__r_ ffl ditor" i a rti heanicauien pratect aOur endleato Eng- YACINSi oligLots fer saie, Great distresslàm Egnd, hitil in. a aepoiist h nonting Of itscelf to a 4uty of a ir fan 1.r O N Tuesdy ie Sa marr, Witt be @,kd t -41 tie upper end of Store Street, o ie H srbrha utrcie i a lebwukÀefur protection taOour - . V-: nearer ec br's.tor, sui r.en nceGotrnmet FD RY G O OD S 0' he Timole erdemns this demand ihave no occasion fur artificial protections fm 2 oxsYon H-n e,...rn -sow trs o . WMhhabaibenbought in the English ma manean alf intimates ithat as in the shape ofduties n ou podue.10 chesots Twanky, So-_akt a SEeDNEDIo Rcs se t are fllke the Dog in the Man&, It must nt lbe forgotten either, that five-sixiths 10 h)hda. Muscovado Suga.r, - The greatrer part have been purchased of Banik- wheatWen-(somne reckon name-tenths) of the population of 2U barrels do.o1a1,2feet e rpt atees a Caad desno gowCanada are engaged in agricultural laboursand10 Hhdo. Loaf Sugar, I . -fHLFTEfl RCI .,COT s oplaio • te ntret f hs as uajriy i rsran] 6 puncheons oid Ration Rum IX3, 11and lhe ;astherefore enlabl oorrt i Oa e othe tables that have tu every aother. pa n- I2l" Jamaica Spiritâ 1X2G O E.R M'EN T NO TZ C E. ei s,!ý. ofteepr fbroad stuffâ from a: If the farmnera of Carnaaintend to have the i 20() Boston Spirita 4X5, 1EA L ED T EN DE RS %, il! 1.e jrece.ire 2,esett ;I ,:n1 n: t: tek nAiontat hNEVER.- to Canada, andthetheperport qualtion pressedhomne, they must look welt 10 Hfids. Cognac Brandy, S at the C-mmnissariat Ollice, .MoIrtreal - I. ý.II e parriicula rey al s uei ohe i on ing States t aaz nd ohrlcs•ter ersnaie thehe Assemb ly, ndtke 5 I" -Ottard Dupi ey"d, titl noon, on Monday the2thda o Fb c e Othere named, he is ont eto ral rti . carerel eos e s in ture e wo wll ad 20 cases SchieamoGir', ig4 willlbe found by jude, to be At leurst0 lper C«4 Geat r, t lastaccdliegr topac te arnesntretWocte 20bses eCale r, ruary, 1 ,2. or the perf irmanice of such S .et. - rheaper than ny oder flous her" e a eficiency l' hof foods mterct 1 20 boe s ade RANSPORtT. by, BARAE, to and from ~ - -u.T t sTREE W ear tothearmouent of 74,27ii3bar- i 10Io Lepcher's Zitarch -ontrea..and kmgston, and intermediate dI"an of every goality and lor and ofsuperior ma4., ,10,1 ibs etofwheat. If 1 It appears by the following carrepnec,10 i Bu, *places, via. the S.. Launrence, smabtA hwnb.t4h2epancnait1o rPilot end Beaver Cloths of absrtedcolors, some e r f.t-would bie a stLar:ling fact,,ta h c ftel: esino h rvnil 5 " ground Coree, required by lHer fMajest y's Governmen tdu- ar oeo es . I7 oolln niy fthmve rlendid. t u l ,,,.d naturally arise. how jis Legulature, known a -the Warehousingc," l! 20 bgg reno *e rn hesasno 14separately t ui o. %sers. It formil . , G rod Npe Dc e.atnTrPa,& a oriAl u cprs ilnbcsrcivdepaci.s o-HerMaj ssGo-i 10 kege Plug Tobacco 16o && 18, The conditios f the o' fronts saa li having StOre Street in rot;rae tre'all ether Silk, includinig somue tiner than hiai frmGetB aiadi nvernmient, and British Goods c an be imported te 1 ucen 'asefin ecrsrc.a loa inraCahmSreto lef ssde and -- rb n r htbefore into Can.ada. i bu ,Mwe tarimporingfoud from the Ingtnad ede er nilwntdfo omo s Mipes, iorm of the Tender, and any further in- Street on the West, the situadou .qire tor-e oc Eciz ng.hRibbhonls, that aret t oa eo . ch a large tamount, what will consumption or exportation to the United States. 5basPepr, maionht a b eqied il e o- cm edtion as ivtrsu ae d by ' lue for the be n dintyerqult.T hiRbon l'he s er ta l ee mnt give Besides the advantage taOour merchants in re- 10 qr, casken perior Port Wine tar-d l;aphatonatthlCmtisa iat e teon e fpriva t he es u"he.'ropriets 'the ubsroe n.uriul il teateto a t ' rbýe aboeu. taking Canada aby spect to the dut;er, tilus will operate favourably 10 -" I" Marseilles Port, Thes T eneste at r e K ing ston.willgete ontaeshafrofthe aoestco ;'yi° Ii ft h berPin e. i os%1-dqj!ie. li n ew ll ertainily takte aiby a âslew- o u rd ihteStts.o ig:n.il aer, *T e edr osaete ratsinHalifax wl rc otgso h tesacr"eht, lrnso liclr dg.itis li n eàfeClu"Iprncette, fir every larin become a depot sa plying British Goods to ailli W casesSt. Julian Clairt,'recadt otantera i aue plans which will be shewn on application to figured Sax;nics anid Orleane àCloths Of splendid s hp..iuce wlbe mrngagedtuto he enuntires hordring nu the Great Lake@, as i àbll. ch containing 4dot superior Madeira, of two respnsible persons as suretie' for the sbsvcin ber iheainfo nnaionresectng :rui ; W a e r ed and Damask G reens, inf W hTis isa pretty prospect!. The our merehante are prepared to render it ltheir in- 1 5 I" "Porter, due fulfilmetafil th bv cnb btie. snFerePan luGenOag W s u,,p, as renchmen eatfrog, treet to seek the:; supplies in this nmarket. The1 5 bbil. Salt water Salmonmni cnrc.J. INTON, A. B. If C M. ', 4 every othe colour ; un extensive ard ,,ell . ete alI tefood thrat, they will! Wonder is that soamny er .v ensffr hs ueirTal oCommissariat, Kingston, Feb., 8th 1842. 1 1 ,u jet of Moujsline de air-ee, the greater « -eur, s nceeit i mpasible fo'rus toed toelapse before any adJvantate waýs taken of, 10 bags Corks alontreal 20th Jan. 1842. c H'h' "imoted dret frainFra e turefore na t halt they art willing ,:o lut- teAtdcrn Ki"ona FreeWareos 0bxX0Ga.WOL ESA LE 0911 MI SSIONrc n ,.,:"'.ne, o',- er1a t ntildnd4t Tere willialio fbe coffered] for sale the remain.D YGaSE TAB IH ET-a t o s sau Tä d"" rian-, a mu -mgprt ofhis Dry Geoodsstock, all of which will I IS9 ,N.4 .nY' ULIGFOTSRE' lila,et, . . cq-uat! ,lic liei e.eÊssof WOOI. . ý;ýI.ý jI our 'STom IloUsE, NoNTRlEA«, be sold w ithout any reserve. AND COMMODIOUS STORE TO RENT,il' e % e.ry ,-e. R0e, %-Wh'l!,, Green, and p.1 t, he staitem»ent of the28 hJnuary,142. [ R. M. ROSE. Bl'.8T STAND INMVTLLE CiTY. IHE undersignmed respectfully announce tha't YeBw Fnne. ; e i no.IadWes a,,Ib r a--r nd la h f tIlt , i -Wihreeece tomlultter of the 24!th i Kingsto, Feb..21st 1842. 1 HE tndersignied begs rto state to those T they have enteredlitoe Co-partniership in21 r e.,t. µ, rticul tY s n b ycep t ..,,ler i mak 8 he qu.Lant.y eebrls mase oyus fte2n f8 V E.TORY thlt eskInb wish to establish themselvet e WhlseCo minBsess ite. 1, ovs fen dsclad',vs theUmtd atetoC t- e u meionh, ont the subject of the reinval 07Or CHALK CR USHING MILL. in the mercandfle business il# this place, that name of CARTER & BENTLEY, on the pre- 1i- rge Asto( of Wle .t a-e.en l13,1Rost nrre t Kins 1 ,inal teiexo4tar arGRANITE Edge Runiers adi1c ed Stone the delicate state of his health wil otpr- nc b1 dsr-ehh, i ete re r a t r hseu 1to of b-__ he ex2errrhi 6rr.éebon.toananla d Pot o thnUntedStats' eig ing2 tns., mitiim to remain longer in the Dry Goods proof; spacious and %we!! adapteï fr te sae lritdI , i h e, ibe n or w-,,,I- u he at ti b re6 1, I ej 1 have now, to infornalYeu, for the infor- 1 cast ing 2tepo cku fxdsn.h bdStone. hsmssba pesnt;and therefore h1 u-kein)feeydecito f od.panC Iûssiers.T e[d, IFan sine, l t a!l 1,066,604hea t bushe", leuonof the Board of lTrade, that I aveth s i iGun taStep frdofitd.opocks, got i sok toce f nopdro herspnabhytfthhefrne ad oe fthmofpcun'fnne'; lekn lessd than h04 itels:ate- resceived tfrom tthe Honl. CommLissaidnçrs of 1 astin oe r tifor dthe Sitep Boc. pruiyofronfvualoem ;fn stecaate hytutbyhaeotie i sta,er em e arby ,W ; WiLter tVes- t ta, it e e e n n1a a a j sy a u t mF a s erttyudorlis X d int e ru n r .t c i s ost fv o abe e m srte d as t he ngs ton, t he y u s be h e t i e d ab l l Fum s end -i p atter , V.f taG in barrw e s of lours *ad L iero nuicaty' ltr o p. er a von ter a m above 4 o W asher P aefotdro e he ih ie ta d isihere: o d r n p o tu iy tog v s c atsa tonaBloe ueck.ra a , In , a d h ic m ri e t o whe, s taedby.tio I hei rr s jin oe nc dubl ede blt ad.6hut. sowk ffered t ay pern irelsh to e-ai tisonofthe publci r pa tag e-ab e ,Fla nd l l Satlein ands entvery spb7 i, nc i 7,0 bare , nd v n at ono t helbeSr ro beiette-1 2 rough on fggtted Sin dltrndadhe- tals hm ef nagodad ae bui.ss echnsingnra il iditavntgms t, >7a C t .,jetüý lce sgrea;,t a orn-a Frederickn.tWeison, Esi4eroundtan square gunmetas bushe for1do. t afou d, nd estandeantime the no as . at ther must-begross r r in! ,. a u. 1 cat d o n V sh Pla eg s, l for o . led and plainrct, aiileeanas, Rega o t hf etu,4.!,i.rnofexps tqCnda e t i eyo arnra1 d. draft arm Bfose, for1. do. stock w illibesin g of at ot picsirlt T isayetse en esrvsth'ariclr ey-rie , aiIih Lind en a ey slni oIjbý,j 4Wf the cs ar e rL ak ll e d. inch l ummdoer Boand race,. tsmitfpurce rs;uand shou hld o a oppor tui unon ofFA e Rbl Dea er na Prv.sins nd ,,dI and ndlclu oreCot. n itenLe r prte f r Cnad nhralebeh e cqanir yu at, f, r o ed t f ianu- adcpblsadnts yofr ntecureo e otst e rai t e estal ilnen hrm aidaepo fr oo Pntlons ad aistcat , JWoe ough theery i 7 We1 ndbrri and a u te' od aehueia rPr, may b r4 ca t irarmsfaeor boltSinto teur i t . aft whlstoc im bein odased b utine, o he r tepr hdu c aape d ueceyaoa ble Comisforersanýd Drace-«,i;-.m. Loomean ory, Ijl e astrmatio as Rocres.rao dude hnHtoKgs L, re-w r forndthe seeprearg , 6 n ch Butesfo o.ts, wh ic e otiw ü! bn te stgiven. shegrndt tteir intertint as AandtSanedow Cottos Whiandnd e- 41 o lo d cernia that thre is no . ",ed erec %, i ti l a e tfr o e osue-tndrvesfo]Qxnudothe rs n i ln e Ct, ertism od-thA LFREDspCAnRTERe, cou nterplanei n d Qucii., i l L, antertl a f ellâ heeillCamdaL e gist, what- ioorepraontth tSaeunder2 rogha ionSwepesan 4do'suae u. tT OM S I.BEiTL L f otonanuW ollnoug ;Brssls .:a ,aswasam t erBo ardn of t e h1Sec. o h c n , rgtSidlef r in g teo eee rs inrad sokwl eraln ffn otprc nlte.l'Kins etn, e , evs h pri ri L, K iddier ine r, aLn Scoth.Carpeing4 j.i eris o, whlrtleanabreau. \ ilia I. ap59;whchprvisoniaetdo- ut f ea, it 6 ols ndnusn . J. Cd o OiNSto. ateton oCFow s igtn mgien atrsadspro ult lo w l 1IIî. e r e :<frrtin of ndnCla 1,oftelrv caltpsdonn ý,',c£ TR C .1 dwroug ht o H nlme lrado idobekngtnC irB and KitAR Sc eales in do. so me very( hle ned lrge t wellrw riteLay fimme 1.,,"b c t toCaa e lted lsihe fVt ai t nber 1841,rnt reet of henPu-. jantstandard pn adnut , culig l tes uy tr e 1le tos an ocha 642.MentWM.hWnsoN, E s teIa , lu eread. d i at te.in;FeeaadSoè abi ',obowillhat Cpper gea, ü sM'"r . M E B d ciInof, m .Le, andQuil and;someversupro r F rec h:r ly tthe tate, Roph E igrat Agnt i theUnitel Kngdo, 1 rougt irn Swvel Icok Eyeand crewfor f BE LEVILE, ictoia D i tCHAREsavoTHEslAlbay, -and andkrchifsd nd snae ery ne Bndah 'P u i hem i W 1It h a rbe a gem t'f t e b eid anal; GeuoIl e D e aswot iron a te Prblte, witheur handlhe; 16c v , ay houanb usesofW e t a a Jdo E 1T vae . B, D r onsBlack ieand uthred prµ on- 1 ' teri a ratsol, sqall rn n etorKiof the Proi ci a lei- inhfort and ut e, foar ing d t1 h S gm ntt@ hhe no o otieusa!be Zv nd Pou r se r s R S EV N O , aC to B le pDS tiraB n e 4-"untattee sa e trayi paeI1C W GanEq.rsin<- oete. Co B levl inre and and in te aned a ntiy fote C l . Thombtrp]tdicameSa u l i keand Jto h M . Gw nne' p Sian ch ri e s rain d . h a edB ls n ut d an a e us t r s o t e e d r, i un d - u.t.A aTdsq. e e' S all W areianduth , ýiu , 1 , I, cii i I hy t'e e o rir1 o fb l e pe i , fo r t e re i iy m e n tAw iI lhin th e s p a c e ofN ·iRg eE;,BEs q .,lPic to n ýpId qIuIi, an d et,ty m r.bact Esrs D rectors iofthe Gan ive N a viga. u0d' cofieven1earialroonr adhe ighrfin itn-oteEs , C bour, . ' . URS , * rý -w ath ioc ompany. 'roug it iron Soopefrsth, Cuadonvnietot.hiselareh wudue teMi KE.ingstEoo Cnsists of 184,1Capr -L, B an riming, f n.Il 1t.Lare eas Theo>rv cialParliamt e tiS futher prorogud 2cagt i ndCrras, rlaind hScr e f raing o'Ae oZ omnlsio od:ino bidn T RE , l4Es . W ibneerdscpto fkn;anw ad n t to te ,,da ofAbpilbutnotthe tomeeifoEorcaryin:terapra.a M llls mghtbeagree upn.--Fo futhetR.Jnts, sq. IImilon. heatifl atice i coore Sw nsdwn trim 1 . ....1 . thelepa t Vc p of àbusi e h ovsoi t sth reaill betn o f gt rn Sind ebots nd out, N _;patcuar ppyJi.b lter o Os ai, 1t T ej..re nan nd Emmecil eKi.gsptoennge uial el d ped fr T im ig o p i et, eii asjê I ...r Lr e s ssinu t u i e.,9 rp r a e cs. TKi so nCresB lCoL M N s ,te P o reoiB le " " .1 ti bortefrm ravetsmet n D esses fo n r uBll ga dE e m g Prtiesf andea ,t1eý;:!.i %VL rL j;IrýI. lc.ý;"rtrtlilj of versil;oreo.;162(casthe1ronviW eightscsandassettuvillet twhoHhasleseveraladTpiwn Lubleau ',Ise."&l .." moec'tAthree BEareeks.da.fewr verytt choonc; re nch awansdown Boas. ce . 1 I192.707....146,71 le ?SItt1ptin -r S1, rirrews;f 4el'u- counter-sunknan headedpin patte f S Mes.JBo-Wults and ado a - r-,edto buhe'sg . .. Inth th ndr tom fIhe4t;-t te light- Nuji1 ctch.; n21lasindch eS.crtabesfrsi weprtu a Ptns.orThydraulic -and mil ur G V RNM NT OEs , aet w. , Ai vie r lar g e so rtment of i n ds e h ,c( ,,,. t .l:,I e. to t, inUepfr tpear e on i g o M .gor e i.The 1ubscriber offers the aboveeMMLLtAvTlAePoss..E.E D TE N R S il e re e d at t e d -lý -L r ',C e Q e ae h b t S a exv be:cr t ws'fieJ om a ofThe Gtow nhip of Was pin te Dr.in th E I astern R UC D C Eratdtob.n FR TWA T D I M D Ath e Lor Yli.g Com i. sariatLOffi, M Sntr e t Harnoon , o n ,f i n is n toi eyfieBn d ., I7:rer u ' to t911,094 bush- D Eti an t ea n, t ab les, U ri ed h gor , d wTrou im on . T w o good journeynnden .4xefm akrc, acquin -e M O N A Y ,LtE 28th d y e br ar , 18 2, f r l i nng C ot sI n, V é il, c an d n aloon p cs ofev r ',àe; e', w , t , is 19* 18 . othericone;eCtanwereH mconuuted. s b u D M SH L EP er E EIth t Ela cks ih or k, t wh m lier- Tow npO Ti s IA B R ocest&er , Istyla da m o uungst them w i i llou d e. c r > ,. 'ls h o -y aof C o.1 Lws tee, a nadagenmm:! fent w il e given. T. rc. Ta U ,ldnwt trs btw e ot real PaadM ne akt fspro ae he m.-r,, ; i ,ica et ur.~ aUEB C. TRIP.H MMER W ORK . and1Kigstonlandintermedite.placesrvia.lth culiarlywelltadaped forfaiers wear ,,, ,n_ à 11;1 l.t, s ultu nTeLaMon tel Headc t.Iais ad. T ,anddscripionPlatesso: e st ne buRI g 3cont og the Trp a ar o wa D ReuR ive O r s, drngted eno f .eandexcelent asor tru nt of CRO adCoERY on . s ,LatI%. wh eI; it t oa ran from ela u 7mricanf paperforatinentoa N I O D O (cvns' maker ofurLock,) merW rs a hes, &c. ilbe Ls fEAED fre . 1842, OO C - T rntT apsW.B. Dpate n d r Serinenr Break, . 1orafo da l w rve sln ta s al eabe i ten oan k rGate lt-,w ih e ill;i . e or moreyeary.,fonaret a bl nat . Te wolJhTn derG s tostae te r tiHlifax u-Tle.in hn , as ,ià',ji i rtiniill e e is e . ae at isfiedi thpa te i nvenion s .th sa e as - - - --- ---t s vnag eosfr at etere. tude i es frIthL duFL, e nt of ellvth e rc. Brandill be sold cheé o cls. C nin , ' 'ý; : " ' I " 6 _t e r w as s u b m itted t the Z V l a te C o m m o d o re B ari e , B AGI G.!! B A K I G ! !N T C EAo m iE s a a, Cm e n t.g . -tt h t t a Gi i r u h a , b r a n i, e l W " " ; u t t an crS o Wsa R P R T . F PAd ed ot e ;a nQ Ub e s Ec u N ' Sr Ci o O L L v -i h e sG E W '. R 'rir " "'E't.,4 P' K in g s t o n , h O F 1 8 1 . . S O N . forpo ed p n f rtf-iciOf R YoB LsavCent. I N or sol e n nl , PÚBLICiNOTICE t ndi ri w hen in.- I r e face i fe te hta i e t b ai, B LwrUE - L AC K W RlI op fer N thec . Cs e ebuu lilrbtm e.ha he L o s e n E .d in e s re t V'IE DRFw l b ec i e1ahe o1 here jIlI othe ,i fdu o yL heSam.s ara r . udcryte. C1 usrbrbg ortr i icr is eso o ue' olg.Kn- N m FH N rm Jm 3Lno o nsst fce o ffhe P o acia ndPenitntary o ..,- .I,ý[lý L ,I .)_ ,1 r l t e b preC opa ny . o gh m d l of t e v s el lceta k, o h u lc o h ir h e a s p o t son , ill beaopne d ,o n te w of irs l o d yoàhe R v e r e O k i t s frthe sum of C aEQ , ý d . n ae d, crun tio2 Odclo ki a no nd ' us ant uýý,ý-jircil1!,! t.e ý-rt.Je ten Thown, noitic oP ranly t inrd uriham anogd C>- ice tirn cmmenceerant S in u i xindo S e farch:exanmndtal it the Cn it oProfssorswhö FTI ouns, whicht ghay ble o he Bea t r ticy oofa aarc esf o suh pr- rec, 1er a: ig , ihrne i, but nt to Lie ut. Hareefr nd profofh:at itupd e s deoterned tstoalwer hae ena p tol s ig it. ed il bgi. to tear.h a-er , Rthe Pubi Eis herby ai tganstr- sn.s ae n ig t ie te R P oternaaloürrs Tiyco ph eneaue n, fu r.ce fr lthe ca e tce2 e et h t h td . ciigtesi oefo h psesrs.W Ang pcl ad M aaevterefonto belongig' ,11(* %' ar4 ll e st but usn ie s con te ; et ehairaticri atl xpren nh em and ses or t , owing ltranc os a y .) ft he .,sfeani en ïo w ai be làIeryread itpene wt h xeto ft1 a ete a ve.eto n tehStaet, ut t y re n t tues t Merient andSho keerrsra thefol-rtND N A eUR L P H ILuit PDrY.sKngsonoeb.B5thl842.44d3as ray e ag eedrninero Con dc a 1 ,,h k e .yct o g eia, elt.r e.a rJU.!o riit.fo r a n y m an6lo w in g p r i s e l a e . os Loe , ic , . I io n t h e i r o p r e i i . C Ol - Ln s n e L I N S A N D H A I N E S e w rs t y c o f J m l o e x . , B o n n .j-ue-1&l.iIc 3.dI.. i o t n s eli: r teuïti e e2 wo d be a euo.Oil P aste -ig i ni oxe dser ' T e, mo sseC/ rai bo or a l ints ta.O M & ER H 1T , h o m ftee d rwih oh r a t aJ___- k -. n he imee-b _nceepe - " 1 -..Llrsw l b na ek owonp lca n a ', y f1 r 707...y146jnia " ~ grosw. ....4 .. c ... .... .... u14 0 Ihi padclaryBequstdetatthoe hoAUC IO EER , he Ele o te Isttuton ý,ý ' g,ý, I- i te hndr tmofte up r Cnada Gze lgt:e Oi ste2 Bllaackn nnd oxer, for soe stutienpsturmayduhav beenLe put-"iCo er of Brckrand Waer "StretsH M T,o TV de î,ý ý o ý .v r ! c c , il b ,! i ii , s t i e t f a i s . -g y R ei e lr e s s , i c, Th e r . s.ia m e fe r y 7 - 8 h s e F e 6 0 i r p n g o 8iem e n , a nL L aTO pposte sM r. rT h N D. E RS t m is li r e y ,, a d I lt e P' rov i n c ia l e n ite n t ia .1 , n eal ao untfl fc sa e, iouniiét-o , p inil p id a dhieateBase n R D c kDP ing i rrneny c ke Li im ediae e ' o .!cb l- s . 4hJ n a y 8 2 dut.0 S 'eI1Mluwnch as bennrtvne bysircmstncesdve ani M ssre Maphesonf CosndSan S re it a on .p Tnt ce od55- -oe otiigl rs ah twich gnihe rthe rusee nrtxP oes- derson & in- M N A hé2 rhdysy's F orrding2, ONer stl.adAL E g]BÝ THEu SÙBSRIb EIoud ,m n. mr dt 8 e22 ; monlae ro aien rss .. 0 0 60 s r aehd ny ont rollle ille n T. im Ue l - E -aishmoenpairs team Boat-Blankets .. u - 1p% .. 11 lle , old nt e £3 00. a ere duee ha h m ut . d. p Nts, d e 0 6 6 t i ntim t.ngther oentin t enrl thmseves sforr.Y WELR - sutabe fo " pýý .F 1t ,i S-p I ýI l y C ý a I d s v st d i he l g _ _fn s . 'l - D . do i ts o 4 0 a Te n s. C m m u nicat ons fr S tu - nC H R i st on s. w her i t lch e si via.l te S t .A u leter sa i e ntso f rt e to f F an y and 1iý1'.b sver is 1'flte etisdied e t ee cn te Churches ofEgApog lckn rLeather Vrnishten bth ilfiends, as iitoe r ip menOta lwa n ieuRvrdrn h esn0.f1toj s atens e evcerBe t .ürds to the.i":mer andls S: th1rdete the p omgcrr We0 ioueto thes of cmmencemlenttASE ex-184, ." 'ieSfietsCir.,nar aise ý 'tahenfuntadeAiiiablepper o;a buetio Blue. aN d lackWr ting in k qa «yLo. aderPrigletEs. Screary.trtheTru- - - - + .-1 uXjý:, Vnde Ip by aaai t ilb se yte tatfrmteM nt nT Alfthea Boarti efes altwrrante d eqalt)o nses ofQure en's ColegeK steb whote will.TheT ndr o atPtiethAemie iS HaT faS . U TilA S w l w oed o e r e rican returne.s- 't.lrea l azette, t a thesoard-oeWrktshar e abule -i tewol. ls pe norarotshot e rob ble du yfo chBra-ePROd T B atNeuadtaME n . ra ne ASR TER & BEN LEY t is not!: -,1 ' , t t,,I ý1ifthe asl'I p- tu poe d -Ywihaie deepeo g and imree n t ' p rchantfpu rcasngtoth.aout Sf.25 Theon f hmeit essbioun of C lege.4. Oain e by pig ateo toract sa s eBnsr. AuriM. N of,Hoarde GBiin, Frogntat h 1 . ' r irieiehe r rea s a ry t h a e ic t i -,ip u s e , n t o 5 r4 h e a ry , 1 2 . 0 t d K ir g stra n , t h .e m -Isa nd y , 1 8 4 2. O n o f B r a n dytma lltee olt r w a i t a l ea Cng h can prii:oduc ,ere .e td 1 ziu sfe ofh a t eo ien atio b i a cod cewthe theiabose- -A-TA-RA QUÉliBR ID G E TOeE T ie rth e wo s ubs en f h E. tTon a.. t a e ed ',p:,iý.,jdegeiency im uumeite telt C mmdreB r mie , puctu a n ded to O he Letonotratfr n rmc E.,¢ m s ly e wih stble-eren, reset--LSOrN. ., Ne Strat, 2bred the 1st il 1642,ithe TOLLS ,f.he n y of e qom, an1 dr4 ir. aa W lso,-Gee výý ' em a n 1 hveen req, i.ed iimate tat, 1 TIRthe O T AiECtrqG r E n f ele n.-e fth 7s in , fordl , 1 41 o ,wti l.:s! f .a ran iie Rev.gDri. Tedd ed iga end ea ofSt.hAnde ws G V R M e eel t h rPUBTr wl e ea m eà ICe OfTI CE nta koie SetRw -, ;ýt .I1 Th,);ýA a n à n !yrCi t o-or rowce evpening the7 o'cl rok, i l -d AL D T N DR S Y - tll noon oá d e 7 A day o.My e T ENDfrom such m o erate, äd tven ntythe oan. r n ats>lice el r 'atit andrtesrsecigQ ee e- nath ntap r e-snsa ge aw li o mOteFr Furhr feron n qae aLt o t a!rgurpusfo'o E Siuse eige tinto C ie sup Bre igtessironeof p e hen t per ai Kng-asLrberste he Nr ý1- h rs rs . yetoresare-.sCofaras .Ionf obulary as e- , igschqatt.e tF E W O ,a ..Itecealttd n wrsatlntH N s o nganw's e, eda o1:ihts1e TeIirayat s be r uiredtater pubH e r jety' re s tth hihræill be l d»Pe onded weekly othe Re, theg of empurh6 tesonofCnaa utl 2det theurton 8 1he es An b ny enrlyyrgial ad f speir rdr.A;osif!itgaon FrtHerPin Fpdrikyabrlewek atette is'othrie t i mnaem t intiuto a-ecaused a. ecpi- thg Ibi ides ticaband another ofiandrK-nplahe stsOctoberl1842,iToIaieanh gte th . be i la thatBthisisealbutrnamoraztheinut. er.rwe p agso M u i' nd Ie oLs rltu eb a s defir m inedt ai Trhave""g ppo oni d ibe. t t-a o s-e a hesT i t e fu tEti, thmer0 o AL and b usve , the nN) e ws ests that.. nat ee are alwayessound, merchaot ble harditeMap.eio, Blackiie er thee.sa neer--ý IlwSoldiersf r6filaraboagericleanapprecticeThto the.apply"ing tosthesici e agaInst ;urfar, ,,.O 11we I I s or1ellowsBrchfondBeecireach siektnb ou nda r sarâhe efmployment rritBl a nimu h essn es bi eaby asubscriber _ e 1,o:Iunpo rt E- o t nd1,1eVcs GLe. y l e etll ong from car p lto epi nad nn th ind-o g maen, wen ut duy, reEfrnute sf ethe Sub riLer.at the Sho the exc tptin cafýeberKe pa to 1 rdand s nnat r ý 1.u;l, ti t - lde. ', o, ",Ilera. l .,iý) l1i . a a sCt a i•a 1hi amfii e te r t h ree LAC INhes a t ab aRed, mand . 477Z'_5rA - Parae o muser frmely ocupEdO yRGEO ALSA R T.gh j ottalie t i a db Etan is m n-ths a o th e is land thie gmud ,g ,o 111 lih esa t ••t!drngas os tr ýeer ed to conai n w * abilfet.bs arrc 14%TIýmgc ingtne as5s14.443 v, t ernlade(; -cth chBritimb r mvc a hrge surphIs of ý, ýý.1 ',,,.!,(",!L",Uitd týeuntr sy rc n1 uen t ue n ar sita nd he s e Po tsi he fu andSe AND N DUFF. Teru; ýsnto eybere ded fran, o &s yasfo alig arest,,e e ed GOVu ýi'c -gERNM ENT NJ ortC,, Elly mi ch he ill eriequiedtohae t R imsa ,h TndrstobCOdLLIeNt P S. AND8 HAINES. e st liey,,--,--, n t tis d mport1 !in lIý;,i itsfodw s ho n ELED TENDÉRSwl i e ree i v d a tLpye q a ifiraseth co ' £ sa and d entliooft h aari yige orV and 0an fi. y T ef r o th T nd rw h alerp t- a the y. ers, aClrayr efer '.; CmmsaratOlieM nteatil'onen w ik bP a e eenn eTiat lesto34 e th reidees f Ar. lasup e tsongf he id this fabe ; a Purbl i d .statesman MONDAth e 28iglth a e bru 'tilatr, bt 1842nce iaLi y1 chde, forree""e'itair. .. -e, en. u a s l c md n n apiain a d:h" et.; rul , f genera li erformak nceo ta nsportIli by1 0TEAM a !ti o a p e aselriattho' l AbdaINBE S. hebsi-f eI sttti n . -t uacodn u r wn at nill e ien , 1nQt f B ec oi W lr*Çrdç , hed by a or ne on niLg A upp er ie di t e Upa , rn ag otil .* iic es i m t rb -ià e p e aýiM ..ýt ùiF * rl ; o ,3,a di h r v n ii e ie ta a r - o mpe l dty itinl ,! a nd ultot cpaonnthe real Signues fl tw n & seON SALgn BTHr tox s oit inl h a itsl n iser re Trtt eseoi t e cr thed dn k - ueày o ful-d 4 sh aricuturaMonteae,1t18an-ay,182. MIB4 Com , t .teieb 7 -sar , le be dre>,yij r itra,[ ý,r e,r ba l 1 e11 qu a l w d tP fI :w h 1 r, o e th r a chctf e avoes %am v eryý rce .i lie .ee li hsm Ile p hue by t:% e am or me ,l tin"' det ill they hra Fthe arelre 1w e o ;II rvies [e %n" Les fer Iel : Il , L erý L'.ot il ilO INGre Ill' liet m , l e hate (-- a t. j, i illl a1 v »a r;* he'Iv ; e l W lng 111.e; r. f fe a I ,ral estel vlices.la 'rae o-.f pe ce lar I.t 1S r i fU th ýe llii vere an i"" l ýr, i able, 4 0. ,r, Ja. u', èef £1 F U Mq piera. .t Dit àrictes sabr aU '70 Disric S el ac Towshi £5 p ier 1ýed omeilieteG (il saar es. Dsrc uv noe disbured £12 Gla .£nsrdywen enéey .or The* Cerk £1re, i" ,. not e engd ail"11 5 per ann.Au" net onltrc the Cairesa mrhy Townsl,£5Pe eer and Cumoilse te G At it Il mm 'l rut th eueate fil Vct"ueibaeiM tber Cer te eI ýmetnee