Me hilil finie tu,,., r frou Nec> York lmig tho quarter s1 fur cant Of ai.oa "'aw of Elîglanl loi bl a glaure ,. ai 'on ni Ha, lait 3ljesrY ,clsning abat tllnt La. DciamatilîU ne, ',agî ie 141 fi Gien. 3,1 cap i nitoreal nppliaril, 1iii Queller. Atuer Ie pli xiadad ie tUprer 1li 1- cap. 2 1. the 1; cler year 1800li thi egla ortîeil u, hat the CrlIIîrwt etuau on thie 17ab il&y oulal Le th. Crianiaiel ast day beiig tIe fi-t et, t loat tLe PriItiîcîuj L,,,, les of the l'nî,î rare vat eumiued in thie aay, onIs, Outil the year 183 minimiere ficr aithwsgh teal. fot e eser' racler, Suflerea flic pena u.eay Aie etaleil, abat the . à eaaae Of gasey roMirA Ig of hulannîî Caîsia. ,le o)Ffaders Sain e rue kO mfé e Wtaee thtc nvaetaaea' lAie cleneeecy ad ia thear %vor; anssi rovs orient ta, ift U eoici, eut. ecapoat, or ses seq in urder ta reuieay lis e ith the buace nai plaie in Englanè,th a! top. 4, n'a, peesWs byt reatucoil the saîaiîer 4~ iseurucea ,r dlisert, sud1 cIen. lyiatýArilu deatacere cleirlv set @ait washîn lasuanal, m1las I00,itree Wbh-eh lel' dipted se le piiiîitied nnier -a nesure the ret if possile te refarea tir oetentnry as estal à7 systena .of decrulie v oibas have give s aiste k,. best aaîeuliid vlanh -et dia'rivered fir thbs vm Le.tlaressni fLegiblati ule. sad serrantI te onmjtted. Withrem au lue xpecte teh lp allen being, altboiagb ni' *e asud edsucat is-I nie' -Lv gwing a rigbi dirs ky %Vb îh meoie sor le-P p ,art ; anal whlie. if 110l allil, Le exer tell fores ..d. the aci avisy cf i, elailly dirented ; aid la -sud if Oil aur i0bibiab ndustrius le.' teaiP1 Or. Tiase wrA ire an riinial cours mucat ad] me aris-es rinu Whl&t, 11 crioni. oi the cuat S, tht! every ras VlaîrI Q invetigate. if tleIl 'uts the e«- O af nmg the place ti liot l bitta give risn te tWI e rive it te b.s iy dsY ta ta f ci el csta lit ai ttoti ess f Tavenie L'ceO. [t le your duty te laces fi ruon4aaeb tm . ku uido 10 yo a sied for 1 ue yal' . taesnctwb A mi itely VIihCrs ,d os tha belt Iplaml cartaw~ . Osieat th eUsia' lave b fs r i~ 2ui. b Î ecni sa1~ s-vmfd ecla.ýaed to ' i dty. î00 .oft6ader. seat' *so*niheimifore so bve heen O i-Us mn r,,Md oaly in th. ligktof 1 ,t our plae ta îaqare "iay aOraew tac'-Thxt egi.iture. Qui *ty lg islac tta f4mr 4Wsulte faatVSc li the boue- oneum.Let us hope rina aal nlthat j tr h and kifb e d £C0 to s ape l"tiu ,a tie aectit hileïe hcIirb iapoe a Try p'w. Who are faon'roU ianet .ý ,sneler nI pesaOn# u bd Ilan guidance af eaonaeestpl jadour incre and pu nty & UmsnAniCssor, but tacro le dai disttin te iitidi of mauy us attsatin isned atta>' he pOfceanal lie 10 toc 16 t,'avewnata everygmelgre I ciit cerepsile tai reiov . ilif th inhaitanttgenerally tin l~C ut iuomtionlniy 1a. féel prad thy wotuld jdam tsiisaeintendl oi mis- Wei% i g te Ofcer m-LaIe dioebar- Mait pblc duty. il PaeICT COtU<Ct. aesecueleal jnt ta the sttitte. iii te aueeubers Dt et r. K intgstoin froma bd-l tby sert acc%"ru in, te Wtrden .5.drss,Oî och t50 COI)ios are tii t,ý rraiite~e oiiataeg of Mlesurv. i,hlq. hache, Rabln andl Ca>e. ippîn ted Lotedrat ruine ianal rein- ba Catie.c1 adJiouruoalfur a au oar W theai tereprt There are se. aur fthue Ceriîsbipth.e anaI ,5îr.F. M.11111I, John Vilaa.en, Dliaeteflu, 3M. 1' P fo'r the Coun. 1eu Itians, dital in Mosaîtreal OB the 'e ai fetsofiian acciaelu, tav iug fMan fa>big sli3h. frgaJtee!y @hpinjeMontroelnt as vi Frd glt tf a largo quutity of Mj pIJail it e ie, rang, pou- , (;cl Grci e saetu la lat he 43rsl andl le tb.s t3rris.or, are to ho re. pt,~illug Ly the 02rîl trugiler. sn' sisaL ara iob rd lli.-"'udetalrs, n4yn' at M. Ru-c- .b-4 (tel. nets W iwGaml .-l tasxbcrawUb. pi Sgge, 0 dos Fhh SUcs & 7 Boed Axes, 1 1Ax.rnUaba 4 Ialot Pig Cets 2 Fiane "*M'wih Tweed back lining, 11 blé@ Flushing Chanter" MCons, 6 Grey - . . à rab Pilut « " 6 gMe & bine Capots, 6 pair Tweed Trowmers, 4 dos lilned éittes,, 14 pairs Fur Gauntiets, Ildez lissier flippersfur buud, a . Carpet do. 2 e u0r Storkinge, 2Arab travelling Cet, A lmw dose, cf Buck-Mittr, fine Combe Warg. ÇOLLINS & HlAINES. Ki.geon, February 7th, 1842 17-#ie, -ig-Lotslfer Baie. Sfeet. 2et Ao shewns by the above plan centaiuing hait an acre more or leu@, aud tilal b. solal in une lt or =epra ,)l tunsi- purebascns. It forma' four .gnt S!ore bîree iu fron!, Grave Street i erChaam Sreet en the Eait ij and - Street ona the West, th situation reqaires no rot- comnsendationl as t surpassed Lyaminoe for th ereation ui pivate residencos. T ho proprietor w il gave the une La If of the above te any one ciao will erect Cottages bin the cubertacacordiaeg te plane which wgi lle mtaown on application ta the aubecriber, w bere any information respectlng the above ean b obtaaned. J. LINTON, A. E. 4 C. M. Kingston, Feta.,8Ue 184. NOTICE. A MiSETIXU of aithe Stoekbo]daurs of the. Sueam Baud Sir James Keaupt, mciii le beld t the office af the Suhecriluor, u Satuir day tue l2th inst., t 12 o'click, nomn HENRY GILDERSLEEVFi, Agent. Kingstont, 5hu Fehruary, 1842.. KINGSTON PUOVIDIENT & SAVlqs B ANK. Amunt f p sited fuwaned hdwem the ! 91/1 J"i... and te 71A e FIa.,1842, La'4 dupi ease/ arivr, £215 13s. 9d. T H1E Batik continues opoe on ?S'tnaays. .L eVd sesduysnd ana atusýdays rnam 10 o'cl<wk A. M. te 3 P. M., sndonu Mndays :ud S.urday eerig.froni 6 til 8 'alsck. Every requira.d if.îrumatiaita may be bied oa ppliutuaîa u the Batik. THOMAS GLASSUP, GOVERNMENT NOI7tÊ SEU AL»TENDERS cil le ,eceivsi st t* commissaiat 0&% Motreel ifSmsse% MONDAY, thi e day aof ehrasrjr 90&fer1 tUe performaneofraiMM& etrmsmtao ib<>811AU BOAT ANDI lARGE, vias the WA amd aIDAU RIVERSa au Myb.required yH« i Majmy's Goversusut etwhen liMend »dam Kinagston, and i atrmedirntsplaces, dunaug the. scamonu of18U42. Theeonditioender chlch l.thtantact cili *egvns, aa aIoaàlrm of the Tenader. *ad sey inrt e'i quntln that may ho releaire& , il <a btinesi on application at theo Colnnhalii 0f. fices aI Moanreal or Kingston, The Tenders ta alite lb. rats. n la iex Cur. rency. and ta contain th usaI Simatures of tiro rosponsitle persona azsumrtiesafer liae dim ful- flment of th. comtrat. commissariat, Montreal, 2th Jan"aar, 184Z. GOVEUNNENT NOTICE. S EALED TENDERS il b. recaïved aet the cmissar ia Ice Nvnlre4 altitnon, on MONDA. the Mu day of F.brury, 1842, fur TowinCt>MMJIAAT BARGES & BA- TEUX.Is uW« ith Store, bolce o nt.)n and Kiagmîu sdi uomnediate places, vi.theo Otto" sud i deau Rivet r,,dnu; the Seasc of Thà .Tmeer.s tlate the rate in Halifax Cur-. rency -lau each Barge and Bateaux, aud to cou- tain thc rosi signathres of tn'a persona as sune. lies fr th.eadue tuldîment cf tIi. contract. commissariat, Montreal. 201h January, 184a PUBLIC NOTICE. HESubscnuber hep rsta cautin bis T Fid asud theo Public, again certaini faISe rumours wbich bave aofaiebeen circu- lata'd hli sanie evil disposoal 1ers -n an per- sans, cih the tie w oadi reg hem an imeury tun bMs business *-,id thaeselves god, by report- iaag tltat ho was ual prepaWealta recccve con- sigomenîs fioni the cant of sufficient Storage. Whche begs ta cotradict, as benc faise, &o tassure is Fiends& dtthéP lac, io bave givon him sucb lileral su pport sd*e le comsueueed theO .Auci..eer, Braiser, a&à Commissione Busuiess, beiog uearly 9 yea.s. that ho is non' psard terecoive ny & neount of Goa.ds, cf;uy escription. ou con- sigument, sud make froin it to forty per cent. advatece on the saine. Whuere Goods are left for sale no charge made for Storage. He therefore trusts tiiet bis finonda and tUeo public genermlly 'will before leiug led past bum by auch messes, et lotit give hum a fain test, J. LINT oN., A. B. & C. MK Kingston, 2nd Februany, 1842. 4 T HEùEEA Moni ly Meeting of due Tocu lian. Pmesent-bhMers Counter, W. Wilson, T. Wilson, Greene, McltoSh. Mowat, Shase, Fra- se, Brown, Fanal, Forguason, Brigge, Christie, jenkina', Brent, RaucceiliCouus, Rigney, Deykee, anal Hall. Th. follotring resoluteans n'enoadopted, Resolved, Tfit aPub lie Meeting af the uta. soriter tthe New's Reomb. called on Wed. noesdy not, the th mut. at 12 'clock, in. ion the purpome of explaining thae position taken taY this "surd lu the management ai Ihat insitution itesolveal, Tuat any gentleman comiOgtt he Towne may become asuscriber ta tLé News Recru fan'san peniod ont les. t bu a monta, tay applyioag tai due auporaneudauti helug introdaceal bv a aubecriber. w- Store itu.eet, next tie Pont Office, "oilveal, Tlat tho Baumd eaiisla eall.l up. o t Svisti s.5, t L..f. . u.çsbssc Kingston, 7th Foe. 1842. contraict i a public sud uuqiieidionnr the =R'.u-SI5 ktif, tchss-'mm 0.sfsetou'nieaen the " BitlakWbitw" oith letaI e .rqh, T heis aet E NOTî(CE IL thtlthle. membersaif he Bo" latelY tramn .hQyE f U t. L j...E Torntu, ojoctea D, W CsN5a , Q UEEN'S CO" E E 'o co eeeted froin office. ?hwo.El.s.% -.gdgh g C5iL IrNO 40ES. Reeatvod. uosaoudseay, Ttotdis ll.aralfois ~c~iibsiiiie itasa oi . hle, s..~ rleypatud7iî,tmstal incambent on Liastu make publiectheir opiai- saisiis il.. iiisfb.iblt ,iialisa.tsd gilTeistheeion cf th. idia« Britisha Whir-4t t WI aand . Ifint Session of' Queen's Calirg4a. Kineg- s1 bia been ebaracterixoal ty scrrniiity anal t'ai i~ta .s. ii. iiee lisiee. ,n. %%su .ililmbat 1ua'rd ien hefinal Monday of false,,ad; and at te. amitetme ta disabame due 1Miercle t:ext, and that tIeri the Prufeasors wopublie uuinal ai au impressions ehich hb acn linve been ap1iisîred isill heais.ta> t-&elcllos.creatcal ly thttpier tleul thoreoxst fèelfeige >0i~* sr,,i'.iiiasi.îs 'se-n for the fleiîag Ilranchoes cf &i.dy. iniulta to a' newcmea,' Relyisag upon the0 a'ae ~.~. .. sîw..o., LLXN~public recoition af i t position taken tay the be.ohsii.ts,.,' <Nb ~ RJEEX, Bard, îu has after delahratian det.ermined on e-. 4whid,ir..Yîrpsbict 1d r3 TH ENiATICS is.ingthe British Wtig rain tdule Nes .oiir.h,...'ie..e A ND NATURAL PRILOSOP HY. publi ,...:'i,..JLbiO.L914UaL', ANt MORAL PHI5LOioPiY. Retoaaird Tht th. above resoîtians b.e lu. ii. a. sa, tas Pisu 3 rw.Thdgy AW#ItRfoy,«l,,,w1 rtdins tciy papens for asre naistia. *iis,,i i siilla,..q t asthe wn8 iv. JOSEP'H B. HIALL, Viî.itr.i.ias . . Leasi. . 'IL s paritularly ncquested that those c-be, KngtsFb318. ~s..nd b'.,iav ..a 5.b,c Iýritfrie etilnié pas, uay havit heen lexpecaingFé. 142 t«i,>ri, il ,.î,î.hp. h actsrdisgto pfevitu.ea itnulniitOOOSies RIEt) APPLES for Sale liv t ( b.a,v wd. Ib. d S. . ef "tlier npa.nasa f h tr.Sessin daln'icb lb CARTER & BEliTLEY. »M 1- , . w.. 'a.ead agm-1t.eaUWitD W.i. lgasd. bantrni k,.îiis Or.ssa.-gl a3he M «,,eire'aal.ç'a'tver No. 4. Handy'a, Fronet st. ..týd î,.iad tu ta,. lat ', t.4 l "le tsIh - asppoiutssent, rmuet M t~a s- Kingatoîn, Stha Feb. 1842.r mien,,,ese ire, a cseb s , t~a.e; ad as tbey auut Lasa e i?.-i5p ..iwe'i q,, terI"e.COon FISE Smn.Sele l4 aItse'çt of my lettere, you mL.U-~rm1à BE CO IUFrSlIy a isassnie.glfniisbfh«~h DCARTER & BENTLEY. t ý[U RE SULD TO.MORROW. ni Stndcita. Comnnouiiicattiîus hriaStu- No. 4. Hard's Buildings. Front st1t tiauii uli;,e Gs a f, ciairle were donta or thcinfinad, as to etarolmeut. mv Kingstoni. 8dFeb. 1842. 'ibi :.u iîi !t i i Sturdry, J.'. imade ier penanuly or lu crituaag; pé- o C A PITA_ L IS T-S tam! uinanviiIiLýy pserpned; au V inu- t10 theeday of camemenc.ecneet, .te , 01 PRO ITALISTMEN i lbeoffereal 20 Buudlei Pataaev $F éERi'P FTAHEIV HN. ia. Frit pautirulars aoc IIaudbiIl~~~~~~. ana.Ier Pringle, Esq. Secnetary tu uTrs1'iOtalbvrrt ctacattaSen. -au Il) e*t!niJ, te s sessCuig, agtn h vl berNa.the iolowieg gvaluable property, nana.. J. LINTON. ali$-) givi eraormtion us ts) the probable dora- îy, A. 4.. B.tion ai the firat SeusioanOf'C liego.- On lot ai Lana6l Oeot oneth. Front. q-pt lvii 8, 1842. THOMAS LI.>DE LL, . .I0iaîldet, ~~iionmr ipl.,, 'ith Iwosubsauîial BRICK HUE hems ~J tClIC3aKi-aqten. 5th Januleay, 1942. 4 Wàr.W k Cage9 ieos1k lta stables, sheils, 14lmifalt itsiinanry Society of dIsaidpmentaiuciysutoi eanddair'ga Ys taaCiLer vh tébl iîe CAliARAQUl RUKW.E TuO Li'. Iietlc 0,atsta uone ai h contra IpuaIrhaaîtClasa<, carnnofras O ie ot n ontrat flan one vent- ron4 Streets. The prcecthesboeprcpsrtyiovey bua str. I. .thî1tAa l 82, the TOLLSO4i O midmu, taes,ais jrnyuuaelci libnmade le5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n April, 1e. 485 of db. eay. For iurthepatalroi<aeaouc. r'ý1epeavhed nt ast IV a Ti4nalteTswil i éeceived »CLiN AINESe 'tî1t ra.Asn(ew 4eayo Màrclk uei, fra s mch pe>s"OLLINS A sutek . X".,hy tise 1ev. ga asa s eBolut'elisgli elathesii Knaià. aal 82 <'.taeralof Victoia eèBre4o fiai'one yes. Th rest per anniai- __________ ile. a ra oeg oché cetarly sta!edi un'airais et lengtb. NOTICE, uctai 'eesîy ~îa. Ta metugf" Setcelior the steme 4"ttNI%, it14IS-mliloh roui i vida Udettanddwel nteA boat CmmodorehBrà% eallihie dey. pur. Tsa Taa ra ~ s .So . eks aller t<h O f àPa i tni uant u n otcr, a divlalem -mti Pive Pourds par 'ILLA B E ETING., 1842.. sallre cas ddcltt& ,payable.n the Siteta 5i A.l Gre E. Ryern j . The followi'l eM osqs, &u aeIntatsvoagth. oilice rof the subscnitasr. Wa.Hercniimer '4livela-free mieovin tb. damne -..AlISoldiers MXINRY GILDERBLXXVE. ,a B ndif in thse employa i"8 _ &M2%184«.4"i Srytahgeeng) and <aber gen- an M!ýn ,ho<aior W TE MDI ELY 5iIair.,ie eetirsg. A Cul-'u iint«eorrgge 61" l ai tabuip ai ille. close cf each gte toreretumnion ed i uie T11 .20eIRLis. feautu lt. I14jlemr litnonamid foiiaiots. g-adootv s es oitbreBlo an- ~S g i piiîlîd balî shlasiiinpanv nlSrans uaH'co a rnm t u cl;eu lueri cagna cll têt givena 0!,t le ee ingof ue- «-th Tndersua o eaddresied tn thé"r T.- ath u3E~TîxG.îtîîeeeuiug aident of the Csraraqni Bridge Comany," & .ifihe qiumrrnp.j qýst., e Ofwicb u ntc iiilLIt &lANl duo natco . bt st die teidence of M. GhlauN M=ci q 1842 j dooer te the Pair Offloebre persans tenn- WAVTFDderinams eeaetaapçe .h8laC". D'. 8 . ÇOLPEY. Îocathe y shovo sniesi; hoe eany hENT. CLERuiaHdiiao Sle, ~se untPer informastion reaireai cil h Ien. .KArlamisdslfed h aé iii> brhel accustomeal t Ie bauai- Two gufficioct Sarrries cl lin eqared i L. ira. Nous "UC ~ ~ ~ ~ t roenel- cigive Bond aor tedue. pearnc f ti. IigUeejaasar I1. ded iPPIYwho canuot le -n'eil e- Contrâc. rt. eS«. ,Chriwsms affi NcwY re PNO- IL i3Ofic, i b lttr pu ua -THOMAS GLAS8UP. t Feb. &iL> 142. ÇtaraquiBridge O&ie, I R ~ ~ r IlIii. b1 Ki ut Iaelurussy184&. ,I'»81. k, lmfur *d iZ AN!) PAËIOR STOVES aM i TaslIMeav WUn.h CART,~ IINT ~ !?!< tAM <*11 e'nu8s*W4Tm m sa, Md a ige vaiss of 4, H. ardy$ Bild- MOCRE &ETLY I 111, #à Fait. 18 ay..alâusEOtg.jRAB fae r mae,.,-é ÉEEALDOIs.t~Â1rI inaw>x~ Ilda #O V ~ 5% N E t O T à c Ë. ùl mn. os leday the *23h dey* cf FoL- ad froqe MeIntres t-aleai nagstàa. s1diaeesneù= o pwisceia, tle. S.. Lais oe", m et ay ho requirtailby ?Ier bMcjetystElvernment de. ng th mèete of I12. The condtiom itcf teo oozuic. »aslals frh etehoTendsia. and any farîleer iun-a f.nmsnatm tmav hoeeqoMired. w;1l lue clu taus.ed onm eplacaticea Ofcies ntu S.real otci'ngston. The Tenders ta st4qet!M ue aa. u a-jetaxa c.eraeacy, aial. e cou"muthie aMealsignatures of two respouible persans as surseties for the dune tulfilant ofuecontruci. Montreant 2t Jtan. 132. IMPORTANT MUIIONSALE 0Fr ToE r ÈPER Ty 0 F TiHE LATe 14IL LbeolaNby Public Sale et the Aurtion '-urbron Wedneal4y the 9dh Fsbeuay-Amot5<h alowiug articles, "Il p of t~aithe above neal anal mucta la. As it woulaI occupy te on uch #pare ta ono. rate lu dais sdxentimement eacle article separate. ]y. thon. persons who may b. desirous ni abtin. ing au iuventaryi snd likewise an inspection tai the Property, are rospectfülly inviteal in doessa tay calling at our office et any tinte provicua ta The folîowitlg is abelef sumneua7: FI: W000Io 700 pes. Chiens Dinnor Ware, .a l ta 2w0 m Cruchony Wore, a' o4 « < Cul Glass Ware, "100 ta Mo0"Caoppet, Uensils, .~100 ta 2M0 IssnsadTin do. " 75 ta 100 -Pewter anal Brsa.a do. ENGLISH HARNESS & SADDLERY. Cosataa.g of 4 Hors.aeauorfa Riding sud )riving 4 iu bandar 2 pair-, witb 2 SaaIles. Atep~l EnghimtaBitteal Briales. Pad liditas, ?sigt Hocala',Kase Cape, Loin L.athors Sadile Girtias, Sleigta Belle, Blankete, Pilon' Leirs, Sadaîte Bage, lolotere, &c. 13. Baakeo Champagne à cashns pale Sherry in WoI es, 2 cases browni Serry in bottles, 1 hhd. Ilocardl & Marsa, tast. Madieme 2 qr. cashs bown Sherry, very supenior, 2 - -- golal cl'd Sherry, 1 cas. sprlalitag Champagnae, contaiing 3 dom The above kinal are ai a very supenior quai. 16 5ta 2M Lamp. caseisting of Parluur, Glbea, Guit Bronze, Sideocrrd. Night anal Passage Lampe 1 Cuin lugoaacondition for th. Batcher. - AL"O. Bois, Besisteads, Mattrases, Saisis, Table, &c, and a large quantity ai otlier articles toc numoeromas ta ment koe. Salai ta commence at 2 o'clock P. M. COLLINS & IIAINES, C. M i 'w alnemr. N. La-C. & B. coulai b.g ta sugrgest tleat the prensent stands an, pportuaity matdta bbe l sight cf thi these derircus of ottaining sane me. meula, of the late Nablemàan. KingstmaiJeu. 27, 1342 i Iii ON SALE BY THE SUESCRIBER. lhlpnsStean Ec&Mt Blankots, ~i..F 100 chute Caunterpanos for steanu And a very ezIsusivo assootumentof Fancy aud usiavial athssatuss. imiaev ~ Mm r lItRE ~*U - pflfrnhhi *0 -seesis. fs.a.lue ~5iaamlm. i L.sflOgu ami lspeI~ a lis. s~Ils. atr~tl ~ CMV*~*M suIsse ce ~ ~Umi~ *uk lImes hU~s~I 1ev. t. ms~su~Isiftlelpsaaeeag. - ~I ~nw'dc~ r',... a-if- n - 4_ W . W SO. Kingston,_î3de Nov., 1841' A CARD. Tr LINTON lu returuingdaanks tohbit blods «Ym* or their support whiio carringea tbu îee i the C cligsdGooyialiStorée*4soî bege te rocoaumend ta h"r aitce bMi..3. IGar. ruthers w. ho lias talton the. Stock ied UIaja o very advautageons terme, andaii h naUe te mup. Ply cuettaeer. at as low pries a* acy other s- atLupeot of the kinal iu Kingstona. Kingeton, Jan. 22, 1812. ÎVAN TED. B ONUS SL'LLIVAN, *tao came hin Ire. landluat sommer, and *'s taii dmuh-' oer lin Monacal. o« iRvinga a m ag KCingstone, sud isBoxions ta hoqf'roum hmi The Montrei1apru by ccpyiaeg thls adtic. ill couler a reat atour on th. daughter, -Kingston. Jan., 2tt1842. wihsuperiror faiiii hippinta'"&c dir- erabale on theltt 5Ot , - tohmitud o. iher'paticiia'imapply tathe props4&Otfl*% premises. JAMR ii e 'EOW , .Aimicr T fie f te rovncal ei enotup ci Canada,util, 12 clock ua sne;niçtddy ,the first deyof Mich exieiêcnq*W. WALK s u ahieyte Iiepn. ê witfr iheexception of-the"T»., 9~ j~ above tnentaened maué.u.sgbs cvkh tihe laboïor ofeih .ubv.eUt »s tnsy he agred n";;]W~o ;thé firkt dY sfJuiew ~ c~ l:u' Thas Çc>naof tae 1'i.n4r* t)ee Office cf the iuç- Proiecial Peuitequiary, - l4tb Janry. 1842.~ aid ofice. Adaressed IotaIbti for thi e ée * ý of " .pmnof (W4k ýKag c,14t1.Tamy.. 181 't a, o-'WM. WILSON. WHOLES&LE COmISSION Corner Brnok & Quarry Ste. MI~UU Kingston, 29:b Jaauary, 1842. No. . mam'a UI.OIOO rio 4 -- 5iaslLIN O. P 5TSET DRY GOOD$ ESTABLISHMENT - FORsai', HE uudorsiguaed respectfllyanuouuace thgt in FOR SqLk, T they bave entersal netoCO-partnerkaap ilu AND COMMODIOIJS STORE TO RENT, duo Wholoaale Commission Business, in thae ru nDr.S @TA NDB i xTIRE <iTTy. naofCARTER & BENTLEY, an the ire- va mises above aloacribeal, nhicb, having bogai cou- pl IJ'IE utidersigucal bega tos tate ta 1h050 stracteal flu the purpome both fire anal frait ta .1. dat wonil-wiotbestabliîla theunselvesprasai; spocoas na ciiada pted forthe. saie in tIse mescantile businacaini uhis place, that keepiug ai every deicriptioniaf Gonds. the delicate state nf i ua eaîth mvilI not per. Froin th. reoda eltyo tanfeeces, anal nait lineta remuisu longer in the Dry Gonds the cltkior- they trust by tane ahiaineal lu business, et presResýe uel tlarefo',re .hý ptfr- - Mtn desusaribemrllp t. li .iI ota lus <ockut uît.iîau uivers auesaaitoimuta oure a ibral te Posé s.lru~ P- p rIs. <s the publie p»wm>age. J îoesuyofl'ens, ou favnurnialiletcrrms ouaemidas rt$iMrcblnlu in Éenersl ciiUnd itl advaauétagoous iesokbas rnalty laen in8pôiêd luta fa], t.ecnnigo a 1thebcase cf the. sabacribere, asit il w direct, anal la in peke rdeteter. au ogeporteeity thoir intenion loaumcsas Agnts altugethor, sud s nw ufared ua ony persn icishisag 10. es- nt as principale. toblish ia bnelfinje a good andl suie busiiesa, This asd.ertsmntl.deserves the partecalar rareuy t,a tfu isianud the stand is as gnd ofntis. a ni asa. Dealers in Pr ,iiias anal Irai as tsy hoGrasunthe .aiaoenat fewa esdepot for at eaasnyin dthe City, moantimo, te prodce u a peauciple dedly favarabalew stock cullho e linc oif et coacipriea, inlu ota r tteesa lu suit putebasèRns; sh loula Do opporiune- .ALFRgp ÇAITER, ti ty aster. in the course ofa fen' monttea the. THOMAS IL »ENTLEY. P aleale stock cii ho claélssaiby Auction, ai Kingion, Det. 17. 1841. whicb due notice trililu.e given. The remt MtEC Q»CaMES:, Esq.CiÉgtn ai the protnms util next October, is mosi- Ricw«n uSMouiE au, do erate. Wàaa.Wu.ow, E1144 do. r N. J. COONS. J. Fiaaaaàiu, E0o., * waterincn. Kingston, Corner ErsekaseiMa. E. Sass Týde. QaarryS&tre s, Jeu. 1 À. 1842. 40 MR. G. JCit. Sachits Harbor, C sasts miis..Ess, A ay TO CAPITALISTS. A*i 12thrhzEQ T HiE unmiiiiaschs one aifatmhe tvlua- 1ia. Aarmrnae., le gI STSinil ouohiugTcn J B .%augmoo Ç0V., rFoet V ofi BDEIal LLE, Victoria Districtrovince lois, asc.Es ienuai ,cf 5da. on chiesh. la' ioma cuita Nss 8ad Tlisubath *ire m pz.omu >IILL,-fô r .cat oai eu:t£!xsg gI. elv dinh tutaut'lalofiWhost àare Wu.. ~-Pelie wmn-awi-eM ya'l ym'-" sitowem-tae wnmld Q '0 ,E , olo rnlbtmmrmae or !wTe m soaudPeRads osne .P r'E'q o *dvumeostempea ta the lon:dR, ittanudeni. Vm sise " a"' ltbt, .als semnly, fw te tasnaajitetittinthe space R. Judo.Eq Hmutue Of seven ysas, .or mnier a# h. mgtt Sd il lu JI.giemsmdCaerelm lémal il 0sa eoonasal ta iNhmese r tho cielsilt the Mil.IeitiB h.feW a e siss e . en sd Site for a amsoinCn, on condition of builinug 5S5SIt.uâ5fl"* Mil as nlgetlw arod -ypcn- Fcrftr &en' 5119T lm wu- lttrPost alle.a A NOFOR SAL...T *4 G,&- = Cotn. À, ail, the Prupletor, RI IL ir st mupe ofy s i tfwr'*An àisSia- vinle, b ehm mles elTown Lis, Hanses, ài&diuai. !isema t h. Disptl Tei*my., , imble situatlios for lydmaulle au4 imbU pur- rAa.s-Fi" t»V eosrn F.àeor', s feU sonot- POU& Iment of COVURS e t l *"~~SO5 chIeby WANTED IMMI)1 uTEyLgrposuasissite sei brIlle is nhhai$s. TW<S gond mneos nA»e enalers, acquaint. Te " issud drfa neesa'steiaoêypbd fls-_ eléw6 citaUd, ftboudIabm*orkt.ewlass tuer. agaIsGei, th w u ihektbpptsad-Fm aet «MulbdhIm cvin h. gLvo T. C. oaatCs~gdsupâa HR AUMRR WORKSA A < Mv doa'qs Uba = eeé%nes dt Sm., stae. mIii. ~ leTcl H m s tED emuw*th ;. . 4&J. BR. om w mmYOM itIe a 6eu lls eAIDfo uiitsS ', ua a Ot5blet"àb. COLLIN$ ANI)î11A114E.8, .~4e-~A CAJID. HuE Nhe oaty lis ssa ni.u*tm Wigblc ave ho D~y Gnds sp.qqs.~~ ~tl fuaie :80mÊh Markoe FinW ag ot ocs47 romu sia mesgcfal"u wMr-ii. alalecà.. £e.r Bpirtu, nU esaireSiyeli.jadta d u ie. GM Z WiU& mteece i ain si ,.wd b* 'aoe- vantages, su nadng iD.wUal1be 16,uilau Il o eavh lit U eau" (ad * iaigV '55i»W5**Ol ; Pilet sud jpo2ave A large ai gepue ssrtue illslwtiayâ be oftb.auhyMio kepI an hanl&.4 a .dti4uiteettlig ttqoaswuii Le G e Napi gweitotiaa bainesand.k seach aasyn aor ail cuber Siîku, a liait ef<amiaoubanid jaakieu, 'af gonuins Freneband] psmity, c ih iii dlb. muid at, exîremely lui b.eequaltod iau mrwfor casha. the subtecriber w0 boxes Youang Hyeoff Tee, of the Public. 30 chosts Twankay -doeepm( -,I taadea. MuscovadsiaSupgi -10 .. Craishod Susrg.rd&oe 20 harreado ~qeliv 10 tahdi.single reflued Sugar, ad eeon, Se 10 - double regued .do, choFn>'wû S 30 km;.Plut Tabsco,16-4. phataalof I 2U - do 18',4arihe r'PipCW 10 - do -24%etueSerdrtet 20 buxes Caveudisle .181e 4 2,4aer.dngthpaiau ô hiads. lolases, adf "0" 1. u 5. do Bordoaae' YVou, 1 4 tu 10 bags sjfteil Ieppêir, 20 boxesPipes, N* ieoerGloe 5, - lbrilan.'e etîiek of 2boxftes lrd a té1fiie. lt fn-M Le 20 ' ffeladGinger. screer; fle la 90 Ppe.Prilta.d t'aIrai le A iMa plain ('-e dmuoe 20 loars MaccaaoySnuf; moine oi thean 10 blip asted Cote, anad Fuptùiu', 20 IlLaguira do. hte -a ofaplend 10 baga St. Domingo do; Plaid, Sito~nv, 3D) kegs Raife, .taredan dîpleain 100 boxen Montreai Capalles. Satie orLad- 50 do Wax n',ck Laundon Càndlei. net, Mluil and: oudo loverpaid $«P. L.enae, Roilea 15 blieIl Ottatal Deuam Cognac Brandy, led an plain l 15 dond NMamudo ' kley %tnîpea'.fii 10 barrots llabèrUâ" Lffalon btracu S:ont, asad wlif e and 10 do Leith ale; Genuaine, WVoolî antali 10 LIa de supeit Table Cod fila. i'Cmfîtrte-e am 15 harrotsa -alsoa.t4 thnà ma W#toI5, and SwansdoN 5 Caroteelv Zante Curate, Counterpaee 6cases - Wickn" boit Metard, of Cotton sud 50 jars"Durhame" Muatard, rîaiý Kialderta 20 boxes FagBlue, igiiatë ôdo Vernaculli. mnegiuifin é 5 do macarni, ae attenution 10 cashs Blsaig. andl the largesi 2 hhdn Suerior OU. Port Wine. Lacee, andliu 5 qr. caski my Super or' Sherry.£ilgin-@' & La 2 btisls Biklsae's" M idlrs, pu M an l an aLdorcý 100 qr. cash. Il Maracalies" Wine. Prt î& Ma$'.; mngp' deira, rosi Judîîni;1 20 Punchoona'Il Boston" Spirite, lait anal Grcvr* 5 do aid Ration Ru.. Taper, %V. b.ý 20 punchns e9. I Rusa, tCotton Balla, 20 boxes IlLeschors" Lonedon NI anda, W ire, and ar 50 cases Schiedamn Gin. Sanaill ateà 10 baga forks,-S 2 caseis LemoaPoel, comaiats cf hM 2 Citron, lu ever, dosc 2 a' Uoeghtou's Bitters, heautafllartie 2 'Popper $auce, ni ng, perulias 2 Bermuda Arrow loot Dresse for B 2 Ketchap. fwvr hi 2 a'Pearl Saga.In'vryco 20 cratea Crockery aspontod, A -er] 20 packages Glasam reA Witb a varloty of 0cher articles connectea wu rcr nao. Including Co. ith Groerybuei*mmtyle, andalm Pea aud boi Te remaiuiai part caf 1h.Subseribens Stock cuiiarly céill n'iii ta. saisi a C4*siPlee S lmh as dSgme Au excellel bargalua iu either brande wouid canuit their the newest lp owu intèent by eiaaataeng SuLd comaparing the fast sud Tea extensive Stnck of Gob osi aw storea lin Lis pro- Breakfast aud mises, befare purchamiing. A few iheii I. M. ROSE. Brady cill b Kbeg@ton, 201 Noir. 1841. - - ment e-l"MOMMM-2 20 IF ý - 1 DRYOQ*eP$ eo bouillt k <ha e-rI4s at ha,. b peh0&&Uee MEIc.eR ieê . 1e rltas enutia t ' gf.<gfj ris tlaereanamid, ho fi ca b jawgesiohmatleat20 r opied c id a ui peu i &&v l Aes. Daaapee&jna ineiuding. pq aOr.i, ~ a an iipartacular cesis theittdibnu il eC0Èýiîanti quiitieý 1 pinlb - bi tie«auad Orleans Clotue dV4i - ' iered and lI.issaia . 11.1 l rit. Fawu, Bi. Green, - ouiage or cotaur; anmteee -W*l Noussline de Lain, h cald direct frein Face w bat- evevconfidence in eo lbata as tw colomrand ud4ae1.icie imquale 64a4404%t, lScutrly8fo lb1m l¶'6w. ferveryd iflas~1 larpvet aumbs~>amq t os an thePreimo ;gibw~q re,, Tveed& au ï, ial.7 of peculiar *fknos.e;; rmtiark»ab]y luw; ~awe'. rand a choiceassort suent q4 figt ilLatiuansmone verya plendid k-e' Bonnetsand Dr.'ma'eu, acc- Book lies. white su caioiared Jaoconotiof ever glisser; TW>l 'ilocias, Regatta, V.r and Tur- ne Irisha Lisait Shirts, Long clous. id colored Catson Shirto4, Lp.mbo' Lions auj Waietcoate, Woeste ud Bracea', Steains Leens, Factory, n Cotton.s, White a" *obored .3 Lad tluilte. and a vOry 1 "ge lot àWoolleeý Rage; dtessellmpspe anderf sud&dfla Cý ier ng, Pi itfra aj aperorqu sity; als<'; a; Fronca and Scotch Camebrien, t sndht aeamrnaeaat of Blondsis. aillifa; are ery uprior Fronck ecc, Cenlo udThibot Shawli chiefs, and somoe very fineo Bandan- them wll ta found a few pinces of Woon and Buekahin Nitas, Scar., ~no S:ci lueLinon and Cotton. I. DraL andar-lsk Linon TWrad, lKSpois Sloè hroal. fBonneo 111 inumanraalo qantity ci.othor à; and t he STUCK 0F FURS, Huailéa, Cape«, Bon, and Trmminu.' crptisoof Sia; a aiew aalmumat rle lin colored Su<ansdowai Taim- any W'alt adapiod .for Truaiug et B'11and suIvoang Parties, and a 'ce real t4wa"sdwn BoS& y large !Asportaofft of Fume oatm; Yeî i, ané Pntlonaaa'of very tongat thenm wull ýb. flm.4 siose, ,hoy Jackets of efpesior malte, pe. -adepted foi Saiorm'wa. et asseortnentofcf CKEE;V cor atternts for ]Diar f Sery lcue ralI Sorvici; sMludaéchitaais nd TesService. e. of Hiollande Gin, suad iVagra be soid cheap 10 clos., a Ccdamigae.