.LoùYOU A COUGII'-l@agi.eN 4W i a-Tbouaaada bave mt a psaiidaIR&g 5D A U ST a.Mh waft of a lutile attenti ta a crie« o ut. US? RBCEIVED by ltse Sabacrier ant iyl a eyen a eongb ?-Ber. Dr. Ba5ubOtCi5 ie"s>b,- soIloleu for Cash, a geneira aSotaset of geîor.mut SY.Op, a sala inedical rptiItes, ROIVMONGERY, CUTLEl Y, Rt noL. i lnipmt idrigs, s an d t nan ae x- rComf.iaing Englis, $%voies, Russian. sudi Tiree t'.isiV ;,rCIiP fr leera y r ill most Pffl- Riveura a cno, Bijika rellacti IronsSaoudiand tansve 'etc o esrlyadý ly affuritrelief, andi ave yoss fronit tA Wfu Sq tare lto.! Irons MoltoanSanud »«m; Blister tisasae pulmenary cu.rOmt5Jim',vbtrh Iasna1y andi Cair SIZEr.',SItaal loand tu inPlates; 4oweepjie theu grave, hua.reds of the young, tbe Sheet Copp.'r, Brais Zinc, au- isat; Tee, LBoir gl., the [air, the l ail atheUicgay tandi FialiKeuleq, Saiieepaiii, StewipaOSBelied ili on a e -be esae!tenu ePut, anti HOLLOW WARC efat11aorte; GraVel ans - otu. of tis EXPectoranit Syruja to da Y '-Tu- r si sShovei, Cai SeelSpadea anti Shovels, -morrour may li tilit. Comm mon Sjades; Scribes ail Scythe. Stones, liave jOn a corih g'I-B.trtolmelu'iExpecot- itî.,nare anti May Pors ; l..eq Ced, Trace andi .7ant Syrnip is the ouly resnedY Yeu abouti take te other Chains ; Smnith' Anvits, Blow$, andi Vites; curie , lPre Irons, Dog Irons, lPiciaxea; Cet Natta off For thia ;la"Sa ressti~:Thot in netonme of the 3rlerier qitl!, Rose, Cla'p anti ClouNail, B ib o o sa it ca es w h er e il b a si t n o e d, b as i fait - . i e nHo s. N a tt, C r ses C o li, l a d PM III S *w s ed te teliers. lHarrowTeeth, Mrs. Shces, Cant anti Wag-On For sale aitithrug sore ofi Ctmoicck & Ce-* Boxes, &w. &c. 71:larr Lane NewaYsk andi by irery Drug- 3oiui', lCàAPMLUT!aa' àrrisCosea.' Tooaa in glt in King"aon ani n Canada. ee~at raitrU. Eniab anti Amertessi Angersa Fur sale hy N. P.liner. Locke, Brtii, Bitta, Hint stacrs -, Glua ; Fila, T IE Su',arribcr vuai turing ttis a eaan li SmtthaWardimg, Cabinet ml'ad MI asae constatly in the receipt -i Drues, Chemai- longandat balf rouind ; Pessder, blattg and sport raf'Perfamery, . &c., the which, o i54; Sa'bt cf ait rilmi; Dacet aid ailier Lamp jte Ms Zst al F sie- &Y4adsog Unies, BaIter asudTrace Kope, ReBd Cor bo diepeidod ort na auea. The coipoln- andHomrLsz =.tiprmnt wmll ho eductediundir tuai is m-a~ute auperntentisce of the BabeCtt(r Rdzeeit')Tble aises aFoi« ,Dua; e who-, object t,, by thiie ge af gond isterala, by Shoemzakiti', Sasidier' Jack a"at Peu lurez a careful usanipu ati, goîiice confidence as Sctsaee, azon; ; DruaiàaMtai Tg.A Pma -regards thia mot important branch di the busi. Bitannia, Plateti and Germaa Sir Tais, Demi nes. anti Table Swaoam; lsen mti Japmaned Ciaînt J.W. hll.ENT Ianc ce; Crtaaplus machine% e t. c. Dr eist 4- .4poUmleaty. PAISTU AND pAiNt4ir TOPP. 1KIg-sree, Kigstn. et Whit Leeds, d.y antiin ait. lest Ie Ra,~-troi,1~iigt --. - Lead di..Ve»m eld. Span»a B resi ORsale by th. BlebTs ue, Grin, Tillai. pumnira la., Ys F 2 hb. curled fHair, Le am be Rw sid isdto iOld afecnPatis. Putti. Cepperai Wlmthwotol af 10 hbue. Crockery. aie. Pint asud other BDem on somla bu -5 rates Crockery. pnis Noyember. 1841. I. H. & T. RA -Au. areorimînt of Braiesanti Wooden CLOCI 1Eflongarticlea preparoti by thi.e uh-tght dàv anti 24 hours. T acriber are recommendedte t the noticeofo!STVeEn of aiH descriptions. Ste pipea Familles. A larte assort.sseft a( Plein, Japaamd is C'ainphorateti Tath Powder. Blok TIN WARE kept oa hont, or madie ta0 Pesln 1. der i short notice. Balsamir Tinctuneaof3lYrrnh, Infants' Mixure, Cancentrateti EssnertofoiGinger, do do Peppermint. ta ta Ratafia, Anitillous Pill, ýVeetablc Extract for iii. Main, pot Pourri Powder, core Pateina Hausse Varnmnla J. W. BIlENT, Drugg't 4- Apothecay EILARK WRIGHuT, RAT MANUFACTURER QURÂEY STREET. A >ESPECTFUL tenders ta the, LLpublic hie grateful acknowledge. mentef for pat supprt white in the irmof0 Tedel & 1Wright, aWd aOuit iniarus them tlat he continues the business et the saine stand. where ho hopeo, hy punctuality and attention te busnss, ta meit a cOntinunace af ther lavors. Constantly onnhannd, bet Beaver, Neutra, cemmon Fur, and Wool [tata. Ail order, sither cash or approvedl crîdit, roin country mercharta, thanliulY receiveti, an punctuitly executid. Kigston, 17thAug, 1841. FUR SALE. T IIE subacriber, wishing ta return ta tmçîeaei, lîLÂ2ND, ta which ho tanjaviteti, ater havnv ierved 25 years of his lufe in the Midland Djjstict, Province ni Canada, will dis. poseeai bis place in Adlphustown, vhere lie ha@ dons business Io gooti account. PoEsession wilr b.ive on the lot of June mout. ho place te now occupied by Mr. John C Jeffers. where e li as don, andi continues te do a àoo trade tu lhe extent lac uses. Much cout be done wth a gen.ulote" t ails afoi the country rade."i The premises anti out. buildings have v ery suitable convenjence, with tbree acres af landi araut the hoeuai anti buildings; the width of 200 acres from the place. Ife ofera wtb the place, 475 acre, ai GOOD L.AND, excellent Barn and nme Apple Trecrs. 'ritie ta thre place good anti free fram tncuinbrance. For terma apply at tire Ileralti Office, or to the proprietor on thre premises. JOHIN W. FERGUSON. Adolptîuatowr, lit Oct. 1841. T OOKING GLASSES, Hair anti Clothes .1iBrushes, Fancy Gil Coat andi Vent But- tarns, Bazars, l'ocket, Peu & Desk Kn ivef-, Scie sor-, Germnan slver Conbs, Spoons, og anti Foks, Notarial Wafero kOSICPris. Plain and Ruleti Lettz-.uiaoscap Paper, Il 'ting Cade . n o.Drawing I'apor, andi Brietol B.aed, juat rcceivcd ansd fr sale at T. & J. RIGNEY'S. ' Coinb andi Fanry Store, store.atrOet.t tKngston,201h July, 18-Il. ____1__ T. & j. RIGNEY il AVE rerovedti r Coaih and Famcv store frac the Cornei of Store & Mentreal Sireets, il the preoilars laieiy occupteti hy J. Wa&-xiNsa C., Store Street, K<iatn FIRST CLASS BOARDING 110135E. 7'olkt for a iprm of year.-Posefiost givea n nedùslely. T HOSE extensive anti comn'odiois promises Tnear thei Mansion Hanuse Mlotel, in Store SLreet, over the. business place f the Subscri- ber@, being now finisiet; preainte art excellent apportunty fr the opening ifare pectn'.t Pri- rate BO.&aor! e Huss. Tbey are situatei in ane ai the mot central anti elligible partasaiftthe Town ; cantignona ta the Stean Bat Landine atpinipal IMotel. Thie Building i a b. rahy ici-e prool au it in posaible ta make if, & -cniste af a Cellar Kitchin, large Dining Rente thmePpaionaeleantprirati Parleurs, anti Tbe inciraing besielmcofa tisMetroçili, ,MM the great tncomaenience hthirta elperien- -« er lcwaat f sncb accommodation, affer great aiteantafflsfta cuca peros asaiare calculatnd te oocastc an FAtabliuiiment. Applioa-if by letton pot-pali, may b. Uade ta ARMSTRONG & GREER. Kingston, 28uiiAugast, 1841. 1841t. JA LL AND WINTER1 ARRANGEMENTS abn mai WS iO- K'INGSTOIÎ & TORONTO. GOOD FOUR BOMSE COACHES ne ra fl aeOinr'o, foromfor Kiagaoma -M r>'Suundata 10 o'nlac, A. M. *m..crocM tcrida t àu, *eis t Soelc <ae>m- -~ iii aibavtaéce a lI «-l n WX6 *ICI~ rei 1NVOMIATION WASTED. aiaAlexna,, Jamimoani Dfe d. Thay teub Can but 9 Yu"asa ar. !.m wieela biard frouawes kera eb Attirsu teie esaiatx aeLi pas I 141 Store SI., Kington, Jans adt, 1841. FUR§ s t;U»ES1tFUIES 1 HE HZubsatiber reapectioli>' informe Lattes anti Gentlemen ai Kingston t tii.> lbane rereiviti par Great Britais anad Be jas, on. ai the lrgeet anti hest i aorinenti Londoan Manuiacturet PURS, evr 9reti Sale in dis Mar-ket. couittng in Puitan LADIES AIN ISIE1 NUF là 301%OIE Chinchilla, Gentlmen & Toi k z raL x acFine SmitaSealS jueran Uirel akSable, Setdisl sable, Chinbhilla. Fitch. Squirrel baci, Britih Sabsie, Nulia, , Bro. & Bki Grunett Aibracan, imitation Sable, Rmisia Lambs, Bro & Wiitn Angola, Mark Fich. Frenh Martin, Imita"uonSial, ,ANq» cLETH CAPS. ALSO, TRIMIMINUS & ZDGINGS, Bra, bi, & bIne Grunet, flar Seal, Anola, . Muskrat Imitation Sable, Sonti SeaS«ial Martin, Sable, Ssjarril bacl, Mark Fall, Fitch, Mini, Ladies' Fur Mta, .Nutuia, Imitation do. Glan.e Gauntletts;,., Gens. FurColis Aaaa :-A la aucisotlent ai Sqoinnil 1 Sanie, Sibei na nriWicCoy Cerman Grainet, Astracan, Lustri NU -Frenchi Martin, anti South Susal S km.-"- articles la the Fu ine de tne ordor, anti pairing dons etthie ihortent notice. Alan, a iew Mahogan>' Frenchi BeiteI ailI bain Maîrasses, Mîhagan>' centre Ta and Rocking Claire, commun, cane, anti J boîlainit Chairs in great vaaiety. Lool Classes ai al descriptio@, anti a fe toui nithe lest Principe Cigar,-411 Ofwinh wi sol lo fo Cah. M. L .GREEN & C( Oct. tlGth, 1841. N. P. Thebent Price paid for ail uin! Shippiog Pure at hem Store in Qnaýrr' Fit S TO VEVS! ST I 7111E aulecnîber woge'4 vespectinll>' iaf J- le public, tisal 00bun opened a Stare Kingston, on Gneii Street, between Brank z'~s-~aS. lut lie SALER oUirSTOVIES, Andi thse mnuactur.*ng of Coppe>', 7n, ShatefIrm an re. He han now on liandthile largeit anti lest ass mont ai Stores ener offeret in lia marketc 'iofngaivari ons kinti anti aires ai COOKI? toe tiornua large aupply ai themntd hie patterns ai PARLOR, hIALL & BOX STOVI Hiavtng inken mucli Pains tn tiieuhinetion os assontoient, anti froan long expertence in business, be cmn conhlaloutl>'renomment i@ sortirent an being ai the mait appravot Patt anti iorn aut>' and tiurabilit>'ofI nainga, style of fini, lie>' cannai b&. excellei. Hg non manufacturing, anti intenta kuiPing1 stanil>' an bandi, a tull eapply ai STOVi TiEIGS0, sTOVi PrE, CarvM Ia, SHEET ta03 CAAX, Coinpnising ailarticles usuail>' antit b>' h kcepens. lio railn oudtenl yrecommenu avare ta h. equal ta an>' non anmmfactured, iag matie 1> long expiviencit naramen. nmne but îlhe etaf materiale usit. N.B. AU kinta ofRepairing anti Job V dons vitb Datnes L LMALLOR Kingetai., Sept. 92% 184L- J US? er vicb GiI AIsc-Gold La uid NuaL fa. -,N T. a J. E1GN3tsi; Cteitbandmat ary i 1IHE KINGSTON HlERALD-?UÊSUAY, VIBRUARY M t6L41- _ _ _r.t.su. oa~LLNEi( *~ flNE BU»IRED I*OLLARS REWAII1D bas A CÂRD. fYTE ilU.Agnlma eo gt bren alerait fe muth, te ay né,wbo Wall AESSIZS. COLLINS & IAIN-M Me-M i i.OO.OI MU saUaianti sealiby filli- tendAtIc-,tinge r at beiaig ciet. 0f ti6estossii, in mo onne in.eriten LIMLe o bs iy W il Wi nor a u u n ou in zy of rdepectflilly tbaaig tutir zeorours meroa lfeneda, havn; aiace the year 1818 op ta sta hoelbas i herel cf a sair. h ai aisera bol- î iraisanti the Publicegenitally for theur very recetiy, bens brut seily double. and Wlatisrai seniat-the iiCiaei re n.îng lsupport dnrrng the pant year, anti beg ta Years coninesl ta bis tribas bhion e oredtafum i' a tîfi cf îis C IL, tai cn eseirg.ercae.acqnuat llen fltaîavig c lil*et saute very geai! heath-has regainet bic alsral erect i j MYit & e idsiîffr i'r <etmly triaawn opane atinal alterations in Ihasr Builing, thiy aeto-adh% rtedbscriie n o als ty Iliiithe liait fca ui . For the Pies, Tightneas aithe clicî npn'ltircio utiraeto-nibs iieibstigati ,sow t u fIi jril 1'1,1r, Pile,, prilt Tciv urhr oisignmetal, stttacase!t! W.,bevre ibiais iltire gntiemnais ri~ iîcti.~i ~ ii a Foe ir Fai t a s, p c s ly tn c itr r a ihope by a i i attentiora to itb interca a st r int ea rituion a i -oece as possibleirais: lucre is i il ' " .L e tr'a lenter Fet, Feul Ureraofih leg;fathose wbo entrst tbam sin ih thîr businedss.no exaggeration tuinit. We caffl gveinquirirs tli i-.I~ ei j or e ta ycacr rote ogosrr to imeit a coutinuanceof that patronage andsup- iihsresi,,anti dont nihishruriame ferelinîgs cill A .1:~f~ rucit, I Iorver Obstinate or port they bava hîhertn erjoyed. excuse the Uhety ; su thrtt any ont tiauLtrig, nu.y c-î fti iii Scatti Head 1Cltsilblmir. &CI osrimr hrwt c-tr.i t ofuistneMr a.G. ttey-nold,l44Chriftliestrei, LOOTc0~1 aLOOK OUT.E uarbr eevt otruehels Sonn Ssrinlec Ain caanis-fiie Ihi eartce IOOK tlîy bvr cr ale Inabie reiarsiandti us1givre prsoinil assurin - ;'afr u-1u .3I arlt r.. r. cimpaut s ulwtb aouss devin. Do nitlhiloi.NOVELS. Cso b ad1tbscne oh srareîra Islni v rsliers, and nrl nr poacti allai. Onet hing enly still protet you-il %tan t",, %Nlcrk, lnon. vol. Lady 131aung di, anti contracteti nords and sinewse. How lastnanue yirer 1141à, e"-"tus ienadone ? is ename ni COMSTOCK & Co ; tisai M e ton", s, taone vol. lrvng5i tVorin vue Ansuer .-B r coes' No-reesu Boire Linimeif. IOB Re W he Rt,ýO i st b lOlOys 3nmthfuier ri irou are cilait- vol. Coupers Nevel, conleti 'ln 20 vola.N.Y ROBERJu26181 PîTa 0lîus.hare ilig. ; d Iama oi'tit aaie Iis direction with Scotî'cWorks, in 10lorls. BulsersNanilain 1IÏ SalitI hvCOIISTOCK &Co. 71, bMaiIila'iia', teilae hih biacte.rlofî1' hall ~,yens asudtest by tien, on neyer bosy il; foic h 15 vols. Piciuick Papste, by Box, 1 vot Nieholao e'Trani.11eyDr 1, LKigtn, 7~ ileaiaddaee ie1 «Unasllefor a"y thée taie.true Or geltub. Nckleby, hy Box, I rot. Oiver Tit, by Bax, anti in Cana. net the Baliri ai Coissuuija dsa' n, i.Sl yCbhOK& CO, 71 blaidema Laei, InL SebhalyBxtrI icheel Art- -IL_________________l_ e ni e wtiY Cok, o CK v r Dnuggst n K ngstee, strong, hy M n. Tnltope, 1 o. D e C iffOit, o L 1 E R C 0 M P L A 1 aue nt ae îir >rd andtinhaCaada. ile Constant Man, by tue Author af Treainan, De A-DALLSICNES AN aIEqS lrtYiatat1nr rai-t For sale by N. Palmer. Verts &c. 3 vola. The Govermns, by tWe Coin- AN L I- S N DSAE.boin, btlans a rniai- î è.,~ lneaot Blesington, 2 rets. Tite Ycîîîb ai Shais- TEMPERA.NCE LIFE BITTERS .AND WM. THATCHER,~: :~~~~~~-; ~~~e T B berbraurentiaspyai eaebth mtor nf Siiaiap.ariand ls hicaetifs, CHINIESE BLOOD PILLS Mehodmst iaisîer i $ CrlaoESucicer ugliai vedarnnng wbich lia. ret FochebA Cln n icers,2vos.C uIL thoe îaong. erfumery, rio wic vl.The Pick NiePPipe ,bY BOZ, 2vols- Titegrritaet Seca'at discoveed! h. JOHN P. 1NII 3' r it SetDir leouri, ytal h(eeAnty ihor2voPlt, a, r. ot, ant ffeir ears. This a s tison tffetually trieti, JuîN 'S. FUREIL loi L- Spne inFer, irihs, Dcciii andl Marriagr'a, bythe Aithor of yitfesr-sveiui1midwd tei; ii IGliIMîCtRD~' i3 ,- ScetPrigFe, Synnloit.icEoi hpritehy ~y? Notberause prging mas it irîeary, .1011-N Y.'sD, Jr, - . let lietyosnia or Persian Baience, the Arthororai iseius,&c. 2 vois. EverDay fiMowand sabas in ins.n the tytu.Pr ei.ic )uta Theaylt'.Irr i i Sm, EglantineLii it Lotien, t.y James Grantl, 2 ri. i a uvi a ytole.urgyt.niuQI i ,l ciri Oro ,glathee The. icly huorosf the blondi su-t ircrd Off quslit a, Il i- 1 re:.î,, yh oo the Aiahor oGalyi,&c. 2 vole. t CVIi liîdî rau ifla1Coln Ctn, hyCh»a. HautslRn--.« theiiaccumutationaoffiberam renetad. Pre. ILire e-tilntilIn ici l.-' îiuv Citranil9ÀaRbeau, Plsnl:Hall'vriteategotofsc uosttaihoeIfIlea rat. Geranhom, aReord, hy the Auuiior ci Bacýbeurt, 2 vol: W4n d thnhinrti cf ich ior en e hai lbrcf îan r<'th- h ait MarclalleCausin Geffrey, thi OIt Bacheýo, by Theeador b eth n-re c sne ~u ssatre rie~ 'r ! à Maneidale, Ioi2vs h eîical, tmni ges and siilI relain ie 1oliems of yonth ontiil- r",. -. a19 Liale Vliy sBrey,2nOla. ladyja draRn by digà?-Beoius5e thfey purfg tihe blandi. The CO-sc'UuNWArirr l KS ayofe Sualey.hy Milter, 2 vl. Tht Huc hantiHunter, rbl 'n n B'DPil-me calet brellasn hey wik titri1 , ilhoat hBaceHislle, aI. ne #opousimsaand rivanse the BInai-are the standard 1. ROIIEiT Wtt XION) Roy <oteniigeor tModsern School ion ScarldaI, by Mns. Gareremedy. These Pilîs %it doit riteTeitrt'o;Ili sa!n, laaIElrr i sse.fris Pacac araa ha. .L 3anI eacc Btesuke sdielei eu trsgtissurtor '11e ai s~ iidtaeto Rowse, ilsrnte -laqiit, i Circasian weraus, he FrigIsi, hy Ellen Picin6, 2 rots. The ahe ysteainti dprerent the accurnolatiaa sif the S. Fuiey, onui li i , Qtueen's Bouquet, Fi -ing Dutchmn, a Nord by Capt. Marysl 2 hs0 uoswîhi a iebsot nIwit sgsdt l iv etIt i, doqetc'Arabie, voi.' Joseph Rosatboi, or the Poarler, by nly incrtases b>' purgsoutrasathe bitters aie Ileite I if ciarart l! r 11"1t -ý-h1 10 a ePotgl CapI. Manysi, 2 vois. Geyslear, a Romancentàtaci afier. Bny, tirait,literie pillU ansi ttilers. full crsdît sharîi b, lie BauePtugl h ýpak yC .Hfta,2vl.Bre Taie uveily tli: pilîs, ansd tait>'lire tiltera ; anid iaiîasîinf - k Colagne Veitable, lehIhWi > .F.Hfia, os orer ouare or bave bren invaltiia ionitiys, usetl L.,Ç.] band, ij, r1..1,1, . tii Esprit de Lavente au Millileurs,, Beaogles, a Taie cf the Minsisippi, by lhe Auto yuonyasonutIfitthuit'bmoa rfielt ît , ii thes-oteof Richard Durais, 2 rote. Howuuardl l-iqciney. .anhrI r, i isnill fiîctifa ntsickm, an't Ie ROBEIET bth. rU! bat he Action of Clinlon Bnadnhaw, 2 noti. e. . %i% Verbnbe fifssmianti Extracljit atb ns n>.2r.Tc-, aaloaepetotehue ofiirckumess chaDýe îsisiîfl% r.u LOOK OU'.- -areraIoii, aike aPersian SotiGryetvos. eegse i efau tso"Ming glomnu fhleaith andsi yalifrbrany.feited the oulistle, siîlaî 0.5 ion% enhoa n e anta, j-ttory cifa Flirt, elateti hy herseli, 2 rois. tTher a.i !, C ic- Esprit de Roe, ackbe ai oth Ainswoth, 2vMs. Gare, 2r- le T re ecases a se nosocf thesn L.i!tt-unt --liî: '1'liiitT,: Viritable Pomnade Divine,:ac feoetuhsAnmvnh,2 oi.TIe ;im ine anti ace foriitani aýts.nlit ta tisatiliite iur inbtc jiNîu- Ppmatuns, ryin~g Men, by tie Autifor of Cousin roil>' 2tlnst.ia athe ~ ~ 01 GoZ,:le, niB~ss as oa Night andi Morning, by E. L. Butiner, 2 put tiac oltcs'a. Buy amli use these meiticmiara. are ciut. D lt,1 iif 3iai, Amber Pretan cnelling Sablen. vols.Ernest Maltraiter-, hy E. L.' Buwetr,2 at oen trr nihalsat îegh taitctO m1~>.air,!ti itifi h".,.. &c. &c. &c. &.vols. Chartes Tyrreil, or the Bitter' toi byîeyodrs. Se ralper ant iriectionsi ihat cimie ti'ilr1.J-ei r-l l J. W .BREN?, Author of The Hugunot. 2 it. Tiec Manaut wttit.'atl lTJK~ttu Da'g-gsf ' potm »DIS rmor HenîryDe Colns, hythe Author ofRich. FRAUDULENT COUNTF.RFEITS Ncsvira,,d l et> le,t elles,, ' Wili le i r e l. B-su n fon t or l'i, tissu naîtis un i eiu,2 vols. Tht Gi nîleruan ci Ibe Bld Si-me, -unir-.as il bNIore my Frrame _ Ii__N____- rff Kingat%tan h b3 . P. R. James, 2 vols. Thso Courtier, or the n. . Le, . il-.nbarrree tmyNlTra,îne~ <1ERTAIN CURE FOR SIC K HEADAC 0 D of miChateilIl. b>' the Auîhîr cf lin,. Ar. thse uravlIser, ti aise rhe sl- f.il\\ 'A.NT E ).~ wh.'elsisbaeen unord in iamlcaenery m- mytîge, 2 volst. Woman's Love, or the Fengu- 8EmvTer,'st.îctrri- i lleIo a ae. ana eoatttisionlmily romptimnlitlasc-or the Fortunes o os ,suisn, 2 vole. Tii Cisine Diirni--t Cars- tn tlimisle i ste1 tes frLac tier . i'i -t .tti' reti îfectuaily in ener>' instance yei inown- Mntry:l.Ge,2nfs rcdsa Ris- Ssrrmttann District of Ne-w York." - îtu-i' ii ti îs- i coaentiç ts mi>'hunrets. t a ne N i t is yNrGaecf2Côto!sb, rE.L re e r, Vsrr-asilesi:ne On) rîi rilîe. amutngaiTacmaded.I s o lplea- mrtlerfl ays of CtlmNus, by r.ire lite .t- illie- 1h1,-: fi sont ta the teste, sudtirtesesto provent the dail>' 2 vols- Cecil, or the Adreotunes of a Coxeiuntsh. esan-. %sTx&CoN-YiL,,rt1l i,,. ; j! avocaîjoas of ouis u l ; it mustaiehopeilevereti 2 vols. [tarse S.;sce Rt-inson, by fiie Aur i o --ot Kîîî1t-Il -.ýjaIvtf.- ii- in, andt he cure ia graduai, but certain anti penna- Sîrallen Barn, 2 rots. Fseldinig on Socielty, L) iiighiloinrg e. iiiîîii0i.C-.- N -î- mient. Instances are rontrtantl>' multipiyingwuhceelte Aulion ni Tremais, 3 vols. Raînlistn tiseDCTR.C.L?"iitE this rditressing complainti taroampletelly relteveti FoOtslepa rai Dun QtixmIte, '2 vats. Cromwael, ami S"IttyI'N. Pýime. - -- 4 tsiflttcaC-i- ront correct, aihougi of yîare standing, by bise use istoriral tNvel, hit the Author i* Brthers 2 vols. 3oefW AND SPLENDID mi'tir siperrur f. r :!sfun r ti-î-p i, of Dr. Sjobn'e cettbraied remet>'. One secideti The Youang Primra Doinna, by Mrs. Grey', 2 vola. racuti,111 Frfat preference is its pleacrtnrss, aiang toile ni tie Wamsn sud ber Mrtrr, tby Llui, Morgan,2 Vol. CABINET FUIENITUIJI' raif u he 5 Io iy...lai ,e & Dnscatîng affect oi communon .The QitHs Fd y le im iz,2 nis. ' then pîcicularis ippiyl . rue til no peniecîl>' satisfactany, muat the prorietan Thes Aunent R igiolo, a Tait by J. P. R. James, A hpa ieCeiet n sgo rmsà 4&C. ha. given ietonfrbsagetta refond tht 2 ve!@. Tire Convint of Lisncamotia toi, the Au- as te beat.____- JAEtfirtJ Loch prherteaoymone who sît pleased wti,and even thor ofiTaita anti Storiea ai the Irish Peasantry, rp- HE Sohsceihber a leave#iorom tise pual- 513sT Il'IÉD-mîg Iack corai by ii. He botaia itatIbis maysoeuers 2-a h eri>r oteFnta u1 lic genealy, théât hbusLà;reim setbiPu-A D 'O SA-.u tliN tria, ils gisat honefits a the disresid sufftarers Wo b y Mr. Cooper, 2 vois. The Tareraif Londoen, nilure Wattune tasa ebis nmer buuilins recenlty A ir. ,Is 'èsl dliicah 1 -Al 1arc lahoaigunifer Headacise. lu>yViswosllm, 1 roi. Gu>' Pasnkel, b>' A-.issorh ereuited inira ontrealitireel, %tiiutdoor troum the nada, irctliiiu ils-D-î- TI intru ne- E. Spohin. M. D. Inventor anti Prepnieton. I vol. Thue Sketch, 2 vois. Bae'itrHall, cornraif Stoue Street, ant i re r tri Mn. Thibutctilà AtaO...Fras (Ifteir i-unFuî. COMSTOCK & CO, 71 Maitien Lane N. Yok, hy 0-offoi>' Crayon, 2 vola. Ra1visosn Crame, Grorfn>' Stine -ree miii aimais hne unît s g-or- ieof CO.1or 1!su I 'uî$:ri,a, it atois, aiby coey Druggt itn Kingsn ant in Canada. [rarry Lorreque, Chucles O'Malley, Ton Thui- mral assatsret-oi READY MADE. FURNI- are eIîaîiu-d t, ai tI-tas-utr-ui 1--reim ,bue DR.TAL- _S latd i ea, Vaientine Vos, 4c. . Pelihasî. TURE, cf libru et quail- asdatir lalet1tteras, asti TorIbtii r'ifituft tuc- h:-, l FIag 'I ut t)~Ile isowneti, Deereau, Paul Cifford, .La pitres tesuit ints-ndirig purchasens. Pensalitdisi- flic Garube'ttittit .5 laiasý BALSAM 0F LY¶'ý.g IORT tPays an Poampeii, Emttine.%an, The Studemi], ruaiofpmrhnaie neslerecfuly settikite oaste TowaisI- u outltrv 't~Il. m si rol nsUSa'TIIÇAzi< <LtVii 0Upeà1. I'ngtand anduthLe EsglihhRienzi, Godolphin, At- a rai. As the Sulmcriber il; ctisalnly nsauntc- A feus (ilustti c îusî i il bc Cough, Clte, Ashme, Difficuit>' of Breatii. Le untise h Mysteies, b>' E. L. Buuuer. Tlho tarirazfora9ie andslteaoaier, ttry con apeeirç iehio.XFtoi' $'Il' 'A 1.11 ir-g, Pains inlthe t3ide or Brnot.rSptîing oBlood, Cuifty Slaop, b>' Bar. pce îb yatceyn vai qDire. iggaa, fth Jure, 114.- _ Catarrhe, Palpitntion o aile ar, Opprenslian RAMSAY, ARMOUR &.Ca.,luppisei "0ts n>' artcle T() BOTLER anti Sorenia cof the Chest, Wboloping Cougi, Kingston, Novembr l1% 1841. Kinrgston, Jcn. 1841. 1 ~'E-t tg i- u ai OfPloonia', Hindi Forer. Niglat Soteati, DIffiult WÂsNTr-A Vr-sir adPolishen. lri'îuriiar.f..t-u Sor PraiuseExpectoration, andsa.11obivAft'ections H1 E sulacrilen legs ta iufanm îis custrom- 0ms.e md ' . P.c II.ilCI of the Cleal, Longs, andi Livrer. T ieri and hie publie gonecali>' uitlire lab CIE B L A N K S 1F tu .Il Thi editines is for sale 1>' the sle Propie. rroivit a part of biesaupplies of Fail Gouds, lier FOJR SALE BY THE SIJB. DSnutiMEf îli l.. 'e l tan at frw~, etwen Fui-UantFhft Sjartan fromt Liverpoosl, antiCaledonian. and rd UYE IWOODS of the hasq Titi bti Etiîrîîaavuî tri t :and its., New Y'ork, Gea. Taylor, M. D. ; anti by Mohsawkmfront Glangows, ant iehi ait>. expectca i.' anti Reta7i. re fl 't? Invi Cometoci & Ca.r Wlolenais Dnuggits 71. par Great Britain IL Douglas, a lange nupply or J. IV. BRENT. .re>iltidîeii i Masen Lamne New Yack, anti byevery Druggist Lanti.Faim>'Gootis. Aleu. Iltagnet and Courier, Drrait Aotue -:ttar1t.î;r adin FI.- -_______ the nomaintler o bsMancbester andti ksie igStreet, Dec. 22, - ! h ,ciuSfWu.sef1l CoRD WOOD.Gouds, lia wbale of whrvb willIferomone af thce - -iT 1%1%î ît- sort. ~ CORD 'ral, t1e arCn.a est assartimnts in Canada. Thoito Ladies anti VA L IA B LE FA R M FOp$ ALE. , ;ont- CORS rO lM - Et 0&Per Cod.e Gentlemen wiebintri 10suppI>' ilernaelyo its U IL Ie sisi 1>' fl.rtcinn(s.n "tcsdaY it" ies ae 0 fi% NG, IVMWILSON. MSick, jldo m-cl te a ri1a ssanai - -_ - YVth day ai April neat l'u bt ni set aiieou r -, l!aai n sors CaSetiockaani urof îeeBornbaecenn. Silks, meindCloths,an nomeniFaimrnaInoraas àLukes prm. ih.,%105v si hue n tiche fr' ES. e o Kick n,t dc, & Steatise>' arenent ta le snnpaased h n cheaprienas of possesteionn ai Mn. Fourire in Ercntt-eriv-gsim e rfieei 'E. inanigootinesa ai qualit>' ; likewise a largoeîteeYnrk o naaTahzelnatitOit1 ssîr Iirtniystît- b) tat- i- of bis EXTENS1Yl; sanpply oairneur Carpeta just apenet, naine tory iron Kîington, contaiuninffl <acrer, a gret ittrt doulu t s aine s irisiI r the 9 A D DDL 0 A IN D H A 5N Srici pattornna. ai wîiehis nase under cLiivaitn, harvîug filiee- - tequ1erut nasse îsf fie -- in as- WAREHOUS .Wu. WILSON. on afratuoeffouse. briset Otherouîbu~iîtings, n the usof ia crne-tv ttt1.hie, :r."~ trne, Knso,2t et 91 extensive Onchard etgoti applea, auna a living (talealonia ltpruntrt att ati f aea pouC.Rce ufi 9Ésptgith an ahustdait suppi> 'illenr. abatotily te re'ciuti i con-s JOHN IIARVEY, graieful fer lie extenemnve J S ubRECEIbEr, aLFRgo ALoEnt i n taEngii- the saine wii ile tisposird ai on 88.91 ;c ilîttut thr tB X 50 atro neniineti aince b ST ES, cnflastimig ai Csuaing, Parlo r. eur> onarsraktn iileF or patuniaiap> aterosn otn.mi efr i. hIciciP hrtcm IiontaleUpne _ -s.e. on-ta1_ ._ ,-' -. n hi ie tnde, andti ie publie, tit hai asnoot on banti a splendid anti well ceunte aortment Of ac i& On f ai dssierlOassiHeasms.AIse- a su- pinior aumertnent of Marie ClotIe, Wbi'iof erer>' dueription. 1 box ad Antigvapeloe, iret fraie Englant, for nittng or walking. Kingston, Non. 16, 1841. 31rn3 CHJOICE aieortnsent, ai Papen Hangiaags, A »I bodrnifor "e ata T. & J. RIGNEY'S. Kingeten, IMti Non.,1841. Th1R alebtre Subsecris. F =-icnte Teaska>' Tes, 1Obain« do 15 Young Hyso do 25 çatty baiin"doL1&T.Re~ ta li day DIS-40MiEDib& conom.L NeeApril lOti,1841. Oe.a litse" anti ~ ~ baéé erim u l____ cacatisi-Onc l.anti Work LT. 25 laid save. FOR ÂZ fSr unmalhaq b aid .Drawea Flank% M laja v" IzntuseIw.auverUeM oi Woolme ms. nain tla t»1 Cltba and Caimi. mu mir - I. Plii nd liane Cliii., sutah lo th tafani baiea. wbIéwsflbe mu it fgsuatl duei WWSifer Ccb-4 e paieavinag imput a latkio 68e ambturere b im oeil.WI W.WILSN. N.r o rdo oe tia.e. a" oda omlam PaUE& SKINS- >Wb wU e o n ehi FUR& OK!mId STO VE S. r? tmi=ï"M lbe»M o - m <Z~~~io Dit a ~omI mamej sdieu c Doack ladelimurepin-e.pg7 oaien i î~ni a >'ulW Pii i yisiea b aI ~ i ut. d . a l i . O u .na :d i j eh le dm et t e MM a" lil> sA." aliin "&4msm Oitaee& ICs OUaI TEK l.leotâer et ~BIII eseiut1~ ne lila, - - Ben& ~ IX- W~UU~6~ Mn& t. t. goB, auj et t. liai d~ai ~ are offereti for sale ae low, tInt persans w istsimg te sU1,ply themselves ivili do well ta raU ine. îaeY. JAS. LINTON, A. &B. Kingston Oct. 4.1841. F OR sale by the Subecriboe, Io do do Ise 20 boxai Cavenisnh, 8 bhdfboxes Nairad ti . 55jars Buftte 2D do N Fig e,q 20 do CioinmaRice. 25 bage greentofibu. 15 doOP7 Io'T doAlispici 10 javariid, 75 SaltaCaiâ4a Mfeami ewrppin< péper, 1bue StarCla 8 eaClore,, 15 bi.Pipes, Oc.1841. I. H.L T. RA&. Couet. niFmue" Atu Ibo ua Sme od 0hdelWle Ic, Mid elt WI a eu painsl.7eaiea4, hWe unioi'i.n.t.CtNiMihks Yuied nid.l. cileMo. Kinoslofl. Ndav. 301h, 1841. It s)sale by R-H. &T. RAE, 115 lits. Marteli'i best Cognac Bnranti>, 10 do Snlieitsari W Ocanes tdc 3 quarter Cauhs eweet Malaga, 16 doc te Madeira, 16 octaves do 14 qmureks Por t Wine, a hbds.ahbin.7s aupeioir, 2 do do do q do EsiinlurglAie. Oct. 1841. EUST receivet anti for salesb>' tbe sobscribers, »JF 10 Ibta. brigbt Mtuucvato Sugan, lâ.bble de 20 boxes Seap, 20Oto wite do 04llcstntit Il- H. & T. RAL 5 ALT,-300 bhWOeosdAPeql ae 'O w Infor smalb>' IC JE. vIii? iwF lNU Il1INMnu«~ AT Nro. 4, ia8pà!Wo aUvîanur<l, M.4RKET SQUARE. 12" 9 p*çes.o12000 yaa. Siped - ,~ii. ClasPlaids, andiA- 30 ta. oile s se a adki thr-f smale of839. aul pi the h«ealia"t u à fow baie. dtBuffle Robe. 8 W 1o w a Oner &oeing. Cern Evoam i4 "i.Immn goda ailai n 2 pi S.W. BRADT.- ~ Dc2 8,1leu. 37 Ow FOR SA LE BY THE S.i~ Attlacur JVolesceo IFrrboe, Fa ">LUE, brase, b[uict md' ut J Clatis, plain bIsse, bffvi iDd tiamont Bý.eavn ilUerinsutF,fga ' piniet Saxonie. piaf in9Mt!ý- crinsson iboccena anti Pariai" 1 Kerseys and 'ergeo ist. id -SalisburyFiiaiI 'at tane, gre>' anti whte Cottmn r5e pintoti Seticias, haîr card »M&C nettes, swhite, blacku, piskak Mui.ina, Bislopa an mlua jne, rolare d Lelisu, srnr I coUon Veireti antid iene veà s re , uceitnS anna , blondiadi lz 5h Viii, crape rclih i' prui Nette, pliaw n -ahLaes, Qu'i]a"%'% eWt Frca j t . mosijaCu&fa tnimmet dacae,) ite et w b u ilk bac ci'an tid W l tillas . ar e0-m t iHes s Iamwl hie Md rî tanal &c. GREAT v-iet'~Siî PURLIS BE» £'VÎtII lu olSWA V At hW a&emin ha Sag ehen alu satura uDI te t.eille il' a K GANADI oitIr OOOS, 0E RETAILI ai Ib te 1 ofeli DRY GOO j e eitis ri>' <of Plain ft~ ambe te al aati WW »,abba aeaoct wite risnait CÀ mtatecif the #ru attsoftii incwli - dtCqailst heher et laffase Ibo nusl ni 0,«suy beomter. r~~5oi înîity ih.taienaIta trIm tw V l=ý "âpprtle' have oMr t bb ie .rely r inS consequn c Il scuaiv"de iavimng bhen Ontlu tg a anti s ialai Sup fsi! bu bleaupeo.didibut tire Deati ai va.,aibtintit necesbar>'. Of he muet bh Dispaseti of i au a M a t a ina lm a i - a n g in s l ui amay. a~i.eIn ordtieai w rîtcesmeei SingQIet auch Pr air* Pîrcb~mai oftise C riai Sa oust drain aet tai tuaEetabiisin tt fcn ativîrtilsnmnitt milimot s elsrui Catalosgue, but the fsslils are aotbtas hinL, Panicull ms-W- & NDBE AVEIL CILOTYr ut ,i eB r a-i ('luth s. a' "nb5 M lied do. fr C ri -a? (' a Ia îrrequitenmiefor liantalss ~' udBececrceeie, i'nusually cie 'rsîl hlrt.uti FuiieJ Ic-' SJNKETR AND FLANNELS- sdWbu-e Xu tiptlitirs anti Quît r ,iursOCluttîs, Waoitcn Rug.. &. r>' & tiraoiy Flnnela fon childrn'ms cItbi lglea Cloua aAnd Mer st frain'nabli Siaties of Caisar oft aiera. Aiea anîloteena, anti ( uaslnndeltntsi, p:aiut aund l-rî -t1taSubri u ith grrat r de fr rPublicepS intsni iis eapr miplte atibiutiil Vaniet' iof " -,fanerne an a>'formner Iraii tutaisti for ljre aniBantillemts c-.uli îlancb. andseprofit s nîol nona tise 0 àais peedy>' diapa ui rfth r)ucîsi , ai ont>' e itudy-ng Ezoîo'tinay 'nui -ureiuts Oas extenai5le aiposai alcs. el il fio te,tuf user>' descrip! iton. ~.~-uesstleriss jlohi rr, & t -ibisa aid Dratioris, ta ho 's - ta. t c '.ket or Neci St irV ai î.isES & vl..t t.' oR t> rt -. :'fic ':rr, Uî-amv i îon 1 o tirk-iuakettcJ Tckirs-J i a-iier, at- ou f an>' Ho-tan j AWIRI cf tise incat navetl>IesignF. i crusti naai setspisnabte ni suentai h.- - of Plui Vaoolisu Shirvt, an-I t ANI1) BUJFFALO) ROIIES, y niuu under Lesi Yers Pris- fiag. Lisrns, 1.,Lece Vc.tl., aussi llîsi deautr,ptîms. Pluslan Colîrra Linîn ,ti,ctsidres's work.eti Cambrie and a an-t 'oiilen YVa, Batitn.a irai -MervArticle wit tac mnikedt iehe L o lîclamrnonurinqai pitîn uW t ortiere t tu', oai rLy oe 'inn. preent m.iitakes iioeeta obsru C. il. [LUNES & oiiu.Nosuemlier, 11141. JKING CLAOSSES -Lokisg ilites Tuusshei-,, Cruel Standsa, IL. ('an Glass Lamp Stuaies. &C, fi T. & J. RG E' A 1gremu urniety oai Wbipe. anti 'tiseItiide antiTeamistc-r's IVlhi1 lrShoei., plain anti sot,( an, 15th Nov., 1841. <DS NES. 10 tarils Obit Cottae, assasrted l s', fi naal, sy H. CALDI 1841. OCERJES, &C-A geemalàa muent of GGunceries. Liquonrs. c 4ns secatianti battle.) for sa!e u fac cash, oa nnoponvIdl1 AS-ARE-10 ako Tua sdWnaacrted sclo naad q 'iitaes anshIalf bxes Wjnsaw ieu" l lw fur cach. ,1841. IL CALDI SR4o bbls ite f.p,=h, fr.e.1 o Salmron Tvout, _h fo r m a " la> 1841.H. CÂLDI ' 1allée , euata J. W. MiEN' 1 hneibraanclciI vapeeîi.ly Oflabiaaai a antiite ii.'bave taiO e Ho em sunti1 ne « h. 39. e11 R te i s" Caerg OLI&. I.1 MMI -li 12 1 - 1