TUE N STN iERALD TWSIAY.' AUGLIST 3, 1541. ~ dulenceo< i- bons up . the tuadé uw w.. iaeud gâtât, o Purk-wy w .Uj aproitete duties, sexil inltheend P ~,0. UU~*OÇ.forA.. iWs at 8>ru4Is QitWO eansbackIbm. ~ A gied u trely. It hb o.. mi-"i Scai reat d-the country winuldb. a pofiter. B ol i-sl viua acicuar lapon xistin-cew.oug t anae -a. exa .h oud e recollectesi an TbpeiipI59f~,0Vi*O5 ufliT ral {fti~ b. cqtiiu o4 *etzw-~I lat i.ind OUMki ta ie.lttond gM atl.Ine th itis d w uh pl pe e n~ii.a rie es&e teate, bt Le t eidru I.trdeb twoe iod-C ana baN S oe~~~~~ay ~ ~ ~ ile4i o.e a putclrci. iLz aet' paellem.eof the iii..Colonies, now States, be-. oag ban ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b à$ma~W*a amtir veu.of wi tt l.quate. evi okt "b. aa irgemter, ut Wb= calmw tit ti ein te ted be a thon ityo Mia .psd umy J~apa.dy1 i ~ Ledeayd tati~i~oteté ngh »Mi". naabel profia to a fair if flot a minimum a The. sanse tbingwouid tdalplace. Iitbregard 1t urlem h.lr coal tulgie Lte.d.1 OI.y5*. "mm W ~ ~p. iLs nu- 1 iCanda. Freeden of wo 4LflndS a Zns- ded ditco Te a po M wi - - the ??ni ii.honorable gentleman c£uzyecomoy, aujtb*very eonoeny w 111 spiresiti as *lald u arriSfSia7dg i. oo 114qPsii the -ent, aval its rght te alter duties, but dthatinjus- >Mr. MzaaITT ds u ltbelieve tiiet " i tinber mou of _or_ deb.m wa fr ii ; Wead.-n _berM hchvin<mtSd ttce. yogSbe doettela Iis intance if the (lotion trade waa the amet importanit te dhe country, the cilr auxmey. aja* ~ J~< zagea -b-gu-al iao datbt~ibertliwrealtered aupm.po"e.fIe (Mr- molleimportent was utu*s. Tnez* '-ere erg idbS. emfa~LUvLt'diJW V~iId. MtW S 'wfl erp.ý re*. îesIl d'i ~ thiougbl il vae usei... te expect 'v' ony 20,000 peopleemployed ont of a poPulation nh JWamèo je 'Vaaie pert.tof the Psovipan d a aren thing else however, but cvery one muet concur in oflnue million, whicb vwas no proportion whatev- Provices.OW&W Ia e f i Cqwnu. in aOfbic opinion pmgocncud upo&uvarucjn muep.. tereaaomble a 'natter au liste iig te the.recoin. er. lie [Mr. Memîit] belièeèsithal dis IouLer T Enlnltâ axqm etlko to -pnteionoti. "coum o&trade bad a tenmlsuqetai unista ujurfe this. Ilad ion of tI pq4at State pil, ord DuhaWis Mr CAiu. thought that the resolutions cosle. 3d. t0 e l tWheat te maket nt protect. iIiU l Vr5ç~rI~iliI 'R fr o he miisa le Mgof a cat I moni et tii.unanilnous support oi the fHotile. .a. W. consunét hepraducts of a neighbour- ia anS -b.1."'t . __of ii.>tiber traS. vas in hie (Mr. Camoeron'., ing country withiiot duty. Tiiere were tiwopar- cler rg~g~~pp b e oililityattesdths aSalos ste a in'traS. in th. countien iu England, ou. for protection and onieno04 tive ta or tuhiietthe. w &,e .- îîtte ch17_1 91 wtta ing'te admit e-riht of teMother which produced a ve Ilation injurious ta te te ordfennelie-li4u , ~~iinwas a thiun a r nhard of ini country teinterfoe.in the mtteranlgsae <<. reqistin by20!trénq le-t utrytauliei 'e l.4 le la . ,ut thought theyliad proceeded on state- LOU SLeriffl to ' f~~ist? loor to beln.-AnS in thd ii. cal h #o e-iement& aoi arguments rjori wicbwr~IÇIESDAY, 3111Y 2K iii. subje'fiSvO Jllê*lhO etd -teuiied Itiontan incotp.rlted ily LOnU.tir- capàble'af demonstration. For instance it hal Mr. Cnma"re noi! liat the order of the day ltie te hin, 'usa~uo..ard te cunerase iii iLSa viiole D*iit beeb sai"ithat red pin. was nt eqoal te Baltic, .frtie house in conmnttee oi tie whole on the E tii <oun tia% *e~eboe& tdtqdéolSê1'.'P< = . t ""bh < i ouer oret!'> 'C aGape Piaileries Bill, lost by adjournament, bcre- and quence etAis Jarefusei, à ebi uiQgi00 ook l __, anI lb.proceeding.ohiel Ls as atia &Ît2was aots f, act; ini iv5sd lce nti.ode I h ayfrW.-n averat b ic ne-..momtig ver. as bilbo tt yti.NQttePELTmo Iitd crkifheouea who ~noveS lie esq~iop..T)isi'duties ver. alibêÂbut if unet iey would .< et miaeso. il erencey ya@Ïemblêd peaceably andSquietly. OîL te ec"e ina ferargrenter tatlo. He believ.d ti iete ba ave imuertei in tihe ppendîx teanad Octbet 4Mcotrary, ltsrecitirienitof T'rrto damne Arih*experimnivol Mtie eattendéS viii profit t fe journa.of the bouse the returne of the Plro- 1 OctaLet. "à sorto arikie preÏnrtioei e hoWiiIbu* li.eMotiier counl4, vbulc tL. atera"liail voal haat6wisof the Court Of Queea'leBncin aa roceedi 1 1 imbOtuom on he M as tea.ingit to its. psait male aub -t migiof theoi nco .Y e b <.1. l. mewn - hotte in-aS ,~ iio l H ((e!l (Mr. Cameran) believed Engiansi w provine fort agi Leout . sa swqIe) Iiqid detrer agte ta'wit a u ted bythe alterion. 1400velligels >, .T committe. of dtheviolebohe on dhe bll Icar Ma#iatrafe i~ ceogl a u etuer. vWituad. 1ftehe1u11outa c in conséqeuence of thetrlidg.'; as ialrs certain persans. le uns ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ifb.e ealted tirantnmeeting peaceahitucanvey,an immense number of nigrtiiti srwiu ando. eti-p au hmur ae nd et arie l;- iae; di se abjbt.af.a ublie sIth tiriv - this saurc 0f profit vould blaie tte the. Countrly., pswabagr nti M.Hrio] t Ildi , 2 0 nambesi al tire-heur lii of asambling iiiParliaWeli*t Ww sa ing ltertutocishow that aut rity lie bouse Lad te pas suob E casscp A ii.tts euds*.holvftnaaoeunuc y><ei it b ob ethe viiole northeru region 'omad aaetitWvtota 1 pMeopl th- a souiienupica ssthseeatai -. ik er. giv etago into other arelire. Ilevasawrtaaalohtf u weitba c ibin d e pe . traeeL. ucrelasistts tlmo usi l lc vdnce = ftuuiue pere averySufrotaect existed in Upper Canada, but tie parliament ci munSie, wt Ja ie Fiblsm i heWofbW IUpper Canada vasat ttaepam evdecetHo longer ha exifèrntcae f ppr andtence, onerineastnc, n b of Iiieir cste, eemiagfraiToronto tau théneet- apd lie hopied the gengiioa oft .ccinmhtm lwoaUld e made out.. le (Mr. Cumeron) wa D provision bid been made by lie Union act. I ing i..pol eehaes ~ bs~ri ah enter iota die invrestigation'aI ttu subitet convinced tat il vould h. impolitic ta bth count- t MayortheClark of tbhe ILs J*th eef t d eteu.nation tint. utc so d ~ tis~*0« "i> l~hn ~justest down was iu erar. Tic psrliunent iad di titDstil .u p ) <irMSrneigaf à#ce . opd irt'heS no LF dsthé ilthesbgh t e vL.le avrof naturaliziug ansi constituting an af mou Cai*lhne oriigtabte-dàilftlbfnd lu.-hl oicuthle EQiinent of Uai ctnnitt. Mri. (Ceux 'wae of opinion tiat uniess due tram. aliena Brili subject in the colonies; nt se in ai ors on 0" , ityi 4i ùlegiïilMwaýÏ' iA dtait^,and ecknlplalte of tht. inatreeu.- ws rtctdb Cl,0i 1os seiSly go taru. En land. of loynruffisà; À ied withi lub@4bludgeon@ ansip.ciaIIly, should lie flly investigated. Upôn Iis Mt. Solicitor Gen.cal DAY could nual Pv. er. CÂsTFIoLGFT alinSoSla e elav vhicb cit pisai. TL~e u~pe ccuiedthegrond n e.ti I. sàbiityoflielinn. înd. ilbuit vote on the occasion, altiiough he woild vas penaud îy theIi.uperial Pariament wîicî of front of the hustiNe .Tii. t" Md upan tie Hon. Mr. litittgsnsaid li. quite agieed 'vftirnt ltrcupeasson the tin.e of the bouse except te enabled lie'legislatuce of Upper Canada to nu- tiu top of a Pidhc la i thseeion L jeif an vin ht inS fullen front lie bon. gentleman tint Iis make a cèmark or îwo.Hé vould support the tucalize aniions, ansi ho conteuSedItit1iheybid ses, and o « r~ni 0ihecirceuLord is a mail important question. Decause if theyresoluthons, for h. muaI say liai duhémportace no rigltaepeaussub a measure unîcas simîîmrîy ti ,gita.t wrW-inisaaqlgibi Ii. elaot toak thc langliage a'zepeiio.ortc ti. fthe trade vould folly justify noiri nlecferènciC prsn senr ~ 12 =1-11. 1 due 'Shériffquece. of the learned'gentleman (Mr. Price) as with thee action of th. Impérial Purîjumgent. It Mtiri. r ttdta hr eetoa t mnountesi IL ati,withaut. l#ve *i4 alone,thcie b he a onteropinions open was proper that ils attention atlil bi cailed te Me.erUppr aun adeat lioe fr wcr oacà-te i refsig t-miéwazy qe -R_ e " cméeste h uujeI-ehher case it vast abundantly evi- thé large amuiof capital engagesi in tuis îraneèu a andbe f er U ionadanths att f or Lo e aui rfiisw m "liài oma n e ' Qu e d t. dent tintthle case vas an important on., as of trade, but ic (Mr. Day) eenind pnbtotie de u- inforéansiir eieon attduesautscntne man Boy-a. Chairmsnr-ad-tJfe-$fbsrif îimmdi thle, are fnt oui>' chages *of msonducî againsi ties wrulng;and in Ibis age the>' ought te Le rep- Mr. I)iaÂFRa.-There vas anoîher cte.- th, ately elieS for a division'; aSui before a division tke1< Shui -,but sall ru.aioent imputatlofl id robated. Truc, tlie. ns.a diference n due re-b.ojcioswih alhenugd could be iLsd, siclaed Iis fellowV oyS haSl a -tirwn upon 'tic adminis~tration of justice., t lation hilveen a onyadathrcut7 quence t h betosWihhdbe rep .a it~. D p-_e -s noyd fn B.i il question <of suchiminportunce therciore (raisid iho lt oo>'as nte aurand tint migit h fogunit lu the Act <f Union il.. Mr.ilrrisn)thalthikdeciedlytt3buldbeprinip modifer V ie api asteion of self. After ref.criug ta pecsons naturalizei b>'th, frmers umachS peaceae yon o du out aq dia. thei rc-o) inActirekSofddlyilshul h prncpl, hec vr.cetan gars a nnitalites f prlamntai itecUperornovr ane, lanc, ad.veecalneciocta oiSa 'w- - --'inveitgalsil. - 'i Lave nflothle leaBi abjection, anS. vic i ould nt hi rigit to vîpe avay susiden- sas.eiuet pbcofcslaianlSe r and uasthci reoluthous, wvà etiç%hrr ',- u ni>' ise te distubse (if tietlin. and hearaë~d 1>. lacse Great Britain ebould réijuire taen- thune -Wharainaturaliz. b>' due parliameat of te2d"WS h. a 6f r i rfans, aut ed'tir k,îuo. .-en fl viiallov me ta use tbe expressibl,) creus&hýer uvy; esic vould Lave t e pend tea ~Canada. t nandeer wvo à a riCi i ient6hI fftiay in- lhi l.si ofluon. members. of tic iapreoes" greal caudal aon tb. timber of tuis Colon>'; il r FLo ttdtath a foiinr ilaiplidita, iWd teibUe vagon'pwiiesaune-tint lier. i. an>' ojection exstiog luganasl ie would le necessur>' thon, t0 praceesiwnnat ex-.. Mc.s aNrnaipoino f t e rtiho sefmpinion r ai the antthi se ker. ýiàe ad 1eel; enquiry ou the part oallie goverrument. N«i trente caution, and nel Sestro>' that trade t t as led n emahi portion ortish Briiiempire inay o îLe irerftehiu~p . eWSvp ' hurs Subt tie parties Lad a perfect rigit tae all thé- CNï. Day) belieresi tint many of theettane.- aln ii 0ml Biiisiel uu> g= Idiptit bis gryhat otiertInn lie naurel vu>'. [Almugi.]a vece iis protedl ut Ia bilit ireen hus son, lbe meeting, and no dauhl lie Sieriffives wvin o mnt.niade n regard to the IraS, ver.e et ete, Mc. PaeiNcE vas about te propose anentenîd-.li siaulsi nt hava.fr11 il hi dol>'ta bavc cone taerefusiiig te auli e meeting in consequence of-the 4 ta logisînté on thèse would hi la errc. le tment wîieb vonîs maîecially aller tiechcaracler th is reacue 'Upeai dii. a gentral rush vas 'naSle calnter'requisitian. Tic reusaniiyno Execii. would not furthieretain tic houai, lis object oflice bill propoei b>' lie lion, gentleman fro'n ai the. iaintsws iv ers unarsied anS ïàuair- tive investigation couls talle pue vas thirs; the wn-a ýmccc gencrul explanalion, unS hie WoulsiKnatn evs n ee u insneh cd tafigit4aa e s-uin g tae s-" @o; anS paties theaeîres plaeia tout of lihe poveraifvote fr tic cesolutione. bailtie ionlir oiea seat in tint bouse, in lavor ai tu oui tbiWeiîLotvaîeexpe', ut cunniog, or sW e tcexecutive te Sa any tiing in the mater; b- r ii iswa gatfiî1tlar thé speech hhtoutin'fcatlasicepienSh i terng tàmîves gamone the ieci-tua, esaped eaune tie charges preiccred extenSod net only ta <ilticSolicitor Genecal. il prores lia lie mia.- thaugiltic>' should extens thé principles ai tie th *aug Iundredager. înockiul Se'vn; ecorescs omplainte tci offlicimiseonduel, but te acenusa- ;.istcy are disposeS ta support due intorest of Can-LII0aitinlSfoege ialcassm JLa eb n i.theii blond &geo an . îi ran£y lion. Q, ipoitire crime. Thii.is cectaini>'a pic- aai niiregard taoils inteceourse niti En land. ver. nd'prtcIitqap utc ll im f uria otale of soiety whh i h s ost deplo- He hoped lie resolutions n-ioinS hi carrelby a a erna e. liaugi i t inidu t naeAmSisnc ice ~~iS,~s s 4-- p taan able.i -'But lu justice te the laIe Lieuenant zlargo rnajoity. Al tint Canaieins roqua., «usa-t; lie. voulitiinvi ieutmall rerds <i E. W, .A5 h'd lXàmbu gie Goverrior Sic George Arthur il siould Ie staWtei tathe people oi EtiglauS treat lliem wcl<, but on 20ix,'patt*' mtlâ.l tii.theaffidaits wiicb have beau rend il>'the ler.iies)vostsid itv ~ - cpe ase taelnigrnte anti setîle in luiscountiry. mineS lte'mur& flam anthlu *lvinti1hlinckstintwa[sesauiedta incotucaanlihral easuc in u suord mae auithto ni. -Thisma's knowd b on. anS leax'ned gentleman vere neyer laid Iie', -emnntlent hala paver at home, protective Su- liewused ete ir 001 eldibl cmsttlin in lie F At liais affra,.W li B.L obftisn, brother te fore hum et al. r , ties.,g-ould bave ta b. abindoSeS. The>' ver. United $>tes ; lii.>' oulsi velcome us as lang B the Chief Jusfiéé ai le Pîovihd*vas by miaake - Mr.-Suàaaaamidiavimgiecodemtbe-reaa)letii vitiout n principlil, anSduerefore alleugagesi in as we ctedpfropcrly ; but If the iillelr lier. vii. buockesi doua; and on rieiug- fl4ils aaiLant hie vould nov wth theb.approhatS t e--honu-'a traS* roquizing thor, voulsioceleispre e ienue t a cyvus ca.up ansi tu lb. moto Mr" fi â um,4wa )ioi- -jf -'nover propose liaI a portion ai due sme b. pi tiemsélves foc ticir aboisimeat. Ho [Mc. precihahse principles, bie vould Le persecutedlm Le btiira utleé eticrIlaoizi jaiepuL t.. lis lteresi, andi liai the Comnmtteeoli ria ed y "I-lîinckà.thliagît lie>' a ludjusd>'sOhiaus naonobaa rghtoset meeting, anS of tic part>' of rWthirÉ4 s IrBient>-'- Iaus4. He (Mr. Sinai) wvs.as. hile intèestes it nregÎrsi ta exttavagant stalements, li. tiougiit adous eoeue n ao e haolas ihte useieot four Magitrate-, Udi.Obei0Fi., tl;n ÇA t 'lies.an>' ion. trmblner ougitte ta h. h ii.impur- tint the -people of EnglanS unSerstood lie sub- norTi's hf.Te gallant colonel piSdahie hb Jusige af tié District Court, ansi a àut ieth Le taint ujatter. But lbe wns satisied thlia en> ' ject nell, unS kinev tint if tic>' put lie sane Su. compliment ta thi uustry and enterprise cf tE l arisIne5.aq r fTcloiti ; ansi yet ual oue nn-vi viO ali ard eur lcpetilian coud, anS particulnrhy lies on al, lie>' vauld gel lie best anS cheapost. Aiericans, viom lie mvaulsi bcglaSi te asecin lie - talon .up. A -min of thec nam of -Br5tie'li'-e aving board the speechioaihl. bneS ansi ion, 'lus *as tic prîncîple on vircb lie>' vould pir- country, as h.vas. sntisficu tint no Ameican magitrate. vio acteS as a-iPin u n tiha nS- cntieman opposite, nioa d juse culuSesi nutg ae. It wasa velestablisiesiprincipleilu o- voulil seule in Canada wv id netalprefer tleie iug ofL1orç Sydenhanm, figureS avayet thha muelit- nvinced tit a stronger case cauld barlyb. lit" ien~ifce, tint an, people could nt bu>' the ecanquteswhhrigdudror log - and?&-Mr. Crae, ânecaithie Coirners andi maie oU products of anoher, unIes.' tiey took theira in re.. facm af governaucut ta lie conlinuies conteste in ritrsKlaSdue iidecey of cisitting '"peu the Il vas a liérfot macler>'tetell1the. camplain. tara, or bailsoute cenS>'mark-et viereb>' tic oiia ateswihocrrdo h t bail> of Mte .-nurdresi'man. Tiis terrer civislie ants tu go ta tie grand ruy anS prefer ticir clul. eouJd exehange for %aothec caunnai>,wM< epich'atranbc acre n i t counsiotliear Ilsieèrptin. uetanveralplant. îe (c.Smal)diS net happen te bave - aiglt e eagain exciangesi 'for lie produce tic>' Mr. MEsRrIT ir ndCstaoS du.hLibi ll i hâe aal TouI fnt"te meeting, aifar es the frinds ai been in the country' n-len liaI afiair teck plae, -csqiuuéd. Ronce ifEngland took agceatecsup.. perspective viv vîtiout limitation, . Winsi LordsDurham anS Sydenham vece cancerruei. if h.e bldbeen bhé ruhd prababi>' baveliaS lis pI>' ai timber fran tiche tic, ilvould 6o eltiier le no ruiye cigtewrW ftéc TL terprypasseS îbeir cepolutiozng te-r.. min. knocked ot: li. shald certairiy flt Levâ ats acessar>' cons2equence ILaI di. people tier.'bSa potuut'c eigli ola ila turneS 'in trisiip, altec lhiraglaiottsvictry ur>', cnana>, (har lîcarà)Ho hoped'tic -.otailler voulil taI, a greter suppi>' of tueir 'nanufaseuleaiSnste u nt ryanilatrneiarsie. a f v.S t and marched iu procession ta lic JgoyW~inept nWoulgi bhi enlaI>'anS dsreassionatel>' investigaltedi lunes, or ofsomte oher pcaduc. for uhiclu tiese etieaslie coruraS ierovciiense tis1812- Housenpered the yard, and licte' cheers Colonel 11RINCE saiS Ie diS notrieta prolisig' could 'Le exengesi. Neertrliless le Mthlewon>ear ecnoesntrctins,. r c aial a1 ] Ior Sic George MpW.-~-h-e.aeiiiybai tie debae, but if possible la put an end te it. il nelts] sianld lesorry taesc an> oret n ir -r acscciuprasa aia tefntterwyhome b ba Ld ail., Tic matio afws. nipatc a nsiraire ocourten taoen'ifiredi mb lie Province ta take asvantage ai dueh la finS tieha us>'andth dcu« tatwoldcause lic abandonnnt ai tie tituber ntrlavnae ihebnI>.Atcla Nu s,'r peaker, i ave given ,butilii I tsu.rieh wire.rekluS vetill 1 'nre-impcr.t 1rjde.'1 Il vas idIe ta tàlla, however, aI il blui natuperid l aliaedeprtsetohn".ai iterthopar -itce of thie diubollcal atraies bW ee = h, and avng hourd frangote f ticàolicr fthie miniimportant Ho vauld afer no oppoài- sas, ii. etictve ple>' tas op itste per. lb the assai ants ' e vl'riy'-hwats#a-mi crennnltn eurQitqS ion, bunIsatgifj i'nself i ttiepeaing tiaI theconséquence vas, îbat stead ai eettliug induhe gapbu -L paj ue rsoo lesuel ei ; esen lte er. sEle i. Sursi or ta ~ ~lue ~ he kîs- -d. inW hongit liere.,coUaIS e nP OjectioaIÏta lie ap- iai arng tiose enage in lhe Irade, Ibal it oi'b'tcAircn u > uoenE hani, vipere vÉ wiiô bfe Ifi»re, . lisulment of ic commitîse fotiviti. AI ve ould b caue' aSthey ougit ta prépare grauls-Iie State oai o afor instance, lieu hav- red etb lwattons that lia.parI>' atendl. sifficiefl iane bal beanueapplc'eS n explanisig - teaieeies accordaugi>'. igaot2000ihblns a o ilo sI a taieroo"Si, vîc ne%#ol bat nwas abundasti>'evident, tinat lier. vas a Mr, Cinracauld fnt coacur iu lhe opinions sdabai This vas the cousequence allihe ces. disintI, éà, as veli as an aùswer fI-ô, Sha tessit>'. fr an investigation. The. motion givngnerally tuiug tii debat.. No doubl rciepUi l rse ia o iéa G e rg talt o a a dn c otlT ,llear, il e g la tèet = wx l once. d t antag te b c 5d e ive d fron t t t v p le ' î e t u s e i l a i n v a'i e Gecrgui /Iliurtp anageuh.e womnlie be ies OlNKh mui ge~ Iin continued. 1 W .mdeaireS Lefre the questionvwas trade, but in hie apinion itvas fer fronbel g t e asMr. AEvo leoe te"o fa Saputie obsev thlit he coulsi flotexacly compe- mntsimportant ti thé wel-.hiig cf the cslogn>'. M.C1iaba liteili oio Ia An, wvint i.a; e.»eaioe hw hisater 1 - S put 10 vy t as ouI ai tire paver oaithc ExeÇp-. TieetlaSbeau nany lbranches of ttade once in a ne dotent te prove tint eb alnet departeS fron G. Arthur rocommended an appeal taehIeolegal lîve - Govecn'ntnîtae.pau t'ana nd rer fiourisîing conditioz% bui ovgduU a-the ~ pinciples viici lie.mS fermeri>'nelsi. Tic Grncioiue Ieavens. 1I.,'bat ntleva le. mins ic han n eref paig ialir a i ri;scnhm. gentleman alludeS ta tie vaiuabl. settle- I tnibunylA otetif0lls. >r>' vene- mnglg thdueUnitesi States formeS b>' foreignersp maclr>'I Al he ~uerif t exl a Gini hm , thé memfier for Kingslou4 Ldbai i tint asies, vieii as a ver>' pruiablé trade, anS thé! of iolqie ta adjudete upoin hesurawe-ttiaious chatrges aiofficha misconadut hld beeu mixed op sources cf profit von. net ttheris sd upplilui. vie iraSl braugit vealti intô the countryi an ad..IL cta l, M tien tek hum ta piel a peite jury te vidu itaI if cri.. Tien 1 suppose.(sais Mr. 'Tie timber rad. cf course iur.ased thre ano-.vantagti fai *e h ave Leen Sepriveil lirougi try ii rother cioer! , Was even in»Ill.aSi- Huicle) ne arc tei understand tia nt iu-peiM6fi.. ,b«olshipatla1400 insteaS aif300-ven he tirâttthe. Basativas 'au favor allâie hal.ée reti- Se aijr>'ina mocc cool ai *ickeds piik!I!cet of the gorfimamet in accuseS o beinggn'aty ýýWvit, b t ho Skid ual elieve it 'a.'du n5aumen t alan ac&oi stic alo s teb ba set.-I 1I'at bs. béextic resurt cf Il5tuis lBas a a c nterions cfficial uiscondaict. becausne ne i. ls e leneouraging euigrtiou. Emigra.nta 5015cm t.Swtana. provinsine goos faliduehans.1 sn taistrate been reuururqil I. iile Selairt licsaine timte acciaeS ai crimes of abhigier opa. go inta deuretfrons t . thdeir iusbilîly ta eidUe uIlS in th p utrinegondsi b>' an>' pomsion mal (bigteguit>'pri" t. stiee-h 1*l ireiei. te etotslallyan cièths le axe. Zhèy w*ere secesditated t tta IaId 'aitcpr wled byta L nproiin-f 'nONS uan asr mdn fmaoig1 'hudatention teagss51cllure. It vast du natives Who Jilso i e iht etriilb bam the pregaeuqt Gavrnor, baa.had IIaâ>W Sp lht , dis *, hde doctr'a imuhtn .'aà ent ânetahle foreât ani turneSdueir atten-ral .5 e e e d lg ithebil.Be 'ieW eo thoaege ï thonciad cml . l,-lioets vr. .prenon alotcaccaaucee tion tae liaisbranch o a ilraS. He (Mr. ISoert tic loy'ai [laitants of tduprovince, andS m e n t . ý 1 a- h a vUt hh a vee# .c c u r r e s i eC u l S ) i a d t h e L o n o r t a r e p r e a n t e a g r i e l ' w p I d m yv e a n a m e n d a e n t t hata I e f e t .E fil eS v ii d t du i i it *;xee L wl a u l, bu vho -f Te __cin id --Ilti Issise> de ceie abaiiaitihé,emloeS'a"raser ta asag a d bllLe tuhoee 's-~p~înaîtha si m '~ officasintaf>' meaie iehetiuiqeaonai W~ es ie bitraeihé aendasdiuentuitc twar spo. be ~ ii ~ cea~Lt~i ca Lae a te uotas clate wmftl a nas i laiigd et usaiS leougaDMLa.. fialaahiansi amuci lesa ugent casehe scee Imil baiaS. ho ~thin cit shuLe so oin bis rovanc.' - -Sathe caleemd iereof hore Le vm» mobgasaLe- t.hen.c t-he blil bagnerM oue. despibeat rti1ludi' ,uil1ai19 'id"' efè oton sid llo , nS li. ode tt e uldbavcni t avttd. TuGOY 1 uit curies cante bo d ai> n si a.91 a reelueauce I 0 tormîa ihat Nu'billiatt ilae lerslOite u«* f n nlae.u. « apint S'th Houeà j -mwI~ltagLlraIu vjs.Te ai een >'ersein t ihda iLofà paivlatBe t -;J * u 1 vaia' - e in- o i TIM es ofth I - pl oesl i o Tlaeitn iibeb aud joa...ns erLt ieL. overnScf supaot citl tuaptb I l ivi pertit~miyr ce~pie ila du timie htu»le he h a asLL etheS n easue oi esetiy .ttr iu.l al .oiin -1sviibot, mn.henatv ei trs MiNn.eend utl fslt t- - a"iRihlsukIong ieIIiLGrem lLdLeu uph> ia teL4 flveeib ur leit.mgiiiaI'luin, buu. uabttmysebeaueu c DuucvacoiuirdiduUio'a£É,."t uset10lrq1eo Parsuant ta lie order aetdie.Sa>' lie bouse te- .5e itself 'anla commtte, ai due viole ta amemd th arsiuance af tie Special Conuic f Lover 1 ada relative ta a railroad frosu Shierbrooke tau i ne point on ciduer aide ai lie civer Ricilicu. Mr. Mccix mored a resolution ta the. effeel i sanie am.ndnaent wvs ecessary, vhich vas r'a.d, the bouse r.aiun.d viei dut bon. gan- ul ima obtaineal leave ansi brougil lu a bibilllune- iou lie r.solution, virici vas reai a farsl time. Ç; Pursuant t10th. aider outhd a>',the bout* r.- 1t rosi ilsel inoa ommitlee of lie viole an a- ending a certain orsirnauce of tie Specau Coun- relataive la vinter rouds in Lover Canada. ROUTINE BUSINESS. WNDAnxr, lui>' i21. rie ioilowing pelitiaus ver. sevrcal>' bra't rip i laid on lime table : Bl> Mr. Cartwright, the pet ition af Alfred Trlil, baddeus Patricku, sud Charces Emîrgibtin, b erks lo tie office oallie cierk oaithcLegisla- ve Auseiaibî>'. B>' Mr. Parle, tie polit ion aI B. Cleuch, chair- au ofi the Quarter Sessions ai tic district of nilon. B>' Mn. Small, tiie petit ion ai David Aimaes, af - i township oif Whutby. B>' Mn. Mecclît, tire petilioîî of George Adunis Sd atiers, truistees, tu macadamzle lie mina id iroui Quecetan ta Grimaiby. B>' Mr. Baldwin, lie petulion of C. S. Iluhrui Sd otiers af tie townsips of Eldon. Murîsxaa Sd oer plcs B>' Mr. 9al>', tue petition of lie Latdies, mianr- rso allia Maie Orpiran Asyluni 'ai Quebcc. B'Mr. V'aliaa, tie petitian ci M. WV. Whlite- sd-ad aier, mmbera ai tieitecbnirs' 1lu. itnta-nt Part Hope, 'an du. district oi Nen- Pursuant tu lhe crder of Itue day tic foîhaewiig etitions vere rend : Of the. lion. J. McGillivray anS cul!ers of the astern District praying tlitaIain rry be usased ta seutie b>' nmore cas>' moide 1mani itrev miets the. daiiages donc ta propecties ai eniloe d )y lie erection ai milI darme. Of P. A. Weilbrenner ci Moaulneai, pnîyinig uo s palS lie ainount ai bis uceount for taking e% r' sunce, as clerk, relative la lie coulcelcil cic-t ior ) Oliver Berthelot, Esquire, for duc East %Ward i thie cil>' oiMontreal lu 18U5 0f tire Bey. Esivarsi Black ndS olers ai tire il>' ai Moutreal, praying foc due establishmencrt if echlms nhule province, ansi lie genernl use ai the bible i'a ciole. Of Cinistopher Cicyne and otiiers oiflime tovnship ai Toronto, pra>'ing for an aid ai £7 5 i construet n bridge over tho Etobicake strean. Of James Clark anS otier inhabitants ai the tonship af Caheoan, praying for an aid ta open a as licougli tihatownship. 0f Jaunes Gillespie anSdoabens, inliabitauts cf tie townsehip ai Caledon, pruyugfor n'id ta ' pn a rçud belveen Cldn nSAlbion. Of James Phullips and clicre, huhahitants ai tic tovnsbip of Toronto, pnaying fon n grant ai £Wt< tu eut don toille boe-ceen the centre roaS and tue first concession est. Of William Light anS others, iinhitants oi tho Brack District, praying 'or an aid to make a ras front lHailctaLondon. Of T. MeKa>' and others, juelices aithe peace if tic intenSeS district ai Dailhousie, praying for a loan ai£5,000 an ltie credit ai lie provnce, and lie securit>' on lie rates anSdrssesinonts ai ire saisi district. Of C. C. Grec. anS otice, wiee lands are nîcesected b>' tic Grenrville Canual, jîcayiîig ou bremnunerated for daîaîages .rccasioiîed lu>'tli principal affiner ai ber Majesty's ocdiirue to their propocties. Tise follening potitions e-crucci oeraliy hriauglit îp unS laid on tic hable. B>' Mc.Ilermanus Sniti,-llie Petitinnofitire Fire Company' ansi ci le Majislcates, ai tic tort î Brantford ;anS tic petition ai Audreir MWIer oi I-amalto, Gor. Distict, Lanil Sureyor. 1r Mn. Pr'ace,-he petition ai Peter L'eppand, if V tGwilliaubur>', Home District; niStle petition of James Stocke, anS oticra aI due town sLip*f Etopicke, Homo District. etr lbmHn Mc. Viger,-lio pelition oi Loruisi Necrean, ai lie parisi ai St. Bochec, ai Quchie, laIe Messenger ai due Legislatice Council ofi Laver C a B>' Mr. Morin,-tie polîitaon of Felicite Marin, oi lie cit>' oI Moutreai. B>' Mc. Del'ale,-the pelition cf G. P. 'l- grese anS oliers, oi tie parisi ai Laciuine. B>' Mn. Camecon,-duc pelition cf A. A. Adiams anS althera, tulsbitants of lie township oaiBlIn- stan, 'an lic conofitiStansteaS; B>' Mr. Irine,-tie pelition ai George Bai- rock and otiers, ai tic tovnship ai BranliorS & otier places, Stage praprietors, ansi Mail con- tractars. D>' Mc. HWnel,-lb, petitian ai John Borna anS cthers, inhabitants of tic tovnship of Dur- hama B>' Mr. Dunsco'ne,-tie petitian-oai William Bovren, Esquire anS othera, ai Godananciester audotier phaces, inathé caunt>' of Beairbarnois. B> Mc. ohnsou,-h e pitiou cf AcLbaiS McDcun ndll udalers, ai due tow'nship@ ai Glou- cester, 0 oae ansi Russell. B>' licsHo. Mr. Neilson, lie pelition of J. W. Woalsc>', Esquire and others, of Quebc. B>' Mr. Gilhrist-lie petition of Tmaumas Cicr, senior andi chers, ihabitants of the tcvn- ship oi Otanahee and otier tovnsmip@. Puranant ta due orsier cf the day lhe folavîng pallIions ver. read. of due RBere.d Joseph Abbott anS olier Pro- tes"auinauabitan ts cii.township ai Grenville, pra>'ing for tic Establihment of Sciools, and lima due Bible nia> Le useS asàclam bock ie tic raid Schoolà. Of due RevenaitWu"lamMeir and aIliers, af lhe loaaiip af Chatham, induhecotant>'fathd Lake af tva Moutalu pra>'ing for lie promo' tion af Education induheProvince. sud assistance fer à BcSciooindthrird range inatdu township Of Chathaam. 0f Joseph Hostau ansi aliers, oaitdu township af Chrathsam, inutduconni>'utItdu Lake of twa M-alins, pa>'g for assistance for a Çorumon Sehoil, m thedupromion ofBilucation tirongr- out thNýPrlovance. n hmmHame an chem ,inliahitants af thcP ffGreuville amj Chaliisaispra>ing thai t»Act&William 4. cap 17, crutitied "Au Act t# rovide Ibur theBimar>' trial of arnaIl ofz:uans3z.iiah,%cf tuasceont>' eiLa1 t Tue Mouant*s, >'g fer tdu mem"wa eate"puk& üe5 -AnAet fMr .." =_ et ,,,~ QQuebsep-*ying ma peuafl e>'LepueSt. Lira rpiatervucesi. 0f Ti sio i Msi elboisetiltdu lawnslip of Otuswbw* prao* gfer &uamcm o>'10 éér, stU94 M. oninak in t misILs iver Otinsbee. 0< î JowBain,Me.d Wilm Petxyf of Que. bec, iseqediuga Patent fr1W lu . Sudm eumm noce, andprayfflréieL~ Of AiIauS ToM Th«Umeu PMetuichtharleo FAs -Guis.5Cle iLthe fce cf duCekr cf tli egob*ir.Aa.esmbb,4psqlg lith i> e>'- Le pbaid "upc.edu " st alimnt of ihe Ambubl>' _ 01 Josephî I. Ckoeb. Cbahumnof lie Quar ter Mesic.i- * Ibe Dlibt of Lansmm, pra'iilg fer sa ddWau4l ete t aiready graiited for th.ùmpietïm .1mw in thdule « cio- il Aiât, Mtownsbip cf Whbil>, Georg d mde t si TFMU em at&&ai mietemain r sis "es W- tsaob'l Préi, MSax idpo, i eh aid oes rr jL a etat etuns-te m dm.prcVe*D ravel't. e uLBH8S 4x thldlesM, s ofagrsthlié Bale cipLal AsybmQ»d,nin- ultviid up ça i ix l Iu the 141rr, r i r- - .- isrct ",.\ Ne%% ' r! --r 'O .le r , nsi laid Or le i; Byi tihe 1rî 3 NI au I'riarie rd ilvrr ,.. e-. By'Mr NvI ire '-', IY> Mr. Fl'-Tr lr mi u 1-n m i vJI. r-i' , 1 l 4-1 i tt'- id alirers Lri.,. ruek. ý i ir ii v ere ru-. Ofi tire Jire t'r;r lirte îr'îr rr 01 lir iln , '- Pl tricr il re' I*-lr' - mLan Su rmosir'ra.\ 11.'-, 1,1, -- - a llrcr -'g Iîrrrrk't' 1' Il -, lo-k il)rFilrd ,rîrr -il. 1)1 leîer SIre1j -rr Il 'l ", Dlic. lrr rrIII 'r,, te ditbarrnlrss rrJj-' a' -' recting ledrrvr n 'r ,JdW zirae rie:r_'n- '. lad Irartrýie n rit'ri J il, ridefor te r irîJ I rrr.'Il , t ,. 'r - nide iniatlig ce irrI lr., - us irmr oti e 1, T i- rr Itir l ca e i ir(ircrrei w i Il 'i, rires ilirettir-cIrrîrir. 1li- - nt Ilîr % il 1'ilr%Ir rr lui oritie anriencrOrle(tir i i vi encîr s'elres I ' -eu5 iriI ëtaiîred m-oth blrrtirdie (.Jv, ebuiliri>. Il lia,,be'r'rr tru lokacrezs ltire lire"1 r romisendarle, r e ci' --r turl 10 su lescrianrrJrî i ies ; but ru trullr,r careti on lie haitîable gils'e, %innr coîrduceleuure penreaid l., r' esr and birosrdrie ilt nil, iI1rrirr Tire Ballort un Juestii %jil tirh lre Ofthii ii, r'tir ,-r rie arc irai>' i J:,d l,- re ii Unritedl l'mrri, r eu %%lr, e r port 14 îl-I vii'l Tir J z r reasoti'rlr-.-rFo ' r JAilu cessary lor lrerm'rrerrrr-r- ' fretlri il !,il, '-Trr ir t int , rî-ighîty tir' r I l rr i, Jr r', thrugi Iirr ial, i -o"'ilr%' r" but hiflre tlira eNsu u,'àre-,J t. sec itil lena Ilare i i iinI. rr binte -iltîng tire air r rrrTir- thaI u c ri idaiv, itire lru.-cr irr , r r the ooe, c'ilIrle uuerrTri rri r 1r w r miotioirnîlt tIl e'r i rrTr'Pn. c'«'n luajority of onrie r 1.-I r~Irt rn r P qncntiy ren oui Tie ri m r- - TheiIHuitre %ris ti eirit r'l latI wecc- i îii n-cv rrai rir iiTrl vas ta coinfi Sîrerir ris mirgrri foc nd aS pie r tire iiîre'T '1 1rr-- observ-atiaîosîrarle er -en-,cai rrmL.r..v tiraI acage piron faitiretsrrrrr" ben a species ai pci*ii1gd irVe ' " pIe, and thil Ppoclel ireiri tiar neTJ acînal>' madt' 5IrI ii intinris! aging stnifu and Oiirrty arrsuiegJkr teo abtain lire fées raid 'ireis ; inn ri place a coueervator nie le rre r-rd JI upon tlus pnrnrciplcror irirrrry sean-. àd h core a corse tr IlleO neagih" moir e rosi"eS Tuas Biniar-Or Fridar tIrelierel into, canamille. on Ilt irellieu nrr hi h eleetions. Mr. Snraii cx1ridrîedIllJrcéP i l, an d n'as irrll oiw ed r>1 M irr: , -n iing speech, rulnrr -o - i i mieute nhichLlave aJirry!s Ltes 'h ils cuemiew. ]lr prnitni ra- Iru' nomeasenurriu rebc uce,'r il certainclaie of îccsn.re rr ireil, auothie, a umali but very iffperlJ Le tiiogbt ercry minnthuit couid Wu ' re inubependent, or ut leael engn tûL e-ns lie renci ai being iulueacrd iri rie un>' one. Ih i hicStu semun. e huaistingt ÊanS opeil' gise heu r steuadd oecille licir rugtin lua sesiige-0st1 were ashâirfi of wvint Ile> did- Ilw tacs 'iýd'e ln>oW, 4*hovt-eslt I ssre ery siiies,#ilaaleg ulno e votiS Lbe fond auatngtitlser ld i eleetore, go ult ismired b>' a ceilmi! l Ma. PtCEs foiboed in un admitubii great l.ugts, vhiei i Sd enediltris b' hgar4 &M dwe icpl trimay bccO-1c and fiaiS lIs va>' w lthe iabitattO< -f'e~ tact lu the Province, tint blue8Yu>' ste pieu of tduballotenum the abeiuia sew ita aSeltim .Ail the spe-es a glogjto a -Pov bme. umStciatai5i i i iiiiiiii, oem Bll aetkàbereWm flbus Leen bai W*uan>' ofaitdashavi " t' w dut hi hauC-uay elleam i wcerclatig tthedi uir %l"ie lm f twimeIonieii'jn c th'Je r«dsolntiasafter aul me, The repart and cosoliîtie le. Mr Cartvnigiit, wbo by 1 Ill sasrtneSU O ait. li~e pu 10 oyte Wyoctend pallialo a t aiani a. opiwlibexcuseofic 1, " b O"ya iiotîig Ilu o ILeinO 'raoud,ieouwsty anai ,,e rib il laug a the cinamu li ie 1bo tY 9e>utfil itt etuer. . theuo l ockang cia le mont 10pose t uiethe gm 04 w5t b t raiaethe l en, ta boenS tbcir htrnasie'val, fi eteuble standard.lit %n l talibait causplate csussuma t eît ..enrcial interestis l1b ats csrijwiy art enabi ettle ait Sifi ttuenlare w tîc oetuzyto h'ti 'sTeows iddveliulg @ceta. n-as cai Te lèb' M. arl uigil. lut i1 intailla. A madealoi psreda tiel!real v oieaoulS Le cail id. telb.aboiSr ai bnuoit lu of~a L hcaiflth iItdu voril t-~l h aesb>'tic I.cgl.latt the1 ecn . >"Mr.-C. no r.. ettrte iul ttrP>'. Il nwu laid i ii'bi ~uetuaedregard forIltie lu cr i Ioslai vould havo ta be el thre anan nd t Ic nil aliuan lie u inir tii tat tie bansks i li itio snîaIl silcer cailne, il la to t heuîlic at a large profit, soit w ,~shivuSb. retucuieil I îh'caue tint licr.195if a>') titi le î;îsr uartn. M. htorrus, a. bu Pppcced Mr. C- inluis vie"W. 1,r, r-iepuike aI plaI bengi, and gi raicI exposition of Ithe statl i -île crininted i al lie sîîplistry aif1 'lir los o thle gold aniSsilver cmi tIrrririfi and Mlexian,) are noir ic r,4x, lireir mur value. Tic sovereig, il 4 :1, or ten pier cent above mar; ierrrw £1 2 2. Englimi crus r i5- crccr>, Or about lau. par C, tire conseqllue is, luat ta pay a Sl lwgiiel Q £11f 0,il u-îll Le necosswarf r.il £1109. 'lle value ai CinesIga rie uhd paia the suppositionl Ihattie, mii îiays bcho Iorantuce p ler r, TINIC EîCTuii--TheCoaauihîîea bo Ir>' tisacontentt Seleetion fuor 1 ,kWrdils situng an Tuesda>' bncI1 lmjr was omble te prore the chargi giirrret the sittiuig ieaiir, andiSlie c vreluisreilte prièreent] ith his pro.ulsi ,uirssainst the B-turning Officer y- Praysim ownucosthe Coummait i-r-ied 1liaitIrle Iretitiu n'as Dol frit-ah' amii, Jor. hunri A-.hIcl)ual, Eri , r ler wre Coutisbl.i forr$ttiaag lIi t Irirîpme 'rrirc.riEsq., t ouii rlg rrià tlime Report oaitlicoCan'itt, rjiirirlies of your flun. Haras. appolu the t(,rterrteil Eler-tion fuir lhe t'ou rteia-, hi-re tIse Ionor ta repairt tb. Hl.rul ions. cd, Ti-t no e àicé iris Ledit aSSu lire Iteturrairig (>hicec hn support of r f-rriirr unie letitioîr. 1, Tlrjrîtdire SIting MîIIicc sN 4 r ",l r--lin tliLegIFlair. àf rr.erîuerrr-e ,ri arr>'thiaug prov te hl l dirirrrg sai cher-ion. ii 'Jlirtrlîlr,s îot 5piiartulatirs C4 wtil1ý iettfirng iember tau sb>'bile 11,i'r,l rgeit', Leen guiity oferilsm ,Î, litthule l'ciiiof ai uaielati I ivorlous or vexations. Tisaitihe etiîion ai Malbe* Rb ms remis witlsdcawi b>'tdu Conien lirrîers, before cntening intoa"id gaie. Thnt tiie saiS 'htttla sfivol Tîiat tlia. Senc cf thie SitinmiN 4 irrIus aoc verraliaUsi. rmilochî e respeetfully subtiailted. A. N. MOIN, rReniai, Leg. Assexobl>', hiu :t alla>, l1841. g tu dîcert ae ttent'in oaies nt tg,IlIe lolloving latter. Tis an intiere uf)tiao'indivisinais L*ig 'il il qacaîhon; anS no -otupa [srregrellceuiresiiauttlimbave I fini narsi aga. hakv,, sIl fi if cenfer b.ihcuitpatcinji harie ouIuthtIe btîles oifetwin IWisf eunsr ie of the peo' ?r rlaie lie nater uap. liSirs,2f1h l>, 194 Ip la- e1- Msate tiat "rear. rum an adaa Wss tui arew i M ,ipefor servirs, theiAnidu '0 helonged ta the ilftua otulaL i n ais it LwauldLe Ver>' ieSOPet hetr, Itirs i. tetm tirerolmeni te oq- t an die Proica ahL Pir canas aada Sir; AMIuyIM tu »«oui