Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 29 Mar 1842, p. 2

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'I!aît ki*NG'lN.N HERALiXý-TUESUAY, MARCU *9, 184t. 1Il nelied noe pevacos bo aoug;lit tg '0il4c;;7h taret iOffiot Illea ,jJkcý'i lnp in vdUrary caSea--if Tmi ri t.uid tie ao, recaurst muet Le had ta the au. . 1idbelo. XAsuminrg Iis qianttty ta -le aultenî, argé 1 the pricerW "t aeal ta b. lt>s per owt. 2Mùlpar taý oeg ri IFr 4d par batliel, and ftlara haBitel vill? îrira, c fI Iba. of gond Cdean pulteil, ve muiRi ara-ur e, p-r weelk4lbo., or i f abusql 0( p- f aii Iii-, e4idper buthel. -2à -..fl1l<W ebr aIO1.tu wlocb muet.Ille eda WCr i f-r lAiging .ltiig rt*gMeetl 193 l tchl 3se li4d for filetl. a hoa.tra ,-,aril times theâe, but th.iy mibt ibe 'Il' still, thflre îbey are better--however bard.il i 1 S priteticable, and 1.4 at present and bas beenli lîeretfre practised iiy niany-tii.60tlide vii I ver-ve for. aîy aolher towll or plà.:lie.'a fot thie adi antLges of beîrag in -thie country'* asa raferriig to agriculteiral- busanea. CAP. U i. dll 'Ilarvestt Cliera îige n ad fartitrs -laÏf leip, aud iny imrmigant bas nov- feund a 0 4s. rer, wlio a-grees ta gïve im$@ doalrem ai il . abut for bW8 famiy, with lthepeivieg ofp fuel dr-ut tu thie ut. :rifan agrSomel cga l 7 raude, thit a certain SUU ur.B-a I me .-uatiofà iltpalor pttees b. receîvéd. iaLu u j Il,",,féeeing Rat bis employer'» bonge, it vil! b. 1, rt--tly ta the a4varitAge of the family. nlie 1 will îîuw bhcvenrue fIbert th" 'weuu. kt -ah. towli, but neoer mind, we wili manage te utake it 0ý, oni $61aRmntth, tilthe lit of ?Ila*a, 4 lacter tintes wil Ile.tnre; 'and it ImutD-Mi-. cilec',eed, there would b. no wo& k, and coà, qiienily nou pai' at ail ira tae'a diine*rg vur. site let ns.se 1o *e 're uet.Mnge'1- country, i-ta 86 a monti.t, t. fZe4-vn penffl %ne have put tiemai) il the Y, m iu.Litlh è'l WC corusotarently bave Ia rvie14lb.c<g 'rîeaf and 35 lbu.. oi 1otatàes leus peiîrbethon %%e laad z vO mu.tnow lay enrichies outitu pur- _hase.'35 1li soainiexli;wlhe-b tthe*vn. 1rce an; liefore will cote 1045aS9d a1wie«iWt baye 7o lb-,. I1i15 of a buslael of potatoca,. that wili riaquire le 71d, .îdd tath ie 4e 18ilmakcsi 6e 3>i-ive bave hovever no meUt gkanay, -o fuel tc, buy therSi sainie corain laiet:-but the ai iges only amaulit ta 7, sil ksae t gels. liie affly Sd left ta buy s-14,eop,.and tbtead: Tlîhr addle aire of tbeserthree, il auetimpor- tantla ice ard art explnsivee, wCcvief. there, are an nmay l bldreg tobe knptchen. a«MLii iwlbe otaparligr-«dar1ly tîinesd do--tbey Mut flot be allowed ta) acquire dirty babit-açior b. seeri dt-ty eiib',ýr ina ibeir clotiies or perLâoras, notb. ing will net amure uufavburably ta the future as w l an ta the preseut velfare cf tb. childrisen au 1veii asihe parents-and the por. ujtber will have bly far the largest share oaillusodiuoe. 1 do not tink 1 gcan dad a more appropriaie place ihan ilstu giafe me pactical ibitguctuçlkIi to ratve the expence of qoap. Whbcn the emigrant-keta into is hut 4n tbe couni ci, after putting maters a little ta rigbts, a-iba stopping up thre ciinki ira the walle witb roc s , whicba the eidren cant collect; metading th, roof a little, by putting Prme pier-es of batk % liere warter, if rhe brk viii runa-it not, soinge 1l'-ii!ixlî or spruce bou gli, idily fitted in. over- -apilag ai ther. uçil rake a tight roof; g et. tiai g t nd Fone fuel, that bis vue anil ebudrear '-'a' easly carry in, -heu ie le away a jolly big blic k log uon, wherever be Ibaves the boune. U tîaaîfix a place tu put hii aubes in, they muet lie takeîii ireat care of, aid bekept dry. lie Can eth.ý ir ocl [l' is asles for soap. or if-lie liees tro iir trai1 ive village stome lie roueigt. tibé»Iberr taa' ýpaiîiake is ri eoap; though tits' jr--a Ile aoan' business, andlbaltbeéreë 1,-ro ilîa ivielf ta bir-iSa Dow minirmesai. o il a lu, agiîd fwill endeauiir ta explai zaig tiaIhink, il î raalbe ,impasible fur 'u ai 4 10inarlietand mie very clegarlia. -t ins 4t;a-,Is tu b perforuaied very mach naore ealy ttaaîît elaryen or aary stt.nger te thie country ri n wûc-t angine :--açen ssmall quanrity can be Mne aia a large quantity t-a few .Idber.eol, aC .u1*itiater, it isigoiâtes eot wbat it is, it wiq a1 l .. .._kj boa aadspIcg t. litil. a tilt,.. îtât u ate I; lail rura ta one ppu th Jayf fhein Aîîrtor alruce b'.Ugbs at tbe borion t iaTlàW tie 4ctii rui) freely ; tirera put in theiinitiés. vet. t ig îiîem lîgbtly' aayou put them n.; llIItaoabaut tlriefourtbe t ie top :-poîur on bot water. latie t a tinte, as cil ucb e ili ink entaille aubes --caantince te do so, w ile yen avant- ye, -or i ieCoires of a pale r,Ilour,- *lben if yau want nure, oîu iîust repleraia. your * leaci' as@itie barrel or 'a s now tern.e i ale employed on titis sec- aae-Tlie lys ucicb ruraa ut belon', muet lb .iglt andI put mb toth kettle witb tli. bouel%_ &î auuj louai be kept boiling, with continuel .d.i ai on f Ie-aird vell atirred, until th& contece r i e kettie becorne tickisb and ôf a brigbt deep b îr lol ;-îben let a little, heoaccaaonally i -n out, and t ried witb wvater, tl wili1 answtr a.-a ts.elf, wben completeil ; a brisk ire and Care. ttu uirring, vill conuplete the operation ira a coi- pic 01 boucs. Soap and sugar, beirig cach, under presegi .:ini-stance@, but enailini quartity, tbev Ci Îleîaui tin lle saine kettle in wbich thie flodi tbut no saciasa bis ab bave accumiu a dorera or 15 blilil:<i will nit i1 a-îî-ve a Ilsl or tva for the ocap,) *.l ai-t turrore a Iettle front hise erplyer-stn the auu'g bides au befre directei-the 1l1 üei - i aled, and additions madRe contJranu aila the case af sugar mailing, till it, becoinii tiack, lîke black ii, imali piecggof beobi u aîmust accasioraally ho tbrown ina ta preveai liiag iler and vel an takingf a litileoui ia ida, it heconues lîke tiet egd,*lit is-ii e -.hiack salo," whicb at fronu 12à. 6& ta VU is.p a i . il as god as mrtoel ta puthse *bk-. au e, further ai, laid dawn one goldenrite,A ,: tid getii g ita deb, the ban. and courâeo il an' Iarlite who is go unfurliînatel nlu a .ac iiseli thererr-to this golden ilte tht ;a.Ay lacta teImiuigrasrt- ti, onee eeicep , oni; lie play take troinuthe stare-keeper. a t-" aiigaa keti le value about 5 dollars, tao epl fa aure asn n isr ber@. The lye mut et M elof :or~ a roanent, wbore cattle or children *cait ge tîîîay Ciiilbe inapprriale te gay efqiwvrWi unar raskîng ln ibis place-there Imayiho ý-i or noi ofisugur nialle,,nrear enougfi tatil il- iliat the clildren corîld convçqyieutly collec a 'ý0briuug bcinie the ssp,-îa îg apitte treef h aua-zt furnauub bîinuelf vith a apping' it l h a- blés lue and il ili cet Ir nt-l oi - -a tîithl. s ppitnigiron in his band, 'lei hin lklta tîcvothàt im been tappeil, ad bali "an spont stirking in i.-be- cwill leap, by.i trot prqof iinsîructuaramure in anec minaý llrem he ftewysbetecutyty eelded fer severai Yeats an the Coninent cd te proreed ta business, o i n boia b~Fi~ wCO4SBgi l ior'- .,- - une em-loehfor Iigher vhgoaibcrt-if lu ie IViI lea'n*unehin c ' ~ halla fEurope, vhere 1w coeeinuied surcessful)ylyeta aureitognive the autbority bY vbmch duy eY WND DmoIf UHer. & s il oit IJorrble Prit1lv- --- reeectaule employerW ltMa-osider Weil ho. cultivat. his kaovlegeoef Ancient Literature, & cresteli m uîterly refuse levyiug a-Y tszes. uiaril Gemruor Geei ofEl c is usAror à .1-aea- -- fore bc iRmaremice. an quittng i, beuause lhe te acqunare romglu aad perfect aeffiaitance Ail te peiser snt meaj- i ii Dat"ntke tlie d urca, 4T- . t rvi mere. a- 'm",Rialld lie crugea h Vsr ages elevhere-, vith several 'Mo&= Lngaes li ii b.u x otiervrie% nulsil tley arg cboseeby thse pent- MAV s-r ru lglrà a o EXCELLE-icy. VD s- c'gl... -- -. Y Né itaulil novwb ave lea kW live found whrhaemlma.vite inferior te oms ienh.eis, AMdbave theo-choice af theirr We, tho undeurs digneiabbtarits affiitue c:r siuligs a month. but-be nsgbt ilse te have a' in point cf SeharzbiN. teqaally dlctiffliahed evursit&er&Si ientt, blie-nceesirv nu. Irictet ai Viriaalig leau-e teapprouia yur eI . Ir'v,l~.~- i. pisee ofgrmandfor n ~ihb. c*u b r bghie lIiluv'raching, and tirai ander fltho ..Ii* WConeils may lb. for Lever Cannele.the - cellecy vîit an« ir a*eare coiigratalsrctis on~lv.t"1 , work fors eu r = e o Sd t il.m. a"eilstrnctue byvbom the èreont intredac. acste n corporatillg tfihiadefeated ils gr ovn I jrduc;our salc arrriai unibis colony, anid on the as- .' c --- ployers, a"éitaîf aM bua is --coning gimen t«q Session nf Qaeenn Colege andencpne et stlproved nuit and vaxil by iftailtitg surapilan ofthe important dutios "i yaaur lagh iisivr le ii et tee-tUai 'fOsll eft garannit ,10 Icd, s'11«infactory praof vill lhe aflhrde.J te e nmttriyta epa 1e coiud nt &c- officIi voulilie greuispamas ira us ta auiý- Flv'iaoe ' i- lie ready for P.Jlqm- t i eflittle use *ê!iOfbe iuIuon. und c~î~~g ventdge aaainviing antdefficientlMu-igiet fis lne 4i policy vhiîr-h e volildesare t,-,c if tuinot-te ue sd se f rteeider ciii.tae upport, that tbey viii Dat b.iedijip'ne gnicipulCu>uDcdIE t4 ymuet asp rinratite pco... ~Exceilemtcy tapureue in the administratiou "ia-u- & en' sily-phata ck i ltse bous-tsa lhoà.tbent rpctian à d gest mat~adpei" t e overunentt birntae. fcuuar--tt £haliez foutr ouple.days vorh, et eighî boru telity te t opublic et large-4bcii. O leepitie.juiei i.eeta ~dnteadyuEcloc~~j.ao ra ", bi.. wprlmp;tý,tejsieinfleewi eeotamieary- pr v un li c tle Re-ief ga.a -uàa day. eqirni a 32 battreho viii havepaaatcd B -cassesuami he repeai of thse a" due the << b t aue ofparty hetatie i cr rcu *beaecre ta iruc hbelsbemtecn b. lit ma md Set Zen- - :MrrsAy MOVavr-Nirs-Wc e et tby a pecial Conseil à 9. illâ atbaseaing taxe- lnoam aire aduhî,,nit'- lie nay dariag tlin.penie rimse allit rtttivaîe a fécetit arrsngemuetthe 4tRgmntsau-ten 1 dresa h.tu a-ae en-e*-o i.dt nt itscolacy iq tad nditen-nior and Rishgs en- eos, onscas; patpis, Ill, cd- libi"Garriioca, làe t.bu relieved early mn lb. da deeterves support fr- th lite icOri tironitaceerdance viitt thseWal un&ârstod princmplqrd m nena îk unR On a tte lurip seuil-euery là1th helpe Bpring, not by the 23d Fumilierou frîneMetreal, ont tête Proice. of the British Constitution. -,~igpstle.viirqir cciiaa lcini s funinry eentioeed, but by the Oti Regimeat Telbbtneo hi itithv « &o tteiàpaToisetiam#Sitainviichif hci.front Aaibeatburgh. 1vilathe onhtit sat biistict, bu-cExcel- 11M 1:1,1inlu ira'- mu-land t.rléfaliedom Icauj0= cmAI mageuo , - 14unerOtvay AlaitCapti. Glasgdv cf CeoeÀnou NoTrt-The Kintgstone CorP& vt1 b Inheateb aieatoay al zcait- ca e," -ts i% t,, -e -i muton have ust isued notor debentnre,play- oscfut re District, ani grarefuliy accept tr oiin a- .b ue~a i aiae, 10par ét4ieve iii have 80 tbueimla of ceed ta Laver Canada. Tissusgaimnt offiaersable ta b arm ne year llr itsvith len cy'srmeaplitaîobfiletee-e jstie sudbi'-boulvarydeusr, Cîît.r PlttoOsWh"Ittltta cre, at the polent rm ôr bbeau clong unit<aermby mn in this Gar- ilu aeeordaffccvith an Ac prurdit lt Deena- umpaailyonthe pantcf your Excelieney loi0 r uaeMr. M!i'Kesa a u tý s 7~ ~ ~~-s ab awl I.int acvtoe jear, idaltae risen for thoir gentesaniy and uurbane del:ort- ber, Wferls .parpase of continaiug l.iarv.ail parties, vithout trnceepeu at dieseesueni, ried te t ounuI u f, e(istI iede'o.~<pi, e . auitf adc m antad eodier!y quelitie@, aui velfeel ua-. ýmnt of the Tovn. Tb. notresare cf t bciv blupn slidree.ensc ua se laves. O ia a 1 tart-u sra aotarApril of lte year 1844. and Ibire %cd dtte7 vilI carry wvîbt lent thc emin soua n o h eolan h hewèathl,, vil-becnoup,~ oeptinîilOeci.rb.tt d goadvwishes cf ail classes cf tecmua m"tho frma tvodollapssumita- ' ts bcontinu oaicfhpoleadtAdmteiurafîte lat ar a-, viii aoac future prcepenity of tue Province. AdiÙ11 h Siui,10,ita -u b. eceary tagive in aeopefbùiti ltpMajor Otvay'e veai, and lte untiring cnqr- tiful vignette giviag a vilvscofKingston laDei mrsudvh b avcieIa lt lji nàîn i.ebst cf-~~~eel irm'ajn.aui b.vit'thlledthe'Reonacictioryn igas bythe l(SyiHosnialean th Naa vibviiburatblatîcyarblis i ar aeinteeceisaf his Cony are identical vitb thffl Si' Ioîalphn ý or aamy Buma Waz.u-. ti emte bperfct lte discipline and et- Neyvr nd sel rener, sud Sealed with tlu. o f Graf Entain, ve casu"atdaubit tat uur nev tbe arasa or muale b the lr cf hiey a mte'y vdli novnaa ~ portinsei Tc sn uiltttd é et uti o n n thallec priutciples whtb atahmtireyw,ýg% elae aive thewillf Ef4s L - Prm e " hein leliitit-itemeli a fn ugive effiiency te reprmentative insti DCI',but île cgrIIIs,I ah. -he Wh n7ý Ï9110 bine. te.181 Te etwn o h 3 Iiuadrswl otionse,tunt tendmaterly teastrengtbethe ionrvelumeas th",- pltî M a'a -evmg projsetha leet o f £50% w u lirce tbat crdery ail excellent corps, the a4 d. b the c ttni [ncorisoratio e «ature, aiy bonds of sttachmenulta te emuimer tSuntry; mnd *very vue bcuiug r"olit ruedribto becausé tise a vitnesè MIi'. nur Major Wright mi Fart llenry.-(Cs & u.c.ato htsr ntccci&Jc .bgeVais'meutyo.'Eacellency tha we umentta muralanrdedaaîîr., GoronaiA minta.ailand Sir Matthw, 'jet. ý9- cbb.reenete é cl luin» c4oeabi but ttat the viebes i(theaso hecrii.ti1- -i Ilicy, bidneut »en Wbmer u ribe ber ns.. :Y1, . a -!-l-'Towninutanticipatioofmin eeu altitaugb @e ilormed ltent that.il- via ber - - W.e derstanditl. je eitentiont of HiaEFAeI. vithin lv. yo.rue at mter eccit huDsano *M»m pep l mi expund tvug ieu sveuu a il. culttytroiim i,r e- viiit. sudRstatflsic esignature la-be heri. - lonciy iCharte& Bag« e e hmrly te pap md.- BIy tese notà theCouiubb-r gOi Exceieny's Goverann. - a fe Ini îe - ~~~~~.icîit la Toronto. aiter vbicL b lei'nce= 1 MM oo f the public, andl tin, ates, sceecimeifea Wit tese vieva t edcieclurge vu siucerély The ansuier Le- caaa~ Anarder in nsertedin la riday's Gavtte tea Montremand Queitcc, and prcitablyexteild idgeeeraIunilsof the-Towayanms-e ct tustitattbrougiheMbliiug of Divine' Provu- iD Jami hcibcaea,, , -- theflloingalesio nl ltury..Wte w--excursion te Hlaifax,viitb. heviev aofnmeetng juPxciec m . abcl iyteGuru, ie ~ ~ a» eser tbe cai Fmmiiy in appointeil tlob. partie.- ttore, Lady Bagta ssi fainily, vboese arrivai e suem *t.accsue. Tieeasrity lin pkueýa"doue orEclet xyleea-d yteGû,roteDk lariy prayed for bbe following font and e#isr expeced,teve hlieve, ionttin the tmonti fth ie noiese viii hoea camveienco te tise-puhteu__md ofIna isa.nd utimea utrcf.tachsstet nt o e ima, ruiraîau DOeri h bereil i :Albucer P ie y.-ib.- ebi usta the Corporation. W. coly b.eetlt ritisb institutions viticitvvn bave ever chernsh- ltaytîAn giceruîîra"i as rh:a-i, Walae, lb.drine R ol AiertPrmen df1te Oriler ilut oncil, autbonizing the impfeècn ai - r oet ceaducive Ie the improvemeat and groes 1Radrou eau"a Wmle, ami ai lieRoya Faniiy" - allnewe *of the- - communceal, us lie bibise ai'eau unp- lhaplaem0 h epi fttsPovne Re Bct.h gpriuaeau*i a 1 A legion of cela, subeidized et the_________________________taking topuy ainder m"Tefroeoi.«4@W y1 .Da-e' ltur Ii' At eon£0a.ica ou , as I& et et tnpiaai eTht te -rtr______mae:_n_________apitueo_15_dhe_________t of ~abrine's Dock.1 Loation.ta guar is e sagaersorn,'uvnTaua u . thai as Tn.-Taten li e e al ors" ofpiremual a ede si Sou il ititaiVe -f hu fran thIe immense destruction eau"dby rtél. ofaitise Commuon Conneil aiready adpW.,-ad the Distrct, vas prose" ta Hi& EÉeTigir PlAira Via0.1 -ae, Tvalnt ae. pae avi pn niIéR The QueRac c GazeLofaitheo lIt i mt, con- vbicb bu been orsad by lie Treusurer n seal the S ur Carow a--nge dbpufvntn itfiaotaia ":a lien,. ~~~~taluts a second letter fio entlb.cectore of Que- the Debentures issuentier theosautity ia yl.floigitiuain s: Jne l-Hall. Thie Etaquare raa'*'0tPLu- Pbecnr ToeMuthe-Amnchneinds-tiss t lrougiotanthe Prvinee a- Act of the Councii.--passed ci tish~I~e M 11011 W Dar Moie, ,Joli os.med e-t cui -1 -d )t ANT(or T i ant toubusmachie ben tanp I uli etigthdo is fbis*ber ]ast, ie adoptaid as the Seal af the <a Conpe.Taigrt, lsttrc Denike, and Gdeon Turner, tue iiutans b iCl~î a i ou)in about te C erected i leon of ]de. companied vitit a copy ai a petition tethe i. noat Lth rv-fKngln"adta t mlesqties, ta viich H ifie xetny e p ieusag 0f alirciat î a- u oititse-ipresioncf it on ail nateor debenturceisstaed tma.lefhoig rtFLyînthg reply. I Nelsoi's quarries at Woiodiide, Glasgov. TRie brandhes cf th. Legieiatare. Thirafis-stloer by the Cauncil i les el ta -boaes alid o f satrirsang muae Un nie aau amu.sg90a Ilte h. machine rougi as tb.y conselad for is chief abject te cauiattention te-tise ad obligatory us if i na w ax or other CdhobGe. ' uaae uîiu or îîe "ror-i lesIh, t eufppochoi_________ fl urymnàpkadcisctpla-1a1i receive iii mch satisfactioni four ou- cmlt laiaaa a w'CaIan ed auhlar on athe surface, sud cul parallel sud ga urattaiet atc isihtormrfGre oùuruia teqarymn' ikmdcoarrivait bg eealeiitin adbese uhtne. -antsudea lt ies m1ipeardfr i ul-citllttrbs pcalrfrec e ui ae-Y et, anil thsuai un etepense o mot more tiaa- tuons as may becamno neceseary by TeOfiilGaet cttis rcliitonBmai. pesueiattt ertmtuec-at s miîaiua pertcct c-uba due bad is seml hvn acpes ffcarecnî eituer proroguing lie Provincial Pariantent te10 touent ia ieuttîttetet*nnn,, fba%I In and I. l'ourtiu of uoc uneby bnl.Tepensent A- ' s'avig an-i dofice uateliarate ol marlbirie ic calculateitdt aiewovo f 250 men, ---the lrR of Miay, but aot flenfor the despatcit presscd by me ou ansser te a former auidreus, & Cl .- reckann bila i outs vork af everi ten. ierve aj longer. of aibusiness. the determiu nwih1bvhmannu aliîytuBuchrananu, on Janma-'es .I . ol l administer tic Goves-uent wl marilt arousei rîeegu vr g--ad Tire macinca ý1 m been coittructeil by 1Mesocs. TRie immiediate designa of et'audressesis TeGzteas etieaPolmto i.ë-l li ei l P'. W. M0arie and C, ergieers. Scotlannr ta baveinembers electesi to the Assembly -vo TeGzLeas otisaPalmtc m.and viliaut reference lu petidimsensiuus or par. paliers al slnIIa.aac !aar ,ru stret, Tradeston. Tise mchine. viitheliperi- arm opposeil ta tise Act re.unitiag teCanadas. ya irMaet' sn eib A ole t isiciuetvtiju iin nl pîo rdia- ue-ruacnituc.a ul. rmentirig and [ptents. bas coat £1,00)0, aitisougb 0f thie Acitishe leiber says : "The gpeat uaon., guhate tise Inspection of Fleur sud Mcs"-the vral. Yeu may b. assuredt@hall endeavor fcie knawie'Ige aùac-cf i~a t ae macines othe came mizle cara »wvbu madRe t- e tr iuagau i i rvne"Act te incorporelle tRie Quehoc Beard of l'rrIe te cl ap te thcecsentiments- mnd 1Ilf od oltai h ieilai -kl.a tau' a '~ -'t~ tif the "At ta reubate tse insection i jeeident tiaI tay eadeavore wil ho suppoteul Ri s, etnenroudl'i .rel-,u for rnethird oai htia ura, and smaîer cne@ pro- saciste elbyiorhet gentout file oftLProvicepu-t&e a Actteaieuamuithartîpeasota t Beeuerteiland orrtrtbIV aaai -portionabRy cbeapr-[PracticaI Mecisanle. of Laver Canada, at the lais germerai lerqton, adPtt - h Att aroaeteMnr.a vnewSlyt u ils Criallra anud - aia --iau id i i - Reclus--célardthir dîsapprobattiaut of use re-ian Ct ok-b A a nopncb an-hie ProvinceistacsoloyaIlle IuL a l. On Moarday tast a hirunho f meu tiwre stet a d nlhcpoisasRrglr e al Sourd of Trade'-and lie " Ac t tregulato attachient ta tic pnunciples of thse Britisb Con-autpaysa u raim ua 5 uork on the St. Lawrence ttire Long Salt can- poiion eoayt h l Re- hetaking off csurities in .al offices in respect clitution bavohbeen ea ofteiupravuid. TIsaiDivine soitcle aite'iaaa-ieai- - viereMNr.Jaunes Harvey bas talion theocottract, a.rg sas piieeb nhsigO ierof vRieii.soecrity ougit ta b.e gise, miii for Poidn ainyoabl 10 .prCeai ircîi thtiit be completian of Iis great Provintcial repreaentatives, previcus te thoir avwingc i ai suh ecs î ev nuefi to Lbir hi~ai 'à ftRie paillf er Ma. cinery -Asiacir reatie uamaaul--uu '0 voctn te n,- ofai ser ffiesite erent sty's Dmniniansîi jtirait ledntFat txiato ucrdm Orsoaagli 't a r;udtknlshacta - nprogres-[,Cornwmll ing ino thie engagement ta selicit lte repeultué uisti'o~biggve iii im ryr mi l~ ol tepTL,' ? uscbîuerlra epd "n-tri- g- aýI., it Observer. - amendement af thse raid Act, witb -b> .o te.ofulta seit n«lie nggai sut1 iia.9wtianpryer; n 1"Li Ile'ci luyr o uarertthegacataablyamu a vies ns as tureell ilm U1 héab' petrstring onieuf thilaU 'Ii- lta objectà hofore meutianed." AuR it len id ttthi enrsredfrHrMfsyesutîaC tl leeîiet. - tuntly movîîugaaumrua-,ii'ii > Reltoi Wanden'é tiliumuicati.oe trais- -Out ai a population cf 511 919, aceoanig tathe clone ai tie Iste cersion4f tise ]provincial'the.îoIIowiag resolu .tienseWvern unanuncaly passeson the rirta-g aii.ýûr a. îiia- 7y ntnitin eatcgvrmutti paednsa iecnus oi 1831. onîy 44,M27deciâdi by a L~btr.pasmalet tise Dîstrigt Mgeing butda AIW Uclei h iîaaIaelas ata av District Conseil it vaiatio,'te the. appoetmeutotetAt"r tonyGnrlOgin oetr-ee nte1t à,Ia he oetxa5 fLninaVr eI, sidi ;ý t of 'Àndrew- N. Buncl, Esq.au reeurer if li. mua3rty,'nlu&-favrats c. ---- - traiD unoee neralOdosUallH.meye. ai e 915 It.,a hiit moe au60f us' e urear yra aiiçaa.' uAIM4a -Dstrict. The letter filon complairai ttisteai.atitogi tea, andG.. 3abseo.atsq . . H u1t spc", iedbimtsc UD.titla- ireaiabl eýuted ai c r aie tius4' , *- itd .W.Wika;=M.,_e, ir - ' edteln-algo.admamdsculll-fi î KinguoU~9& iffilms2, deisred remetathlb.iT Wur ý eccu- Contact s- sssj.)- - M.JL .I~Li.n . b ler niw anut i ts'ili a. Szi4-1 a1mn o.mafaealby thse oovrr Qell- sov e uno tan c m e to ymdiug).Seeedi thuetreiarkable canapound. bsMeae oral teaucknovledge the receipt of jour ue cebs t bania ts etl eca ditusuchcA teyn as as hoeoasIidsbenD AMa e.r niiltmnn tels psa te1tintnecoigteCp f esu expression cf a bojie," li anaver tote cGuiveru- vi l.uprCad cunicsuecf mn iteu. iiatas et soures eeigexhibiied thte power of the li-s- rueat lie on tioteunuuiatenienîoCpja slt-l District Coiciorof .pz i'o. ll rominin btue ciy a tele çuy,, à tior adpte byticDisric Concî cftir Di-- c's apeiut Specb tht jstio vuli be lnclai' purpos.maae thein report publieIltest agaicat the proceediageot the fermer alget- vise the diIettat tctala îeb~P £trict f o! uinotown on tise mtion cf . R;Cdowsu taetise coiu ts-j auan ntament te that elR'ct huit.-0_Cali__________F , s.pailmg tat Hic Excellerr 9lidirect an- ing hoon uted down by a majarity aiof 0against iughieldat the Ceuat.liousenceSaturiay tRie Hall, andl maie up nier Oria Parai a t llvsigt at toC ei h-rg_ e lght q3itnet 25,aof vbom.,it is saisi,10Ohld office diunnLýpue isNvavi-ieamer my Ol- 19hoftFebtuazy instant,. and day tbant thre ses. contentiag iiemielara vlaui La Ms.A. .Bel vi a ently appiinted mure, 0 aere returned by violence and fim,. éterezi, left Ibis port yesterday mesllàgi. fer tiseents containedirl iate aidreselt Hie Excel- sketch." 'r Troasureroatie District. clireentn, antd 12 bavaibaW offices Ruring pIeu. Plieseotî. Tise Brecrt.krtie ctier boul ofthele cy the Govrner Genteral, viab.vu preen- A hrtit -fasir'< In epl, 1amte nfti en hatin nsvertQ ur sice.doi t bae benadapiud at the salid meeting. Asottnesince iar*1,ýl )ean adilree ith eesaine pu ce In'certain in. The ietter vould bave liea mare sat"eoyrvrdlylnwl o triotl*oali et hn te mactes-ofy < martu w ind tle BsipONo;eýl h. abiants orailthrî istic, iisExeloncy bu, ai- iit hlb eemmore explicit, and lb.dtnameitRie coWtrant commences, vbicb viRi b., v. b.iieve, ftle lilowin reaan,-Bêtausé IHenry r-5lit.be M i- eldy declinaed ta inititute-an iaqiyi'j m Mr. mouiller -vIntare snid ta bave u'ccivel-omiice oa the lOti cf April. -- mî sq, ïe chimitaWhittle condutct on ,bR1 ync, amndlv saillo ilali atdlaC a a ta Bueil'e pust conudut, hecause in the abeence oi sinonethoen. W. suspect iat mort af tiseir oS. - Thoesteamer Pirmo enaRyel Ç5 aiverUtie a ccasioa vas nmort rep.ehorasible) aftouPe onent- rsieta ira Qucl.aec, uiialitciitua II aay charge, againat Ibleu lu Sic officiai capacitycin will lhe found t bt vry. rsimlcie anrRev Trotefe'Ktgte hi eeueg mdimgiét5 atCeooui iecoilà& ial, ifert Handclirc ueliica.- i Hie Erceilerîcy 1"cua nover consent te subjet l ihalau elr It muet aisealie reib.tr- rtr ri igtnt aat nTtrdyiving a;poialed une person frouai earia parîy l ryng lmtîacaniai -- ti general and retrcepectiu-e invsetigation mi thatsessorai members vere oppoced te one eJ1,,evte e ui c oteadrse fio'um unda til - -- W h4cblisrequeste, the conduct utany public Oi. part f the ne-umien A c, (ilte Civil List) but e ei g. Cabin passage, 8; deckrpassai. 1,;4. tien rosi! to the îneeimg,- -id neveribeese va' To Il,, E.re -Xleii (i u Ib.'d Licer ln ibiscolauntrv" -wbo dd ot dosai texplediertte eek theorepemi Ve preeumne thisa4paarce of r' nithe frc is cate theochair b.furethearaid votes fur and a- "iP/s&d,4~-~ Oi tiis groani lherefore, Hic Excele". ofaihlictdIatgether. Ira tact, ta obtain usich àmont intended te bÇperanet, ut fer bfor gaile et tile- aduress tiserapretendeil ta have been MTtrFES Rl it Isould ted boitatedecline a compliance vit repent wses éisely aut ai-lie questiona, and tbhe rZ p éim i. s opîtd,-Il rai dvere couned.-aitd duR lige thie mid MvSTiLtAE!ilttcai LEî%Cy. ithe reslartion rf the Counicih, but vere tfielin - »attempt vwu arly a spedimen oi an extwm i'g ýgwt.p ni h ln rcm e .*I eaddrees as chairnmal ele *viug theieh&! 'iranil W the uiii-ciinc'd Cicra,. iatia i, jection rentraed, lie vould till b. unable la nc. prmnetetaspend tiîr trenot i wtit dsge, ar ndrtn, cflefr otm bloetenubr- vts at sat va.' m iizn fQule-he ri a-celle te their desiro, becauao tbc discussion ai unattainaibe. Montreal andl Toronto saaib.iereiluei tiae. Moved by ». F.. Dasy. Euq, Secuirdesiiy proiah >orExcellitac i is -1îI. >t l~'b mtie iasDitrltCuaiippercabna On smclher importat point tfiltter y adollars upn tise villte; fialei, anc dollar km r. p1Jae'Jurie ifrepr,eetip'i ne'iaur ELia beteli etonyinonitet itfie oalPr.ir .= That lie prcemnt meeting bave eh..ta- frteIsifu- %-it ku ra . etony uscnastntviia-ih Rjul r lut c alloged il artitions preislentdtlte ritwleea Montreantad tb. Lseding; on. dollar »r ubIninto b masue y tRi 'r he es uu r oonfaat6w a rid rugtvbut t variance viii the pavsoe of chesessian ai thte Legiebstive Aseîbj i .ve .LnisudKogrt;iR e Oagprve taaadigna tflentpmassifs ullary ~te;ram r d-ne C.ucls Rfad limiteR by tic Statute, 4 coaties, contaiming 1231748 seulis, ba-hel reprdKngtne-deeOrnepat eobel lmoar-iaôri i h rctcei k- nefr F i ri & 5, Vie. Cbsp. la. sentatives impmed on flti by violence; andi it b.tveen Kingston and Toronto..Bocidoe thte a the sauR meeting, by bums-ying an tIse praceed- o isîiaaePîr ilrifhra is 1bave the o ocita bu. in aotariosfe t tthe electice oci le, meauber h3asts viici for e daiIy lins an tise als, the.ange beotoete iuhabittsecutld arrive ffrie'ia~suaîî k- Sifor tie poplutioscillez of MontrentanmaiQueben, ZNiagara., Prince» Royal, mardCity ofT'ror lied, caun ftrbuvn een dot"a nby c- i ami - aWpr@ e c raîsr ofbut egu Duha a vpaa foupon thée publiccnai "îibe priatoicvl iainiii îis~all5 ut S. R. HARRISON, Gaverumnent, ifrncbileing lie naajority of-te M. el h e bas.chas, sd the Cmoour, ilBaar cter- uiuStsiimetn- i udaevetio u a ion ta lS li a n The Hau. W. Moire, &c. &c. irc. elesa.l rt h I eogradteCaor.s."ar fterprtsn tri meigwmà ai lav eeR.pnesf, ie er -..,a On tiispoint tb. letter hardeil Rasjustice ta intended te rua htveeKingston & amieton, readysigneR tb. mUdrets tram lb.e tcvn o e- wecnhdl livtlalu 1 TRI: Sxsot.-Tb. Upper Canada papens alI the Has, ai Asembly, viici puenaudAblîlta calling eaI tie Americas porte.l.- lgaulevîl a thevievsoi t~ mlPsiy ai the la>ia;t cn -be c haricalaile't«if', (0 speal ai the cpemîsmg of the navigatian pigurepair thie egient ai the petitioners, b Xed ylb.cuad by lb Ha, '%Pe-E tes s oeé by Jaie ayFalu, ,q ()ltac- saZ sea RCauu i ,'ia~u ai tact. At Quebeit, -23rd March. the uer the iime fr maling gond "rthei egatiesi; isa basbeconne part ovener. rthe vie)al4o" Caucilile, Titulov). Becandeil by Mn. -lis.- Ihougziltoe bea dau atch aptc ve a.momeer vas dava titis moraltlise ero tsud lb. lias anov pledged taiitaire inte hti iI te largo ieds of nev ts c fermiRaun ftle St l. le-thoeallegatiansetaIils next itting. 'riaI bil boutsas-cm in excellent erder, amdiii liappatesl.CisM bind, ate ari a p1reiiaîmcii'll IIa'Iat rence, and thore lene@il about four test ocillira faileil, but let tie hiame fait arvorae it indès. 'rie -Steamer NVelccmmeucesiber t * bo. ieled.'riai tbough lit toy appear cobec- %ai o'ld secir i- unreduAsisutietaIII on tbeground. We viiatha ur Upper.Ca,,On thic charge ai these unjuet eieetiaeu -the Ieat-ep m i c nw hu.!~at ouI ai place inuàmeetling ftin liaif ve, theViolastion cfevcny law î- eaIrn o-aiRa friends coutl Rget au Actr...l téB.electcre cf Lutter Canada bave gond it4 ai n re otar 1and evning caay;l u se oal searat vi fls isicgt et&0ne iait tish Paliainent teallaie tise li at tg ocomplaint, and lmau.in viicit the ic sus. - -efl Weslmtfetonri .r ff couuatrme. Ilmigit hoîjinu te psy iheirDable, tain" Rby lb.s Upper Province. Until tieïr It le probable tiaat tb. propeller bratéalindignation aud iR laguel ut Ib. ufinaer d'huaailr*. a.Ir liresmnhtian ilI arryeuailepunordc lit--theylate ~~ I M' 1qi . e s dubuit enstier .iN rî ,et sud support " Responsilt cGovernmerat.'" charges a-e horougiîy exantined undirl lis, schooiners ÇCP nemI lb. lut.grs hieses U lODy.Inn ___the________-f_ simdfer tis tbrmvte the vi,dicaitîutofaitimu [QuebeeCGasete- - provred, ice eaipto sleta hj r oese.ais rde h.taelngb tuvIeg itrcam'mridvldauc ts >meeiiiamasît snlol ide ~~or h tu; for flie accuelliparty hauitlamr o. n e ouce thetravelling__ - - 1 - psstr",nty h aninpeio vas 501 he.a ýJi. Ç Aiotebtera I.mWii f a- Inuftis- bnifnotice viich ve lut va-eîok fira. xantimation, beus-yiug a cenamciueese i f ,,ïmh avearyb.en km Mprsson vnsek lat ýA bt efet. rlfutl 1ue lierecent epeni mg et Quuens Coîbege m in, . gansd a greut aaxioîy ta escapo pundebel.nL jé l cnnae ,ib colneyed ltai êe em fthise a ti t îlq petion, aal ad-lrruscib b Dai place, we pro*u;ed in a future nunrier te éBelé- The petilion in connexian viti ti jta uite. às m'Amidu grenat iunlb. Uuited SWOW --à«-a 'altià t t- Càft" 8 thentunte ie lit oepatiepàlny ttheIieaied G iîlmemu via pfis relief fronsthtie ordnace p l> égoae ithbareming ici gâist fi td"ljISA ENK. le vs o liiittlîcîi nîhavesesheusappointl ta supéenthel.- cin"- ipca oic evea itfietlesy=,Î.,I - 19AACWuitingtoo01,n-oçtheet jfl t - ilion ai yeutIs in the infantInstitution, anam uRtu amisers:-milalinsagIcis a i" muno aliel eplyo a is dtcusge-n ltpisamnî' er aan ieerass i oy.pensm-ahave bleu allovoif te charge lte Go. BellevilIsFehu 1%silut C-q~ia~P rs iadaties vicia bave devulved open liem. h 'cIt v ue utgeaic aplan esmuent 018 per bushel fur core. M28 icmabi NKuî:rai. Fb aC mbe-recolleced bytice Who baiebtaken thepeine l"ii adtateendnne r ee~ 1pe"ra-eodorvea, 02M3 fer .ubimj"a An eeimpt nW»s sade I ta etofre te tta1 Ga Nruu Wil fart" tpreeleRoyal Chastes-, titl -pr-,sasy r epeluolamIb te atheilcenta. iaggomi, md 860000for tise laire c a Stea.- Lamhtae emie on @ýe1iari Il.,ht Fea-tgr t-1, 'u .id die ' ,lat igeoe. ien llw etmtetrealu ant-, .~<mroteiis ut ser vier;i la si sesPonscDM &t'theq ecoalisemuet b l5 tw eaAnsi"tisemoveuieltf - seb in tIsaI case rst ~saggseves-cly fait by aIl ciaffl tuiî~lcmnar merth e cmail I gns 'eyeb criued un tise Sabisali Cr ttyllcib possibletiiisp w vw the attendauice of the I ladsbig, s, on liai day ; in ai r sitte ervitsces avé tata"&i tenIb e p ek W Inay, and sh vjie.U BOd ibis peint Hua tW it dbe mmuneta c d cn iSeiittobsesrvance. 1 i ln asreiiilmnour imeet ciei a .DALY, &tnaci g.lEltigte W W. S. Seweli, Esq. ~petioe eipliiud of by the -uapm, b eaiiraly discret . Incostrveniètraeei yet a t5e ffl nOfce autitonriie i th lisn ie tlme devaeon allauit ke e ment. %%r incta fb aer persone laauhd c itiallimolgi reeeing cepenred ul ence, rooba. Na ce SUeiiday sftercotu-.-4J &W~é lilaleuparlent of lthe 1t àtwl stahir Dneyefirni chimie. de arai n the Deli Vie hbuasc race o n (teese).Iegise t l2N 9 ofa - rer stae%.liat tb.n b lui0t Mi 2» ni ifvemhor, Ii wsquiet, ac fsaie.d pslty machsau aI thse lst Pr cracher # s ttl@ h aRlpapers ta ien27111. but vie baseaue tt visDo ermitu in eauricîs. oyaneS aquadrea asasidi mUthe Nei expected Ar maie. FAgg &,.ar lleeesatai Macào, Nuw. ol tint affaire la China are iraILa more W itPrecatioue matte titan fsr, if lipos ,spinions ber s a lic herestait or hraduii Ibis asioter are avarueilandc samupossie; Sud fête eue cami tell s ,lium il. usîsicaagenetfrS"anî tRut treille emrîrmpwssi Iis vtili, and yet seuil ussligent ai tics Englisit mercis, imrieil letters frangeyouu expres iruilei opinion lii ntio earrivai ni isieger, icleiseexpecied thersofrotte in irneeor four seels, viii demaraien tir the violation ai tic lentminty. gmve liecilities viii recomnmence. Tlh mtesoafeartiis.se tiet affluer il declagredi it hepublicntaiication, 1 rîou ifacoasmercial nature viii ta interfère in su y masures titai n it espeRlent laeaopt. isluntte ta relate ai theî etale of lisea aaaa t wlat you aviii lied ira the pal kb baie reques-ted NIr. N. tri seni yîîu f liii lrîper ta eay that the ilpreu reanîrsn'fth tisai tetic uglieh pien vilprsliabiy require mure exten Asgui liasthClujaeee. thara viuld êt sccep:sd a i'ear ag4iu andu; wiotrid net ietacting t varmuu'e freunith. ana a c Vsenaieur tetire East. if bavrczu.ik W tu be e vinuIsle exprrisseof tte 1 aiaidetamed the poseessun or An unOatler importams escf iraua adertioir e um octlOn-Uni c Wltlier tige priraciple ocitsiaiming a a ait natioss ould-»nliteah dred It mm t e lie regret - lit tisai our Gava ie sagent in liiiquarte. à"d ea p esiaruaimer hic station, wvile La are lîkly te b.ie mgi, visicla II jea t.e duuatnianne of aur extent tils Commerce viit china., lr-isthe csIm eaig ir, N.ML-U * le. m'a. plerpotenriary bua Possiee rdems'sbaili berracles Aie'âgefatalex Trainne lait yearoisic n ofwholesc Fac lie tropeiow a ndl the pu bu ban exporade ia smrakiaug ru '-~g hnteasl aie"eng aéelter n su ire ta figtouer btdes i la AA rack, tender tice se~l '-i ei lai ,fîbe curnaasiat = i21: rt i nufetr, as %ne bave been ourlent numîjer «-&e pub'ied, infomcd tiret the greatesi paru ciuthing andl ruardusasi eîrecfor onwern eta li laurd, verem iii il-fuakilNerbudja. k wma timi tY t', crail iafarihei'endaivre gaPly. Tie FrankfielJemndLa IB rive hee nager]mihy the se: alirer as transporte tera spply d » the Ailmevie,.. dhcbredý Pons ai trocips, net ecumi.., m5usrpirted th irs risl ender rluuy, lthe second for Choeum ?u, nse es M a«. OSitais,5lm An",, ulive frena lie ceesa euter btuig auuy ceai iras. Auny aie Chu reP'ý h!arviug "een a brig o ar s t1 L jedelit e ntry at the Pq, MA 8 steaer upuandtubp tire 41hce . report ai p ait, "5bea ei ean q«acffu, 0th ticd, sucd hlui M ittb.e ortIsvard a "1000- 1 taLln., Coa lu-g h iecmona ecroise te en 11nronpt Cài;,ejsls e ibmhtiu. ag mmiuwas.t JAriv -thedey hefarg yeste, CLaî, e e thic,.,W. buge Lea l eenemiead l u ai,. hebe au ols a&eis - ~. ~ict-

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