a b" s i tiis Expectorant orup gnoq ey e. .marlr May57lie le-O lat. H av* Joie a cougisDrlsl m Expert- wsat syrap i. ie ualy oemetiy ye 811014 a" Isa cavat yu. 7«ut isupiait e""as -Tbat im m0 use cf le itbaaami cases miera i bas becs moa, bas t fa- Fur sale antime dras tuca ofComstuek & Co., '71 Nlaien Lamite w Yu.,k, anti by avery Dr.g- -Imt 10Kingatos onWdin Canad. Dor«sale by N. Palmer. fUVHE Baberuber wili during the insee ho I. cosstamtilylu tisar-cuit of l>u#3. Chutmii 'alPrfomury, S&c. S&Z..thse uhlciscoming jroci the most respectable Ersglisli Hiuee@, imy 16 de ntied upon asu' getr.uê. Tisacoaspoun- wifi be c in uc alaun r thse ici- moiaaE nprnte»dnce of tise Subscribur, whooe objectis, by btheîtS ocf god materials, by a earoful manipu lation, t ind uca confidence au r'egarde til mot important branch of thsa hui. J. W. BREST Krud-e.treet, Kingston. _ _ _ _ _ F O"alo yté@bcie 10 aomen coloreti Rnce. 60 do CW-o.kino, 10 bits. Crockery, 5 craes Crockery. Nevember, 1841. R. H. & T. RAE. T IIE folcwing articles prepaoi by tise sub' acriber amr ecommeneletu 1thse notice oi Familiier. iCampisorateti TootisPowder, Fambiine do. Balsamis Tincturo of Myrris, Infante' Mixture, Coeeentratesl Essence of Ginger, do do Peppermint, d d oil. Ratâla Antîbilions Pis, Vegetable Extract for tise Hair, Pet Pourri Powdor, Certle Posthume, Hamneu Vares. J. W. BRENT, Druggist 4r Apohecaty. -AT MANUFACTURER, QUASi? VSTREET, gf»10 SPETFULLY tenders te tIhe ichegrataful ackcowledge- om mnt o put support witue le the firm of Twedtiel & Wright, andi would ieLform tisen t ta conticuestise busineussat the sane Stand,.misre ho hopee, by punctursýlity anti attention ta business, ta mcCitt a çontinaocu cf bieir favori. Constantly on isandi, bust Beaver, Neutra, comnion Fur, anti Waolflos. AUl orders, oitlier cash or approveti creslit, frois country cercisaats, ~~th:fuIly recelveti, an punntualiy executel Kingstona, l72lug, 1841. FOR1 SALE. ¶'H E subscrîber, wisiig ta returu 10tahis na- iveot, IcaLÂxo, ta wisicha ie is ir.vited, ater issviog mrved 2-5 years of bis lîfo us the MitilanatiDDttrict, Province of Canada, wffl ti:.. " oS0f i place in Adoîphustoivr, aviera he bac doue business ta gooti accouet l'srowl lu given on tise loI of June ceat. Thse place ie now ocrupiol1 by Mr. Jeài C leure., uhaeh u bitdoc, anti coninues ta dio s aioltratie ta Ibm calant ha caes. Mach coulti ho ont witl a aencrai a2sortinant of Ggoo.l foi thse country trae. Tise prenises and Cul buildings-Wbave Very suitable convenience,, witb Ithree acres cf lat areundth ie bouse antd lutdings,; the wittiae 2w amcrts frocs tiseplace. 1-e.offers ils lthe place, 453 actes of COOl) LAND, excellent Barn anti ioma Apple Treeè. Titie ta thse place gototianti free from ncaacbitrance. For tems apply aetlthe lioralti Office,c a teh propriotur en thse promises. JOHN W. FERGUSON. Adaipistrim, lst Oct. 1841. L OOKIING GLASSES, flair and CIClec LiB rushec, Faucy Guit Coat anti Veat But. tons,, azors, l'ocket, Pets & Dess Knives, S5dm. sors, German slver Combe, Spoone, SeigarTeng anti Fort-E, Noarial W'aern, Sledel r, Plaie anti Ruleut Letter Foolsca Paper, l'riaîing Carda, Viitg do. Draiw*.îg l'per-, and .Bis0] Beare., j':at rcceivcd adti kr sale at T. 5- J. RIGNEY'S. CoTr.b anl Fasacy ilore, s'ere.strect. iKngoton,'2OtbJuly, 151. T. & J. RIONEY H AVEÊtemoredi beir Co.Ihanti Fancv stor, fîJ w trein ieCornes cf Sacire i bnia treet.t., it.tii. premisea Ltelv scisiieti by J. 3VaTxLis & Co., Store shrt, K ag5nc. ,FIRST CLASS BOARDING 110USE. Jb Itifor a tersaiof years.-Possession t given imndiatldy. H~IOSE extensive anti commodiots. prerises .Lcear tise Mansioin Ilooce Hotel, in Store Street, over tihe use place of lie Sinlscri- bora, beingnow i aisod ; presents an ezcellent orlunity forthie cpeeis'p of a espztable pri. -rate BoàtsrNseN ouez. They are situate i in onuetflise mont central anti elligible parts of tic Town; contigasus ta tise SteaenBoat Landings, antdiprincipal Ilotels. Thse Bu;lding is au tis. _ sg!ly firu proof au it is possible to malte 1, & consisteo f S Cllai Kitcher, large Dinicg Boom gea Stpaclous elegasst frivate Parleurs, anti tWeasy Sud Booms. This atie business of thsetMetropolis, anadtise great ituonvonienco itierto txpere- ced for wmm of suck accommodation, offer grea advantlg toâmac perssas as are calcu lated te csqaduct au Estabishment. .Applia±on-ifby latter pc5t-p.ti, csPy ho Mmte to ARMSTRONG & GREER. Kingston. 28nis Auguat. 1841. r" LAIND WIINTER ARIZANGEMEIqTS ]KINGSTON & TORONTO. GO00 FOUR HORCZE COACHES F/UAufeafi ezsesntesd riers. T Eabove lineucf Staçea mliil eavthie Ge.. a" tel ie os-ic, I"ormet%, f«tKiwgtos, evevy B"umdit le o'clnc, A. M. asaIevq Monday, Tuestiay. Wedneuta, oaat Fritisyea 5 o'clocbP.Mse esoday ionTo rantaov.ry moring at0go'clock (Bunaia ex. massa mortofute in théisa Fai nti j WusterâmtIs Ciout se». 81841. Ws. WELLEE A"w 1e o INYOUULTION WANTSD. , mu.Alxais.Jm mm aitI4 OMfth tCamaa ém 9 juM 80%Mde m vaes Ne,. 1 - , 2 - -C clr- -Bri i d4 m i U ; T s i sud 1 FIa iilsSa Pls Sl'pn, Dl=o pt,,sad e'.. vW I aima ases; GravaI anti krs.BnaelCeaI lied es=anti blovel, ComoncoSpad; e;Sryllea aMd Sey" tiease, M4amare and lloy Forba 1 Log, Cii, Trace anti aler Cies; %~tis'Astils, SelkoatidVies; rire Imes, Dag Iron, ite, Pl -, a;cot Nails Of 8a OuPeraur quâlty5 Ruse, Cla*ç,and Cint Nails, B. B. Rouese mia, CroissCt, tast i 1hBAa Harreu Teetlm, lira. Bbe, ,Caol andi Waggcn Boxes, Sea. Se. Josîsai', CiAszayaau' A»a Coopra.' Tuoas in grent vaiety. Encliiàast.inAesiicats Aucers; lok'Bte utte, Hinces, Sere";m ae Fn âmllbs' Waruiig, Cabinet bers'amt i Miii au, touni anti baif ronti; Peutier, ilating anti aoit- is; Shto et ahs7e; racket anti othet Len"p; Leadiiag Iincs, HaiI.er asti Tsr.aePp; Bcd Corti inti llamtro Lise>. <Boder's) Table Kitsai Forte.; Boteberi', SioemaieWa, Sa-Imîen' Jacke anti Pro Moites; Sciatore, Lamer; Belannia Petal Tas PuaTi; llritani, Plaleti atid<German Siter Tes, Desseil anti Table Seoosa; Bisas asti JeasiectiC.&*Dia SInCKS; Cilnpisg Placii, S&c. S&C. XAINTS ANSD PAINT 6TUPPS. B.-t Whiite Lfaa, dry anti in oit. Best Redi Leati ditte. Venetiais Redi. Spaciis Brsown, BIne, Green, Tellumwgntrun not. Tillons Ocis.Lambs Blacke.RBsati boit imwneet Di. Tumsetine. iiai asud Vegeltable Tar. Pmlris. Puit,. Copperas. WictiomGlass cfail sires. Paiintmd tbse Bruahes Cosiiiba An assorbmeal of Braisaanti Weoden CLOCES, eiglit ilasant i tlacrs.. UTOVEIS of.a ieacipticns. Stove pipas. A lareege saotn,ent of Plain, ispanneti anti Slci'i TIN WARE kept ou baud, or matit te or- dier nt siso: I notice. JAM1ES POIVELL. Store Sit, Kîngi.ion, Jonc 2'Jnd, 1841. 10 FUR§ 1 FUIMB i FuaEs I IHESubgerieer respectftnlly informa tic PrLadies anti Gentlemen of Kingston tisaI tisey have recoived par Grest Britain anti Doug- la@,,ane of the largeaI antd hot aesortcients of London Manufactureti FURS, ever offered fur Sale in this BManket, coesisting in part as fol- LADIES A111 18E' I1FFS AND 8019, Chinchilla, Gentlemen & Youtbs Lustra Lynx, Fine Sentis Ses Seal, Siberian Squirrel back, Sablie, Swecdish Sable, Chinchilla. Fitchs, Sqeirrel bark, British Sable, Nuirir., Bro. & BIk. Grunett Autracar, Imitation Sable, Rusais Lamis, Bra & white Angaja, Mode Fich, rencha Martin, Imitation Suai, ANID CLOTH ECAMS ALSO, TRIMMINGS & EDGINOS, Bro, bik, & blue Grunett, Ilair Seai. A1ngeia, bllsirat Imitation Sable, Souths SasSes!. Martin.Sable. Squirril bacle, Mod Fitls, Fitch, Mini, Ladiesa' Furi M:ua, Nutras, Imitation do. Gloves & Gauntiettu, Gents. Fuîr Collars, &c. ALto :- larg sasctment cf Squirri Loch Elakr Sibe rian ýquirrii, Nle Coouy, Blicie German Grunett, Astracar, Lustriz, Nutria, ronea Martii, anti South Sa Seal Skine.-A',i articles ie tise For lino adeio ortier, andi e- pair ic doaItishe shortest notice. Alsu a fcm Maloagny Frenchs Betisteada, witb bair Matrassez, Maoegaay centre Tables adRocking Chaire, commun, cane, anti Flag btueChis in legruat varieîy. Looking Glaies of alî tecriptioue, anti a few tisousanti of tise be,I Principe oifr'-al twbicisulîl lbe solti lew for Cas h. ,.21. LGREEN & CO. Oct. 213h, 1841. IN. B. Tise isigiapt price.paisl fat al hinds cf Siippinj Fors St thoir Stor enQarry Street. S'IOVRS! STOVES!'1 T lIE subscriber mauld respectfully informes JLthe public, tint bu bas openeti a Store le Kinggston, on Gra Stree, between Brook andi Clarence Ste. for tise sALE 0F STOVES. Andth ie monîfacturmg of Copper, Tir,, andi Sheet Imon Vre. He bas nov ce bandtheis largest anti bust arsort. ment cf Stoves ever offrithis d markt, con- ais; i g ofvanious indi anti sizea of COOK1NG, together mit!, s large supply cf the moaIticasira. bIc patterns cf PARLOR, HALL & BOX STOVES. Iîaving talcen mcci pains le tise selection cf bis ascritment, anti front long expuience in tise businezs, he ose contldetty reconnmend bis as- sorhment as being of tise mont approveti patternse, andi fer beauty anti turability of castinugs, anti style of finis, tbey cannot ho excelleti. Hoei nowmrsanufacturingr, anti intentis keepieg con- stantly on bond, a full supply cf SToVEts aaXM rau, SarE IPEi, COrPPE,4 TINS Cociprisini al articleasiually vanlti by bouse keepers..iHo ean conflduntiy recommeet i li wsre te bc eqoal ta any now manufacture&i, h. imalnatie by long experienceti morcan, anti ...e but tise bort ot materiale s tt. N. B. MI kinds cf Repairing anti Joli Worie done %vjhs eatrtces. E. L MALLORY. Kingstcn, Sept. 28, 1841. 25 T (ST recivud,-A flw sr n GIat ePOreanentai PICTMRE PRAMES, mol] atiteti for Oil paintinge, ben 28M 0inebes. Aisc,-Gol Leaf, Dutois lsti.&o. for sale at T. Se:J. RIGNEY'S Cotai and.Fancy Store. Xsing.rta, Aug ]Lathti, 1841. T IrZo.is.;eaihbas on bantiat bis Wiscie. sale W,.seiouire ia Brook Street, a Ricis asaortciaat of Whiite Flannels and Serm s for Military Shirts, and Drmers ; alse, la Flannek-, end. a sery exteinsive asoiiment ci %Voolecna, cnsicting of dmnoClatis. anti Casi mres ; amal» t suad Eeqver Cloliso, scibable for tisafinii Itede, miicis mlbc solalat greatis ne. ducsd jrcas, fur Cmsi-tbu goois isaviag Le importeti direct ftramiaeMmuÏacturere, by hiaq cil Klnt.a,8est. Wh. WILSON. mGB o mreceivnd dexetuin iamy pato ruBriwan,c" * moderate coasmion. FUU& 8KINS. T HEb ." Wi èwpai laCash fn am ilston Wof ssl Str Ex mn & :f iegsto. ov 13,84 JST racevesand ulilbe sciaI cm for c«91, 8y i 04mWo.lueofe A greutvmrlY eI.~isNsiÉ dia lily au"emed, aas abesm y aumamm seul. uUlj mime mme ma-. r etermimai. i aIses ccr Porth.éFUÇ Tgltisiet tisa cisee Fur aul DOim. Isps~l acmlun ,rend.t FÈ-14 ont Uleorsitise legs, Ba ««Ma Iy caee orallier fmunsmes, ut siee ,1'buever eltimats se crup, oing 8atcodiefg, Whuoping cesgm, Frts Woondu, scalt iHeld JCisililaïsft c Sc LOOK; OUT. SomseSuff'jrs mrscnerflited jlàà rfd pesetiaPOn. 0ne thincg otly mill protect yoa-mit is bte caine cf COMSTOCK à CO -,fut nmm amut lie ciays amthe serapper, il yenmie cheat- ed. lDO netfor-.lt t. Taie Ma directios i mil yru, andti est bit ial, ut gaver bey il; ft i lÈs impeas" iafur amy allier lu is trie or gsnsiae. Sobti ha COMàTOtK & CO, 71 b'laidea Laue, New Your,and by every Droggist in Kingson, ati in Canada. For sale hj N. Paloter. 7I1HE Subooniber lias receiveti a snppiy o! JL Coice Engliss Perfiamesy, amseg mics are thea foilowing.ESECE Sweet Brier, Spring Finrem Swoet Pue, ludyosmia or Ptoiau Essece, Citronulia Rose, Geraniuni, marecisalle, Laventier, Lily cf tise Valley, 11oneySuciele, Roy(Conticosot), Royal Extract of Rotes, o u Flamena, Circassian Cream, Qceen's Bouquet, Bocquet d' Arabie, Esu de Portugal, .1 Cologne Veritab, Esprit de La-rende au Millluas, Ambroala, Vsmliena Perfume anti Kxtract, PersaimeSweet Baga, Verbena Perfue andi Extrmot Esprit de Rose, Veritaitie Pomade Divine. Pomatuci, Golti, Situer, anti Bronz" Intm, Ambon Preson Smellicg Balte. -&c. &. c. c J.'i.BiENT, - Drstggisi 4r Apothecaa'y. c EITA1N CURE OR SIC4< HEADAC H E îvbicb bas becs oseat in famiiim every mena. ber ef obicis bas hait iri bieatiocisfris, iîfancy, as a fonstitetional <mil) complait, anti bas CU- icti effectiilly itn every instance yet iîaownn as-nngtr s ny busiietis. It as nel nispiea- sani toe tisebste, nti due, not prevent te tily troca ions ef on, uaing l sl at ho e ereei in, andthle cure is guteal, but certinicand permes- nent. Instances are C1tintly uti nltips,'issg here thîis ditsstxrmpiainî is cornpieteiy relieved andi ', md, alilsougi of years staistin-e, hy the use orf Dr. S, obn'. celebrateti regii.edv-. One decîdeti prefernce si ils pleasaîîtness, itVing rmseaof lise nstsseiiting etTecI of riflons drosi. Il1 is se perferil>- ,atisfarlry, uihtishe î ropictor is giveis diriction ferbils agents le refend the. price, Ce ny one wmis socl peased witt,, and evea cureti by it. He isopti ai.n thal (bis may seccre ils greal benefits o the distresseti suirers uic are i iberinst nouer Heatianie. E. Sisai. La . 0- rvintar anti Propielr. COMSI OCI< & CO, 71 Mlnden Lame N. York, andi hy -venv DrUggit in Kinémaen cnd in Canada. DR. TAYLOR'$ BA LSA 31 0F L VER IVOR T FR xcorNsUPtraitANDLIE» as r cesTrL . Cougisa, Colde, Ahma, Difficully of Breatis. ir.g Pan $n h ide or Breat, Spittieg of Blosnd, Cat-.ani,, Pal1pitation cof tise Heart, Oppression anti Sorenesa of thse Cist, Wisoaping Cougis, Pleuniey, Hectic Fevar, Niglat Sweatp, Difficuit or Profus. Expectoration, asti ail oaller Affections of te Chott, Luner anti Liver. This Medicine s for aIe by tise sole Preiprie. te', aI, 375 BoweMy betmeen Fourtis anti Fifth et@., Nem Yrk, Gco. Taylor, M. D. ; anti hy CornaIent &Ce, Wisolemale Druggimta 71. Maiden Lace New York, aed isy every Druggimt an Canada. CORO WOOD. ~>llCORDS foat ale, sIlOs, per Cordat 20 -PMoloon'a Brawery App1y t WM. WILS*ON. Corner cf Brook anti Quarrv Street, Kingston, 2Md Dec, 1841.Ç EX TENSI FE SA D D LE A IVD UA MNJEU9S W% A R E il10 IlS E. SWoe Street, opposite C. Heath*s Drisggist store Kinsgst on. J IN HIARVEY, gratoful for thcetensive patronmge ha has slready receiveti aince bis comsmenceement un business, liegs leaire to, intorn bis friende, imd thu pubisc, tiaI le bas nom o hanti a splendid anti mul selecteti sertment ef all kintis of Soddusaygans! MarmesiAIso.aiau- perior ssmrtment of Horst Clotiso, WbipsOf every description. 1 box of U.tigroPelou, irect fremi Englanti. for ridîmg or msflking. ingeton, Nov. 16, 1841. Simd A CHOICE assortlent of Papen Ilanginge, £ i. nti bomtering, for sale at T. & J. Rio &EY'S. Kinsgston, 15dm Nov., 1841. OR aleby heSubcibete, t 15 Twmnkay Tes, leboas do 15 Youung Hyson do 25 catty boxa, do *LIL,&T.RAE. I B EREBY GIVEN, ihal bàeepmrtmaribip bheretofome uzitingbetmeen Exista &eCamuaa, ia tii day DISIOL ,E by mutuel cessent. WILLIAM KING, CHISTOPHEK G. CR-AMER. NpMe, Api Ot,1841. MI 8SIN G. AN ngihdumpacilBOXbounM ith rom s isse hippet iMontre.. on biM df o» -of tliacshacrilief'@Urgres, con- tainig 2 pair of ab»ots,2or 3 pllom ue, a roievSdiinlatiwrisigDel seiti tilercpwe. anti vritieoank it.-muamrtl cl«lowc.- Au oblong alcaytine.me ra"aimleki Za7v W% M ê-L h i ; 16 5.-. 7R.- Raimu, tImdoM it àrme. edu tiste £tua cf Le li - wbetiserby Eosd& Noltor dmuviii OMM5Tthseu deenuicqed pSnu. vitis80 Ishelaz apliz et%]% likoilimusai I*g dim. aaet li MW i ise :lpoeusuttha= accoants du)y MARY FO8BROOK HAINES Kinagon, Jet Oct, 1841. T ORE Sabacibersberemittmt ciîjrro the lisitof 100K S tliey have fer sale. NOVELS. Marmyat's Werkg, in use vel. Lady Besiag. taurinWorkit, in.oe.vao. [rvingl Wara, santn Wo. Ceoper'b Nevels, cunipicte in 20 uis. Scote&~Worka, inl10vols. Bolwer's Noelsitîil roba. Pociari Papeir, by But, I vu, Nicheas Nickleby, i1y Box, I vol. Oliver Twist, by Boa, 1 tut Sieteisea. by &Bîzlva!. Michael Arcs- strae, by leua. Troliutpe, 1 vol. De Clilrti, or tisa Constant Man, by tise Authur of Treosain, D. lioae, &c. 3 vols. Tie Govirais, ha tise Coun- icas of Bessingtou, 2 vis. Trise Yotitcg Siais- prare, by tise A mISer cf Sr.akspemre anti bis fMende, il vois. Tint Pick Nie Papera, by Box, 2 vois. ise Secret For, by Vlies Pit kericg, 2 vols. Car- lon, a bale cf Sevrity SiX,29ois. Caidevont'sc Courtier, by lte AumIor Of Pslhbams &c. 1 v0l. Biths, Deathganmat Martiages%, by the Autier cf2 ?Sayings anti Doinge. &c.2 rois. TiiParricide,biy the Acber cf Mitsarintus,Sec. 2 vols. Evcr DiY L.ife in Loadon, ty James Grant, 2 vba Ne 'ni lhe Woeds, 1liste Athbor Of Gaisa, S&c. 2 vols. Colin Clink,by Chas. Hoten,2 vois. Pliziali, aC rod,%thlie A.mnbar of Blacibeard, 2 vola. Cousin Geeifrey. the Olti Baer, by Titeostere Hoo,2 ils Tie Renonciatio.n, a Romnce by Mi@,-;Brniv,2 vols. Lady Jane Grsy, aBnnce, by Millrr, t vols. Tic Husumoti Honte-r, sy lise Autiorot aie Wl i.e Hilcr, 2 vols. Tiie Doms- ger, or modtern Scitool for Scandais lsy Mris. Gore, 2 voils. Francesea Carrare, by L. E. L. 3 taie. Tisa Frigit, b! EMien Pickering, 2 vols. ise lif liiog sstçsaima sNoeu by Capt. Maîrymi, 2 vos osephs Rushbroob, or lie Poaicher. bv Caps. Marrysl, 2 tll. Gr.-ysleam afiRoinmance cf lhe M1ohaw1k, by C. F. Hoffinan, 2 vl,. Border Beagles, a Taietftthe Miatiisaippi, ity the Autbor uf Richard HurisR, 2 vais. liciaru Ilimckney, by lhe Auti o fClhaton Bradsham, 2 vola. Tii. Dci., a Norel, by Mrs. Grey, 2 vols. Thse Hi-. tory of a Flirt, relateti iy isirseif, 2 vole. The Abbey, and ti herT'les, by Nls,. Gor., 2 viiý. Jat-k Sieppsaud,biy Ainsvrt,2 vois. Tic Mlar- ryimag Muc, iy lhe Auther cf Cousin Gruiffre-, 2 vols. Niàtit anti Momiing, bit E. L. Bulwer, 2 tels. Ernest Nlaltrver-, hy« E. L. Bu!mei, 2 vels. Charies Tyrreil, or tise Bitter Blooti, y ltse Autisar cf Tise Huguenot. 2 viso. The lMan eai Arror tHeniry De Ci.ious, by lhe Alptior of Ricb- efie,,, 2 vols, Thc Gntisman of tise Olti birio, h; J. P. R. Jeune. 2 vols. The Ceurier, or thc DaYa cf Chaules IL., iy tise AUthor of tirs. Ar- nYtaxe, 2 vols. Wositn's Love, or lie Ferge- sors,,bu haîles. E. Pi1p,2 vois. TiseFat. bst, orte 1.'itunea etGodoliai, 2 vol. -Tic Cabinet manne cf laedaye efColnmbns,biy E. L. Biwer, 2 vols- Cccii, or the. Adrenturea cf a Coecoanb, 2 vole. Herse S;ce Bot!isson, iy lise Autor ci 8.valow Barn, 2 vols. Fieldiing on5 Society, by the Authir cf Treinain, 3 vals. Ramile sis tlie Fnotsteps et Don Quiitte, 2 vols. Cremuveil,asî historical 1Ner,!, by tie Acebor oaiBBrothers 2l puis. Tihe Yoong Priais Docci, hy Mne. Grey-, 2 tels. IVomen nd tiise Mnleu, iv Lanay Morgcan, 2 vois. Tiie Quietlistai, by Ellen Piekeriu,, 2 vois. Thie Ant'ipiul B.gire. a Tale hy J. .P. R. Jimes, 2 vo!,. Tie Coiiicset Liqnairtetîa, iv lie Au. tiser ef Traits andsti esof tise Irish Peasantry, 2 vi a. Tii, Dmeislaîer, or the First IV.r Path. ity Mr. Couper, 2 vois. Tic Tomer cf Londoni, isY Ainâwoilt, I voi. Guy Famkes, iy Ainsivoult Il vol. Tie Sketch, 2 vois. Buacetnniige Hall, hv G'oiffiy Crayonj,2 vols. Robinison Cruoe, Fi mri*uY Larrrquei, Charîles O'Miliey, Ten Titons. lanti % Yeîr, Vatestîine Vox, &ic. &.. Peibat. l'It se5isrnd, Devereuox, Paul Cifford, Lusi !'ayi ai Pompeii, Eugine Aram, Tise Stutieni, I glid ad tise Eiglinis. Rirnzi. Go.!obphin, AI. ie ir tise MYstlermes, by E. L. lIe ser. Tise Curieity Sbep, by Bux. RAMSAY, ARIMOUR & Ce, Kingston, Noveciten 10, 1841. HEabscriuber bleota inform bis custoc.- T-Crs anth ie public generally bisaI hobis neceiveti s part cf bis su¶plies cf FalI Gonds, per Spartan froci Liverpoo, anti Calledonianr, anti Mohsawkefroc Gîsegaisa, andl ie daily xpcils pen Great Britain & Douglas, s large sUpzryof Lonud. Fny Gooda. Also, Magnet anti Courier, tise remaindur of hum Manchster anal Vortellire Goudtise misole aofmisich is i forci one af tise tient eesotmtents in Canada. Those Ladies anti Gentlemen wishiig te suppîy themeielvres miti Moutning, milI do teou taecatI anti examine bis Stock of Domisazeens, Silks, anti Clotho, as they are not te oissurpasseilencheapneesaof pnieu, anti gootine3ofe tuality ; likewîse a larg«e supply of new Carpets Jual opemiat, some very ich pallernes. Wu.. WILSON. Kingston, 28tb Sept. 1141. JTUST RECEIVED & FOR SALE B ythe Suuceihr, a large assortient of TO ES, consisting cf Coakmeg, Parlor, Officç andti hic Stcvew,.vitrines sizes; misicis ame offereti for sale no ev, tirat persiona wising taaply tisecselves will do Weil toaoeauicinu. JAS. LINTON, A, &B. Kingaton Oct. 4.1841. FOR rales by tise Subacribers, F5kegs ping Tobacce o m W0 d d o& as.. 20 boxe« Cavendias, 8 haiiboxes Nainoti 32o. 55 jars Sauff, 7000 Principe C , 15b'c ' !, nk 10 do munîsdUal ostt 20 do FgBlu, 20 do Carolina Rieu, 25 begs green CoMie, 15 boxes gouettdc 15 do do Popper, 10 islge groueti do 10 do do Ausapice, 10 jars Mustard, 75 Nattm Cassis, 0runtswppiog paper, 4olit Netieu la:rdiaime»Ahaod, 10 boxes Starch. Rlsgs Closes, 15 boxes pas, 3 kop Curaranta, 10 atusta Ot V34L ILRIL &T.14.t- mund mraim isumi cnmwmmus-so Zamy wSoxsu i-MOA liditi mils niolhior a m~..a imayneicine TME Sscibsebating rese tovai ert m et ol5t 5or4 ewood uv«obiýef 1>s otmed wiCI Vumbe smd PFer gemda, bte preMase ç~ee Iaas.mm ayltompaisini b eIIO i lately mcapic!à hy J àtt z eCo, art now e- -a-le pc ageuuppasta have boaum .. ~peetoan uadtilosal aumy u n w seoegb isy s plac o l, lam e tishe Omatau&aidm u ts tasaI: Casai. Amy p--sang»vsg -umàmahts iasiar, Sicpenetk, BaiNeel laces, S&e0 mdll lad te tise recovey ofaI t wiâ b oxs, ub#tau51t.hi.lise, n't eurPen ýuACP1 aBWS C.N-ngreat ssrety, Nsoedl, 'Pins,, WitcK If oibêit& eÀ 0.muO%î , Printer's md riisstsijCalais, N11.. Mile ____________________ Ireloiand vieilq %Rusai analStia, Acesdbai voti &V.f wle Ma.., iad PmiiIgsa Mes u .~ipmWaUel, PcblUeATtlàl1ad iA pe. -'t. 5jYSTUIOUS....A emaam sbelg tt mmaumt »d wemllly ta.,.. MW ortbh Cu, arbre omt lieeil lbau. enteri- W*morieu. hbavs mc. limeeav 1818 op ta rseetly, boem beat mssrly double, aud fer sasorai Yeats ceofiut e itelbosrld, bas beom rseored ta Essad bealtls-has regaimet i s maturai oreet pusi. tioms-eni bs qnttod ibis cardage, and sew uls iiisa witb sel! y.W illerre thie il the.genlemen's oms descripticon srs mss aupossible, atid Ibere il noe xaggeratiom ii. W. iili give isquirens bis addtreas, andi doute t bis bumane feelings avili excusee li berty ;so tsat assy eae doumi tug, mal heu. tire»afacts--thugs ho requeste bis mas.. al net appear litiprim:L. Amonx mhberinilar ici- illancesbMr. Jae. G. Recynolds, 144 Chrisie hireet, bas bette restoroti, and ill give persnmal assra.- ces of the fada of bis case. Baths mere nheuina. film, asnd cuntracted cords snd ainerv. flow base tiss been dons ? Answer .-By leFe=' Neyes and Blasse Liniment. N. Y. Herald, Jan 26 1841. Sold hLv COMSTOC K &Co. 71, Mai.lt.nLaie, New York, andi by earry Drmggist in Kingiten, ant in eCanada. LIV ER COMPLAINTS. AND ALL SICKNESS ANDI DISEASES. TEMfPERANCE LITE BITTERS AND CIJINESE BLOOD PILLS Tite greaiest Serat discemred! pure-prsrge-puige-has been the cry for thte la.t f.,vyrars. Thais heen tgifeîsiy tried, andi yet 'nifeters avetii ultiliiet-and died t! why?1 Nol herause parirleg mat net neresearv, but fou match hba, boen rime-mithc'at the totjict feilw,, and sust.,,n tihe ,ystem,. Pirge on musl?1 The. sklyiy ntrof the blondi must te@ carSsd off -or lthe accumulation of liset preveuted. Pre- vent. ltes ,tii gromelit of sucb huer$. Wby do th, Cine,. iive te sncb irnmen e agesmcd eh rLin i bc peecs of youth or iid- die. agf ?-Bes.i. i e parif *v the. blooti The Cha nese BLoC» Pill,-so cailedl because thec metk reportanti * transe the Biol-are Cie siandard remedy. Titese Pilla xiil de it ; sied tise Terr- ps.rance Bitters, taisen as directe.!, mii urn.geben lthe gstem anti preveol lite acfu-inelaton of the. base bramors stuc! infrit tihe bloond, anti which 1oniy incressea ity purges, anisas1the itstrs .are fakiet &fier. Buj, thon, fheur pili andi bitters. ýfTelle weekiy the. pilla, rend daiiy the bistesa; ciii 1i. You are or bave been invalid, for day., %necks rmonths, a ýor aavu mili fint lt sickiv sutmots remntif nd iereen:etl fico, a return, ailtiti ijassL;fiyelow hue cf stekness chantge rapi.ils ft) efsu /">Ming gloireofheâtlh and !ost Ifz i buey. There are cases sa nometous ef thense Fril!iani effcts, ît..t tisSe andi spore forbiti en at mjlt ' pet thein dos,% s. Buy tand use these metrî.ci,. 2anti use aotohrr, anti heaitis antistrength snitII e 3701115. See meralper anti directioons tiât c .mc ws 1h thtcae. t FRAUDULENT COUNTEI1IEITS Wiiibe attemnhteti. Buy no rem.-Ée of fic kii univis il bave my name- 0. C. Lac, '11. D.-c se the. sracîner. and aise lthe natiees fl ows le Enterati accor!ne to Act of Co,et.ss, 'i. D. 1841, hy Tes. CeesiEL, in the Cieni',Office ut tise Distriet Ctcf te M ited i St.tes for tirt t $mtheris District ef New Yenk." IVarrattetl :le only ainnîn.e. Mener... Comsarece & Ce., New York, are the. sole wtislesai,. agents for flie United tiles atiti' ,inîigitboring countries. y DOCTOR O. C. LIN. e Solti by N. Pdimer. NEWV AND SPLENDID CABINET FURNITUPIE, As Chuip as ite Chesapest, and as pari as the test. liic generally, tisat bc bas reincoveti bis Fur- niture Watte Roum teulais new building, recentiy ereiteti in Mestreai >ticet, third dons frronn tir cerner of Store Street, anti ce .r te, Mr. Thih.tio'e Groeery Stre.- -iiere wilalways se s ueda gt.- norrais.sortî,nt ef READY MADE PFURNI- TUBE, of the, heat qualitt anti lâtest ;.attfrns, andi pres te suit ictentting pstrcbast's. i>ersons ilsi- roua of purchasing aie re*pectfulinvmmite] te moite s eafi. As the Sebscriber is cotnsthanific- tc'ing for ais ante10order, tbey cse .ped.iy lbe suppiied wsille any article tiicy me .qVire. T. 0.BITLER. Kinîgsten, Jan. 1841. Wànism-A Varniahr andi Polisher. T. 0. *S. FOR SALE BY THE SUES.CRXBER. D YE WOODS ofthie best qeaity, Whoirsuie adRetail. 3. W. BRF.NT, Drugitol41t 4polhecar»y* Riîng Streect. Dec. M2,140 36 VAL UABLE FARM FOR SALE. W ILL lie sois! by section on 'rueieday the fifth day ef April neit 1842, that we!l keown Farim knawa as Lake@ Farcs, but nom in posslessuion of Mr. Fourre in Ereetoîve, lYing ce tis York o o datized rondi, about 1 lmes fr i ngoton, cueeg200acre., agrTeatparti of wbich lis.nom nder cu tivation, kaavinjg tissera- où. afrasire bouse, barn andceltier outbuilines, an extensive Orchard of goond upples, ailon a Tiving sprinag mils mu abundant supply of mater. leu r1- arbeing about te ru. iueo~e ve frontYe > e d ifo tery rab 'a k i du nulbhaisitaetl Mr- Pollrre oe tise r U attachaient ta ler F I aie by R. H.&T. RAE, F 5hitts. Martelles best Cognac Brandy, 10 do Sciseidaci, 50 cases do Il quarter cats ts sit MalIMI4 16 do do Madeira, '16 octaves .do 14 qertercmlefs PortWine, 3 hid. shery, ouperio, 2 do do doc 8 do EdimburgisAh. Oct. 1841. JUSTreceioi sud f«~mlabytme so ribmeas lb ibis do 20 bouesaline. 29 do mWhite do 8411spentod IL R. & lT. RAE. S ALT 300 bbIi.OmodagaSoitf4dr s"e S lw -or rioil, H. UCÀLD)ER. BUl111 UE l11011 uaiale sairI.A , ~ aî te liane tact, r.~ LOOK OUTCOUtu7ft t;othe nau, .., i ToC flarait a, iu. a Ui P ]ROB ERT %,I Rta au la ilie hiti'hiarhct1tf 0 iste ot, e nil usde ad h av touai ri~ ritie , it hre lulari s '* utt a Ie-[.tea - e eIjo l t !ît e JOhIN P. 1lNCîçMI JOHN D.THO' 331a JlSS. FuR ( The iilo o. îir. . aaîlt *La 1u ,04 bait tbuue cffuie absà lie t fI ag', End al . eho q'0 Cilil City of PlIIIW I-.1ît , n 'e e: arqIiaiilitel m1itit %' i j L if S. Furey) and litui -Il ICu naiguittitei o li a e Ci u thefinen Iet Claitire nI~i flli credil hosl i1.1ail hL and,'mtand rcf RlOBER feited thcecttl, DI uti î, aDo re ti a10~hndu a 1 sltnoie ni ut oibc f(it liaineMtIle ant V4u1 wîîî;u i is mpo.be l r -n, il~, New-lat d >srî aimu le IN. ~ p I EiSI- Ni Yilec-Il lit ORLA NS FO a TEI B nuA- K tF 0 Ru.Stoiai " mee si, as talle, B r.,Lusts h'ave testoi saleus he Suint LII so,' dboue, tis alse dus s lt!;rn ce r n16 limeucf renînue ;l e Fp ai i t,-ii havettiua Spin i 4el'at er sîli t *4ilm wThellyi c1Bxevc Diritrt-t5 Sa d . ;t ls vuhhiuss ise- Cn r.- l, nII theîse onflott!e-,i: i ot -oî.î"rd A llbc oe f ce laro 1re> u f11 Se f 9d.S; il th Auý.rin 121. thubacunBertie sut i sc unf, i Kig oNov. 17, NI4. RLUEt,à vr l, are atir.ec oa(OIe S f. loiep, plabc')ii eY, uti t pninst aorsiN. p17ît g41. di r criciE Moccea îtnblak abndcr i Kerseys ont Sergecs. at-ita, reti, bLit tsi ed 'Salisbury Fiana-el.., Tws-ctiîKoî.-.pS douce. grloy anti miîe Caoo 1tî, Priliaséý pricteti aiciasfliair rort i nltctOn 01141 nettee, subite, bIset, Pinki, .1.y nl1 a MueliesBiciasopeLau-o, sIi andîstotOtl tint, coioeet Lences, Vertai lDlkiit cctton 3'elre*e stiand l.a.eSii and figureti Gros tde N plesc,srel 8,1 veCi, eutk Serge, Luncadinanti dBIxzdIfli ses, dçgureti Pepline, iroees arbdPtntltl karniefs, noloreti Barcelossa, asti ehet6t aanu, blonde anti gazins 1l&itllii Veile, crape Ilaetiksrchefsn pin.it uap pnntedi Nets, 1p' laisnd acyflati lads Lacer. Qnillire, eid Frocb ]idemuesie CalT ani i (Irimati ils lce,)iniibak uti witi s iik, blskstwia5 tdhbe, ahT1 assîoe oInt 5 tons, &r-&C. ltatir. FPOR SALE AT THE SV C1 50 BOXES Laonts5~ 50 do dio stsrcif SOiOOOCigarscursitisg O of recI Lag Cahîn, S&e. la Bxes Cavendlsl TetàIO 30 lKagmPink leuOà&INS & 11tiv, KiegiasaNov. T, 14 à HL pUTT a p B EVyE R y T GýANADI D GOODS, 0,o8LE OR R3TIATI 3IL IAINEs & Co., store sI Wdtoabe asitation cf the t ~-stock of DRY GUE u 1sd»u ~vsriety of Plain i,* W~hlfur tise FaIt antiWWî oilbaau seetet mith great c teiW ïpess state cf tise Br t5<etbite:oinsiand cf Capital, tie.r NTIS SEABOiN have 1 et seà a sSductiofl frets 1lieusuai va sist5ry beholder. pr enatm i s taken te acien die = supporlttey bave roi Çurally, incnonreqlnetic the pibto iaving boun u atiq laX0T¶mastisuitablo Suppi . . but tise leaîh ai bu rp~DIiIe re it noetsary, 1istl.ta sfinal arragemnet mn order ta N ua itee eligOff at suclm l'e de" psujcma5ara oi theGreat Sa otOt oftIas sdseamint umît ot i W,1tnd cataloguIe. but the full,. aya Jquti ai betcg parictilsnly Mt, kilo DEAVER CLOTI un., Li--a Sio.m c arn t'ueisle Milîttdo- forUr eaI Cas y (il Arii qitite no us'fr hanalý. ns4 and tIne, Uucually Chte l Of Vain Mati'an inÇFultsd Clotlîa. aid %N'ite CounierPanith anti (lui! liors, Cintis, Woolleai ituge, &cý u& S'axony Fial forîs an Isdren'e Clg, atis2iiy (luth and fUti mst ast isionallelî ofi("a I I,,ttern Ahno Caniliseteense,atnîl asielins de Laines,, P"sii anti l'ri i-The Sb'rrbers ssii.h gre-eit ,c fer Public ionpe t isse-. tpteeat batflVarie!y cf'I L. . farexceIl gany forerec l hast'iat rDresses iantiBranneta su-tu match. iana nePr-lit le Iunuu- Icgelic b au o epetuty tispnal ut tlîs Stor-l, inI 0111Y Le studying Ecuîna'à y. in ni rhisea asextensive aespsclae. aid Gloses. etfecry decnipticim, "soetaienat ut Merino4 Mohair, & 1 y tracte, Lltnbs' Wool, bMoritne RbI ItbelShirts anti Drawers, ta ie sîlly Cbaap, stoas, for Pontet or Neot 8 aenaat Stiffliera, Cashmere Mui Table Lices. Browe Linon flulkinckm, Beti Tinkings, Limai, l'rinted Furciitunes. andi cornets, Logliais anti FrencS à will ntnyfii te huapuit. bu psesassortiment of any flousa ià WLS aidas mnt novel Dasigni. i nest anti ment fashionable materaIs Lot of Plaid Woollea siamts, and I AN.D BUFFALO ROBES, mah atder L441 Year~s prie tg,, Laces, Lace Vails, anal Musli rIpts, Mlcain Clas, Linon cildrsn's menketi Cambric and anti Woallec Yarn, Battings anti rArticle wiU hu ciarkedth ie LA MOsir Patnt,0cr esiasl plan wi allie ilti oai Osja PRIcz. t pestent nmiakespilu» tu obsurs a.IL HAINES & Noteniber, 1841. Tusuble&, Crett ands,, et Glas Lamp Siadai e, tf T. S& J. RIGNEY'8 A great vaae of Wieips, anti wBdan eouster'a Whnip 'b-4Pl"Aindtisoleti, ItitiNov.,1841. .1) STONES. 10 tons Ohmio SW-4e4,asavrsM aises, f. ii*by 1-L CAJaDE ~i18,&c-A esta AnaW sd otle,) forale ui f*csh o 0 ~ CALI)E %vice$, ascsted na atiidý harem and IaI boxes Wanslusi " Ylon for cash. IL- CA LII ~ ii.White Fié, _ Um10Saen oTrat icatch.,f«uad. ),y 1841ILICALDE 0 Au -7 l itsL~â .1.2= lu" opoe- l' i