai- variation. The original angle btreen lota 20 'TIeSuc'h cii1tm mml. l r lon, n pet eijs'sd -otpevi daeilniiouythr e te, continues i a vecy inactive statu, owng sud 21, and lots 2-2 simd 23, nere fanumi sud ail. limns fu eliu1loting (iii mueu, imius 1lh i... a eo b e r i a e o t a a n xo a o at u d e r au e . 1Ta a d y d i . p r i c ip a l l y t o i t h u e r t In t h a t y e t e x i s t s a - i t e D i v i d e m d o p a c o h e l e e n t h o n f o r t h e lo h r m , a l îl i ul i l uu'm d o l i1m om ber in f hey or naiso o fra ha n sg v m e t t n he t r f. F te."sphty a Ie betw een 21ianemi22 ; a o dhe ine frm nt ec ausiv, !i:i v ' 'uu'm , leu. caplan oai i he n tinalaI mobugoverunntmore plentifui yth ecn rrvisdiomthw hnce tbabout tl, e ntre oaiflle lot, and letId Mm. uîî' 'ccu' îu Iaiiimm., b2y roaso ai vich ba naionaltee, basdttain barretsarivaab ion Iet i acomple tte reniainder. Tse inea tsIeon as Serrhmuii , it,.uîl' 'm* eitis presot magnitude; sud the muoeralle or alîopre u h ot r aebel - harshi ofthir ein cllel o, ow u ema li lots t sane pricos a. formerbv* Tons & parali l Ithe resternt bundai-y oi the tov. rariig i. mc'm. I mm'.' . I. i tIsadi cf taxes, bing ancalb atO,55te r>'codilia SsiI>' maîntain Ibeir amvanueilrtesu hip, sud vent on la defendantsl andl, tabng uuamuelm-e ofs thmi lm mmm-m avenamidlionl taes, ven ud aove IsaIlue> tisr. i na onge an> liklilsomi f thfr hiog anieai bs improvmonl. Tremi be lns t sui musuuiaîmui umîîru ven aieai>sujoect ta, for tise disehargofaihe lover, as ail accomitg fson fori alies if lit wauld take the building. Undetomtht liOlumjthm.c.c(N'i' 'i t annual intmcest. They describe ibis vuigît t gasinferoenD ncb gaods tarbuker a- oaren aamie hmtncendelen at emi i le usilî. ei I Iil ..î . itaxation as Uncaneitutionalinlupriacîple, andta he ihsnigbrta arton sge eihl Iuhmuylil eeju oi 'n;u t, daxcessive in ils results1 tu iebre .Thoy sarethis seaïon. Hemansd codilla are îiîb- îatkedi Im crlitunîlî e Ilou utl 'u mu ilrmulmtleeu m i m a cmpai o th dsprae xtet o hihbor ret. out alterathtioihs- in dounami or prices. Soins lic kofthe ielino vraun re a, sor ut ai l %% l.mi, ltle -li li mii eammhn a tse eeorte xtnîtviclspaerjute ras yeaîecday sobd b>' publie onp theîic h e aielentseircrop e dulsr i ocemu, aitl 'illmuluit lrllm'lo tY sud Oemtoen IhaveatWanemi tIrougbot the fetched mi an os10.ta £20 psu b lfthbue n prsrit e. altnna fity anaupaCy ash . .an .Lie dyan payabe onf ake their grounuleaIthe sano tinue. bu-pi' 'il;i atite 0 ' staeo aidinsnlpov avl.zeiemt c-e ltan .0 dbvr iins and au ioeof Crosu.e-aminem-Tlia cbain-bemmers nere net ed to lmgiesu îeu-mr mut."-' ~ ,>'owlyI7ea former very reilucumi rates,-4Dundee jwru 1- taute ;-fi" Cenus-es. nn.Rau the ine hinseif ta the uam; il is lie lit iv uiiuIiC.itm onws tit!fiothesungei blr, e lWn«Ia. TMe.basasenasgoonddeal ioing n tdi arn ~an atoOical lie ; nodepeninco n lthe coin. tile subjet, mmd imumi 1mi la a g e n s a la r e s o f t n t e w h s e , e e S & r à t W * ý m u h M i" w e e , a n d p ace., T Iseaiev u ere ,e a ste.a iedo wi enteaat o fsd eten d autlili umu e luhle ï .erie r uila , II ' si fvagns t arie ai lats t ies. cmprihe~bs M ol m I esupon du Clot , Campbel. a broîber of paintiff; andi lie rss a Mu. t)muDru i-mi M i I 10 înee u gh a uuttoe, isvrees ~,bmaate. Ieldsrpin c ala ,Part>' tethe asrangement nt ta take possessions us isuuad-mhlml lmttu himui l Irii, se iux r vi fl tht cule,, sud povarty ' Of 5ItO tuiandtbW«gisuieind util the sîher fiues rare aise duo. TuakIle (utusite tutur, iauuu liàI i limu'e 'u anm«iW shal not ollow the pe itiocers t ron à rSp-emeridian at lot 27,10 la>' off a ase ine aioms agihut hioi siWt e ebngaim ua elbo botitioers huniugis :,nson. ui, ê icb tu take his course. bMu. BILT.)x, 1,ilumer làu 'r. i-i'" K-ipt f eirsg-c~r Mcaptultitis oal iiv r.- esaIp4werriai ot .. lts tg, t m AaaaaWOastf . Paavaorn.-Isa alicenucil posed tisaI lue hiui-i."'cl'ii' mcv [-Prince Albea-4m x ingofg a ove elinete vcot ive- saces-erdo coninues . 7~ Suvr"Y. Wufor a long flime nIth Mc. Kit-thîouglu ileei','i, mmii mu e ;-ue ruce Vos-y utIle business daeaIetBradionîLdi ebiw WMug tlse1sd b2bi7n tcouc te aideh alto ihtulamsu "i imu ,î.uumlu.mvisýeI AecblersetCémy.-utdbeublcv- ,ek.-There las»lighuîfailingO U ntIse de-. lusa2% a l. n foth lisesion lceofui auss mUllî i "lu ucomtititmossal îmeeferenoe vilth theoeuwo po iei siteour at e", but tvo do Mut *f-6 lmfrnthrodweeororlriIt ll t- onu"lslrîgW teluassemble for the dis-aDoliems-h" alus are effectemi aI lover rates. Msa ilhcuuîscea . teth Tmofthde t iîl î rou a lIazi liit n I ýijî i ieclt 11. 0cessOion ev Sf nd heryetmaundcis-,"insudhaetfrenmesistepet ben rod-Spm cniiersn ldkbaveheendoofthewomatotine w psiiiiibrton.,pro mu-ii Fi s.- tuuènlsOf au "unLIcanstitutional polie.frce" ing nothu'ng millard stock, but clooslug tisor as iits hb itne, oftse lise; fourni l Prires9tre chelmemui 'hl": an l 2B eitla" country ;-the maintenance of an u dces dttilue-oe.. The lu fKilbarn'as cmv.>'cos-rect. Foud tW lDaley Mr. DAvsîm u'.i sO uiii in .ummsand monulcody arny ;-ttemo gtd ondby temrhnat ig t he b at al28 acr-es, one quarter, sud 27 square rolda of rates wre ifmrham 'uI i me-catsthed gppi'. ac eorhamillbredyACunbhb uttu ui emi1mi1hau llemn mucmi s. eruetiseeand m-i c of mithe vbole st o et ras of a ver7 cautions clarater, &nithing Olie iiîue oflvete1,nebl 2d SA C abll.s n.thuicuîhi- mn h i e tuî.'iiimlu 5i.f labos-, the 1hli systeut er oi-appeara ta bee douog oxcept t acatual os-da, vhicheli n ewe lt ýsd2 e ae' 'cs t u, =duxs., bond the puers mn-IL appeare ha maeb>' li manufcturer., visa are qust, about lIe 25th or 26t1IofA1!pril. Daley colmu mii. te Ofbeatule ondud ancuits, hOltise wao deà a bhty imitemi Portion ofsi ,kout tu rougîl lin a leller vlan rcneing hure between Two mu lmuemiiumu îm ,,m' ie of qeàuurai laboree; tise nil O! X" Ileir Vneavetl0espreveuting any ncrase n leto 9 nd oile c enîp a n>. dab>'vassno the nd gtise eta e mml ;i m n. mouapo les unaIltIbir nuseron br'aie ; Macsor deline inpriex. let haeo the ompusau ny ee île waes ou lu] 'themu-umupsu Il,;Ž5uhai tcnu..umi:, thtIseoenDie oathe churel estabisment ;-the Quotations-Canadian Fleur 3&% a 358 6d Pur t aetelnsrnuls h to ollTunsi iiNIý .ý : ,ek climeof he olutar gytem,, c. iil; bUnied State,enaeet, 3.59 6dmi;s3%e; do agee not tetak pomsesson nitil all,when each liaim ; uand lhic tlo nlailmmi " I mn~~~~~~~~~~ 'gouam to"elrlina nua a-i-r » ss Bs; do lu baud 27a s2e.Cna as ta taku is aide fonces ; vhicb vie agiecilte kee1s the peu. e iC %.Im',i s. ont, iseablitonai ecnia>'quaifcatondian remi Wbeal 65 6d a Sa pur 70 lb; Unte 1 ansd vituesi caspletem thteliseietveeu ots ko hm u ueiîimi i.'i " e, for mendiera, the purification of the bouse ofSt ates usxld9o a5go 3d;.21 sd 22 Bas silice then provomibis vos-k, ami oumis lonulinu'mi 1,ii .Im-mi te Cannons, tht repeadloaltie union vitb Irelaum," Fraite l sdss ieratelo.îrsiMy i. tIse ine isu poailel vidi tiese ot isouisldai lim te indmimidsur eimb5zzhmmmm upwm.rl . oli. - &C-11EIW HtCR RAE ownship. Tie 28sores as-eîpi'ved. in golul, andiabave 2-0 dil u m i ut i en "I th iii basty sketch of the "Ieade" Sof tise Prom du OF THaIEC rop elacE.ata Cross-turxaiini--Got Mol leentcelutIMas-eh. beeu eimraslei te 1cm 1r -SC em on etAilwedouatha b>'o buds hthloiela va. ui fle ouurofEurpeKilborn'litsaAlldondiylaot efot w trmse [M.mml simuler ibm'n wa hi mmmiill no A ran o p tilatheneaithit ancbeudl eeina64 s.rnevemi demanmi las spsung up, andmit aIisanie instructions. Bonithle ltter in prononce o!Mu. letI year, and a dulect î in ai.. mi ,*"Y ratontha te utiioor lae althoei $et dia nearer ports inu dia Maditercanean prudes hld Dale>'. SamunelCamspbell vaseflot tiwmr.Thinks nanifemut. 'The claîue mi it e"t in fortb on. iille af their grierancos," t il Ube amid mvnol b ue.amîgvstsIpsaemueallbzcnrto siimmi- l'ei no ittemi diat île>' bave nt failed ta sget ouI suffi- B'dinehs tho ianle a a uo e n b tanduntîl datalerosuessoi e mn, chat, Bamet, ofammney.unlud u-ii or ient natter for ftht careful inquiries andl mature va rcthe liat vetIsa ric e o Wot ontironuePovobc te l u i themofîlin immon.chnt,' has btoum rney. ruumiui uulmt Lv doiberations ai Parliament. Amaug fltbee w e k etaImo r fcIe 0 ig aticontsu Huvd is wBrusseon.-ii rieruu Diioeias " NucnurI ie 'mu C ii -àt.rim neneeito ay ine aso meaattentpitnbo amiatbmbugonossyi "aI activa 'de- iront bal ioalt21. Was preseu t aha ros'mou %nrutiig" iethîs ~.mi ul te'.ltd' s.- nae usit ipaisgmnedae teti on ta rlicl moh andv. xoienc an arum. intdiavalneof snatian between Daiey andi Campbell ou ibis quet- mono>' ronimi omt hlie i umikilmult4m d e, honueveouie>'cncr thelIcputiion- die article coequentl>' toolu place; severai oc- lion. Thme arrangemeant ras tIsaI esumli houlmi aportinijivaluable sedtiùîl 5.1, gii ors %#W e~oiîIed isur protagaise, 9'>dors Wad, e are iniarunmidbeen reroiremi dure givo up possession in tle faîl. Dabe>' gave UP Sus lîat tIse prnemes coutiiii 1-e 'f iii fraI d tnheigtMuaonemnsf, t hmge vicheul, rle Wbeat an Yorskhis-e accaunt. p@saesioinwodlandl ta Niraun Sponcur. t the Act, and tther isrîaC c.-m ti sd la'epadoabetpan b' IlI l'se mong The genoral characher of the Irade airoam bu as asin pursuance of tueh T5i a rttia Pl.ib.aiu aiu. Tm-..lim' e. asm7e.t&%eNdemvo pealenare &Wmang-latel>' ndergonaseadecidomichange lavian iront herry complalismi îe sure>'. ale>' ul atru, as t la deuiverbl i iuimIu-t lo e Iis.psmta,-daio nlf enwor lae and ua state ai grual langouuseaum icanai ensilansd vlan talit wl as on Campbl's lot, saim ile ton. Lt ntve end the soeioa aillann oa hr ghnsdactivit>'; tîlis outiez alteration aeernuK telave wouîd psy for 111if il ras rIen linos vere rue. John Babrork und El;ulai,uu k w'r' andbjî sdli te salmn canipat ofthbeauit oncausem b>' lIe rocipi ai ondessruttiYack. Croeu-eeatsî.-The agreemeant ras mamie vucteoiai am and ultecui n mmif ir sudc 5 c tineinda r oflga& e ô" le po. bir e différente rts, but we doubt neth- te ai M ay, [1841. T uisla S oob, Alexander h;inI , : but the> eosr eab, i imnilît.~ la ~ ~ ~ ~ e whc lcineiu rbr'~uen the la. ui accoucts irons honce Campbelhand alUer voeepresat-I.'TiLke d«c. Teindicmtinent cmu-,d e. Df lie a kn e 'il t-9 un lcoti ia nc cs-eillelu oet-. eball bave beau receivem, thse trade nia>' Moa- Samuel Camnpbell vas.rot prssent. Agreeon o taouille, tise oeufer malmtua mt A ai Sel ON t" gain lasiil CIU relapse loto inaclivil>'. ratt, Ilal0en ino beiug complelemi, posaumssionufor uttering. %WIen senc Wiltk vassnl ailFa" frtbtefAumip Colns. e bava beeu rei sapliem i viliWbeat frot. bouimilbu giron op in tile fat. passemi, Mr. Smith, Bamlco<k's dIIGsP- e- bsonlelaopsaefnsHlax for Liver. abroimi, 13,448 quartons baviz Camaeta, bard NATRviiC.Lrstr saM.-Was not pua. for arest o! judmlni, o tîle roulim p al, on lIsel on f i ril l at 5 o. 7e'vthn leuliaiil aytho -emaumi for bon- sent on thte cao o«» eeredta, by' lut nitnest a,'usne eimenco et 't-imitiaimf "' ami sala vassa n e. We cjs' . IioinJeiba unvisbeidoil, and ecarrel>' an>' nr t any ailier; but mhallaconversation vidtenn, i abîhongliliew icyil~ accrponl pitirisismib> Lap u s fur the Liv- a"eshae beau oftictod ine.lisi Monda>'; prias Dabe>'linseli liaI apriig,erolppr.lvcnauetyrmiemnmuiynvaim.toelnau ap ell ae>'im thlsaîie falloct; nti> g ht aisfcitherl.!-d ut Anreshavhoeee, h b lontsequfoilvugratiees Wuil u13ed, s- peseomhim ndCapbeell.tIa d husaroretha beunt oai un a tonrete m ui laId '" .,bîg_ .[nnitefa. he eoud isea & eleOlS, y96,ealstd esnsi whc, th ate hau l bWe does Dot appeau, but Sl'~ b5,1 Ilas ls.ronde lava hli « t "e makttfo l-ils doIt, ha;' aw _~Ib' he ' f aidollars b>' lesdng . iso a s tere ras accidetmbi> priftds>' uigIsIabouit 10 o'lock, n c nautiou8ly taken "(%'t ..r rit1e a.nbut the fine vas rit ~lfie t bail sp murh, the k 4. PYuatthe burntî brSuos, and I I eLd fterlIse finstal ulîroti simu-Ili Eaei YSirChaarles Bigot 'm demonstt iîît'rpi' fl-bçhe City tîlnsoîromt iui ar. bltIssu vere eecmkuowuu 1"mi onllonl sud allier societiesi îl i 1 s0îii s aud othîubos'vmi-s. u ...Cà with hts reccI)tltmo. ,ýs1ObM, ontheOttsm a lhaveî- luî ,Wtp .Î.0mLord Statlcy i.tu cll, »Wtftseasfavnurabl num)[i uiimm teluiîmler ui'ade. Ib. tarber of s els a civmil ut 14ýmuI' tr a>' %sy27 s -]my $I. L1--t V- tir &&edt 434 lied asru ct-j theI jameicannMail ttseinimuuug 1% le s en, b>' tieBeusu «nQuir£ti th îl ub lfm LOD" ,tbree ilsys laien ilmaî i i -% ToIsiue, laneuiiuernlaYleus a <l c( ~ecldlbhearrimats hnîîîmm thue L-t uldelails of shahbatws hrummîglull'e i ,,ivtnaI. Theu f(iulileniîg rCimicIcu:lm wcmiruons for ai juremucut. 4Fi wCm ppsdtie piliersm & e. l'ilh... Sapi, uvrne ectieIOil raîunliui 'mu lia humîmu intellgeOCc usIo luile1 l!,i 1 mueMiTim he Ciielu îIX e' .-mu ee mlnit di imo m Cian d i. i il "mul 'magétia, sei mbame it lummitu ~ iem u i miigptm - s'th Ii i e' mn :~,m I*mme m Immir' d submîutii'mlilui u O ltitimbi <iiiOm mOf t llree srmuum' tllmis, mu %roi Fent agaînrtti.t liiî'mm bly msu airmipuedl; tIse ciii>' 41poeiu snli eu m itm tint ml mae ou ise par -f it, Ile Imi c' me !e ton tromît w ithl imItheig rilsm h j<.)mu tiîtpene l ire, lIme 'iuimmns ileil s Itîsmkeil; lie>'%vie luirsuei, sandl hu l50 amos. TIese 011%W Ni li t .n'bil rymuf thei îe olluemu, 5ne thi i uulmer-ril lama lthe saie patIo. Thie mmmumm u emblin, ad oliser %nar-smmnmu,, usru' i aud th public granari- irti Iiec-u lui e. TlIe expedatisretuîri ms toN mm .citwonis the clieuciiy ci rhte pouli puemce oCh-Kang, andmi as, t mu- Fil mn tek ocrupiemi du ring Foînîsar'. It hbau etmm ii10,000 arredruits§. "lime ltcmu Latlplihutroainbu ita deiaciluets ltaIlion s1.11ui'e, Citas, Chioluse, aimd Nuumg1 iiWte epreet aunimeduale ustîmîchi h gIstruial aille uxpe«lA eiuue'ie lmriandi bgland, thImacanrpami iîii!l -lieMain y thuecaptuire of rhitl .mîump umlnmmmtisbe ésimisdpoilt cuf tise gcm.l.m i ktlt>'ofniblis îirceemiîug us mî Ilci. n il. an 'i cmmrn mteumil h huminsa1 51mbmm liu mIj pu.emm >it etmiim irite o i i mi i -sI wi'uee( l tmoce t heariS . th Ii'la (J'f m Iemkm Il, îu'ishli euj lim ltbcubIinesneûiieue1)1uc , l ul m.auuy altau k mîmil vwuahImii. 1 ;11m ps-nain lui ixaigmmime thlimer ue :i rj *Ilm'conte la a speeml>' miouuu, b l tuuder mml lIaIntimemimt.lui pemiistiug in 18MI te imlnîmilmi a- 1u, miputeF, 'meî Ksulieîm imulei; tuici (il Canton. Sic leuir>'Imuhî lin un rdor ta brmug lie %sur tlu Lu- oit for the mnarnse aIllangciu-î mu -cFovediralher to ary>'(int Ip lsi i ulie.'r ouni ath jae, ahÉi ohmmmih l he ia- mmSait 0CrOfferai"ecintronsr. 'I PuOvnîmce ofi Pekiîi nnut le mmstleil, mi te Biiitsh 1oqqs uns>' lave ta tusrcu theapilal, luefmmuamtIse ab,'tiimac'.'ofmiite Em, eillris-lil. TIse psmssoif. mm i î,ocm. mure "' ltidmis, ta lbecommuumereml as niiý ilitf,~ fille gs~ansd tIen thue Ft tmijl he iller ieuuhdiu'isîor min leui.,tt inclus' ririg 'uuumieima irculertholitem Bcitaunjc tNI "Iýih1tg aiiloiucing e ecapture ifi mi u,, Citie, Smletîn>'I'elingernael' onrhhmu iîliere le arriver] ou the bat mut Fehmmiar tIf.ii'imttiy Pult lustump ltthea vretcuil ior. ~tii heî Cîsneose coroarmal jmiik u'ie -ttid on saccemiafuill i>ntuil i porte, simd epiaitlsua eiliig fîcel>' I i itmcac apau nuis'ta utc e a guri Pl' yitemi I'Ie sail ofmmismaarticle iilthe jrices so e eating,îhaî itlhu ie)s t usation veseebo in d-iTecesît pli sie 5 ostgte fu thecrargoe. Tie pri SSIa, viii enable tire bon. crampan>'i 1tImi ose balimmi tIse xperesof airîe ci litetiemllie île mandarins i Canuton av nei hmgheel.O araehs urtaceecting fiurt kli"ur îe Inssekaaiilueir river; lime iihnîl-e lve atane or eosnlài baht hlMca asa g2eansdthse Sslt Jurn itihdi ie> huvere acminearbytlogur, n àlîr .As0île oxport mamie irons Cai i r e, i P oîtiliger lad deemide IR sîbOremi, andi lIe river helo, P lle n'laetrucem, upo etaIallaci, ' mîafus, hSo îlm,Iluteedta sor. c it alme rmmsoincd, as île Iter cee iîi î chta trust vitb tt 1 pien i'3'ia I-- 1Ilnot nosv ente -i negotiate wmlh the Einperm ?Cletmi, tsare TIen prepainn, in dil'm'i .Th'e 2dband l 4utMa3a a Nim subikihiil autisa 1311 ai Mardi t ri Ci tiras aI Mohihi- i g - B ~lu r-r