if, ( 'kIIE KINGSTON Hi~RALD.--TUESI AI~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~tm no ls flaya uédus ri shn~t tes i. WlMs nwprmétW ntpurpihh. If 1 Thi.Bill tuexeonth ie provi@i-Of etan di..tma t, Coteau du Luansd theo-Wellend aboulitlie proiso au la., , th* theTNorth aide odthiu é R ive t ruithe ' fimime; te tedeanig îIbeL"-hne euitéctal, lto bulitUma i-vule rS-18moth# l. 00d e at l.No$maden9a BrrS..Ctnes ul 'mid teicheaiutGalioes nimd Rapi Plos u ca. eaJstould pay ie lte Bankt lb 'wn"lrwvmu passoit.hei ra unit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O tt tin.ptiait'btédOLngfu t he b.Proiwncds diraw t ilper in psyneta( Tietopiitcf [atis Lyman staLeso s ntO5dOitt ail ~&Xdeusisad. ]Ni.' Hacha utainlit e Lsbaot reita ceuimitten tereotieec. I. 144 - tbeau Lu favor et <la pricipl ocf te bill fer ma ' iWsEsNUÂY, lot Sept. 1841. .lontua un41:3, £StOme l .yae h a..mninh ieeitoltrtT héefclleing petiticti e cro i-verally lrougit lir ent. ba ele t imnsnecf lie feu conronmaticute lié up ait laid on tb. table. DomWelund 5000 St.-I-Wren-eerer Lad wtilihii, le (Mfr. HUneka) hait àenf. 0f Titos L.Creuke sud ihens, cfAlexa re D oo. em, Hebos 5O0. 2rb.tijdtu i Uissubjecl. Ho deniedithtaitilwoulit ou. Morris sait athene. sud of Aune ILibriae 2ueo: o aoutia, jnc._rcst, 16,730 ercise any plitîcal influence-t tanI takç The Bill te empower certain justics@threin ôonwitrsfron thde elarebitof ants. a oetou i u onimni e vy sportion cfa c' in lot of -£01,50w profiesalicli liey note deriveil snd lace iti qa itinduhe Township ofLochiel, in lie Eastern aucunt1aCES- tLe possession ufthlie people te teloa t beïong.. District, toelie Rer. Jolie Meletac, tese rnd s Teole ou W0I16nVÀ -.£»,00 ed--tho circulation and aceenscdtion coulit ne t Iirit tinte, 5and ji5seOit O' 5e.Launonces 27,0W0 bc tminiehd-4W issu.e woulit be-flic amne-suit The Bill te atenant anteni thîeIasnoteinli - Laciine,2ri,00 coulit bo incrensedi f noces"ar by*Panlua"mOt. force, un tat part of tlis Provunce formely Up..1 Iaone, 5,00kt W na htb.epeetnepotrdpar canma, regulatilitheucDistrict Courts, teas 21 par cent, ounuporte, 75,M00£W20400 for titis mesure-ho e Ouli hcldly asset,5il. ndatin ié n L esto f:ss h - ct tear cif succeseful contradiction, thal anmblli, the yeas & naye weelaiouase folots Losring a surplus for dis yesn cf £B,0 tenthsofethlie people'wcre in fariof it. 111 hait Yms-Mso5aIs Aylrzi* Baldwain, Burut, Dormi ouia ye r ninîl eading Canaissioilit Leard cf ttc excitemeel t n cltréalan id Qîobec Camenen, Chili), Christie, Crane, Drbishire bo lînshit bt t %ee ili hart su ample fond in on due msubjec, but taI wase cuy the effet et DeSalaberry, Draper, Duimcombe, Dunlops Fos-. resrre ton 18a thîe influence cf tLe rlms--sthe smmn influence toi, Gilelisit, Ilolines, HepLitas, Joituston, Mac- L'trttmmirrea.. u Iicit prevailed inL the Unitei tatues sud uhicit nait, MeDeuulit, of Preecohi, MeDoîteli, cf Glen- le 1845- el iotlite peoplse cf titt countny in iavy,-Le gary, Meffat, Morris, ParLe, Powell, Pice, Empenitiure, £i.020 fl p et. £61,500 coulit netr a ard sueh a xpresson as cie Roertnson, Rubîju, Shensmeoil, Steele, Tache, De for satire lin, 475,00 lmwinta t 06308 clime auit influence mi ml dE course tehieh Taciteresu, Viger, Watt,-433. 1 "--- Le hoaoult pursns. M. Badwin asa dietrusful NAY.-Meser Buchtanan, Cook, Durat, £i,(mO,000 £90,00 bolli of the Gorerumént asuite iglaauro n Merlt, Neiecu, Titrbnrn-6.ý azmelscm .theé crealion et sueli s power as Ilisi emiah iniid Pursuant te thcentrer cf due day lte fllouing 'telîs on Wcllnd. £100q Ç~ .tihe inceurené hofoté bousie. Hé le 1te'Oi- petiticus tronc rosi. t. 5AwLenécf 0,Ppseta th e principle cf lié bi, but %ahmon O f Encan Dcii, cf Pierre Lacroix, et E. Pa- on harbora te cesse-.-lunch patronage Lutithein engrossai by tLe Exe- rouI Esq., cf Josepht Eiw'it Turcette Eeq, <f 21 par cent, te cesse- £l,)0culive le icouit ppoe suy Ililguhfi"twoitlit'JolieLiter & Douman & Ce., of John Baish increase it. Hé ducughh dat il uwse iapiepe nd mateors, of H lhScorje sud otere, ofChan Lsarclg te liquidale t1ëopip4. Ol » 11,Ub hliateirute p est srod ad<to~e5.leheenet ¶e 1 ns oncles» te abintccot*tel iàSiocoul ntsession cf Parji nt, heý e VO9ullt The fimlowiug potitions icene nifrieu li inue acoptical. huni ridicle ahfeis.htiMduç'Lt more thal il ie nexpeietie te provide for tîLes0- cmmjtees te report tbeneon, etf1Mr. MçCsua, If prc.ienimdexaenolba îat lie, we tshishnentl cf a Dank of Issue or fr tléise ieef Durncan MeGreger sut &,hors, et Etienne .Po have ampl rofbefore ni. Finaltiîtho ad.- paper in aey way on the taidu of thé *Provinice. rmut Esq., of Pierre Lacroix, et J. E. TZcitei jisusiuqlalof Newt York wb.re -l lu anivrt.M. Situpson demonsratet by figuies thal îLe. Esq., of Edicard 0'Donnell, asuitcherseAla uu)yamintet l. areepe!oil bebst. ys.Ilianka iceulit gain by tLe coporalion oetlde Batk et MeDoneIL -. #em; and more uiprorr......issue m nsiderslily more titan aorium tasé ydo The, Mster i Chisceny Liouglt iownnfromi efihcted ..i...te H5-umbtiti'Ilejesctiue cen ijeén time limasy ater govet 01,cli M t ctnnt ipreseul. This caleit forth.siill agtndoHnnaleîeLgsaieÇsnil a1Mes- Sioun. TLey creatoit s rerégnet'cam ing cof frein soute otite aembers, but the han. gatde. saeshich us e rsas foliotes. t fijper cent. on ouction oase, and 71dfi atiteot- nsu challenge t lient ta sLow- te te contrary, "Ur. Speak-er, the LAgisistive Ccuuicii havi ly Sjt par Lushel onusait, torde éexpre p a. undYônd teoL up thé' glaive, . -tr*k asi ieBil uilic nA te regusiate peso f peying tLe interosl on tLe -diiiinuurrt hougL t ite principlo wuea gondt eue -tey due Flalein in the District cf Caspe,mmanui fer a spcifec objee, ceonstructing lie Brie- sut aonlit nt ielay csryng it inîc citoculion. M. I An Adctcrlime disposal cf Publie Laeds," teiti Nqorth'ue Coue. SlOO0Oê ueebcnrowédu tLe Duutatctnhowu i n tarroetdelay ; tere aen e eral asindménts te uhich thoy roquent lthe emais mate, sai in 1606pai juernt îd prýmnu oniy rossons, cee cf uhicitwuefouni in the concurrence cf Vour Honcurablê liese.. Pdl on <loirnouut of thé revenues colecet iifficully uhich iîoult arise in tieposieç. o0theTusenAr, nt Sept. 1841. fren dose canais, utîcit leat youh wastupvrarita royal charter uiter tetieht l* Batik cfBritiàh Tofloigptlesur eeal ru Of 0 170%» T0. ThLave constacet mue la- North Ainerica ba thlié "or te issee>mpr. Th fl li nduettbls e. eovrll r toal tannât , connscting navigable waters te su Héesit t ias hie to, .ay tilt thde Bank cf issue up sn ado tetbe extnt f 4W .milesmuland ced 14S(lOO lae aras net aise a lhaut cf tisceint ; te eily tif-coe aite Rvanis .e. lastaneabesd ofuersc oxtetcffl0 tecenîrnt cnal feonc liaI bylit elall fi* seit fe et Dfa0.E.l Alsheu s adctes, f iia privais collam« a cnst alLeter cnasud f use fl wu thtt it ury SmiUheij,1oN tN -ad teado iailroards.They areat this moement iu tort 815, iteat cnly tth largef fieL 1,ilt iscoutited ô te H takie eto 000,00ansd are endetai-eteort te aaimilar bankoinsmtêait et pirainiiiiduals.M. Cari.. a=ceCuumi T sud otene. smacnt; fear the paymnuhof uhicli they rely on unigbt thought tLe bito amvr cf ti eouin Prun e aodro h a h olw lie revenus froin tiplisalone. Thé auttion as uias et least.bliunte10 pgint eut taI the 0f eicit eeaclMCry c lrtTouc sala duis vry front 3Ste 0400,000, t îey have acheme ifforde euI ejifclilts 1te.te ~sytebn xandef Mal clmonotothlfedns, f l.I in othler revente uhalevor excepi 1thé tel% , rin tpresenl in operatien. Thte bon. gentleman wentab nerenssc Be na ndlrkst ers, suitB. whicit 0400,000 lper year is poldiffle support arkit uteteealy settlemeet cf thc cocnry ; PJ q Fosîf enjmqsit olamrsn. terade cftem civil gecrent. lun116, tte moht lIe mod, cf tmrtuiiansd exciangt, aidthduo rat- J.oS. il te Ecaoer og uan.s. sanguine supporters oet dat policy venuuedt e ep.. ual rise frein a systenu cf long tecitleasd au un- ntubacnifrml upss nts oc tintI.witiin 20 years 250,000 ouse icOu1itbccertajnu Inde 1telite estabismeantp f a sôîeinof hoisrc Sa nsca frostmird tsin tsen bornete te Huson nd te cqale in-1836banking, preving tIaltte wiclce rge oth 8hofSniwsraatidtm ndpsd 097,W4 tons. trn resliieci: in 1840 tee Ois country Ladl een madtetreugh s systent crit- 4le Bil for iaproving te administration o relure af 1,435,713 tons; iludaspicyea-.---teue i,tat by tLe operation oethîe bihll efore th~entriinelusifftaice lintieProvince, wuserendt ef mechastize. On the -St. sunean iH- lieuse, the present banks wic enlt ecoapallei te to hindtime, sut passet. deau tee estijate abcut 100,000 tons iu ail, afit close theun Lusinesas frontlte ecemsityef lTe iltiisorerco elativean te Lnceiy suh cl y 17,000 tous et mercliantize.. Tjtuber je net callin jnhein issues suit paying 3 par ca e fcnte cw nthsPoneativtecLarca ot isclndéi, but mec ho eraget at 100,000tbus. tLe ue cf this nen' banlu paper, tliey recuIt net -i iesdpset M enet wig enfty ctjnmata- jun tLe ycar bc able te yielt a returu cf 4 per cent. Mr.thitim n asd M;ZL uen a niernei ihbdt hmsnud o teshow duat tLe bill amuît The Bill for consolidaîing sud ameuting tIl Ius5weuce ctio irejefius 0t t iiverlThalonuetnu la us in tIis Province, relative te Malicicus in front duo Hudson rvr, logethor titi thet in- net enly violate the lates cf the ceunIry butnîcae ecan t o te uc u tailoel 400,000 ail Europe, fr uliiet lie icas greeteelitha a uise. et, a ed hr t n If go, at duemweate lcunt cf 5. Peilt-ton heaty laugit. M. Aylwin mate a lengmity Ttcdil. o osldlu utsesigI ce the WelluanditheuéSt. Lsulrence, vmo mil1 speech in a 10e vice ave nevor eard hi lverIseitcsPoneraivteofcsaai neceivo £200,000 pryesr. 1 amn hapy. teofinit himîcîf in hofore. liceicas opposete theb; l, t n it irionvsnce eada tivetmffnes pas thiat te o e ntlema; n basatmittoi t i thîe peralsetîere je ne necessily for elaîmng it.'Mr. Rideau Canal s net le ho e terrien tu this jui- Saîsl n'as oppooseite 0the posîponemnent. Urli. FRAunari- Sept. 1841. proeenil litting alnady mlowa -tat tIlet Harrison taeî t ta if the bll icone passi ,ile o Thte flleting petitione icere seeerally brougb uort Las net chapenedthtu ra%spoataien,t I s leur il aoulti ho ai least iueyears bhoi t lup amuitlait on the table. will calIthc atenficu « Ithé euaiMM t < e te enin joeperatious set pnrhaps that teold iu4et 0f Wm. Logie saniters, cf Win.Sinart an g-mat sang te tLe country hy cpBomegIiCo- îLe tavrrof soute lion. gentlemanénith roette ettens, cf A Gale sut oders, cf James Coven nial : frointNe Orleans te Cincinnati, s distance ils imciediate effort. The division being ce iuaton anuit eders, andl of J. Whiiteatii otite of1030 miles, 30..par ton are j. for m~'i~ on ouM. Daliwin's amendaient, à wÎLréhei t Pu rouant te Uiceter cf te day the felionti teal 10 Presceît, a disansce ifill - mgi es, e40 te 29. I Yéhtius aterO réad. note pay fron £2 10. le £3 15ie, pen in. Elt YEAs.-Armstfong, Aywin, Bald Omu stle f An Richardson, cf Alexander Morris ai ttcesamm rate as an te Mississippit it-teculiblc Back, Boutillier, Buchanan, Durnet, C nWt~tcin5sdcfTo.L roe mdaucoit te e g a r pton, < tie r au*Mit lp~, Chisie, Dunecourile, Durant, Halo, uolni 1 Tte ptition cf îLe Rev. Hugli Urquhert ai aud it item 7&s.& oit a on, 'File repOth e llopkins, Jotruton, Kimiter, MeNah itelrr lEders cf St. John'@ Churcit, Cornwalil, use fluants cf Works n Oio fr 1840,showse litIMoore, Morn, Morris, Neilson, iParent Pua- 1: ferrai le s coinititecobe report tereoni. thle on thîes" osals alreaty. psy Pet Èett.Price, Quiesnel, Raymondt, Roblin, Samith itgcr- M. Dalda in sancreste .nsolve, secenteti1 inereel oun técieeWt ft-e eteutonn;tiismsaus, Sheraotd, TacIte. Thompstou. Thoficult, 1Mr. Viger. frming but eue licef of tLe nufOitica coImmuai- Turcette, Viger, Watts, Wooits, Yule,-411. 1. Resdwisl-Thal the aient iînpgntst as w( calions Ioadnng te Lake trie, icitici e i eis t e us Nuve.-Boel, Canteron, Chesley, Cii as he iento undeubtet cf îLe poliical teglits wubere Iis immense traite aili concentrate. Cook, Daîey, Day (Sol. Gen.) Derbisirieth îe People eft tiis Proncc e itiat cf Iaving Beaides, titis bouse la pledgei ta-te atmeiti- salîsbenry, Draper (AI'y Gen.), Dunlop, Fos rt- -Provincial ParlIjamont for thie protection of thE ment made by my Lon. frieut ficluthe city etf(jilcîmist, iHarrison# Ilimicke Kilially, MeDc - lihories, tor tLe exorcise et a Censtilntiouali Motereal, te connet Lak-e Huron aiiltite'oreag. ait- DonaIl, MeDoasît John S. MeLean, Moffà t, licence over due Execulive Deprtinents cf Ul Thon no toubt tLe means can bLe prcutet for Ogiten (Att'y Cen.), ParLe, Prince, Rohontst&t Govermunent, suit for Legitilation dupnail mn this object, andl I hope il l bc clogget *iif no 9;lùpoh, Sînal, Smit lenry, Sîcele, WilIîiuistons, ahicit do net, ami Uic <round oftabsolutem ter. csiy consltuttonally behog te te junieri Thte discussion tehicli ensued* l * e etl (ô < 0 inottie itupoiai i'arlisinenî,as thé pix th@ Pietcilo cf ltse Bankut touel& 11. llarrii, WOUTINE BVSINESS. -mount auihituy cf thet Empire, suis eolientnim< lim andlit rt thet iu .teîloas nMomtoÂ', 30tLAugs t, 1841.: TiseIlien. Mr. Iharrison moveit au aménitun up irt,-as in reply te a question front M. The (iomijtscf tde uLele on 1fr. Neiluoec ecna y n eslhry Ta i Morrs, héthr Uc urts'onîimti inmotonrosesudîLecimarunu rtioreitumii icrialtfer IlThat" in the saidtonieiu oteh Zois wehe tepublic r cà"m nmtin oe n h hara te hâ ulandthde toiicwing uatiute-Umc mont i tLe reoluicus teere dépendent upén tLe Bank tey itat stoptedthîetoiicuiug Re onc. "portant as elel as thé mont uniteubted et thé of laine, M. Harrison staltltat su diat acheme Jksolvd-Tmal il je îLeopinicu of Iis coin- "Iijeal rigLis cf lime people cf tdis Provin ce foreme prt cf lie uys sud rcàe, if tde bA ih tete dat an humble attres. be presouteida-tmtc mvn Pcics alaot o wu mY*ecie aine nothon provision mate'te Hile Excellenry îLe GevernorCeneradi m*ai ttproetcion cf lîeir lijhot ns, for te exereise tm peite deficioney, tLe contenuplàtekl im- s ening te creun in ttias Province, praig Ceustitutional influence orer the Exiecuti yrovulens rIffl e cuniaiet in a p rcticuiatettîe.exercie cf thc Royal Prerogatijes, là g De- )Mrmeutg ofetiheir Covernmet ami for1 dgmee-Mr. Buchanan foloweet Mn. Merritt ing s froc partout iideinnity eut eblivieon cf 411. giesîm on upon ail naltera cf internaI Coeu sud poinlt eut due naner iu uhicli te prepc..cricle., cffiees, aet miâdemctinomconmu,4d"in. soitlbaait wculit become a political engine, as' it tit thlie laie uulihçpy troubles ini théeIUt' JfIu Thec question hcing put ce thc amendaient wulit discount tu tho DueLs onlyt in proportion inces cf IJpper aséit iler Canada, le oBacit '01' se carri-et nnanjmously. le thein piancy te tLe Executive-HO stte iil lIenMajesty's muguited subjects, in se tainese usaimpossible ta ix suy amount et issue, as that masy Lbc opatible ujith teafty of îLe czoate, Mr. Badiun iovat, stoniteitLy due Il muet lhoregusîset by thé >cropst'uit y lreigît sud te seourily cf ltme Province, and tof ail aI. M. Viger. uxeisges. le teas opposeét10tdebittl antlajuders anti cutarjes dtoig the peid of fe.r 2. Raieeti-Titat the Lestcf thé Provit tishOt t.sOc it uniter tise table. Mr. llolnuett juera ;.mosîtcntbly asouriup Hlie ..Exoellai4y Executive Covernuinet of the Province, bi saisi teé cjrîonjg mediu ntonuntedi et present that uhénever il my lease lier Most Cracicés atthin îLe limita cf bis Gorerumenltde RKo le 5'aut £i,000,O00, ihicit use diieldu aniong Mjcsly ilirougliHor.1 pr«enlatire as utcl ýf sentatijrOcf the Severoiu is nt ceetijtuli th anta, te <Dard aint te retenu eftitsai o onte efpesrsudmà-o-îie t liy responsible te suy ounIa eade rmout thcy hait £330,000 aipn ieVi te transmit asbluIlte dat erei.the d elulA-othe Empire. Batkof issue a'enl întc operMm tie féproeut mtmtly,-tq snome w-lhoreceurel titli. tîni e In amenditte ehicli ltRth e . 1fr.Ili Boni. uculti have ta calI in tlieiirpaier teiiél crtituile, asui itel»lndit euhmaorwle. cantiuon meé, ecceontib y Mn. DeSalsbery.T coul my lhedoue by dpiing the pooploT ef-the tr ae* nfailhful ubjer-IsiLa tiis Vrotiic a)l siteltéeerd 0Tht" hoieîtici-ucet accommtnuiuion te tLe calent o fthé teficiencys u iseuhér affeçtion te their ficrereigu,, arast. leiolwng iuaert, 'tue b.adottxe amduie héconienitcdtat the couetry wua nt in a mîengllico Uic connexion articli itppily eatire Covenetofthdo Provinace, b.ing w-t situation le tacet lthe de u~4-.t1i cqI4t 15ePet- Ita-ecu tia Province asuilierM e th-lie limite et is Goverumnont, det pent bc ail te mplu si ifsub amqm aut.W.t mntd pir e ovthite - s'a« !tftheSoveretgn in responible tea-Ir ah. e oepl i se)~ .-.... . u~u. Mr.Niénucrda i.- ou3ctuàiu uoîy alcue, but limaI revertisolesoi, 1 tu M. McrArr ici.disposai te ou port tde prim, ho now concunneul L, an aritiluteyéffl ésys agement etf cun local aflhujnst eau only hoe cou tIn o f limeobi lut out te pes pmotter d'- tee taken as fclofs:- lebyLiysutelaUcasianceo rin-he preeent sesonieandset m'arprisei thIL'I Ytta-Annsrong, AyIs n, BakldwUaie, sud infcormtiono u bortialo officers mu anehan intention exiteit - enceivet tDuhlirButnn amri, hl) h lProic. icaul hit mbth ie confience ufontryin It41 Coo, daiyDurant, Dunlop, iicu'ipins, Thé question tcing put ou dis amndai "cenimatças due peuple utqt.elProi- Kimber, Merrit, MooreMorin, Morris, Nimlu luarrlet unanimously. pareilfr htcesre a et - te #élt. 1Ho ro- Parent, Pouel, Price, Prnýe., uespel,9 umne . oul'i-Thsl ltméReprésenlativée o ja j ad, îoatioa under twe Of Cotton, iron, and Marty ather raw materi- sdîedbear~, Puaeu.d or th. Céufi. ale, which say be bought fur one dollar, andmecte brk,. ,ttvea nimbe people, tinta when manuifactured hc wcrth ten. Bu bI e t ote.antlehrr'r UoWTRimL, t.aat the wel underalnd borne inu mid, that the maufacturing eof betwill no et tiru ru rr AU> 501di neol, wic ou feurjonl oeTte'th part of 'le value of 25 pe- cent.-.,rjr ~ eie in dclrc~, 1hlib. the the wheat ; fer Yen cagela te 9bae .o.geîeueîeh te mi; Goceerment, will qma»Ila~ufacturid by giving one, sith5Iiennufactiîr-populaing our c'u, 9 tabtfuly repMmO4lWd Md aroca- ng ilfDot of go ranch importance as many as r iiee ch the yeu an sua ysweltr taken as suppose ; fer while it cous fiee shilling% to groe bea poî 1 a bushel of wheat, it cnly cSse ire pence toe~ 4 d~ rr ~ij ~Mee.rs Èylwin, Baldwin, Bate, grind il mbt fleur, lion, gentlemen Pair that iiy Aiîrai t wuel Buchanan,. L'nmeron,4 Chosley, Chili, pulting on a duty yen injure tLe eiuigrant; titis for honr"te d[r. Christie, Cook, Crael Dalv, Day, Derbliebîre, would net le the case, fur althougti t he eunitrant lierline tliruir it DeSalaberry, Draper Dunu, Dunsomt, Durand, uight puy s trie 'mr fer a Ion' buohiela of a o ere ut il ,,( r ,t DoUlv, Foter, Gicligat, ilincks, Holmceal Iop- wheat whiclî lie U'ould consume, hc o wuid IlOnvet hIl.uerr,. km,, arrion, illal, KiberMcDcai, of Lave lte article te sel], and îharnuch more than rary trexîe"crt11, u preiscott, Merritt, Moore. Morn., Morris, Neil- what le bl bal te purcLaso. But hie (Mr. B.) jard I)v tIII on, parent, Parke, Powell. Pice, Prince, Queu- blieved thut tLe prescrnt rysteni iii calculated tole ltre tht'rtdt -'l gel, Robertsof, Roblin, Ituol, Siaipslon. Sinall, turC the wealthyianit intelligent cnigrant- frein wasa al,.rl Îrmith, cf Frotenac, SmithL cf Wentwci'th, oÙr shores: what, Le twould ask, is the reason- watt a rwbk "Tr 13teelo, Tache, Tlicmpolon. Thorburn, Turcette,, ing cf the intelligent fermer in lté neiLer coun-. tanl drI rllar-e. 'r Viteýr, Williaans, WoOdai Yule,--56- try, wbo intendse eîigrating tn Aunenrica! le secs case, ilit theAii~ rj NYs.-Me55T5. Ilurnet, Cartwright, Maeab, that if Le cornes te Canada and parcitases a ours, lind t'.rs, i McLean, Mofftt, Slierwood, Watt,-7. fate, that lie lias the St. Lawrence as lte outiet. cr ours ir ltr'îrr tI., ir T The question was carricit in the affirmative. and Engloutd as the market for is produre; (w th maket dui, trr T Mr. Baldlwin inovei, secended by the lion. Britishi protection.) But that, Le canant ol go m uark.et, aSuri rj1. 1rli, r,, T Mr. Viger, that it le Reseleod. the Unitedt States in case of il being higher titero. ougiti to e Ire .rrutt-, 5. Reacwwd-TLat as lit is practicafly always But if Le settlos in the United States, lie liast partirularlv ir hr.rrtr- . tioa] witli sue iesra te continuei in, orire- the whoe union as s Lome marke; lie lias anifor rastg rlrr n tire frin office at pleasere, tIis Iliuse Las thte oullet by the Erie Canal te New York, andI by I lîo n- rHr1 cootittinalriht f oldngaudt uleses p..thte Mississippi to New Orleans; Le bas aire Iudplerr rerrht-, litically respomrsiblte for every acb ofrlthe Provin- the adesagosf the St. Lawrence, snd te a e ut"Liirr ciai Governinent of a local character satictionote ngis mret, as much as if le n'as ini Canada.trctItrtI l Trr- by such Gevernineut vitile such advisers con- Titisi a great dogmce, accounts for lte nmari wLieli decrhre tei firmuen office. weaithy snd intelligent erigrants goini, te the productiveililtrvui in lamenadment le whicha the lion. Mn. iHarris- United States; a circuistance wviicit evere te serve an-rrtiier!ttritri- lon moved, secenedit y Mr. DeSalaberry, iai well vishor cf Canada muet deplere. It is saÎd 1iosic pcrfely iy a rhlr~, k iail after the words " thal" Le @truck eut and the Vve muet net lay a duty on pork and beof couing and Illi commuiîercial Trr follewing snbstiuted " tihe people of titis pr. intoeuh nmarkets frein the United States, as tlîey Lea uUeW Anierrr i--r 'vpEbss ieover s ight tc oxpeet front woialit nmt.le supplic i yOur Oa'n farmers. le tîrouglitmir port,, il I sla Provincial administration te exerte f(Mr. R.) seenid assure ho~n. orubers Iliat tie ion as Amienr ii rr.ir their haeut endoavoursfinit the Imperial authori- market woulit bc well suppîjitd if the fariner rivas free er t dav, -rkIopý,1r it T ty wihin il censttutian l limi é hî exoer- potetd, and hlli a mnarket upen aiticli lie rai intu'rer.ttiICar-rrîr r cisoit in the manner most consistent with Ibeircould depenit; Lut tuiler the present sysicmn Ille ii lic tr t rr t'; tr Zi r, wellunudoreleoot wishles and intireE;sa" which mrktsfuctuatoit te that dgn întbeeis the ferwa uilers, fI , was caried iaanimouly. ma dependance te lie placed upon thei. 'Fice A- tire faumer, el iflue rrrr r: * Mr. Baldwin moved, seconded by lte lice. merican cornes Iere wlion il suite his purpose, ileiteti for ilîir ir mi, 4.r Mn. Vger, itaI l ho eeolvd.asd when hoeîlîinks proper net te conee i cr- laeing mainîetlie.e rr'rr. Mr V.Rigeod-tbat f eoolime jie-roac tisLo ay net le well supplitd.Tle faner frein satisfued itat Ihere %rt .11' House bas the conatitutional riglt of holding the.ccuntry Cones a distance of fifty or sixtyîîmiberaeat amy aie te rrrrl r'-' le iaesn n iemne eeosbefrn mileswith Lis hoof, sud gets 2e. per lundredsupport lte intteerr 'tr Il sing, while they continue in office, their boit whmih is s fair prie. Ho ebun oe nIlsfmese u ruib 0exertions te procure freontLe 1Imperial authen. aeigbour cnins in two days alter sud finde lte _________ lies the exertise of thiir right of dealing with mntket full of American beef, aud lie cannot oei snobmottra, hentereets ef the Province, as fcr more than 15s.; titus front the uncertainly or ±constitutionaly beloiig te those authorilies, in îLe.maritet hies obligeit te abandon the growth titte niannorinicet conistent with the wrll under- Of <ttle, when, if titere was s stealy imarket, il iiutTN LSIItsîrîu stocit wishesandui interesscf the people of this oculdt ho wèll supplie it lai said if are lay a ________ Province. dt nmorianpr'ndbe en La e tuht of Tite question being put, il was itocidedithe Ui nechanfie andt labtourer pay mreta oo i Ofnegative unauimously. te py;-this wouii ntf lit ile case ; tLe difer-'tt ir t..,t 181 ence in te market for beef jels amore trile;- Tlhp stelerrIri'rrr, t1 Saturitay, 4th Sp,181 kè h utcher pays ire cents per pound; ho arrived t rîltI-'.it 'r ir I Th lwng mttoswr eeal ruh eUls for fiee pence, andt if le boys for titree cents îtiîîs îIt.rîàrrr. 7rrr l-up sud laid on tite table. le stal selle for the saute or neanly se. 1ititli Atirtitrt. 0. f Denisie 'Sulivan,' of James Brady anit Muchi j eid about froe radt Tite idea s l Ni t ofothers, et the Board o! Trade of Toronto, ofthle prepostîerocs. ln s young Country luke ours ice Weatre paiied brr i tir it Directers cf the Tononte sud Lake Huron Rail Cannot Lolit eut against our neigluioure on the itulestedfr Illie Ilanrre-' vtil ' te Road Company, sud of Janies Crooke. uposite ie cf thLe caler until ice are ale te bt UIlle 1 itdrtr i 'r itursuant te the order of lte day the follow- ~neewt ieni auatrss d srodwa irIr r r rrrr.'rý n- ing petitiens a-ere read. clmee ihflr nmnfcua swl sPd AetirhilIf % of 0f teé,Env. Dan'l Allen sud otiterr, cf Fra a gnîuitar.Dubietu itipoffretaellietCitlttttuir'rTrc coiseNades, cfFrancis Iluicont, c ~ !a reciprocily, snd wile cur producte psy a duly depiorahie rttte. zittitieh -' a ciseNadauof tanoi Dèicortof mn E Uich United States, temrs sitould pay a duly rriîives tord the ISur rprii p ', Tashres ant oiiee, f ienr Salli ofN bre ; sud il sboulitlie fuitîmhat îs, if ce go trpon ly sovere. ie Starks sud oblirs, of Jamnes Cumnmiege, sud etî"- the principlo, ]et us have those articles alurclih xEîtt~~tî1.-l , ait ers, and of James Crooes. are indispensable for te fermer, free, as a-cl ltrwvrrasritrr -rt The followîng ptitions iccre referreit te coDt- those ichicit lie lias tutoei. But te balanice et y tretîetrttltit l mttees te report toereon. traite lu against us. The foreigner coining ttt.ar35l. -u - ;b f James Crooks, of P. E. Tasitorean aud out markie, will teke nothing frein us but ite- in- îbers, sud cf the Rev. Den'l AfLan aud otitors. oey. Thte policy et nations in gelting the traite se tit2 r' MIMNDY Oi Sept. 1841. of ettore is le fmd a market for thir ca-n pro- Iliscuui true ittre' i '--r The following fetitions were severally brouglit duels; titue Englaud invites ollier nationste l nseiliiine. le I lie cp anit laid on the table.: traite with hon for the purpooe ef elling bier ownnu ie irr.tvJ. n 'II Rt 0f John Port and otiters, et John R. Fonsylh omufacture, andit lfer the purjac.î of buying Sr,-As ultiitire !l.-!ut'-d ait others, et BeimiLmin Thorno ani otbffln, ;Of froin bhem asuit inmeney. Canadaijepure- Thuredt ie ilth trof un-u i the Rev.AIex. Manandt othems oetJohn Paris Ly san gicutupraf'ountry, sud upon tat brançb Commoutns ilinttirei01 rr soi olors etAlln Sewat sd ohers, Of Paul et business wec muet ciefy depenit for lte sup- faSeeratdriu rrr'r-'- -LIt Glaisferd sud otheresud of Sarn' Rowlaudé. jport o e tillera. The farmer lias aivaiteit ps-oetftlîe higheshrîijr1Utri 1 tr'r s The Bill te facilitaIs a legal remeity te par- tiently for lte early sud latter Tain; andt Laring c-,riues'ty rerjte'ir r rrudr-t ndsonsoitavieg daimts againet lier MajeSty 1e8PIll- recenvedit i lias fait grateful te thte bountiful do- day. 1 eI l t'-' il, 'Ir rîrrî I-. -vinciai Gocernmnenl, ca rens itirit tint.5-tend luer. But lie Las wiei in vail for that support Yert: ~rrrtrt ,Ira passoit. ani prolecti -n fron thet Legilature of lte cocat- J Rý -ACIRICLTURALPROTECTNG - ty which lbas s rigit teexpeet &atour bansd; Tunrc Spcur.,iru'. rIri-u-o an ARIULUALPRTETIGDUTIËS sud lanices eomoding ije donc te protedl lim ltaI Sir ilbebert io-Ilutrrrliarsret Speeches et Messrs. Roblin sait Duranit on agaitiat foreigu competition, Uic country imuit c. Shaw'1,'feyre Iis trPr . and the Adureste teQuecu ,ecommeeding te im- languist, asud iticontent wii prevail ; lue tticr e. ce ol ot i l (t trtievilrlrî rrrlIiii n e- 'ostieofe iuties upon foreige produce importeit forehopei thîe rosolutien nould Le adu.ptcd. ling 1rrt1tsed t-c!b'tirrtr"- - mbthis P'rovince for consomaption. . Mi. flU11AND. liate itl, ris SjerirIi'i ' liy Mn. RoutaN sai, lic cousidero t tiis oneo ftue Mr. Chairnan-It tas boon iel atly OPENrt'r; It l'utr rTrr r,1i- IaL important questicns witich hiadlcen broug ntteé ha. ejto e lpreceded une, tît lif rt tiîrt irerr --h ,c vaU Mefonre the t.egtelatunc during its preseutl e- any oeesubject tuoie titan siiotiter deserrudthelIte lit rI:utittrrl y,1 ,ti1(r lhi- r. i o sien, lu itlie finit place, lie icoulit make san attentive consideration of titis lion. coîîîmîtIîîo, itl ier tjuteni ttrion trl[ierilrileIt ir l',rt-9 ~a remetteinanse'ctelthe argumentssuail by the icas the one no euntier considenaliomi; but as 1 son on bte i4li îlir-btailr. rrrtIr i er hion. sud learneit gentlemnan frein Richeolieu, finithlie committec are çltin imupaietnt forthle Speech vitll hobcl ri l11Ir ini- in regard to the pliical eccnomy et nations gen- quetion, 1 icililic brie! as possible ili exjtlrtiitutite trrretr utitr r rret beir enally lieing againet the pinciples eft tiis messn- miy ews on titis ail important enlject. 1 tlîinkin tulaeitrg tofr-trr-rtt 'r i at- tine. He (Mn. R.) iceulit net say thalLe Lait so it wililieh agnecit Ly ail eaies of thoouse tu(eamitîs aler ta elirctrîrTi rn!tÉ-t, ne- geanerai a knowledge et the political econemy of this is puroly an agicultunal coutry, andt if tatthvn Sp)eaker bLv lIre " 1crT' . ic, nations as îLe Leu. andt learuet gentleman, but lio truc, il liecemes our ity te pnoltbest wTle Gkilettf iti' Ilti tilt.tr0 ara- one thing respel t hé Ledit undeyatant, ait intoncets ; and wie OÙ&A tht tave câlmer free traite, MIcilregrad tthir, ht il, lPt"r I Iit tinit Wall Ihel lthe polucy cf eveny nation ofl wLch whicit there are many srong argumemnts e l arersetcitiittttrdu-r i - à4 leut le Ild ayn yLowiedge was, le proteet flec oper- of, or the traite shoulit lie carrieti on itill the ioby mr fatguie tirrtr'rr- lte stives of titeir o cu"unryagainetthîe influx cf neighbitii rpbi ntreo eircî ok hirimterpotsvitli trri-,;anre" rieL tLe produceo f foreigu ceunîrie, by laying a dn- pe et aIis dth act, withîe very articlespalnen vIhotetlbyriT.-i umu ln-y on sucit articles as lte country nscîf produc- w= e liynd require, anit waut tfor consomiption ot by lime Quott a n jeurttn. po- oitnsitallcwing uch as lit could net produc, nthe country, frente Unitedt S ITE?.ueiltales, there je FCTE 1111 9 Wuit t : a lotebe imporl et asvery trile or holietuitînitdu- s Leary ity itposipen;ai ioevr r fcionO ln tttirnt.il rir the f-e We fin thIium came in Engiani;t; dere ticles we o d net want suit eau proituce outeelves ly asserteit in lte ttly, pas rtire 115-15 w tf Lefarier je proected against fooign couapeti. lià abuaitanceq are alloweit te ho inforteit iuty HeralM by geuerally INelliliittOttedl tire t ion bMyam:anetIfdoutes on foireiga grain; the free, sud cei ntlY ébampètition îthitOur Oan, smetahuo iencitîî, tl flet' 'MIl Le- manufacturer is alo protecteit by saituty ce for- sud due productive iadustry of lthe country; anti been ordfere i utpuneer'rl inlit'rielîtîl inn- e f atufcires. lu due Unitedit Sate# *e 1 do contend, by aupportiig flime agnionîbuniel, oflime IUnited uSîa. -tii ritnr ti t t> fiitIo, cofee, sud varions other nfiia ole yusupport eqcally tcLemerchtant, îhe meccanic, tri bctjoiîOd Iry len ui~ e ( rit t wit ici thle country itae4f Cannet produte, admil.. sud Là labourer ; fer Lcw, I1icoulit seL, eau the nsvy lroitfurin ti lllrTh S teit duty frec. But ice finit therla particularly fermer, icto by te siceal cf hie linon' tille the slledgeit imissioniutIfu'tiltrTîr 10* canctul te pnelec- lte agicultunist asuithîe me-oil, (which lme tLe ouily ource of reai wort,) jen shoresl, 3t w.itittil t 1u chanj, holding ouItan iniecement te industry purcitase tLe geoits cf Iemarchatau, or employ loti, .sheuldtlite refuIf tie r lc ý talandt persevernce et home, sud proecting the Uiceutechaujo or the labourer, if yen de net for te reloail, usirhi il is trd jen rigcountry egaînst foreigu cempetilion; but what, sufficienîly proect Lis productive flloir, andifte Intukc, tf .r rî ý- eigle icculit ask, Wss Uies"te cf aitire in Canada ? ford*ititia remuneratioil prici tor is promince 1roseittative l sfldri1brtiC'o Dpro- a ystena is pursueit conrsry te ltatcf suy tatllier Now i, 1 do cultenit, that tiimquestion can afterwaiuul tri arrthsrtt tien- eccntry cfw]2icitho Ladany kncwledge. lere, hoe put in e eut shel; i ilsje in reality sud intfact, ityh ettr it~irrîl wtes re taxed for tho mell " l s w ich h elb.f rm er tdu c m ercia i in erest snd th ca<yng n i en o ho Ietî i tielrrrl muet have, iciile lis produets ae nneiaypro-. fonwardiug Inaite,veruslte aicultuirl inter- lhas iece .wilf ut ly a-nd rertrtsriY Lrrs- tecteit front forigu compet iion ; le in olligod est ; asuithis je a ftct wrth 'uithe iargument 6e utti Tbatte ay duy o veyponn t e teasuitevery tdue liehobreuglit against lit. Thon. was a bllson ot itsbectilxDe ,aid busitel cf mat, sitnd any tler acticles fer lte passei lt l ession cf Parliament, sud sent home haroeteit the runter, wltIli seI e Il upport of bis fariîy, ihile Uic foreigner iinl- for Her Majesty's uaiet, ihicit 1 feel honndi led f-tr-ilne inîcresteit, eriltt'I itin Icicedtelacome ne cur marts, iith it deu. 1ècla was a mure delusice, as rgare Weat source, lu fîiis grrintla t PW atiýe ral preutes et auy tint,suit psy n dety. Hoe sud ailur, tLe main etaple cf cur cenntry By probale lC*0 iiaythitki, eiâl ~ M . cui eylo.iumen te sfieW lit e4tLiii, Auaeniiccflun wua I1ited<Itelho un- lits a"I'latu tr O bétels eu ma- dimh &pclicy' icaà pursuued in suy allier ocontry. mituaîlimnbond fer exportation, fraO cf dutyand 1 w1 iatsObldl iue- We have turing tihe present ssinp ïsm nmiht lbe experteit as Canadian. That I conaiit- = 1 mfrnêdy ditW'n toitr @s, alirese loer Majesty, roestig hetst o-cte b wrcng, ud atunicntlcst-HotaGo.- d ilsteaie wth hi n i5 Il11 verniraent te allow cuir prodita te ho admituid vcràiànnparticularly wLel wee desire lte Brit- Il. »d tlie cuber the Frei uI 1 but thlIe Mcduer Country froc c f dnîy ; tlii., e istGovernment te roceivo lthe produce eoftileoal5it -[(I- mme~~~~~~~~~t~~ (M.. WrA-.lu ciubarstcai Clyf- rie f dutinto erPcirt. as colonial; ;«.errwd in Town. be ""direi ti le . tuilde, ait uiv'7mt -glb. 0,d teisfu fiiwt. uw orothe mel gin, - -a « ilot eo t miw uer n lue cou u la akitbu Omo 4re, omhs lai iim5 , twlld t tagC oeavelc uiudi eka ankaslalinis ccahe prapiai t u is chisapie te Leiulrst tht -« ,isae mne bail biu< srgi laduccarg>io a c i,,reitc Iesfarathicevorvmow i rii lit sis elil e s O 's'o'lu molmeth. oI o mumduanatm astaresîifminy. th.einntentti 0.8j-sa wtesilieelalssa i , biltlic0 uin rO thîe sis Lusceunizt lita 'Welis lit Betr ll om egw itém 0 eleugs a@i yilhru ll i arrrereet. i cr.et lonKu ~trla int t ie g ede ofo n cigtiO~lmtina sud ilini e mI51i idis 0duo ox al t et al' Sl éa, emernfa Y, re ir0tbcMthe remnt eatsii i ontt e . 1arorlaic d Ii ois e ti eai ,0d seth sorintiti auwlsete espbliicf L i ire yuaiean aiitl iii eehie n v. Te AndiStae hccid s ust tielrC u tal thirang uit a engutast se e hfo a esr e rdteittr lt S tha t ceroudtil ofutdetes e Caprndinprei O 1~raidreprts bae iouasainu Idtlaereie mitesegreeS, teilleetI cel- i t hie lide potesu pry lt woKigst ong nsire succe c sslefRýathte ettlongskeinlent' ihtftechnew VouNw Y ntork, ave itig tussiriCnalfLuithle nametiet durIt dties oniCen d~iein îe rac Til,,ondrteprdntshe enuy lmom li- teck ltegCO M44 t cfc titi re byiuyi et uAersion pha@ aictheutiemtuîgt orsyase tw ppeu "iîa faiets Pry a ten ile Weplrtises edraenabonde, id tue Erlaarl butunl, if iseti ru itl ud gra ume a hoelthne tita I. TrintAs eailgielic Iawscheok tecgouidar Ofut il i urce pýule mede ru aiesylar onr iii ruaad armûrout t e i. genera i the %VegeiiStas are oulussnture t nri e tsiaga et e ny mt ceatutcige L-twould0 leaimmfur the -- uititri nThit sapei sutll t .law uict n aeuale oieqret fora liai of modern intres thaliculiii tirs r t sork e nuntisus n-gi arthg isaon exiesit ant i ou tus tftie gayttatte, in lmtte aic tl e iay tarvii u oula tion cf a l'euiliaedietaiouylot. Naid Cot ontilutiffier nnriedcane ol it irrg. Toror Rdchacorl ou éev hast;a suit s ousenoi a lite sugouin aied;roadîl ouy t lpu opy us t ur wheand ay thtftue lhey eau geliliti rot ethorë etu ireadlu tariAnieprouincfE. daprty cdl8 . prqatr e clte l ,eaateil cuir Ndgliora - eir eiuspcr s denot ani t aîîh lUtc <..rsi lea utlites ilhsdtxan d elok pnireut t rl to umertsuy sucary t tee oi hte pheIalioun nuryvor e te bikt tnl n- t i or Lesfron tei hine ta dbeieo lmai aofttis lime -Pai citrictaire i prortie mu Il f8mepreqaterwe tconîcio IYt Ilucte wid ulmes iticitnimn tit or nlc ar daos rcaal cu w th îLe met tliond siee mslu IrieSt l ud erieuso.ti ret ile lt puglietea. Iset uf ttc tos ()enor iig etaun, tu 'eI5the, ut beamet toeery, dt e Or trq illill tjn evenube ste mdjepa "110 t elen taetonop tie t,du iose lad upon i sukcontes Ottf thoe sdiatiles iemd 5ttrltci t th o lof greti ca itinoai il.,a n w ue w t e do and te tein Ohniel ton -* pil Ogmeryttac.bem Sîtu tile pi Baamher 'I ium seteauliit b. <oij, tl uitcoiflsanse lIma rtc uni af Lx iemin-A Ur<of ne P< leZrog ulaid u on a ieulia lu tou-~It dititit aW et.ig il haïi.es elloscyuds, 'limt un tidfeump 1f uneIlaM l1htillle a.e u t it, t P.e ards "it a iw liy awg itwmn joe T ', P imideladisç t0 iff e e pmUM