Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 24 Aug 1841, p. 4

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Tgglt.UqS)< ýo#, )~iAUQG38? 14, fl..____ NEVYAUU? ~~4~E. Jodl. MAngHESTR WA1 ' Am aTR ~WrAoo w tu -vai ~ *~ UMi*né w »OWAIS.NLIa. rUHOMAS WILSON vsmrl*M.. H AEr e~iOVA M s i o iC~Aeéuidi~ 1~ uiT ibta sft City ofm SUK ndabSI 5¶ LJ oirrig th, -* * J~RONNONGERI"a GVWEE7 * we., gOuTML, flmOCK VILLE, KINGSTON jasés. mmdMowmmels,, a co uic uat & 0.f ID'k 1-0 1 -I li - ADmIINDAEPA. Fiaoey &&& Dr GentilsGradssit.s,101 w 110. PM le i n - n- y e tastirat a eU A I R a . a M m o l sm ~ . h ~ ~ ~N E W S » a r ~~ i ~ ~ ~~ ~ RAS" N,KOSS a C. et wms ùgIeseaFRmunC. a. NLSUPQRK u las e reu.Znd, ..d la & i T k MM d mp Sogea, ittobe pe-PLALYSA TINS, vtzy rictai FIGURED eMd DRY COODS(.RUCERIE ALE-f Fit FU1*8, ei eegusi=ui if,,"eLem paw othe oi". omeugf 6.*ialigioute LAN RS E ALE sd AITNE s ti p~ 1 rasit ~m 4e Vie. i'u, ,tRo>.w Waa<> Uar s Engisit andiiFrench Gas ade NagiwIr4 glard of, p. va" sahaes ;-FASIUONABLE PARA- To N"hieh îhev reI)-jiali 11811110, le Ofnes OtaTort.fr, Ca Bof! Bunda W.$ ttavsseiy Em fi. M ttbimraspsai ety amilSOLS;-eiENCH SILdPEÇ; aai éLONDON attention. GrisEe*,0 c tstSéis id%ýVl9DRESSES. ieen ae Sud8TRA W mnt RICE BONNETS ;-Geatlemeb KngtoJue G i dede Lammo Confe apodes;, eytbeali &yScytha ins;Maudle de Lane DesseCambuck do.si -or filay COT uSIL VL VT 4r et 'i SHAWLS AND DosRESS HgeDILE WE1GHT fr CPS of vaies teasànma s»dment ofFAR.1ià FOR affiner Fne AplsS 'Réine Atifs,Comiew, Trac LS ANLODOND DRESS PIN C 101551 oms da ire*kImm, Dog fra.cas %cas;Clfj N"7 Chintz, PriaI., aimé Mediao. eaeid f- eur, p- ODN IIT atRNDoCAi- il exceU eseionî1 k ~ ~isigrset tun',speia um;î,Rae ca> méciu imîof.c"asà au~COIS; hanatifi FRENCHU MUSL N f An- o x.relOt F iu fldfruuaïip, B. HumaN mi, Crus Col, pi aimé 11W ;saw. Tbeamd, Nett Cape andCns i. éCe& 7. 0 S&Wdc'z fmm 1 111J Lcifii" which t1117grain ctlets -,a richinmmt of VICTORIAVeua, wct;I}tft l 10 Wy ms Vie.' ura.Tclos.SarC mdwu NE.Pit, a po aisd ltiait deteriotisllls te do the buÙn CAUSE, SATIN LUTSTRNG RIBBONS; acreÊ4 beauîfvt oo%,, w 10 lgs onnt..Baxs,&e &e Dmmmtble Staw, imdTisu,,i~ mtumddta te. atimfa"iytiat tria athey Witt a bCd vaietv of GLOVES uud OSIER Y; 21 ues feu,,, 'ugeu, Lake, andj _ po*d dj ~ws WSg fI sMe tac lono Jonu,,C-tapmme ab ACoopt.' Tenu in Ladies' and i cillarene Paraeansjuit geeift-mmaé.. ciiaBl IPiilcu , il TRI I IGS iisfrmiletroo im 'r~ T get vmmety. RêlibSu id Aieica Ailirs; Gentlemenais l.and Cap, Bayr Caps. (%-41) MATI'HM MRATON, &,Co. MA. a goba odamtmenî aofftncy adviieacres clearej, wni, a t LohBots, Battu, Hinge, &Scnws ls; Fjst GOV1. JA.MKxS ROSS, DRILLS; tlogahher with a postral am"eotmnaf au excellenît Spring Il aNr y#5d4seerhCagmC eauy, Milw Walig, Caoinet Mmhersa'uiMM I SLadies lnan id short Kid GloB EteASTu. OOD, agnaeedtaboya (bitectM novdetalîg8?î le de ,Hîm d5bk, taus n baluround; Powder, huatiog and sport- do. ds.do. Lac ImtmImSiy , 8-1.t5harritut receat h. aimmv nous d ilsect <ram idtAuucot.veyiIce lou'O" 10 e a.bttaeWhmh, n; Stt 04 ail ohm.; Bruchel mnd other Lump.; is. Fathcâbles of iieau "M CIRCULAR.tt auacue9-Gel ua. Ii. do an. A - gua~rnrr, tg*cat Serryl , Lsting Lies, Hater adtiTasca £op* iSRedCoié Tw'ileé Regatas, and grue hicbed Shtng THE SuiscrIter baga letle tuaaite ta bis u-liters hisse'lf iat hoa wenableil te oit tlifaN 2511e.caaks bereyanti Hanafioe nes. mmud Union, aimnot cveîy alter Article im ie colli urascsoeu hagon i r vr Rey îcumtéPi*âmtherefata h.feels roalltent iniA FAR- eontaîîîuî1llXacriv,0. 'Su. dret, o r& m m.tic.annedx ranenst hicla It hervinettulesoiting the patronage of lhe trading uommniy- hie 'Jownoghip ut lfrv q a Cam , ar. th.oneoainoi egeepecifamliyer fdirect oi).mmIoacati u ai; o 31bisacmesî,ii't 101. Slf ~...CLOTUMC&. émsngbe lant smase sojmlt allitfortatdeiknidrveetablisbyeretinhoe-rei nw m de Ait. (otaaeale Nivers nd FotsBa94cbp., t A large réulotaient or lhe ab$,* articles kh.pldo asl'. a eclfioei fth poruiyt st h Màeaulisimmea im Sotaese taireoLandtandiiîîîO' sa ver'lîe, JAMES BROWNJW, uio.Sbotemakers', Saddlers' aik md Peuu e; constaally on band, made in th. lieut mesamat and "a* m lert aaiwctinhî isel arh oprngemets *m i Àcîaa ,mzHvs-laeti aî m clLaat Idarln I e,18U. Selamr, Ramon i Brita"na Metl iTa& Pava; cenpisrcah. saela i o ositn i iagimus aoe natng ta deIn it ti tihististament tiowL5~ti KInmtS, 7 Jae, coonti lsaasmiag thut amne !teiy vacatedtas, blessas. A S(>LJIEWkS RlIT au1 BaiaîsPiateti and Gennais Silver Ts, Demsei STOCKS., PERIODI CAL SALES Clia&Hie.dor iuin the luovenîîur Inè, a i1 Ssl stock eiig abnd TablestScoSrtes; Bias s m mmmdCU5u Engib, Frenan md AmeimeanStocks, of ail j!*Kingston, Toromta, ad Hamiltoon an ilBuiq e igan aare.m.liii *un Eq. fr l, r4li T E uSé Vee géés t.t baremues svuise"«&; Criaiping Machw ire.aic. C tescripianm; Sais, plain and "edsFrench more extratisé meue, imn orter taensrie te lais prs- TB astine fr U aof theMidlCan Uauitt utea.und tu , IXq, for il.-oora',ra T F. nrobieta il '.PINSA»PIT ?P' ombsns ranla 1kaiméV.cris, anisemt cstomets ati ta lhe Traile at large, increnaieti TSFrnr iLt iin itmt h.Lnllsb rw vlm a 11.1 ecai. Y . as W il ai, rymaiutai. ra sé miai mlalie hnd.faciiinmad a certaim maiket for lte spiyuIan hieyhiot, ms emctuuy~li l i a)li, Dforîc .t Umm gan adétimda npiyp lim5 cis 1mé ilto. Veietien B.d. %poult ~ Lisi OLI M> @oi.ee ailediainlima mo' a1e Jue, 1841enoic' o heabya5Ç tici tic a u uutrtvelitiO bie al: 51.pnclBas ec is afBlue, Green, Yetiow clgr in aal.Yenow eyC odtyudrtednmnioaes Ju,1811',e1 l(w f' "- len a BOes mhmals, adit ek «1, SctPe'Ou iefaaif h Bwmdié. écOLLARS. Suat o f t mm,,ic ataetsiC itc hv évricen. botîîortrîli e t nu, MalsS'u PdOtae.Lam Bac. Nw ndtrite! ÀrdAd hho esleave tla assure hmlistrtaI lIey U53 FOR SALÉ,tu >letrvii. o r Romelsat stads, adlibl ait, Nh l Pa"u,& iOit. Titpettine. Minerai amti Vosetable Tar CaltaisollantidCape, unI raceies._______________Fur___________ qqui% WfeSeaag V&x rih Hnte& Le-,Pici. PuUuy. Capperast. Windaw Glmtass andMusin, ofithe latest style meil liet quaity. emâoaiely @outy phoe Satua fat Iheir gnr WO ACRESofLN riiateBh in grot tamilNataité, rics Wate Key, sates. ainiand oher imetts. Curai baieTEAS 'arOplie ll. heimaeàtmaRoit tirmati onoheaMotg tBandand jitiL the a at in i o teeami- FrlutesMd it!m CrdasNewt Made, ic5Flt, mtaniohe rmes ae u A leur chiuts aI Yoaung Hyénes Tes, aluiilfavoràble lermes. tentiauy Luné. Apl t*P1 Iis Office, ai taKiîimlt î.î. Villsla vela mdililAccaméliM. A asrlet i rn n WomCLC s, hlmtévery iaw for Casen. Taiscrbibei begs ai the aia i iel ai-CHARLES WARD, Ilmior, Sand , e111m911%iet ad tvS , Agiî~~ né sso tus fliai ndWoo COI Ail the abiova articles con lie liedaI t wboicie dacie ta bis costumais Mr. P. A. Goodenogi, l er tcToeGie U NafaWalet, ochl uOOté idSiti pars- eS:t da nd 4 cf tiéts pini to p or retail, es low au' cbperchant! in latiem.aritro buh. lias eîrutchli geertmaslmC Kintun, Jnt'21lt, 1841. 10 N O Ai a ob*. Ales, a chies sw'iitt ied0 Sapimm A lare aortnienl .1iPin, ltea Pianagemematnmt (A ait hinéma faind md Fin.Messe cati;ianditee .for yOUmivc5ý-quUllsida i bis Sales as Agent anti c afietaAsismitent. FOeSAEelatiscuiqii utr iîi Pesfmmmcro il aisainadFiegldlgrBock TIN WAI1E hxpt ae ian, or maée ta ai- aug AE RWlt-o. MOST valuabla TOWN LOTS la thc vilage At.sO'o-ete RI"pS ud éBiouabes Friages, ilver Tilimbles, dercillaorI notice. S. W. BRADY. Kingsto, ItI Fcurnsary, 181.6ofiPaitsint'iiaî,aly ons mils grain lie City eofOm heu SISFactarv, 4ti mmm a fnityaller articlesm iitable for TonJAMES POWELL. Kingston, 171b May, FRSL.1841. m imatraiamt <a oeinmtlment of COXIBIS of ailtiîîqtwa mi1 and CosI n detes. T . GE. Store S., Kingson, JanOe22ad, 1841. 10 TO LE ASE. ' Y teî>a e ai, e t heir dtonts mn Front- Humuse; and iaving on. ai the test qumiieq i ,0 itintee,, anitOielIlfirai-i srtc lîq JUO 2nt, 1841. 14.' WO or THREpoll BUILDING LOTS aon B"tret: Province. One mont imîtiable VATER LOT ad- u<uu they wdthiiîiifr,tocknof ie t Zain. 1- B Satat, b.ATRRAaiGEMENTo,60 hegs Piug Tolacco, 18s', sup. qualily, jiigMmu.Muhra rn.,Saîîi ~'nî- d'iuîu0thiai, FOR SALE, S ,E RRNEET Enanire ai JOlIANNA BROWN. 50 hets do tia 16%, do Wharf aimé CaptaitaGilérseeves Railw'y p Af-ndu.ýoIs uf u,.crcro hi-' te sory FRAME fBOUSE, wit'à 8 9-s U BITWREN ltéay 11, 1841. 10 haxes Cavemish ald. ply te S. W. BRADy. V<A foi cle a T clt,dr Il. ing part ai double lot 269, COMntifint aue 100 DIG181ltOj ans Mccbo Saut, Kingstan, 7h Jlne, 1841. 8 AE u aea -JL aiofam acre, ietd in BrewerySte, Ki, g- O'VRIC14.1 M Principe anmd Rritalia CgareKnwi u ule81 idi ieac S pptiste IHE udSsgndU ig.e ndefiietNEW AND SPLENDID et.., a aieprospectai the Bay mal pomena ntiaesimaepeti oltste Catieoicite iglt W7t HIGHFRASER & Co. CABINET FURNITURE,1 thos-r..for tenu. &C-1 $apptta Mi. 3"bs V- KIVG.STOX .LD TOROXT O RWaRDneBavISS reartit cary on Ue Kîpa,1 1il 81 q ha uth lcpsau sgo 1PERA~C E il1 cnt, osl ie1841S. 12,5 mvY Tif£ PamoT, iitemmdatpimcea andti MnaLrI by FOR SALE. ao, thce a. S DYIAII KmgtsuBS 14.1AY 0F QUINTE, wey ai the ST. LAWRENCE,, nmér th llrmse f BYheaulsribers, t ticir store, ins Front. - rr HE Subscribir legs lemme to informaitie pb- S. BOARD AND I.ODGING. S "ix 9 <' ja treek bock =%y;FERGUSON & M'GlRION, Maea"s.. B Street: - ;JL liegenaeIy, ltaI liebai remavetibis Fr- - bornle, ANwCouile 1) ,, ITI! a rsetbeprvt aiandi F ROM tltof 1 i m tta"nting the g M'GIBBON & FERGUSON, Kiitsion. 20 bléis. briglut Muicvado Sugar, iure Wmîe Boum lais ne itiiingsrecently (;.,j .iJYîid &~~îC~i& repcal iut miy ..amer montia, lte Mai Stallei li ai. Freigit ai Goodis pward,cbiged aitagetIerae- 30 fbItta, do do trecter! in Moatreai t Ser,, Ilird dace flromtstie J UST R E CFI-ED A PI, FoRs la acontrai and greea.biuation no Bellile, fe fr Taatammeéaftalle r ii- ccdiag ta weghl ad SuTrate.$ biouetlduas40 bmga E. I. civitalizei do caeraiofStore Street, andti mmieinMr. Thiiatit"a un Est a9oo-slaoot. valoaithie lay Steametis, pasimg irougli Part Ibame imnsoi ters n 'tie traitie. 5ls eielLa oGocySoe gceoiaey i oniag- 2 e ';Ttar c. Tamil Trent, Brigton, Coihorne, ritaCoburg, Port ALEX. FERGUBON. 40 flair chaiaYeusye snTes,moaasrtntaiRAY AD FU I- 2kev u. . For board iantidging private. 851)r wk. Hope, Carke, DmmIinWa,Wlnliy aed Pckerinmg. JH MninN 0 o Twrhy miyia Tbanalieutaiss t EAnil MADE t pstt-rn 2is 06 xacg v-îi.u>s -baud only 84 GOO FOUR H011'E COACHES Motreul, Aprifls2! 811. HUGH FRASER & Co. prices te sit inteisdiag puîcimsers. Persons dcsi- 10 îîr. do. Houa. of Breakfast a 8 o'clacl A. M. <Enhrely Devis) vitt edy experienceti drivers, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE., Kingston, Alat 7b,1841. rails o afrhsing sie rcsîectfutiy luvitedtetamalre 30 jars Mai-coler snaff, Diner at 2 ooc" P. M. Tea a1 7. gani; tirougi frontBelleville ta Toronto tavesFO AL Y mcmBCRBRS "li. Am the Suiscriier ha coaalantîy maufat- 60 es!umhiajiî Applyt Godwimand Rmlls, Landi sud Re- lfout louiesandfionsCbbonig taTorontohbydmy 00 LBS. FruiClaver Seed in piitgi agemnd tecs e a priy- e 3 fbxs d faglt. Fei udebei Plslsapnéîin îc cons Jaaiua Sîm uppluedtis mî aticletey m itui 1Tierîces iltcr, mmcUci» FRaSs. i rartci0cMAhs do >' LUt.7 jll, 84.BelJev& e 1Torono, ..120 miles...£1 '0 0 100 lougia, superieatienea, 28 do Cognac Brandy, Kingston, Jan. 184T1.B LR. 4 at 2asa colim.tIoT.rono,. 72ue .,.1841.0 0 60 riez. paisieti CashSteel tsc, 3llda a6 l-g; Gingir, Coiturg a Taoîit. 72 o.. O10 O 100 4" Miere *45 ias.Bordeaux de WANi-rx---AVarnisier ad Poilib. 6 kc-, Nitinergo, PotIifta Torontio,.. 65Hil 0 Gn1T0.B. 1 b;s irrlCofe PATo .b and 2, inteSLE Ph on- op -65d.a10 400 hegm Wiite,Green, ne&Bcd Pait, 70 cses ciieani ito. 1 tioz. cuti,. .B o oe GOi.l olr p ITOCIoa 1 im 2, islIe evnt cn-TIteha . ifStage.gi bve"lb.eGene. 30gttn rslBhi O,20 casesaSBoidaumne. 1 oe i ep i.on Of Eemttown, conlaiiag aout ri Stage Office, Toronrto, fei BeDlevillee.vr 5 ginsKestiei, 3 et odaxVcie 6bxsd epr 3Wucenbin a ip ofrn pulestlySndyaI1 'coiA M m c on200 pairs Plilsieti Trace Chaîne.HG SR&C. NEW B0KB , 16 bagara duu'iUiCe, siuaalus ieeragasé.at a tatvion, Tuesdv, Wedneaéay, Tliptsday a7thday At 5BIG &LSE Kingelon, Apri, 1841. --s 10 bacs St.-Domitîgoie f,, % % eVtmîd.îhpfrorou.ntNiagara andM. miltn.via tt IaBu.Store Street, Kingston, FOR SALE 13Y THE SUIJSCRLBE ls KINGSTON. 10r. caiks Swert Wute, Ferprtiulus Ie. ~~I b rat Nîga23ani18m41.n.failli».ag)Table Catifii, /LL descipions of Binding neaty ae- 10 baies Filbrits, C. IIATCIL Strangets oIl inddaagreut mévsimage in Iming 10.23 1A1100 cle.Gtesa-.LbaisbîcdU e ris.od, Landé-Agent. hiii rante ; hy teivimsg Kington (thse Capital) in a WIEBSTrElu5S2 esLcfn erigctdCedmns irre dal iagugtoi, July 20lh. 1841. 16 SteamaiBoat, ticy bave a fine viewofa!the coantry CELEBRA TED CLARIFIED CillER, anbt.N.INoh ir omd repmied. Mire and Periodieerls bound 16 hxiLto A RD ~ <rmit';tic Bay ai Quinte,<fat iising lots impor- APRIME artcle for iottg-an mle.mo a 4tLisDgb o 0pattern. Ladieg' &rap-Books, Albuens 2) hapirel Champagne, GEORGE HARDl amce.sace lie tatan mtertion ai tic Seat of Co- A beatli or sale i7 lhe gallon or barrai 17 HUGH FRASE R.& Co. and Portfolio*, and DlaukL Books, of ail dc- 120 diz. Tumbleu-,, WATCU ABD CLUCK NAIE veillaent, miné hahimg lie Stage t Belevile, witt S. A.lIONS, Kingstom. Aprlm84. anpinmce teoi ader. 4 em rpige Neear â tA oi« assauuJinug Cori Bankie. rog teahove normalé tooaips, ahicit fer RyiEcagFotb . FRSALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS Bnig.ln frLbrayIldBokTti cavre ta ntmatotîatt lia impSoa efluty duiland ani opltion eili yiebd gJr Te miboais a pleumant and ahulesamre ce 0Bag Java Coffre, ntioris, Sacietics, &c., oan the nMost advmita- KingîtOn, SBilJolie, 18-1. ]BZ16 ulsyofli! n ite Lno md t uei lePoinctoas r.meling lt e ily of verage foralimteallrit. I20d W W pl ofamitent Lver.Toronto at 8 oc!ock P. M. Knso,1 a,14.5fbe nse o1cu em.OR SALE ytr ~~'.~fiiSttaamy Bok, uprir inaan ItiMs, 84.30 hoxes (irounil do 0l7» Ortlcrs rcccived ut H. & W. 110w- F 20 biasbeirdCa , ité atent mBks ad spri Wu. WERLLER, CURE FOR CANCERS. 10 lage Black Pepper, elaooStr.10.readCuT, mti4ulls" c.Pro rifa, Baee, Gi,;.,,SStore. KMgi4M ui 81 16w3 Coborg, Aprit 28t 1841. PI 11E Subacriber la prepared te dispose of 28 hoxes Grounui RCHRDBR10. 0 Boies Ta'ii,81X9, Kisiutu, Sit ui>, 141.. T a Medicine for tihe cura or cancers, lbu- 50 matseCassis, RKCHAD lota, Jane 15s , 14S SH!i. ,iTil>. N. .-A StamsBot leuves Kingston gaîg or ngston, JoNie15n1841.58bu, n il;r ih. INO AINisntMof G FaiOR GE.aop, antiBelleville going tievn thi Bay, meve morsof ail kinda, iheumma gout. rheumma- 80cjars; Muteé<s), FR5AL A uESUSCIE wh it aeio. i orJu -TO[IN, wouma hie sisteiElizabeth meining. (Faradays exceplet.) 10 train, coflSUifatpive cauhscorna. &c. Tihe 20 jas bun r(lah, FRSAEATCTHEROS. 4M)iii.us rqpelps0 Thoaitiai inusMontreai abomut five or six oseke Medicine wras obtinedîroinan Indian chief, 2 kega Ziate Curuuts, I ACSale BOOdS6 Tl 4() hou-; Lui ier, atg. amlnite iliving mt Mrd Braitien'a, buteli- A't and is snppoaed toi beoaf gotmtt. . 2 bales Clires. CSEC rtleW ta 6crd Treai t in >th) boxs 1-n ritar., ei, nid luaioxious te icar franoin rm. _______ roaoetnrdinary cups by ibis medi- HUGH FRASER&C. i(mePnaiNeies ____________d__________1841._________of__ gron by r.i KigCo.i.1___Me____Pins_______________ ingto, ptilth, 8 . LA.tM Khsaos 8 uut 84.RYL ~ manm cana coub n b y perda u n KingsS Kiton, Api, 1841. 1 do. Pîio Fumiani, ___________th,811 R. WOOD. Suitluora DKNirar5, gii ROA MILSEA ER.D. RUTTAN, -50 AP. 1 Baie Printed WVoefraFo« CarpatestWEG m remnain a few weeks at the Musion Lake Ossario and Rirer S. Lawecee Kigitonenud Stre-street. Boxes Sleei's hast Liverpsool Saisis, fer 260do. cîc itead Rd lpnl seait CnaWai E STdCairWaEG Bouae, Store Street. PlHE Pubie are informai(bt thue following Kigto,>41)0h 14. sl y 20 do. Bama ach n il lahdCna, Caie dCarW KmgMsto, l1&b July, 1841. Tate thle arrangements fariis Semun: FRESH ARIVBALS-.CHEAP GDS. HUGH F RASER & Co 0d.Bsi ok DOORS seti af the Weiiiid HUtc. LAKE ONTARIO. ATTI]£ Kingston, April, ffîî. Whisky I-y the Barrel, iisgsrla~ie5 tLi~ TRPD RSTLN fos hieew Kiag3 an id Toronto GLASGOW WAREHOUSE, FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, H3 Bxes O* do. lcbaeayCre eailftFnl a KY mrrisca aof tise uscriberabsout lu-isSt. GEORGE, Ca îmaiuoy NîqAA-,Cp.SCSreCntrI 11ntelSret aie fi,1Case 6 TWinbaued ( i olas isdsr and.myCobt ae A. a i Meth go, a fshbrown MARE, eabout two 'uberanuy-CITY 0F TORONTO, Cap. h'HE Suiscrihais beg eave ta intinmietaothe ~1 ins. Race, I 1 ..Neetite gorheti tr..Algo,-Cane Sepols, Cuiiid atd Pi XO yer old, tal amuitausbut. Amy persomi D.ch. -T labbitantsofaiKingston ant i ilsviciait1 lItI 0fabe.Brlcy, 6 tlen Bruntte i.Lace, iiit, &c. ca'. Ordtcr rmij;attfgiwl mar tath sumcrheulslt 0 R0 K NOST Ntic e eopeacé iriat Slop IaIeiy occpeetby IatWiapping Paper, Iesme asotetiCalices, alretraigmdd EISa. t aflst7o im vnne 5hies Crki , 1 da. Books,,Jle5,8 rîly ewade. LWITDA. t m laI 7o'ithe Eerge.in-Suindy, ati M,ass. T. & J. Rigimcy, Store »uee, aiti alarge '2.0 ioxes tillard anti faretiPipis, 10 tbiasCrusied Sagar, Kingaton, 20h ;Isly, 181L hrdy b oro anti welt assortiistock of« 20 ibis. litacking, mîorteti, 150 boxes 5'ua 'V())(B1RUAD CLOTHS- - At 8 cso'cklrEveang, Tuesdmy aid 1ridaytahe lb.EN Oî NDÈPRY in mHanilkerchicfs, O yd i lak; tadits itimat. WANTEO IMMBDIATÉLY. Niagara, 5 doN OOLENWalmnuma t.reeo,, 10" VCiaet rowlMxue c AFEMIALEla teste"d a Dry Gaui & Clis- At 8 n"dock Evening, Weénesday and Sahîtray, SILIC &IERCER Y, LACES, 4-C. 3 do barul-ai il Amois. i& do India Silk B-indannasadclrdKesnýý,a -. .iueatabl*ahnuu re L»woe Ia a -kiouw-. tiCCity of Tranto, - tttoched by thema in tie diffierent Britias Markets, HUG H FIL4SE R &Coj. Bolbinets, miiigiagsand Lares, GOG l tuégo oltb=tuisewold ha prelferni. Ap. anti arriveataI oronloa isiy nl day. Ieamv. oi every audîmatuge liatt aifiecce anticmpitl IKingçtan, A1ril, 1841. lBrotal CiothisBearer CkiiesStriiae Cauint,, &tpi7h,181 ply al, teOffice of le Kgm -uHutat.n. Steamers aait teatisirthea is Mntiel Maii tani camemad, anti heing tliiaselves sunauu. FRSL SBCIE variounitiar articles lohîcaili aie nlesta cou- Ku.oAîi7i,-l et Il S O M ofers foar lby ofite coi e thtît las O SA LED H USRIES j:.1 S>CAN Bies LADIS' OL!BS miKinito. T R O tiiim O a aiity i tc gatiohai tey eo bî Scti' ld or Wie,3 <Roz. enchCOLLINs e HuINES. D, iuiou A LARGE ass.ortmast oa.dis' Necile At 12 o'clor Nacononday and TItuisay i nyfrita ih i 11Iu-iirWr a iry Wime 3May. ctiverp.uiaientîonlune26la41 Dotwl aibtWèe4 ustuiI daoa. ita «Moroait CollamsCCL% Chilireti'ra Want., boaelu.ase oneoftic CHEAPEST EMPOIUMS for 2 bbdt. 'Gonrie'a' Madeira, do. Dunstide lats o ail iNES Caps, S&c. liti ecevMéand ifoi aIe vaO10WvAh 12 aD'dok NostaitsaeUiamd Fritimy h DRY OOS in tie Provinm 0ar ata1Fcnce.dia o O ISA D AN S hlrn n lddlDisàjeàdD byN .COS iyi o-gKERR, WADDEILL &Co. 8 do Sherry, COKUiiSSiON XERIJANvTz, Buiunes. Coner Bstack & Qisairy Ste, e At E! o'etoch Nooes Wedueaday md ç4atrdgy Kit'gtoi, g2%h Je, 1841. 11 12 do port, Aig N»riedatr uoci'i.al Kimig% Mfç,O7hJudy, 1841. Çth . Gorg, M.10 cass Champagne, AUCTIONEERS, AndarrveeN instoTe N eE ManEg. he40 baskets, do. "'VR Bd anid Twist Toilolse ShIto&bametarilasta ICmho'g asti Port Hope, ee -sttaI mdPie.Cftt fBoeasdlas~~'csT .RGF 4'Cssfor Ie by Omy. - HUGH FRASER & Co. Oppoite Mr. Arhuar Fumalar's Glroey, amd in th i AVE temairet thirir C#mihendir ( N. . CON. Anéthesa"Cilj fToraoo! gi le ave Tombale Kingston, Aliri, 1841. immediate viciity oaIL .Scolii,,%e., A trai.ficCorses of Store & bimsi far Niapasaumdlociston eeyManda Mo- THESTe. AIT.at ersspeam& a niS- ta :le ie tmases btelycspieti bY , 11i.g sOU cdock, mand reta oro ithee R ST AUE Oéc&imN.de=A. Murry's Forwirding Ce., Store Sreeai!kgi FEI7E*.- cate .- B ilis. donubuebe Liap neet il, E,tahtismenls. .DA , A 15etw eBih, wbutePun, Sftnaw aiséByitiaRIVER ST. LAWRENCE. Cari. W &W . 10u 7do jRit opatille . VALUÂBLE PROPERTYI OLICITOR in Cisme, Se a-ciFotiar mmdPlnsufo sleby Bc1mm K'iga*& kmio m auq* gILL ply on te lI Qit eA adWivr 1)0e gaisSWhit Tpeitm, IN TULE 'TOWN OF KINOSYTON aCoeymneer, Taisg riitm ' N. 3. COOJIS. BROCKI'LL, Cept.. Mxl TBya nneadRvr 9 e it pit O-S E ir iCma oo tueiidI Z uiy I F ons K.m g tt' ah 9 ui cbo h M t m si m g- urn a W, S t. L aw re n ce. fe r lie m p u e llp o f < T os io ns- 2 5 lao<G r e n d o. J Sî re mmLo rSA L E . t . j, - ie 'viii o a e r rm M i i vis, CANADJJ te iCXIIL -er.tl -jOMO fthse $iCront, tîirul, iaii be5' "cfmatheonshlips et Ern, Il iaimé Auioîi îutm.lOa b unoflielocations ilie0( Frau ' eaeealy 'gate10 ltte t ogaii eorwbat"subjectre at audJ ansidIitI ana of whici;inî liuOf1. ~ Oputowr% balla geetw5Di ta o f thse seco Mt ta s tenlible uni incouveumier te nrta eiillo. ~ ri fauuly cf UjîtO Cltildscmt. i ,Àodughers. iaving tin îuy em relred tu, ia coumunim cliul ai Rdtthe situation sand Circuimstuanczs ioi i wuardt &M hiving cince eneaaa ara lin laimaypooerto inabue t"tauit idruim with atuitu for ugeimil jifEu riael psio iué liea porte t!ere IiltM e ait ulest mIsII . a i I Civ, tisiny family sabouti wel1aeanOf<Oat wu takii le wltt IOll cotIslJy ée i gi ut tiîcea tmulunch rotube. .Mat'y of ~,ater taitig suburib3td tor Provint Pur., andl baviiig on accoant o!fltme li tir h %cathier, antabuter casualîiea, î caîiatta't edgreanttrouble adiunui in gtting lluoa,, hava dlacuxatiuueth~ pit att -0! me iraI Pariimiueuat of iraui beld i digitviinit> aici !Cnd -il i u auailupnulMonly tbm od, but thie po mree, cvioci i puaaIt eireu h laru W ,i-ioamargoûteg.My noiglatarsz tuICi ey confidenuit mIif lte lîuA i hauIIwd frsont Bath. mimd tlurovvmliia auýesiOe5, M-asuy ore icW 'a :er peitodiale ottisibhoitaltenu, ih 1i tatUtit, correct, CLtrit I' -e cagerly gsouglat mlter, and tu . N aite obuclWC w uld ',. -- Sir uAtAlerthue mail lie.. lb~i ir,cd ini a direct tliititi.je ir nf t tu miliitc Cornecrs, a clistaaiiu i-f 1 hen ta Mn David Ilawley'ec uariacr, a a 1lai e utuiire, aI (roti Iacace t, litia tiuuanci r ontile an 1 lai atirtiier, inakiiig imn ail a ditncet-hil tstrie :it- re, icro e tuitiik -. ' tii- tut.chhiii- roes rtec-ti ira Ccci a diiiLuice o-f abisîl îin iti taLI!.ý tii tUttIrond il 11-ILaY la'tirut 1,iiitkuuu - 'icdu'rickuciburgi, ho, funit o! Mnr. l)urlaggd L. Clztpp'u fat pitier Pl'ut llico 1 ,C;it ii o caîlabtu. lta-c tf time fondit auanl iflt comceuaii -e hm-tuvnt lnyIliay anti ie Moi.auu LB Ba.y at h at point ut about oiglity ut ýrit flieuue thie route ctglattlu b i- uiu~-tht' t1ytui>'tlIe vins noadua mu r ;I. f P:mIIUCI ('utr-v, Esqtuic, a i] i% -ti ut r and l(ve iataie, nihee t t u pui arocicil ht'ui îi-îutl t c-. luitiuc-i, sub!e-t he Bay t ia ai L'i t- flime piace inituerly ou-iiiii u>' iýiiuthauu, aueiv-u-t, citanuaily cialcul 1 umn iiutiaic i t:r lite route bl iit-i,uue anIluy CojuCjcb, iouusin l j aCiir Uir dvaustageud uue acgroai lm uiabiantua ci rTeuitioua, Ireronié ulAuolopiustonn,tlia-ttlime otiluoaae, ui meit liute ulime frnut, andl, na t iWC cIY OnuBidle. Un Uttia me-w route, t 1-1 a ItuttelItimaiedfront li«111i 1(ili ami respectable uad wCaltluy firii a oalrjail8ansd as inuvia travel aua t 1,th s leoéroute lu lactoii by tiuiu n 'ie ir, ilt imlincontemplation u oailurg ia-iaer, Eiq, Ilier Mhiajeiy'sDejî tr <Geeral foi Britihrx .Aueri thur mail routa freontalahctamugeil ir nth directhiontle lie ecluaikeil out istication. i1llîink lawI da>- "tteniurithy Oflthe new lu theaid nut th %du e slao! thse ilutulait.. ALFRLED *kabuirgh, Augueî 24, 11141. Vuu itu thDioiua lîy Aih.rtW, Il }EMALE iiUmBUCG. bi anxcauluoaied in relation te a C, lmot ,kiown te faune, tltugb il ~udute 1tocieater agl ita viciiilty 1 li' eM nr lrui)pOratjoufui cote lUn eeeP i VIa> alun is, or vîlero i nu tone in mrality knoiuu-; ut lai ast biiilave boan irmiocc upuls lmitugo bae knwm bertou t. -l"1 13il madof! ihul i ta '.x 1 e~ vîacing noua, tact r ,mil ealnre regelai, el - rua, aul irt ai l inetu jt Y-ln ai hIarimsg a face, l ~iisof rare, vas1 1%rcra.I'.genteet n ber t ! I ne~ltenigit, cSnarn a - h alie mie C44- qi ~ itiO id no wllin 1 ,adthe atI7 ontier lu tisai1 Wii0 lmle m ea 8011 mIy lite, 00(1 la bervu O-ed aditbeu ot a~e a hanleaveofi % ,4elt5OW Ile blméfrmodui re gaered WIk. ievsex fra.2 lumnI léOiaiteniobicMM oaeA icraas3 et ae W"mufiwimo N. J. GOONS. Wu WILSON. maIhq SLKnîtn a ,II IÜRSA-j un el lut

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