CANADIAN JOTJRNALPOLITICAL, AGRICULTLJJAL,&. COMME~RCIAL. EÎu6to KINGSTON, CANADA,- TU1£SDAY, MARCH 29,14.N 0 ïï aDiESw COMPANION; Opus NaTto,<..Msm Two EL- ,~tL PLATES lis EVERY NUKDES, P ",oFAMatloNSaETC- TRS pataiAZàYAIa aN AOVAMcLTwo 09at FiM£t OLLARS 13 ADVA!iCE. IllDk'COMPANION, in publiéi- l lly'i ie aity cf New.-York., andi aji pope ar favo, after air ayvesr-iogined euth unfattg 0 Wj~ulit-adurned aith a beau- P' peal excuioma cich prowsly ilM"iiiandi with eongravinguipro- nstance, exprely for thse cork, ce« ioftho tsujct-.e.èrich- M fthashiouabie and popular mu- wW, in ail ils departtieute, vida p <osGr ur "t.excelierece lun dte roit poilar, renowned andi tai.. ourafwhch out own country or Etng-i jt j b>' no e ans an unwarrant- ~sîaila 1 to lair fer the Ladies' the~ prililileeVtion f being a :tan.- whajealous cya tthla e ner ofA. LAr:r, ias wai as, tue ei.lumormt, it ntauoiflhproP;reîr ut tiei. Ionm ý.u~t'ered by priipleas ofthtes ..:and t,i elLîtili. p-ugP tu li ixWruc hcsit'e fiathfnlly and li]> IW 'lua every promîise trade iii times aicrupaiously flliflei8 sConfide.nt- conff.] i îrriviti,o f lb, 1, îmciia; andi hue exaettc lti.iatyfurl ' vujdiuggisî s K< ANTED LIVAN, clnim fi ub, anov eU p9er tyr h'gfis' iaou tanniu t4c iughier -'t h, 1842 USE nov buuidag ad'j huies for Sbipping, &c, MAY miax, Fer terni pply ta lise i'ri'preni- JA MES BROWN,J ÎkES.îo10 taRi. Oh Mes, airgeuid l7 fizi Hl. CAIDi S. &C-A gelieral ;r-cries. Jiqilers. and beutie,) for sa!ea ior on SIapVjueJlcr RE.-O cashs Tua 1, asori-ed sas endau md IsafhoxesW~indw r lo four îuîlsh. -30 k'u1uciu ri ialitv. fuur 'i Il C.L uiti-1 th.,htlb 'iLS lu, 'tti Il IeC . .xp 1r k te hn)e . /ril "h 'c mIo ai-ue. . sïd.c, ry'i'ternleily " Io ho autio ini aprice. The Inre diirriu, 85;ir iv he if fuhue . lr ie-ual ciii be turtuishei ai 01 j. w. BREI phD3is il tIc prpretoruit thse i ~ ~ o il tr e.L dIl a Cilirarar uto Scilier," etc. ii' .(touel. M r.. aui,îîea of - rl e n oaitSacrriJ-Ili., '. N in. . i.V. I i ii hlae M e ia- Mif Al. IltU.' m] Afrs. Ena- F.n il . F lIaauthonr of afhu ir bise iofi Irsu Wu-ils- Arnh uli lIrt,%iiiyi, l.ngl,dîi av.I-i i' l ' ~ilfue iiq. 31'flu --I--"' \'uuAirs. AL. St. P îla oirîps-uur J. 1l. It. - - ,li un i.,àI i"u, r o, c- "a. rePI - îlS. ly Ren. JL I Msý ,whi 1r ol ut caplivl>' fi i V.l fChrnr> aîntua n i, h i Ilh, t heu B nt!' Il'r T. i tuir' '.Tui-kerinm, r n hi lu l't luiaDaaçeg. rue unin b"r -i. îy Rî. 'a~~~~~v - .tr*sis1' l"elascao," pi I' r 'utiurr "fnie rMY" aund C'. 1'.. h)iiis. Ah-E ~ - j rr.~ j h,rat'm Ga- l "u- ualtet hilhe, I t i ii l hluusuru, of Olîio. V. u [ ! rt, of ll:i 2,r " ji au-aron f thse rit21, i Le per- i irru"Pro- ytatlaat pua;iuirm un- -ru i :ur iaieeistuuu iut. and a- 1 c ll l i0 tusnes of - nC ru-inanal u th ie s:r- - -i jiniluu, arc Utthie - 'r ili i.z rendereul -t ltin uri-wil reneive b ii - sk ti huai, cuiys-tise i'i--hagravue anad lC .]aruue thle inter- uI-tlte a Cum. - t-' imu~cu ho iiaiusaiî a - u(> Cui tirter ;andl s'pthe usori - n "' I larr raPeriicah, 1 -ho coiler- iaiscex.b ru c'rpliara1 eagravuio' '-doI llie render us ziluohthtse l'co il it leadmira. r'uiîuielh. Theva i f ' ul laeul. taai ti ictuiree, r î.r( r u îthe tIo ~tis rami- Qun i uiuaJ admira. -.~ ~ ~ % 15Dl IL )A'APITMPST nafîrC 'n: -uuan amui uiepeien- cru ia.~~~f au r-'ipîeson bas îmg the 0", lîu. - Cc i-rs [ituy Le garl iIe! tt he n Ies-ms-ani ibu-u'5', e ai,' tWill ho mdail le bave over c rlaîndfre fi-os r-lePuflcations vb]cb nmy. 'vlue 'mj eut, us18a Oatter imyci- th, l ;especiaily chen Cruui. i. lu ItitleM u e u 1dueniuuisniv ; and eile ifui lb. he sl tprom. - ~ ~~ ~~ - v ieiointrY, emablos h 1e.Cuni ten anm-a - b cnor 4eItaforma on. t tof lise agazine t ehaclau u ilace n frnceTis' Y place lei Ce le has of cri- - an o iseemnILutudg- "IPITo ant evemts y of er - m n eamist, vil 4.ert, cither local or forign, "li a oasuew ed atsfficientint est We domand attention. la conclusioN'the proprieter pleaiges biams that every effort will h. expeuded tW i4o lIs] dis' UCopanion pre-euuiauat forlth.e ffly ace,acy of ils typography-teao urwsy and hi o, lterary srticles-tlae qualiay amisY ne ot ils muni--and thea splendeur ci ib. pici ril emblliahmente. TEIIMS AND CONDITIONS. Te-Ladies' Copision in publishoi t[IREE DO>LLARS a yens, payable insuivac or four dollars duriag lb.e year.-Two copie.1 .fiais dollars--if cers-eaî tends, in advanc-.px paleL The vont in puntnally lnedau onheWi et every munth, ami is tcs-aniateW sbseri, b tiese arliest mail s trongly ouveloei. Ne voliues ciamunce citia île àUand ilNm ber isumbers. t1J Persons res«.ing inmi ts ttes clii ne umalhbis are issueul, cms enclose by mail fiee dollars note, and credit wili h. givemi fer IJ full ameult. Ail lettonâ andl commaaicatioas muet h. po ped, or they are net taken tram o&f Aidresa WILLIAM W. SNOWDEN, 109 Faitun Street, Nec-Yeu- TIIE LITTLE STEP SON. DYMinUS. AMEtIA B- cxtsu. I bav-e a lait, tl0p sua, ah. loeolitsieig alivs, A.'a sbIe stIl o y tii» b., sud s-sa e', ualy five; tis MOO srnethea bath a Woteezuta, bis ees are bais ai j"t, 'Ais i hij-, -lite tir. rose-hai, al i rsuahoas Ilis d.tuv-tP*as. Off in *su.$bine, ihantamier, and in seaj As cuaemia ana s, errfi b.t ingt iseS! isa; Fia lite soa rty ai ' (ai tal hut' ail tain qmield toli, 1a thei. sag li.hfa t s151e ,n h,'a muir ave, Yse eli. clark..easIi.iivgs Is, op ib useris1,is- My aeiiag i hl thes as Wher.'er the flecera art"shaca-se-ti is WSi hllit lacis , sisg an the viat, bigtati-s-afo, Affid the shiaulicg alarc idf, aiiathebApn asesw lie eau-bIc lub wih staging bird, ad hms w il the fl.wrn- le caret nîua fuir the saseer boat, hb.ue$Cea alforrthe MY fuM stand- husep.aou tbatj outs- fig.eou-,saId. tics toucai,,5-ir a e L is la'p Lit. diajil,.Jbad inmras-or, And raine his tldee Sy jnaLie.ctbreverential air! li. sîiîpIe iobia ehoqueace! bac sn bigs aceots fmil %Wb. pleaisg itb thc Klug of kuaga la las-e sud bleat ns al-, And tolite ftu-nayi-m o bardaIs sas-j la soe aMd jus-, Thc bhasi-uta sailei l odgaca îa ii hesfts, baj A 151 Iaiuiia t ialluah ithis lia avei(er-ilu5u lle w n sçii'-cresttta as-1m i omal. 1 bave s'ai ld ys-foea!aurbeme, ibatLàatha suner Stand, inlasim iple asuideis-, hait bid anong: teUic la 1 hav.eont aid a sgle srd abnt ou-aine, afr'.eaiib, Our tri-amare, arec im litaIs hi'y, ceatinteee, pose and healh; For oves a Ici-dIs-hall mn as c,ald h. oire,.placer W ithaut the guîahoetbis &lad ieojthe glosas of his hrag-ht rire; -ami masiy a eue-ils- mu.,1 %ween, vasld Rave tuir toý nd.aigaiti. l'or a noble ippy oy eu1t.oeuer ts,,souefour s s-caru .ll ltiinCs. U'NâMANLY OUTRAGE. 'r i We cp>' tise fssllusavinl mai-rative tram a Lon- ri -rn paper ut Febunr> l8i. Tis afmfair desnri. badi i ilause a nd tory atua-llj, a ceaisilera. Ie sensation in lise a fa-alîonahle cimoel" oet Ils ciîy maiii l'ans. Tise Laond amuiLady W. P.-e. ferai taer-acre Lotidsund Lady William Paget. e'l'liea ter inus wehavoare mol aleote dechi- lb vt oulu mppemr thai front tise tacto izentaioçd " n bisa avllwing sîalement r-vhhch contes front one "ait the parties iterestein m the msotter, lIaI tise aic beelie ef misainm"g possesision et this Jmilj'u pt5u-n said firtu'ie bailfeorne tima past been ui coitemnplatii.-ubythue miventarer C-, amui lat lae bal ulelberutel> lad bis§plans tir accomplish. iltie iîlfect visicu cas âsignueally frnalrmted hy hle beruaiecon cumlt maidurego'ute firunnsosfe tise lady amui ber mail. Tbe«boroine of Ibis extraerdimiarj romsance of railit. e Mis s B.; lb. buireau te extensive ps- pou-t>', ma n auimbeof'etofa!- lte ollest and lascemeýlîby taisilies un the Cecnt$' of Devon. hoI tise mutumoof et ma m h e t M-.amuiMu-s. Ilighlieil Homs. Dev4nghire, viao atter Usis ialeetihag pail r atattntubai-, traquent. J>'y callimig upon bau-iecr residonce ini C-i toi-racp, Exeter. anal éxproseing the mealtu-iemid. 1>' e>'npatbj cita regard te heheu-bailb, cbicà was aIt tte tinte a a dlicatn atate un conse- quseace etfttie necent loua et tco uiembers cf ber fuuînufy. Tise>' expresseil theruiselvea erti-emaly mnilsthouat she atienli taha a trip wilb tmei, LuIliljj btios ber spirits core lopreanail hi r uitd hngoei.-Tbej on tino occasion brouuiit C. vith them, a, ai i. mFaiegei, intru. duceul hlm to NI is B. cs a man oft fortune ; ansi ea person an aSeuIl.cmaseWintru-ceei as an .14. fnemilofet teirs. Mrs. D. entreateai Miss B. ta go te Londona fou- sheuelheftthe:bealU. Ste aubmeeqiatl> id cotent lovandes was itatrodnceiltula Len ami Laite W. P. Mi-. ail Mne. D. seversi luies prupoeeala trip leParia chich imi. 8 t le fth isseueil le, eoucemiditioiti laLarmd ady Wv. P. aibouldai ccoinpany lIent. Ou the lisîlaJanuany helIa rty lM4t Loade, feL are censimg et fis. B. Mi-, and Ms. D., Mi-. C. Mu-H., Miss H., adigis 8.(aughter ef Mu-e. H. hy a tes-mer maties.>on tbiset-or- rivai in Parla they toouai ailleeboduattise lia. tel bed!e± e Uescierie efthe itee seouim cpi-c ceo& .%o~iroe they liwvi n greai style, club foi & assiaretue of servants, -Less mai LadUyIW. Pi,, vith utires s«ans, having jolusi thien " %àroch capital. ht hi heouarrsugei Ihat C. aiauW h cale- or, mid bave l"e euderng and ditectja cf maltera muland ep#aYmmt O e! uaceonUl; the chers re. pyiEn hua lieiurempetive siare. l Whu uY mettem eet ou «Muil Tria.»à8t Jannsythe evmg fai chi-*ly M. latte br mamil, Chapusau er bulle-, axaI a encà ebtalus et bis 0ove quant s M aica -fsw von, EbsE.'.puuisaItc* Ms.-=e st £> p. .Peareiwd megeumea m a1W 1101fui p«oît mucus l«ah o.t. amurat u ,ea hotu iapiu sqhpesLysgue or- said tis e maid aItishe conclusinonfethle ûW,1weelbouse-to tisa bow, hail beemi shattere i jta "Charlotte, I think yen bail batez evrturas tu mareabolli. self pormstresa ;" aab sho orne te the 18- Tieifîntaie s d.cre btlasted iite moe.atouts, 'La- toi accordimgly. About hait past 12 'clusckV4ies aýd voe aireadai filleul up wîia calter; thie mass & I B. ceai ta lber chambor, accompanleil by ber 4ock mons siiverýd imb aplinterg, ad thoehsmès ga "d mabhut dil out reti-e te b.d umiranch les, legs anda arias of apparemtly a dozon umeuna le a- tisa naid iaviug eat fur saune lime et wont, &M' ings, beloriging te thse crow, x-ore projocing out ct- Miss B. si; up %vritiag jettera until about hef ber. andi tlre fros tise mass of inflammasablae ui. pont tva. isances tChat bailnoir talion ,atothie bull, me _ Theunaîd alcayseslopt in the same rouas with inl a confusol I'ie wono mingliug wcliiri-il bot et bar mistresa;;sand ountise night in qution ousers frth ie uruace, %-hile tb;ir greens aid mee slepi ianlb. ma.bul, in coaaequsenceof in 114 dueir cries for ibelli came borrîdly andl awfuD fpr having @ai up until lber fot coclui. àhortly ta y eau-s.1 est aftrr tey s*ere in bed, Mise B., thouglit abs. lest at tisi moment, th. boat laaviog stifli -W irt hemad aunuise, and tbld ber mail Chjarlite tu thWlspeed upehber,asu coaigsoahbond f the erg luoeitandssaeoc hat it cas. She elea ýW r eismglaildonod wculatise prospect o!f a. site coulai net and any thîasg, anil a steep bluff hefore me, alîhotaghi 1 wu wutenoise of a piao c f ceai fuliing in d-1 atrail that comingviti s scas peoil, chomiabc teor hee ws lihtin herout ando a atruck the rock, abc rmi ght c hoattereilto pioces, rWe' urusng. Neitlier f lisem bail been asleop. and placing mysait in a positioni, uît tube thu-cwm la Shou-ly afterwarils, MisesB iemu-ia noise a se- overlbdhy tise slsock, I acaiteil tihe sew; she the cond lime ; andl on looking up, exrciainsed, in struet cils a dreaiul reboumil wlicb sbock lier Ocis halarm,,"(;oeil Gon)! Chasloue, titane'. a tram stem tu telre ; I tisugisî aise ouil tal l t rose "ban thlie ruent!"Charlotte, meng Who ifpioGes, but ah. dii net. 1 now cent frwaril le ce. ass, call eut ."MNr. C., wt at do ye dhiee" the bev, waling on thea anis of thse risa, whicia Ha ierepliei, - hald ynur longues; bold ycur forund erl heuull. noises; nmia cmi iiboar yonor coame ta jour as- :-Wisous1Iroacheil the bow, se was 00w re- rk. siotance chat ovet 00.50 yen naay make." Up- I roating tram the bluff, and 1 began again ta es.- on tiis, MisselB», au a tue of oxtreme iudigna- pair; but wiili a alrengtit ch 1 Ineyer hbail hq lion, ead, Wlier amai1, tisaI 1 an a 10bu thsugfore, I mail. a spring, andi ucceededin migr'aspiisg1 treateil 1" Bth MissiB. auind mer sai, vidalthe hramich of a tree Ibat everhung flic. river, frent gi-sat courage and mind, flew talihe an almoet perpeoulucular precipice, front fiftoen1 bell andi rang il ; but C. immediately hrukeown tu îweuty ftie heiglit, andl caffing loudly t0aat tisereue, andsii, " 1 onhy wisb to speak t'za ju, black man,* cisc happemied az that momenit ta ame MiaB-'Serepliai, "Yoe caobave not ingha vo rien tu bis tout, 1 made hum tisrowmae tise1 Ito .ay teum .haoil suris a place, anduiat suc h rope, whicis 1 tasteaseilte a tree, ani ber steu-um :dan beur. Yen mnst lbe a viiliami tises te enter a beisg eut in the middle cf the etreaii, ma swuugt genthewomam's chaunher, andl 1 commanil yen. inn t'o but ini doing go, 1 diécuvered that misecais etaatly to Jarre my prsence" î le1 coelly aid. palling tise îreo away by tis acot@, andl I tlought ou, --i wilJ Ot leave, meitier shaîlyeu ;" andl tiey cuer alal goimg out again imte the streain, M; sB. saiui, -The n lit rcmysofont aI lIe anuloulil h. connsumeilby îLe flamea; I ac t siuaiaw, fur 1 viil nt rexuin in the ana recatil.scmmunaglidifférant places andv rwith munis a wreîci aua yen t iadliing imta a blae; amui tise *brickts amnd A t liaimoment the maid bruike a pne aot g14sailthegroas utthe pear ufféede made xuy beau- in~s tise wiaidow, and bts scrcamed CMarder !" ick - but sîrainiuin ay s'ice lu its highe*î pitcis,e cisicis alarmdcitiselisaneso. Upon sonne peu-sons 1 aI ?ongth maie thse black man tisrcw me anoth- c kIcailimg frein the cutdide tui kuow cisat cas theietortope cich 1 fasteneil te a botter troc, andl I, alter, C. bold tisem --tiat tise servant had invi. this4belil ber uttil ah.e scung clear round imitise ted hi iuto ber route, andl 0Gw 'autei lu gel cnrrent. n ricof iiml.' Wiile lue %as spesking le lIemti iDIuriaig Ibis lime 1I muid miiller sec Mr. Bal. th is got the deor open, and M sd B. made Le, asor any otiser persan tisat cunhi meve, ex. videae frein tise noci, altlsougia C. slruggled cet ark boy befoe.mentioni, and 1 still y, wihtemaid and attempteil affin ta boit it. ofepnedu gettimig lIen, ltu tiesehobre, the li JMins B. states tisat in har lit aumo persom an o oshalnauiIbiclollu atlempted ta turu ber bock, but site ciled out, reuh an my power ta Mr. Baffle amid Captain h . Foar Goi's salie aave me ;" andlthetro the Ie Rîcanson, wwe oé striving still te kecp lIe h Ibouse bein.- ov aroused, a.c vas aluvreil tu pansadIies calmn in tiseir cabimi, net kaaewim liseren n u- cas amiy tarthor d.- ; anil tisathought Ihal h Misa B-..1.1.. tisaI Mr. D., on iseariuag %wis a sopil ten the - i desrojoil in tise fantes r , iai occurreil, aaud ta ber, "Tise scnunirei--tiae as actai in tbe extronse. At length they heard cý vagabond! l'Il act as jour brother iiitise mou-.m. ny tome, and by signas and qseakiag togeîber, 1I t ius,ail seot him ike asparnue t" cas enobled lau sbdv i tan ow lhey ngt os- h lu the tnorainghlowever, bots ladinoetand gen- cape, aéIl gel tocard me ad net umtil tboy badIF tlemen zequeutoder taograt Mr. C. ani interview reacbed lIc bac efthtie veasel vore they tis. say4n thuaI ise cas cillîig ta fal upon bis klis. rugiljy avare of the 4aager tbey bail been in. b -ej analanaporei ber frgisienesaf. She reaoutoiy l'h. ladies ieore enaialed te cross lise daai and poîatediy repliedi&aeouhl nover again sa b islxxie tgelca.i akagas him, unies. il vero lu ses im ipuniaiteilfor tJais lb. Que.orton - -ý -ltî91 wif. citiaul han consent. bill. ethgJ b. cas couaid.i-ably injured, and r Mies B. declarealtisat mab moen rbailgivemi and lIe bIset oa avio ver. mac ef great service In , nover womld giva Mn. C. tise alighiest encourage- assietig me ta get thse ladies -frein lbe boat Wtu n -ment asna suiler. the shoe, for eabc as kininint m a tnemaenuous - 8h. thona placeil hesef unuler lIe protection lazeé -Il20 uf Mu-. Lawaon, th ise thei proprieoWr etftisa By% pusbimg a planit tocard lIe haaslt ram lise ta] isotel, ail quilted Planis fer Londonthtie next day, boat, and sprtnigimig from tise endilfet i, tisey w,:. aU attondail by ber servante. enabldta came vilAins thu nt ote b.bluff at nt, In onea.futhe . arly tahouaents ofthIis allair il a sinage spring. Aid wvhtii isse naeans 1 gel cl cas epreaanted tisaI C. ontereu tise bei of Mis ai the ladies, lhee eblîdren, andal al thse mon cha hj B. bat this. emt true, the lady and ber mail uer. abhe teaesovo, safeiy lamileilnucte @ hors. C having both qaîtteil the bed on beimig alarmeil Bel the talle j et untld a; the huai cas novu ir by bis pre.-erce. ent:oeîy onneiopea infliames; tron t aen-tcitou-n IflV"-aima tatai thai tbe Emglish anabassalori- ilwu onmimghly mass of that du-ai lalmen ici. b8 ail rc2mme:adad tisat lIe afilir sisonli h. bush. And betore out ejes, in tisai abys.etf dam, e, cd up b>' a marriage ; but Lerd Cowley, ciao there cor. eM legs than ion or Iwvo f our un paid every atte:îtlintae Miss B'. 'arebontations, telloer beinga hurnming imb cindôrs. I aw ha.-au dîd nealo lar amy ailvice cf th;e kindetated. fore me Us:.. cf thom un rnmg lin he brighleat te S2,2 is ai prueania lovn a iLatreceivimg te Ban*-one of te-appar.litly in a sllting pes. go vi.iits ioi nu.nn!raus friemuis syibpatbàjing waida iticu. ber iii thea mei-.tals fferng avhicb tise outrageons Theo resus, thse leat.sickoning cries eoftis. u amui iistressiug occurrence bas predacol. etu-s ai h. beau-i, wiao conlil mt h. seen, amnd Mn.. Las-sonut the ileilfod bas cuitten ta ce coalil rendier lIemnon assistance chatoyer. -Misa B. sîaîing tisat C. men pail tl eîa orts. Tisutise moment of explosion umtil ebe was t hiîug, alîheugi a h received £178 as Miss B.'b bsbusp dace ta lIe water'a oulge, ruot more than sme ofa thtAe total expensca incurreal. avlasy umintes bai elapeoil. Ci 1 Tboee tisaicou-e lest cere cbiefly helomging L ANOTIIER STElAMBQAT EXPLOSION. 101W rec and their naames anknoov. The tl Tise boihera of theo stoamboat Nortit Star ex- opWaino! tise boat, Capt Parbamaind Col., C. q aplodoil onithe 25tis et Yebruary, about 22 miles D.,Conner veze standing togther isy tho Pilotadj *beiow Tuscaloesa, kiilsarfifttau peusansaid boa"e, a tfeunaiutes beluro I vient docainta y severaiy Wou dnu severaotbons. Tise particu. the eahln, a=4 1I avè au Iminit lisey *are both lansaraIîvMi a t uj e Iewic ebloWn awaay lagetiser, along cit tiiepilot;the find imi th Tuscaloosa - Fla- et tha Union." captain cas pacteil ep by a smaii boat. '@ci5 W. Job tisae hai-tabout hait past Il o'ciock Thie bodly outhliepilot, dito vas ai il. cheel, in tise ¶ueriing, cutis probably net more thassfitj us mteonThuile iar isr as l. n-beau cfi bals;cf ctun, and as ceili as cau roemuber CoLCoe" .Tsebrke r& f about cixtoomi passpngers in the cahin, z.feuil .Capt. Clay, lte fu-t pi" savee!. Mi-. I -Nr. AMaeJBaIlle nd lady, Mra. Kelly asnd aleaclc.odai li.A 'uggelo f chiluren, Capt. 1. M. Wvitbers, Capt. Ricisarison, maon cho was piayimig drafts in tho iqciuij hall Cul. C-1). Cauner, CoL. Mcerseon, M. a.(nmie enknoco) has aise o lest. la ail, a. rani, 1Mr. A. J. Clicier, Mr. Harrs, Mi. IliZIy, bout fitteen ]e, and eighttor ton ueverelly vouail.,11 Mn.Ilamil, Mn. Falier, a lady avsese nae in ù.oui; noms of tiseu are net likeiy te recover. 91 kmovuamndi myeit. One pour ftlec, cheu I pullea bins a-hmre M< We bil nitbe stppednet tteptedtu sopcill a th legs broeon, beu.ed me for C0'ueh tranm tbe coamencement, bul ver. tuavellig ta ont tibem'0i; buas mne died, i unilerstand. nmt chc.s-tully saldgaiiy along at the soaeýofaometen Captan Wahr as thelet man cho cas on tise or tweive miles mn hour, chou ttha two hilera otau vss tehca ulcusief in rqid auccaiiomi expluiled lite these rofutwthelb danger utll lIe fire Preaii suandea. v ot the largest piecea et atillerj. whle tb. vent- tiseoat that ito coulel not coam. ta u I- oe sel 'Iptoteateber keel ; las an instant bawo,îbirds etaide ofiithe riv e t ;auiewi1t t .e ti c- et Uat beautitul bhat cas lIra'., bta the air te or d a e, iver. . -. - 70inecoer gtu an lnÔ'.dihlè lgt%4atnd aiivereoui mte aIe ne-a tisuâe'ter. cl i h. may 1peillmîin tasacrMy sîremin of noxieus gas troin lIhe oiera passedils t. ee b h .s Ici io tm . citb sncb treunenlous pressure tacaritho item ojiuon tiat th. bolers ver. net such as 1W lac - tisa'ugb t1e 'hallsetftise cahin, thai ouiat " reqmlu-e; ami.tesson fortbhi'ug Mse4la, til ver. canu-fe fraaI oor beada cvith the etrent, 1 hveo tem, ail tb. builera thsIaty h. req andi evelopedin bu enace, ail hocildered i ' fou" mena 8.11 close by the sc of"eciahi. endi-ai luayeiad groinset lediyigfegdrqrs, choe fIWcatastr-ophe, es-e net thicter tisan suoriiury bosa ay toi-nttopioces, ningleu itithle shape. <optlincens,.ume leasws-ek..tb sAsîts-elmuse a-enui s 1ais bele that there vas luthse or ne cater uR bsu alissy uus-ooom. " i tAenn, for this reasn --et the migtoafule1 MP do pocerfel cwu the exploeion, lIat mecf explosioni aclbing appearei te cerne fu-cs ber net lIe boilere, ctI is immense voaght, cas llcaekllitn fatheols of eet toum ou- caler, but a lue- t leat 0oneud-bd and l ft> yad overthe t~a cesga. passed oilt-'"scahin frouse b bles-s, of thé bebeat trets, im tise opn field, and o±trmldia.abebt frt ima iste l eofthse saty valve, sou nob oftbt h» ume ater in ber. iuJ i four o« five fent nluthb.e atlak"iteh al'et c fa d in te ct tbat apseei1Whebou1itleet » u cannon. lx lIai moment yon mey bimagieth, 1W ko a:2 brueaeno n, aring Sale uisucusie t1h. inmes of te ladies',ai-cu au iee tfri ssaezya tt eternâllou seemeilte bave been 4ed upoca en rone«Pmruef, an m y vo obstructioMire cnuis- as te leprive lbmm of ail omeoum a nm a f»i, miii faM#ou thé cies iotina t.' m I eIoft d" 10 dbsev«e f the amore cieau-$ .oI.f çsqW>et a Mi st1Wc bas oa es iss off) the oxtent of"i 1ed , m Wamgts Jfbr-a is ae ain tigeersta m dlitb ppraheIu4»W eeiofart *cm- pa i~lâcei *"MOI bu W"lOgdu ilard M 1 êialdl Muthe baur-sau.tono£ Ieeam tssc t ue fap I*ulwe.L Juesis glisre onrimes- t ia bi en bloc'. su o pSP " y ale.WiJsec tb.e5ait mail bai taleiw lthe sprivet, eWb&glag v e u'.w«M un c. elie au .en 6 Isy chib *lisévoo, IDt s iusls.1. r-JhéeUs ii .felfts th. .I.-s own hedure4absât yà inuu ualvpnvË11 IKxas'îCOLr.LI IuutÂuM.Fegsn t b eý r u îP d a u r is o of t h e K in g 's C o ll ea e H o - Pl ,~PeFfOrmeds-ester, iQi-tie proseuce ut BOarly 2W Muedical stualeuatusala una ofu cininent plujaiciapwa"matai îrgeuSr cuira cf lbe meut formidable surgicai olieraiomisevrvt girl ageal 12 8h. Ibail a lemmonof-the sure ofan orneatuatein thUe oavity in tise ppe-î jav- boe 'l'h.,oubld gi-cduprdatad a ineus detruity et the fac, as il sextouled u. noStrila andl rigisl orbil, paing tise ejehaîl aemnly eut ofets.sacktl trnaueIis tunsîr lie Forgo. la&d ta ta"e "Yfthse uppor j&-c Iea.-.-tso utiiar-baae n apetienut tis-h Ue epe rea î eu-mie la g asthe tumnr, ut ao in .tihe linit instance te mtate etms incisIons in lIe integasmos(the ftacs-m t act miealy the choie a! the.saonmioneaie ofettise chseok cas disseclcel bacit, in urder tu expose the superios- unaxillas ,ana l nia linasu er- mcivilIehn) tafornsieis-. variotns aletaçbunesîs Ocing te tIsecouaplicateil structuare of thie Pas-te, and tisedifflaanlty et gettirrg lIe sac Iiteu ts pro. peu- poalion. smoelitho tte olapsedbhose thse tumrner as rensoyei - !Sxtoua a mnutes tranepir. ouibefore dt- tamiseras- gseztnwta. -Th.appear annce af the-patient aften thse hunles %vers remer. ed was truly actai. Tise cbo!e ot tha face ou the right sie las laid bas-e. expiuaintb isci part oft Ue disamitangue al palate. 'Theoumir girl bore thé eperation witb surprnsiug tortitude; Use pain sthe sufferel muet bave béei intense. At tise commenceenit aise cnieul toms piteaugly, but aftercards @lie Oxiibileil &reatmoi-ai cuur. mgo.- tn th. Perforimance cf ibus-dreailtul open- tien, Mr.Fei-guaomeyiusced SUrprîsung cMones@, great amiatemical tuocleilge, maidcesmderaJsur- gical dexlerity. NWblo ali aroasi l hi,appemi- ail dismayei mt the nature et the opermîlon, mid toi-col pale aI tbo trightul excisions -chics it cas noceesany le mate, h.eneve- oncelout bis pre mence a!f uini. A fter stea rem ov al t e lu uer, the varloas prions ot the skia oWeunit ed tgetier y stine, amui tis iere ica carrieu inmite .ard anal placein b 1iSan- guine iopea ot the u-ecoveu- ot tise girlame n-« lertaineil, if aile survives lise shoct givém te lise nervoua system by lise operstion. A WOua SToi.-Tie tollocimg oexcellenat ste- -y i. teldof Mu-. Sheate, a gu-aser u 'rseti N.H. ýi otmuh A mani bailpurchasel a qumntity et ceai troun a am, chics lai heen veigsel ail paiil for, ail t Mir. S. bail gente t the ileak te gel chanig for a0 mole. Ilmpponhng taturn bis heaul niifthere a le sacla ainîe reflect lise stse, atent ai-mr -each sap m bt..fri-an lbhessef a boavy visiter 'iseeso. sdaiOe f eaa nioig suddenlj andl re.P buking tise umenfor bie lIeft, anal Usai-ehy bosimig hi£s custom ferever, dis ci-aftj l mtem gave bthe 'f luischange as ifnaiiing- hailliaap. pene>.ald thon uniler prelelice ef. lifting the lag te ky uonieherse, tSok i fjcimi ndo- ug s hi ppereilbeaior Imab. eeisd te ex. ci wPon chiclah. exclaimeil, Blocsime 1 wass isputae ahogi thé matteu-as easly id 1ý'repW M . S.peu ngtb.î ag taoth ie h -.4e agalu "T'hos-eVl"2amie , It yoa g8 li -I tas.'.1I as uight--made a iuistake omat i , M pousils : becever, ifru0Odon'î cant itl-ail'l tke part of il outY"N--a,nos, mail the ether, l ialing the bands et M s. S tu s a t Ie I iaiga ofthe 6ag. -Ij ralber guets l'iltiseth, baole." And bis he dii, paying kt bs rascaiy cg )y receiving abina tuit/aciem oaI the p ice of fin e 10 A L a s s o C A N - A t sa ve ll or, a n a e g n a r a - h ss of the vndore ffs Wuprs ddsoie ie tue'.a cane, in So lisAmeLoshicb vas a et sile long The cmupayJol incrsia, tdi asque evidont they couetnt propos-el asvallec l, ev tou if il ssonli have been a su- m u - c a n e , l b " Pray, hat fane as il ?" asei ais. patioha man, unees-ingiybl "i a sricaine," repliel Use travelle-. se W. piciteil teé fOllovbug ciippiog. saj lthe 1rescent Cit ,tfothe Ils ao f a brother chip: 1fyssouar hile lonierlY engagodin usa th enier oatermbou cIt honber eebeart, ri- h it 10..0y t hing a glaiss of caler tramils c& i lia i-Oin, yen caa atariou du ornuua, bal fr Fun otirotsus. Yas cllnet lh. uiasel." es - in UNoT EXÂCLy.-Haxp yass beesi mach et i ea?" ils " Wby. no, net exmcly ;',but Miy lus-thor mar- as ied an aluira'. daisgter." 1 "W e re y u ever abr a ti 1" Ca.. .. "Ne, nol exactly ; bat uny nialher',maidon un v French.,. P- "Pa," nid an iulerestiut-arcluns ta l], &th- .1, ,le ter day, "Ps,'have an, o! tise stro g«el s?c «WsYuBolSuYchldaimt bb.the e-2 - eu Salk 1" mWby,I1beard faits talit o u g e lu te m e th . e @ t. g d a m s i î fuc sv iaycmalho catidg 1 do ch, "Ah. Boi. gcaaml s jsigY - oaci nm »i,D h tk." "Havdi youmue t l ctl yo Be eh liai eghtIai" «a&leneei""o o 1 " N y v ç W 4 ic e d l. m i " Wyl u g 4 yabiamasfhv -cv," hls b Ou«. i obhad powerulvemIntie th." sa nsttor »dLaeiphymin vers iSuuig is *Odrlisa ubié boue% thedocter six l o *roalhe- dw ue ith bth iisef j)m ra e V o t a s ' i . l l iss i d u lg e s« , v i : s pliei~ ~ ~ ~ ~~«C lsatrpy i aaou i as ila. ii ic il arpenwait a mi pm eie COQ& s i crmmmzu1&4 ssi dismiteMMJPi isùau ie pee- te le seSche' Et '.5 risibrus fi edtI# iupi. olemg l*it. , jos Vijo i WmUdis, oui eowweUo."autisui*:- - . euaieet IOI5kfliomic<hs g ta M" 213 â.Z IAU the mou pretciadcd ej:rcýmo ignorance as tu Who wus their emiployen, By -A SETTLE1t V; LOWEII CANADA. (Cmalumazed) CfitA. xxvi. ilaving alawn in the lest chapters, bef<et tlée practicabilly of a uina. qc4ang hic"a.( fret 1te pauper's list ina couple f y..,., sud of aaaring limuelf iita a cuditioaitf coudoal aud cU.epar4tîleujilbiependeuc. ila afew yers thor. &4 z.r,1I w llinow P rnc e ded a lu , by Jg U TeS hoa t, il,.it îstaps are to ho tatoî te ascoud thi, 11;11~ ui iepenaJor«c. RuggcJ sud difficult ig 1110~ &j u r the. distance of suno im Mths, but I eî hew buta how totravel t, anîd bo% te sur- m îacverY ubsatele lau may ind w his wey, I wi 1 rîw proceed te take a por Imigrant ou fi.8 arriva, (84)and iacouipaimîy hin luhie pro.1retss cder i ydirection, to.Uethirdygar of b is res;denreinCaiiaja I willtako me atrong a case as well cal 1we tound, sud, an 1 bave Ob, werved befure, otbr-à may measure themelse. by it ailma-e alluwance for the diffregnce. I firet etipula!e that the manl and bis wifo are bath williî g tný and a!. ta wrk,-Ic us supos tison to ave 6 children, f the respettive '- g. C k l O - 8 6 -- 4 . a ndw J a w e n > v ao n e, w ilh tU e momey, and very litte provision loft, on rrivai be inusî fnot aUow bim..lf te h.ohiarrià ont of th. whip; th. law alo'. 48 bour. Lot hhm pruced tthe ChietAgeuî for Imeuigraut o . il 04diendoeIaaseg " be -edtethm rigùyjrjtfflVhïe TdawlC" ior u d e a c oh e r t r / q b e g i t n h i a . L o t b i t e state hie case, t'bat he i il ay -v.d willing to go tu work w4erever il nay ho toughî advi- iblo torconamdd him te go. Lot me, reail te bis nînd, an cl sayig, -ho muet ONtUhave beard in the. old co ry- Th"t be ggsr, mue net h. choosers ;11 and I e e ? o i eric y folluwl the advico and directious h. nusyrecel,. at lb. Emigraot Agent's Office. I cii uppoe iret tbaflbe Agnt sendLirs tW couk in the - fQhbecrh c ! Q o ., in -w hich case -jet bina tae that Il.hi. wmh te engage with aune fmuer -o*eac- eamcan h. fand, Wh.oiilf hire im tili tIse 5ir8t Of MsY; but it muet h. where nome but oz rocun casa h. founBd for W accommîodati.of 4is famiy, with the privileè Of cutting £net and of havng it drawn home té tho employer'% tean.. .This will h. notein it4h office, mud itiiinflt be long befure .cii ladf soe une ready to,0u1r£e is a: the cuatoma- y rte of wage ; 'w ic foas chmi e has Previuuly heard, he will no doat, tblek try 10%. But 46t ina eave the tocu oeono as bo an flad any one wili'igte give him 0 «month and bis board,?wýih a but andl fuel. I will pre. 5nlly tell blus. bac te lay out iis 6 dbllars tp th beet adistage. Shoulil h. h. sent up Mbi cOuntrY,4w o f the publie corba, tsihisp ma ose every eeto thb 1 . 1.14 sn ..9"' rCam durui teri tborefoSe, oe f cp "bu be btter durig t)- #au=#;s- i ih- su muet; look out telo eproided. fr Ibrougi ths inter. There -ar 1 1msa" fsfsums Who coulai k gisi te tako on an extra basd, et ressemble wages, ch. now do tb. cri tieeàlvss rm1W an give anl exorbitant price.fS theb. i,. f a man, who peraps, rainbis ig* S f the ouuity, %Would net h. abl. toeoue bisecges, iou h ey m y h. e " le.; and ammn & a m s sagocaichance of emplojucent, by lmuieoe A hire at chai h . c on *ders AO c W m ures- h a aftercads ittr1y r- pente, a u ds ovems hon too, late, lIat the 'vages o'.as hb. eessd >d i, was more taI b. coul m ge, iy bave CHIAP. XXVIL It -y perbape h. thbgt ly suse tWse1 am inieng dis out e ân e uncomuc oas le eetb eat what follees in et tac talling detaL. aQ ad botter h of W lte eimmigrant Wte . think dilrendyi .lamaofopWnOU t e gshl 0 strcegly ore re ccm ,ue de ,that in sno u eqaired tuhbuIlareed othe mèoineof the 1mai. at, aud ch hm os nve, b orto, te MY ocleage antilbe beesà.pl inily laid befro hei. bhet M * chathe st mm sho iI à-s..à$ear, I1IU%84 reliee bisnitail 1n hýt féeliutif fUer helpbeseesla& ton- z 11>' q * - N te l Im nuia tOU hbi f e m a i& igl Ji trafl ~c*uutry-m am t libis"oo_ u ba mi~.j ef4on Ws eil on à- PMMesUt $kig ftu re 'lC re Z1 u i. et bi as lb. s u s cf m ; - b i t te r % r e * b s d u e s s s d s a ithe l nsm ig ra4bu lrem i a m * um t o e T a r a n c e S c i e î y , lu c i l d ,i t e r t a fl te A b sa d . mtag-if .h . o l a o »0aledr, . ji fthe $wnsteshors oi«Ài y. -T . oe s d t u s je t ur u Wo Q u e lie c. T h e r y , a e u i. U"dr. s 4aple Olan M t Win,,cl ivrebopô«-r cinf aid co f th e'. oin hisez sibe . t. îe sp ey s th e e . s'iasuj, fo th sP'p fte il7 WM Drolvo vichly, fur I m pr s a, e. 1w um m ; ldtk.fqowiug sir-wuI~ Let uns ,appoe te M.oses, wk wbutlsi,a ettheate of S& , ed",l lu img thé Bonday, or 1,U . q,'.0 k ; Ib s s oh, b satrugIi ash teau"10;sie amjoM ble, tlatfi mair oa bIh se t o4:uiI c tbat ompa.adime su,# ,or mmis nupc.U* ut attetin .0-1 ft; M"M v k , m u"" "M 25mo1 a oeu, t*at evr,i ou ab p ~ lbPPU rslb aec1olue eite ru~e& l'a ae.utenisla é lao.sgAi 'C sn viabae," 4 . Nuu ho psaaAalvM l~aii &8-44Wa él*am rn Wla -to~i. t. 'L e e -U& 9"w taue o qbstinGn "rM, q o te» pdrms.teu ctine . P d teiL" m l6bvebsea' 4 ua" - a .P4" sie